The Epistle of S. Paul To the Hebrues. The .ix. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
The Epistle of S. Paul To the Hebrues. The .ix. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
9:1 | THat fyrst tabernacle verely had iustifyingſ/ and servyngſ off god/ and wordly holynes. | THat fyrst tabernacle verely had ordinaunces/ and servynges of god/ & wordly holynes. | THat fyrst tabernacle verely had ordinaūces/ & seruinges of God/ & wordly holynes. | THat first Tabernacle verely had ordinaunces, and seruynges off God and outwarde holynes. |
9:2 | For that fyrst tabernacle was made/ wherin was the candlesticke/ and the table/ and the shewe breed/ which is called wholy. | For there was a fore tabernacle made/ wherin was the candlesticke/ and the table/ and the shewe breed/ which is called wholy. | For ther was a fore tabernacle made/ wherin was the candelsticke & the table/ & the shewe breed/ which is called wholy. | For there was made a foretabernacle, wherin was ye candilsticke, and the table, and the shewe bred: and this is called ye Holy. |
9:3 | With in the secōde vayle was the tabernacle/ which is called holiest off all/ | But with in the secōde vayle was ther a tabernacle/ which is called holiest of all/ | But with in the seconde vayle was ther a tabernacle/ which is called holiest of all/ | But behynde the seconde vayle was the Tabernacle which is called Holiest of all, |
9:4 | which had the golden senser/ and the arcke off the testament overlayde roundabout with golde/ wherin was the golden pot with manna/ and Aarons rodde that spronge/ and the tables off the testament.. | which had the golden senser/ and the arcke of the testamēt overlayde round about with golde/ wherin was the golden pot with manna/ and Aarons rodde that spronge/ and the tables of the testament. | which had the golden senser and the arcke of the testamēt ouerlayde roundabout with golde/ wherin was the golden pot with Manna/ and Aarons rodde that spronge/ and the tables of the testament. | which had the golden censor, and the Arke of the Testament ouerlayed rounde aboute with golde, wherin was the golden pot with Manna, and Aarons rodd that florished, and the tables of the Testament: |
9:5 | Over the arcke were the cherubyns off glory shadowynge the seate off grace. Off which thyngſ/ we woll nott nowe speake perticularly. | Over the arcke were the cherubīs of glory shadowynge the seate of grace. Of which thynges/ we wyll not now speake perticularly. | Ouer the arcke were the Cherubīs of glory shadowynge the seate of grace. Of which thinges we will not now speake particularly. | Aboue therin were the Cherubins off glory ouershadowynge the Mercyseate: Of which thinges it is not now to speake perticularly. |
9:6 | When these thyngſ were thus ordeyned/ the prestes went all wayes into the fyrst tabernacle which excuted the service of god: | When these thynges were thus ordeyned/ the prestes went all wayes into the fyrst tabernacle & executed the service of god. | When these thinges were thus ordeyned/ the Prestes went all wayes into the fyrst tabernacle & executed the seruice of God. | When these thinges were thus ordeyned, the prestes wente allwayes in to the first Tabernacle, and excuted ye seruyce of God. |
9:7 | In to the secoūnde went in the hye prest alone/ once every yeare: but not with out bloud/ which he offered for hym silfe/ and for the ignoraunce of the people: | But into the seconde went the hye prest alone/ once every yeare: and not with out bloud/ which he offered for him silfe/ and for the ignoraunce of ye people. | But into the seconde went the hye prest alone/ once euery yeare: and not with out bloud/ which he offered for him selfe/ and for the ignoraunce of the people. | But in to the seconde wente the hye prest alone once in the yeare, not without bloude, which he offred for himselfe and for the ignoraunce of the people. |
9:8 | The holy goost this signifyinge/ that the waye off holy thyngſ was not yet openned/ whill as yet the fyrst tabernacle was stondynge/ | Wherwith ye holy goost this signifyeng/ yt the waye of holy thyngſ/ was not yet opēned/ whill as yet ye fyrst tabernacle was stondynge. | Wherwith the holy goost this signified that the waye of holy thinges/ was not yet opēned/ whill as yet the fyrst tabernacle was stondinge. | Wherwith the holy goost this signifyeth, that the waye of holynes was not yet opened, whyle as yet the first Tabernacle was stondynge. |
9:9 | which was a similitude off this present tyme/ in which gyftes and sacrifises are offered/ which cannot make them that minister parfect/ as pertaynynge to the conscience/ | Which was a similitude for the tyme then present/ and in which were offered gyftes and sacrifises that coulde not make them that minister parfecte/ as pertaynynge to the conscience/ | Which was a similitude for the tyme then present/ and in which were offered gyftes & sacrifices that coulde not make the minister parfecte/ as pertayninge to the conscience | Which was a symilitude for the tyme then present, in the which were offred giftes and sacrifices, and coulde not make perfecte (as partaynynge to the conscience) him, |
9:10 | with meates only and drīkes/ and divers wesshyngſ/ and iustifyingſ off the flesshe/ which were ordeyned vntyll the tyme off reformacion. | with only meates & drinkes/ and divers wesshynges and iustifyinges of the flesshe/ which were ordeyned vntyll the tyme of reformacion. | with only meates and drinckes/ & diuers wesshinges & iustifyinges of the flesshe/ which were ordeyned vntyll the tyme of reformacion. | that dyd the Gods seruyce onely with meates and drynkes, and dyuerse wasshinges, and iustifienges of the flesh, which were ordeyned vnto the tyme of reformacion. |
9:11 | But Christ beynge the hye prest off good thīgſ to come/ cam by a gretter/ ād a moare parfayct tabernacle/ not made with hondes: that is to saye/ not of this maner bildynge/ | But Christ beynge an hye prest of good thynges to come/ came by a greater and a moare parfecte tabernacle/ not made with hondes: that is to saye/ not of this maner bildynge/ | But Christ beinge an hye Prest of good thinges to come/ came by a greater and a moare parfecte tabernacle/ not made with hondes: that is to saye/ not of this maner bildinge/ | But Christ beynge an hye prest of good thinges to come, came by a greater and a more perfecte Tabernacle, not made with handes, that is to saye, not of this maner buyldynge: |
9:12 | nether by the bloud of gotes/ and caulves: but by his owne bloud/ he entred once for all into the wholy place/ and founde eternall redempcion. | nether by the bloud of gotes and calves: but by his awne bloud we entred once for all into the holy place/ and founde eternall redemcion. | nether by the bloud of gotes and calues: but by his awne bloud he entred in once for all into the holy place/ & founde eternall redemciō. | nether by the bloude of goates or calues: but by his owne bloude entred he once for all in to the holy place, and hath founde eternall redempcion. |
9:13 | For yf the bloud of oxen/ and off Gotes/ and the asshes off an heyfer/ when it was sprynckled/ puryfied the vnclene/ as touchynge the purifiynge of the flesshe: | For yf the bloud of oxen and of Gotes & the asshes of an heyfer/ whē it was sprynckled/ puryfied the vnclene/ as touchynge the purifiynge of the flesshe: | For yf the bloud of oxen & of gotes and the asshes of an heyfer/ when it was sprinckled/ purified the vnclene/ as touchinge the purifyinge of the flesshe: | For yff the bloude off oxen and off goates, and the asshes off the cowe whan it is sprenkled, haloweth the vncleane as touchynge the purificacion of the flesh, |
9:14 | Howe moche more shall the bloud of Christ (which thorowe the eternall sprete/ offered hym silfe with out spot to God) pourdge oure consciences from deed workſ/ for to serve the livynge god? | How moche more shall the bloud of Christ (which thorow the eternall sprete/ offered him silfe with out spot to God) pourdge youre consciences from deed workes for to serve the livynge god? | how moche moare shall the bloud of Christ (which thorow the eternall sprete/ offered him selfe with out spot to god) pourge youre consciences from deed workes/ for to serue the liuinge God? | How moch more shal the bloude of Christ (which thorow the eternall sprete offred him selfe without spot vnto God) pourge oure conscience from deed workes, for to serue the lyuynge God? |
9:15 | And for this cause is he the mediator off the newe testament/ that as sone (as his deeth was fulfilled for the redempcion of those transgressions that were in the fyrst testament) they which were called/ myght receave the promes off eternall inheritaunce. | And for this cause is he the mediator of yenewe testament/ that thorow deeth which chaunsed for the redempcion of those transgressions that were in ye fyrst testamēt) they which were called/ myght receave the promes of eternall inheritaunce. | And for this cause is he the mediator of the newe testamēt/ that thorow deeth which chaūsed for the redempcion of those transgressions that were in the fyrst testamēt/ they which were called/ myght receaue the promes of eternall inheritaunce. | And for this cause is he ye mediatour of the new Testament, that thorow death which chaunsed for the redempcion of those trāsgressions (that were vnder the first Testament) they which were called mighte receaue the promes of eternall inheritaunce. |
9:16 | For whersoever is a testament/ there must also be the deeth of hym that maketh the testament. | For whersoever is a testament/ there must also be the deeth of him that maketh the testament. | For whersoeuer is a testamēt/ ther must also be the deeth of him that maketh the testament. | For where soeuer is a Testament, there must also be the death of him that maketh the testament. |
9:17 | For the testament taketh auctoritie when men are deed: For it is of no value as longe as he that made it is a live. | For the testament taketh auctoritie when men are deed: For it is of no value as longe as he that made it is a live. | For the testament taketh auctoritie when men are deed: For it is of no value as longe as he that made it/ is a liue. | For a Testamēt taketh auctorite whan men are deed: for it is no value, as longe as he that made it is alyue. |
9:18 | For which cause also/ nether that fyrst testamēt was ordeyned with out bloud. | For which cause also/ nether that fyrst testament was ordeyned with out bloud. | For which cause also/ nether that fyrst testament was ordeyned with out bloud. | For the which cause that first Testamēt also was not ordeyned without bloude. |
9:19 | For when all the cōmaundementſ were redde of Moses vnto all the people/ he toke the bloud of calves/ and of Gotes/ whith water and purple woll and ysope/ and sprynkled both the boke ād all the people/ | For when all the commaundementes were redde of Moses vnto all the people/ he toke yebloud of calves and of Gotes/ with water and purple woll and ysope/ and sprynkled both the boke and all the people/ | For when all the commaundementes were redde of Moses to all the people/ he toke the bloud of calues and of gotes/ with water and purple wholl and ysope/ and sprinckled both the boke & all the people/ | For whan all the commaundementes (acordinge to the lawe) were red of Moses vnto all the people, he toke ye bloude of calues and of goates, with water and purple woll and ysope, and sprenkled the boke and all the people, |
9:20 | sayinge this is the bloud off the testament/ which God hath apoynted vnto you. | sayinge: this is the bloud of the testament which god hath apoynted vnto you. | sayinge: this is the bloud of the testament which God hath appoynted vnto you. | sayenge: This is the bloude of the Testament, which God hath appoynted vnto you. |
9:21 | Moreover/ he sprenkled the tabernacle with bloud also/ and all the ministrynge vessels. | Morover/ he sprenkled the tabernacle with bloud also/ and all the ministrynge vessels. | Moreouer/ he sprenckled the tabernacle with bloud also/ and all the ministringe vessels. | And the Tabernakle and all the vessels of the Gods seruyce sprenkled he with bloude likewyse. |
9:22 | And almost all thynges/ accordynge to the lawe/ ar clensed with bloud/ and with out effusion of bloud/ is no remission. | And almost all thynges/ are bye the lawe/ pourged with bloud/ and with out effusion of bloud/ is no remission. | And also almost all thinges/ are by the lawe pourged with bloud/ and with out sheddinge of bloud is no remission. | And allmost all thinges are pourged with bloude after the lawe: and without sheddynge of bloude is no remyssion. |
9:23 | Hit is then nede that the similitudes of hevenly thyngſ/ be purified with soche thyngſ: but the hevenly thyngſ thē selves are purified with better sacrifices then are these. | It is then nede that the similitudes of hevenly thynges be purified with soche thynges: but the hevenly thynges them selves are purified with better sacrifises then are those. | It is then nede that the similitudes of heauenly thinges be purified whith soche thinges: but the heauenly thinges them selues are purified with better sacrifices then are those. | It is necessary then, that the symilitude of heauenly thinges be purified with soche: but yeheauenly thinges themselues are purified with better sacrifices, then are those. |
9:24 | For Christ is not entred into the holy places/ that are made wit hōdes/ which are butt similitudes off true thyngſ: but is entred into very heven/ for to apere nowe in the syght of God for vs. | For Christ is not entred into the holy places that are made with hondes/ which are but similitudes of true thynges: but is entred into very heven/ for to appere now in the syght of God for vs: | For Christ is not entred into the holy places that are made with hondes/ which are but similitudes of true thinges: but is entred into very heauen/ for to appere now in the syght of God for vs: | For Christ is not entred in to the holy places ytare made with handes (which are but symilitudes of true thinges) but in to the very heauen, for to apeare now before the face of God for vs: |
9:25 | Not to offer hym silfe often/ as the hye prest entreth in to the holy place every yeare with straunge bloud: | not to offer him silfe often/ as the hye prest entreth in to ye holy place every yeare with straunge bloud/ | not to offer him selfe oftē/ as the hye prest entreth into the holy place euery yeare with straūge bloud/ | Not to offer himselfe offt as the hye prest entreth in to the holy place euery yeare with straunge bloude: |
9:26 | for then must he have often suffered sence the worlde began: Butt nowe in the ende off the worlde/ hath he apered once for all/ to put synne to flyght/ by the offerynge vppe off hym silfe. | for then must he have often suffered sence the worlde begā. But now in the ende of the worlde/ hath he appered once/ to put synne to flyght/ by the offerynge vp of him silfe. | for then must he haue often suffered sence the worlde began. But now in the ende of the worlde/ hath he appered once/ to put synne to flyght/ by the offeringe vp of him selfe. | for thē must he often haue suffred sence the worlde beganne. But now in the ende of the worlde hath he appeared once, to put synne to flight, by the offerynge vp of himselfe. |
9:27 | And as it is apoynted vnto men that they shall once deye/ and then commeth the iudgemēt/ | And as it is apoynted vnto men that they shall once dye/ and then commeth the iudegement/ | And as it is apoynted vnto men that they shall once dye/ and then cōmeth the iudgement/ | And as it is appoynted vnto mē yt they shal once dye, and then cōmeth the iudgmēt: |
9:28 | evē so Christ was once offered to take a waye the synnes of many/ and vnto them that loke for hym/ shall he apeare agayne/ with out synne vnto their health. | even so Christ was once offered to take a waye the synnes of many/ and vnto them that loke for him/ shall he appeare agayne without synne/ vnto saluacion. | euen so Christ was once offered to take awaye the synnes of many/ & vnto them that loke for him/ shall he appeare agayne without synne vnto saluacion. | Euē so Christ was once offred, to take awaye the synnes of many. And vnto them that loke for him, shal he appeare agayne without synne vnto saluacion. |