Philemon: Chapter 1

The Epistle of S. Paul To Philemon. The .i. Chapter.
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
TITLE The pistle off paul vnto Philemon. The pistle of S. Paul vnto Philemon. The epistle fo Saynct Paul vnto Philemon. The Epistle of the Apostle S. Paul vnto Philemon.
1:1 PAul the presoner of Iesu Christ/ ād brother Timotheus. Vnto Philemon beloved/ and oure helper/ PAul the presoner of Iesu Christ/ and brother Timotheus. Vnto Philemon the beloved/ & oure helper/ PAul the presoner of Iesu Christ/ & brother Timotheus Vnto Philemon the beloved/ & oure helper/ PAul the presoner of Iesu Christ, and brother Timotheus. Vnto Philemon the beloued, and oure helper,
1:2 ād to the beloved Appia/ ād to Archippus oure felowe soudier/ and to the congregacion of thy housse. & to the beloved Appia/ and to Archippus oure felowe soudier/ and to the congregacion of thy housse. & to the beloued Appia/ & to Archippus oure felowesoudier/ and to the congregacion of thy housse. and to the beloued Appia, and to Archippus or felowe soudyer, and to the congregacion in thy house.
1:3 Grace be with you and peace/ from God oure father and from the lorde Iesus Christ. Grace be with you & peace/ from God oure father/ & from the Lorde Iesus Christ. Grace be with you and peace/ from God oure father/ and from the Lorde Iesus Christ. Grace be with you, and peace from God oure father and from the LORDE Iesus Christ.
1:4 I thanke my God alwayes makynge menciō off the in my prayers/ I thāke my God/ makinge menciō all wayes of the in my prayers/ I thanke my God/ makynge mencion all wayes of the in my prayers/ I thanke my God, makynge mencion allwayes of the in my prayers
1:5 when I heare off thy love ād faith/ which thou hast towarde the lorde Iesu/ ād towarde all saynctſ: when I heare of thy love and fayth/ which thou hast towarde the Lorde Iesu/ and towarde all saynctes: when I heare of thy loue and fayth/ which thou hast towarde the Lorde Iesu/ and towarde all saynctes: (for so moch as I heare of thy loue and faith which thou hast on the LORDE Iesu, and towarde all sayntes)
1:6 so that the fellishippe that thou hast in the fayth/ is frutfull thorowe knowledge off all good thyngſ/ which are in you by Iesus Christ. so that the fellisshippe that thou hast in the fayth/ is frutefull thorow knowledge of all good thinges/ which are in you by Iesus Christ. so that the fellisshippe that thou hast in the fayth is frutefull thorow knowledge of all good thinges/ which are in you by Iesus Christ. that oure comen faith maye be frutefull in the, thorow knowlege of all ye good that ye haue in Christ Iesu.
1:7 And we have gret ioye/ and consolacion over thy love: For by the brother/ the saynctes hertes are comforted. And we have great ioye/ and consolacion over thy love: for by the (brother) the saynctes hertes are comforted. And we haue great ioye and consolacion ouer thy loue: For by the (brother) the saynctes hertes are comforted. Greate ioye and consolacion haue I in thy loue. For by the (brother) the sayntes are hertely refresshed.
1:8 Wherfore though I be bolde in Christ to enioyne the/ that which becommeth the: Wherfore though I be bolde in Christ to enioyne the/ that which becōmeth the: Wherfore though I be bolde in christ to enioyne the/ that which becōmeth the: Wherfore though I haue great boldnes in Christ to commaunde the that which becommeth the,
1:9 yet for loves sake I rather beseche the/ though I be as I am/ even Paul aged/ and nowe in bondes for Iesu Christes sake. yet for loves sake I rather beseche the/ though I be as I am/ evē Paul aged/ & now in bondes for Iesu Christes sake. yet for loues sake I rather beseche the/ though I be as I am euen Paul aged/ and now in bondes for Iesu Christes sake. yet for loues sake I rather beseke ye, though I be as I am, euē Paul aged, and now a presoner also of Iesu Christ.
1:10 I beseche the for my sonne Onesimus/ whom I begat in my bondes/ I beseche the for my sonne Onesimus/ whom I begat in my bondes/ I beseche the for my sonne Onesymus whom I begat in my bondes/ I beseke the for my sonne Onesimus (whom I haue begotten in my bondes)
1:11 which in tyme passed was to the vnproffetable: but nowe proffetable booth to the and also to me/ which in tyme passed was to the vnproffetable: but now proffetable bothe to the & also to me/ which in tyme passed was to the vnproffitable: but now proffitable both to the and also to me which in tyme past was to the vnprofitable, but now profitable both to the and me.
1:12 whom I have sent home agayne. Thou therfore receave hym/ that is to saye myne awne bowels/ whom I have sent home agayne. Thou therfore receave him/ that is to saye myne awne bowels/ whom I haue sent home agayne. Thou therfore receaue him/ that is to saye myne awne bowels/ Whom I haue sent agayne: but receaue thou him (that is) euen myne awne hert.
1:13 whom I wolde fayne have retayned with me/ thatt in thy stede he myght have ministred vnto me in the bondes off the gospell. whom I wolde fayne have retayned with me/ that in thy stede he myght have ministred vnto me in ye bondes of the gospell. whom I wolde fayne haue retayned with me/ that in thy stede he myght haue ministred vnto me in the bondes of the Gospell. For I wolde haue kepte him styll with me, that in thy steade he might haue mynistred vnto me in ye bondes of ye Gospell:
1:14 Neverthelesse/ without thy mynde/ wolde I do noo thynge/ that that goode which spryngeth off the shuld nott be as it wer off necessitie/ butt willyngly. Neverthelesse/ without thy mynde/ wolde I doo nothinge/ that yt good which springeth of the/ shuld not be as it were of necessitie/ but willingly. Neuerthelesse/ without thy mynde/ wolde I do nothinge/ that the good which springeth of the/ shuld not be as it were of necessitie/ but willyngly. Neuertheles without thy mynde wolde I do nothinge, that ye good which thou doest, shulde not be of compulsion, but wyllingly.
1:15 Haply he therfore departed for a season/ that thou shuldest receave hym for ever/ Haply he therfore departed for a season/ yt thou shuldest receave him for ever/ Haply he therfore departed for a season/ that thou shuldest receaue him for euer/ Happly he therfore departed for a season, that thou shuldest receaue him for euer:
1:16 not nowe as a servaunt: butt above a servaunt/ I mean a brother beloved/ specially to me: but howe moche more vnto the/ both in the flesshe/ and also in the lorde? not nowe as a servaūt: but above a servaunt/ I meane a brother beloved/ specially to me: but how moche more vnto the/ both in the flesshe/ and also in the Lorde? not nowe as a seruaunt: but aboue a seruaunt/ I meane a brother beloued/ specially to me: but how moche more vnto the/ both in the fiesshe/ & also in the Lorde? not now as a seruaunt, but aboue a seruaunt, euen a brother beloued, specially to me, but how moch more vnto ye, both in ye flesh and in the LORDE?
1:17 Yff thou count me a felowe receave hym as my silfe. Yf thou count me a felowe/ receave him as my selfe. Yf thou count me a felowe/ receaue him as my selfe. Yf thou holde me for thy companyon, receaue him then euen as my selfe.
1:18 Yff he have hurt the or oweth the ought/ that laye to my charge. Yf he have hurt the or oweth the ought/ that laye to my charge. Yf he haue hurt the or oweth the ought that laye to my charge. But yf he haue hurte the, or oweth the oughte, that laye to my charge.
1:19 I Paul have written it with myne awne honde. I will recompence it. So that I do not saye to the howe that thou owest vnto me even thyne awne silfe. I Paul have writtē it with myne awne hōde. I will recompence it. So that I do not saye to the/ howe that thou owest vnto me evē thyne awne silfe. I Paul haue written it with myne awne honde. I will recompence it. So that I do not saye to the/ howe that thou owest vnto me euen thyne awne selfe. I Paul haue wrytten it with myne awne hande, I wil recompence it: so that I do not saye vnto ye, how that thou owest vnto me euen thine owne selfe.
1:20 Even so brother/ let me enioye the in the lorde. Cōforte my bowels in the lorde. Even so brother/ let me enioye the in the Lorde. Comforte my bowels in the Lorde. Euen so brother/ let me enioye the in the Lorde. Comforte my bowels in the Lorde. Euen so brother, let me enioye the in the LORDE: refresh thou my hert in the LORDE.
1:21 Trustynge in thyne obediēce/ I wrote vnto the/ knowynge that thou wilt do more then I saye fore. Trustinge in thyne obediēce/ I wrote vnto the/ knowynge that thou wilt do more then I saye for. Trustynge in thyne obedience/ I wrote vnto the/ knowynge that thou wilt do more then I saye for. Trustinge in thine obediēce, I haue wrytten vnto the, for I knowe that thou wilt do more then I saye.
1:22 More over prepare me lodgynge: for I trust thorowe the helpe off youre prayers/ I shalbe geven vnto you. Moreover prepare me lodgynge: for I trust thorow ye helpe of youre prayers/ I shalbe geven vnto you. Moreouer prepare me lodgynge: for I trust thorow the helpe of youre prayers/ I shalbe geuen vnto you. Morouer prepare me lodginge, for I hope that thorow youre prayers I shalbe geuen vnto you.
1:23 There salute the/ Epaphras my felowe presoner in Christe Iesu/ Ther salute ye/ Epaphras my felowe presoner in Christ Iesu/ Ther salute the/ Epaphras my felowe presoner in Christ Iesu/ There saluteth the, Epaphras my felowe presoner in Christ Iesu,
1:24 Marcus/ Aristarchus/ Demas/ Lucas/ my helpers. Marcus/ Aristarchus/ Demas/ Lucas/ my helpers. Marcus/ Aristarchus/ Demas/ Lucas/ my helpers. Marcus, Aristarchus, Demas, Lucas, my helpers.
1:25 The grace of oure lorde Iesu Christ be with youre spretes/ Amen. The grace of oure Lorde Iesu Christ be with youre spretes. Amen. The grace of oure Lorde Iesu Christ be with youre spretes: Amē. The grace of oure LORDE Iesu Christ be with youre sprete, Amen.
END Sent from Rome by Onesimus a seruaunt. Sent from Rome by Onesimus a servaunt. Sent from Rome by Onesymus a seruaunt. Sent from Rome by Onesimus a seruaunt.