The Epistle of S. Paul To the Galathyans. The .iiij. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
The Epistle of S. Paul To the Galathyans. The .iiij. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
4:1 | ANd I saye that the heyre as longe as he ys a chylde differth not from a servaunt/ though he be lorde of all/ | ANd I saye that the heyre as longe as he is a chylde/ differth not from a servaunt/ though he be Lorde of all/ | ANd I saye that the heyre as longe as he is a chylde/ differth not from a servaunt/ though he be Lorde of all/ | BVt I saye: As longe as the heyre is a childe, there is no difference betwene him and a seruaunt, though he be lorde of all ye goodes: |
4:2 | but is vnder tuters ād governers/ vntill the tyme apoynted of the father. | but is vnder tuters and governers/ vntill the tyme appoynted of the father. | but is vnder tuters and gouerners/ vntyll the tyme appoynted of the father. | but he is vnder tuters and gouerners, vntyll the tyme appoynted of the father. |
4:3 | Even so we/ as longe as we were children/ wer ī bōdage vnder the ordinaciōs of the worlde: | Even so we/ as longe as we were chyldren/ were in bondage vnder the ordinaunces of the worlde. | Euen so we/ as longe as we were chyldren/ were in bondage vnder the ordinaūces of the worlde. | Euen so we also, whā we were children, were in bondage vnder the outwarde tradicions. |
4:4 | but when the tyme was full come/ god sent his sōne borne of a woman/ ād made bonde vnto the lawe/ | But when the tyme was full come/ God sent his sonne borne of a woman & made bonde vnto ye lawe/ | But when the tyme was full come/ God sent his sonne borne of a woman and made bonde vnto the lawe/ | But whan the tyme was fulfylled, God sent his sonne, borne of a womā, and put vnder the lawe, |
4:5 | to redeme them which were vnder the lawe: that we thorowe eleccion shulde receave the īheritaūce that belongeth vnto the naturall sōnes. | to redeme thē which were vnder the lawe: yt we thorow eleccion myght receave the inheritaūce yt belongeth vnto the naturall sonnes. | to redeme them which were vnder the lawe: that we thorow eleccion/ myght receaue the inheritaunce that belongeth vnto the naturall sonnes. | to redeme them which were vnder the lawe, that we mighte receaue ye childshippe. |
4:6 | Be cause ye are sonnes/ God hath sent the sprete of his sonne ī to oure hertes/ which cryeth abba father. | Be cause ye are sonnes/ God hath sent the sprete of his sonne in to oure hertſ/ which cryeth Abba father. | Because ye are sonnes/ God hath sent the sprete of his sonne into oure hertes/ which cryeth Abba father. | For so moch thē as ye are children, God hath sent the sprete of his sonne in to oure hertes, which cryeth: Abba, deare father. |
4:7 | Wherfore nowe arte thou not a servaunt/ but a sonne. yff thou be the sonne/ thou arte also the heyre of god thorowe Christ. | Wherfore now/ thou art not a servaunt/ but a sonne. Yf thou be ye sonne/ thou arte also the heyre of God thorow Christ. | Wherfore now/ thou art not a seruaunt/ but a sonne. Yf thou be the sonne/ thou arte also the heyre of God thorow Christ. | Wherfore now, thou art not a seruaunt, but a sonne. Yf thou be a sonne, then art thou the heyre of God thorow Christ. |
4:8 | Notwithstondynge/ when ye knewe not god/ ye did service vnto them/ which by nature were not goddes: | Notwithstondinge/ whē ye knewe not God/ ye dyd service vnto them/ which by nature were no goddes. | Notwithstondynge/ when ye knewe not God ye dyd seruice vnto them/ which by nature were no goddes. | Notwithstondinge whan ye knewe not God, ye dyd seruyce vnto them, which by nature are no Goddes. |
4:9 | butt nowe seynge ye knowe god (ye rather are knowen of God) howe is it that ye tourne agayne vnto the weake and bedgarly cerimones/ where vnto agayne ye desyre afresshe to be in bondage? | But now seinge ye knowe god (yee rather are knowē of God) how is it that ye tourne agayne vnto the weake and bedgarly cerimonies/ whervnto agayne ye desyre afresshe to be in bondage? | But now seinge ye knowe God (yee rather are knowen of God) how is it that ye tourne agayne vnto the weake and bedgarly cerimonies/ wher vnto agayne ye desyre afresshe to be in bondage? | But now seynge ye knowe God (yee rather are knowne off God) how is it that ye turne you backe agayne vnto the weake and beggerly tradicions, wher vnto ye desyre agayne afresh to be in bondage? |
4:10 | ye observe the dayes/ and monethes/ and tymes/ and yeares. | Ye observe dayes/ & monethes/ and tymes/ and yeares. | Ye obserue dayes/ and monethes/ and tymes/ and yeares. | Ye obserue dayes and monethes, and tymes and yeares. |
4:11 | I feare off you/ lest I have bestowed on you laboure in vayne. | I am in feare of you/ lest I have bestowed on you laboure in vayne. | I am in feare of you/ lest I haue bestowed on you laboure in vayne. | I am in feare of you, lest I haue bestowed laboure on you in vayne. |
4:12 | Brethern I besech you/ be ye as I am: for I am as ye are. Ye have not hurte me. | Brethern I besech you/ be ye as I am: for I am as ye are. Ye have not hurte me at all. | Brethren I besech you/ be ye as I am: for I am as ye are. Ye haue not hurte me at all. | Brethrē I beseke you, be ye as I am, for I am as ye are. Ye haue not hurte me at all. |
4:13 | Ye knowe wele howe that thorowe infirmitie of the flesshe/ I preached the gospell vnto you at the fyrst: | Ye knowe/ how thorow infirmite of the flesshe/ I preached the gospell vnto you at the fyrst. | Ye knowe/ how thorow infirmite of the flesshe/ I preached the Gospell vnto you at the fyrst. | For ye knowe how that in weaknes after ye flesh I preached ye Gospell vnto you at the first: |
4:14 | and my temptaciō which I suffered by reason of the flesshe/ ye despysed not/ nether abhorred: but receaved me as an angell of God: ye as Christ Iesus. | And my temptacion which I suffered by reason of my flesshe/ ye despysed not/ nether abhorred: but receaved me as an angell of god: ye as Christ Iesus. | And my temptacion which I suffred by reason of my flesshe/ ye despysed not nether abhorred: but receaued me as an angel of God: ye as Christ Iesus. | and my tentacion which I suffred after the flesh, ye despysed not, nether abhorred, but receaued me as an angell of God, yee euen as Christ Iesus. |
4:15 | Howe happy were ye then? for I beare you recorde that yf it hat bene possible/ ye wolde have digged out youre awne eyes/ and have geven them to me. | How happy were ye then? for I beare you recorde that yf it had bene possible/ ye wolde have plucked out youre awne eyes/ and have geven them to me. | How happy were ye then? for I beare you recorde that yf it had bene possible ye wolde haue plucked out youre awne eyes/ and haue geuen them to me. | How happy were ye then? For I beare you recorde, that yf it had bene possible, ye had plucked out youre awne eyes, and geuē them vnto me. |
4:16 | Am I so greatly become youre enmye/ be cause I tell you the trueth? | Am I therfore become youre enemie/ because I tell you the truth? | Am I therfore become youre enemye/ because I tell you the trueth? | Am I therfore become yor enemy, because I tell you ye trueth? |
4:17 | They are gelous over you amysse. Ye they intende to exclude you that ye shulde be fervent to themwarde. | They are gelous over you amysse. Ye/ they intēde to exclude you/ that ye shuld be feruēt to them warde. | They are gelous ouer you amysse. Ye/ they intende to exclude you/ that ye shuld be feruēt to them warde. | They are gelous ouer you amysse. Yee they wolde make you to fall backe, that ye might be feruēt to thē warde. |
4:18 | Iit is good alwayes to be fervent/ so it be in a good thynge/ ād not only when I am present with you. | It is good alwayes to be fervent/ so it be in a good thinge/ and not only whē I am present with you. | It is good alwayes to be fervent/ so it be in a good thinge/ & not only when I am present with you. | It is good to be feruent, so yt it be allwaye in a good thinge, and not onely whan I am present wt you. |
4:19 | My littel children (of whom I travayle in birth agayne vntill Christ be fassioned in you) | My littel children (of whom I travayle in birth againe vntill Christ be fassioned in you) | My lyttel chyldren (of whom I trauayle in birth agayne/ vntyll Christ be fassioned in you) | My litle children (of whom I trauayle in byrth agayne, vntyll Christ be fashioned in you) |
4:20 | I wolde I were with you nowe/ and coulde chaūge my voyce/ for I stonde in a doute of you. | I wolde I were with you now/ & coulde chaunge my voyce: for I stonde in a doute of you | I wolde I were with you now/ & coulde chaunge my voyce: for I stonde in a doute of you. | I wolde I were wt you now, and coulde chaūge my voyce, for I stōde ī doute of you. |
4:21 | Tell me ye that desyre to be vnder the lawe: have ye not herde of the lawe? | Tell me ye that desyre to be vnder the lawe have ye not hearde of the lawe? | Tell me ye that desyre to be vnder the lawe haue ye not hearde of the lawe? | Tell me ye that wylbe vnder the lawe, haue ye not herde the lawe? |
4:22 | For it is writtē that Abraham had two sonnes/ the one by a bonde mayde/ the wother by a fre woman. | For it is written that Abraham had two sonnes/ ye one by a bonde mayde/ the other by a fre woman. | For it is written that Abraham had two sonnes/ the one by a bonde mayde/ the other by a fre woman. | For it is wrytten, that Abraham had two sonnes the one by a bonde mayde, the other by a fre woman. |
4:23 | Yee and he which was of the bonde woman/ was borne after the flesshe: but he which was of the fre woman/ was borne by promes. | Yee and he which was of the bonde woman was borne after the flesshe: but he which was of the fre woman/ was borne by promes. | Yee and he which was of the bonde woman. was borne after the flesshe: but he which was of the fre woman/ was borne by promes. | As for him that was of the bōde mayde, he was borne after ye flesh: but he which was of the fre woman, was borne by promes. |
4:24 | Which thyngſ betoken mistery. For these wemen are two testamentſ/ the one from the mounte Sina/ which gendreth vnto bondage/ which is Agar | Which thinges betoken mystery. For these wemen are two testamentes/ the one frō the mounte Sina/ which gendreth vnto bondage/ which is Agar. | Which thinges be token mystery. For these wemen are two testamentes/ the one from the mounte Syna/ which gendreth vnto bondage/ which is Agar. | These wordes betoken somwhat. For these wemen are the two Testamentes: The one from the mount Sina, that gendreth vnto bondage, which is Agar. |
4:25 | (For mounte Sina is called Agar in Arabia/ and bordreth apon the citie which is nowe Ierusalem) and is in bondage with her Children. | For mounte Sina is called Agar in Arabia/ and bordreth vpō the citie which is now Ierusalem/ and is in bondage with her chyldren. | For mounte Syna is called Agar in Arabia/ and bordreth vpon the cite/ which is now Ierusalem/ and is in bondage with her chyldren. | For Agar is called in Arabia ye mount Sina, and reacheth vnto Ierusalem which now is, and is in bondage with hir children. |
4:26 | But Ierusalem/ which is above/ is fre: which is the mother of vs all. | But Ierusalem/ which is above/ is fre: which is the mother of vs all. | But Ierusalem/ which is aboue/ is fre: which is the mother of vs all. | But Ierusalem that is aboue, is the fre woman, which is the mother of vs all. |
4:27 | For it is written: reioyce thou baren/ that bearest no childrē: breake forthe and crye/ thou that travelest not. For the desolate hath many moo children/ then she which hath an husband. | For it is written: reioyce thou barē/ that bearest no chyldrē: breake forthe & crye/ thou that travelest not. For the desolate hath many moo chyldren then she which hath an husband. | For it is written: reioyce thou baren/ that bearest no chyldren: breake forth and crye/ thou that trauelest not. For the desolate hath many moo chyldren then she which hath an husband. | For it is wryttē: Reioyse thou baren, that bearest no childrē: breake forth and crye thou yt trauaylest not, for the desolate hath many mo childrē, then she which hath an hussbande. |
4:28 | Brethren we are after the maner off Isaac children of promes: | Brethrē we are after the maner of Isaac/ chyldren of promes. | Brethren we are after the maner of Isaac/ chyldren of promes. | As for vs (brethren) we are the children of Isaac acordinge to the promes. |
4:29 | But as then he that was borne carnally/ persecuted hym that was borne spiritually. Even so is it nowe. | But as then he yt was borne carnally/ persecuted him that was borne spiritually. Even so is it now. | But as then he that was borne carnally/ persecuted him that was borne spiritually. Euen so is it now. | But like as at that tyme, he that was borne after the flesh, persecuted him yt was borne after the sprete, euen so is it now also. |
4:30 | Neverthelesse what sayth the scripture: Caste a waye the bonde woman and her sonne. For the sonne of the bonde woman shall not be heyre with the sonne off the fre woman. | Neverthelesse what sayth the scripture: put awaye the bonde woman & her sonne. For the sonne of the bonde womā shall not be heyre with the sonne of ye fre woman. | Neuerthelesse what sayth the scripture: put awaye the bonde woman and her sonne. For the sonne of the bonde woman shall not be heyre with the sonne of the fre woman. | But what sayeth the scripture? Put awaye the bonde mayden and hir sonne: for the sonne of ye bondmayde shal not be heyre with ye sonne of the fre woman. |
4:31 | So then brethrē we are not children of the bonde woman: but off the fre woman. | So then brethren we are not chyldrē of the bonde woman: but of the fre woman. | So then brethren we are not chyldren of the bonde woman: but of the fre woman. | So now brethren, we are not children of the bonde mayde, but of the fre woman. |