The Gospell of S. Marke. The .xiij. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
The Gospell of S. Marke. The .xiij. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
13:1 | ANd as he went out of the temple/ wō of his disciples sayd vnto hym: Master/ se what stones/ and what bildyngſ are here. | ANd as he went out of the tēple one of his disciples sayde vnto him: Master/ se what stones/ and what byldynges are here. | ANd as he went out of the temple one of his disciples sayde vnto him: Master/ se what stones/ and what byldinges are here. | ANd whan he wēte out of the temple, one of his disciples sayde vnto him: Master, se, what stones and what a buyldinge is this? |
13:2 | And Iesus answered/ and sayde vnto hym: Seist thou these greate byldyngſ? There shall not be leefte one stone apon a nother/ that shall not be throwen doune. | And Iesus answered and sayde vnto him: Seist thou these greate byldinges? There shall not be leefte one stone vpon a another/ that shall not be throwen doune. | And Iesus answered and sayde vnto him: Seyst thou these greate byldinges? There shall not be leefte one stone vpon a another/ that shall not be throwen doune. | And Iesus answered and sayde vnto him: Seist thou all this greate buyldinge? There shal not one stone be left vpō another, yt shal not be broken downe. |
13:3 | And as he sate on mounte olivete over ayenst the tēple/ Peter and Iames and Ihon and Andrew axed hym secretly/ | And as he sate on moūte olivete/ over agēst the tēple/ Peter/ & Iames/ & Iohn/ & Andrew axed him secretly: | And as he sate on mounte Olyuete/ ouer ageynst the temple/ Peter/ and Iames & Iohn/ and Andrew axed him secretly: | And whan he sat vpon mount Oliuete ouer ageynst the temple, Peter and Iames, and Ihon, and Andrew axed him pryuatly: |
13:4 | tell vs whē these thingſ shalbe? And what is the signe/ whē all these thingſ shalbe fulfilled? | tell vs/ when shall these thingſ be? And what is ye signe whē all these thinges shalbe fulfilled? | tell vs/ when shall these thinges be? And what is the signe when all these thinges shalbe fulfilled? | Tell vs, Whan shal all these come to passe? And what shalbe the tokē, whā all these shalbe fulfilled? |
13:5 | And Iesus answered them/ and began to saye: Take hede lest eny mā deceave you. | And Iesus answered thē/ & begā to saye: take hede lest eny man deceave you. | And Iesus answered them/ and began to saye: take hede lest eny man deceaue you. | Iesus answered them, and beganne to saye: Take hede, that no man disceaue you, |
13:6 | For many shall come in my name sayinge: I am Christ/ And shall deceave many. | For many shall come in my name sayinge: I am Christ/ & shall deceave many. | For many shall come in my name sayinge: I am Christ/ and shall deceaue many. | for there shal many come vnder my name, and saye: I am Christ, & shal disceaue many. |
13:7 | When ye shall heare off warre/ and tydingſ off warre/ be ye not troubled. For they muste nedes be. Butt the ende is nott yett. | When ye shall heare of warre and tydingſ of warre/ be ye not troubled. For soche thinges muste nedes be. But the ende is not yet. | When ye shall heare of warre & tydinges of warre/ be ye not troubled. For soche thinges muste nedes be. But the ende is not yet. | But whan ye shal heare of the noyse of warres, be not ye afrayed: for so must it be, but ye ende is not yet. |
13:8 | For there shall nacion aryse agaynste nacion/ and realme agaynste realme. And there shalbe erthquakes/ in all quarters/ and famysshment/ and troubles. These are the begynnynge off sorowes. | For ther shall nacion aryse agaynste nacion/ and kyngdome agaynst kyngdome. And ther shalbe erth quakes in all quarters/ & famyshment and troubles. These are the begynnynge of sorowes. | For ther shall nacion aryse agaynste nacion/ & kyngdome agaynst kyngdome. And ther shalbe erth quakes in all quarters/ & famyshment & troubles. These are the beginnynge of sorowes. | One people shal ryse ageynst another, and one realme ageynst another, and there shal be earth quakes here and there, and derth shal there be and troubles. These are the begynnynge of sorowes. |
13:9 | Butt take ye hede to youre selves. For they shall brynge you vppe to the counsels and into the synagoggſ/ and ye shalbe beeten/ and ye shalbe brought before rulers and kyngſ/ for my sake/ for a testimoniall vnto them. | But take ye hede to youre selves. For they shall bringe you vp to ye counsels & into ye synagoges/ and ye shalbe beaten: ye and shalbe brought before rulers & kynges for my sake/ for a testimoniall vnto them. | But take ye hede to youre selues. For they shall bringe you vp to the counsels & into the synagoges and ye shalbe beaten: ye and shalbe brought before rulers and kynges for my sake/ for a testimoniall vnto them. | But take ye hede to youre selues. For they shal delyuer you vp to the councels, and synagoges, and ye shal be beaten, and shalbe brought before prynces and kynges for my namessake, for a wytnesse vnto thē. |
13:10 | And the gospell muste fyrste be publysshed amonge all nacions. | And the gospell must fyrste be publysshed amōge all nacions. | And the Gospell must fyrste be publisshed amonge all nacions. | And ye gospel must first be preached amōge all people. |
13:11 | Butt when they leade you and presentt you take noo thought/ afore honde what ye shall saye/ nether ymagion: butt whatsoever is geven you att the same tyme/ that speake. For it shall nott be ye that shall speake/ butt the holy goost. | But when they leade you and present you/ toke noo thought afore honde what ye shall saye/ nether ymagion: but whatsoever is gevē you at the same tyme/ that speake. For it shall not be ye that shall speake/ but ye holy goost. | But when they leade you and present you/ take no thought afore honde what ye shall saye nether ymagion: but whatsoeuer is geuen you at the same tyme/ that speake. For it shall not be ye that shall speake/ but the holy goost. | Now whan they shal lede you and delyuer you vp, take ye no thought afore what ye shal saye: and ymagyn ye nothinge afore hande, but what so euer shal be geuē you at the same houre, that speake: for it is not ye that speake, but the holy goost. |
13:12 | Ye and the brother shall delyvre the brother to deeth. And the father the sonne/ And the chyldren shall ryse agaynste their fathers and mothers/ and shall putt them to deeth. | Ye and the brother shall delyvre the brother to deeth/ & the father the sonne/ & the chyldrē shall ryse agaynste their fathers & mothers/ & shall put them to deeth. | Ye and the brother shall deliuer the brother to deeth/ and the father the sonne/ and the chyldren shall ryse agaynste their fathers and mothers/ and shall put them to deeth. | One brother shal delyuer another vnto death, and the father the sonne, & the children shal ryse ageynst their fathers and mothers, and shal helpe them to death, |
13:13 | And ye shalbe hated off all men for my names sake. Butt whosoever shall endure vnto the ende shalbe safe. | And ye shalbe hated of all men for my names sake. But whosoever shall endure vnto the ende/ the same shalbe safe. | And ye shalbe hated of all men for my names sake. But whosoeuer shall endure vnto the ende/ the same shalbe safe. | and ye shal be hated of all men for my names sake. But who so endureth to the ende, shalbe saued. |
13:14 | Moreover when ye se the abominable desolacion/ where off is spoken by Daniel the prophete/ stonde were itt ought nott/ let hym that redeth it vnderstonde itt. Then let them be in iewry/ fle to the mountaynes. | Moreover whē ye se the abhominaciō that betokeneth desolacion/ wherof is spoken by Daniel the Prophet/ stonde where it ought not/ let him that redeth vnderstonde. Then let them that be in Iurie/ fle to the mountaynes. | Moreouer when ye se the abominacion that betokeneth desolacion/ wherof is spoken by Daniel the prophet/ stonde where it ought not/ let him that redeth vnderstonde. Then let them that be in Iurie/ fle to the moūtaynes. | Whan ye shal se the abhominaciō of desolacion (wherof it is spokē by Daniel the prophet) stonde where it ought not (who so readeth it, let him marck it well) then let thē which be in Iewry, flye vnto the mountaynes: |
13:15 | And let hym that is on the housse toppe/ nott descende doune into the housse/ nether entre there in/ to fetche eny thnge oute off his housse. | And let him that is on the housse toppe/ not descende doune into the housse/ nether entre therin/ to fetche eny thinge oute of his housse. | And let him that is on the housse toppe not descende doune into the housse/ nether entre therin/ to fetche eny thinge oute of his housse. | and let him that is on the house toppe not descēde in to the house, ner come therin, to fetch eny thinge out of the house. |
13:16 | And lett hym thatt is in the felde/ not tourne backe agayne vnto tho thynges which he leefte behynde hym/ for to take his cloothes with hym. | And let hym that is in the felde/ not tourne backe agayne vnto tho thinges which he leeft behynde him/ for to take his cloothes with him. | And let him that is in the felde/ not tourne backe agayne vnto the thinges which he leeft behynde him for to take his clothes with him. | And let him that is in the felde, not turne backe to fetch his clothes. |
13:17 | Butt woo is then to them that are with chylde/ ād to them that geve soucke in thoose dayes. | Woo is then to them that are wt chylde/ & to them that geve soucke in thoose dayes. | Wo shalbe then to them that are with chylde/ and to them that geue soucke in those dayes. | But wo vnto them that are with childe, and to them that geue suck in those dayes. |
13:18 | But praye/ that youre flyght be not in the wynter. | But praye/ that youre flyght be not in the wynter. | But praye/ that youre flyght be not in the wynter. | Neuertheles praye ye, that youre flight be not in the wynter. |
13:19 | For there shalbe in those dayes suche tribulacion/ as was not from the begynnynge off creatures/ which God created/ vnto this tyme/ nether shalbe. | For ther shalbe in those dayes suche tribulacion/ as was not from the begynninge of creatures which God created/ vnto this tyme/ nether shalbe. | For ther shalbe in those dayes suche tribulacion/ as was not from the beginnynge of creatures which God created/ vnto this tyme/ nether shalbe. | For in those dayes there shal be soch trouble as was not from the begynnynge of ye creatures which God created, vnto this tyme, nether shal be. |
13:20 | And excepte that the lord had shortened those dayes/ no man shulde be saved/ But for the electſ sake/ which he hath chosen/ he hath shortened thoose dayes. | And excepte yt the Lorde shuld shorten those dayes/ no mā shuld be saved. But for the electes sake/ which he hath chosen/ he hath shortened those dayes. | And excepte that the Lorde shuld shorten those dayes/ no man shuld be saued. But for the electes sake/ which he hath chosen/ he hath shortened those dayes. | And yf ye LORDE had not shortened those dayes, there shulde no man be saued. But for the electes sake whom he hath chosen, he hath shortened those dayes. |
13:21 | And then/ yff eny man saye vnto yno: loo/ here is Christ/ loo/ he is there/ beleve nott. | And then/ yf eny man saye to you: loo/ here is Christ: loo/ he is there/ beleve not. | And then/ yf eny man saye to you: lo/ here is Christ: lo/ he is there/ beleue not. | Now yf eny man shal saye vnto you at yt tyme: Lo, here is Christ: lo, he is there, beleue it not. |
13:22 | For falce christſ shall aryse/ and falce prophetſ/ And shall shewe myracles ād wonders/ to deceave yf it were possible/ evyn the electe. | For falce Christes shall aryse/ and falce Prophetes and shall shewe myracles and wondres/ to deceave yf it were possible/ evyn the electe. | For falce Christes shall ryse/ & falce prophetes/ and shall shewe miracles and wondres/ to deceaue yf it were possible/ euen the electe. | For there shal aryse false Christes, and false prophetes, which shal do tokens & wonders, to disceaue euen the very chosen, yf it were possyble. |
13:23 | But take ye hede/ beholde I have shewed you all thingſ before. | But take ye hede: beholde I have shewed you all thinges before. | But take ye hede: beholde I haue shewed you all thinges before. | But take ye hede, Beholde, I haue tolde you all before. |
13:24 | Moreover in thoose dayes after that tribulacion/ the sunne shall wexe darke/ and the Mone shall not geve her light/ | Moreover in thoose dayes/ after that tribulaciō/ the sunne shall wexe darke/ and the mone shall not geve her light/ | Moreouer in those dayes/ after that tribulacion/ the sunne shall wexe darke/ and the mone shall not geue her lyght/ | But at the same tyme after this trouble, the Sonne and Mone shal lose their light, |
13:25 | and the starres off hevē shall fall/ And the powers which are in heven/ shall move. | and the starres of heven shall fall: and the powers wich are in heven/ shall move. | and the starres of heuen shall fall: and the powers which are in heuen/ shall moue. | and the starres shall fall from heauen, and the powers of the heauens shal moue: |
13:26 | And thē shall they se the sonne of mā cōmynge in the cloudes/ with greate power and glory. | And then shall they se the sonne of man cōmynge in the cloudes/ with greate power and glory. | And then shall they se the sonne of man commynge in the cloudes/ with greate power and glory. | and then shal they se the sonne of man commynge in the cloudes with greate power and glory. |
13:27 | And then shall he sende his angels/ and shall gaddre to gedder his electe from the fouare wyndes/ and from the one ende off the worlde to the other. | And then shall he sende his angels/ and shall gaddre to gedder his electe from the fower wyndes/ and from the one ende of the worlde to the other. | And then shall he sende his angels/ & shall gaddre to geder his electe from the fower wyndes/ and from the one ende of the worlde to the other. | And thē shal he sende his angels, and shal gather together his chosen frō the foure wyndes, from one ende of the earth to the other. |
13:28 | Learne a similitude of the fygge tree. When his braunches are yett tender/ ād hath brought forthe leves/ ye knowe/ that sommer ys neare. | Learne a similitude of ye fygge tree. When his braunches are yet tender/ & hath brought forthe leves/ ye knowe that sommer is neare. | Learne a similitude of the fygge tree. When his braunches are yet tender/ and hath brought forth leues/ ye knowe that sommer is neare. | Lerne a symilitude of the fyge tre: Whā his braunch is yet tēder, and hath brought forth leaues, ye knowe that the Sommer is nye. |
13:29 | So in lyke maner when ye se these thinges come to passe/ vnderstond/ that it ys nye even att the dores. | So in lyke maner when ye se these thinges come to passe: vnderstond/ that it ys nye even at the dores. | So in lyke maner when ye se these thinges come to passe: vnderstond/ that it is nye euen at the dores. | So lykewyse whā ye se all these thinges come to passe, be ye sure, that it is nye euen at the dores. |
13:30 | Verely I saye vnto you/ that thys generacion shall nott passe tyll all these thyngſ be done. | Verely I saye vnto you/ yt this generacion shall not passe/ tyll all these thinges be done. | Verely I saye vnto you/ that this generacion shall not passe/ tyll these thinges be done. | Verely I saye vnto you: this generaciō shal not passe, tyll all these be fulfilled. |
13:31 | Heven and erth shall passe/ butt my wordes shall nott passe. | Heven and erth shall passe/ but my wordes shall not passe. | Heuen and erth shall passe/ but my wordes shall not passe. | Heauen and earth shal perishe, but my wordes shal not perishe. |
13:32 | Butt of the daye and the houre/ knoweth no man: no nott the angels which are in heven: nether the sonne hym silfe/ save the father only. | But of the daye & the houre knoweth no mā: no not the angels which are in heven: nether the sonne him silfe/ save the father only. | But of the daye & the houre knoweth no man: no not the angels which are in heuen: nether the sonne him selfe/ saue the father only. | But of that daye and houre knoweth no man, nether the angels in heauen, no not the sonne him self, but the father onely. |
13:33 | Take hede/ watche/ and praye/ for ye knowe nott when the tyme ys. | Take hede/ watche & praye/ for ye knowe not when the tyme ys. | Take hede/ watche and praye/ for ye knowe not when the tyme is. | Take hede, watch, & praye, for ye knowe not whan the tyme is. |
13:34 | As a man which ys gone in to a straunge countrey and hath lefte hys housse/ and geven auctorite to hys servauntſ/ and to every man hys worke/ and commaunded the porter to watche. | As a man which is gone in to a straunge countrey/ & hath lefte hys housse/ and geven auctorite to his servaūtes/ and to every man hys worke/ and commaunded the porter to watche. | As a man which is gone into a straunge contrey/ and hath lefte his housse/ and geuen auctorite to his seruauntes/ and to euery man his worke/ and cōmaunded the porter to watche. | Like as a man that wente in to a straunge countre, and left his house, and gaue his seruauntes auctorite, vnto euery one his worke, and commaunded ye porter, that he shulde watch. |
13:35 | Watche therfore/ for ye knowe not/ whē the master of the housse wyll come/ whether att even/ or at mydnyght/ whether att the cocke crowynge/ or in the daunynge: | Watche therfore/ for ye knowe not when the master of ye housse will come/ whether at evē or at mydnyght/ whether at the cocke crowynge or in the daunynge: | Watche therfore/ for ye knowe not when the master of the housse will come/ whether at euen or at mydnyght/ whether at the cocke crowynge or in the daunynge: | Watch ye therfore, for ye knowe not whā the master of ye house cōmeth, whether he cōmeth in the euenynge, or at mydnight, or aboute the cock crowynge, or in the mornynge, |
13:36 | lest yff he come sodenly/ he shulde fynde you slepynge. | lest yf he come sodenly/ he shuld fynde you slepynge. | lest yf he come sodenly/ he shuld fynde you slepynge. | that he come not sodenly, and fynde you slepynge. |
13:37 | And that I saye vnto you/ I saye vnto all men/ watche. | And that I saye vnto you/ I saye vnto all men/ watche. | And that I saye vnto you/ I saye vnto all men/ watche. | Loke what I saye vnto you, that saye I vnto all. Watch. |
Mark: Chapter 14
The Gospell of S. Marke. The .xiiij. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
The Gospell of S. Marke. The .xiiij. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
14:1 | AFter two dayes folowed ester/ and the dayes of swete breed. And the hye prestſ and scrybſ sought meanes/ howe they myght take hym by crafte and putt hym to deeth. | AFter two dayes folowed ester/ and the dayes of swete breed. And the hye prestes and the Scrybes sought meanes/ how they myght take hym by crafte and put him to deeth. | AFter two dayes folowed ester/ and the dayes of swete breed. And the hye Prestes & the Scribes sought meanes/ how they myght take him by crafte and put him to deeth. | ANd after two dayes was Easter, and the daies of swete bred. And ye hye prestes & scrybes sought how they might take him with disceate, & put him to death. |
14:2 | Butt they sayde: nott on the feaste daye/ leest eny busynes aryse amonge the people. | But they sayde: not in the feast daye/ leest eny busynes aryse amonge the people. | But they sayde: not in the feast daye/ leest eny busynes aryse amonge people. | But they sayde: Not in the feast daye, lest there be an vproure in the people. |
14:3 | When he was in bethania/ in the housse off Simon the leper/ even as he sate att meate/ there cam a womā with an alablaster boxe of oyntement/ called narde/ that was pure and costly/ and she brake the boxe ād powred it on his heed. | When he was in Bethania/ in the housse of Simon the leper/ even as he sate at meate/ ther came a womā hauynge an alablaster boxe of oyntment called narde/ that was pure and costly: and she brake the boxe and powred it on is heed. | When he was in Bethania/ in the housse of Symon the leper/ euen as he sate at meate/ ther came a woman hauynge an alabaster boxe of oyntment called narde/ that was pure & costly: and she brake the boxe and powred it on is heed. | And when he was at Bethanye in the house of Symon the leper, and sat at the table, there came a woman, which had a boxe of pure and costly Nardus oyntment. And she brake ye boxe, & poured it vpō his heade. |
14:4 | There were some that disdayned ī them selves/ and sayde: what neded this waste of oyntment? | And ther were some that were not content in them selves/ & sayde: what neded this waste of oyntment? | And ther were some that were not cōtent in them selues/ & sayde: what neded this waste of oyntment? | Then were there some, yt disdayned and sayde: Where to serueth this waist? |
14:5 | For it myght have bene soolde for more thē two houndred pens/ and bene gevē vnto the povre. And they grudged agaynste her. | For it myght have bene soolde for more then thre hundred pens/ and bene gevē vnto the poore. And they grudged agaynste hir. | For it myght haue bene soolde for more then thre hundred pens/ & bene geuen vnto the poore. And they grudged agaynst hyr. | This oyntment might haue bene solde for more then thre hundreth pens, & bene geuē to ye poore. And they grudged agaynst her. |
14:6 | And Iesus sayd: lett her be in reest/ why greve ye her? She hath done a goode worke on me. | And Iesus sayde: let hir be in reest/ why trouble ye hir? She hath done a good worke on me. | And Iesus sayde: let hyr be in reest/ why trouble ye hyr? She hath done a good worke on me. | But Iesus sayde: let her be in rest. Why trouble ye her? She hath done a good worke vpō me. |
14:7 | Ye/ ād ye shall have povre with you all wayes: and whē soever ye will/ ye maye do them goode: butt me ye shal not have alwayes. | For ye shall have poore with you all wayes: and when soever ye will/ ye maye do them good: but me ye shall not have alwayes. | For ye shall haue poore with you all wayes: & when soeuer ye will ye maye do them good: but me ye shall not haue alwayes. | Ye haue allwaye the poore with you, and whā so euer ye wil, ye maye do thē good: but me haue ye not allwaie. |
14:8 | She hath done that she coulde: she cam a fore hōde to anoynt my boddy to his buryinge warde. | She hath done that she coulde: she came a fore honde to anoynt my boddy to his buryinge warde. | She hath done that she coulde: she came a fore honde to anoynt my boddy to his buryinge warde. | She hath done what she coulde, she is come before, to anoynte my body for my buriall. |
14:9 | Verely I saye vnto you: wheresoever thys gospell shalbe preached thorow out the whole worlde: thys also that she hath done/ shalbe rehearsed in remembraunce of her. | Verely I saye vnto you: wheresoever this gospell shalbe preached thorowout the whole worlde: thys also that she hath done/ shalbe rehearsed in remembraunce of her. | Verely I saye vnto you: wheresoeuer this gospell shalbe preached thorowout the whole worlde: this also that she hath done/ shalbe rehearsed in remembraunce of her. | Verely I saye vnto you: Where so euer this gospell shal be preached in all the worlde, there shal this also that she hath now done, be tolde for a remembraunce of her. |
14:10 | And Iudas Iscarioth/ won off the twelve/ went awaye vnto the hye prestſ/ to betraye him vnto thē. | And Iudas Iscarioth/ one of the twelve/ went awaye vnto the hye prestes/ to betraye hym vnto them. | And Iudas Iscarioth/ one of the twelue/ went awaye vnto the hye Prestes/ to betraye him vnto them. | And Iudas Iscarioth one of the twolue wente vnto the hye prestes, to betraye him vnto them. |
14:11 | Whē they herde that/ they were gladde/ and promised that they wolde geve hym money. And he sought/ howe he myght cōvenyently betraye hym. | When they herde that/ they were gladde/ & promised yt they wolde geve him money. And he sought/ howe he myght conveniently betraye him. | When they herde that/ they were gladde/ and promised that they wolde geue him money. And he sought/ howe he myght conueniently betraye him. | Whan they herde yt, they were glad, & promysed that they wolde geue him money. And he sought, how he might cōueniently betraye him. |
14:12 | And the fyrst daye of swete breed/ when they offered the pascal lambe/ his disciples sayd vnto hym: where wylt thou that we goo ād prepare that thou mayste eate the ester lambe? | And the fyrste daye of swete breed/ when men offer ye pascall lambe/ his disciples sayd vnto him: where wilt thou that we goo & prepare/ that thou mayst eate the ester lambe? | And the fyrste daye of swete breed/ when men offer the pascall lambe/ his disciples sayd vnto him: where wilt thou that we go and prepare/ that thou mayst eate the ester lambe? | And vpon ye first daye of swete bred, whā the Easter lambe was offered, his disciples sayde vnto him: Where wilt thou yt we go and prepare, yt thou mayest eate ye Easter lābe? |
14:13 | And he sent fourth two of his disciples/ and sayde vnto them: Goo ye into the cite/ and there shall a man mete you berīge a pitcher of water/ folowe hym: | And he sent forth two of his disciples/ & sayde vnto them: Goo ye into the cyte/ and ther shall a man mete you beringe a pitcher of water/ folowe him. | And he sent forth two of his disciples/ and sayde vnto them: Go ye into the cite/ and ther shall a man mete you beringe a pitcher of water/ folowe him. | And he sent two of his disciples, and sayde vnto them: Go youre waye into the cite, and there shal mete you a mā bearinge a pitcher with water, folowe him, |
14:14 | And whidthersoever he goeth in/ saye ye to the good man off the housse: The master axeth where is the geest chambre/ where I shall eate the ester lambe with my disciples. | And whither soever he goeth in/ saye ye to ye good man of ye housse: the master axeth where is the geest chambre/ where I shall eate ye ester lambe with my disciples. | And whythersoeuer he goeth in/ saye ye to the good man of the housse: the master axeth where is the geest chambre/ where I shall eate the ester lambe with my disciples. | & where so euer he goeth in, there saye ye to the good man of the house: The Master sendeth the worde: Where is the gest house, wherin I maye eate the Easter lābe, wt my disciples? |
14:15 | And he wyll shewe you a greate parlour/ paved/ and prepared: there make reddy for vs. | And he will shewe you a greate parlour/ paved & prepared: there make ready for vs. | And he will shewe you a greate parlour/ paued and prepared: there make ready for vs. | And he shal shewe you a greate parlour, which is paued & prepared, there make readye for vs. |
14:16 | And his disciples went forth/ and cam in to the cite/ and founde as he had sayd vnto them/ and made reddy the ester lambe. | And his disciples went forth & came to the cyte/ & founde as he had sayd vnto them: and made ready the ester lambe. | And his disciples went forth and came to the cite/ and founde as he had sayd vnto them: and made ready the ester lambe. | And ye disciples wēte forth, & came in to ye cite, & foūde it as he had sayde vnto thē. And they prepared ye Easter lambe. |
14:17 | And att evē/ he cam with the twelve. | And at even he came with the .xii. | And at euen he came with the .xij. | At euen he came wt the twolue. |
14:18 | And as they sate att borde and ate/ Iesus sayde: Verly I saye vnto you: that won off you shall betraye me/ which eateth with me. | And as they sate at borde and ate/ Iesus sayde: Verely I saye vnto you: that one of you shall betraye me/ which eateth with me. | And as they sate at borde and ate/ Iesus sayde: Verely I saye vnto you: that one of you shall betraye me which eateth with me. | And as they sat at the table & ate, Iesus sayde: Verely I saye vnto you: One of you yt eateth wt me, shal betraye me. |
14:19 | And they began to morne/ and to saye to hym won by won: ys it I? And another sayde: Ys it I? | And they begāne to morne/ & to saye to him one by one: ys it I? And a nother sayde: ys it I? | And they beganne to morne/ and to saye to him one by one: is it I? And a nother sayde: is it I? | And they were sory, & sayde vnto hī one after another: Is it I? & another (sayde:) is it I? |
14:20 | he answered/ and sayd vnto them: It is won of the .xij. and the same depeth with me in the platter. | He answered and sayde vnto them: It ys one of the .xii. and the same deppeth with me in the platter. | He answered & sayde vnto them: It is one of the .xij: and the same deppeth with me in the platter. | He answered & saide vnto thē: One of the twolue, euen ye same yt dyppeth with me in ye platter. |
14:21 | The sonne of mā goeth/ as it is written of hym: but woo be to that man/ by whome the sonne of man is betrayed. Goode were hitt for hym/ if that man had never bene borne. | The sonne of man goeth/ as it ys written of him: but woo be to that man/ by whome the sonne of man is betrayed. Good were it for him/ if that man had never bene borne. | The sonne of man goeth/ as it is written of him: but wo be to that man/ by whome the sonne of man is betrayed. Good were it for him/ yf that man had neuer bene borne. | The sonne of man truly goeth forth, as it is wryttē of hī. But wo vnto that mā, by whom the sonne of man is betrayed. It were better for the same man, that he had neuer bene borne. |
14:22 | And as they ate/ Iesus toke breede/ gave thākſ/ brake it and gave it to them and sayd: Take/ eate/ Thys ys my body. | And as they ate/ Iesus toke breede/ blessed & brake & gave to them and sayde: Take/ eate/ this ys my body. | And as they ate/ Iesus toke breede/ blessed and brake and gaue to them and sayde: Take/ eate/ this is my body. | And as they ate, Iesus toke the bred, gaue thankes, & brake it, and gaue it thē, & sayde: Take, eate, this is my body. |
14:23 | And he toke the coppe/ gave thankſ/ and gave it to them/ ād they drōke all off it/ | And he toke the cup/ gave thankes/ and gave it to them/ & they all dranke of it. | And he toke the cup/ gaue thankes/ and gaue it to them/ and they all dranke of it. | And he toke the cuppe, thāked, and gaue it thē, and they all dranke therof. |
14:24 | And he sayde vnto them: Thys ys my bloude of the newe testament/ which shalbe sheed for many. | And he sayde vnto them: This is my bloude of the new testament which is sheed for many. | And he sayde vnto them: This is my bloude of the new Testament which is sheed for many. | And he sayde vnto them: This is my bloude of the new Testament, which shalbe shed for many. |
14:25 | Verely I saye vnto you: I wyll drynke no moore off this frute off the vyne/ vntyll that daye/ that I shall drynke it newe in the kyngdom of god. | Verely I saye vnto you: I will drinke no moore of this frute of the vyne/ vntyll that daye/ that I drinke it new in the kyngdome of God. | Verely I saye vnto you: I will drinke no moore of this frute of the vyne/ vntyll that daye/ that I drincke it new in the kyngdome of God. | Verely I saye vnto you, that from hence forth I wil not drynke of the frute of the vyne, tyll ye daye yt I drynke it new in ye kyngdome of God. |
14:26 | And when they had sayd grace/ they went out in to the mount olivete. | And when they had sayd grace/ they went out to mount Olyvete. | And when they had sayd grace: they went out to mount Olyuete. | And whā they had sayde grace, they wēte forth vnto mount Oliuete. |
14:27 | And Iesus sayde vnto them: All ye shalbe hurtt thorowe me thys nyght/ For it is written: I wyll smyte the shepheerd/ and the sheepe shalbe scattered. | And Iesus sayde vnto them: All ye shalbe offended thorow me this nyght. For it is wryttē: I will smyte ye shepeherd/ & the shepe shalbe scattered. | And Iesus sayde vnto them: All ye shalbe offended thorow me this nyght. For it is written: I will smyte the shepeherd/ & the shepe shalbe scattered. | And Iesus sayde vnto them: This night shal ye all be offended in me, for it is wrytten: I wil smyte the sheperde, & the shepe shal be scatred abrode. |
14:28 | Butt after that I am rysen agayne I wyll goo into galile before you. | But after that I am rysen agayne/ I will goo into Galile before you. | But after that I am rysen agayne/ I will go into Galile before you. | Neuertheles after yt I am rysen agayne, I wil go before you in to Galile. |
14:29 | Peter sayde vnto hym: And though all men shulde be hurte/ yett wolde nott I. | Peter sayde vnto him: And though all men shuld be offended/ yet wolde not I. | Peter sayde vnto him: And though all men shuld be offended/ yet wolde not I. | But Peter sayde vnto him: And though all men shulde be offended, yet wolde not I be offended. |
14:30 | And Iesus sayd vnto hym: Verely I saye vnto the thys daye even in this nyght/ before the cocke crowe twyse/ thou shallt deney me thryse. | And Iesus sayd vnto him: Verely I saye vnto ye/ this daye even in this nyght/ before ye cocke crowe twyse/ thou shalt denye me thryse. | And Iesus sayd vnto him: Verely I saye vnto the/ this daye euen in this nyght before the cocke crowe twyse/ thou shalt denye me thryse. | And Iesus sayde vnto him: Verely I saye vnto ye: Todaye in this same night, before ye cock crowe two tymes, shalt thou denye me thryse. |
14:31 | And he spake boldlyer: no/ if I shulde dey with the/ I woll not deny the Lyke wyse also sayd they all. | And he spake boldlyer: no/ yf I shulde dye wt the/ I will not deny the. Lyke wyse also sayd they all. | And he spake boldlyer: no/ yf I shulde dye with the/ I will not deny the. Lyke wyse also sayd they all. | But he saide yet more: Yee though I shulde dye wt ye, yet wil I not denie ye. So saide they all ī like maner. |
14:32 | And they cam in to a place named gethsemani/ And he sayde to his disciples: Sitt ye here/ whyll I goo aparte and praye. | And they came into a place named Gethsemani. And he sayde to his disciples: Syt ye here/ whyll I goo aparte & praye. | And they came into a place named Gethsemany. And he sayde to his disciples: Syt ye here whyll I go aparte and praye. | And they came in to ye felde called Gethsemane, and he saide vnto his disciples: Syt ye here, tyll I go yonder, and praye. |
14:33 | And he toke with hym Peter/ Iames/ and Ihon/ and he began to waxe abasshede and to be in an agony. | And he toke with him Peter/ Iames & Iohn/ & he began to waxe abasshed & to be in an agonye | And he toke with him Peter/ Iames and Iohn/ & he began to waxe abasshed & to be in an agonye | And he toke with him Peter & Iames, & Ihon, and begāne to waxe fearefull, & to be in an agonye, |
14:34 | And sayde vnto them: My soule is very hevy even vnto the deeth/ tary here and watche. | & sayde vnto thē: My soule is very hevy even vnto the deeth/ tary here and watche. | and sayde vnto them: My soule is very heuy euen vnto the deeth tary here and watche. | & sayde vnto thē: My soule is heuy euē vnto ye death: tary ye here and watch. |
14:35 | And he wēt forth a lytle and fell dounne on the groūde ād prayede/ That yf it were possible/ the houre myght passe from hym/ | And he went forth a lytle and fell doune on ye grounde & prayed: that yf it were possible/ the houre myght passe from him. | And he went forth a lytle and fell doune on the grounde and prayed: that yf it were possible/ the houre myght passe from him. | And he wente forth a litle, fell vpon the grounde and prayed, that, (yf it were possyble) ye houre might passe frō him, |
14:36 | And he sayde: Abba father/ all thingſ are possible vnto the/ take awaye this cuppe from me. neverthelesse nott that I wyll/ butt that thowe wilt be done. | And he sayd: Abba father/ all thinges are possible vnto the/ take awaye this cup from me. Neverthelesse not that I will/ but that thou wilt/ be done. | And he sayd: Abba father/ all thinges are possible vnto the take awaye this cup from me. Neuerthelesse not that I will: but that thou wilt/ be done. | and sayde: Abba, my father, all thinges are possyble vnto the, take this cuppe awaye fro me: Neuertheles not what I wyl, but what thou wilt. |
14:37 | And he cā/ and founde them slepīge/ ād sayd to Peter: Simon slepest thou? Coudest not thou watche with me one houre? | And he cam & founde thē slepinge/ & sayd to Peter: Simon/ slepest thou? Couldest not thou watche with me one houre? | And he cam and founde them slepynge/ and sayd to Peter: Symon slepest thou? Couldest not thou watche with me one houre? | And he came vnto them, and founde thē slepynge, and sayde vnto Peter: Symon, slepest thou? Couldest thou not watch with me one houre? |
14:38 | watche ye/ and praye/ leest ye entre into temptacion/ the sprete is redy/ but the flesshe is weeke. | watche ye/ & praye/ leest ye entre into temptacion: ye sprete is redy/ but ye flessh is weeke. | watche ye/ and praye leest ye entre into temptacion: the sprete is redy but the flessh is weeke. | Watch and praye, that ye fal not in to temptacion. The sprete is wyllinge, but ye flesh is weake. |
14:39 | And agayne he wēt awaye and prayde/ and spake the same wordſ. | And agayne he went awaye & prayde/ & spake ye same wordes. | And agayne he went awaye and prayde and spake the same wordes. | And he wēte forth agayne, and prayde, and spake the same wordes, |
14:40 | And he returned and founde them aslepe agayne/ for their eyes were hevy: nether coulde they tell what they myght answere to hym. | And he returned and founde them a slepe agayne/ for their eyes were hevy: nether wist they what to answere him. | And he returned and founde them a slepe agayne for their eyes were heuy: nether wist they what to answere him. | and returned, and founde them slepynge agayne: for their eyes were heuy, & they knewe not what they shulde answere him. |
14:41 | And he cā the thyrde tyme/ and sayd vnto them: slepe hens forth ād take youre ease. It ys ynough. The houre is come/ Beholde the sonne of man shalbe delyvred into the hondſ of synners. | And he cam the thyrde tyme/ & sayd vnto thē: slepe hens forth & take youre ease/ it is ynough. The houre is come/ beholde ye sonne of man shalbe delyvered into ye hondes of synners. | And he cam the thyrde tyme and sayd vnto them: slepe hens forth/ and take youre ease/ it is ynough. The houre is come/ beholde the sonne of man shalbe deliuered into the hondes of synners. | And he came the thirde tyme, and sayde vnto them: Slepe on now, and take youre rest, It is ynough, the houre is come: beholde, ye sonne of man shalbe delyuered in to the handes of synners: |
14:42 | Ryse vppe/ let vs goo/ Loo he that betrayeth me/ is come nye. | Ryse vp/ let vs goo. Loo he that betrayeth me/ is at hande. | Ryse vp/ let vs go. Lo he that betrayeth me/ is at hande. | aryse, let vs be goynge. Beholde, he is at hande, that betrayeth me. |
14:43 | And immediatly whill he yett spake cam Iudas/ won off the twelve/ and with hyme a greate nomber off people with sweardes and staves from the hye prestes and scribes and seniours. | And immediatly whyll he yet spake/ came Iudas one of the twelve/ & with him a greate nomber of people with sweardes & staves from the hye prestes and scribes and elders. | And immediatly whyll he yet spake came Iudas one of the twelue/ and with him a greate nomber of people with sweardes and staues from the hye Prestes and Scribes and elders. | And immediatly whyle he yet spake, came Iudas one of the twolue, and with him a greate multitude, with swerdes and staues from the hye prestes and scrybes and elders. |
14:44 | He that betrayed hym/ gave them a generall token/ sayinge: whosoever I do kisse/ he it is/ take hym/ and leade hym awaye warely. | And he that betrayed him/ had geven them a generall tokē sayinge: whosoever I do kisse/ he it is: take him & leade him awaye warely. | And he that betrayed him had geuen them a generall token sayinge: whosoeuer I do kisse/ he it is: take him and leade him awaye warely. | And the traytoure had geuen them a tokē, and sayde: Whom so euer I kysse, that same is he, laye handes vpon him, and lede him awaye warely. |
14:45 | And as sone as he was come/ he went streight waye to hī/ And sayd vnto hym: master/ master/ and kissed hī. | And assone as he was come/ he went streyght waye to him/ and sayd vnto him: master master/ and kissed him. | And assone as he was come/ he went streyght waye to him/ & sayd vnto him: master/ master/ and kissed him. | And whā he was come, he wente straight waye vnto him, and sayde vnto him: O master, master, and kyssed him. |
14:46 | And they leyde their hondſ on him. ād toke hī. | And they layde their hondes on him/ & toke him. | And they layde their hondes on him/ and toke him. | Then layed they their handes vpon him, & toke him. |
14:47 | Won off them that stode by drue out a swearde/ and smote a servaunt off the hye preste/ and cutt off hys eare. | And one of them that stode by/ drue out a swearde/ and smote a servaunt of the hye preste/ and cut of his eare. | And one of them that stode by/ drue out a swearde/ and smote a seruaūt of the hye Preste/ and cut of his eare. | But one of thē that stode by, drew out his swerde, and smote the hye prestes seruaunt, and cut of his eare. |
14:48 | And Iesus answered and sayd vnto them: ye cam out as vnto a thefe with sweardes ād with staves ffor to take me/ | And Iesus answered & sayd vnto thē: ye be come out as vnto a thefe wt sweardes & with staves/ for to take me. | And Iesus answered and sayd vnto them: ye become out as vnto a thefe with sweardes and with staues/ for to take me. | And Iesus answered, and sayde vnto thē: Ye are come forth as it were to a murthurer with swerdes and with staues to take me. |
14:49 | I was dayly with you in the temple teachīge/ and ye toke me not/ but that the scripturſ shulde be fulfilled: | I was dayly with you in ye temple teachinge & ye toke me not: but yt the scriptures shuld be fulfilled. | I was dayly with you in the temple teachinge/ and ye toke me not: but that the scriptures shuld be fulfylled. | I was daylie with you in the temple, and taught, and ye toke me not. But this is done, that the scrypture maye be fulfilled. |
14:50 | and they all forsoke hym and rāne awaye. | And they all forsoke him & ranne awaye. | And they all forsoke him and ranne awaye. | And all the disciples forsoke him, and fled. |
14:51 | And there was a certeyne yonge man thatt folowed hym cloothed in linē apō the bare/ ād the yonge mē caught hym/ | And ther folowed him a certeyne yonge man/ cloothed in lynnen apon ye bare/ & the yongemen caught him/ | And ther folowed him a certeyne yonge man/ clothed in lynnen apon the bare/ and the yongemen caught him/ | And there folowed him a yonge mā, which was clothed in lynnen vpon the bare skynne, and the yonge mē toke holde of him. |
14:52 | and he lefte his lynnē and fleed from thē nakeed. | & he lefte his lynnen and fleed from them naked. | and he lefte his lynnen/ and fleed from them naked. | But he let the lynnen go, and fled naked from them. |
14:53 | And they leedde Iesus awaye to the hyest preste off all/ and to hym came all the hye prestes/ and the seniours/ ād the scribes. | And they leed Iesus awaye to ye hyest preste of all/ and to him came all the hye prestes/ and the elders/ and the scribes. | And they leed Iesus awaye to the hyest Preste of all and to him came all the hye Prestes/ and the elders/ and the Scribes. | And they led Iesus vnto the hye prest, where all ye hye prestes, and elders and scrybes were come together. |
14:54 | And Peter folowed a greate way of even into the pallys of the hye preste/ and he was there and sat with the servauntſ/ and warmed hym silfe att the fyre. | And Peter folowed him a greate waye of/ even into the pallys of the hye preste/ & sat with the servauntes/ and warmed him sylfe at the fyre. | And Peter folowed him a greate waye of euen into the pallys of the hye Preste/ & sat with the seruauntes/ and warmed him selfe at the fyre. | As for Peter, he folowed him afarre of in to the hye prestes palace. And he was there, and sat with the seruauntes, and warmed him. |
14:55 | And the hye prestſ and all the counsell sought for witnes agaynste Iesu/ to putt hym to deeth/ And they founde noone. | And the hye prestes & all ye counsell sought for witnes agaynste Iesu/ to put him to death/ and founde noone. | And the hye Prestes & all the counsell sought for witnes agaynste Iesu/ to put him to death/ and founde noone. | But the hye prestes and the whole councell sought wytnesse agaynst Iesus, yt they might brynge him to death, and they founde none. |
14:56 | Yett many bare falce witnes agaynste hym/ butt their witnes agreed not to gedder. | Yet many bare falce witnes agaynste him/ but their witnes aggreed not to geder. | Yet many bare falce witnes agaynste him/ but their witnes aggreed not to gether. | Many gaue false wytnesse agaynst him, but their wytnesses agreed not together. |
14:57 | And there aroose certayne and brought falce witnes againste hym/ sayīge: | And ther aroose certayne and brought falce witnes agaynste him/ sayinge. | And ther aroose certayne & brought falce witnes agaynste him sayinge. | And some stode vp, and gaue false wytnes agaynst him, and sayde: |
14:58 | We herde hym saye: I wyll destroye this temple made with hondes/ and with in thre dayes I wyll bilde another made with out hondes. | We herde him saye: I will destroye this temple made with hondes/ and with in thre dayes I will bylde another/ made with out hondſ. | We herde him saye: I will destroye this temple made with hondes/ and with in thre dayes I will bylde another/ made with out hondes. | We herde him saye: I wil breake downe this temple that is made with hōdes, and in thre dayes buylde another not made wt handes. |
14:59 | And there witnes aggreed not to gedder. | But their witnes agreed not to geder. | But their witnes agreed not to geder. | But their wytnesse agreed not together. |
14:60 | And the hyeste preste stode vppe before them all/ and axed Iesus sayinge: answerest thou nothinge? Howe is it that these beare witnes agaynst the? | And the hyeste preste stode vp amongest them/ & axed Iesus sayinge: answerest thou nothinge? How is it that these beare witnes agaynst the? | And the hyeste Preste stode vp amongest thē/ & axed Iesus sayinge: answerest thou nothinge? How is it that these beare witnes agaynst the? | And the hye prest stode vp amonge them, and axed Iesus, and sayde: Answerest thou nothinge vnto it, that these testifie agaynst the? |
14:61 | And he helde his peace/ and answered noothynge. Agayne the hyeste preste axed hym/ and sayde vnto hym: Arte thou Christ the sonne off the blessed? | And he helde his peace/ and answered noothinge. Agayne the hyeste Preste axed him/ & sayde vnto him: Arte thou Christ the sonne of the blessed? | And he helde his peace/ and answered nothinge. Agayne the hyeste Preste axed him and sayde vnto him: Arte thou Christ the sonne of the blessed? | But he helde his tunge, and answered nothinge. Thē the hye prest axed him agayne, and sayde vnto him: Art thou Christ the sonne of the blessed? |
14:62 | And Iesus sayde: I am. And ye shall se the sonne off man sitt on the ryght honde of power/ and come in the cloudes off hevē. | And Iesus sayde: I am. And ye shall se the sonne of man syt on the ryght honde of power/ and come in the cloudes of heven. | And Iesus sayde: I am. And ye shall se the sonne of man syt on the ryght honde of power and come in the cloudes of heauen. | Iesus sayde: I am. And ye shal se the sonne of man syt at the right hande of power, and come in the cloudes of heauē. |
14:63 | Thē the hyest preste rent his cloothes and sayd: what nede we eny further of witnes? | Then the hyest preste rent his cloothes and sayd: what nede we eny further of witnes? | Then the hyest preste rent his clothes & sayd: what nede we eny further of witnes? | Then the hye prest rent his clothes, & sayde: What nede we eny mo wytnesses? |
14:64 | ye have herde the blasphemy/ what thinke ye? And they all gave sentence that he was worthy of deeth. | Ye have herde the blasphemy what thinke ye? And they all gave sentence yt he was worthy of deeth. | Ye haue hearde the blasphemy/ what thinke ye? And they all gaue sentence that he was worthy of deeth. | Ye haue herde the blasphemy. What thynke ye? They all cōdemned him, that he was giltie of death. |
14:65 | And some began to spit at hym/ and to cover his face/ and to bet hym with their fistſ/ and to saye vnto him arede vnto vs. And the servauntes boffeted him on the face. | And some begāne to spit at him/ & to cover his face/ & to bete him with fistes/ & to saye vnto him/ arede vnto vs. And the servauntes boffeted him on the face. | And some begāne to spit at him/ & to couer his face/ & to bete him with fistes/ and to saye vnto him/ arede vnto vs? And the seruaūtes boffeted him on the face. | Then beganne there some to spyt vpō him, and to couer his face, and to smyte him with fistes, and to saye vnto him Prophecie vnto vs. And the seruauntes smote him on the face. |
14:66 | And Peter was beneeth in the pallys/ and there cam won off the wenches off the hyest preste/ | And as Peter was beneeth in ye pallys/ ther came one of ye wēches of ye hyest preste: | And as Peter was beneeth in the pallys/ ther came one of the wenches of the hyest preste: | And Peter was beneth in ye palace. Thē came one of the wenches of the hye prest: |
14:67 | And when she sawe Petre warmynge hym silfe/ she loked on hym/ and sayd: wast not thou also with Iesus of Nazareth? | & whē she saw Petre warmynge him sylfe/ she loked on him/ & sayd: wast not thou also wt Iesus of Nazareth? | & when she sawe Peter warminge him selfe/ she loked on him/ & sayde: wast not thou also with Iesus of Nazareth? | And whā she sawe Peter warmynge him, she loked vpō hī, and sayde: And thou wast with Iesus of Nazareth also. |
14:68 | And he denyed it sayinge: I knowe hym not/ nether wott I what thou sayest: And he went out in to the poorche/ and the cocke crewe. | And he denyed it sayinge: I knowe him not/ nether wot I what thou sayest. And he went out into ye poorche/ & the cocke crewe. | And he denyed it saying: I knowe him not/ nether wot I what thou sayest. And he went out into the porche/ and the cocke crewe. | But he denyed, & sayde: I knowe him not, nether can I tell what thou sayest. And he wente out in to the fore courte, and the cock crew. |
14:69 | And a damsell sawe hym/ and agayne began to saye to them that stode by/ thys ys won of them. | And a damsell sawe him/ & agayne beganne to saye to thē that stode by/ this is one of thē. | And a damsell sawe him/ & agayne beganne to saye to them that stode by/ this is one of thē. | And a damsell sawe him, and beganne agayne to saye vnto them that stode by: This is one of them. |
14:70 | And he denyed yt agayne. And anon after/ agayne they that stode by/ sayde to Peter: suerly thou arte won off them/ for thou arte of galile/ and thy speache agreth therto. | And he denyed it agayne. And anone after/ they that stode by/ sayde agayne to Peter: suerly thou arte one of thē/ for thou arte of Galile/ & thy speache agreth therto. | And he denyed it agayne. And anone after/ they that stode by/ sayde agayne to Peter: suerly thou arte one of thē/ for thou arte of Galile/ & thy speache agreth therto. | And he denyed it agayne. And after a litle whyle they yt stode by, sayde agayne vnto him: Of a trueth thou art one of them for thou art a Galilean, and thy speach soundeth euen alike. |
14:71 | And he began to coursse and to sweare/ sayinge/ I knowe nott thys man off whom ye speake. | And he beganne to cursse & to sweare sayinge: I knowe not this man of whom ye speake. | And he begāne to cursse and to sweare sayinge: I knowe not this man of whom ye speake. | But he begāne to curse and sweare: I knowe not the man, that ye speabe of. |
14:72 | And agayne the cocke crewe. And Peter remembred the worde that Iesus sayd vnto him: before the cocke crowe twyse thou shalt deny me thryse/ and began to wepe. | And agayne the cocke krewe/ and Peter remembred the worde that Iesus sayd vnto him: before the cocke crowe twyse/ thou shalt deny me thryse & beganne to wepe. | And agayne the cocke krewe/ & Peter remembred the worde that Iesus sayde vnto him: before the cocke crowe twyse/ thou shalt denye me thryse/ & beganne to wepe. | And the cock crew agayne. Then thought Peter vpon the worde, that Iesus sayde vnto him: Before ye cock crow two tymes, thou shalt denye me thryse. And he beganne to wepe. |
Mark: Chapter 15
The Gospell of S. Marke. The .xv. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
The Gospell of S. Marke. The .xv. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
15:1 | ANd anon in the dawnynge heelde the hye prestes a counsell with the seniours ād the scribſ/ And also the whoole congregacion/ and bounde Iesus and ledde hym awaye/ and delyvered hym to Pilate. | ANd anone in ye dawnynge the hye prestes helde counsell wt ye elders & ye scribes/ & ye whoole cōgregacion/ & bounde Iesus & ledde him awaye/ & delivered him to Pilate. | ANd anone in the dawninge the hye prestes helde counsell with the elders and the scribes/ & the whoole congregaciō/ and bounde Iesus & ledde him awaye/ & deliuered him to Pilate. | ANd soone in the mornynge the hye prestes helde a councell wt the elders and scrybes and the whole councell, & bounde Iesus, and led him awaye, and delyuered him vnto Pylate. |
15:2 | And Pilate axed hym: Arte thou the kynge off the Iewes? And he answered/ and sayde vnto hym: thou sayest yt. | And Pilate axed him: arte thou the kynge of the Iewes? And he answered & sayde vnto him: thou sayest it. | And Pylate axed him: arte thou the kynge of the Iewes? And he answered & sayde vnto him: thou sayest it. | And Pylate axed him: Art thou the kynge of the Iewes? He answered, and sayde vnto him: Thou sayest it. |
15:3 | And the hye prestes accused hym off many thyngſ. | And the hye prestes accused him of many thinges. | And the hye prestes accused him of many thinges. | And the hye prestes accused him sore. |
15:4 | Pylate axed hym agayne/ sayinge: Answerest thou nothynge? Behoolde howe many thingſ they lay vnto thy chard? | Wherfore Pilate axed him agayne sayinge: Answerest thou nothinge? Beholde how many thinges they lay vnto thy charge. | Wherfore Pylate axed him agayne sayinge: Answerest thou nothinge? Beholde how many thinges they lay vnto thy charge. | But Pylate axed him agayne, and sayde: Answerest thou nothinge? Beholde, how sore they laye to yi charge. |
15:5 | Iesus yett answered never a worde/ so that Pilate merveled. | Iesus yet answered never aworde/ so that Pilate merveled. | Iesus yet answered neuer a worde/ so that Pylate merueled. | Neuertheles Iesus answered nomore, in so moch yt Pylate marueyled. |
15:6 | Att the feast Pilate was wont to delyvre att their pleasure a presoner: whōsoever they wolde desyre. | At that feast Pilate was wont to delivre at their pleasure a presoner: whomsoever they wolde desyre. | At that feast Pylate was wont to deliuer at their pleasure a presoner: whomsoeuer they wolde desyre. | At that feast of Easter he was wonte to delyuer vnto them a presoner, whom so euer they wolde desyre. |
15:7 | And there was one named Barrabas/ which laye bounde with them/ that caused in surrettion/ and in the in surrection cōmitted murther. | And ther was one named Barrabas/ which laye bounde with thē that made insurreccion/ & in the insurreccion cōmitted murther. | And ther was one named Barrabas/ which laye bounde with them that made insurreccion/ and in the insurreccion committed murther. | There was ī preson with the sedicious, one called Barrabas, which in the vproure had committed murthur. |
15:8 | And the people called vnto hym/ and began to desyre off hym/ accordinge as he had ever done vnto them. | And ye people called vnto him/ & began to desyre accordinge as he had ever done vnto them. | And the people called vnto him/ and begā to desyre accordinge as he had euer done vnto them. | And the people wente vp, and prayed him, that he wolde do, as he was wonte. |
15:9 | Pylate answered them/ and sayd: Wyll ye that I loose vnto you the kynge off the Iewes? | Pylate answered them and sayd: Will ye that I lowse vnto you the kynge of the Iewes? | Pylate answered thē & sayde: Will ye that I lowse vnto you the kinge of the Iewes? | Pylate answered them: wyl ye that I geue lowse vnto you the kynge of the Iewes? |
15:10 | For he knewe that the hye prestes had delyvered hym off envy. | For he knewe that the hye Prestes had delyvered him of envy. | For he knewe that the hye Prestes had deliuered him of enuy. | For he knew, that ye hye prestes had delyuered him of envye. |
15:11 | Butt the hye prestes had moved the people that he shulde rather delyvre Barrabas vnto them. | But the hye prestes had moved the people/ that he shuld rather delyvre Barrabas vnto them. | But the hye prestes had moued the people that he shulde rather deliuer Barrabas vnto them. | But the hye prestes moued ye people, that he shulde rather geue Barrabas lowse vnto them. |
15:12 | Pylate answered agayne/ and sayd vnto thē: What wyll ye then that I do with hym/ whom ye call the kynge of the Iewes? | And Pylate answered agayne/ and sayd vnto thē: What will ye then that I do wt him whom ye call ye kynge of ye Iewes? | And Pylate answered agayne/ and sayde vnto them: What will ye then that I do with him whō ye call the kynge of the Iewes? | Pylate answered agayne, and sayde vnto them: What wil ye thē that I do vnto him, whom ye accuse to be kynge of the Iewes? |
15:13 | And they cryed agayne: crucify hym. | And they cryed agayne: crucifie him. | And they cryed agayne: crucifie him. | They cried agayne: Crucifie hī. |
15:14 | Pylate sayde vnto them: What harme hath he done? And they cryed the moore fervently: crucifi hym. | Pylate sayde vnto them: What evell hath he done? And they cryed ye moore fervently: crucifie him. | Pylate sayde vnto thē: What euyll hath he done? And they cryed the moare feruentlye: Crucifie him. | Pylate sayde vnto thē: What euell hath he done? But they cried yet moch more: Crucifie him. |
15:15 | Pylate willinge to content the people/ loused Barrabas/ And delyvered Iesus scourged for to be crucifyed. | And so Pylate willinge to content the people/ lowsed them Barrabas/ and delyvered Iesus when he had scourged him/ for to be crucified. | And so Pylate willinge to content the people lowsed them Barrabas/ and deliuered Iesus when he had scourged him/ for to be crucified. | So Pylate thought to satisfie the people, and gaue Barrabas lowse vnto them, and delyuered thē Iesus, to be scourgd & crucified. |
15:16 | And the souddeers ledde hym awaye in to the cōmen hall/ and called togedder all the whoole multitude/ | And the souddeers ledde him awaye into ye commen hall/ and called togedder the whoole multitude/ | And the soudyers ledde him awaye into the commen hall/ and called together the whole multitude/ | And the soudyers led him in to the comō hall, and called the whole multitude together, |
15:17 | and they clothed hym with purple/ and they plated a croune off thornes and crouned hym with all/ | & they clothed him with purple/ and they platted a croune of thornes & crouned him with all/ | & they clothed him with purple/ & they platted a croune of thornes and crouned him with all/ | and clothed him with purple, and plated a crowne of thorne, and crowned him withall, |
15:18 | And began to salute hym: hayl kynge off the Iewes. | and beganne to salute him. Hayle kynge of the Iewes. | and beganne to salute him. Hayle kynge of the Iewes. | and beganne to salute him: Hayle kynge of the Iewes. |
15:19 | And they smoote hym on the heed with a rede/ and spatt apon hym/ and kneled doune and worsheped hym. | And they smoote him on the heed wt a rede/ and spat apon him/ and kneled doune and worsheped him. | And they smoote him on the heed with a rede/ and spat vpon him/ & kneled doune and worsheped him. | And smote him vpon the heade with a rede, and spytted vpō him, and fell vpō the kne, & worshipped him. |
15:20 | And when they had moocked hī/ they toke the purple off hī/ and put his awne cloothes on hī/ ād ledde hī oute/ to crucify hī. | And when they had moocked him/ they toke the purple of him/ & put his awne cloothes on him/ and ledde him oute/ to crucifie him. | And when they had mocked him/ they toke the purple of him/ & put his awne clothes on him and ledde him oute/ to crucifie him. | And whā they had mocked him, they toke ye purple of him, and put his clothes vpon him, & led him out, that they might crucifye him. |
15:21 | And they cōpelled won that passed by called Simō of cerene (which cā oute of the felde/ and was father off Alexander and Rufus) to beare hys crosse. | And they compelled one that passed by/ called Symon of Cyrene (which cam oute of the felde/ and was father of Alexander and Rufus) to beare his crosse. | And they compelled one that passed by/ called Simon of Cyrene (which cam oute of the felde/ and was father of Alexander and Rufus) to beare his crosse. | And they compelled one that passed by, called Symon of Cyren (which came from the felde, and was the father of Alexander and Ruffus) to beare his crosse. |
15:22 | And they brought him to a place named Golgotha (which is by interpretacion/ the place of deed mens scoulles) | And they brought him to a place named Golgotha (which is by interpretacion/ the place of deed mens scoulles) | And they brought him to a place named Golgotha (which is by interpretacion/ the place of deed mens scoulles) | And they brought him to the place Golgatha, which is by interpretacion: a place of deed mens skulles. |
15:23 | and they gave hī to drynke wyne myngled with mirre/ butt he receaved it not. | and they gave him to drinke/ wyne myngled with myrre/ but he receaved it not. | and they gaue him to drinke/ wyne mingled with myrre/ but he receaued it not. | And they gaue him wyne myxted wt myrre, to drynke, & he toke it not. |
15:24 | And when they had crucified hym/ they parted hys garmentſ/ castinge loottſ for them/ what every man shulde have. | And when they had crucified him/ they parted his garmentes/ castinge loottes for them/ what every man shulde have. | And when they had crucified him/ they parted his garmentes/ castinge lotes for them/ what euery man shulde haue. | And whan they had crucified him, they parted his garmētes, & cast lottes therfore, what euery one shulde take. |
15:25 | And it was aboute the thyrde houre/ and they crucifyed hym. | And it was aboute ye thyrde houre/ and they crucified him. | And it was aboute the thyrde houre/ & they crucified him. | And it was aboute ye thirde houre, & they crucified him. |
15:26 | And the title of the cause of hys deeth was wrytten/ The kynge of the iewis. | And the tytle of his cause was wrytten: The kynge of the Iewes. | And the tytle of his cause was wrytten: The kynge of the Iewes. | And the tytle of his cause was wryttē ouer aboue him (namely:) The kynge of the Iewes. |
15:27 | And they crucifyed with hī two theves: the one on his ryghthonde/ ād the other on hys lifte honde. | And they crucified with him two theves: the one on the ryght honde/ and the other on his lyfte. | And they crucified with him two theues: the one on the ryght honde/ and the other on his lyfte. | And they crucified him wt two murtherers, one at ye right hande, and one at the left. |
15:28 | And the scripture was fulfilled/ which sayeth: ād he was coūted amonge the wicked. | And the scripture was fulfilled which sayeth: he was counted amonge the wicked. | And the scripture was fulfilled which sayeth: he was counted amonge the wycked. | Then was the scrypture fulfilled, which sayeth: He was coūted amonge the euell doers. |
15:29 | And they that went by/ rayled on hym: waggynge their heedes/ ād sayinge: A wretche/ that destroyest the tēple and byldest yt in thre dayes. | And they that went by/ rayled on him: waggynge their heedes and sayinge: A wretche/ that destroyest the temple and byldest it in thre dayes: | And they that went by/ rayled on him: wagginge their heedes and sayinge: A wretche/ that destroyest the temple/ and byldest it in thre dayes: | And they that wēte by, reuyled him, and wagged their heades, and sayde: Fye vpon the, how goodly breakest thou downe ye tēple, & buyldest it agayne in thre dayes? |
15:30 | Save thy silfe/ and come doune from the crosse. | save thy sylfe/ and come doune from the crosse. | saue thy selfe/ & come doune from the crosse. | Helpe yi self now, & come downe frō the crosse. |
15:31 | Lyke wyse also mocked hī the hye preestſ amonge them selves whyth the scribſ/ and sayde: He saved other men/ hym silfe he cannot save. | Lyke wyse also mocked him ye hye preestes amonge them selves with the scribes and sayde: He saved other men/ him sylfe he cannot save. | Lyke wyse also mocked him the hye Prestes amōge them selues with the Scribes and sayde: he saued other men/ him selfe he cannot saue. | The hye prestes also in like maner laughed him to scorne amonge thē selues, with the scrybes, & sayde: He hath helped other, himself can he not helpe. |
15:32 | Lett Christ the kynge of Israel nowe descende from the crosse/ that we waye se and beleve. And they that were crucified with him/ checked hym also. | Let Christ the kynge of Israel now descende from the crosse/ that we maye se and beleve. And they that were crucified with him/ checked him also. | Let Christ the kynge of Israel now descende from the crosse/ that we maye se and beleue. And they that were crucified with him/ checked him also. | Yf he be Christ and ye kynge of Israel, let him come downe now frō the crosse, yt we maye se it, & beleue. And they yt were crucified wt hī, checked hī also. |
15:33 | And whē the sixte houre was come/ darknes aroose over all the erth/ vntill the nynthe houre. | And when the sixte houre was come/ darknes aroose over all the erth/ vntyll ye nynthe houre. | And when the sixte houre was come/ darcknes arose ouer all the erth vntill the nynthe houre. | And whā it was aboute the sixte houre, there was a darcknesse ouer the whole lōde, tyll aboute ye nyenth houre. |
15:34 | And att the nynthe houre Iesus cryed with a loude voyce/ sayīge: Eloi/ Eloi/ la ma sabaththani/ which is yf yt be interpreted: my god/ my god/ why hast thou forsaken me? | And at the nynthe houre Iesus cryed with a loude voyce sayinge: Eloi/ Eloi/ lamaasbathani/ which is yf it be interpreted: my God/ my God/ why hast thou forsaken me? | And at the nynthe houre Iesus cryed wt a loude voyce sayinge: Eloi/ Eloi/ lamaasbathani/ which is yf it be interpreted: my God my God why hast thou forsaken me. | And aboute ye nyenth houre Iesus cried loude, and sayde: Eli, Eli, lamma asabthani? which is interpreted: My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? |
15:35 | And some off them that stode by when they herde that sayde: behoolde he calleth for Helias. | And some of them that stode by/ when they hearde yt/ sayde: beholde he calleth for Helyas | And some of them that stode by when they hearde that/ sayde: beholde he calleth for Helyas. | And some that stode by, whan they herde yt, they sayde: Beholde, he calleth Elias. |
15:36 | And won ran/ and filled a sponge full off veneger/ and putt yt on a rede/ and gave it hym to drynke/ sayinge: lett hym alone/ let vs se whither Helias wyll come and take hym doune. | And one ran & filled a sponge full of veneger/ and put it on a rede/ and gave him to drinke/ sayinge: let him alone/ let vs se whether Helyas will come and take him doune. | And one ran and filled a sponge full of veneger and put it on a rede/ & gaue him to drinke/ sayinge: let him alone/ let vs se whether Helyas will come and take him doune. | Then rāne there one, & fylled a spōge wt vyneger, & stickte it vpō a rede, & gaue hī to drynke, & sayde: Holde styll, let se, whether Elias wil come, and take him downe. |
15:37 | Butt Iesus cryed with aloude voyce/ ād gave vppe the gooste. | But Iesus cryed with aloude voyce/ & gave vp the gooste. | But Iesus cryed with a loude voyce/ & gaue vp the goost. | But Iesus cried loude, and gaue vp the goost. |
15:38 | And the vayle off the temple did rent ī two parties/ frō the toppe to the boottome. | And the vayle of the temple dyd rent in two peces/ from the toppe to the boottome. | And the vayle of the temple dyd rent in two peces/ from the toppe to the bottome. | And the vale of the tēple rent in two peces, from aboue tyll beneth. |
15:39 | And the vndercaptayne which stode before hym sawe that he so cryed and gave vppe the gooste/ and he sayd: truely this man was the sonne of god. | And when the Centurion which stode before him/ sawe that he so cryed & gave vp the gooste/ he sayd: truly this man was the sonne of God. | And when the Centuriō which stode before him/ sawe that he so cryed and gaue vp the gooste/ he sayde: truly this mā was the sonne of God. | The captayne that stode thereby ouer agaynst him, whā he sawe yt he gaue vp the goost with soch a crye, he sayde: Verely this man was Gods sonne. |
15:40 | There were also wemē a good waye of beholdinge him/ amonge whom was Mary magdalen/ and Mary the mother of Iames the lytle and of Ioses/ and Mary Salome. | Ther were also wemen a good waye of beholdinge him: amonge whom was Mary Magdalen/ & Mary the mother of Iames the lytle and of Ioses/ and Mary Salome: | Ther were also wemen a good waye of beholdinge him: amonge whom was Mary Magdalen and Mary the mother of Iames the lytle and of Ioses/ and Mary Salome: | And there were wemen there also, which behelde this afarre of, amōge whō was Mary Magdalene, & Mary of Iames ye litle, & the mother of Ioses, & Salome, |
15:41 | which alsoo when he was in galile/ folowed hym/ and ministred vnto him/ and many other wemē which cam vppe with hym to hierusalem. | which also when he was in Galile/ folowed him and ministred vnto him/ and many other wemen which came vp with him to Hierusalem. | which also when he was in Galile/ folowed him/ and ministred vnto him/ and many other wemen which came vp with him vnto Ierusalem. | which had folowed him whā he was in Galile, and mynistred vnto hī: & many other yt wēte vp wt hī to Ierusalem. |
15:42 | And nowe when nyght was come (because it was the evē that goeth before the saboth) | And now when nyght was come (because it was ye even that goeth before ye saboth) | And now whē nyght was come (because it was the euē that goeth before the saboth) | And at euen (for so moch as it was the daye of preparinge, which is the fore Sabbath) |
15:43 | Ioseph of arimathia a noble senatour (which also loked for the kyngdom of god/ cam And went booldly vnto Pylate/ and begged the boddy off Iesu/ | Ioseph of Arimathia a noble councelour which also loked for ye kyngdome of God/ came and went in booldly vnto Pylate/ & begged ye boddy of Iesu. | Ioseph of Arimathia a noble Coūcellour which also loked for the kyngdome of God/ came & went in boldely vnto Pylate/ and begged the body of Iesu. | there came one Ioseph of Arimathia, a worshipfull Senatoure (which loked also for the kyngdome of God) & wēte in boldely vnto Pilate, & axed ye body of Iesus. |
15:44 | Pylate merveled that he was alredy deed and called vnto hym the vnder captayne and axed of him/ whether he had bene eny whyle deed. | And Pylate merveled that he was alredy deed/ & called vnto him ye Centurion/ & axed of him/ whether he had bene eny whyle deed. | And Pylate merueled that he was alredy deed/ and called vnto him the Centurion/ & axed of him/ whether he had bene eny whyle deed. | But Pylate marueyled yt he was deed all ready, & called ye captayne, & axed hī, whether he had lōge bene deed. |
15:45 | And when he knewe the trueth off the vnder captayne/ he gave the boddy to Ioseph. | And when he knewe the trueth of the Centurion/ he gave ye body to Ioseph. | And when he knewe the trueth of the Centuriō/ he gaue the body to Ioseph. | And whā he had gotten knowlege of the captayne, he gaue Ioseph ye body. |
15:46 | And he bought a linen cloothe/ and toke hym doune ād wrapped hym in the lynnen cloothe/ and layde hym in a tombe/ that was hewen oute of the rocke. And roolled a stone vnto the dore off the sepulcre. | And he bought a lynnen cloothe/ and toke him doune & wrapped him in ye lynnen cloothe/ & layde him in a tombe yt was hewen oute of ye rocke/ & rolled a stone vnto the dore of the sepulcre. | And he bought a lynnen clothe/ and toke him doune/ and wrapped him in the lynnen clothe/ and layde him in a tombe that was hewen oute of the rocke/ and rolled a stone vnto the dore of the sepulcre. | And he bought a lynnē cloth, & toke him downe, & wrapped hī in ye lynnē clothe, & layed him in a sepulcre, which was hewē out of a rocke, & rolled a stone before ye dore of ye sepulcre. |
15:47 | And Mary magdalen and Mary Iose beheld where he was layde. | And Mary Magdalen & Mary Ioses beheld where he was layde. | And Mary Magdalen and Mary Ioses beheld where he was layde. | But Mary Magdalene and Mary Ioses behelde, where he was layed. |
Mark: Chapter 16
The Gospell of S. Marke. The .xvj. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
The Gospell of S. Marke. The .xvj. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
16:1 | ANd whē the sabboth daye was past/ Mary magdalen/ and Mary Iacobi/ ād Salome/ bought oyntmentſ/ that they myght come ād anoynt him. | ANd when ye saboth daye was past/ Mary Magdalen/ & Mary Iacobi/ & Salome/ bought odures/ that they myght come & anoynt him. | ANd when the Saboth daye was past/ Mary Magdalen/ and Mary Iacoby/ and Salome/ bought odoures/ that they myght come & anoynt him. | ANd whan the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, & Mary Iames, and Salome, bought spyces, yt they might come, & anoynte hī. |
16:2 | And yerly ī the mornīge the nexte daye after the sabboth day they cam vnto the sepulcre/ when the sun was risen/ | And erly in the morninge the nexte daye after the saboth day/ they came vnto the sepulcre/ when the sunne was rysen. | And erly in the morninge the nexte daye after the Saboth daye/ they came vnto the sepulcre/ when the sunne was rysen. | And they came to the sepulcre vpō a daye of ye Sabbathes very early, whā ye Sonne arose, |
16:3 | And they said won to another: who shall rolle awaye the stone from the dore off the sepulcre? | And they sayd one to another: who shall rolle vs awaye the stone from the dore of the sepulcre? | And they sayd one to another: who shall rolle vs awaye the stone frō the dore of the sepulcre? | & sayde one to another: Who shal rolle vs ye stone frō ye dore of the sepulcre? |
16:4 | And whē they behelde yt/ they sawe how the stone was rolled awaye. For it was a very greate wō/ | And when they looked/ they sawe how the stone was rolled awaye: for it was a very greate one. | And whē they loked/ they sawe how the stone was rolled awaye: for it was a very greate one. | And whan they loked, they sawe, that the stone was rolled awaye: for it was a very greate one. |
16:5 | ād they wēt ī to the sepulcre/ and sawe a yonge man/ sittinge on the ryght syde/ cloothed in a longe white garment/ and they were abasshed. | And they went into the sepulcre/ and sawe a yonge man syttinge on the ryghtsyde/ cloothed in a longe whyte garmēt/ and they were abasshed. | And they went into the sepulcre/ & sawe a yonge mā sittinge on the ryghtside/ clothed in a longe white garment/ and they were abasshed. | And they wente in to the sepulcre, and on the right hande they sawe a yonge man syttinge, which had a longe whyte garmēt vpon him, and they were abasshed. |
16:6 | He sayd vnto thē/ be nott afrayed/ ye seke Iesus of nazareth/ which was crucified. He ys rysen/ he ys nott here. Behoolde the place/ where they putt hym. | And he sayd vnto thē/ be not afrayed: ye seke Iesus of Nazareth which was crucified. He is rysen/ he is not here. Beholde the place/ where they put him. | And he sayd vnto them/ be not afrayed: ye seke Iesus of Nazareth/ which was crucified. He is risen/ he is not here. Beholde the place/ where they put him. | But he sayde vnto thē: Be not ye afrayed, ye seke Iesus of Nazareth which was crucified: he is rysen, he is not here. Beholde, ye place, where they layed him. |
16:7 | Butt go youre waye/ and tell his disciples/ and namly Peter/ that he is goone before you in to galile/ there shall ye se hym/ as he sayde vnto you. | But go youre waye/ and tell his disciples/ & namely Peter: he will goo before you into Galile: there shall ye se him/ as he sayde vnto you. | But go youre waye/ and tell his disciples/ & namely Peter: he will go before you into Galile: there shall ye se him/ as he sayde vnto you. | But go ye youre waye, and tell his disciples and Peter, that he wil go before you in to Galile, there shal ye se him as he sayde vnto you. |
16:8 | And they went oute quicly and fleed frō the sepulcre. For they trembled ād were amased/ Nether said they eny thinge to eny mā/ for they were afrayed. | And they went oute quickly and fleed from the sepulcre. For they trembled & were amased. Nether sayd they eny thinge to eny man/ for they were afrayed. | And they went oute quickly and fleed from the sepulcre. For they trembled & were amased. Nether sayde they eny thinge to eny man/ for they were afrayed. | And they wente forth in all the haist, and fled from the sepulcre: for there was a tremblynge & feare come vpon them, nether sayde they eny thinge to eny man, for they were afrayed. |
16:9 | When Iesus was risen the morowe after the sabboth daye/ he appered fyrst to Mary magdalen/ oute off whom he cast seven devyls. | When Iesus was rysen the morow after ye saboth daye/ he appered fyrst to Mary Magdalen/ oute of whom he cast seven devyls. | When Iesus was rysen the morow after the Saboth daye/ he appered fyrst to Mary Magdalen/ out of whom he cast seuē deuyls. | But Iesus, whan he was rysen vp early vpō the first daye of the Sabbathes, he appeared first vnto Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast out seuen deuels. |
16:10 | And she went/ and toolde them that were with hym/ as they morned and weppte. | And she wēt and toolde them that were with him as they morned and weapte. | And she went and tolde them that were with him/ as they morned and weapte. | And she wēte and tolde thē that were with him, as they mourned and wepte. |
16:11 | And whē they herde/ that he was alive/ and had appiered to her: they beleved it not. | And when they herde/ that he was alyve and he had appered to hyr/ they beleved it not. | And though they herde that he was alyue and had appered to hyr/ yet they beleued it not. | And whan they herde that he lyued, and had appeared vnto her, they beleued it not. |
16:12 | After that/ he appered vnto two of thē in a straunge figure/ as they walked/ and went in to the country. | After that/ he appered vnto two of them in a straunge figure/ as they walked and went into the country. | After that/ he appered vnto two of them in a straunge figure/ as they walked and went into the country. | After warde as two of thē were walkynge, he shewed himself vnder another figure, whan they were goynge vpon the felde. |
16:13 | And they went/ and toolde it to the remnaunt. And they beleved thē nether. | And they went and toolde it to the remnaunt. And they beleved them nether. | And they went and tolde it to the remnaunt. And they beleued them nether. | And they wente, and tolde the other: these they beleued not also. |
16:14 | After that he appered vnto the eleven as they sate at meate: and cast in their teche their vnbelefe/ ād hardnes off herte: be cause they beleved not them which had sene hym after his resurreccion. | After that he appered vnto the elevē as they sate at meate: and cast in their tethe their vnbelefe & hardnes of herte: be cause they beleued not them which had sene him after his resurrecciō. | After that/ he appered vnto the eleuen as they sate at meate: and cast in their teth their vnbelefe & hardnes of herte: because they beleued not them which had sene him after his resurreccion. | At the last, as the eleuen sat at the table, he shewed him self vnto them, and rebuked their vnbeleue, and ye hardnesse of their hert, because they beleued not thē which had sene him rysen. |
16:15 | And he sayd vnto them. Goo ye in to all the woorlde/ and preache the gospell to all creaturs: | And he sayd vnto them: Goo ye in to all the worlde/ and preache the glad tyges to all creatures/ | And he sayde vnto them: Go ye into all the worlde/ and preache the glad tydinges to all creatures/ | And he sayde vnto them: Go ye youre waye in to all the worlde, and preach the gospell vnto all creatures. |
16:16 | Whosoever beleveth/ and ys baptised/ shalbe safe: And whosoever beleveth nott/ shalbe dampned. | he that beleueth and is baptised/ shall be saved. But he that beleveth not/ shalbe dampned. | he that beleueth & is baptised/ shalbe saued. But he that beleueth not/ shalbe dampned. | Who so beleueth and is baptysed, shalbe saued: but who so beleueth not, shalbe damned. |
16:17 | And these signes shall folowe them that beleve: In my name they shall cast oute devyls/ and shall speake with newe tonges/ | And these signes shall folowe them that beleve: In my name they shall cast oute devyls and shall speake with newe tonges/ | And these thinges shall folowe thē that beleue: In my name they shall cast oute deuyls/ and shall speake with newe tonges/ | As for the tokens, which shal folowe thē that beleue, these are they: In my name shal they cast out deuyls: Speake with new tunges: |
16:18 | ād shall kill serpentſ. And yf they drynke eny dedly thynge/ yt shall nott hurte them. They shall laye their hondſ on the sike/ and they shall recovre. | and shall kyll serpentes. And yf they drinke eny dedly thinge/ yt shall not hurte thē. They shall laye their hondſ on ye sicke/ & they shall recover. | and shall kyll serpentes. And yf they drinke any dedly thinge/ it shall not hurte them. They shall laye their hondes on the sicke/ and they shall recouer. | Dryue awaye serpētes: And yf they drynke eny deedly thinge, it shal not hurte them: They shal laye their handes vpō the sicke, and they shal recouer. |
16:19 | So then when the lorde had spoken vnto thē/ he was receaved in to heven/ and sate on the right honde of god. | So then when the lorde had spoken vnto them/ he was receaued in to heauen/ and is set doune on the ryght honde of God. | So then when the Lorde had spoken vnto them/ he was receaued into heauen/ and sate him doune on the ryght honde of God. | And the LORDE, after that he had spoken vnto them, was taken vp in to heauen, and sytteth at the right hāde of God. |
16:20 | And they went forth/ ād preached every where/ And the lorde wroght with thē/ And confirmed their preachynge with myracles that folowed. | And they went forth/ and preached every where. And the Lorde wrought with them/ and confirmed the worde with miracles that folowed. | And they wēt forth/ & preached euery where. And the Lorde wrought with them/ & confirmed the worde with miracles that folowed. | And they wente out, and preached euery where. And the LORDE wrought with them, and confirmed the worde with tokens folowynge. |
END | The ende of the gospell of .S. Marke. | The ende of the gospell of S. Marcke. | The ende of the Gospell of S. Marcke. | The ende of the gospell of S. Marke. |
Mark: Chapter 1
The Gospell of S. Marke. The .i. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
The Gospell of S. Marke. The .i. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
TITLE | The Gospell off .S. Marke. | The Gospell of S. Marke. | The Gospell of S. Marke. | The gospell of S. Marke. |
1:1 | The begyñyng off the Gospell of Iesu Christ the sonne off God/ | THe beginnynge of the Gospell of Iesu Christ the sonne of God/ | THe beginnynge of the Gospell of Iesu Christ the sonne of God/ | THis is the begynnynge of the gospell of Iesus Christ the sonne of God, |
1:2 | as yt ys written in the prophettſ/ beholde I sende my messenger before thy face/ whych shall prepare thy waye before the. | as yt is wrytten in the Prophetes: beholde I sende my messenger before thy face/ which shall prepared thy waye before ye. | as it is written in the Prophetes: beholde I sende my messenger before thy face/ which shall prepare thy waye before the. | as it is wryttē in the prophetes. Beholde, I sende my messaūger before thy face, which shal prepare thy waye before the. |
1:3 | The voyce of won that cryeth in the wildernes: prepare ye the waye off the lorde/ make his pathes streyght. | The voyce of a cryer in the wildernes: prepare ye the waye of the Lorde/ make his pathes streyght. | The voyce of a cryer in the wildernes: prepare ye the waye of the Lorde/ make his pathes streyght. | The voyce of a cryer is in the wyldernes: Prepare the waye of the LORDE, make his pathes straight. |
1:4 | Ihon did baptise in the wyldernes/ and preache the baptim of repentaunce/ for the remissiō of synnes. | Iohn dyd baptise in the wyldernes/ & preche the baptyme of repentaūce/ for the remission of synnes. | Iohn dyd baptise in the wildernes/ & preache the baptime of repentaūce/ for the remission of synnes. | Ihon was in the wyldernes, and baptysed, and preached the baptyme of amendment, for the remyssion of synnes. |
1:5 | And all the londe off iewry/ and they of Ierusalem went out vnto hym/ and were all baptised of hym in the ryver Iordan/ knowledgynge/ theire synnes. | And all the londe of Iurie & they of Ierusalem/ went out vnto him/ & were all baptised of him in the ryver Iordan/ confessynge their synnes. | And all ye londe of Iurie & they of Ierusalem/ wēt out vnto him/ & were all baptised of him in the ryuer Iordā/ confessinge their synnes | And there wente out vnto him the whole londe of Iewry, and they of Ierusalem, and were all baptysed of him in Iordan, and knowleged their synnes. |
1:6 | Ihon was clothed with cammyllſ heer/ and wyth a gerdyll off a beestes skyn about hys loynes. And he ate locustſ ād wylde hony/ | Iohn was clothed with cammylles heer/ & with a gerdyll of a skyn a bout hys loynes. And he dyd eate locustes & wylde hony/ | Iohn was clothed with camilles here/ & with a gerdyll of a skyn about his loynes. And he dyd eate locustes & wilde hony/ | Ihon was clothed with Camels heer, and with a lethron gerdell aboute his loynes, and ate locustes and wylde hony, |
1:7 | and preached saynge: a stronger then I commeth after me/ whos shue latchett I am not worthy to stoupe doune and vnlose. | and preached sayinge: a stronger then I commeth after me/ whose shue latchet I am not worthy to stoupe doune and vnlose. | & preached sayinge: a stronger then I commeth after me/ whose shue latchet I am not worthy to stoupe doune & vnlose. | and preached, and sayde: There commeth one after me, which is stronger then I: before whom I am not worthy to stoupe downe, and to lowse vp ye lachet of his shue. |
1:8 | I have baptised you with water: but he shall baptise you with the holy goost. | I have baptised you with water: but he shall baptise you with the holy goost. | I haue baptised you with water: but he shall baptise you with the holy goost. | I baptyse you with water, but he shal baptyse you with the holy goost. |
1:9 | And yt cam to passe ī those dayes/ that Iesus cā from nazareth/ a cite of galile: and was baptised of Ihon in Iordan. | And yt came to passe in those dayes/ that Iesus cam from Nazareth/ a cyte of Galile: & was baptised of Iohn in Iordan. | And it came to passe in those dayes/ that Iesus cam from Nazareth/ a cite of Galile: & was baptised of Iohn in Iordan. | And it happened at the same tyme, that Iesus came out of Galile from Nazareth, and was baptysed of Ihon in Iordan. |
1:10 | And immediatly he cā out of the water/ and sawe the hevens open/ ād the holy goost descendinge vppon hym lyke a dove. | And assone as he was come out of the water/ Iohn sawe heaven open/ and the holy goost descendinge vpon him/ lyke a dove. | And assone as he was come out of the water/ Iohn sawe heauen open/ and the holy goost descendinge vpon him/ lyke a doue. | And as soone as he was come out of the water, he sawe that the heauens opened, and the goost as a doue cōmynge downe vpon him. |
1:11 | And there cam a voyce from hevē: Thou arte my dere sonne/ in whom I delite. | And ther came a voyce from heaven: Thou arte my dere sonne in whom I delyte. | And ther came a voyce from heauē: Thou arte my dere sonne in whom I delyte. | And there came a voyce from heauē: Thou art my deare sonne, in whom I delyte. |
1:12 | And immediatly the sprete drave hym into a wildernes: | And immediatly the sprete drave him into wildernes: | And immediatly the sprete draue him into wildernes: | And immediatly the sprete droue him in to the wyldernes: |
1:13 | and he was there in the wyldernes xl. dayes/ and was tempted off Satan/ and was with wylde beestes. And the angels ministred vnto hym. | and he was there in the wildernes xl dayes/ and was tempted of Satan/ & was with wilde beestes. And the aungels ministred vnto him. | and he was there in the wildernes xl. dayes/ and was tempted of Satan/ and was with wilde beestes. And the angels ministred vnto him. | and he was in the wyldernes fourtye dayes, and was tempted of Sathan, and was with the wylde beestes. And the angels mynistred vnto him. |
1:14 | After that Ihon was take/ Iesus cam in to galile/ preachynge the gospell off the kyngdom of god/ | After Iohn was taken/ Iesus came in to Galile/ preachinge the gospell of the kyngdome of God/ | After Iohn was taken/ Iesus came into Galile/ preachinge the Gospell of the kyngdome of God/ | But after that Ihon was taken, Iesus came in to Galile, and preached the gospell of the kyngdome of God, |
1:15 | and saynge: the tyme ys ful come/ ād the kyngdō of god is even att honde/ repent and beleve the gospell. | and sayinge: the tyme is come/ & the kyngdome of God is at honde/ repent and beleve the gospell. | and sayinge: the tyme is come/ and the kyngdome of God is at honde/ repent and beleue the Gospell. | and sayde: the tyme is fulfylled, and the kyngdome of God is at hande: Amende youre selues, and beleue the gospell. |
1:16 | As he walked by the see of galile/ he sawe Simon and Andrewe his brother castinge nettſ in to the see/ for they were fysshers. | As he walked by the see of Galile/ he sawe Simon & Andrew his brother/ castinge nettſ in to ye see/ for they were fysshers. | As he walked by the see of Galile/ he sawe Simon and Andrew his brother/ castinge nettes into the see for they were fysshers. | So as he walked by the see of Galile, he sawe Symon and Andrew his brother, castinge their nettes in the see, for they were fysshers. |
1:17 | And Iesus sayde vnto them: folowe me/ and I wyll make you to be fysshers of men. | And Iesus sayde vnto them: folowe me/ and I will make you fisshers of men. | And Iesus sayde vnto them: folowe me/ and I will make you fysshers of men. | And Iesus sayde vnto thē: Folowe me, and I wil make you fysshers of mē. |
1:18 | And they strayght waye forsoke their nettſ/ and folowed him. | And strayght waye/ they forsoke their nettes/ and folowed him. | And strayght waye/ they forsoke their nettes/ and folowed him. | And immediatly they left their nettes, and folowed him. |
1:19 | And when he had gone a lytell further thens/ he sawe Iames the sonne off zebede/ and Ihon his brother/ even as they were in the shippe dressynge their nettſ. | And when he had gone a lytell further thence/ he sawe Iames the sonne of zebede/ & Ihon his brother/ even as they were in the shyppe mendinge their nettes. | And when he had gone a lytell further thence he sawe Iames the sonne of zebede/ & Iohn his brother/ euen as they were in the shippe mendinge their nettes. | And when he was gone a lytle further from thence, he sawe Iames the sonne of Zebede, and Ihon his brother, as they were in the shyppe mendynge their nettes. |
1:20 | And anon he called thē. And they leeft their father Zebede in the shippe with hys heyred servauntſ/ and went their waye after hym. | And anōne he called them. And they leeft their father zebede in the shippe with his hyred servauntes/ and went their waye after him. | And anonne he called them. And they leeft their father zebede in the shippe with his hyred seruauntes/ and went their waye after him. | And anone he called them. And they left their father Zebede in the shyppe with the hyred seruauntes, and folowed him. |
1:21 | And they entred in to capernaū/ and streight waye on the sabot dayes he entred in to the sinagogge and taught. | And they entred in to Capernaū: & streight waye on ye Saboth dayes/ he entred in to ye synagoge & taught. | And they entred into Capernaum: & streyght waye on the Sabboth dayes/ he entred to the synagoge and taught. | And they wente in to Capernaum, and immediatly vpon the Sabbathes, he entred in to the synagoge, and taught. |
1:22 | And they mervelled att hys learninge. for he taught them as wō whych had power with him/ and not as the scrybſ did. | And they merveled at his learninge. For he taught them as one that had power with him/ & not as the Scribes. | And they merueled at his learnynge. For he taught them as one that had power with him/ and not as the Scribes. | And they were astonnyed at his doctryne: for he taught them as one hauynge power, and not as the Scrybes. |
1:23 | And there was in the sinagogge/ a mā vexed with an vnclene spirite/ ād he cryed | And there was in their synagoge a mā vexed wt an vnclene spirite/ yt cried | And there was in their synagoge a man vexed with an vnclene spirite/ that cryed | And in their synagoge there was a man possessed with a foule sprete, which cried |
1:24 | sayinge: lett me a lone: what have we to do with the Iesus of nazareth? arte thou come to destroie vs? I knowe what thou arte/ thou arte that holy mā promysed of god. | sayinge: let be: what have we to do with the thou Iesus of Nazareth? Arte thou come to destroye vs? I knowe the what thou arte/ euē that holy of god. | sayinge: let be/ what haue we to do with the thou Iesus of Nazareth? Arte thou come to destroye vs? I knowe the what thou arte/ euen that holy of God. | and sayde: Oh what haue we to do with the, thou Iesus of Nazareth. Art thou come to destroye us? I knowe that thou art euen yt holy one of God. |
1:25 | And Iesus rebuked him/ saynge: hoolde thy pace and come out of the mā. | And Iesus rebuked him sayinge: hoolde thy peace & come out of him. | And Iesus rebuked him sayinge: holde thy peace and come out of him. | And Iesus reproued him, and sayde: holde thy tonge, and departe out of him. |
1:26 | And the vnclene spirite tare him/ cryed out with a lowde voyce/ and cam out of him. | And ye vnclene spirite tare him/ & cryed with a loude voyce/ & came out of him. | And the vnclene spirite tare him/ and cryed with a loude voyce/ and came out of him. | And the foule sprete tare him, and cried with a loude voyce, and departed out of him. |
1:27 | And they were all amased/ in somoche that they demaunded wō off another a monge thē selves/ saying: what thīge ys thys? what newe doctrine is thys? for he coōmaundeth the foule spiritſ with power/ ād they obeye hī. | And they were all amased/ in so moche that they demaunded one of another amōge them selves saying: what thinge is this? what newe doctryne is this? For he cōmaundeth the foule spirites with power/ & they obeye him. | And they were all amased/ in so moche that they demaunded one of another amonge them selues saying: what thinge is this? what newe doctrine is this? For he commaundeth the foule spirites with power/ and they obeye him. | And they were all astonnyed, in so moch that they axed one another amonge thē selues, & sayde: What is this? What new lernynge is this? For he cōmaundeth the foule spretes with power, and they are obedient vnto him. |
1:28 | Anon his name spreed abroade throughoute all the region borderynge on galile. | And immediatly his fame spreed abroade throughoute all the region borderinge on Galile. | And immediatly his fame spreed abroade throughoute all the region borderinge on Galile. | And immediatly the fame of him was noysed rounde aboute in the coastes and borders of Galile. |
1:29 | And immediatly as sonne as they were come out of the sinagogge/ they entred in to the housse of Symon and Andrew with Iames and Ihō. | And forth with/ assone as they were come out of the synagoge/ they entred in to ye housse of Symon and Andrew/ with Iames & Ihon. | And forth with/ assone as they were come out of the synagoge/ they entred into the housse of Symon and Andrew/ with Iames & Iohn. | And forth with they wente out of the synagoge, and came in to the house of Symō and Andrew, wt Iames and Ihon. |
1:30 | Symonſ mother elawe lay sicke of a fiver/ and annō they tolde hym of her. | And Symons mother in lawe lay sicke of a fever. And anone they tolde him of her. | And Symons mother in lawe lay sicke of a fever. And anone they tolde him of her. | And Symons mother in lawe laye, & had the feuers, and anone they tolde him of her. |
1:31 | And he cam and toke her by the honde and lifte her vppe/ and the fiver forsoke her by and by: And she ministred vnto them. | And he came and toke her by the honde and lifte her vp: and the fever forsoke hir by and by: & she ministred vnto them. | And he came and toke her by the honde and lyfte her vp: and the feuer forsoke hyr by and by: and she ministred vnto them. | And he came to her, and set her vp, and toke her by ye hande, and the feuer left her immediatly. And she mynistred vnto them. |
1:32 | And at even when the sun was doune/ they brought vnto him all that were diseased/ ād thē that were possessed with devyls | And at even when the sunne was downe/ they brought to him all that were diseased/ & them that were possessed with devyls. | And at euen when the sunne was downe/ they brought to him all that were dyseased/ & them that were possessed with deuyls. | At euen whan the Sonne was gone downe, they brought vnto him all that were sick and possessed, |
1:33 | and all the cite gaddred to gedder at the dore/ | And all the cite gaddred to gedder at the dore/ | And all the cite gaddred to gedder at the dore/ | and the whole cite was gathered together at the dore, |
1:34 | ād he healed many that were sycke of dyvers deseases. And he cast out many: devyls ād suffered not the devyls to speake/ because they knewe him. | & he healed many yt were sicke of divers deseases. And he cast out many devyls/ and suffred not ye devyls to speake/ because they knewe him. | and he healed many that were sicke of diuers deseases. And he cast out many deuyls/ and suffred not the deuyls to speake/ because they knewe him. | and he healed many that were diseased with dyuerse sicknesses, and cast out many deuels, and suffred not the deuels to speake, because they knew him. |
1:35 | And in the moorninge very erly/ Iesus arose and went out ī to a solitary place/ ād there prayed. | And in the morninge very erly/ Iesus arose and went out in to a solitary place/ & there prayed. | And in the mornynge very erly/ Iesus arose and went out into a solitary place/ and there prayed. | And in the mornynge before daye, he arose, and wente out. And Iesus departed in to a deserte place, and prayed there. |
1:36 | And Simon and they that were with hym folowed after hym. | And Simon and they that were with him folowed after him. | And Symon and they that were with him folowed after him. | Peter also and they that were with him, folowed after him. |
1:37 | And when they had founde hī/ they sayde vnto him: all men seke for the. | And when they had founde him/ they sayde vnto him: all men seke for the. | And when they had founde him/ they sayde vnto him: all men seke for the. | And whan they had founde him, they sayde vnto him: Euery man seketh the. |
1:38 | and he sayd vnto thē: let vs go in to the next tounes/ that y maye preache there also: for truly I cā out for that purpose. | And he sayd vnto them: let vs go in to the next tounes/ that I maye preache there also: for truly I cam out for that purpose. | And he sayd vnto them: let vs go into the next tounes/ that I maye preache there also: for truly I cam out for that purpose. | And he sayde vnto them: Let us go in to the next townes, that I maye preach there also, for therto am I come. |
1:39 | ād he preached ī their sinagoggſ/ throughout all galile/ and cast devyls out. | And he preached in their synagogſ/ throughout all Galile/ and cast the devyls out. | And he preached in their synagoges/ throughout all Galile/ and cast the deuyls out. | And he preached ī their synagoges, in all Galile, and droue out the deuyls. |
1:40 | And there cam a leper to him besechinge him/ and kneled doune vnto him/ and sayde vnto hī: yf thou wylt/ thou arte able to make me clene. | And there came a leper to him/ besechinge him/ & kneled doune vnto him/ & sayde to him: yf thou wilt/ thou cānest make me clene. | And there came a leper to him/ besechinge him/ and kneled doune vnto him/ and sayde to him: yf thou wilt/ thou cannest make me clene. | And there came vnto him a leper, which besought him, and kneled before him, & sayde vnto him: Yf thou wilt, thou canst make me cleane. |
1:41 | Iesus had cōpassiō on him/ ād put forth his hōde/ touched him/ and sayde vnto him: I will/ be clene. | And Iesus had cōpassion on him/ & put forth his honde/ touched him/ & sayde to him: I will be thou clene. | And Iesus had compassion on him & put forth his honde/ touched him/ & sayde to him/ I will/ be thou clene. | And it pitied Iesus, and he stretched forth his honde, and touched him, and sayde: I wyll, be thou cleane. |
1:42 | and as sone as he had spokē/ immediatly the leprosy departed from him/ and he was clēsed. | And assone as he had spokē/ immediatly ye leprosy departed frō him/ & was clensed. | And assone as he had spoken/ immediatly the leprosy departed from him/ and he was clensed. | And whā he had so spoken, immediatly the leprosy departed frō him, and he was clensed. |
1:43 | And he charged hym/ and sent him awaye forthwith. | And he charged him/ & sent him awaye forthwith | And he charged him/ and sent him awaye forthwith | And Iesus forbad him strately, and forth with sent him awaye, |
1:44 | and sayd vnto him: Se that thou tell no man/ but gett the hence ād shewe thy sylfe to the preste/ and offer for thy clensynge/ those thīgſ which Moses cōmaunded/ for a testemoniall vnto thē. | & sayd vnto him: Se thou saye no thinge to any man: but get the hence & shewe thy silfe to ye preste/ & offer for thy clensinge/ those thingſ which Moses cōmaunded/ for a testimoniall vnto them. | and sayde vnto him: Se thou saye nothinge to any man: but get the hence/ and shewe thy selfe to the Preste/ and offer for thy clensinge/ those thinges which Moses commaunded/ for a testimoniall vnto them. | and sayde vnto him: Take hede, that thou saye nothinge to eny man, but go thy waye, and shew thy self vnto the prest, and offre for thy clensynge what Moses commaunded, for a wytnesse vnto them. |
1:45 | But he (as sone as he was departed) began to tell many thīgſ and to publyshe the dede/ in so moche that Iesus coulde no more opēly entre in to the cite/ but was with out ī desert places/ and they cam to him from every quarter. | But he (assone as he was departed) beganne to tell many thingſ/ & to publyshe the dede: in so moche that Iesus coulde no more opēly entre in to the cite/ but was with out in desert places. And they came to him frō every quarter. | But he (assone as he was departed) beganne to tell many thinges/ and to publyshe the dede: in so moche that Iesus coulde no more openly entre into the cite/ but was without in desert places. And they came to him from euery quarter. | But he whan he was departed, beganne to speake moch of it, and made the dede knowne: in so moch that Iesus coude no more go into the cite openly, but was without in deserte places, & they came vnto him frō all quarters. |
Mark: Chapter 2
The Gospell of S. Marke. The .ij. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
The Gospell of S. Marke. The .ij. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
2:1 | AFter a feawe dayes he entred īto Capernaum againe/ and it was noysed that he was ī a housse: | AFter a feawe dayes/ he entred into Capernaum agayne/ & it was noysed that he was in a housse. | AFter a feawe dayes/ he entred into Capernaum agayne/ & it was noysed that he was in a housse. | ANd after certayne dayes he wente agayne vnto Capernaum, and it was noysed that he was in ye house. |
2:2 | and a non many gaddered to gedder/ in so moche that nowe there was no roume to receave them: no/ nott in places a bout the dore. And he preached vnto them. | And anone many gadered to geder/ in so moche that now there was no roume to receave them: no/ not so moche as a bout the dore. And he preached the worde vnto them. | And anone many gadered to geder/ in so moche that now there was no roume to receaue them: no/ not so moche as about the dore. And he preached the worde vnto them. | And immediatly there was gathered a greate multitude, in so moch that they had no rowme, no not without before the dore. And he spake the worde vnto thē. |
2:3 | And there cam vnto hym that brought wone sycke off the palsey/ borne off fower men: | And there came vnto him that brought one sicke of the palsie/ borne of fower men. | And there came vnto him that brought one sicke of the palsie borne of fower men. | And there came vnto him certaine, which brought one sicke of the palsye borne of foure. |
2:4 | and be cause they coulde not come nye vnto hym for preace: They opened the rofe of the housse where he was. And when they had broken yt opē/ they lett doune the beed where ī the sicke of the palsey ley/ | And because they coulde not come nye vnto him for preace/ they vncovered ye rofe of the housse where he was. And when they had broken it opē/ they let doune ye beed where in ye sicke of the palsie laye. | And because they coulde not come nye vnto him for prease/ they vncouered the rofe of the housse where he was. And when they had broken it open/ they let doune the beed where in the sicke of the palsie laye. | And when they coude not come nye him for ye people, they vncouered ye rofe of ye house where he was. And when they had made a hole, they let downe the bed (by coardes) wherin the sicke of ye palsy laye. |
2:5 | Whē Iesus sawe their fayth/ he sayde to the sicke of the palsey/ sonne thy synnes are forgeven the. | When Iesus sawe their fayth/ he sayde to the sicke of the palsie/ sonne thy sinnes are forgeven the. | When Iesus sawe their fayth/ he sayde to the sicke of the palsie/ sonne thy synnes are forgeuen the. | But when Iesus sawe their faith, he sayde vnto the sicke of the palsye: My sonne, thy synnes are forgeuen the. |
2:6 | There were certeyne of the scrybſ sittinge/ ād reasoninge in their hertſ: | And ther were certayne of ye scribſ sittinge there/ & reasoninge in their hertſ: | And ther were certayne of the Scribes syttinge there/ & reasoninge in their hertes: | Neuertheles there were certayne scrybes which sat there, & thought in their hertes: |
2:7 | howe doeth thys felowe blaspheme? who cā forgeve synnes/ but god only? | how doeth this felowe so blaspheme? Who can forgeve synnes/ but God only? | how doeth this felowe so blaspheme? Who can forgeue synnes/ but God only? | How speaketh this man soch blasphemy? Who can forgeue synnes, but onely God? |
2:8 | And immediatly when Iesus perceaved ī his sprete/ that they so reasoned in them selves/ he sayde vnto them: why thynke ye soche thinges in youre hertſ? | And immediatly whē Iesus perceaved in his sprete/ yt they so reasoned in thē selves/ he sayde vnto them: why thynke ye soche thingſ in youre hertſ? | And immediatly when Iesus perceaued in his sprete/ that they so reasoned in thē selues/ he sayde vnto them: why thynke ye soche thinges in youre hertes? | And immediatly Iesus knew in his sprete, that they thought so in thē selues, and saide vnto them: Why thynke ye soch thinges in youre hertes? |
2:9 | whether ys it easyer to saye to the sicke of the palsey/ thy synnes ar forgevē the: or to saye/ aryse/ take vppe thy beed and walke? | Whether is it easyer to saye to ye sicke of ye palsie/ thy synnes are forgeven the: or to saye/ aryse take vp thy beed/ and walke? | Whether is it easyer to saye to the sicke of the palsie/ thy synnes are forgeuen the: or to saye/ aryse take vp thy beed/ and walke? | Whether is easier to saye to the sicke of the palsye: Thy synnes are forgeuē the, or to saye: aryse, take vp thy bed and walke. |
2:10 | That ye maye knowe that the sōne of man hath power in erth to forgeve siñes/ he spake vnto the sicke of the palsey: | That ye maye knowe yt the sonne of man hath power in erth to forgeve synnes/ he spake vnto ye sicke of the palsie: | That ye maye knowe that the sonne of man hath power in erth to forgeue synnes/ he spake vnto the sicke of the palsie: | But that ye maye knowe, that ye sonne of man hath power to forgeue synnes vpon earth, he sayde vnto the sicke of ye palsye: |
2:11 | I saye vnto the/ aryse and take vp thy beed/ and gett the hens in to thyne awne housse. | I saye vnto ye/ aryse & take vp thy beed/ & get ye hense in to thyne awne housse. | I saye vnto the/ aryse and take vp thy beed/ and get the hense into thyne awne housse. | I saye vnto the, aryse, take vp thy bed, and go home. |
2:12 | And by ād by he arose/ toke vp hys beed/ and wēt forth before them all. in so moche that they were all amased/ and glorified god sayinge: we never sawe it on thys fassion. | And by and by he arose/ toke vp the beed/ and went forth before them all: in so moche that they were all amased/ and glorified God sayinge: we never sawe it on this fassion. | And by & by he arose/ toke vp the beed/ & went forth before them all: in so moche that they were all amased/ and glorified God sayinge: we neuer sawe it on this fassion. | And immediatly he arose, toke his bed, and wente forth before them all: in so moch that they were all astonnied, and praysed God, and sayde: We neuer sawe soch. |
2:13 | And he went out agayne vnto the see/ and all the people resorted vnto hym/ and he taught thē. | And he went agayne vnto the see/ and all the people resorted vnto him/ & he taught thē. | And he went agayne vnto the see/ and all the people resorted vnto him/ and he taught them. | And he wente forth agayne vnto the see, and all the people came vnto him, and he taught them. |
2:14 | And as Iesus passed by/ he sawe levy the sonne of alphey/ syt att the receyte of custome/ and sayde vnto him: folowe me. And he arose and folowed hym. | And as Iesus passed by/ he sawe Levy ye sonne of Alphey syt at the receyte of custome/ & sayde vnto him: folowe me. And he arose & folowed him. | And as Iesus passed by/ he sawe Leuy the sonne of Alphey syt at the receyte of custome/ & sayde vnto him: folowe me. And he arose and folowed him. | And as Iesus passed by, he sawe Leui the sonne of Alpheus syttinge at the receate of custome, and sayde vnto him: Folowe me. And he arose, and folowed him. |
2:15 | And yt cam to passe/ as Iesus sate att meate in his housse/ many pubplicans and synners sate att meate also with Iesus and his disciples. For there were many that folowed him. | And it came to passe/ as Iesus sate at meate in his housse/ many publicans & synners sate at meate also with Iesus & his disciples. For there were many that folowed him. | And it came to passe/ as Iesus sate at meate in his housse/ many publicans and synners sate at meate also with Iesus and his disciples. For there were many that folowed him | And it came to passe as he sat at the table in his house, there sat many publicans & synners at the table with Iesus and his disciples: For there were many yt folowed him. |
2:16 | And when the scribs and pharises sawe him eate with publicans and synners/ they sayde vnto his disciples: howe is it/ that he eateth ād drynketh with publicans and synners? | And when the Scribes & Pharises sawe him eate with publicās and synners/ they sayde vnto his disciples: how is it/ that he eateth & drynketh with publicās and synners? | And when the Scribes and Pharises sawe him eate with publicans and synners/ they sayde vnto his disciples: how is it/ that he eateth & drinketh with publicans and synners? | And whan the scrybes and Pharises sawe that he ate with publicans & synners, they sayde vnto his disciples: Why doth he eate and dryncke with ye publicans and synners? |
2:17 | when Iesus had herde that/ he sayd vnto them. The whole have no nede of the visiciō: but the sicke. I cā to cal the siñers to repentaunce/ and not the iuste. | When Iesus hearde yt/ he sayde vnto them. The whole have no nede of the phisiciō/ but the sicke. I came not to call the rightwise/ but the synners to repentaunce. | When Iesus hearde that/ he sayde vnto them. The whole haue no nede of the phisicion/ but the sicke. I came not to call the rightwyse/ but the synners to repentaunce. | Whan Iesus herde that, he sayde vnto thē: The whole nede not ye Phisician, but they that are sycke. I am not come to call the righteous, but the synners to repētaunce. |
2:18 | And the disciples of Ihō and of the pharises did faste/ and they cā and sayde vnto him. Why do the disciples of Ihon and off the pharises faste/ and thy disciples fast nott. | And the disciples of Iohn & the Pharises dyd faste: & therfore came & sayde vnto him. Why do ye disciples of Iohn & of the Pharises faste/ & thy disciples fast not. | And the disciples of Iohn and the Pharises dyd faste: & therfore came and sayde vnto him. Why do the disciples of Iohn and of the Pharises faste/ and thy disciples fast not. | And the disciples of Ihon and of ye Pharises fasted. And there came certaine, which sayde vnto him: Why fast the disciples of Ihon, and of ye Pharises, and thy disciples fast not? |
2:19 | And Iesus sayde vnto them: cā the chyldren of a weddinge faste/ whils the brydgrome is with them? As longe as they have the brydgrome with thē/ they cannot faste. | And Iesus sayde vnto them: can the chyldren of a weddinge faste/ while the brydgrome is wt them. As longe as they have the brydgrome with them/ they cannot faste. | And Iesus sayde vnto them: can the chyldren of a weddinge faste/ whils the brydgrome is with thē. As longe as they haue the brydgrome with them/ they cannot faste. | And Iesus sayde vnto them: How can the weddinge children fast, whyle the brydegrome is with them? So longe as ye brydegrome is with them, they can not fast. |
2:20 | Butt the dayes wyll come whē the brydegrome shalbe taken from them/ and then shall they faste in thoose dayes. | But the dayes will come when the brydgrome shalbe taken from them/ & then shall they faste in those dayes. | But the dayes will come when the brydgrome shalbe taken from thē and then shall they faste in those dayes. | But the tyme wyl come, that the brydegrome shalbe taken from them, and then shal they fast. |
2:21 | Also no mā soweth a pece of newe cloth vnto an olde garmēt/ for thē taketh he awaye the newe pece from the olde/ and so is the rent worsse. | Also no mā soweth a pece of newe cloth vnto an olde garmēt/ for then taketh he awaye ye newe pece frō the olde/ & so is the rent worsse. | Also no man soweth a pece of newe cloth vnto an olde garmēt/ for then taketh he awaye the newe pece from the olde/ & so is the rent worsse. | No man soweth a pece of new cloth vnto an olde garment, for els he taketh awaye the new pece from the olde, and so is the rēt worse. |
2:22 | In lyke wyse/ no man poureth newe wyne in to olde vessellſ/ for yf he do the newe wyne breaketh the vesselles/ and the wyne rūneth out/ and the vessels are marde. Butt newe wyne must be poured in to newe vessellſ. | In lyke wyse/ no man poureth newe wyne in to olde vessels: for yf he do/ the newe wyne breaketh the vessels/ and the wyne runneth out/ and the vessels are marred. But new wyne must be poured in to new vessels. | In lyke wyse/ no man poureth newe wyne into olde vessels: for yf he do/ the newe wyne breaketh the vessels/ & the wyne runneth out/ and the vessels are marred. But new wyne must be poured into new vessels. | And no man putteh new wyne into olde vessels, els the new wyne breaketh the vessels, and the wyne is spylt, and ye vessels perishe: but new wyne must be put in to new vessels. |
2:23 | And it chaunsed that he wēt thorowe the corne feldes on the sabboth daye/ and his disciples as they went on their waye/ began to plucke the eares of corne/ | And it chaunsed that he wēt thorow/ ye corne feldes on the Saboth daye: and his disciples as they went on their waye/ beganne to plucke the eares of corne. | And it chaunsed that he went thorow the corne feldes on the Sabboth daye: and his disciples as they went in their waye/ beganne to plucke the eares of corne. | And it chaunsed that vpon ye Sabbath he wente thorow the corne feldes, and his disciples begāne to make a waye thorow, and to plucke the eares of ye corne. |
2:24 | And the pharises sayde vnto hī: Take hede why do they on the sabboth daye that which is vnlaufull? | And the Pharises sayde vnto him: beholde/ why do they on the Saboth dayes yt which is not laufull? | And the Pharises sayde vnto him: beholde/ why do they on the Sabboth dayes that which is not laufull? | And the Pharises sayde vnto him: Beholde, what thy disciples do, which is not laufull vpō the Sabbath. |
2:25 | And he sayde vnto thē: have ye never redde what David did/ whē he had nede/ and was anhōgred bothe he ād they that were with him? | And he sayde to them: have ye never rede what David dyd/ when he had nede/ & was anhōgred/ bothe he & they that were with him? | And he sayde to them: haue ye neuer rede what Dauid dyd/ when he had nede/ and was anhongred/ bothe he and they that were with him? | And he sayde vnto thē: Haue ye neuer red what Dauid dyd, whā he had nede, and was anhongred, both he and they that were wt him: |
2:26 | howe they went into the housse of God in the dayes of Abiathar the hye preste/ and ate the halowed loves/ which is not laufull but for the prestſ only to eate: ād gave also to thē which were with him? | How he went into the housse of God in the dayes of Abiathar ye hye preste/ & dyd eate ye halowed loves/ which is not laufull to eate/ but for ye prestes only: & gave also to thē which were with him? | How he went into the housse of God in the dayes of Abiathar the hye Preste/ and dyd eate the halowed loues/ which is not laufull to eate/ but for the Prestes only: & gaue also to them which were with him? | how he wente in to the house of God in the tyme of Abiathar the hye prest, and ate the shewbreds (which was laufull for no man to eate, but for the prestes) and he gaue them vnto him, and to them that were with him? |
2:27 | And he sayde to them: the saboth daye was made for man/ and nott man for the saboth daye. | And he sayde to them: the Saboth daye was made for man/ and not man for the Saboth daye. | And he sayde to them: the Saboth was made for man/ and not man for the Saboth. | And he sayde vnto them: The Sabbath was made for mans sake, and not man for the Sabbathes sake. |
2:28 | Wherfore is the sōne of mā lorde even of the saboth daye. | Wherfore the sonne of man is Lorde evē of the Saboth daye. | Wherfore the sonne of man is Lorde euen of the Saboth daye. | Therfore is the sonne of man LORDE euen ouer the Sabbath. |
Mark: Chapter 3
The Gospell of S. Marke. The .iij. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
The Gospell of S. Marke. The .iij. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
3:1 | ANd he entred agayne into the synagog/ ād there was a man which had a widdred hōde: | ANd he entred agayne into ye synagoge/ & there was a man there which had a widdred honde. | ANd he entred agayne into the synagoge/ and there was a man there which had a widdred honde. | HE wente agayne also in to the synagoge, and there was there a mā that had a wythred hande. |
3:2 | and they watched him/ to se/ yf he wolde heale hī on the saboth daye/ that they myght accuse hym. | And they watched him to se/ whether he wolde heale him on the Saboth daye/ yt they might accuse him. | And they watched him to se/ whether he wolde heale him on the Saboth daye/ that they myght accuse him. | And they marked him, whether he wolde heale him on the Sabbath, that they might accuse him. |
3:3 | And he saide vnto the man whych had the widdred honde: aryse and stonde in the middes. | And he sayde vnto ye man which had ye wyddred honde: arise & stonde in ye middes. | And he sayde vnto the man which had the wyddred honde: aryse and stonde in the myddes. | And he sayde vnto ye mā with the wythred hāde: Steppe forth here. |
3:4 | And he sayd to them: whether ys it laufull to do a good dede ō the saboth daye/ or an evyll? to save a mānes life/ or to kyll? Butt they helde their peace. | And he sayd to them: whether is it laufull to do a good dede on ye Saboth dayes/ or an evyll? to save life or kyll? But they helde their peace. | And he sayd to them: whether is it laufull to do a good dede on the sabboth dayes/ or an euyll? to saue lyfe or kyll? But they helde their peace. | And he sayde vnto thē: Is it laufull to do good on the Sabbath? Or is it laufull to do euell? to saue life, or to kyll? But they helde their tonge. |
3:5 | And he loked roundeaboute on them angrely mornynge on the blindnes of their herttſ/ And sayd to the man: stretch forth thyne honde. And he stretched it forth: And the honde was restored/ even as whole as the other. | And he loked round aboute on them angerly/ mournyge on the blindnes of their hertes/ and sayde to the man: stretch forth thyne honde. And he stretched it oute. And his honde was restored/ even as whole as the other. | And he loked round aboute on them angerly/ mournynge on the blyndnes of their hertes/ & sayde to the man: stretch forth thyne honde. And he stretched it oute. And his honde was restored/ euen as whole as the other. | And he loked rounde aboute vpon them with wrath, and was sory for the harde hertes of thē, and sayde vnto the man: Stretch out thine hande. And he stretched it out. And his hande was made whole like as ye other. |
3:6 | The pharises departed/ and streyght waye gaddred a counsell with them that belonged to Herode agaynst hym/ that they myght destroye hī. | And ye Pharises departed/ & streyght waye gaddred a counsell with thē that belonged to Herode agaynst him/ yt they might destroye him. | And the Pharises departed/ & streyght waye gaddred a counsell/ with them that belonged to Herode/ agaynst him that they myght destroye him. | And the Pharises wēte out, and straight waye they helde a councell with Herodes officers agaynst him, how they might destroye him. |
3:7 | And Iesus avoyded with his disciples to the see: and a greate multitude folowed him frō galile and from Iewry/ | And Iesus auoyded wt his disciples to ye sea. And a greate multitude folowed him frō Galile & frō Iurie/ | And Iesus auoyded with his disciples to the see. And a greate multitude folowed him from Galile & from Iurie/ | But Iesus departed awaye with his disciples vnto the see. And there folowed him moch people out of Galile, and frō Iewry, |
3:8 | ād from hierusalem/ and from Idumea/ and from beonde Iordane: and they that dwelled about Tyre and Sidō/ a greate multitude: which whē they hade herde what thynges he did/ cam vnto him. | & frō Hierusalem/ & frō Idumea/ & frō beyonde Iordane: & they yt dwelled about Tyre & Sidon/ a greate multitude: which whē they had herde what thinges he dyd/ came vnto him. | & from Ierusalem/ & from Idumea/ & from beyonde Iordane: & they that dwelled about Tyre & Sidon a greate multitude: which when they had herde what thinges he dyd/ came vnto him. | and from Ierusalē, and out of Idumea, and from beyonde Iordan, and they that dwelt aboute Tyre and Sydon, a greate multitude which had herde of his noble actes, and came vnto him. |
3:9 | And he cōmaunded his disciples/ that a shippe shulde wayte on him/ because off the people/ leste they shulde throunge hym. | And he cōmaunded his disciples/ yt a shippe shuld wayte on him/ because of the people/ leste they shuld throūge him. | And he cōmaunded his disciples/ that a shippe shuld wayte on him/ because of the people/ leste they shuld throunge him. | And he spake vnto his disciples yt they shulde kepe a shyppe for him because of the people, lest they shulde thrunge him: |
3:10 | for he had healed many/ in somoche that they preased apō hī/ for to touche hī/ as many as had plagſ | For he had healed many/ in somoche that they preased apon him/ for to touche him/ as many as had plages. | For he had healed many/ in somoche that they preased apon him/ for to touche him as many as had plages. | for he healed many of them, in so moch, that all they which were plaged, preased vpon him, that they might touch him. |
3:11 | and whē the vnclene spritſ sawe him/ they fell doune before him/ and cryed sayinge: thou arte the sonne of God: | And when the vnclene spritſ sawe him/ they fell doune before him/ & cryed sayinge: thou arte the sonne of God. | And when the vnclene sprites sawe him/ they fell doune before him/ and cryed sayinge: thou arte the sonne of God. | And whan the foule spretes sawe him, they fell downe before him, and cried, and sayde: Thou art the sonne of God. |
3:12 | And he streyghtly charged thē that they shulde not vtter him. | And he straygtly charged them that they shuld not vtter him. | And he straytly charged them that they shuld not vtter him. | And he charged them strately, that they shulde not make him knowne. |
3:13 | And he went vppe into a moūtayne/ and called vnto him whom he wolde/ and they cam vnto hī. | And he wēt vp into a mountayne/ & called vnto him whom he wolde/ & they came vnto him. | And he went vp into a mountayne/ and called vnto him whom he wolde/ and they came vnto him. | And he wente vp in to a mountayne, and called vnto him whom he wolde, and they came vnto him. |
3:14 | And he ordeined the twelve that they shulde be with him/ and that he myght sende thē to preache. | And he ordeyned ye .xii. that they shuld be wt him/ & that he myght sende thē to preache: | And he ordeyned the .xij. that they shuld be with him/ & that he myght sende them to preache: | And he ordeyned ye twolue, that they shulde be with him, and that he might sende them out to preach, |
3:15 | And that they might have power to heale syknesses and to cast out devyllſ. | and that they might have power to heale syknesses/ & to cast out devyls. | and that they myght haue power to heale syknesses/ and to cast out deuyls. | and that they might haue power to heale sicknesses, and to cast out deuyls. |
3:16 | And he gave vnto Simon/ to name/ Peter. | And he gave vnto Simon/ to name Peter. | And he gaue Symon/ to name Peter. | And vnto Symon he gaue the name Peter, |
3:17 | And he called Iames the sōne of Zebede/ ād Ihon Iames brother/ ād gave thē bonarges to name/ which is to saye the sōnes of thounder. | And he called Iames the sonne of zebede & Iohn Iames brother/ & gave them Bonarges to name/ which is to saye the sonnes of thounder. | And he called Iames the sonne of zebede & Iohn/ Iames brother/ and gaue them Bonarges to name/ which is to saye/ the sonnes of thounder. | and Iames the sonne of Zebede, and Ihon the brother of Iames, and gaue thē the name Bonarges, that is to saye, the children of thonder: |
3:18 | And Andrewe and Philippe/ and Bartlemewe ād Mathewe/ and Thomas/ and Iames the sōne of Alphey/ and Taddeus/ and Symon of cane/ | And Andrew/ & Philip/ & Bartlemew/ & Mathew/ & Thomas/ & Iames the sonne of Alphey/ and Taddeus/ & Symon of Cane/ | And Andrew/ and Philip/ and Bartlemew/ & Mathew and Thomas/ and Iames the sonne of Alphey and Taddeus/ and Symon of Cane | and Andrew, and Philippe, and Bartylmew, and Mathew, and Thomas, and Iames ye sonne of Alpheus, and Taddeus, and Symon of Cana, |
3:19 | ād Iudas iscarioth/ whiche same also betrayed hym. And they came vnto housse/ | & Iudas Iscarioth/ which same also betrayed him. And they came vnto housse/ | & Iudas Iscarioth/ which same also betrayed him. And they came vnto housse/ | and Iudas Iscarioth which betrayed him. And they came to house. |
3:20 | and the people acsembled togedder agayne/ so greattly that they had nott leesar somoche as to eate breed. | & the people assembled togedder agayne/ so greatly that they had not leesar so moche as to eate breed. | and the people assembled togeder agayne/ so greatly that they had not leysar so moche as to eate breed. | Then assembled the people together agayne, in so moch that they had no leysure to eate. |
3:21 | And when they that longed vnto hym herde off it/ they went out to holde hym. For they sayde/ he ys to fervent. | And when they that longed vnto him hearde of it/ they went out to holde him. For they thought he had bene beside him selfe. | And when they that longed vnto him hearde of it/ they went out to holde him. For they thought he had bene beside him selfe. | And when they that were aboute him herde of it, they wente out to holde him. For they sayde: he taketh to moch vpon him. |
3:22 | And the scribes which came from Ierusalem/ sayde: he hath Beelzebub/ and by the power off the chefe devyll/ casteth out the vyllſ. | And ye Scribes which came frō Ierusalem/ sayde: he hath Belzebub/ & by ye power of the chefe devyll/ casteth out devyls. | And the Scribes which came from Ierusalem/ sayde: he hath Belzebub/ and by the power of the chefe deuyll/ casteth out deuyls. | But the scrybes that were come downe from Ierusalem, sayde: He hath Belzebub, and thorow the chefe deuell casteth he out deuyls. |
3:23 | And he called them vnto hym/ and in similitudſ sayde vnto them. Howe can Satan drive out Satan? | And he called them vnto him/ & sayde vnto them in similitudes. How can Satan drive out Satan? | And he called them vnto him/ and sayde vnto them in similitudes. How can Satan driue out Satan? | And he called them together, and spake vnto them in symilitudes: How can one Sathan dryue out another? |
3:24 | And yf a realme be devided ageynste it silfe/ that realme cānot endure. | For yf a realme be devided ageynste it silfe/ that realme cannot endure. | For yf a realme be deuided ageynste it selfe/ that realme cannot endure. | And yf a realme be deuyded in it self, how can it endure? |
3:25 | And if a housse be devided agaynste it silfe/ that housse cannot continue: | Or yf a housse be devided agaynste it silfe/ that housse cannot continue: | Or yf a housse be deuided agaynste it selfe/ that housse cannot cōtinue: | And yf a house be deuyded agaynst it self, it can not contynue. |
3:26 | So yf Satā make insurreccion agaynste him silfe/ and be devided/ he cā not continue/ but hath an ende. | So yf Satā make insurreccion agaynste him silfe and be devided/ he cannot continue/ but is at an ende. | So yf Satan make insurreccion agaynst him selfe/ and be deuided/ he cannot continue/ but is at an ende. | Yf Sathan now ryse agaynst him self, and be at variaunce with him self, he can not endure, but is at an ende. |
3:27 | No mā can entre into a stronge mans housse/ and take awaye hys gooddſ/ excepte he fyrst bynde that strōge mā and thē spoyle hys housse. | No man can entre into a stronge mans housse/ & take awaye hys gooddes/ excepte he fyrst bynde that stronge man/ and then spoyle hys housse. | No man can entre into a stronge mans housse/ and take awaye his gooddes/ excepte he fyrst bynde that stronge man/ and then spoyle his housse. | No man can entre in to a stronge mans house, and take awaye his goodes, excepte he first bynde the stronge man, and then spoyle his house. |
3:28 | Verely I saye vnto you that all synnes shalbe forgeven vnto mens chyldren: and blasphemy/ where with they blaspheme. | Verely I saye vnto you/ all synnes shalbe forgeven vnto mens chyldren & blasphemy wherwith they blaspheme. | Verely I saye vnto you/ all synnes shalbe forgeuen vnto mens chyldren & blasphemy wherwith they blaspheme. | Verely I saye vnto you: All synnes shalbe forgeuen the children of men, and the blasphemy also wherwith they blaspheme. |
3:29 | but he that blasphemeth the holy goost/ shall never have forgevenes: but is in daunger of eternall dampnacion. | But he that blasphemeth ye holy goost/ shall never have forgevenes: but is in daūger of eternall dāpnacion: | But he that blasphemeth the holy goost/ shall neuer haue forgeuenes: but is in daunger of eternall damnacion: | But who so blasphemeth the holy goost, hath neuer forgeuenes, but is giltie of the euerlastinge iudgment. |
3:30 | For they sayde/ he had an vnclene sprete. | because they sayde/ he had an vnclene sprete. | because they sayde/ he had an vnclene sprete. | For they sayde: he hath an vncleane sprete. |
3:31 | And there cam his mother and his brithren/ and stode with oute/ and sent vnto him and called hym: | Then came his mother & his brethrē/ & stode with out/ & sent vnto him and called him. | Then came his mother & his brethren/ & stode with out/ and sent vnto him and called him. | And there came his mother and his brethrē, and stode without, and sente vnto him, and called him. |
3:32 | and the people sate aboute hym/ and sayde vnto hym: beholde thy mother ād thy brethrē seke for the with out. | And the people sate aboute hym/ & sayde vnto him: beholde thy mother & thy brethrē seke for the with out. | And the people sate aboute him/ and sayde vnto him: beholde thy mother and thy brethren seke for the with out. | And the people sat aboute him, and sayde vnto him: Beholde, thy mother and thy brethrē axe after the without. |
3:33 | And he āswered them/ saynge: who ys my mother/ and my brethren? | And he answered them sayinge: who is my mother and my brethrē? | And he answered them sayinge: who is my mother and my brethren? | And he answered, and sayde: Who is my mother and my brethren? |
3:34 | And he loked roūde about ō his disciples/ which sate ī compasse about hym/ and sayde: beholde my mother/ and my brethren/ | And he loked rounde about on his disciples which sate in compasse about hym/ & sayde: beholde my mother & my brethren. | And he loked rounde about on his disciples/ which sate in compasse about him/ and sayde: beholde my mother and my brethren. | And he loked rounde aboute him vpon his disciples, which sat rounde in compasse aboute him, and sayde: Beholde, my mother and my brethren. |
3:35 | For who soever doeth the will off god/ he is my brother/ my syster and mother. | For who soever doeth ye will of God/ he is my brother my syster and mother. | For whosoeuer doeth the will of God/ he is my brother/ my syster and mother. | For who so euer doth the will of God the same is my brother, and my sister and my mother. |
Mark: Chapter 4
The Gospell of S. Marke. The .iiij. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
The Gospell of S. Marke. The .iiij. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
4:1 | ANd he began agayne to teache then by the see syde. And there gadered to gedder vnto hym moche people/ so greatly that he entred in to a shippe/ and sate in the see/ and all the people was by the seesyde ō the shoore/ | ANd he began agayne to teache by the see syde. And there gadered to gedder vnto him moche people/ so greatly yt he entred into a ship/ and sate in the see/ & all the people was by the see side on the shoore. | ANd he began agayne to teache by the see syde. And there gadered to geder vnto him moche people/ so greatly that he entred into a ship/ and sate in the see/ and all the people was by the see syde on the shoore. | ANd he begāne agayne to teach by ye seeside. And there gathered moch people vnto him, so that he wente in to a shippe, and sat vpon the water. And all the people stode vpon the londe by the see syde. |
4:2 | And he taught thē many thynges in similitudes/ and sayde vnto them in his doctrine: | And he taught them many thynges in similitudes/ and sayde vnto them in his doctrine: | And he taught them many thinges in similitudes and sayde vnto them in his doctrine. | And he preached longe vnto thē by parables, and sayde vnto thē in his doctryne: |
4:3 | Herkē to. Beholde/ The sower went forth to sowe/ | Herken to. Beholde/ There wēt out a sower to sowe. | Herken to. Beholde/ There went out a sower to sowe. | Herken to, beholde, there wente out a sower to sowe: |
4:4 | and it fortuned as he sowed/ that some fell by the waye syde/ and the fowles off the ayre cam and devoured it vppe. | And it fortuned as he sowed/ that some fell by the waye syde/ and the fowles of the ayre came and devoured it vp. | And it fortuned as he sowed/ that some fell by the waye syde/ and the fowles of the ayre came and deuoured it vp. | & it happened whyle he was sowinge, that some fell by the waye syde. Then came the foules vnder the heauen, and ate it vp. |
4:5 | Some fell on a stony grounde: where it had not moche erth: and by and by sprāge vppe/ because it had not deepth of erth/ | Some fell on stony grounde/ where it had not moche erth: and by and by sprange vp/ because it had not deepth of erth: | Some fell on stony grounde/ where it had not moche erth: and by and by sprange vp/ because it had not deepth of erth: | Some fell vpon stonye grounde, where it had not moch earth: and anone it came vp, because it had not depe earth. |
4:6 | and as sone as the sun was vppe it caught heet: and because it had nott rotynge it wyddred awaye. | but assone as the sunne was vp it caught heet/ and because it had not rotynge/ wyddred awaye. | but assone as the sunne was vp it caught heet/ and because it had not rotynge/ wyddred awaye. | Now whā the Sonne arose, it caught heate: and in so moch as it had no rote, it wythred awaye. |
4:7 | And some fell amōge the thornes/ and the thornes grewe vppe and choked it/ so that it gave no frute. | And some fell amonge the thornes/ and the thornes grewe vp and choked it/ so that it gave no frute. | And some fell amonge the thornes/ and the thornes grewe vp and choked it/ so that it gaue no frute. | And some fel amonge the thornes, & the thornes grew vp, and choked it, and it gaue no frute. |
4:8 | And some fell apon good grounde: ād did yelde frute that sprōge and grewe: ād brought forthe some thirty folde/ some fourty folde/ and some an hundred folde. | And some fell vpon good grounde and dyd yelde frute that sprōge and grewe/ and brought forthe: some thirty folde/ some sixtie folde and some an hundred folde. | And some fell vpon good grounde/ and dyd yelde frute that spronge and grewe/ and brought forthe: some thyrty folde/ some sixtee folde/ and some an hundred folde. | And some fell vpon a good grounde, which gaue frute, that came vp and grew. And some bare thirtie folde, and some sixtie folde, and some an hundreth folde, |
4:9 | And he sayde vnto them: He that hath eares to heare/ lett hym heare. | And he sayde vnto them: he that hath eares to heare/ let him heare. | And he sayde vnto them: he that hath eares to heare/ let him heare. | And he sayde vnto them: Who so hath eares to heare, let him heare. |
4:10 | When he was alone/ they that were/ aboute hym with the twelve axed hym of the similitude. | And when he was alone/ they yt were aboute him with ye .xii. axed him of ye similitude. | And when he was alone/ they that were aboute him with the .xij. axed him of the similitude. | And whan he was alone, they that were aboute him wt the twolue, axed him concernynge this parable. |
4:11 | And he saide vnto thē: To you it is geven to knowe the mistery of the kyngdom of God/ But vnto them that are with out/ shall all thingſ be done in similitudſ: | And he sayde vnto thē. To you it is gevē to knowe the mistery of the kyngdome of God. But vnto them that are wt out/ shall all thinges be done in similitudes: | And he sayde vnto them. To you it is geuen to knowe the mystery of the kyngdome of God. But vnto them that are with out/ shall all thinges be done in similitudes: | And he sayde vnto thē: Vnto you it is geuen, to knowe the mystery of the kyngdome of God: but vnto them that are without, all thinges happen by parables, |
4:12 | that when they se/ they shall se/ and not discerne: and when they heare they shall heare/ ād not vnderstōde: leste at any tyme they shulde tourne/ and their synnes shulde be foryeven them. | yt when they se/ they shall se/ & not discerne: & when they heare they shall heare/ & not vnderstonde: leste at any tyme they shulde tourne/ & their synnes shuld be forgevē thē. | that when they se/ they shall se/ and not discerne: and when they heare they shall heare/ and not vnderstonde: leste at any tyme they shulde tourne/ and their synnes shuld be forgeuen them. | that with seynge eyes they maye se, and not discerne: and that with hearinge eares they maye heare, and not vnderstōde, lest at eny tyme they turne, and their synnes be forgeuen them. |
4:13 | And he sayde vnto them: Perceave ye not this similitude. And howe ye shall knowe all similitudes? | And he sayde vnto thē: Perceave ye not this similitude? how then shulde ye vnderstonde all other similitudes? | And he sayde vnto them: Perceaue ye not this similitude? how then shulde ye vnderstonde all other similitudes? | And he sayde vnto them: Vnderstonde ye not this parable? How wyl ye then vnderstonde all other parables? |
4:14 | The sower soweth the worde. | The sower soweth ye worde. | The sower soweth the worde. | The sower soweth the worde. |
4:15 | These be they whiche are by the wayes syde/ where the worde is sowen/ to whom as sone as they have herde itt/ cōmeth the devyll and takith awaye the worde that was sowen in their hertſ. | And they that are by the wayes syde/ where the worde is sowen/ are they to whom assone as they have herde it/ Sathā cometh immediatly/ & takith awaye the worde that was sowē in their hertes. | And they that are by the wayes syde/ where the worde is sowen/ are they to whom assone as they haue herde it/ Satan cometh immediatly/ and takith awaye the worde that was sowen in their hertes. | These be they that are by the waye syde: where the worde is sowne, and as soone as they haue herde it, immediatly commeth Sathā, and taketh awaye the worde that was sowen in their hertes. |
4:16 | And these also are they that are sowē on the stony groūde: which when they have herde the worde/ att once they receave it with ioye/ | And likewise they that are sowen on the stonye groūde/ are they: which when they have harde the worde/ atonce receave it wt gladnes/ | And lykewyse they that are sowen on the stonye grounde/ are they: which when they haue hearde the worde/ atonce receaue it with gladnes/ | And likewyse are they that are sowen on the stonye grounde: which when they haue herde the worde, receaue it with ioye, |
4:17 | yett have no rote ī them selves/ and so endure but for a season: afterwarde as sone as eny trouble or persecucion ariseth for the wordes sake/ anon they fall. | yet have no rotes in them selves/ & so endure but a tyme: & anone as trouble & persecucion aryseth for ye wordes sake/ they fall immediatly. | yet haue no rotes in them selues/ & so endure but a tyme: & anone as trouble and persecucion aryseth for the wordes sake/ they fall immediatly. | and haue no rote in them: but endure for a tyme. When trouble and persecucion aryseth for ye wordes sake, immediatly they are offended. |
4:18 | And these are they that are sowen amonge the thornes/ which heare the worde of god/ | And they that are sowē amōge the thornes/ are soche as heare ye worde: | And they that are sowen amonge the thornes/ are soche as heare the worde: | And these are they that are sowen amōge the thornes: which heare the worde, |
4:19 | ād the care of this worlde and the disseytfulnes of ryches/ ād the lustes of other thyngſ entre in/ and choocke the worde/ ād it is made vnfrutfull. | and ye care of this worlde & ye disseytfulnes of ryches & the lustes of other thingſ/ entre in & choocke ye worde/ & it is made vnfrutfull. | and the care of this worlde and the disseytfulnes of ryches and the lustes of other thinges/ entre in & choocke the worde/ and it is made vnfrutfull. | and ye carefulues of this worlde, and the disceatfulnes of riches, and many other lustes entre in, and choke the worde, and so is it made vnfrutefull. |
4:20 | And these are they that are sowen ī good grounde/ which heare the worde and receave it/ and brynge forth frute: some thirty folde/ some sixty folde/ some an hundred folde. | And those that weare sowē in good grounde/ are they that heare the worde and receave it/ and bringe forth frute/ some thirty folde/ some sixty folde/ some an hundred folde. | And those that weare sowed in good grounde/ are they that heare the worde and receaue it/ and bringe forth frute/ some thirty folde some sixty folde/ some an hundred folde. | And these are they yt are sowen vpō a good grounde: Which heare ye worde, and receaue it, and brynge forth frute: some thirtie folde, and some sixtie folde, and some an hundreth folde. |
4:21 | And he sayde vnto them: is the candle lighted/ to be put vnder a busshell/ or vnder the borde? ys it not therfore lighted that it shulde be put on a cādelsticke? | And he sayde vnto them: is ye candle lighted/ to be put vnder a busshell/ or vnder ye table/ & not rather to be put on a cādelstick? | And he sayde vnto them: is the candle lyghted/ to be put vnder a busshell/ or vnder the table/ and not rather to be put on a candelstick? | And he sayde vnto thē: Is a candle lighted to be put vnder a busshell, or vnder a table? Is it not lighted, to be set vpon a candelsticke? |
4:22 | For there is no thinge so prevy/ that shall nott be opened: nether so secreet/ butt that it shall come abroade. | For there is nothinge so prevy/ that shall not be opened: nether so secreet/ but that it shall come abroade. | For there is nothinge so preuy/ that shall not be opened: nether so secreet/ but that it shall come abroade. | For there is nothinge hyd, that shal not be openly shewed: and there is nothinge secrete, yt shal not be knowne. |
4:23 | Yf eny mā have eares to heare/ lett hī heare. | Yf eny man have eares to heare/ let him heare. | If eny man haue eares to heare/ let him heare. | Who so hath eares to heare, let him heare. |
4:24 | And he sayd vnto thē: take hede what ye heare. With what measure ye mete/ with the same shall it be measured vnto you agayne. And vnto you that have shall more be geven. | And he sayde vnto them: take hede what ye heare. With what measure ye mete/ with the same shall it be measured vnto you agayne. And vnto you that heare shall more be gevē. | And he sayde vnto them: take hede what ye heare. With what measure ye mete/ with the same shall it be measured vnto you agayne. | And he sayde vnto them: Take hede what ye heare. With what measure ye mete, with the same shal it be measured vnto you agayne. And vnto you that heare this, shal more be geuen. |
4:25 | For vnto hym that hath/ shall it be geven: And from hym that hath nott/ shall be taken awaye/ even that he hathe. | For vnto him yt hath/ shall it be geven: and from him that hath not/ shalbe taken awaye/ even that he hath. | And vnto you that heare/ shall more be geuen. For vnto him that hath/ shall it be geuen: and from him that hath not/ shalbe taken awaye/ euen that he hath. | For who so hath, vnto him shal be geuen: and who so hath not, from him shalbe taken awaye, euen that he hath. |
4:26 | And he sayd: so is the kyngdō of God/ even as yf a mā shulde sowe seede ī the grounde/ | And he sayde: so is the kyngdome of God/ even as yf a man shuld sowe seed in ye groūde/ | And he sayde: so is the kyngdome of God/ euen as yf a man shuld sowe seede in the grounde/ | And he sayde: The kyngdome of God is after this maner, as when a man casteth sede vpon the londe, |
4:27 | ād shuld slepe ād rise vp night ād daye: ād the seede shulde springe/ and growe vppe whyll he is not ware. | & shulde slepe & ryse vp night & daye: and the seede shuld springe & growe vp/ he not ware. | and shulde slepe and ryse vp nyght & daye: and the seede shuld springe and growe vp/ he not ware. | and slepeth, and stondeth vp night and daye, and the sede spryngeth vp, & groweth, he not knowinge of it. |
4:28 | For the erth bryngeth forthe frute off her silfe/ first the blad/ thē the eares/ after that full corne in the eares. | For ye erth bringeth forthe frute of her silfe: fyrst the blade/ then the eares/ after that full corne in the eares. | For the erth bringeth forth frute of her selfe: fyrst the blade/ then the eares after that full corne in the eares. | (For the earth bryngeth forth frute of her selfe: first the grasse, afterwarde the eare, then the full wheate in the eare) |
4:29 | As sone as the frute is brought forth/ anon he throusteth ī the sykell because that hervest is come. | And as sone as the frute is brought forth/ anōne he throusteth in ye sykell/ because the hervest is come. | And assone as the frute is brought forth/ anone he throusteth in the sykell/ because the heruest is come. | But whan she hath brought forth the frute, he putteth to the syckell, because the haruest is come. |
4:30 | And he sayde: where vnto shall we lyken the kyngdom off God? or with what compareson shall we compare it? | And he sayde: where vnto shall we lykē the kyngdome of God? or with what cōpareson shall we cōpare it? | And he sayde: where vnto shall we lyken the kyngdome of God? or with what comparison shall we compare it? | And he sayde: Where vnto wyl we licken the kyngdome of God? Or by what symilitude wyl we compare it? |
4:31 | It is lyke a grayne off mustardseed/ which when it is sowen in the erth/ is the leest of all seedes that be in the erth: | It is lyke a grayne of mustardseed/ which when it is sowē in the erth/ is the leest of all seedes that be in the erth: | It is lyke a grayne of mustardseed/ which when it is sowen in the erth/ is the leest of all seedes that be in the erth: | It is like a grayne of mustarde sede, which whā it is sowē vpō the londe, is the leest amonge all sedes of the earth. |
4:32 | And after that it is sowen it groweth vppe/ and is greatest of all yerbes: and bereth greate braunches so that the fowles off the ayre maye dwell vnder the shadowe of it. | but after that it is sowen/ it groweth vp/ and is greatest of all yerbes: & bereth greate braūches/ so that ye fowles of the ayre maye dwell vnder the shadowe of it. | but after that it is sowen/ it groweth vp/ and is greatest of all yerbes: and bereth greate braunches/ so that the fowles of the ayre maye dwell vnder the shadowe of it. | And whā it is sowen, it groweth vp, and is greater then all herbes, and getteth greate braunches, so yt the foules vnder the heauē maye dwell vnder ye shadowe therof. |
4:33 | And with many soche similitudſ he preached the worde vnto them/ after as they myght heare it. | And with many soche similitudſ he preached the worde vnto thē/ after as they myght heare it. | And with many soche similitudes he preached the worde vnto them/ after as they myght heare it. | And by many soch parables he spake the worde vnto thē, there after as they might heare it, |
4:34 | And with out similitude spake he nothīge vnto them. But whē they were a parte/ he expounded all thingſ to his disciples. | And with out similitude spake he no thinge vnto them. But when they were a parte/ he expounded all thinges to his disciples. | And without similitude spake he no thinge vnto them. But when they were a parte/ he expounded all thinges to his disciples. | & without parables spake he nothinge vnto them: but vnto his disciples he expounded all thinges pryuately. |
4:35 | And the same daye whē even was come he sayde vnto them: lett vs passe over into the other syde. | And the same daye when even was come/ he sayde vnto them: let vs passe over vnto the other syde. | And the same daye when euen was come/ he sayde vnto them: let vs passe ouer vnto the other syde. | And the same daye at euen he sayde vnto them: let us passe ouer. |
4:36 | And they late the people departe ād toke hī even as he was in the shippe. There were also with hī other shippes. | And they lefte the people/ & toke him even as he was in the shyp. And ther were also with him other shippes. | And they lefte the people/ and toke him euen as he was in the ship. And ther were also with him other shippes. | And they let the people go, and toke him as he was in the shippe, and there were mo shippes with him. |
4:37 | And there arose a great storme of wynde/ ād dasshed the waves īto the shippe/ so that it was full. | And ther arose a great storme of wynde/ & dasshed ye waves into the ship/ so that it was full. | And ther arose a great storme of wynde/ and dasshed the waues into the ship/ so that it was full. | And there arose a greate storme of wynde, and dasshed the wawes in to the shippe, so that the shippe was full. |
4:38 | And he was in the sterne a slepe on a pelowe. And they awoke hym/ and sayde vnto hym: Master/ carest thou nott that we perisshe? | And he was in the sterne a slepe on a pelowe. And they awoke him/ & sayde to him: Master/ carest thou not yt we perisshe? | And he was in the sterne a slepe on a pelowe. And they awoke him/ & sayde to him: Master/ carest thou not that we perisshe? | And he was behynde in the shippe and slepte vpon a pelowe. And they awoke him & sayde vnto him: Master, Carest thou not, that we perishe? |
4:39 | And he rose vppe and rebuked the wynde/ and sayde vnto the see: peace and be still. And the wynde alayed/ and there folowed a greate calme: | And he rose vp/ & rebuked the wynde/ & sayde vnto the see: peace & be still. And the winde alayed/ and ther folowed a greate calme. | And he rose vp/ & rebuked the wynde/ and sayde vnto the see: peace and be still. And the wynde alayed/ and ther folowed a greate calme. | And he arose, and rebuked ye wynde, and sayde vnto the see: Peace, and be styll, And the wynde was layed, & there folowed a greate calme. |
4:40 | and he sayde vnto them: why are ye fearfull? Howe is it that ye have no fayth? | And he sayde vnto them: why are ye so fearfull? How is it that ye have no fayth? | And he sayde vnto them: why are ye so fearfull? How is it that ye haue no fayth? | And he sayde vnto them: Why are ye so fearfull? How is it, that ye haue no faith? |
4:41 | And they feared excedīgly/ and sayde wō to another: what felowe is this? for booth wynde ād see obey hym. | And they feared excedingly/ & sayde one to another: what felowe is this? for booth winde & see obey him. | And they feared excedingly/ and sayde one to another: what felowe is this? For booth wynde and see obey him. | And they feared exceadingly, & sayde one to another: What is he this? For wynde and see are obedient vnto him. |
Mark: Chapter 5
The Gospell of S. Marke. The .v. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
The Gospell of S. Marke. The .v. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
5:1 | ANd they cā over to the other syde off the see in to the countre of the gaderens. | ANd they cam over to the other syde of ye see in to the coūtre of ye Gaderenites. | ANd they cam ouer to the other syde of the see into the countre of the Gaderenites. | ANd they came ouer vnto the other syde of the see in to the countre of the Gaderenites. |
5:2 | And whē he was come out of the shippe/ anon mett hym out of the graves a man possessyd of an vnclene sprete/ | And when he was come out of ye shippe/ there met him out of the graves a man possessyd of an vncleane sprete/ | And when he was come out of the shippe/ there met him out of the graues a man possessed of an vncleane sprite/ | And whan he wēte out of the shippe, there met him a mā possessed of an vncleane sprete, |
5:3 | which had his abydinge amōge the graves. And no man coulde bynde hym with cheynes/ | which had his abydinge amōge the graves. And no man coulde bynde him: no not with cheynes/ | which had his abydinge amōge the graues. And no man coulde bynde him: no not with cheynes/ | which had his dwellinge in the graues. And no man coude bynde hym, no not with cheynes: |
5:4 | be cause that whē he was often boūde with fetters and cheynes/ he plucked the chaynes asundre/ ād brake the fetters ī pecſ. Nether coulde eny mā tame hī. | because that when he was often bounde wt fetters & cheynes/ he plucked ye chaynes asundre/ & brake the fetters in peacſ. Nether coulde eny man tame him. | because that when he was often bounde with fetters & cheynes/ he plucked the chaynes asundre/ & brake the fetters in peces. Nether coulde eny man tame him. | for he was oft bounde with fetters & cheynes, and pluckte the cheynes in sunder, and brake the fetters in peces, and no man coude tame him. |
5:5 | And alwayes boothe nyght ād daye he cryed ī the moūtaynes ād ī the graves and bet hym silfe with stones. | And alwayes bothe nyght & daye/ he cryed in ye moūtaynes & in ye graves/ & bet him silfe wt stones. | And alwayes bothe nyght & daye he cryed in the mountaynes & in the graues/ and bet him selfe with stones. | And he was allwaye both daye and night vpon the mountaynes and in the graues crienge, and beatinge him self with stones. |
5:6 | Whē he had spied Iesus afarre of/ he rāne/ and worshipped him/ | When he had spied Iesus afarre of/ he rāne & worshipped him/ | When he had spied Iesus afarre of/ he rāne & worshipped him/ | But whan he sawe Iesus afarre of, he ranne, and fell downe before him, |
5:7 | and cryed with a lowde voyce and sayde: what have I to do/ with the Iesus the sonneof the moost hyest god? I requyre the ī the name of god/ that thou torment me nott. | & cryed wt a lowde voyce & sayde: what have I to do wt the Iesus ye sonne of the moost hyest God? I requyre ye in the name of God yt thou tormēt me not. | & cryed with a loude voyce & sayde: what haue I to do with the Iesus the sonne of the moost hyest God? I requyre the in the name of god that thou tormēt me not. | and cried loude, and sayde: What haue I to do with the O Iesus thou sonne of ye Hyest God? I charge the by God, that thou torment me not. |
5:8 | For he had sayd vnto hym/ Come forthe of the mā thou fowle sprete. | For he had sayd vnto hym: come out of the man thou fowle sprete. | For he had sayd vnto him: come out of the mā thou fowle sprite. | Neuertheles he sayde vnto him: Go out of the man thou foule sprete. |
5:9 | And he axed hym: what is thy name? and he anshwered hym/ my name is Legiōl/ for we are many. | And he axed him: what is thy name? And he answered sayinge: my name is Legion/ for we are many. | And he axed him: what is thy name? And he answered sayinge: my name is Legion/ for we are many. | And he axed him: What is thy name? And he answered and sayde: My name is Legion, for there be many of vs. |
5:10 | And he prayd hym instātly/ that he wolde nott sende them awaye out of that region. | And he prayd him instantly/ that he wolde not sende thē awaye out of the countre. | And he prayd him instantly/ that he wolde not sende them awaye out of the countre. | And he prayed him instantly, that he wolde not sende them awaye out of that countre. |
5:11 | There was there nye vnto the mountayns a greate heerd of swyne fedinge/ | And ther was there nye vnto ye moūtayns a greate heerd of swyne fedinge/ | And ther was there nye vnto the mountayns a greate heerd of swyne fedinge/ | And euen there in the mountaynes there was a greate heerd of swyne fedynge, |
5:12 | ād all the devyls besought hym saynge: sende vs ī to the heerde off swyne/ that we maye enter ī to them. | & all the devyls besought him sayinge: sende vs into the heerde of swyne/ yt we maye enter in to them. | & all the deuyls besought him sayinge: sende vs in to the heerde of swyne/ that we maye enter into them. | and all the deuyls praied him, and sayde: Let vs departe in to the swyne. |
5:13 | And anon Iesus gave them leave/ And the vnclene spretſ went out and entred in to the swyne. And the heerd starteled/ and ran hedlyng into the see. They were a bout ij M. swyne/ ād they were drouned in the see. | And anone Iesus gave them leave. And the vnclene spretſ wēt out & entred in to ye swyne. And the heerd starteled/ & ran hedling in to the see. They were a bout .ii.M. swyne/ & they were drouned in the see. | And anone Iesus gaue thē leaue. And the vnclene sprites went out & entred in to the swyne. And the heerd starteled/ & ran hedling in to the see. They were about .ij.M swyne/ and they were drouned in the see. | And anone Iesus gaue them leue. Then the foule spretes wente out, and intred in to the swyne. And the heerd of swyne, ranne heedlinges in to ye see with a storme. They were aboute a two thousande swyne, and were drowned in the see. |
5:14 | And the swyne heerdſ fleed/ and tolde it in the cite/ and in the countre. And they cā out for to see/ what had hapened/ | And the swyne heerdſ fleed/ & tolde it in ye cyte/ & in the countre. And they came out for to se what had hapened: | And the swyn heerdes fleed/ & tolde it in the cyte/ & in the countre. And they came out for to se what had hapened: | And the swyneherdes fled, and tolde it in the cite, and in the countre. And they wente out for to se what had happened, |
5:15 | And they cam out to Iesus/ ād they sawe hym that was vexed with the fende and had the legiō sytt/ both clothed and in his right mynde and were a frayed. | & came to Iesus/ & sawe hym that was vexed wt the fende & had the legiō/ syt/ both clothed & in his right mynde/ and were afrayed. | and came to Iesus/ & sawe him that was vexed with the fende & had the legion/ syt/ both clothed & in his ryght mynde/ and were afrayed. | and came to Iesus, and sawe hym which was possessed and had had ye legion, that he sat, and was clothed, and in his right mynde, and they were afrayed. |
5:16 | And they that sawe it tolde them/ howe it had hapened vnto hym that was possessed off the devyll/ and also of the swyne. | And they that sawe it tolde them/ how it had happened vnto him that was possessed with the devyll: & also of the swyne. | And they that sawe it tolde them/ how it had hapened to him that was possessed with the deuyll: and also of the swyne. | And they that had sene it, tolde them what had happened to the possessed, and of the swyne. |
5:17 | And they began to praye hym/ that he wolde departe from their coostes. | And they begāne to praye him/ that he wolde departe frō their coostes. | And they begāne to praye him/ that he wolde departe from their coostes. | And they beganne to praye him, that he wolde departe out of their coastes. |
5:18 | And when he was come in to the shippe/ he that had the devyll prayed hym that he myght be with hym: | And when he was come in to the shyppe/ he that had ye devyll/ prayed him that he myght be with him. | And when he was come into the shyppe/ he that had the deuyll/ prayed him that he myght be with him. | And whan he came in to the shyppe, the possessed prayed him, that he might be with him. |
5:19 | Iesus wolde not soffre hī but sayde vnto hī: goo home ī to thyne awne housse ād to thy frēdes/ ād shewe thē what thingſ the lorde hath done vnto the/ and howe he had compassion on the. | Howbeit Iesus wolde not suffre him/ but sayde vnto him: goo home in to thyne awne housse and to thy frendes/ & shewe thē what great thingſ ye Lorde hath done vnto the/ & how he had cōpassion on the. | Howbeit Iesus wolde not suffre him/ but sayde vnto him: go home in to thyne awne housse and to thy frendes/ and shewe them what great thinges the Lorde hath done vnto the/ and how he had compassion on the. | Neuertheles Iesus wolde not suffre hī, but saide vnto hī: Go ī to yi house & to thine awne, and tell thē how greate benefites the LORDE hath done for ye, and how he hath had mercy vpon the. |
5:20 | And he departed/ and began to publisshe in the ten cites/ what thingſ Iesus had done vnto hym/ and all men did merveyle. | And he departed/ & begāne to publisshe in ye ten cyties/ what greate thingſ Iesus had done vnto him/ & all mē dyd merveyle. | And he departed/ & beganne to publisshe in the ten cities/ what greate thinges Iesus had done vnto him/ & all men dyd merueyle. | And he wente his waye, and beganne to publish in the ten cities how greate benefites Iesus had done for him. And euery man marueyled. |
5:21 | And whē Iesus was come over agayne in the shippe vnto the other syde/ moche people gaddered vnto hym/ and he was nye vnto the see. | And when Iesus was come over agayne by shyp vnto the other syde/ moche people gadered vnto him/ & he was nye vnto the see. | And when Iesus was come ouer agayne by shyppe vnto the other syde/ moche people gadered to him/ & he was nye vnto the see. | And whan Iesus passed ouer agayne by shippe, there gathered moch people vnto him, and was by the see syde. |
5:22 | And beholde/ there cam vnto hym won of the rulers of the sinagogge/ whose name was Iairus: ād when he sawe hym/ he felle doune att his fete/ | And beholde/ ther came one of the rulers of ye Synagoge/ whose name was Iairus: & when he sawe him/ he fell doune at his fete/ | And beholde/ ther came one of the rulers of the Synagoge/ whose name was Iairus: & when he sawe him/ he fell doune at his fete/ | And beholde, there came one of the rulers of the synagoge, whose name was Iairus. And whan he sawe him, he fell downe at his fete, |
5:23 | ād besought hym greatly/ saynge: my doughter lyith att poynt of deeth/ I wolde thou woldest come and ley thy honde on her/ that she myght be safe and live. | & besought hym greatly sayinge: my doughter lyith at poynt of deeth/ I wolde thou woldest come and laye thy honde on her/ that she myght be safe and live. | & besought him greatly sayinge: my doughter lyeth at poynt of deeth/ I wolde thou woldest come & laye thy honde on her/ that she myght be safe and liue. | and besought him greatly, & sayde: My doughter is at the poynte (of death) let it be thy pleasure to come and laye thine honde vpon her, that she maye be whole and lyue. |
5:24 | And he went with hym/ ād moche people folowed hym/ and thronge hym. | And he wēt with him/ & moche people folowed him/ and thronged him. | And he went with him/ & moche people folowed him/ and thronged him. | And he wente with him, and moch people folowed him, and thronged him. |
5:25 | And there was a woman/ whiche was diseased off an yssue off bloude twelve yeres/ | And ther was a certen woman/ which was diseased of an yssue of bloude .xii. yeres | And ther was a certen woman/ which was diseased of an yssue of bloude .xij. yeres/ | And there was a woman, which had had the bloude yssue twolue yeares, |
5:26 | and had suffered many thingſ of many fisiciōs/ and had spent all that she had/ and felte none amendmēt at all/ But wexed worsse and worsse. | & had suffred many thingſ of many phisiciōs/ and had spēt all yt she had/ & felte none amendmēt at all/ but wexed worsse & worsse. | & had suffred many thinges of many phisicions/ & had spēt all that she had/ & felte none amendemēt at all/ but wexed worsse & worsse. | and had suffred moch of many phisicians, and spent all that she had, and was not helped, but rather in worse case. |
5:27 | When she had herde off Iesus: she cam into the preace behynde hym/ and tewched hys garment. | When she had herde of Iesus: she came into the preace behynde him/ & touched his garmēt. | When she had herde of Iesus: she came into the preace behinde him/ & touched his garmēt. | Whan she herde of Iesus, she came behynde amonge the people, and touched his garment. |
5:28 | For she sayde: Yf I maye butt tewche his clothinge/ I shall be whole. | For she thought: yf I maye but touche his clothes/ I shall be whole. | For she thought: yf I maye but touche his clothes I shall be whole. | For she sayde: Yf I maye but touch his clothes, I shalbe whole. |
5:29 | And streyght waye her foūtayne of bloude was dreyed vppe/ ād she felt in her body/ that she was healed off the plage. | And streyght waye her foūtayne of bloude was dryed vp/ aud she felt in her body/ that she was healed of the plage. | And streyght waye her foūtayne of bloude was dryed vp/ and she felt in her body/ that she was healed of the plage. | And immediatly ye fountayne of hir bloude was dryed vp, and she felt in hir body, yt she was healed of the plage. |
5:30 | And Iesus immediatly felt in hī silfe/ the vertue that went out off hym/ and tourned hym roūde a boute in the preace/ and sayde: Who tewched my clothes? | And Iesus immediatly felt in him silfe/ ye vertue that wēt out of him/ and tourned him roūde aboute in the preace/ & sayde: who touched my clothes? | And Iesus immediatly felt in him selfe/ the vertue that wēt out of him/ and tourned him roundaboute in the preace/ & sayde: who touched my clothes? | And forth with Iesus felt in himself the power that was gone out of him, and turned him aboute amōge the people, and sayde: Who hath touched my clothes? |
5:31 | And his disciples sayde vnto hym: thou seist the people thrustinge the ō every syde/ and yet sayest: who did tewche me? | And his disciples sayde vnto him: seist thou ye people thrust the/ and yet axest/ who dyd touche me? | And his disciples sayde vnto him: seist thou the people thrust the/ & yet axest/ who dyd touche me? | And his disciples sayde vnto him: Thou seist that the people thrusteth the, and sayest: Who hath touched me? |
5:32 | And he loked round about/ ffor to se her thatt had done that thinge. | And he loked roūd about/ for to se her that had done that thinge. | And he loked roūd about/ for to se her that had done that thinge. | And he loked aboute to se her, that had done it. |
5:33 | The woman feared and trembled/ for she knewe what was done with in her. And she cam and fell doune before hym ād tolde hym the trueth of every thīge. | The woman feared and trembled (for she knew what was done with in her) & she came & fell doune before him/ & tolde him ye truth of every thinge. | The woman feared and trembled (for she knew what was done with in her) & she came & fell doune before him/ & tolde him the truth of euery thinge. | As for the woman, she feared and trembled (for she knew, what was done in her) and came and fell downe before him, and tolde him the whole trueth. |
5:34 | And he sayde vnto her Doughter/ thy fayth hath saved the/ goo in peace/ and be whole off thy plage. | And he sayde to her: Doughter/ thy fayth hath made the whoale: goo in peace/ and be whole of thy plage. | And he sayde to her: Doughter thy fayth hath made the whoale: go in peace/ and be whole of thy plage. | And he sayde vnto her: Doughter, thy faith hath made the whole: go thy waye in peace, & be whole of thy plage. |
5:35 | Whyll he yet spake/ there cam from the ruler of the synagogis housse/ certayne which sayde: thy doughter is deed: why deseasest thou the master eny further? | Whyll he yet spake/ ther came frō the ruler of ye synagoges housse/ certayne which sayde: thy doughter is deed: why diseasest thou ye master eny further? | Whyll he yet spake/ ther came frō the ruler of the synagoges housse/ certayne which sayde: thy doughter is deed: why diseasest thou the master eny further? | Whyle he yet spake, there came certayne from the ruler of the synagoges house, and sayde: Thy doughter is deed, why troublest thou the master eny more? |
5:36 | As sone as Iesus herde thatt worde spoken/ he sayde vnto the ruler of the synagoge: Be not afrayed/ only beleve. | Assone as Iesus herde that worde spokē/ he sayde vnto the ruler of ye synagoge: be not a frayed/ only beleve. | Assone as Iesus hearde that worde spoken/ he sayde vnto the ruler of the Synagoge: be not afrayed/ only beleue. | But Iesus herde right soone the worde that was spoken, and sayde vnto the ruler of the synagoge: Be not thou afrayed, beleue onely. |
5:37 | And he suffred noman to folowe hym moo then Peter/ and Iames ād Ihon Iames brother. | And he suffred noman to folowe him moo then Peter and Iames and Ihon the brother of Iames. | And he suffred no man to folowe him moare then Peter & Iames and Iohn the brother of Iames. | And he suffred no mā to folowe him, but Peter and Iames and Ihon his brother. |
5:38 | And he cam vnto the housse of the ruler off the synagoge/ ād sawe the wondrynge and thē that wepte and wayled greatly/ | And he came vnto the housse of the ruler of ye synagoge/ & sawe ye wondrynge/ & them that wepte and wayled greatly/ | And he came vnto the housse of the ruler of the synagoge/ & sawe the wondringe/ & them that wepte & wayled greatly/ | And he came in to the ruler of the synagoges house, and sawe the busynes, and them that wepte and wayled greatly: |
5:39 | And he wēt in and sayde vnto them: Why make ye this adoo ād wepe? The mayden is not deed/ but slepith. | & went in & sayde vnto them: why make ye this adoo & wepe? The maydē is not deed/ but slepith. | & wēt in & sayde vnto thē: why make ye this a doo & wepe? The mayden is not deed/ but slepeth. | and he wente in, and sayde vnto them: Why make ye this a doo, and wepe? The mayde is not deed, but slepeth. |
5:40 | And they lawght hym to scorne. Then he put them all out/ ād toke the father and the mother off the maydē/ and thē that were with hym/ and entred in where the maydē laye/ | And they lawght him to scorne. Then he put them all out/ and toke ye father & the mother of ye mayden/ and them that were with him/ & entred in where the mayden laye/ | And they lawght him to scorne. Then he put them all out and toke the father and the mother of the mayden/ and them that were with him/ and entred in where the mayden laye/ | And they laughed him to scorne And he droue them all out, and toke the father and mother of the mayde, and them that were with him, and wente in where the mayden laye. |
5:41 | And toke the mayden by the honde/ ād sayde vnto her: Tabitha/ cumi: which is by īterpretacion: mayden I saye vnto the/ aryse. | & toke the mayden by the honde/ & sayde vnto hyr: Tabitha/ cumi: which is by interpretacion: maydē I saye vnto the/ aryse. | and toke the mayden by the honde/ and sayde vnto hyr: Tabitha/ cumi: which is by interpretacion: mayden I saye vnto the/ aryse. | And he toke the maydē by the honde, and sayde vnto her: Thabitha Cumi (which is by interpretaeion) Maydē, I saye vnto the: Aryse. |
5:42 | And streight the maydē arose/ and went on her fete. For she was of the age of twelve yeres. And they were astonied at it out of measure. | And streyght the mayden arose/ and went on her fete. For she was of the age of twelve yeres. And they were astonied at it out of measure. | And streyght the maydē arose/ and went on her fete. For she was of the age of twelue yeres. And they were astonyed at it out of measure. | And immediatly the mayden arose, and walked. She was twolue yeare olde, and they were astonnyed out of measure. |
5:43 | And he chraged them straytely/ that no man shulde knowe off it. And commaunded to geve her meate. | And he charged thē straytely that no man shuld knowe of it/ & cōmaunded to geve her meate. | And he charged them straytely that no man shuld knowe of it/ and commaunded to geue her meate. | And he charged them strately, that no man shulde knowe of it, and sayde vnto them, that they shulde geue her to eate. |
Mark: Chapter 6
The Gospell of S. Marke. The .vj. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
The Gospell of S. Marke. The .vj. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
6:1 | ANd he departed thēs/ and cā in to his awne coūtre/ and his disciples folowed hym. | ANd he departed thence/ & cam into his awne countre/ & his disciples folowed him. | ANd he departed thence/ & cam into his awne countre/ & his disciples folowed him. | ANd he departed thence, and came in to his awne countre, and his disciples folowed him. |
6:2 | And when the saboth daye was come/ he began to teache in the synagoge. And many thatt herde hym were astonyed/ ād sayde: Frō whens hath he these thīgſ? ād what wysdō is this that is geven vnto hī? ād suche vertues that are wrought by his hōdſ? | And whē the saboth daye was come/ he beganne to teache in ye synagsge. And many that hearde him were astonyed/ & sayde: From whens hath he these thinges? & what wysdō is this that is gevē vnto him? & suche vertues yt are wrought by his hondſ? | And when the Saboth daye was come/ he beganne to teache in the synagoge. And many that hearde him were astonyed/ & sayde: From whens hath he these thinges? and what wysdom is this that is geuen vnto him: & suche vertues that are wrought by his hondes? | And whā ye Sabbath came, he begāne to teach in their synagoge. And many that herde it, marueled at his lernynge, and sayde: From whēce hath he these thinges? And what wyssdome is this, yt is geuē him: & soch actes as are done by his handes? |
6:3 | Ys not this that carpēter Marys sōne/ the brother off Iames/ ād Ioses ād Iuda and Simō? ād are not his sisters here with vs? And they were hurt by the reason of hī. | Is not this that carpēter Maryes sonne/ ye brother of Iames & Ioses and of Iuda & Simon? & are not his systers here with vs? And they were offended by him. | Is not this that carpenter Maryes sonne the brother of Iames & Ioses & of Iuda & Simon? & are not his systers here with vs? And they were offended by him. | Is not this the Carpenter the sonne of Mary, and the brother of Iames and Ioses, and of Iude and Symon? Are not his sisters here with vs also? And they were offended at him. |
6:4 | And Iesus sayde vnto thē: a prophet is not despysed but in his awne countre/ ād amonge his awne kynne/ and amonge them that are of the same houssholde. | And Iesus sayde vnto thē: a prophet is not despysed but in his awne coūtre/ & amonge his awne kynne/ & amonge thē that are of the same housholde. | And Iesus sayde vnto them: a Prophet is not despysed but in his awne countre/ & amōge his awne kynne/ & amonge them that are of the same housholde. | But Iesus saide vnto thē: A prophet is nowhere lesse set by, thē in his awne countre, & at home amonge his awne. |
6:5 | And he coulde there shewe no myracles butt leyd his hondſ apon a feawe sicke foolke ād healed thē. | And he coulde there shewe no miracles/ but leyd his hondes apon a feawe sicke foolke and healed thē. | And he coulde there shewe no myracles/ but layde his hondes vpon a feawe sicke foolke and healed them. | And he coude not shew one miracle there, but layed his handes vpon a few sicke, and healed them. |
6:6 | And he merveyled at their vnbelefe. And he went aboute by the tounes that lye in circuite/ teachynge. | And he merveyled at their vnbelefe. And he went aboute by ye tounes yt laye on every syde/ teachynge. | And he merueyled at their vnbelefe. And he wēt aboute by the tounes that laye on euery syde/ teachinge. | And he marueyled at their vnbeleue. And he wente aboute in the townes on euery syde, and taught them. |
6:7 | And he called the twelve/ and began to sende them/ two and two/ ād gave them power over vnclene spretſ. | And he called ye twelve & beganne to sende them/ two and two/ & gave them power over vnclene spretes. | And he called the twelue/ & beganne to sende them two & two/ & gaue them power ouer vnclene spretes. | And called the twolue, and begāne to sende them two and two, and gaue them power ouer the vncleane spretes. |
6:8 | And cōmaunded them/ that they shulde take notthinge vnto their Iorney/ save a rodde ōly: Nether scrippe/ nether breed/ nether mony ī their pourses: | And cōmaunded thē/ that they shuld take nothinge vnto their Iorney/ save a rodde only: Nether scrippe/ nether breed/ nether mony in their pourses: | And commaunded them/ that they shuld take nothinge vnto their iorney saue a rodde only: nether scrippe/ nether breed/ nether mony in their pourses/ | And commaunded thē, that they shulde take nothinge with them towarde their iourney, saue onely a rodde: no scrippe, no bred, no money in the gerdell, |
6:9 | butt shoulde be shood with sandals. And that they shulde not put on two coottſ. | but shuld be shood with sandals. And that they shuld not put on two coottes. | but shuld be shood with sandals. And that they shuld not put on two cootes. | but shulde be shod with sandales, and that they shulde not put on two cotes. |
6:10 | And sayd vnto thē: whersoever ye entre into an housse/ there abyde tyll ye departe thens. | And he sayd vnto thē: whersoever ye entre in to an house/ there abyde tyll ye departe thence | And he sayde vnto them: whersoeuer ye entre in to an housse/ there abyde tyll ye departe thence. | And he sayde vnto them: Where so euer ye shal entre in to an house, there abyde, tyll ye go thence. |
6:11 | And whosoever shall nott receave you/ nor heare you/ when ye departe thens/ shake of the duste that is vnder youre fete/ for a remembraūce vnto them. I saye verely vnto you/ itt shalbe easyer for Zodom and Gomor/ att the daye off iudgemēt/ thē for that cite. | And whosoever shall not receave you/ nor heare you/ when ye departe thence/ shake of the duste that is vnder youre fete/ for a witnesse vnto them. I saye verely vnto you/ it shalbe easyer for zodom and Gomor at the daye of iudgement/ then for that cite. | And whosoeuer shall not receaue you/ nor heare you/ when ye departe thence/ shake of the duste that is vnder youre fete/ for a witnesse vnto them. I saye verely vnto you/ it shalbe easier for zodom & Gomor at the daye of iudgement/ then for that cite. | And who so euer wyll not receaue you, ner heare you, departe out from thence, and shake of the dust from youre fete, for a wytnesse vnto them. I saye vnto you verely: It shal be easyer for Sodome and Gomorra in the daye of iudgment, then for that cite. |
6:12 | And they went out and preached/ that they shulde repent: | And they went out and preached/ that they shuld repent: | And they wēt out and preached/ that they shuld repent: | And they wēte forth, and preached, that men shulde amēde them selues, |
6:13 | and they caste out many devyllſ. And they annoynted/ many that were sicke with oyle and healed them. | and they caste out many devylles. And they annoynted many that were sicke/ with oyle and healed them. | and they cast out many deuyls. And they annoynted many that were sicke/ with oyle and healed them. | and they cast out many deuyls: and many that were sicke anoynted they with oyle, and healed thē. |
6:14 | And kynge Herode herde of him/ for his name was spreed abroade/ And he said: Ihō baptiste is risen agayne frō deeth/ and therfore myracles worke in hym. | And kynge Herode herde of him (for his name was spreed abroade) and sayd: Iohn Baptiste is rysen agayne from deeth/ & therfore miracles are wrought by him. | And kynge Herode herde of him (for his name was spreed abroade) & sayde: Iohn Baptiste is rysen agayne from deeth/ & therfore myracles are wrought by him. | And it came to kynge Herods eares (for his name was now knowne) and he sayde: Ihon the baptist is rysen agayne from the deed, and therfore are his dedes so mightie. |
6:15 | Wother sayd/ it is helyas: and some sayde: it is a prophet/ or as won of the prophettſ. | Wother sayd/ it is Helyas: and some sayde: it is a Prophet or as one of ye Prophetes. | Wother sayde it is Helyas: and some sayde: it is a Prophet or as one of the Prophetes. | But some sayde: It is Elias. Some sayde: It is a prophet, or one of ye prophetes. |
6:16 | But whē Herode herde of hī he sayd: it is Ihō whō I beheded/ he ys risen from deeth agayne. | But when Herode hearde of him/ he sayd: it is Iohn whom I beheded/ he is rysen from deeth agayne. | But when Herode hearde of him/ he sayde: it is Iohn whom I behedded/ he is rysen from deeth agayne. | But when Herode herde it, he sayde: It is Ihon whom I beheeded, he is rysen againe from the deed. |
6:17 | For Herode him silfe/ had sent forth/ ād had taken Ihō/ and bounde hī and cast him īto preson for Herodyas sake which was hys brother Philippſ wyfe. For he had maried her. | For Herode him sylfe/ had sent forth and had taken Iohn/ and bounde him & cast him into preson for Herodias sake which was his brother Philippes wyfe. For he had maried her. | For Herode him selfe had sent forth and had taken Iohn/ & bounde him & cast him into preson for Herodias sake/ which was his brother Philippes wyfe. For he had maryed her. | This Herode had sent forth, and taken Ihon, and put him in preson, because of Herodias his brother Philippes wife, for he had maried her. |
6:18 | Ihō said vnto herode: It is not laufull for the to have thy brothers wyfe. | Iohn sayd vnto Herode: It is not laufull for the to have thy brothers wyfe. | Iohn sayde vnto Herode: It is not lawfull for the to haue thy brothers wyfe. | Neuertheles Ihon sayde vnto Herode It is not laufull for the to haue yi brothers wife. |
6:19 | Herodias layd waite for hī/ and wolde have killed him/ butt she coulde not. | Herodias layd wayte for him/ & wolde have killed him/ but she coulde not. | Herodias layd wayte for him/ & wolde haue killed him/ but she coulde not. | But Herodias layed wayte for him, and wolde haue slayne him, and coude not. |
6:20 | For Herode feared Ihō/ knowynge that he was iuste and holy/ and gave hī reverēce/ And whē he herde hī he did many thīges/ ād herde hī gladly. | For Herode feared Iohn/ knowynge yt he was a iuste man and an holy: & gave him reverence: & when he hearde him/ he dyd many thingſ/ and hearde him gladly. | For Herode feared Iohn/ knowinge that he was a iust man and an holy: and gaue him reuerence: and when he hearde him/ he dyd many thinges/ & hearde him gladly. | Notwithstōdinge Herode feared Ihō, for he knew that he was a iust and holy man: and he kepte him, and herkened vnto him in many thinges, and herde him gladly. |
6:21 | And when a convenyent daye was come. Herode ō hys birth daye made a supper to the lordes/ captayns/ ād chefe estatſ of galile. | But when a cōuenient daye was come: Herode on his birth daye made a supper to ye lordes/ captayns/ & chefe estatſ of Galile. | But when a conueniēt daye was come: Herode on his byrth daye made a supper to the lordes/ captayns & chefe estates of Galile. | And there came a conuenient daye, that Herode on his byrth daye made a supper to the lordes, captaynes and chefe estates of Galile. |
6:22 | And the doughter of the same Herodias cā in and daunsed/ and pleased Herode and them that sate att bourde also/ Thē the kīge sayd vnto the maydē: axe of me what thou wilt/ ād I will geve it the. | And ye doughter of ye sayde Herodias came in & daūsed/ and pleased Herode and them that sate at bourde also. Then ye kynge sayd vnto ye mayden: axe of me what thou wilt/ & I will geve it ye. | And the doughter of the sayde Herodias came in & daunsed/ & pleased Herode & them that sate at bourde also. Then the kynge sayde vnto the mayde: axe of me what that thou wilt/ & I wyll geue it the. | Then the daughter of Herodias came in, and daunsed, and pleased Herode, and them that sat at the table. Then sayde the kynge vnto ye damsel: Axe of me what thou wilt, I wil geue it the. |
6:23 | And he sware vnto her what soever thou shalt axe of me/ I will geve it the/ even vnto the one halfe of my kyngdom. | And he sware vnto hyr/ whatsoever thou shalt axe of me/ I will geve it ye/ even vnto ye one halfe of my kyngdome. | And he sware vnto hyr/ whatsoeuer thou shalt axe of me/ I will geue it the/ euen vnto the one halfe of my kyngdome. | And he sware vnto her: Whatsoeuer thou shalt axe of me, I wil geue it the, euen vnto ye one half of my kyngdome. |
6:24 | And she went forth and sayde to her mother: what shall I axe? And she sayde: Ihon baptistſ heed. | And she wēt forth and sayde to her mother: what shall I axe? And she sayde: Iohn Baptistes heed. | And she went forth and sayde to her mother: what shall I axe? And she sayde: Iohn Baptistes heed. | She wente forth, and sayde vnto hir mother: what shal I axe? She sayde: Ihon baptistes heade. |
6:25 | And she cā ī streight waye with haste vnto the kinge/ ād axed sayīge: I wyll/ that thou geve me by ād by in a charger the heed of Ihō baptist. | And she cam in streygth waye with haste vnto ye kynge/ & axed sayinge: I will/ that thou geve me by & by in a charger ye heed of Iohn Baptist. | And she cam in streygth waye with haste vnto the kynge/ & axed sayinge: I will/ that thou geue me by & by in a charger the heed of Iohn Baptist. | And immediatly she wēte in to the kinge with haist, and sayde: I will that thou geue me straight waye in a platter the heed of Ihon the baptist. |
6:26 | And the kīge was sory: yet for hys othes sake/ and for their sakſ which sate att supper also/ he wolde not put her besyde her purpost. | And ye kynge was sory: howbe it for his othes sake/ and for their sakes which sate at supper also/ he wolde not put her besyde her purpose. | And the kynge was sory: howbeit for his othes sake/ & for their sakes which sate at supper also/ he wolde not put her besyde her purpose. | Then the kynge was sory: Yet for the oothes sake and thē that sat at the table, he wolde not saye her nay. |
6:27 | And immediatly the kynge sent the hangman and cōmaūded his heed to be brought in. And he went and beheeded him ī the preson/ | And immediatly ye kynge sent ye hangmā and cōmaunded his heed to be brought in. And he went and beheeded him in the preson/ | And immediatly the kynge sent the hangmā & cōmaunded his heed to be brought in. And he wēt & beheeded him in the preson | And immediatly he sent the hangman, and commaunded his heade to be brought in. So he wēte, and heeded him in the preson, |
6:28 | and brought his heedde in a charger and gave hit to the mayden/ and the maydē gave it to her mother. | and brought his heed in a charger/ & gave it to the mayden/ & the mayden gave it to her mother. | and brought his heed in a charger/ & gaue it to the mayden and the mayden gaue it to her mother. | and brought his heade in a platter, and gaue it vnto the damsell, and the damsell gaue it vnto hir mother. |
6:29 | Whē his disciples herde of it/ they cam and toke vppe his body/ and put it in a toumbe. | And when his disciples hearde of it/ they came & toke vp his body/ & put it in a toumbe. | And when his disciples hearde of it/ they came & toke vp his body/ and put it in a toumbe. | And whan his disciples herde that, they came and toke his body, & layed it in a graue. |
6:30 | And the apostles gaddered thē selves to geddre to Iesus/ ād tolde hī all thyngſ/ booth what they had done/ and what they had taught. | And the apostels gaddered them selves to geddre to Iesus/ & tolde him all thingſ/ booth what they had done/ & what they had taught. | And the Apostles gaddered them selues to gether to Iesus/ & told him all thinges/ booth what they had done/ & what they had taught. | And the Apostles came together vnto Iesus, and tolde hī all, and what they had done and taught. |
6:31 | And he sayd vnto them: come ye aparte in to the wyldernes/ and rest a whyle. For there were many cōmers ād goers. And they hade no leasur wōs for to eate. | And he sayd vnto them: come ye aparte into the wyldernes/ & rest a whyle. For there were many cōmers and goers/ that they had no leasure so moche as to eate. | And he sayde vnto them: come aparte into the wyldernes/ & rest a whyle For there were many cōmers and goers/ that they had no leasure so moche as to eate. | And he sayde vnto them: Let vs go out of the waye in to the wyldernes, and rest a litle. For there were many cōmers and goers, and they had not tyme ynough to eate. |
6:32 | And he went by shippe asyde out off the waye īto a desertt place. | And he wēt by ship out of the waye into a deserte place. | And he went by shyp out of the waye into a deserte place. | And there he passed by shippe out of ye waye in to a deserte place. |
6:33 | And the people spyed them when they departed: and many knewe hī/ and they hasted afote thether out of every cite/ and cā thyther before them/ And cam togedder vnto hym. | But the people spyed them when they departed: and many knewe him/ & ranne afote thyther out of all cities/ and cam thyther before them/ & came togedder vnto him. | But the people spyed them when they departed: and many knewe him/ and rāne afote thither out of all cities/ and cam thither before them/ and came togedder vnto him. | And the people sawe thē departynge awaye, and many knewe of it, & ranne thither together of fote out of all cities, & came before thē, & came vnto him. |
6:34 | And Iesus went out and sawe moche people/ ād had cōpassiō on them/ be cause they were lyke shepe whych had no sheppherde. And he began to teache them many thingſ. | And Iesus went out and sawe moche people/ and had compassion on them/ because they were lyke shepe which had no shepeherde. And he beganne to teache them many thinges. | And Iesus wēt out and sawe moche people/ and had compassion on them/ because they were lyke shepe which had no shepherde. And he beganne to teache them many thinges. | And Iesus wente out, and sawe moch people, and had cōpassion vpon them: for they were as the shepe, that haue no shepherde, and he begāne a lōge sermon. |
6:35 | And whē the daye was nowe farre spent/ his disciples cam vnto him sayinge: thys ys a desert place/ ād nowe the daye ys farre passed/ | And when ye daye was nowe farre spēt/ his disciples came vnto him sayinge: this is a desert place/ and now the daye is farre passed/ | And when the daye was now farre spēt/ his disciples came vnto him sayinge: this is a desert place/ & now the daye is farre passed/ | Now whan the daye was farre past, his disciples came vnto him, and sayde: This is a deserte place, |
6:36 | lett thē departe/ that they maye goo ī to the countrey rounde about/ and in to the tounes/ and bye them breed: for they have nothinge to eate. | let thē departe/ that they maye goo into the countrey rounde about/ & into the tounes/ & bye thē breed: for they have nothinge to eate. | let them departe/ that they maye go into the coūtrey roundabout & into the tounes/ & by thē breed: for they haue nothinge to eate. | let them departe, that they maye go in to the vyllagies and townes rounde aboute, and bye them selues bred, for they haue nothinge to eate. |
6:37 | He answered and sayde vnto them: geve ye them to eate. And they sayde vnto hym: shall we goo and bye ij. C. penyworth of breed/ ād geve them to eate? | He answered & sayde vnto them: geve ye thē to eate. And they sayde vnto him: shall we goo & bye ii.C. penyworth of breed/ & geve thē to eate? | He answered & sayd vnto them: geue ye thē to eate. And they sayde vnto him: shall we goo & bye ij. C. penyworth of breed/ & geue thē to eate? | But Iesus answered and sayde vnto them: geue ye them to eate. And they sayde vnto him: Shal we go then, and bye two hundreth peny worth of bred, and geue them to eate? |
6:38 | He sayde vnto them: howe many loves have ye? Goo and loke. And when they had serched/ they sayde: v. and .ij. fysshes. | He sayde vnto thē: how many loves have ye? Goo and loke. And when they had serched/ they sayde: v. & .ii. fysshes. | He sayde vnto thē: how many loues haue ye? Go & loke. And when they had serched/ they sayde .v. & two fisshes. | He sayde vnto them: How many loaues haue ye? Go and se. And when they had searched, they sayde: Fyue, and two fisshes. |
6:39 | And he cōmaunded thē to make them all sytt doune/ by companyes apō the grene grasse. | And he cōmaunded them to make them all syt doune by companyes apon the grene grasse. | And he cōmaunded thē to make thē all syt doune by companies vpon the grene grasse. | And he commaunded them all to syt downe by table fulles vpon the grene grasse. |
6:40 | And they sate doune here a rowe and there arowe/ by houndredſ and by fyfties. | Aud they sate doune here a rowe and there arowe/ by houndredſ & by fyfties. | And they sate doune here a rowe & there arowe/ by houndredes & by fyftyes. | And they sat downe here a rowe and there a rowe by hundreds and by fifties. |
6:41 | And he toke the v. loves and the .ij. fysshes and loked vppe to heven ād blest/ and brake the loves/ and gave them to hys disciples to put before them/ and the ij. fysshes he devyded a mon them all. | And he toke ye .v. loves & ye ii. fysshes/ & loked vp to heven & blessed & brake the loves/ & gave them to his disciples to put before thē: & the .ii. fysshes he devyded a monge them all. | And he toke the .v. loues & the two fysshes/ & loked vp to heauē & blessed & brake the loues/ & gaue them to his disciples to put before them: & the two fysshes he diuided amōge them all. | And he toke the fyue loaues and two fisshes, and loked vp vnto heauen, and gaue thankes, and brake the loaues, and gaue to the disciples, to set before them. And the two fisshes parted he amonge them all. |
6:42 | And they all ate/ and were satisfyed. | And they all dyd eate/ & were satisfied. | And they all dyd eate/ & were satisfied. | And they all ate, and were satisfied. |
6:43 | And they toke vppe twelve basketſ full off the gobbettſ and of the fysshes. | And they toke vp twelve baskettes full of the gobbettes & of ye fysshes. | And they toke vp twelue baskettes full of the gobettes and of the fisshes. | And they toke vp twolue baskettes full of ye broken peces and of the fisshes. |
6:44 | And they that ate were about fyve thousand men. | And they that ate were about fyve thousand men. | And they that att were about fiue thousand men. | And they that ate, were aboute fyue thousande men. |
6:45 | And streyght waye he caused hys disciples to goo into a shippe/ and to goo over the water before vnto bethsaida/ whill he sent awaye the people. | And streyght waye he caused his disciples to goo into the shipe/ & to goo over the water before vnto Bethsaida/ whyll he sent awaye the people. | And streyght waye he caused his disciples to go into the shyppe/ & to go ouer the water before vnto Bethsaida/ whyll he sent awaye the people. | And anone he caused his disciples to go in to the shippe, and to passe ouer before him vnto Bethsaida, whyle he sent awaye the people. |
6:46 | And as sone as he had sent them awey/ he departed into a mountaine to praye. | And assone as he had sent them away/ he departed into a moūtayne to praye. | And assone as he had sent them awaye/ he departed into a moūtayne to praye | |
6:47 | And when even was come/ the shippe was in the myddſ of the see/ and he alone on the londe/ | And when even was come/ the ship was in the middſ of the see/ & he alone on the londe/ | And when euen was come the shyppe was in the middes of the see/ & he alone on the londe/ | And at euen was the shippe in the myddest of the see, and he alone vpon the londe. |
6:48 | and he sawe thē troubled in rowinge/ for the wynde was cōtrary vnto them. And aboute the fourth quartre of the nyght/ he cam vnto them/ walkinge apon the see/ and wolde have passed by thē. | and he sawe thē troubled in rowynge/ for the wynde was cōtrary vnto them. And aboute ye fourth quartre of ye nyght/ he came vnto thē/ walkinge apon the see/ and wolde have passed by thē. | & he sawe thē troubled in rowinge for the wynde was cōtrary vnto thē. And aboute the fourth quarter of the nyght/ he came vnto them/ walkinge vpō the see/ & wolde haue passed by them. | And he sawe that they were in parell with rowynge, for the wynde was agaynst them. And aboute the fourth watch of ye night he came vnto them, and walked vpon the see, and wolde haue gone ouer by thē. |
6:49 | Whē they sawe hī walkīge apō the see/ they supposed yt had bene a sprete/ and cryed oute: | When they sawe him walkinge apon the see/ they supposed it had bene a sprete/ & cryed oute: | When they sawe him walkinge vpō the see/ they supposed it had bene a sprite/ and cryed oute: | And whan they sawe him walkinge vpon the see, they thought it had bene a sprete, and cried out, |
6:50 | For they all sawe hym/ and they were a frayed. And a non he talked with them/ and sayde vnto them: be of good chere/ it is I/ be not afrayed. | For they all sawe him/ and were a frayed. And anon he talked with them/ & sayde vnto them: be of good chere/ it is I/ be not a frayed. | for they all sawe him/ & were afrayed. And anon he talked with them & sayde vnto them: be of good chere/ it is I/ be not afrayed. | for they sawe him all, and were afrayed. But immediatly he talked with them, and sayde vnto them: Be of good comforte, it is I, be not afrayed. |
6:51 | And he went vnto them into the shippe/ and the wynde ceased/ and they were sore amased in them selves beyonde measure/ and marveyled. | And he went vp vnto them into the shippe/ & the wynde ceased/ and they were sore amased in them selves beyonde measure/ & marveyled. | And he went vp vnto them into the shyppe/ & the winde ceased/ and they were sore amased in them selues beyonde measure/ and marueyled. | And he wēte vnto them in to the shippe, and the wynde ceassed. And they were astonnyed, and marueled exceadingly: |
6:52 | For they remembred nott off the loves/ because their hertſ were blynded. | For they remembred not/ of the loves/ because their hertes were blynded. | For they remembred not/ of the loues/ because their hertes were blinded. | for they had forgotten the loaues, and their hert was blynded. |
6:53 | And they cam over/ and went into the londe off genazareth/ and drue vp into the haven. | And they came over/ & went into the londe of Genezareth/ and drue vp into the haven. | And they came ouer/ & went into the londe of Genezareth/ & drue vp into the hauen. | And whan they were passed ouer, they came in to lande of Genezareth, and drue vp in to the hauen. |
6:54 | And as sone as they were come out off the shippe/ streyght they knewe hym/ | And assone as they were come out of ye shippe/ streyght they knewe him/ | And assone as they were come out of the shyppe/ streyght they knewe him/ | And whan thy were come out of the shippe, immediatly they knewe him, |
6:55 | and ran forth through out all the region rounde a about/ and began to cary aboute in beeddſ all that were sicke/ when they herde tell that he was there. | and ran forth throughout all ye region rounde about/ and began to cary aboute in beeddſ all yt were sicke/ to the place where they heard tell yt he was. | & ran forth throughout all the region rounde about/ & began to cary aboute in beddes all that were sicke/ to the place where they hearde tell that he was. | and ranne thorow out all the region aboute, and beganne on euery syde to brynge vnto him in beddes soch as were sicke, where they herde that he was. |
6:56 | And whither soever he entred into the tounes/ or cites/ or vyllages/ they leyde their sicke in the stretes/ and prayed hyme/ thatt they myght touche and hit wer but the edge off hys vesture. And as many as touched hym were safe. | And whyther soever he entred into tounes/ cities or villages/ they layde their sicke in the stretes/ and prayed him/ that they myght touche/ and it were but the edge of his vesture. And as many as touched him were safe. | And whither soeuer he ētred into tounes/ cities or villages/ they layde their sicke in the stretes/ & prayed him that they myght touche/ & it were but the edge of his vesture. And as many as touched him/ were safe. | And whither so euer he entred in to townes, cities or vyllagies, there layed they the sicke in the market place, and prayed him, that they might but touch the hemme of his garment. And as many as touched him, were made whole. |