Philippians: Chapter 1

The Epistle of S. Paul To the Philippyans. The .i. Chapter.
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
TITLE The pistle of paul to the Phillippyans. The epistle of S. Paul vnto the Philippians. The epistle of saynct Paul the Apostle vnto the Philippians. The Epistle of the Apostle S. Paul to the Philippians.
1:1 PAul and Timotheus the servauntſ of Iesu Christ. To all the saynctſ in Christ Iesu which are at Philippos/ with the bisshaps/ and deacons. PAul and Timotheus the servauntes of Iesu Christ To all ye sainctſ in Christ Iesu which are at Philippos/ with ye Bisshops and Deacons. PAul and Timotheus the seruaūtes of Iesu Christ. To all the Saynctes in Christ Iesu/ which are at Philippos/ with the Bisshops and Deacons. PAul and Timotheus the seruauntes of Iesu Christ. Vnto all the sayntes in Iesu Christ, which are at Philippos, with the Bisshoppes and mynisters.
1:2 Grace be with you and peace from God oure father/ and from the lorde Iesus Christe. Grace be with you and peace from God oure father/ and from the Lorde Iesus Christ. Grace be with you and peace from God oure father/ & from the Lorde Iesus Christ. Grace be with you and peace from God oure father, and from the LORDE Iesus Christ.
1:3 I thanke my god with all remembraunce off you/ I thanke my God with all remembraunce of you/ I thanke my God with all remembraunce of you/ I thanke my God, as oft as I remēbre you
1:4 all wayes in my prayers for you all/ and praye with gladnes/ all wayes in all my prayers for you & praye with gladnes/ all wayes in all my prayers for you/ & praye with gladnes/ (which I allwayes do in all my prayers for you all, and praye with gladnesse)
1:5 be cause of the fellowship which ye have in the gospell from the fyrst daye vnto nowe/ because of the fellowshyp which ye have in the gospell from the fyrst daye vnto now: because of the fellowshyp which ye haue in the gospell from the fyrst daye vnto now: because of youre fellishippe which ye haue in the Gospell from the first daye vnto now,
1:6 ād am suerly certified off this/ that he which began a god worke in you shall performe it vntill the daye off Iesus Christ/ and am suerly certified of this/ that he which beganne a good worke in you/ shall go forthe with it vntyll the daye of Iesus Christ/ and am suerly certified of this/ that he which beganne a good worke in you/ shall go forthe with it vntill the daye of Iesus Christ and am surely certified of this, yt he which hath begonne that good worke in you, shal go forth with it vntyll ye daye of Iesus Christ:
1:7 as it becommeth me so to iudge off you all/ be cause I have you in my herte/ and have you also every one cōpanions off grace with me/ even in my bondes as I defende/ and stablisshe the gospell. as it becōmeth me so to iudge of you all/ because I have you in my herte/ and have you also every one companiōs of grace with me/ even in my bondes/ as I defende and stablysshe the gospell. as it becōmeth me so to iudge of you all/ because I haue you in my herte/ and haue you also euery one cōpanions of grace with me/ euen in my bondes/ as I defende and stablysshe the gospell. as it becommeth me to iudge of you all, because I haue you in my hert, as those that are partakers with me of grace in my bondes, in defendinge and stablyshinge of the Gospell.
1:8 God beareth me recorde howe greatly I longe after you all from the very herte rote ī Iesus Christ. For God beareth me recorde how greatly I longe after you all from the very herte rote in Iesus Christ. For God beareth me recorde how greatly I longe after you all from the very herte rote in Iesus Christ. For God is my recorde, how I lōge after you all euen frō the very hert rote in Iesus Christ.
1:9 And this I praye/ that youre love maye increare more and more in knowledge/ ād in all fealynge/ And this I praye/ yt youre love maye increace more & more in knowledge/ and in all fealinge/ And this I praye/ that youre loue maye increace more and more in knowledge/ and in all fealinge/ And for the same I praye, yt yor loue maye increace more & more in all maner of knowlege and in all experience,
1:10 that ye myght accepte thīges most excellent/ that ye myght be pure and soche as shulde hurte nomannes conscience/ vntill the daye of Christ/ that ye myght accepte thinges most excellent/ that ye myght be pure and soche as shuld hurte no mānes conscience/ vntyll the daye of Christ/ that ye myght accepte thinges most excellent/ that ye myght be pure and soche as shulde hurte no mannes conscience/ vntyll the daye of Christ/ yt ye maye proue what is best, that ye maye be pure, & soch as hurte no mans conscience, vnto the daye of Christ:
1:11 filled with the frutes of rightewesnes/ which frutes come by Iesus Christ vnto the glory and laude of God. filled with the frutes of rightewesnes/ which frutes come by Iesus Christ vnto the glory and laude of God. filled with the frutes of ryghtewesnes/ which frutes come by Iesus Christ vnto the glory and laude of God. fylled with the frutes of righteousnes, which come by Iesus Christ vnto the glorye and prayse of God.
1:12 I wolde ye vnderstode brethern that my busynes is happened vnto the gretter furtherynge off the gospell. I wolde ye vnderstode brethern that my busynes is happened vnto the greater furtherynge of the gospell. I wolde ye vnderstode brethren that my busynes is happened vnto the greate furtheringe of the gospell. I wolde ye vnderstode brethren, that my busynes is happened vnto the greater furtheraunce of the Gospell,
1:13 So that my bondes in Christ are manifest thorowe out all the iudgement hall: ād in all wother places/ So that my bondes in Christ are manyfest thorow out all the iudgement hall and in all other places: So that my bondes in Christ/ are manifest thorow out all the iudgement hall and in all other places: so that my bondes in Christ are manifest thorow out all ye iudgmēt hall, and in all other places:
1:14 in so moche that many off the brethrē in the lorde are boldned thorowe my bondes/ and dare more largely speake the worde with out feare. In so moche that many of the brethrē in ye lorde are boldned thorow my bōdes/ and dare more largely speake the worde with out feare. In so moche that many of the brethrē in the Lorde are boldned thorow my bondes & dare more largely speake the worde with out feare. In so moch that many brethren in the LORDE, are boldened thorow my bōdes, and darre more largely speake the worde without feare.
1:15 Some there are which preache Christ of envie and stryfe/ and some off good will. Some ther are which preache Christ of envie & stryfe/ and some of good wyll. Some ther are which preache Christ of enuie & stryfe/ and some of good will. Some (no doute) preach Christ of enuye and stryfe, but some of good wil.
1:16 The one parte preacheth Christ off stryfe/ and not purely/ supposynge to adde more adversitie to my bondes. The one parte preacheth Christ of stryfe & not purely/ supposinge to adde more adversitie to my bondes. The one parte preacheth Christ of stryfe & not purely/ supposinge to adde more aduersitie to my bondes. The one parte preacheth Christ off stryfe and not purely, supposynge to adde more aduersite vnto my bondes.
1:17 The wother parte of love/ be cause they se that I am sett to defend the gospell. The other parte of love/ because they se that I am set to defend the gospell. The other parte of loue/ because they se that I am set to defend the gospell. The other parte of loue, for they knowe that I lye here for the defence of the Gospell.
1:18 What thynge is this? Notwithstondynge by all maner wayse/ whether it be by occasion or of trueth/ yet Christ is preached: and therfore I ioye. Yee and will ioye. What then? So that Christ be preached all maner wayes/ whether it be by occasion/ or of true meaninge/ I therin ioye: ye and will ioye. What then? So that Christ be preached all maner wayes/ whether it be by occasion/ or of true meaninge/ I therin ioye: ye & will ioye. What then? So that Christ be preached all maner of wayes (whether it be done by occasion or of true meaninge) I reioyce therin, and wil reioyce.
1:19 For I knowe that this shalbe for my health/ thorowe youre prayer/ ād ministrīge of the sprete of Iesu Christ/ For I knowe that this shall chaunce to my salvacion/ thorow youre prayer and ministringe of the sprete of Iesu Christ/ For I knowe that this shall chaunce to my saluaciō/ thorow youre prayer and ministringe of the sprete of Iesu Christ For I knowe that the same shal chaunce to my saluacion, thorow youre prayer and mynistrynge of the sprete of Iesu Christ,
1:20 as I hertely loke fore ād hope/ that ī nothīge I shalbe ashamed: but that with all confidence/ as all wayes in tymes past/ even soo nowe Christ shalbe magnified in my body/ whether it be thorowe lyfe/ or els deeth. as I hertely loke for & hope/ that in nothinge I shalbe ashamed: but that with all confidence/ as all wayes in tymes past/ even so now Christ shalbe magnified in my body/ whether it be thorowe lyfe/ or els deeth. as I hertely loke for and hope that in nothinge I shalbe ashamed: but that with all confidence/ as all wayes in tymes past/ euen so now Christ shall be magnified in my body whether it be thorowe lyfe/ or els deeth. as I loke for and hope, that in nothinge I shalbe ashamed: but yt with all cōfidence (as allwayes in tymes past, euē so now) Christ shalbe magnified in my body whether it be thorow life or thorow death.
1:21 For Christ is to me lyfe/ and deeth is to me avauntage. For Christ is to me lyfe/ and deeth is to me a vauntage. For Christ is to me lyfe/ and deeth is to me auauntage. For Christ is to me life, & death is to me auaūtage.
1:22 Yf it chaunce me to live in the flesshe/ that is to me frutfull forto worke/ and what to chose I wote not. Yf it chaunce me to live in the flesshe/ that is to me frutefull forto worke/ & what to chose I wote not. Yf it chaunce me to liue in the flesshe/ that is to me frutefull forto worke/ & what to chose I wote not. But in as moch as to lyue in ye flesh is frutefull to me for the worke, I wote not what I shal chose,
1:23 I am cōstrayned of two thyngſ: I desyre to be lowsed/ and to be with Christ/ which thynge is best of all: I am constrayned of two thinges: I desyre to be lowsed & to be with Christ/ which thinge is best of all. I am constrayned of two thinges: I desyre to be lowsed & to be with Christ/ which thinge is best of all. for both these thinges lye harde vpon me. I desyre to be lowsed, & to be with Christ, which thinge were moch better (for me)
1:24 Neverthelesse to abyde ī the flesshe is moare nedfull for you. Neverthelesse to abyde in the flesshe is moare nedfull for you. Neuerthelesse to abyde in the flesshe is moare nedfull for you. but to abyde in the flesh is more nedefull for you.
1:25 And this am I sure of/ that I shall abyde/ and with you all continue/ for the furtheraunce and ioye of youre fayth/ And this am I sure of/ that I shall abyde/ & with you all continue/ for the furtheraunce and ioye of youre fayth/ And this am I sure of/ that I shall abyde/ & with you all continue/ for the furtheraunce and ioye of youre fayth/ And this am I sure of, that I shal abyde, and contynue with you all, for the furtheraunce and ioye of youre faith,
1:26 that ye maye moare aboundantly reioyce in Iesus Christ throwe me/ by my cōmynge to you agayne. that ye maye moare aboundantly reioyce in Iesus Christ thorowe me/ by my comminge to you agayne. that ye maye moare aboundantly reioyce in Iesus Christ thorow me/ by my comminge to you agayne. that ye maye abundauntly reioyse in Christ Iesu thorow me, by my cōmynge to you agayne.
1:27 Only let youre conversacion be/ as it be commeth the gospell of Christ: that whether I come and se you/ or els be absent/ I maye yet heare of you/ that ye continue in one sprete/ and in one soule labouryng as we do to mayntayne the fayth of the gospell/ Only let yovre conversacion be/ as it be cōmeth the gospell of Christ: that whether I come & se you/ or els be absent/ I maye yet heare of you/ that ye contynue in one sprete/ and in one soule/ labouringe as we do/ to mayntayne the fayth of the gospell/ Only let youre conuersacion be/ as it be cōmeth the gospell of Christ: that whether I come & se you/ or els be absent/ I maye yet heare of you/ that ye continue in one sprete/ & in one soule/ labouringe as we do/ to mayntayne the fayth of the gospell Onely let youre conuersacion be as it becommeth the Gospell of Christ, that whether I come & se you, or els be absent, I maye yet heare of you that ye cōtynue in one sprete and one soule, labourynge (as we do) to mayntayne the faith of the Gospell,
1:28 and in nothynge fearynge youre adversaries: which is to them a token of perdicion/ and to you a signe of health/ and that of god & in nothynge fearinge youre adversaries: which is to them a token of perdicion/ & to you of salvacion/ & that of God. & in nothinge fearinge youre aduersaries: which is to them a token of perdicion/ & to you of saluacion & that of God. and in nothinge fearinge youre aduersaries, which is to them a token off perdicion, but vnto you of saluacion, and that of God.
1:29 For vnto you it is geven/ that not only ye shulde beleve on Christ: but also suffre for his sake/ For vnto you it is geven/ that not only ye shulde beleve on Christ: but also suffre for his sake/ For vnto you it is geuen that not only ye shulde beleue on Christ: but also suffre for his sake/ For vnto you it is geuen, not onely that ye shulde beleue on Christ, but also suffre for his sake,
1:30 and have evē the same fyght which ye sawe me have and nowe heare of me. & have evē the same fight which ye sawe me have and now heare of me. & haue euē the same fight which ye sawe me haue and now heare of me. and to haue euen the same fighte, which ye haue sene in me, and now heare of me.


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