The Epistle of S. Paul To the Galathyans. The .ij. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
The Epistle of S. Paul To the Galathyans. The .ij. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
2:1 | THē xiiij. yeares after that/ I went agayne to Ierusalem with Barnabas/ and toke with me Titus also. | THen .xiiii. yeares after that/ I wēt vp agayne to Ierusalem with Barnabas/ & toke with me Titus also. | Then .xiiij. yeares ther after/ I went vp agayne to Ierusalem with Barnabas/ & toke with me Titus also. | THen after fourtene yeares, I wente vp agayne to Ierusalē with Barnabas, and toke Titus with me also. |
2:2 | Yee/ ād I went by revelacion/ and cōmened with them of the gospell/ which I preache amōge the gentyls: but apart with them which are counted chefe/ lest it shulde have bene thought that I shulde rūne/ or had rūne ī vayne. | Ye and I went vp by revelacion/ & cōmened with them of the Gospell which I preache amonge the gentyls: but apart with them which were coūted chefe/ lest it shuld have bene thought yt I shuld runne or had runne in vayne. | Ye and I went vp by reuelacion/ and commened with thē/ of the Gospell which I preache amonge the Gentyls: but betwene oure selues/ with them which were counted chefe/ lest it shuld have bene thought that I shuld runne or had runne in vayne. | But I wente vp by reuelacion, and commened with thē of ye Gospell, which I preach amonge the Heythē: but specially with thē which were in reputacion, lest I shulde runne or had runne in vayne. |
2:3 | Also Titus which was with me/ though he were a greke/ yet was not compelled to be circumcised/ | Also Titus which was with me/ though he were a Greke/ yet was not compelled to be circumcised/ | Also Titus which was with me/ though he were a Greke/ yet was not compelled to be circumcised/ | But Titus which was also with me, was not compelled to be circūcysed, though he was a Greke: |
2:4 | and that be cause of incōmers beynge falce brethren/ which cam in amonge wother to spye out oure libertie whych we have in Christ Iesus/ that they might brynge vs into bondage. | & that because of incōmers beynge falce brethren/ which came in amōge other to spye out oure libertie which we have in Christ Iesus/ that they might bringe vs into bondage. | and that because of incommers beynge false brethren which came in amōge other to spye out oure libertie which we have in Christ Iesus/ that they myght bringe vs into bondage. | and that because of certayne incommers beynge false brethrē, which came in amōge other, to spye out oure libertye, which we haue in Christ Iesus, that they mighte brynge vs in to bondage: |
2:5 | To whom we gave no roume/ no not for the space of an houre/ as concernynge to be brought into subieccion: and thatt be cause that the trueth of the gospell myght continue with you. | To whom we gave no roume/ no not for the space of an houre/ as cōcerninge to be brought into subiecciō: & that because that the trueth of the gospell myght continue with you. | To whom we gaue no roume/ no not for the space of an houre/ as concernynge to be brought into subieccion: and that because that the trueth of the Gospell myght continue with you. | To whom we gaue no rowme, no not for the space of an houre, as concernynge to be broughte in to subieccion: yt the trueth of the Gospell mighte comtynue with you. |
2:6 | Of thē which seme to be grett (what they were in tyme passed it maketh no matter to me: god loketh on no mans persone) neverthelesse they which seme grett/ added nothynge to me: | Of thē which seme to be great (what they were in tyme passed it maketh no matter to me: God loketh on no mans person) neverthelesse they which seme great/ added nothynge to me. | Of them which seme to be great (what they were in tyme passed it maketh no matter to me: God loketh on no mans person) neuerthelesse they which seme great/ added nothinge to me. | As for thē that semed to be greate, what they were in tyme passed, it maketh no matter to me. For God loketh not on the outwarde appearaunce of men. Neuertheles they which semed greate, taught me nothinge: |
2:7 | Butt contrary wyse/ when they sawe that the gospell over the vncircumcision was cōmitted vnto me/ as the gospell over the circumcision was vnto Peter | But contrary wyse/ when they sawe that the gospell over the vncircumcision was cōmitted vnto me/ as the gospell over ye circūcision was vnto Peter: | But contrary wyse/ when they sawe that the Gospell ouer the vncircumcision was committed vnto me/ as the Gospell ouer the circumcision was vnto Peter: | but contrary wyse, whan they sawe that the Gospell ouer the vncircumcision was cōmytted vnto me, as ye Gospell ouer ye circūcision was commytted vnto Peter. |
2:8 | (For he that was myghty in Peter in the Apostle shippe over the circumcision/ the same was myghty in me amonge the gentyls) | for he yt was myghty in Peter in the Apostleshippe over the circumcision/ the same was myghty in me amōge the gentyls: | for he that was myghty in Peter in the Apostleshippe ouer the circumcision/ the same was myghty in me amonge the Gentyls: | (For he yt was mightie with Peter to the Apostleshippe ouer the circumcision, the same was mightie with me also amōge the Heythen) |
2:9 | and as sone as Iames/ Cephas/ and Ihon/ which semed to be pillares/ perceaved the grace thatt was geven vnto me/ they gave to me and Barnabas their hondes/ and agreed with vs thatt we shulde preache amonge the hethen/ and they amonge the Iewes: | and therfore when they perceaved the grace that was gevē vnto me/ then Iames/ Cephas & Iohn/ which semed to be pilers/ gave to me & Barnabas the ryght hondes/ & agreed with vs/ that we shuld preache amonge the Hethen/ and they amonge the Iewes: | and therfore when they perceaued the grace that was geuen vnto me/ then Iames/ Cephas and Iohn/ which semed to be pylers/ gaue to me and Barnabas the ryght hondes and agreed with vs/ that we shuld preache amonge the Hethen and they amonge the Iewes: | they perceaued the grace that was geuen vnto me. Iames and Cephas and Ihon, which semed to be pilers, gaue me and Barnabas ye righte handes, and agreed with vs, that we shulde preach amonge the Heythē, and they amonge the Iewes: |
2:10 | warnynge only that we shulde remember the povre/ which thynge also I was diligent to do. | warnynge only that we shulde remember the poore. Which thinge also I was diligent to do. | warnynge only that we shulde remember the poore. Which thinge also I was diligent to do. | onely that we shulde remēbre the poore, which thinge also I was diligent to do. |
2:11 | When Peter was come to Antioche/ I withstode hī in the face/ for he was worthy to be blamed. | And when Peter was come to Antioche/ I withstode him in the face/ for he was worthy to be blamed. | And when Peter was come to Antioche/ I withstode him in the face/ for he was worthy to be blamed. | But whā Peter was come to Antioche, I withstode him in ye face: for he was worthy to be blamed. |
2:12 | For yerre that certayne cam from Iames/ he ate with the gentyls: butt when they were come/ he withdrue and seperated hym silfe/ fearynge them which were off the circumcision/ | For yerr that certayne came frō Iames/ he ate with the gentyls. But when they were come/ he withdrue & separated him selfe/ fearinge them which were of ye circumcision. | For yer that certayne came from Iames/ he ate with the Gentyls. But when they were come/ he withdrue and separated him selfe/ fearynge them which were of the circumcision. | For afore there came certayne from Iames, he ate with the Heythē. But whā they were come, he withdrue and separated himselfe, fearinge thē which were of the circumcision. |
2:13 | and the wother Iewes dissembled lyke wyse/ In so moche that Barnabas was brought into their simulacion also. | And ye other Iewes dissembled lyke wyse/ in so moche that Barnabas was brought into their simulaciō also. | And the other Iewes dissembled lykewyse/ in so moche that Barnabas was brought in to their simulacion also. | And the other Iewes dyssembled with him likewyse, in so moch yt Barnabas was brought in to their symulacion also. |
2:14 | Butt when I sawe/ thatt they went nott the ryght waye after the trueth off the gospell/ I sayde vnto Peter before all men/ yff thou beynge a Iewe/ livest after the manner off the gentyls/ and nott as do the Iewes: why causest thou the gētyls to folowe the Iewes? | But when I sawe/ that they went not the ryght waye after the trueth of the gospell/ I sayde vnto Peter before all men/ yf thou beynge a Iewe/ livest after the māner of the gentyls/ & not as do the Iewes: why causest thou the gētyls to live as do the Iewes? | But when I sawe/ that they went not the ryght waye after the trueth of the Gospell/ I sayde vnto Peter before all men/ yf thou beynge a Iewe/ lyuest after the manner of the Gentyls/ & not as do the Iewes: why causest thou the Gentyls to lyue as do the Iewes? | But whan I sawe that they walked not right after ye trueth of the Gospell, I sayde vnto Peter openly before all: Yf thou beynge a Iewe, lyuest after the maner of the Gentyles, and not as do the Iewes, why causest thou the Gentyles then to lyue as do the Iewes? |
2:15 | we which are Iewes by nature and not synners off the gentyls/ | We which are Iewes by nature/ & not synners of the gētyls/ | We which are Iewes by nature/ & not synners of the Gentyls/ | Though we be Iewes by nature, and not synners of the Gentyles, |
2:16 | knowe thatt a man is nott iustified by the dedes off the lawe: but by the fayth of Iesus Christ: and we have beleved on Iesus Christ/ that we myght be iustified by the fayth of Christ ād not by the dedes of the lawe: be cause that noo flesshe shalbe iustified by the dedes of the lawe. | knowe that a man is not iustified by ye dedes of the lowe: but by the fayth of Iesus Christ. And therfore we have beleved on Iesus Christ/ yt we myght be iustified by ye fayth of Christ/ & uot by the dedes of the lawe: because that by ye dedes of ye lawe no flesshe shalbe iustified. | knowe that a man is not iustified by the dedes of the lawe: but by the fayth of Iesus Christ. And therfore we haue beleued on Iesus Christ/ that we myght be iustified by the fayth of Christ/ & not by the dedes of the lawe: because that by the dedes of the lawe no flesshe can be iustified. | yet (in so moch as we knowe, that a man is not made righteous by the dedes off the lawe, but by the faith on Iesus Christ) we haue beleued also on Iesus Christ, yt we might be made righteous by the faith of Christ, and not by the dedes of the lawe, because that by the dedes of the lawe no flesh shal be iustified. |
2:17 | Yf thē whill we seke to be made rightewes by Christ/ we oure selves are foūde synners/ is not thē Christ the minister of sinne? god forbid. | Yf then whill we seke to be made rightewes by Christ/ we oure selves are founde synners/ is not then Christ ye minister of synne? God forbyd. | Yf then whyll we seke to be made ryghtewes by Christ/ we oure selues are founde synners/ is not then Christ the minister of synne? God forbyd. | Yf we then which seke to be made righteous by christ, shulde be yet founde synners or selues, is not Christ then the mynister of synne? God forbyd. |
2:18 | For yf I bilde agayne that which I destroyed/ then make I my silfe a treaspaser. | For yf I bylde agayne yt which I destroyed. then make I my selfe a treaspaser. | For yf I bylde agayne that which I destroyed/ then make I my selfe a treaspaser. | For yf I buylde agayne yt which I haue destroyed, then make I my selfe a trespacer. |
2:19 | But I thorowe the lawe am deed to the lawe/ that I myght live vnto God. | But I thorow ye lawe ame deed to ye lawe: that I myght live vnto God. | But I thorow the lawe/ am deed to the lawe: that I myght lyue vnto God. | But I thorow the lawe am deed vnto the lawe, that I might lyue vnto God. |
2:20 | I am crucified with Christ. I live verely/ yet nowe not I/ but Christ liveth in me. The lyfe which I nowe live ī the flesshe/ I live by the fayth of the sonne off god/ which loved me/ and gave hym silfe for me. | I am crucified with Christ. I live verely: yet now not I/ but Christ liveth in me. For ye lyfe which I now live in ye flesshe/ I live by the fayth of ye sonne of God/ which loved me/ and gave him selne for me. | I am crucified with Christ. I lyue verely: yet now not I/ but Christ lyueth in me. For the lyfe which I now lyue in the flesshe/ I lyue by the fayth of the sonne of God/ which loued me/ and gaue him selfe for me. | I am crucified with Christ, yet do I lyue: neuerthelesse now not I, but Christ lyueth in me. For ye life which I now lyue in ye flesshe, I lyue in the faith of ye sonne of God which loued me, and gaue himselfe for me. |
2:21 | I despyse not the grace of god: For if rightewesnes come of the lawe/ then is Crist deed in vayne. | I despyse not the grace of God. For if rightewesnes come of the lawe/ then Christ dyed in vayne. | I despyse not the grace of God. For yf ryghtewesnes come of the lawe/ then Christ dyed in vayne. | I cast not awaye the grace of God. For yf righteousnes come by the lawe, then dyed Christ in vayne. |