Luke: Chapter 13

The Gospell of S. Luke. The .xiij. Chapter.
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
13:1 THere were present at the same season/ that shewed hym of the galileās/ whose bloude Pilate mengled with their awne sacrifice. THer were present at the same season/ that shewed him of ye Galileās/ whose bloude Pylate mengled with their awne sacrifice. THer were present at the same season/ that shewed him of the Galileans/ whose bloude Pylate mengled with their awne sacrifice. THere were present at the same season certayne, that shewed him of ye Galileans, whose bloude Pilate had mēgled with their awne sacrifice.
13:2 And Iesus answered/ ād sayde vnto them: Suppose ye that these galileans/ were greater synners then all other galileans be cause they suffred suche punysshmē? And Iesus answered/ & sayde vnto them: Suppose ye that these Galileans were greater synners then all the other Galileās/ because they suffred suche punisshmēt? And Iesus answered/ & sayde vnto them: Suppose ye that these Galileans were greater synners then all the other Galileans/ because they suffred suche punisshment? And Iesus answered, and sayde vnto them: Suppose ye, that these Galileās were greater synners then all the other Galileans, because they suffred soch punyshment?
13:3 I tell you naye: but except ye repēt/ ye shall all in lyke wyse perysshe. I tell you naye: but except ye repent/ ye shall all in lyke wyse perysshe. I tell you naye: but except ye repent/ ye shall all in lyke wyse perysshe. I tell you naye, but excepte ye amēde youre selues, ye shal all perishe likewyse.
13:4 Or thynke ye that those xviij. apō whom the toure ī siloe fell ād slewe them/ were synners above all mē that dwell in Iherusalem? Or those .xviii. apon which ye toure in Syloe fell/ & slewe thē/ thinke ye that they were synners above all men yt dwell in Ierusalem? Or those .xviij. apon which the toure in Syloe fell/ and slewe them/ thinke ye that they were synners aboue all men that dwell in Ierusalem? Or thinke ye that ye eightene (vpon whom the tower in Siloe fell and slewe them) were giltie aboue all men that dwell at Ierusalem?
13:5 I telle you naye: Butt excepte ye repent/ ye all shall lyke wyse perisshe. I tell you naye: But excepte ye repent/ ye all shall lyke wyse perisshe. I tell you naye: But excepte ye repent/ ye all shall lyke wyse perysshe. I tell you naye: but excepte ye amende youre selues, ye shal all perishe likewyse.
13:6 He put forthe this similitude/ A certayne mā had a fygge tree in his vyneyarde/ and he cam and sought frute thereon/ and founde none. He put forthe this similiiude/ A certayne man had a fygge tree planted in his veneyarde/ & he came & sought frute theron/ & founde none. He put forthe this similitude: A certayne man had a fygge tree planted in his vyneyarde/ & he came & sought frute theron/ & founde none. And he tolde them this symilitude: A certayne mā had a fygge tre, which was planted in his vynyarde, & he came and sought frute theron, and founde none.
13:7 Thē sayde he to the dresser of his vyneyarde: Beholde/ this thre yeare have I come and sought frute in this fygge tree/ and fynde none/ cut it doune: why combreth hit the grounde? Then sayde he to ye dresser of his vyneyarde: Beholde/ this thre yeare have I come & sought frute in this fygge tree/ & fynde none: cut it doune: why combreth it the grounde? Then sayde he to the dresser of his vyneyarde: Beholde/ this thre yeare haue I come & sought frute in this fygge tree/ & fynde none: cut it doune: why combreth it the grounde: Then sayde he vnto the wynegardener: Beholde, This thre yeare longe haue I come euery yeare, and sought frute vpon this fygge tre, and fynde none: cut it downe, why hyndreth it the grounde?
13:8 And he answered and sayde vnto hī: lorde lett it alone this yeare also/ till I digge rounde aboute it/ ād dōge it/ And he answered & sayde vnto him: lorde let it alone this yeare also/ till I digge rounde aboute it/ & dōge it And he answered and sayde vnto him: Lorde let it alone this yeare also/ tyll I dygge rounde aboute it/ & donge it/ to se whether it will beare frute: But he answered, and sayde: Syr, let it alone yet this yeare, tyll I dygge roūde aboute it and donge it,
13:9 to se whether it will beare frute. yf not/ thē after that/ cut hym doune. to se whether it will beare frute: & if it beare not then/ after yt/ cut it doune and yf it beare not then/ after that/ cut it doune. yf it wyl brynge forth frute: Yf no, then cut it downe afterwarde.
13:10 He taught ī won of their sinagoggſ on the saboth dayes/ And he taught in one of their sinagogſ on ye saboth dayes. And he taught in one of their synagoges on the Saboth dayes. And he taught in a synagoge vpon the Sabbath:
13:11 And beholde there was a woman which had a sprete off infirmitie .xviij. yeares: and was bowed to gether/ and coulde nott well lifte vp her silfe. And beholde ther was a womā which had a sprete of infirmite .xviii. yeares: and was bowed to gether/ & coulde not lifte vp her silfe at all. And beholde ther was a woman which had a sprete of infirmite .xviij. yeares: and was bowed to gether/ and coulde not lyfte vp her selfe at all. and beholde, there was a womā, which had a sprete of infirmyte eightene yeares, and was croked, and coulde not well loke vp.
13:12 When Iesus sawe her/ he called her to hym/ and sayde to her: womā thou arte delivered from thy disease. When Iesus sawe her he called her to him/ and sayde to her: woman/ thou arte delyvered from thy disease. When Iesus sawe her/ he called her to him/ & sayde to her: woman thou arte deliuered from thy dysease. Whan Iesus sawe her, he called her to him, and sayde vnto her: Woman, be delyuered from thy disease.
13:13 And he layde his hondes on her/ and immediatly she was made strayght/ and glorified God. And he layde his hondes on her/ and immediatly she was made strayght/ and glorified God. And he layde his hondes on her/ and immediatly she was made strayght/ & glorified God. And he layed his handes vpō her, and immediatly she was made straight, and praysed God.
13:14 The ruler off the sinagoge answered with indignacion (be cause that Iesus had healed on the saboth daye) And sayde vnto the people: There are sixe dayes ī the weke/ in which men ought to worke/ in them come and be healed/ and nott on the saboth daye. And the ruler of the sinagoge answered with indignacion (be cause that Iesus had healed on the saboth daye) and sayde vnto the people. Ther are sixe dayes in which men ought to worke: in them come and be healed/ & not on the saboth daye. And the ruler of the synagoge answered with indignacion (because that Iesus had healed on the Saboth daye) and sayde vnto the people. Ther are sixe dayes in which men ought to worke: in them come and be healed/ and not on the Saboth daye. Then answered the ruler of the synagoge, and toke indignacion (because Iesus healed vpō ye Sabbath) and sayde vnto the people: There are sixe dayes, wherin men ought to worke, in them come and be healed, and not on the Sabbath.
13:15 Thē answered hym the lorde ād sayd: Ypocryte/ doth not eache one of you on the saboth daye. loose his oxe/ or his asse/ from the stall/ and leade hym to the water? Then answered him the Lorde and sayd: Ypocrite/ doth not eache one of you on the saboth daye/ lowse his oxe or his asse from the stall/ & leade him to the water? Then answered him the Lorde/ and sayd: Ypocrite/ doth not eache one of you on the saboth daye/ lowse his oxe or his asse from the stall/ & leade him to the water? Then the LORDE answered him, and sayde: Thou ypocryte, doth not euery one of you lowse his oxe or asse frō the crybbe vpō Sabbath, and leade him to the water?
13:16 And shulde not this dounghter of Abraham/ be loosed from this bonde on the saboth daye/ whom Sathan hath bounde loo/ xviij. yeares? And ought not this doughter of Abraham/ whom Sathan hath bounde loo .xviii. yeares/ be lowsed from this bonde on the saboth daye? And ought not this doughter of Abraham/ whom Satan hath bounde lo .xviij. yeares/ be lowsed from this bonde on the Saboth daye? But shulde not this (which is Abrahams doughter) whom Sathan hath bounde now eightene yeares, be lowsed from this bonde vpō the Sabbath?
13:17 And when he thus sayde/ all his adversaris were ashamed/ and all the people reioysed on all the excellent dedes/ that were done by hym. And when he thus sayde/ all his adversaries were ashamed/ and all the people reioysed on all the excellent dedes/ that were done by him. And when he thus sayde/ all his aduersaries were ashamed/ & all the people reioysed on all the excellent dedes/ that were done by him. And whan he thus sayde, all his aduersaries were ashamed. And all the people reioysed ouer all the excellent dedes, that were done by him.
13:18 Then sayde he: What is the kyngdom of God lyke? or where to shall I compare it? Then sayde he: What is the kyngdome of God lyke? or wherto shall I compare it? Then sayde he: What is the kyngdome of God lyke? or wherto shall I compare it? And he sayde: What is the kyngdome of God like? Or wher vnto shal I cōpare it?
13:19 It is lyke a grayne of mustard seede/ which a man toke and sowed in his garden: and it grewe/ and wexed a greate tree/ and the foules off the ayer bilt in the braunches of it. It is lyke a grayne of mustard seede/ which a man toke and sowed in his garden: and it grewe and wexed a greate tree/ and the foules of the ayer made nestes in the braunches of it. It is lyke a grayne of mustard seede/ which a man toke and sowed in his garden: and it grewe and wexed a greate tree/ and the foules of the ayer made nestes in the braunches of it. It is like a grayne of mustarde sede, which a man toke, and cast in his garden: and it grewe, and waxed a greate tre, and the foules of the ayre dwelt amonge the braunches of it.
13:20 And agayne he sayde: where vnto shall I lyken the kyngdom of God? And agayne he sayde: wher vnto shall I lyken ye kyngdome of god? And agayne he sayde: wher vnto shall I lyken the kyngdome of God? And agayne he sayde: Where vnto shal I licken the kyngdome of God?
13:21 it is lyke leven/ which a woman toke/ and hidde in thre busshels of floure/ till all was thorow levended. it is lyke levē/ which a woman toke/ and hidde in thre busshels of floure/ tyll all was thorow levended. it is lyke leuen/ which a woman toke/ and hydde in thre busshels of floure/ tyll all was thorow leuended. It is like vnto leuen, which a woman toke, and myxte it amōge thre peckes of meele, tyll it was all leuended.
13:22 And he went thorowe cities and tounes teachynge/ and toke his iorney towardſ Ierusalem. And he went thorow all maner of cities & tounes teachinge/ and iorneyinge towardes Ierusalem. And he went thorow all maner of cities & tounes teachynge/ and iorneyinge towardes Ierusalem. And he wēte thorow cities and townes, and taught, and toke his iourney towarde Ierusalem.
13:23 Then sayde won vnto hym: Lorde/ are there feawe that shalbe saved? And he sayde vnto them: Then sayde one vnto him: Lorde/ are ther feawe that shalbe saved? And he sayde vnto them: Then sayde one vnto him: Lorde/ are ther feawe that shalbe saued? And he sayde vnto them: And one sayde vnto him: LORDE, are there few (thinkest thou) that shalbe saued? But he sayde vnto them:
13:24 stryve with youre selves to enter ī at the strayte gate: For many I saye vnto you/ will seke to enter in/ ād shall nott be able. stryve with youre selves to enter in at ye strayte gate: For many I saye vnto you/ will seke to enter in/ & shall not be able. stryue with youre selues to enter in at the strayte gate: For many I saye vnto you/ will seke to enter in/ and shall not be able. Stryue ye to entre in at the strayte gate, for many (I saye vnto you) shal seke to come in, and shal not be able.
13:25 When the good man of the housse is risen vp/ ād hathe shett fast the dore/ and ye begyn to stonde with out/ and to knocke at the dore saynge: Lorde/ lorde/ opē vnto vs: and he shall answer and saye vnto you: I knowe nott whence ye are. When the good man of ye housse is rysen vp/ & hath shett to the dore/ ye shall beginne to stonde with out/ and to knocke at the dore sayinge: Lorde/ lorde/ open vnto vs: & he shall answer and saye vnto you: I knowe you not whence ye are. When the good man of the housse is rysen vp/ and hath shett to the dore/ ye shalle beginne to stonde with out/ & to knocke at the dore sayinge: Lorde/ lorde open vnto vs: and he shall answer and saye vnto you: I knowe you not whence ye are. From that tyme forth, whan the good man of the house is rysen vp, and hath shut the dore, then shal ye begynne to stonde without, and to knocke at ye dore, and saye: LORDE LORDE, open vnto vs. And he shal answere, and saye vnto you: I knowe you not whence ye are.
13:26 Then shall ye begyn to saye. We have eaten/ ād dronken in thy presence/ and thou hast taught in oure stretes. Then shall ye begin to saye. We have eaten/ in thy presence and dronke/ and thou hast taught in oure stretes. Then shall ye begin to saye: We haue eaten/ in thy presence and dronke/ and thou hast taught in oure stretes. Then shal ye begynne to saye: We haue eaten and dronken before the, and thou hast taught vs vpon ye stretes.
13:27 And he shall saye: I tell you/ I wott nott whence ye are: departe frō me all ye workers off iniquytie. And he shall saye: I tell you/ I knowe you not whence ye are: departe from me all ye workers of iniquite. And he shall saye: I tell you I knowe you not whence ye are: departe from me all ye workers of iniquite. And he shal saye: I tell you, I knowe you not whence ye are. Departe fro me all ye workers of iniquyte.
13:28 There shalbe wepynge/ and gnasshynge of teth: when ye shall se Abraham/ and Ysaac/ ād Iacob/ and all the prophetſ in the kyngdō of God/ and youre selves thrust oute a dores. There shalbe wepinge & gnasshinge of teth when ye shall se Abraham & Isaac & Iacob/ & all the prophetes in the kyngdom of God/ & youre selves thrust oute at dores. There shalbe wepynge and gnasshinge of teth/ when ye shall se Abraham and Isaac and Iacob/ and all the Prophetes in the kyngdome of God & youre selues thrust oute at dores. There shalbe wepynge and gnasshinge of teth, when ye shal se Abraham, and Isaac, and Iacob and all the prophetes in ye kyngdome of God, and youre selues thrust out,
13:29 And they shall come from the eest/ and from the weest/ ād from the northe/ and from the southe/ and shall reest in the kingdom of god. And they shall come from the eest and from the weest/ and from the northe and from the southe/ and shall syt doune in the kyngdome of God. And they shall come from the eest and from the weest & from the northe and from the southe/ and shall syt doune in the kyngdome of God. And whā they shal come from the east and from the west, from the north and from the south, which shal syt at ye table in the kyngdome of God.
13:30 And beholde/ there are last/ which shalbe fyrst: And there are fyrst which shalbe last. And beholde/ ther are last/ which shalbe fyrst: And ther are fyrst which shalbe last. And beholde/ there are last/ which shalbe fyrst: And ther are fyrst which shalbe last. And beholde, there are last, which shal be fyrst: and there are first, which shalbe last.
13:31 The same daye there cam certaine of the pharises/ ād sayd vnto hī: Gett the out of the waye/ and departe hence: for Herode will kyll the. The same daye there came certayne of the pharises & sayd vnto him: Get the out of the waye/ & departe hence: for Herode will kyll ye. The same daye there came certayne of the Pharises and sayd vnto him: Get the out of the waye/ and departe hence: for Herode will kyll the. Vpon the same daye there came certayne of ye Pharises, and sayde vnto him: Get the out of the waye, and departe hence, for Herode wyl kyll the.
13:32 And he sayd vnto them: Goo ye and tell that foxe/ beholde I cast oute devils/ and heale the people to daye and to morowe/ and the thyrd daye I make an ende. And he sayd vnto them. Goo ye and tell that foxe/ beholde I cast oute devyls & heale the people to daye & to morowe/ & the third daye I make an ende. And he sayd vnto them. Go ye and tell that foxe/ beholde I cast oute deuyls and heale the people to daye and to morowe/ & the thyrd daye I make an ende. And he sayde vnto thē: Go ye and tell that foxe: beholde, I cast out deuels, and heale the people todaye and tomorow, and vpō the thirde daye shal I make an ende:
13:33 Neverthelesse/ I must walke to daye and to morowe/ and the daye folowinge: For it cannott be/ that a prophet perisshe eny other where/ save att Ierusalem. Neverthelesse/ I must walke to daye and to morowe/ & the daye folowinge: For it can not be/ that a Prophet perishe eny other where/ save at Ierusalem. Neuerthelesse/ I must walke to daye and to morowe/ and the daye folowynge: For it can not be/ that a Prophet perishe eny other where/ saue at Ierusalem. for it can not be, that a prophet perishe without Ierusalem.
13:34 O Ierusalem/ Ierusalem/ which killest prophetſ/ ād stonest them that are sent to the: howe often wolde I have gadered thy children to gedder/ as the hen her nest vnder her wynges/ and thou woldest nott. O Ierusalem/ Ierusalem/ which kyllest prophetſ/ and stonest them that are sent to ye: how often wolde I have gadered thy childrē to gedder/ as the hen gathereth her nest vnder her wynges/ but ye wolde not. O Ierusalem/ Ierusalem/ which kyllest Prophetes/ & stonest them that are sent to the: how often wolde I haue gadered thy chyldren to gedder/ as the hen gathereth her nest vnder her wynges/ but ye wolde not. O Ierusalem Ierusalē, thou that kyllest the prophetes, and stonest thē that are sent vnto ye, how oft wolde I haue gathered thy children together, euen as the henne gathereth hir nest vnder hir wynges, and ye wolde not?
13:35 Beholde youre habitacion shalbe left vnto you desolate. For I tell you/ ye shall not se me vntill the time come that ye shall saye/ blessed ys he that commeth in the name off the lorde. Beholde youre habitacion shalbe left vnto you desolate. For I tell you/ ye shall not se me vntill the tyme come that ye shall saye/ blessed is he that commeth in the name of the Lorde. Beholde youre habitacion shalbe left vnto you desolate. For I tell you/ ye shall not se me vntyll the tyme come that ye shall saye/ blessed is he that commeth in the name of the Lorde. Beholde, yor habitacion shal be left vnto you desolate. For I saye vnto you: ye shal not se me, tyll ye tyme come that ye shal saye: blessed be he, yt cōmeth in ye name of the LORDE.


Luke: Chapter 24

The Gospell of S. Luke. The .xxiiij. Chapter.
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
24:1 ON the morowe after the saboth/ erly in the mornynge/ they cam vnto the toumbe and brought the odourſ whych they had prepared/ and other wemen wyth them. ON the morowe after the saboth/ erly in the morninge/ they came vnto the toumbe & brought the odoures which they had prepared & other wemen with them ON the morowe after the Saboth/ erly in the mornynge/ they came vnto the toumbe & brought the odoures which they had prepared & other wemen with them. BVt vpon one of the Sabbathes very early in the mornynge, they came vnto the Sepulcre, and brought ye spyces which they had prepared, and certayne wemen with thē.
24:2 And they founde the stone rouled awaye from the sepulcre. And they founde the stone rouled awaye frō the sepulcre/ And they founde the stone rowled awaye from the sepulcre/ Neuertheles they founde the stone rolled awaye from the sepulcre,
24:3 And went in and founde nott the body off the lorde Iesu. and went in: but founde not the body of the Lorde Iesu. and went in: but founde not the body of the Lorde Iesu. and wente in, and founde not the body of ye LORDE Iesu.
24:4 And it happened/ as they were amased ther at: loo two men stode by them/ in shynynge vesturſ. And it happened/ as they were amased therat: Beholde two men stode by them in shynynge vestures. And it happened/ as they were amased therat: Beholde two men stode by them in shynynge vestures. And it happened as they were amased therat, beholde, there stode by them two men in shyninge garmentes.
24:5 As they were a fraide/ and bowed doune their faces to the erth: they sayd to them: why seke ye the livynge amonge the deed? And as they were a frayde/ and bowed doune their faces to the erth: they sayd to them: why seke ye the lyvinge amonge the deed? And as they were a frayde/ and bowed doune their faces to the erth: they sayd to them: why seke ye the lyuinge amonge the deed? He is not here: but is rysen. And they were afrayed, and cast downe their faces to the earth. Then sayde they vnto thē: What seke ye? the lyuynge amōge the deed?
24:6 He is nott here: but is rysen. Remember howe he spake vnto you/ when he was yett with you in galile/ He is not here: but is rysen. Remember how he spake vnto you/ when he was yet with you in Galile/ Remember how he spake vnto you/ when he was yet with you in Galile/ sayinge: He is not here. He is rysen vp. Remembre, how yt he tolde you whā he was yet in Galile,
24:7 sayinge: that the sonne off man must be delivered into the hondes off synfull men/ and be crucified/ and the thyrde daye ryse agayne. sayinge: that the sonne of man must be delyvered into the hondes of synfull men/ and be crucified/ and the thyrde daye ryse agayne. that the sonne of man must be deliuered into the hondes of synfull men/ and be crucified/ and the thyrde daye ryse agayne. and sayde: The sonne of man must be delyuered in to the hādes of synners, and be crucified, and the thirde daye ryse agayne.
24:8 And they remembred his wordes/ And they remembred his wordes/ And they remembred his wordes/ And they remēbred his wordes,
24:9 ād returned from the sepulcre/ and tolde all these thyngſ vnto the eleven/ and to all other. & returned from the sepulcre/ and tolde all these thinges vnto the eleven/ & to all the remanaunt. and returned from the sepulcre/ and tolde all these thinges vnto the eleuen and to all the remanaunt. and wente from the sepulcre, and tolde all this vnto the eleuen, and to all the other.
24:10 Hytt was Mary magdalen and Ioanna/ and Mary Iacoby/ And other that were with them/ whych tolde these thyngſ vnto the Apostles/ It was Mary Magdalen and Ioanna/ & Mary Iacobi/ & other that were with thē/ which tolde these thinges vnto the Apostles/ It was Mary Magdalen and Ioanna/ & Mary Iacobi/ and other that were with them/ which tolde these thinges vnto the Apostles/ It was Mary Magdalene, and Iohanna, and Mary Iames, and the other with them, that tolde this vnto the Apostles.
24:11 and their wordes semed vnto them fayned thyngſ/ nether beleved they them. & their wordes semed vnto them fayned thinges/ nether beleved they them. and their wordes semed vnto them fayned thinges/ nether beleued they them. And theyr wordes semed vnto them, as though they had bene but fables, and they beleued them not.
24:12 Then aroose Peter and ran vnto the sepulcre/ and stouped in/ And sawe the lynnen cloothes layde by them sylfe. And departed wondrynge in hym sylfe att thatt whych hadd happened. Then aroose Peter and ran vnto the sepulcre/ and stouped in and sawe the lynnen cloothes layde by them selfe/ and departed wondrynge in him selfe at that which had happened. Then aroose Peter and ran vnto the sepulcre/ and stowped in and sawe the lynnen clothes layde by them selfe/ and departed wondrynge in him selfe at that which had happened. But Peter arose, and ranne to the sepulcre, and stouped in, and sawe the lynnen clothes layed by them selues, and departed. And he wondred within himself at that which had happened
24:13 And beholde/ two of them wēt that same daye to a toune/ whych was from Ierusalē about thre scoore forlōgſ/ called Emaus. And beholde/ two of them went that same daye to a toune which was frō Ierusalem about thre scoore forlonges/ called Emaus: And beholde/ two of them went that same daye to a toune which was from Ierusalem about threscoore forlonges/ called Emaus: And beholde, two of them wente that same daye, to a towne (which was thre score furlōges from Ierusalem) whose name was called Emaus.
24:14 and they talked togedder of all thingſ which had happened/ and they talked togeder of all these thinges that had happened. and they talked to geder of all these thinges that had happened. And they talked together of all these thinges yt had happened.
24:15 And it chaunsed/ as they cōmened togedder/ ād reasoned/ that Iesus hym silfe drue neare/ and went with them. And it chaunsed/ as they cōmened togeder & reasoned/ that Iesus him selfe drue neare/ & went with them. And it chaunsed/ as they cōmened to geder and reasoned/ that Iesus him selfe drue neare/ & went with them. And it chaunced as they were thus talkinge and reasonynge together, Iesus himself drue nye, and wente with them.
24:16 But their eyes were holden/ that they coulde nott knowe hym. But their eyes were holden/ that they coulde not knowe him. But their eyes were holden that they coulde not knowe him. But their eyes were holden, that they shulde not knowe hī.
24:17 And he sayde vnto them: What maner of cōmunicacions are these that ye have one to another as ye walke/ and are sadde. And he sayde vnto them: What maner of cōmunicacions are these that ye have one to another as ye walke/ & are sadde. And he sayde vnto them: What maner of communicacions are these that ye haue one to another as ye walke/ and are sadde. And he sayde vnto them: What maner of cōmunicacions are these that ye haue one to another as ye walke, and are sad?
24:18 And the one off them named Cleophas/ answered/ ād sayd vnto hym: Arte thou only a straunger in Ierusalem/ and haste nott knowen the thingſ which have chaunsed therin in these dayes? And the one of them named Cleophas/ answered and sayd vnto him: arte thou only a straunger in Ierusalem/ & haste not knowen the thinges which have chaunsed therin in these dayes? And the one of them named Cleophas/ answered and sayd vnto him: arte thou only a straunger in Ierusalem/ and haste not knowen the thinges which haue chaunsed therin in these dayes? To whom he sayd: what thinges? Then answered the one, whose name was Cleophas, and sayde vnto him: Art thou onely a straunger at Ierusalē, not knowinge what is come to passe there in these dayes?
24:19 To whō he sayd: what thynges? And they sayd vnto hym: of Iesus of Nazareth which was a prophet/ myghty in dede/ ād worde/ before God/ ād all the people. To whom he sayd: what thinges? And they sayd vnto him: of Iesus of Nazareth which was a Prophet/ myghtie in dede/ & worde/ before god/ & all the people. And they sayd vnto him: of Iesus of Nazareth which was a Prophet/ myghtie in dede & worde before God/ & all the people. And he sayde vnto thē: What? They sayde vnto him: That of Iesus of Nazareth, which was a prophet, mightie in dede and worde, before God and all ye people,
24:20 And howe the hye prestes/ ād oure ruelers delivered hym to be condempned to deeth: and have crucified hym. And how the hye prestes/ & oure rulers delyvered him to be condempned to deeth: and have crucified him. And how the hye Prestes/ and oure rulers deliuered him to be condempned to deeth: and haue crucified him. how oure hye prestes and rulers delyuered him to the condemnacion of death, and crucified him.
24:21 we trusted that it shulde have bene he that shulde have delivered Israhell. And as touchynge all these thyngſ/ to daye is even the thyrd daye/ that they were done. But we trusted that it shuld have bene he that shuld have delyvered Israel. And as touchynge all these thinges/ to daye is even the thyrd daye/ that they were done. But we trusted that it shuld haue bene he that shuld haue deliuered Israel. And as touchynge all these thinges to daye is euen the thyrd daye/ that they were done. But we hoped that he shulde haue delyuered Israel. And besydes all this, todaye is the thirde daye that this was done.
24:22 Ye and certayne wemen alsoo of oure company made vs astonyed/ whych cam erly vnto the sepulcre/ Ye and certayne wemen also of oure company made vs astonyed/ which came erly vnto the sepulcre/ Ye and certayne wemen also of oure company made vs astonyed/ which came erly vnto the sepulcre/ Yee & certayne wemen also of oure company which were early at the Sepulcre,
24:23 and founde nott his boddy. And cam sayinge/ that they had sene visions off angels which sayde that he was alive. and founde not his boddy: and came sayinge/ that they had sene a vision of angels/ which sayde that he was alyve. and founde not his body: and came sayinge/ that they had sene a vision of angels/ which sayde that he was alyue. and founde not his body, came and tolde, that they had sene a visiō of angels, which sayde he was alyue.
24:24 And certayne of them which were with vs/ wēt their waye to the sepulcre/ and founde ytt even soo as the wemen had sayde: but hym they sawe nott. And certayne of them which were with vs/ went their waye to the sepulcre/ and founde it even so as the wemen had sayde: but him they sawe not. And certayne of them which were with vs/ went their waye to the sepulcre/ and founde it euen so as the wemen had sayde: but him they sawe not. And certayne of them that were with vs, wente vnto the sepulcre, and founde it euen so as ye wemē sayde, but hī founde they not.
24:25 And he sayde vnto them: O foles/ and slowe of herte to beleve all that the prophetſ have spokē. And he sayde vnto thē: O foles and slowe of herte to beleve all yt the prophetſ have spoken. And he sayde vnto them: O foles and slowe of herte to beleue all that the Prophetes haue spoken. And he sayde vnto thē: O ye fooles and slowe of hert to beleue all that the prophetes haue spokē?
24:26 Ought not Christ to have suffered these thīges/ and to enter into his glory? Ought not Christ to have suffred these thinges/ & to enter into his glory? Ought not Christ to haue suffred these thinges/ and to enter into his glory? Ought not Christ to haue suffred these thinges, and to entre in to his glory?
24:27 And he begā at Moses/ ād at all the prophetſ/ and interpreted vnto them/ in all scriptures which were written of him. And he began at Moses/ & at all the prophetes/ & interpreted vnto them in all scriptures which were wrytten of him. And he began at Moses/ and at all the Prophetes/ and interpreted vnto them in all scriptures which were written of him. And he beganne at Moses and at all the prophetes, and expounded vnto them all the scriptures, that were spoken of him.
24:28 And they drue neye vnto the toune which they went to. And he made/ as though he wolde have gone further. And they drue neye vnto the toune wich they went to. And he made as though he wolde have gone further. And they drue nye vnto the toune which they wēt to. And he made as though he wolde haue gone further. And they drue nye vnto the towne, which they wēte vnto, and he made as though he wolde haue gone farther.
24:29 And they constrayned hym/ sayinge: Abyde with vs for it draweth tawardſ nyght/ and the daye is farre passed. And he went ī to tary with them. But they constrayned him sayinge: abyde with vs/ for it draweth towardes nyght/ & the daye is farre passed. And he went in to tary with thē. But they constrayned him sayinge/ abyde with vs/ for it draweth towardes nyght/ and the daye is farre passed. And he went in/ to tary with them. And they compelled him, and sayde: Abyde with vs, for it draweth towardes night, and the daye is farre passed. And he wente in to tary with thē.
24:30 And it cam to passe as he sate att meate wyth them/ he toke breed and blessed yt/ and brake ytt and gave it vnto thē. And it came to passe as he sate at meate wt them/ he toke breed/ blessed it/ brake and gave to them. And it came to passe as he sate at meate with them/ he toke breed/ blessed it/ brake and gaue to them. And it came to passe whan he sat at the table with thē, he toke the bred, gaue thankes, brake it, and gaue it them.
24:31 And their eyes were openned. And they knewe hym. And he vannisshed out of their syght/ And their eyes were openned/ & they knewe him: and he vnnisshed out of their syght. And their eyes were opened and they knewe him: and he vanysshed out of their syght. Then were their eyes opened, and they knewe him. And he vanyshed out of their sight.
24:32 and they sayde bitwene them selves: did not oure hertſ burne wyth in vs/ whyll he talked with vs by the waye/ and openned to vs the scriptures? And they sayde betwene them selves: dyd not oure hertes burne with in vs/ whyll he talked with vs by the waye/ and as he opened to vs the scriptures? And they sayde betwene them selues: dyd not oure hertes burne with in vs/ whyll he talked with vs by the waye/ and as he opened to vs the scriptures? And they sayde, betwene thē selues: Dyd not oure hert burne with in vs, whan he talked with vs by the waye, whyle he opened the scriptures vnto vs?
24:33 And they roose vp the same houre/ and returned agayne to Ierusalem/ and they founde the eleven gaddered to gedder/ and them that were wyth them/ And they roose vp the same houre/ and returned agayne to Ierusalem/ and founde the eleven gadered to geder and them that were with them/ And they roose vp the same houre/ and returned agayne to Ierusalem/ and founde the eleuen gadered to geder/ and them that were with them/ And they rose vp the same houre, turned agayne to Ierusalem, and founde ye eleuē gathered together, and them that were with them,
24:34 sayinge: The lorde is risen in dede/ ād hath apered to Simō. which sayde: the Lorde is rysen in dede/ and hath apered to Simon. which sayde: the Lorde is rysen in dede/ and hath apered to Simon. which sayde: The LORDE is rysen of a trueth, and hath appeared vnto Symon.
24:35 and they tolde what was done in the waye/ and howe they knewe hym/ by the breakynge off breed. And they tolde what thinges was done in the waye/ and how they knewe him in breakynge of breed. And they tolde what thinges was done in the waye/ & how they knewe him in breakynge of breed. And they tolde thē what had happened by ye waye, and how they knewe him in breakynge of the bred.
24:36 As they thus spake/ Iesus hym silfe stode in the myddes of them/ and sayde vnto them: peace be with you. As they thus spake Iesus him selfe stode in ye myddes of them/ & sayde vnto them: peace be with you. As they thus spake Iesus him selfe stode in the myddes of them/ and sayde vnto them: peace be with you. But whyle they were talkynge therof, Iesus himself stode in the myddes amonge thē, and sayde: Peace be with you.
24:37 And they were abasshed/ ād afrayde/ supposinge that they had sene a sprete. And they were abasshed & afrayde/ supposinge yt they had sene a sprete And they were abasshed and afrayde/ supposynge that they had sene a sprete. But they were abashed and afrayed, supposinge that they had sene a sprete.
24:38 And he sayde vnto thē: Why are ye troubled? ād why do thoughtes aryse ī youre hertes? And he sayde vnto thē: Why are ye troubled/ & why do thoughtes aryse in youre hertes? And he sayde vnto them: Why are ye troubled/ and why do thoughtes aryse in youre hertes? And he saide vnto thē: Why are ye abashed? & wherfore ryse there soch thoughtes in yor hertes?
24:39 Beholde my hondes and my fete. For it ys even I my sylfe. handle me and se. For spretſ have nott flesshe and bones/ as ye se me have. Beholde my hondes & my fete/ that it is even my selfe. Handle me & se: for spretes have not flesshe & bones/ as ye se me have. Beholde my hondes and my fete/ that it is euen my selfe. Handle me and se: for spretes haue not flesshe and bones/ as ye se me haue. Beholde my hādes & my fete, it is euen I my self. Handle me, and se, for a sprete hath not flesh and bones, as ye se me haue.
24:40 And when he had thus spoken/ he shewed thē his hondes/ and his fete. And when he had thus spoken/ he shewed them his hondes and his fete. And when he had thus spoken/ he shewed them his hondes and his fete. And whan he had thus spokē, he shewed thē his hōdes and his fete.
24:41 And whyll they yett boleved nott for ioye/ and wondred/ he sayde vnto them: Have ye here eny meate? And whyll they yet beleved not for ioye/ and wondred/ he sayde vnto thē: Have ye here eny meate? And whyll they yet beleued not for ioye and wondred/ he sayde vnto them: Haue ye here eny meate? But whyle they yet beleued not for ioye and wondred, he sayde vnto them: Haue ye eny thinge here to eate?
24:42 and they gave hym a pece of a brouled fisshe/ ād of an hony combe. And they gave him a pece of a broyled fisshe/ and of an hony combe. And they gaue him a pece of a broyled fysshe/ and of an hony combe. And they set before him a pece of a broyled fish, and an hony combe.
24:43 And he toke it/ and ate it before them. And he toke it/ and ate it before them. And he toke it/ and ate it before them. And he toke it, and ate it before thē.
24:44 And he sayde vnto thē: These are the wordes/ which I spake vnto you/ whill I was yett with you: that all must be fulfilled which were writtē of me in the lawe of Moses/ ād in the prophetſ/ and in the psalmes. And he sayde vnto thē. These are the wordes/ which I spake vnto you/ whyll I was yet with you: that all must be fulfilled which were written of me in the lawe of Moses/ & in the Prophetes/ & in the Psalmes. And he sayde vnto them. These are the wordes which I spake vnto you whyll I was yet with you: that all must be fulfilled which were written of me in the lawe of Moses and in the Prophetes/ and in the Psalmes. And he sayde vnto them: These are the wordes, which I spake vnto you, whyle I was yet with you. For it must all be fulfilled that was wrytten of me in the lawe of Moses, in the prophetes, & in the Psalmes.
24:45 Then openned he their wyttes/ that they myght vnderstond the scriptures/ Then openned he their wyttes/ that they myght vnderstond the scriptures/ Then opened he their wyttes/ that they myght vnderstond the scriptures/ Thē opened he their vnderstondinge, that they might vnderstonde the scriptures,
24:46 and sayde vnto them: Thus ys yt written/ and thus it behoved Christ to suffre/ ād to ryse agayne from deeth the thyrde daye. and sayde vnto them. Thus is it written/ & thus it behoved Christ to suffre/ and to ryse agayne from deeth the thyrde daye/ and sayde vnto them: Thus is it written/ and thus it behoued Christ to suffre/ & to ryse agayne from deeth the thyrde daye/ and sayde vnto them: Thus is it wryttē, and thus it behoued Christ to suffre, & the thirde daye to ryse agayne frō the deed,
24:47 And that repentaunce/ and remission of synnes/ shulde be preached in his name amonge all nacions. And the begynnynge must be at Ierusalem. and that repentaunce and remission of synnes shuld be preached in his name amonge all nacions/ and must beginne at Ierusalem. and that repentaunce and remission of synnes shuld be preached in his name amonge all nacions/ and must beginne at Ierusalem. and to let repentaunce and remyssion, of synnes be preached in his name amōge all nacions, and to begynne at Ierusalē.
24:48 And ye are witnesses of these thyngſ. And ye are witnesses of these thinges. And ye are witnesses of these thinges. As for all these thinges, ye are wytnesses of thē.
24:49 And beholde/ I wyll sende the promes of my father apon you. Butt tary ye in the cite of Ierusalen/ vntill ye be endewed with power from an hye. And beholde/ I will sende the promes of my father apon you. But tary ye in ye cite of Ierusalem/ vntyll ye be endewed with power from an hye. And beholde/ I will sende the promes of my father apon you. But tary ye in the cite of Ierusalem/ vntyll ye be endewed with power from an hye. And beholde, I wil sende vpon you the promes of my father: but ye shal tary in the cite of Ierusalem, tyll ye be endewed with power from aboue.
24:50 And he ledde them out into Bethany/ and lifte vp hys hondes/ and blest them. And he ledde thē out into Bethany/ & lyfte vp his hondes/ & blest them. And he ledde them out into Bethany/ & lyfte vp his hondes & blessed thē. But he led them out vnto Bethany, and lift vp his handes, and blessed them.
24:51 And it cā to passe/ as he blessed them/ he departed from thē/ ād was caryed vp in to hevē. And it cam to passe/ as he blessed thē/ he departed from thē/ & was caryed vp in to heven. And it cam to passe/ as he blessed them/ he departed from them/ and was caryed vp into heuen. And it came to passe whā he blessed them, he departed from them, and was caried vp in to heauen.
24:52 And they worshipped hym/ and returned to Ierusalem with greate ioye. And they worshipped him/ & returned to Ierusalem with greate ioye/ And they worshipped him/ and returned to Ierusalem with greate ioye/ And they worshipped him, and turned agayne to Ierusalem with greate ioye:
24:53 And were continually in the temple/ praysynge/ and laudinge God. and were continually in the temple/ praysinge and laudinge God. Amen. and were cōtinually in the temple/ praysinge and laudinge God. Amen. and were contynnally in ye tēple, geuynge prayse and thankes vnto God. Amen.
END Here endeth the Gospell off Sanct Luke. Here endeth the Gospell of Sayncte Luke. Here endeth the Gospell of Sayncte Luke. The ende of the gospell of S. Luke.


Luke: Chapter 23

The Gospell of S. Luke. The .xxiij. Chapter.
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
23:1 ANd the whole multitude of them arose/ ād ledde hym vnto Pilate. ANd the whole multitude of them arose/ & ledde him vnto Pylate. ANd the whole multitude of them arose/ and ledde him vnto Pylate. ANd the whole multitude of thē arose, and led him vnto Pilate,
23:2 And they began to accuse hym sayinge: We have founde this folowe/ pervertynge the people/ and forbiddynge to paye tribute to Cesar: And sayeth that he is Christ a kynge. And they beganne to accuse him sayinge: We have founde this felowe pervertynge the people/ and forbiddynge to paye tribute to Cesar: sayinge/ that he is Christ a kynge. And they beganne to accuse him sayinge: We haue founde this felowe peruertynge the people/ and forbiddynge to paye tribute to Cesar: sayinge/ that he is Christ a kynge. and begāne to accuse him, and sayde: We haue founde this felowe peruertinge the people, and forbyddinge to geue trybute vnto the Emperoure, and sayeth, that he is Christ a kynge.
23:3 And Pilate apposed hī saynge: Arte thou the kynge of the iewes? He answered hī/ and sayde thou sayest. And Pylate apposed him sayinge: arte thou the kynge of the iewes? He answered him and sayde: thou sayest it. And Pylate apposed him sayinge: arte thou the kynge of the Iewes? He answered him and sayde: thou sayest it. But Pilate axed him, and sayde: Art thou the kynge of the Iewes? He answered him, and sayde: Thou sayest it.
23:4 Then sayde Pilate to the hye prestes/ and to the people: I fynde noo faute in this mā. Then sayde Pylate to the hye prestes/ and to the people: I fynde noo faute in this man. Then sayde Pylate to the hye Prestes/ and to the people: I fynde no faute in this man. Pilate sayde vnto ye hye prestes and to the people: I fynde no cause in this man.
23:5 And they were the moore fearce/ sayinge: He mooveth the people teachynge thoroout all iewry/ and began at galile/ even to this place. And they were the moore fearce sayinge. He moveth the people/ teachynge thorowout all Iewry/ and beganne at Galile/ even to this place. And they were the moore fearce sayinge. He moueth the people/ teachinge thorow out Iewry/ & beganne at Galile/ euen to this place. But they were the more fearce, and sayde: He hath moued the people, in that he hath taught here & there in all the londe of Iewry, and hath begonne at Galile vnto this place.
23:6 When Pilate herde mencion off galile/ he axed whether the man were off galile. When Pilate hearde mencion of Galile/ he axed whether the mā were of Galile. When Pylate hearde mencion of Galile he axed whether the man were of Galile. Whan Pilate herde mencion of Galile, he axed whether he were of Galile.
23:7 And as sone as he knewe that he was of Herodes iurisdiccion/ he sent hym to Herode/ which was at that tyme in Ierusalem alsoo. And assone as he knewe that he was of Herodes iurisdiccion/ he sent him to Herode/ which was also at Ierusalem in those dayes. And assone as he knewe that he was of Herodes iurisdiccion he sent him to Herode/ which was also at Ierusalem in those dayes. And whan he perceaued that he was vnder Herodes iurisdiccion he sent him to Herode, which was also at Ierusalē in those dayes.
23:8 When Herode sawe Iesus/ he was merveliously gladde. For he was desyrous to se hym off a longe season/ be cause he had hearde many thyngſ of hym/ and trousted to have sene some myracle done by hym. And when Herode sawe Iesus/ he was excedinglie gladde. For he was desyrous to se him of a longe season/ because he had hearde many thinges of him/ & trusted to have sene some myracle done by him. And when Herode sawe Iesus/ he was excedinglie glad. For he was desyrous to se him of a longe season/ because he had hearde many thinges of him/ and trusted to haue sene some miracle done by him. When Herode sawe Iesus, he was exceadinge glad, for he had longe bene desyrous to se him: because he had herde moch of him, & hoped to se a miracle of hī.
23:9 Then questenned he with hym of many thyngſ: But he answered hym not won worde. Then questeoned he with him of many thinges. But he answered him not one worde. Then questeoned he with him of many thinges. But he answered him not one worde. And he axed him many thinges. Neuertheles he answered him nothinge.
23:10 The hye prestes and scrybes/ stode forthe and accused hym straitly. The hye prestes and scribes/ stode forthe & accused him straytly. The hye Prestes and Scribes/ stode forth and accused him straytly. The hye prestes and scrybes stode, and accused him sore.
23:11 And herod/ with his men off warre/ despysed hym/ and mocked hym/ And arayed hym in whyte/ and sent hym agayne to Pilate. And Herod wt his men of warre/ despysed him/ and mocked him/ and arayed him in whyte/ and sent him agayne to Pylate. And Herod with his men of warre/ despysed him/ and mocked him/ and arayed him in whyte/ and sent him agayne to Pylate. But Herode wt his men of warre despysed him, and mocked him, put a whyte garmēt vpō him, and sent him agayne vnto Pilate.
23:12 And the same daye Pilate/ and Herod wer made frendes togedder. For before/ they were at variaunce. And the same daye Pylate and Herod were made frendes togeder. For before they were at variaunce. And the same daye Pylate and Herod were made frendes to gether. For before they were at variaynce. Vpō ye same daye were Pilate and Herode made frendes together, for afore they had bene at variaunce.
23:13 Pilate called to gedder the hye prestes/ ād rulers/ and the people/ And Pylate called to geder the hye prestes and the rulers/ and the people/ And Pylate called to gether the hye Prestes and the rulers/ and the people/ Pilate called the hye prestes, and the rulers, and the people together,
23:14 and sayde vnto them: Ye have brought this man vnto me/ as wō that peverted the people. And loo I examined hym before you/ and founde noo faute in this man/ off those thingſ where of ye accuse hym. & sayde vnto them: Ye have brought this man vnto me/ as one that perverted the people. And beholde I have examined him before you/ & have founde no faute in this man/ of those thinges where of ye accuse him. and sayde vnto them: Ye haue brought this man vnto me/ as one that peruerted the people. And beholde I haue examined him before you/ and haue founde no faute in this man/ of those thinges where of ye accuse him. and sayde vnto thē: Ye haue brought this man vnto me, as one that peruerteth the people, and beholde, I haue examyned him before you, & fynde in the mā none of the causes, wherof ye accuse him:
23:15 No nor yett Herode. For I sent you to hī: and lo noo thynge worthy of deeth is done to hī. No nor yet Herode. For I sent you to him: and lo no thinge worthy of deeth is done to him. No nor yet Herode. For I sent you to him: and lo nothinge worthy of deeth is done to him. Nor yet Herode: for I sent you to him, and beholde, there is brought vpon hī nothinge, that is worthy of death.
23:16 I will therfore chasten hym ād lett hym loosse. I will therfore chasten him & let him lowsse. I will therfore chasten him/ & let him lowsse. Therfore wil I chasten him, and let him lowse:
23:17 For off necessite/ he must have lett one loosse vnto them at that feast. For of necessite/ he must have let one lowse vnto them at that feast. For of necessite/ he must haue let one lowse vnto them at that feast. For he must haue let one lowse vnto them after the custome of the feast.
23:18 And all the people cryed at once/ saynge: awaye with hī/ and delivre to vs Barrabas. And all the people cryed atonce sayinge: awaye with him/ & delyvre to vs Barrabas: And all the people cryed atonce sayinge: awaye with him/ & deliuer to vs Barrabas: Then cried the whole multitude, and sayde: Awaye with him, and delyuer vnto vs Barrabas,
23:19 (which for insurrecciō made in the cite/ ād morther/ was cast īto preson) which for insurrccion made in the cite/ & morther/ was cast into preson. which for insurreccion made in the cite/ and morther/ was cast into preson. which for insurreccion made in the cite, and because of a murthur, was cast in to preson.
23:20 Pilate spake agayne to thē willynge to lett Iesus losse. Pylate spake agayne to them willynge to let Iesus lowse. Pyate spake agayne to them willynge to let Iesus lowse. Then called Pilate vnto them agayne, & wolde haue let Iesus lowse.
23:21 And they cryed/ sayinge: Crucify hym/ Crucify hym. And they cryed sayinge: Crucify him/ Crucify him And they cryed sayinge: Crucify him/ Crucify him. But they cried, and sayde: Crucifye him, Crucifye him.
23:22 He sayde vnto them the thyrde tyme: What harme hath he done? I fynde noo cause off deeth in hym. I will therfore chasten hym/ ād lett hym goo losse. He sayde vnto them the thyrde tyme. What evyll hath he done? I fynde no cause of deeth in him. I will therfore chasten him/ and let him lowse. He sayde vnto them the thyrde tyme. What euyll hath he done? I fynde no cause of deeth in him. I will therfore chasten him/ & let him lowse. Yet sayde he vnto them, the thirde tyme: What euell thē hath he done? I fynde no cause of death in hī, therfore wil I chasten him, and let him go.
23:23 And they cryed with loude voyce/ and requyred that he myght be crucifyed. And the cryinge off the hye prestes prevayled. And they cryed with loude voyce/ and required that he myght be crucifyed. And the voyce of them and of the hye Prestes prevayled. And they cryed with loude voyce/ and required that he myght be crucified. And the voyce of them and of the hye Prestes preuayled. But they laye styll vpon him with greate crye, and requyred yt he might be crucified. And the voyce of thē and of the hye preastes preuayled.
23:24 And Pilate gave sentence that it shulde be as they requyred/ And Pylate gave sentence that it shuld be as they required And Pylate gaue sentence that it shuld be as they required And Pilate gaue sentence, that it shulde be as they requyred,
23:25 ād lett losse vnto them/ hym that for insurrecciō/ and morther was cast into preson/ whom they desyred: And delyvered Iesus to do with hym what they wolde. and let lowse vnto them/ him that for insurreccion and morther/ was cast into preson/ whom they desyred: & delyvered Iesus to do with him what they wolde. and let lowse vnto them/ him that for insurreccion and morther/ was cast into preson/ whom they desyred: and delyuered Iesus to do with him what they wolde. and let lowse vnto thē, him, that for insurrecciō and murthur was cast in to preson, whom they desyred, but gaue Iesus ouer vnto their wyll.
23:26 And as they ledde hym awaye/ they chaught won Simon of sirene/ cōmynge out of the felde: And on hym layde they the crosse to beare it after Iesus. And as they ledde him awaye/ they caught one Symon of Syrene/ commynge out of the felde: and on him layde they the crosse/ to beare it after Iesus. And as they ledde him awaye/ they caught one Symon of Syrene/ commynge out of the felde: and on him layde they the crosse/ to beare it after Iesus. And as they led him awaye, they toke one Simon of Cyren (which came from the felde) and layed ye crosse vpon him, to beare it after Iesus.
23:27 There folowed hym a greate company of people/ and of wemen/ which wemen bewayled/ ād lamented hym. And ther folowed him a greate company of people and of wemen/ which wemē bewayled and lamented him. And there folowed him a greate company of people and of wemen/ which wemen bewayled and lamented him. And there folowed him a greate multitude of people and of wemen, which bewayled and lamented him.
23:28 Iesus turned backe vnto them/ and sayde: Doughters of Ierusalem/ wepe not for me: but wepe for youre selves/ and for youre children. But Iesus turned backe vnto them/ and sayde: Doughters of Ierusalem/ wepe not for me: but wepe for youre selves and for youre chyldren. But Iesus turned backe vnto them/ and sayde: Doughters of Ierusalem/ wepe not for me: but wepe for youre selues/ and for youre chyldren. But Iesus turned him aboute vnto thē, and sayde: Ye doughters of Ierusalē, wepe not ouer me: but wepe ouer youre selues, and ouer youre childrē.
23:29 For marke/ the dayes will come/ when men shall saye: happy are the baren and the wombes that never bare/ and the pappes which never gave sucke. For beholde/ the dayes will come/ when men shall saye: happy are the baren and the wombes that never bare/ and the pappes which never gave sucke. For beholde/ the dayes will come/ when men shall saye: happy are the baren and the wombes that neuer bare and the pappes which neuer gaue sucke. For beholde, the tyme wil come, wherin it shal be sayde: Blessed are the baren, and the wombes that haue not borne, and the pappes that haue not geuen sucke.
23:30 Then shall they begyn to saye to the mountaynes: fall on vs. and to the hilles cover vs. Then shall they beginne to saye to the mountaynes/ fall on vs: and to the hilles/ cover vs. Then shall they beginne to saye to the mountaynes/ fall on vs: and to the hylles/ couer vs. Then shal they begynne to saye vnto the mountaynes: Fall vpon vs. And to the hylles: Couer vs.
23:31 For yf they do this to a grene tree: what shalbe done/ to the drye? For yf they do this to a grene tree/ what shalbe done to the drye? For yf they do this to a grene tree/ what shalbe done to the drye? For yf this be done to a grene tre, what shalbe done then to the drye?
23:32 There were two evyll doers ledde with hym to be slayne. And ther were two evyll doers ledde with him to be slayne. And ther were two euyll doers ledde with him to be slayne. And two other (which were myssdoers) were led out also, to be put to death with him.
23:33 And whē they wer come to the place/ which is called calvary/ there they crucifyed hym/ and the evyll doars/ one on the right honde/ and the other on the lefte honde. And when they were come to the place/ which is called Calvary/ there they crucified him/ and the evyll doers/ one on ryght honde/ and the other on the lefte. And when they were come to the place/ which is called Caluary/ there they crucified him/ & the euyll doers/ one on the right honde/ & the other on the lefte. And whā they came to ye place, which is called Caluery, they crucifyed him euen there, and the two myssdoers with him, the one on the righte hande, the other on ye left.
23:34 Then sayde Iesus: Father forgeve them/ for they woot not what they do. And they parted his raymēt/ and cast loottes. Then sayde Iesus: father forgeve them/ for they woot not what they do. And they parted his rayment/ and cast loottes. Then sayde Iesus: father forgeue thē/ for they woot not what they do. And they parted his rayment/ and cast loottes. But Iesus sayde: Father, forgeue them, for they wote not what they do. And they parted his garmentes, and cast lottes therfore.
23:35 And the people stode and behelde. And the rulers mocked hym with thē saying: He holpe other men/ lett hym helpe hym silfe yf he be Christ the chosen of God. And the people stode and behelde. And the rulers mocked him with thē saying: he holpe other men/ let him helpe him selfe/ yf he be Christ the chosen of god. And the people stode and behelde. And the rulers mocked him with them saying: he holpe other men/ let him helpe him selfe/ yf he be Christ the chosen of God. And the people stode and behelde. And the rulers mocked him with them, and sayde: He hath helped other, let him helpe him self now, yf he be Christ ye chosen of God.
23:36 The soudiers alsoo mocked hym/ and cam ād gave hym veneger The soudiers also mocked him/ & came and gave him veneger The soudiers also mocked him/ and came and gaue him veneger The soudyers also mocked him, wēte vnto him, & brought him vyneger,
23:37 and sayde: yf thou be that kynge off the iewes/ save thy silfe. and sayde: yf thou be that kynge of ye Iewes/ save thy silfe. and sayde: yf thou be that kynge of the Iewes/ saue thy selfe. and sayde: Yf thou be the kynge of the Iewes, then helpe thyself.
23:38 His superscripcion was written over hī/ in greke/ latin/ and ebrue letters: This is the kynge off the iewes. And his superscripciō was writtē over him/ in greke/ in latine and Ebreu: This is the kynge of the Iewes. And his superscripcion was written ouer him/ in Greke/ in Latin/ and Hebreu: This is the kynge of the Iewes. And aboue ouer him was this superscripcion wrytten with letters of Greke, Latyn, and Hebrue: This is the kynge of the Iewes.
23:39 The one off the malefactours which hanged/ rayled ō hym/ sayinge: Yf thou be Christ save thy silfe and vs. And one of the evyll doers which hanged/ rayled on him sayinge: If thou be Christ save thy selfe and vs. And one of the euyl doers which hanged/ rayled on him sayinge: If thou be Christ saue thy selfe and vs. And one of the myssdoers that hanged there, blasphemed him, and sayde: Yf thou be Christ, then helpe thy self and vs.
23:40 The other answered and rebuked hym sayinge: Nether fearest thou god because thou arte in the same damnacion? The other answered and rebuked him sayinge. Nether fearest thou god/ because thou arte in the same damnacion? The other answered and rebuked him sayinge: Nether fearest thou God/ because thou arte in the same damnacion? Then answered the other, rebuked him, and sayde: And thou fearest not God also, which art yet in like dānacion.
23:41 We are righteously punnesshed/ for we receave accordynge to oure dedes: Butt this man hath done noo thynge amysse. We are ryghteously punesshed/ for we receave accordynge to oure dedes: But this man hath done nothinge amysse. We are ryghteously punesshed/ for we receaue accordynge to oure dedes: But this man hath done nothinge amysse. And truly we are therin be right, for we receaue acordinge to oure dedes. As for this man, he hath done nothinge amysse.
23:42 And he sayde vnto Iesus: Lorde remember me when thou commest into thy kyngdom. And he sayde vnto Iesus: Lorde remember me when thou comest into thy kyngdome. And he sayde vnto Iesus: Lorde remember me when thou comest into thy kyngdome. And he sayde vnto Iesus: LORDE, remembre me, whan thou commest in to thy kyngdome.
23:43 And Iesus sayde vnto hym: Verely I saye vnto the/ to daye shalt thou be with me in paradise. And Iesus sayde vnto him: Verely I saye vnto the/ to daye shalt thou be with me in Paradyse. And Iesus sayde vnto him: Verely I saye vnto the/ to daye shalt thou be with me in Paradyse. And Iesus sayde vnto him: Verely I saye vnto the: To daye shalt thou be with me in Paradyse.
23:44 And it was about the sixt houre. And there cam a darcknes over all the londe/ vntyll the nynth houre/ And it was about the sixt houre. And ther came a darcknes over all the londe/ vntyll ye nynth houre/ And it was about the sixt houre. And ther came a darcknes ouer all the londe/ vntyll the nynth houre/ And it was aboute the sixte houre, and there was darknesse ouer ye whole londe vntyll the nyenth houre.
23:45 ād the sonne was darckened. And the vayle of the tēple rent even thorow the myddes. and the sonne was darckened. And the vayle of the temple dyd rent even thorow the myddes. and the sonne was darckened. And the vayle of the temple dyd rent euen thorow the myddes. And the Sonne was darkened, and the vayle of the temple rente in two euen thorow the myddes.
23:46 And Iesus cryed with a greate voyce and sayd: Father/ into thy hondes I commende my sprete. And when he thus had sayd/ he gave vp the goost. And Iesus cryed with a greate voyce and sayd: Father/ into thy hondes I cōmende my sprete. And when he thus had sayd/ he gave vp the goost. And Iesus cryed with a greate voyce and sayd: Father/ into thy hondes I commende my sprete. And when he thus had sayd he gaue vp the goost. And Iesus cryed loude, & sayde: Father, in to thy handes I commende my sprete. And whan he had so sayde, he gaue vp the goost.
23:47 When the Centurion sawe/ what had happened/ he glorified god sayinge: Of a surtie this man was perfecte. When ye Centurion sawe what had happened/ he glorified God sayinge: Of a surtie this man was perfecte. When the Centurion sawe what had happened/ he glorified God sayinge: Of a suretie this man was perfecte. But whan the Captayne sawe what had happened, he praysed God, and sayde: Verely this was a iust mā.
23:48 And all the people that cam to gedder to that sight/ beholdynge the thīgſ which were done: smoote their brestes/ ād returned home. And all the people that came to geder to that sight/ beholdynge the thinges which were done: smoote their bestes/ and returned home. And all the people that came to gether to that syght/ beholdynge the thinges which were done: smoote their brestes/ & returned home. And all the people that stode by & behelde, whan they sawe what was done, smote vpon their brestes, & turned backe agayne.
23:49 All hys acquayntaūce stode a farre of/ and the wemen/ which folowed hym from galile. beholdynge these thynges. And all his acquayntaunce/ and the wemen/ that folowed him from Galile/ stode a farre of beholdynge these thinges. And all his acquayntaunce/ and the wemen/ that folowed him from Galile/ stode a farre of beholdynge these thinges. But all his acquantaunce, and the wemen that had folowed him out of Galile, stode afarre of, and behelde all these thinges.
23:50 And beholde there was a mā named Ioseph a senatour/ which was a goode man and a iuste. And beholde ther was a man named Ioseph/ a councelloure/ and was a good man & a iuste/ And beholde ther was a man named Ioseph/ a councellour/ and was a good man and a iuste/ And beholde, a mā named Ioseph, a Senatour, which was a good iust man,
23:51 He did nott consent to their counsell and dede/ which was of Aramathia/ a cite off the iewes. Which same alsoo/ wayted for the kyngdom off god. & dyd not consent to the counsell and dede of them/ which was of Aramathia/ a cite of the Iewes: which same also wayted for ye kyngdome of God: & dyd not consent to the counsell and dede of them/ which was of Aramathia/ a cite of the Iewes: which same also wayted for the kyngdome of God: the same had not consented vnto their councell, and dede, which was of Arimathia a cite of the Iewes, which same also wayted for the kyngdome of God:
23:52 he wēt vnto Pylate/ and begged the boddy of Iesus. he went vnto Pilate/ & begged the boddy of Iesus/ he went vnto Pylate and begged the boddy of Iesus/ he wēte vnto Pilate, and axed the body of Iesus.
23:53 And toke it doune/ and wrapped it in a lynnen clooth/ and layed it in an heawē toumbe/ wherin was never man before layed. and toke it doune/ & wrapped it in a lynnen clooth/ and layed it in an hewen toumbe/ wherin was never man before layed. & toke it doune/ & wrapped it in a lynnen clooth/ and layed it in an hewen toumbe/ wherin was neuer man before layed And the toke him downe, wrapped him in a lynnen cloth, and layed him in a hewen sepulcre, wherin neuer man was layed.
23:54 And that daye was the saboth even/ And the saboth drue on. And that daye was ye Saboth even/ & the Saboth drue on. And that daye was the Saboth euen/ and the Saboth drue on. And it was the daye of preparinge, and the Sabbath drue on.
23:55 The wemen that folowed after whych cam with hym from galile/ behelde the sepulcre and howe hys body was layed. The wemen that folowed after/ which came with him from Galile/ behelde the sepulcre and how his body was layed. The wemen that folowed after which came with him from Galile/ behelde the sepulcre and how his body was layed. The wemen that were come with him out of Galile, folowed him, and behelde the Sepulcre, & how his body was layed.
23:56 And returned/ and prepared swete odoures/ and oyntmentſ/ And the saboth daye they rested/ accordynge to the commaundement. And they returned & prepared odoures and oyntmētes: but rested the Saboth daye/ accordynge to the commaundement. And they returned & prepared odoures & oyntmentes: but rested the Saboth daye/ accordynge to the commaundement. But they returned, and made ready the spyces & anontmētes. And vpon the Sabbath they rested, acordinge to the lawe.


Luke: Chapter 22

The Gospell of S. Luke. The .xxij. Chapter.
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
22:1 THe feaste off swete breed drue nye whych is called ester/ THe feaste of swete breed drue nye whiche is called ester/ THe feast of swete breed drue nye which is called ester/ THe feast of swete bred (which is called Easter) drue nye.
22:2 and the hye prestes/ and scrybes sought howe to kyll Iesus/ but they feared the people. and the hye prestes and Scribes sought how to kyll him/ but they feared the people. and the hye Prestes and Scribes sought how to kyll him/ but they feared the people. And ye hye presstes and Scrybes sought how they might put him to death, and were afrayed of the people.
22:3 Thē entred Satā īto Iudas/ whose syr name was iscariot (which was of the nombre off the twelve) Then entred Satan into Iudas/ whose syr name was Iscariot (which was of the nombre of the twelve) Then entred Satan into Iudas/ whose syr name was Iscariot (which was of the nombre of the twelue) But Satan was entred in to Iudas, named Iscarioth (which was of ye nombre of ye twolue)
22:4 and he went his waye/ and cōmened with the hye prestes and officers/ how he wolde betraye hym vnto them. & he went his waye & cōmuned with the hye Prestes and officers/ how he might betraye him to them. and he went his waye & cōmuned with the hye prestes and officers how he myght betraye him to them. and he wēte his waye, and talked with the hye prestes and with ye officers, how he wolde betraye him vnto them.
22:5 And they were glad: and promysed to geve hym money. And they were glad: & promysed to geve him money. And they were glad: and promised to geue him money. And they were glad, and promysed to geue him money.
22:6 And he consented/ and sought oportunite to betraye hym vnto them/ when the people were awaye. And he consented and sought oportunite to betraye him vnto them/ when the people were awaye. And he consented/ & sought oportunite to betraye him vnto them when the people were awaye. And he cōsented, & sought oportunite, yt he might betraye hī without eny rumoure.
22:7 Then cam that daye of swete breed/ when off necessite the esterlambe muste be offered. Then came ye daye of swete breed/ when of necessite the esterlambe must be offered. Then came the daye of swete breed/ when of necessite the esterlambe must be offered. Then came ye daye of swete bred, wherin the Easter lambe must be offered.
22:8 And he sent Peter/ and Ihon seiynge: Goo and prepare vs the ester lambe/ that we maye eate. And he sent Peter & Iohn sayinge: Goo & prepare vs the ester lambe/ that we maye eate. And he sent Peter & Iohn sayinge: go & prepare vs the esterlābe/ that we maye eate. And he sent Peter and Ihon, and sayde: Go youre waye, prepare vs the Easter lambe, that we maye eate.
22:9 They sayde to hym: Where wilt thou/ that we prepare? They sayde to him. Where wilt thou/ yt we prepare? They sayde to him. Where wilt thou/ that we prepare? But they sayde vnto him: Where wilt thou, that we prepare it?
22:10 And he sayde vnto them. Beholde as ye enter into the cite/ there shall a man mete you bearynge a pitcher off water/ hym folowe into the same housse that he entreth in/ And he sayd vnto them. Beholde when ye be entred into the cite/ ther shall a man mete you bearinge a pitcher of water/ him folowe into the same housse yt he entreth in/ And he sayde vnto thē. Beholde when ye be entred into the cite/ ther shall a man mete you bearinge a pitcher of water/ him folowe into the same housse that he entreth in/ He saide vnto them: Beholde, whā ye come in to ye cite, there shal mete you a man, bearinge a pitcher of water, folowe him in to the house yt he entreth in,
22:11 and ye shall saye vnto the goode man off the housse/ The master sayeth: Where is the gest chamber/ where I shall eate myne ester lambe wyth my dissciples? & saye vnto ye good mā of ye housse. The master sayeth vnto ye: where is ye gest chamber/ where I shall eate myne ester lambe wt my disciples? & saye vnto the good man of the housse. The master sayeth vnto the: where is the gest chamber/ where I shall eate myne ester lambe with my disciples? and saye vnto the good man of the house: The master sendeth ye worde: Where is ye gesthouse, wherin I maye eate the Easter lābe with my disciples?
22:12 And he shall shewe you a greate parloure paved. There make redy. And he shall shew you a greate parloure paved. Ther make redy. And he shall shew you a greate parloure paued. Ther make redy. And he shal shewe you a greate parlour paued.
22:13 They went and founde/ as he had sayde vnto them: and made redy the ester lambe. And they wēt & foūde as he had sayd vnto thē: & made redy ye ester lambe. And they went and founde as he had sayde vnto them: & made redy the ester lambe. They wente their waye, and founde as he had sayde vnto them, and made ready the Easter lambe.
22:14 And when the houre cam/ he sate doune and the twelve Apostles with hym. And when the houre was come/ he sate doune and the twelve Apostles with him. And when the houre was come/ he sate doune and the twelue Apostles with him. And whan the houre came, he sat him downe, and the twolue Apostles with him,
22:15 And he sayde vnto them: I have inwardly desyred/ to eate this ester lambe with you before that y suffre. And he sayde vnto them: I have inwardly desyred/ to eate this ester lambe with you before yt I suffre. And he sayde vnto them: I haue inwardly desyred to eate this ester lambe with you before that I suffre. and he sayde vnto them: I haue hertely desyred to eate this Easter lābe with you before I suffre.
22:16 For I saye vnto you: hence forthe/ I will nott eate of it eny moore/ vntill itt be fulfilled in the kyngdom of God. For I saye vnto you: hence forthe/ I will not eate of it eny moore/ vntill it be fulfilled in the kingdome of God. For I saye vnto you: hence forth I will not eate of it eny moore/ vntyll it be fulfilled in the kyngdome of God. For I saye vnto you: that hence forth I wil eate nomore therof, tyll it be fulfilled in the kyngdome of God.
22:17 And he toke the cuppe/ and gave thankes/ and sayde: Receave this/ and devyde itt amonge you. And he toke the cup/ & gave thankes/ & sayde. Take this/ and devyde it amonge you. And he toke the cup/ & gaue thankes/ and sayd. Take this/ and deuyde it amonge you. And he toke the cuppe, gaue thankes, and sayde: Take this and deuyde it amonge you.
22:18 For I saye vnto you: I will not drynke of the frute of the vyne/ vntill the kyngdom of God be come. For I saye vnto you: I will not drinke of the frute of the vyne/ vntill the kingdome of God be come. For I saye vnto you: I will not drinke of the frute of the vyne/ vntyll the kyngdome of God be come. For I saye vnto you: I wil not drynke of the frute of ye vyne, vntyll the kyngdome of God come.
22:19 And he toke breed/ and gave thankes/ and brake itt/ and gave it vnto them/ sayinge: Thys is my body which is geven for you/ Thys do in the remembraunce of me. And he toke breed/ gave thankes/ and gave to them/ sayinge: This is my body which is geven for you. This do in the remembraunce of me. And he toke breed/ gaue thankes/ and gaue to them/ sayinge: This is my body which is geuen for you. This do in the remembraunce of me. And he toke the bred, gaue thankes, and brake it, and gaue it them, and sayde: This is my body, which shalbe geuen for you. This do in the remembraunce of me.
22:20 Lykewyse alsoo/ when they had supped/ he toke the cuppe sayinge: This is the cuppe/ the newe testamentt/ in my bloud/ which shall for you be shedde. Lykewyse also/ when they had supped/ he toke the cup sayinge: This cup is the newe testament/ in my bloud/ which shall for you be shedde. Lykewyse also/ when they had supped/ he toke the cup sayinge: This cup is the newe testament in my bloude/ which shall for you be shedde. Likewyse also the cuppe, after they had supped, and sayde: This cuppe is the new Testamēt in my bloude, which shalbe shed for you.
22:21 Yet beholde/ the honde off hym that betrayeth me/ is with me on the table. Yet beholde/ the honde of him that betrayeth me/ is with me on the table. Yet beholde/ the honde of him that betrayeth me/ is with me on the table. But lo, the hande of him that betrayeth me, is with me on the table.
22:22 And the sonne of man goeth as hit is appoynted: But wo be to that man by whom he is betrayed. And ye sonne of man goeth as it is appoynted: But wo be to yt man by whom he is betrayed. And the sonne of man goeth as it is apoynted: But wo be to that man by whom he is betrayed. And the sonne of man trulye goeth forth, as it is appoynted. But wo vnto that man, by whom he is betrayed.
22:23 And they began to enquyre amonge them selves/ which off them it shulde be/ that shulde do that. And they began to enquyre amōge them selves/ which of them it shuld be/ that shuld do that. And they begā to enquyre amōge them selues/ which of them it shulde be/ that shulde do that. And they beganne to axe amonge them selues, which of them it shulde be, that shulde do that.
22:24 And there was a stryfe amonge them/ which of them shulde seme greatest. And ther was a stryfe amōge thē/ which of them shuld be taken for the greatest. And ther was a stryfe amōge thē/ which of them shulde be taken for the greatest. There rose a strife also amōge thē, which of them shulde be takē for the greatest.
22:25 And he sayde vnto them: The kynges of the gentyls raigne over thē And they that beare rule over them/ are called gracious lordes. And he sayde vnto them: the kynges of the gētyls raygne over them/ and they that beare rule over them/ are called gracious lordes. And he sayde vnto them: the kynges of the gētyls raygne ouer them/ and they that beare rule ouer them/ are called gracious lordes. But he sayde vnto them: The kynges of ye worlde haue domynion ouer ye people, and they that beare rule ouer thē, are called gracious lordes.
22:26 But ye shall nott be soo. But he that is greatest amonge you/ shalbe as the yongest: And he that is chefe/ shalbe as minister. But ye shall not be so. But he that is greatest amonge you/ shalbe as the yongest: and he that is chefe/ shalbe as the minister. But ye shall not be so. But he that is greatest amonge you/ shalbe as the yongest: and he that is chefe shalbe as the minister. But ye shal not be so: But the greatest amonge you, shalbe as the yongest: and the chefest, as a seruaunt.
22:27 For whether is greater/ he that sitteth at meate: or he that serveth? is not he that sitteth at meate: And I am amonge you/ as he that ministreth. For whether is greater/ he that sitteth at meate: or he that serveth? Is not he that sitteth at meate? And I am amōge you/ as he that ministreth. For whether is greater/ he that sitteth at meate: or he that serueth? Is not he that sitteth at meate? And I am amōge you/ as he that ministreth. For which is the greatest? he that sytteth at the table, or he that serueth? Is not he that sytteth at the table? But I am amōge you as a mynister.
22:28 Ye are which have bidden with me in my temptacions. Ye are they which have bidden with me in my temptacions. Ye are they which haue bidden with me in my temptacions. As for you, ye are they, that haue byddē wt me in my temptacions.
22:29 And I apoynt vnto you a kyngdom/ as my father hath apoynted to me. And I apoynt vnto you a kyngdome/ as my father hath appoynted to me: And I apoynt vnto you a kyngdome/ as my father hath appoynted to me: And I wil appoynte the kyngdome vnto you, euen as my father hath appoynted me,
22:30 that ye maye eate/ ād drynke at my table in my kyngdome/ and sit on seates/ and iudge the twelve tribes of israell. that ye maye eate and drynke at my table in my kyngdome/ and sit on seates/ and iudge the twelve tribes of Israell. that ye maye eate and dryncke at my table in my kyngdome/ and sit on seates/ and iudge the twelue tribes of Israell. that ye maye eate and drynke at my table in my kyngdome, and syt vpon seates, and iudge the twolue trybes of Israel.
22:31 And the lorde sayde: Simon/ Simon/ beholde Satan hath desired you/ to sifte you/ as it were wheate: And the Lorde sayde: Simon/ Simon beholde Satan hath desired you/ to sifte you/ as it were wheate: And the Lorde sayde: Simon/ Simō beholde/ Satan hath desired you/ to sifte you/ as it were wheate: But the LORDE sayde: Simon Simon, beholde, Satan hath desyred after you, that he might siffte you euen as wheate:
22:32 Butt I have prayed for the that thy fayth fayle nott. And when thou arte cōverted/ strengthe thy brethren. bnt I have prayed for the/ that thy faith fayle not. And when thou arte converted/ strengthe thy brethrē. but I haue prayed for the/ that thy fayth fayle not. And when thou arte converted/ strengthe thy brethrē. but I haue prayed for ye, that thy faith fayle not. And whan thou art cōuerted, strength thy brethren:
22:33 And he sayd vnto hym: Lorde/ I am redy to goo with the in to preson/ and to deth. And he sayd vnto him. Lorde I am redy to go with the in to preson/ & to deth. And he sayd vnto him. Lorde I am redy to go with the into preson/ & to deeth. But he sayde vnto him: LORDE, I am ready to go with the in to preson, and in to death.
22:34 And he sayde: I tell the Peter/ the cocke shall nott crowe this daye/ till thou have thryse denyed that thou knewest me. And he sayde: I tell the Peter/ the cocke shall not crowe this daye/ tyll thou have thryse denyed yt thou knewest me. And he sayde: I tell the Peter/ the cocke shall not crowe this daye/ tyll thou haue thrise denied that thou knewest me. Neuertheles he sayde: Peter, I saye vnto the: The cock shal not crowe this daye, tyll thou haue thryse denyed, yt thou knewest me.
22:35 And he sayde vnto thē: when I sent you with out wallett/ ād scrippe/ ād shoues/ lacked ye eny thynge? And they sayd/ nothynge. And he sayde vnto them: when I sent you with out wallet and scripe & shoes? lacked ye eny thinge? And they sayd/ no. And he sayde vnto them: when I sent you without wallet and scrippe and shoes: lacked ye eny thinge? And they sayd/ no. And he sayde vnto them: Whan I sent you without wallet, without scryppe, and without shues, lacked ye eny thinge? They sayde: No.
22:36 And he sayde to them: But nowe he that hath a wallet let him take itt/ and lykewyse his scrippe. And he thatt hath noo swearde/ let hym sell his coote and bye won. And he sayde to them: but nowe he that hath a wallet let him take it vp and lykewyse his scrippe. And he that hath no swearde/ let him sell his coote and bye one. And he sayde to them: but now he that hath a wallet let him take it vp/ and lykewyse his scrippe. And he that hath no swearde/ let him sell his coote and bye one. Then sayde he vnto them: But now, he that hath a wallet, let him take it vp, likewyse also the scryppe. But he that hath not, let him sell his coate, & bye a swerde.
22:37 I saye vnto you that yet/ that which is written must be performed in me (Even with the wicked was he nombred) for those thyngſ which are written of me have and ende. For I saye vnto you/ that yet/ that which is written/ must be performed in me: even with the wycked was he nombred. For those thinges which are written of me/ have an ende. For I saye vnto you/ that yet that which is wrytten/ must be performed in me: euen with the wycked was he nombred. For those thinges which are wrytten of me/ haue an ende. For I saye vnto you: It must yet be fulfilled on me, that is wryttē: He was counted amonge the euell doers. For loke what is wrytten of me, it hath an ende.
22:38 And they sayd: Lorde/ beholde here are two sweardes. And he sayde vnto them: it is ynough. And they sayde: Lorde/ beholde here are two sweardes. And he sayde vnto them: it is ynough. And they sayde: Lorde/ beholde here are two sweardes. And he sayde vnto them: it is ynough. But they sayde: LORDE, Beholde, here are two swerdes. He sayde vnto thē: It is ynough.
22:39 And he cam out/ and wēt as he was wonte to mounte olivete. And his disciples folowed hym And he came out/ and went as he was wōte/ to mounte olivete. And the disciples folowed him. And he came out/ and went as he was wonte/ to mounte oliuete. And the disciples folowed him. And he wente out (as he was wonte) vnto moūt Oliuete. But his disciples folowed him vnto the same place.
22:40 And when he cam to the place/ he sayde to them Praye lest ye fall into temptacion. And when he came to the place/ he sayde to thē: praye/ lest ye fall into temptaciō. And when he came to the place/ he sayde to thē: praye/ lest ye fall into temptaciō. And whan he came thither, he sayde vnto thē: Praye, that ye fall not in to tēptacion.
22:41 And he gate hym silfe from them/ about a stones cast/ and kneled doune/ and prayed/ And he gate him selfe from them/ about a stones cast/ & kneled doune/ & prayed/ And he gate him selfe from them/ about a stones cast/ & kneled doune/ & prayed/ sayinge: And he gat him from them aboute a stones cast, and kneled downe, prayed,
22:42 sayinge: Father if thou wilt/ withdrawe this cuppe from me. Neverthelesse/ nott my wyll/ Butt thyne be fulfilled. sayinge: Father yf thou wilt/ withdrawe this cup frō me. Neverthelesse/ not my will/ but thyne be be fulfilled. Father yf thou wilt/ withdrawe this cup from me. Neuerthelesse/ not my will/ but thyne be fulfilled. & sayde: Father, yf thou wilt, take awaye this cuppe fro me: Neuerthelesse, not my wyll, but thyne be fulfylled.
22:43 And there apered an angell vnto hym from heven/ confortynge hym/ And ther appered an angell vnto him from heaven/ confortinge him. And ther appered an angell vnto him from heauen/ confortinge him. And there appeared vnto him an angell frō heauen, and conforted him.
22:44 And he was in agony/ and prayed somwhat longer. And hys sweate was lyke droppes of bloud/ tricklynge doune to the grounde. And he was in an agonye/ & prayed somwhat longer. And hys sweate was lyke droppes of bloud/ tricklynge doune to the grounde. And he was in an agonye/ & prayed somwhat longer. And his sweate was lyke droppes of bloud/ tricklynge doune to the grounde. And it came so, that he wrestled with death, and prayed the longer. And his sweate was like droppes of bloude, runnynge downe to the grounde.
22:45 And he rose vppe from prayer/ and cam to his disciples/ and founde them slepynge for sorowe/ And he rose vp from prayer & came to his disciples/ & foūde them slepinge for sorowe/ And he rose vp from prayer & came to his disciples/ & founde them slepinge for sorowe/ And he rose vp frō prayer, and came to his disciples, and founde them slepinge for heuynesse,
22:46 and he sayde vnto them: Why slepe ye? Ryse/ and praye lest ye fall into temptacion. and sayde vnto them: Why slepe ye? Ryse and praye/ lest ye fall into temptacion. and sayde vnto them: Why slepe ye? Ryse and praye/ lest ye fall into temptacion. and sayde vnto them: What, slepe ye? ryse vp and praye, that ye fall not in to tentacion.
22:47 Whyll he yet spake: beholde/ there cam a company/ and he that was called Iudas/ one off the twelve/ went before them/ and preased neye vnto Iesus to kysse hym. Whill he yet spake: beholde/ ther came a company/ and he that was called Iudas/ one of the twelve/ wēt before them/ & preased nye vnto Iesus to kysse him. Whill he yet spake: beholde/ ther came a cōpany/ and he that was called Iudas one of the twelue/ wēt before them/ and preased nye vnto Iesus to kysse him. But whyle he yet spake, beholde, the multitude, and one of the twolue called Iudas wente before them, and he came nye vnto Iesus, to kysse him.
22:48 Iesus sayd vnto hym: Iudas betrayest thou the sonne off man with a kysse? And Iesus sayd vnto him: Iudas/ betrayest thou ye sonne of man with a kysse? And Iesus sayd vnto him: Iudas/ betrayest thou the sonne of mā with a kysse? But Iesus sayde vnto him: Iudas, betrayest thou the sonne of mā with a kysse?
22:49 When they which were about hym sawe what wolde folow/ they sayde vnto hym/ Lorde/ shall we smyte with a swearde? When they which were about him sawe what wolde folow/ they sayde vnto him. Lorde/ shall we smite with swearde. Whē they which were about him sawe what wolde folow/ they sayd vnto him. Lorde/ shall we smite with swearde? Whan they that were aboute him, sawe what wolde folowe, they sayde vnto him: LORDE, shal we smyte with the swerde?
22:50 And one off them smote a servaunt off hym which was the chefe preste of all/ and smote off his righte eare. And one of them smote a servaūt of ye hiest preste of all/ & smote of his right eare. And one of them smote a seruaūt of the hiest preste of all/ & smote of his right eare. And one of thē stroke a seruaūt of ye hye prestes, & smote of his eare.
22:51 Iesus answered ād sayde: Soffre ye thus farre forthe. And he touched his eare/ and healed hym. And Iesus answered & sayd: Soffre ye thus farre forthe. And he touched his eare/ and healed him. And Iesus answered and sayd: Soffre ye thus farre forthe. And he touched his eare/ and healed him. But Iesus answered, and sayde: Suffre thē thus farre forth. And he touched his eare, & healed him.
22:52 Iesus sayde vnto the hye prestes and rulers off the temple ād the senyours which were come to hym. Be ye come outt/ as vnto a thefe with sweardes and staves? Then Iesus sayde vnto the hye prestes and rulers of the temple & the elders which were come to him. Be ye come out/ as vnto a thefe with sweardes and staves? Then Iesus sayde vnto the hye prestes & rulers of the temple and the elders which were come to him. Be ye come out/ as vnto a thefe with sweardes and staues? But Iesus sayde vnto the prestes and rulers of the temple, and to the Elders that were come vnto him: Ye are come forth as it were to a murthurer with swerdes, & with staues.
22:53 When I was dayly with you in the temple/ ye stretched not forth hondes agaynst me. Butt this is even youre very houre/ and the power off darknes. When I was dayly with you in the tēple/ ye stretched not forth hondes agaynst me. But this is even youre very houre/ and the power of darcknes. When I was dayly with you in the temple/ ye stretched not forth hondes agaynst me. But this is euē youre very houre/ & the power of darcknes. I was daylie with you in the temple, and ye layed no handes vpon me. But this is youre houre, and the power of darknesse.
22:54 Then toke they hym/ and ledde hym/ and brought hym to the hye prestes housse. And Peter folowed a farre off. Then toke they him/ and ledde him/ and brought him to the hye prestes housse. And peter folowed a farre of. Then toke they him/ and ledde him/ and brought him to the hye Prestes housse. And Peter folowed a farre of. Neuerthelesse they toke him, and led him, and brought him in to the hye prestes house. As for Peter, he folowed hī a farre of.
22:55 When they had kyndled a fyre in the myddes of the palys/ and were sett doune to gedder/ Peter alsoo sate doune amonge them. When they had kyndled a fyre in the middes of the palys/ and were set doune to geder Peter also sate doune amonge them. When they had kyndled a fyre in the myddes of the palys/ and were set doune to gether Peter also sate doune amonge them. Then kyndled they a fyre in the myddest of the palace, and sat them downe together. And Peter sat him downe amonge them.
22:56 And won off the wenches/ as he sate/ beholde him by the light and sett goode eyesight on hym/ and sayde: This same was also with hym. And wone of the wenches/ behelde him as he sate by the fyer/ and set good eyesight on him & sayde: this same was also with him. And wone of the wenches behelde him as he sate by the fyer/ and set good eyesight on him & sayde: this same was also with him. Then a damsell sawe him syttinge by the light, and behelde him well, and sayde vnto him: This same was also with him.
22:57 Then he denyed hym sayinge: Woman I knowe hym nott. Then he denyed hym sayinge: woman I knowe him not Then he denyed him sayinge: woman I knowe him not. But he denyed him, and sayde: Womā, I knowe him not.
22:58 And after a lytell whyle/ another sawe hym and sayde: Thou arte alsoo off them. And Peter sayd: Mā I am nott. And after a lytell whyle/ another sawe him & sayde: thou arte also of them. And Peter sayd man I am not. And after a lytell whyle/ another sawe him & sayde: thou arte also of them. And Peter sayde: man I am not. And after a litle whyle, another sawe him, and sayde: Thou art one of them also. But Peter sayde: Man, I am not.
22:59 And aboute the space off an houre after another affirmed sayinge: Verely even this felowe was with hym/ for he is off galile. And aboute the space of an houre after/ another affirmed sayinge: verely even this felowe was with hym/ for he is of Galile/ And about the space of an houre after/ another affirmed sayinge: verely euen this felowe was with him/ for he is of Galile/ And aboute the space of an houre after, another affirmed, & sayde: Verely this was with him also, for he is a Galilean.
22:60 Peter sayde: Man I woote nott what thou sayest. And immediatly whill he yett spake/ the cocke crewe. & Peter sayde: mā I woote not what thou sayest. And immediatly whyll he yet spake/ the cocke crewe. and Peter sayde: man I wote not what thou sayest. And immediatly whill he yet spake/ the cocke crewe. But Peter saide: Mā, I wote not what thou sayest. And immediatly whyle he yet spake, ye cock crewe.
22:61 And the lorde tourned backe and loked apon Peter. And Peter remembred the wordes off the lorde/ howe he sayde vnto hym/ before the cocke crowe thou shalt denye me thryse. And the Lorde tourned backe and loked apon Peter. And Peter remembred the wordes of the Lorde/ how he sayde vnto him/ before ye cocke crowe/ thou shalt denye me thryse. And the Lorde tourned backe and loked vpon Peter. And Peter remembred the wordes of the Lorde/ how he sayde vnto him/ before the cocke crowe/ thou shalt denye me thryse. And the LORDE turned him aboute and loked vpō Peter. And Peter remembred the wordes of ye LORDE, how he sayde vnto him: Before the cock crowe, thou shalt denye me thryse.
22:62 And Peter went out/ and wepte bitterly. And Peter went out/ and wepte bitterly. And Peter went out/ and wepte bitterly. And Peter wente out, and wepte bytterly.
22:63 And the men that stode about Iesus/ mocked hym/ and smoote hym/ And the men that stode about Iesus/ mocked him/ & smoote him/ And the men that stode about Iesus/ mocked him/ & smoote him/ The men that helde Iesus, mocked him, and stroke him,
22:64 and blyndfolded hym/ and smoote his face. And axed hym sayinge. Arede who it is that smoote the? and blyndfolded him/ & smoote his face. And axed him sayinge: arede/ who it is that smoote ye? & blyndfolded him/ & smoote his face. And axed him sayinge: arede who it is that smoote the? blyndfolded him, and smote him on the face, and axed him, and sayde: Prophecie, who is it that smote the?
22:65 And many other thynges despytfully sayde they agaynst hym. And many other thinges despytfullye sayd they agaynst him. And many other thinges despytfullye sayd they agaynst him. And many other blasphemies sayde they vnto hī.
22:66 And as sone as it was daye/ the seniours off the people/ and the hy prestes and scrybes/ cam togedder and ledde hym into their counsell sayinge: And assone as it was daye/ the elders of the people & the hye prestes & scribes/ came to gedder & ledde him into their counsell sayinge: And assone as it was daye the elders of the people and the hye Prestes and Scribes/ came to gether/ & ledde him into their counsell sayinge: And whan it was daye, there gathered together the Elders of the people, the hye prestes and scrybes, and led him vp before, their councell, and sayde:
22:67 Arte thou very Christ? tell vs. And he sayde vnto them: if I shall tell you/ ye woll not beleve. arte thou very Christ? tell vs. And he sayde vnto thē: yf I shall tell you/ ye will not beleve arte thou very Christ? tell vs. And he sayde vnto them: yf I shall tell you/ ye will not beleue. Art thou Christ? Tell vs. But he sayde vnto them: Yf I tell you, ye wyl not beleue:
22:68 And if alsoo I axe you/ ye will nott answere me. Nether lett me goo. And yf also I axe you/ ye will not answere me/ or let me goo. And yf also I axe you/ ye will not answer me or let me go. But yf I axe you, ye wyl not answere me, nether wyl ye let me go.
22:69 Here after shall the sonne of man sit on the right honde of the power of God. Herafter shall the sonne of man sit on the ryght honde of the power of God. Herafter shall the sonne of man syt on the ryght honde of the power of God. From this tyme forth shal the sonne of man sytt at the right hāde of the power of God.
22:70 Then sayde they all. Arte thou thē the sonne of God? He sayd: Ye saye that I am. Then sayde they all: Arte thou then the sonne of God? He sayd to them: ye saye yt I am. Then sayde they all: Arte thou then the sonne of God? He sayd to them: ye saye that I am. Then sayde they all: Art thou then ye sonne of God? He sayde vnto them: Ye saye it, for I am.
22:71 Thē sayde they: What nede we eny further witnes? We oure selves have herde off his awne mouthe. Then sayde they: what nede we eny further witnes? We oure selves have herde of his awne mouthe. Then sayde they: what nede we eny further witnes? We oure selues haue herde of his awne mouthe. They sayde: What nede we anye farther wytnesse? We oure selues haue herde it of his awne mouth.


Luke: Chapter 21

The Gospell of S. Luke. The .xxj. Chapter.
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
21:1 AS he behelde/ he sawe the ryche men/ howe they cast in their offeringſ into the tresury. AS he behelde/ he sawe the ryche men/ how they cast in their offeringes into the treasury. AS he behelde/ he sawe the ryche men/ how they cast in their offeringes into the treasury. ANd he loked vp, and behelde ye riche, how they put in their offerynges in to the Gods chest.
21:2 He sawe also a certayne povre widdowe/ which cast ī thydre two mytes. And he sawe also a certayne povre widdowe/ which cast in thyther two mites. And he sawe also a certayne poore widdowe/ which cast in thyther two mites. He sawe also a poore wedowe, which put in two mytes,
21:3 And he said: of a trueth I saye vnto you/ this povre widdowe hath putt in moare thē they all. And he sayde: of a trueth I saye vnto you/ this poore wyddowe hath put in moare then they all. And he sayde: of a trueth I saye vnto you/ this poore wyddowe hath put in moare thē they all. and he sayde: Verely I saye vnto you: This poore wedowe hath put in more thē they all:
21:4 For they all have of their superfluyte added vnto the offerynge off God: But she/ of her penury/ hath cast in all the substaunce that she hadde. For they all have of their superfluyte added vnto the offerynge of God: but she/ of her penury/ hath cast in all the substaunce that she had. For they all haue of their superfluyte added vnto the offeringe of God: but she/ of her penury hath cast in all the substaunce that she had. For these all haue of their excesse put in vnto the offerynge of God, but she of hir pouerte hath put in all hir lyuynge that she had.
21:5 As some spake of the tēple/ howe it was garnesshed with goodly stones/ and iewels/ he sayde. As some spake of the tēple/ how it was garnesshed with goodly stones & iewels/ he sayde. As some spake of the tēple/ how it was garnisshed with goodly stones & iewels/ he sayde: And whā some spake of the temple, that it was garnished with goodly stones and Iewels, he saide:
21:6 The dayes wyll come/ when off these thyngſ which ye se/ shall nott be lefte stone apon stone/ that shall nott be throwen doune. The dayes will come/ whē of these thynges which ye se/ shall not be lefte stone apon stone/ that shall not be throwen doune. The dayes will come/ when of these thinges which ye se/ shall not be lefte stone vpon stone/ that shall not be throwen doune. The time shal come, wherin of all this that ye se, there shal not be left one stone vpon another, which shal not be broken downe.
21:7 And they axed hym/ sayinge: Master when shall these thynges be. And what signes will there be/ when suche thyngſ shall come to passe. And they axed him sayinge: Master whē shall these thingſ be/ and what signe will therbe/ whē suche thinges shall come to passe. And they axed him sayinge: Master when shall these thinges be/ & what signe will therbe/ when suche thinges shall come to passe. They axed him, and sayde: Master, whā shal these be? and what shalbe the token, whan these shal come to passe?
21:8 And he sayd: Take hede/ that ye be not deceaved. For many will come in my name/ saying of thē selves/ I am he. And the tyme draweth neare. Folowe ye nott them therfore. And he sayd: take hede/ that ye be not deceaved. For many will come in my name saying: I am he: and the tyme draweth neare. Folowe ye not them therfore. And he sayd: take hede/ that ye be not deceaued. For many will come in my name saying: I am he: and the tyme draweth neare. Folowe ye not them therfore. He sayde: Take hede, that ye be not disceaued: For many shal come in my name, and saye, I am he, & the tyme is come hard by. Folowe them not.
21:9 Butt when ye heare of warre/ and dissenciō: be not afrayd/ for these thyngſ must fyrst come: butt the ende foloweth not by and by. But when ye heare of warre and of dissencion: be not afrayd. For these thinges must fyrst come: but the ende foloweth not by & by. But when ye heare of warre and dissencion: be not afrayd. For these thinges must fyrst come: but the ende foloweth not by & by. But whan ye heare of warres and insurreccions, be not ye afrayed, for soch must come to passe, but the ende is not yet there so soone.
21:10 Then sayd he vnto thē: Nacion shall ryse agaynst nacion/ and kyngdō agaynst kingdom. Then sayd he vnto thē: Nacion shall ryse agaynst nacion/ and kingdom agaynst kyngdome/ Then sayd he vnto them: Nacion shall ryse agaynst nacion/ and kyngdome agaynst kyngdome/ Then sayde he vnto them: One people shal ryse agaynst another, and one realme ageynst another,
21:11 And greate erthquakes shalbe in all quarters/ and honger/ and pestilence/ ād fearfull thīgſ. And greate signes shall there be from heven. and greate erthquakes shall be in all quarters/ and honger/ and pestilence: and fearfull thinges. And greate signes shall therbe from heven. and greate erthquakes shalbe in all quarters/ and honger/ and pestilence: and fearfull thinges. And greate signes shall ther be from heauen. & shal be greate earthquakes here and there, pestilence, and derth, and fearfull thinges. And greate tokēs shal there be frō heauē.
21:12 But before all these/ they shall laye their hōdes on you/ and persecute you/ delyverynge you vppe/ to the synagoges/ and into preson/ and brynge you before kynges/ And rulers for my names sake. But before all these/ they shall laye their hondes on you/ and persecute you/ delyueringe you vp to the sinagoges and into preson/ and bringe you before kynges and rulers for my names sake. But before all these/ they shall laye their hondes on you and persecute you/ deliueringe you vp to the Synagoges and into preson/ and bringe you before kynges and rulers for my names sake. But before all these, they shal laye handes vpon you, and persecute you, and delyuer you vp in to their synagoges and presons, and brynge you before kynges & prynces for my names sake.
21:13 And this shall chaunche you ffor a testimoniall. And this shall chaunce you for a testimoniall. And this shall chaunce you for a testimoniall. But this shal happen vnto you for a wytnesse.
21:14 Lett it sticke therfore faste in youre hertes/ nott once to stody before/ whatt ye shall answere for youre selves: Let it sticke therfore faste in youre hertes/ not once to stody before/ what ye shall answere: Let it sticke therfore faste in youre hertes/ not once to stody before/ what ye shall answere: Be at a poynt therfore in youre hertes, that ye take no thought, how ye shal answere:
21:15 For I will geve you a mouth and wysdom/ were agaynste/ all youre adversarys shall not be able to speake nor resist for I will geve you a mouth & wisdome/ where agaynste/ all youre adversarys shall not be able to speake nor resist. for I will geue you a mouth & wysdome/ where agaynste/ all youre aduersarys shall not be able to speake nor resist. for I wil geue you mouth & wyssdome, agaynst the which all youre aduersaries shal not be able to speake ner to resist.
21:16 Ye and ye shalbe betrayed of youre fathers and mothers/ and of youre brethrē/ and kynsmē/ ād lovers. And some of you shall they put to deeth. Ye & ye shalbe betrayed of youre fathers and mothers/ and of youre brethren/ and kynsmen/ and lovers/ aud some of you shall they put to deeth. Ye & ye shalbe betrayed of youre fathers and mothers/ and of youre brethren/ and kynsmen/ and louers/ and some of you shall they put to deeth. But ye shal be delyuered vp euen of youre elders, brethren, kynssfolkes and frendes, and some of you shal they put vnto death,
21:17 And hated shall ye be off all men for my names sake. And hated shall ye be of all men for my names sake. And hated shall ye be of all men for my names sake. and ye shal be hated of euery man for my names sake,
21:18 Yet there shall not one heer of youre heeddes perisse. Yet ther shall not one heer of youre heedes perisshe. Yet ther shall not one here of youre heedes perisshe. and yet shal not one hayre of youre heade perishe.
21:19 with youre pacience/ possesse youre soules. With youre pacience possesse youre soules. With youre pacience possesse youre soules. Holde fast youre soules with pacience.
21:20 And when ye se Ierusalem beseged with an hoste/ then vnderstonde/ that the desolacion of the same is nye. And when ye se Ierusalem beseged with an hoste/ then vnderstonde that the desolaciō of the same is nye. And when ye se Ierusalem beseged with an hoste/ then vnderstonde that the desolaciō of the same is nye. But whan ye shal se Ierusalem beseged with an hoost, then vnderstonde, that the desolacion of it is nye.
21:21 Then lett them which are in iewry flye to the mountaynes. And let them which are in the myddes off hit/ departe oute. And lett not them that are in other countreis/ enter there in. Then let them which are in Iewrye flye to the mountaynes. And let them which are in the middes of it/ departe oute. And let not them that are in other countreis/ enter ther in. Then let them which are in Iewrye flye to the mountaynes. And let them which are in the middes of it/ departe oute. And let not them that are in other countreys/ enter ther in. Then let them which be in Iewry, flye vnto the mountaynes: and let soch as be in the myddest therof, departe out: and let soch as be in the countrees, not come therin.
21:22 For these be the dayes of vengeaūce/ to fulfill all that are written. For these be the dayes of vengeance/ to fulfill all that are writtē. For these be the dayes of vengeance/ to fulfill all that are written. For these are the dayes of vengeaunce, that euery thinge which is wrytten, maye be fulfilled.
21:23 Butt wo be to them that be with chylde: and to them that geve sucke in those dayes/ for there shalbe greate trouble in the londe: ād wrathe over all this people. But wo be to them that be with chylde/ & to them that geve sucke in those dayes: for ther shalbe greate trouble in the londe/ and wrath over all this people. But wo be to them that be with chylde/ & to them that geue sucke in those dayes: for ther shalbe greate trouble in the londe/ and wrath ouer all this people. But wo vnto them that are with childe, and to them that geue sucke in those dayes: for there shalbe greate trouble vpon earth, and wrath ouer this people,
21:24 And they shal fal on the edge of the swearde. And they shalbe leed captiue in to all nacions/ And Ierusalē shalbe trooden vnder fote off the gentyls/ vntyll the tyme of the gentyls be fulfilled. And they shall fall on the edge of the swearde/ and shalbe leed captive/ into all nacions. And Ierusalem shalbe trooden vnder fote of the gentyls/ vntyll the tyme of the gentyls be fulfilled. And they shall fall on the edge of the swearde/ and shalbe leed captiue/ into all nacions. And Ierusalem shalbe troden vnder fote of the gentyls/ vntyll the tyme of the gentyls be fulfilled. and they shal fall thorow the edge of the swerde, and be led captyue amōge all nacions. And Ierusalē shalbe troden downe of the Heithen, vntyll the tyme of the Heithen be fulfilled.
21:25 And there shalbe signes/ in the sunne/ and in the mone/ and in the starres: and in the erth the people shalbe in soche perplexite/ that they shall not tell which waye to turne them selves. The see ād the waves shall roore/ And ther shalbe signes in the sunne/ ād in the mone/ and in the starres: and in ye erth the people shalbe in soche perplexite/ yt they shall not tell which waye to turne them selves. The see and the waters shall roore/ And ther shalbe signes in the sunne/ and in the mone/ and in the starres: and in the erth the people shalbe in soche perplexite/ that they shall not tell which waye to turne them selues. The see and the waters shall roore/ And there shalbe tokens in the Sonne and Mone, and starres, and vpon earth the people shalbe in soch perplexite, that they shal not tell which waye to turne them selues. And the see and the waters shal roare,
21:26 and mēnes hertſ shall fayle them for feare/ and for lokynge after thoose thīgſ which shall come on the erth. For the powers of heven shall move. & mēnes hertes shall fayle them for feare/ and for lokinge after thoose thinges which shall come on the erth. For the powers of hevē shall move. & mēnes hertes shall fayle them for feare/ and for lokinge after those thinges which shall come on the erth. For the powers of heauē shall moue. and men shal pyne awaye for feare, and for lokynge after the thinges which shal come vpō earth. For euen the very powers of heauen shal moue.
21:27 And then shall they se the sonne of man come in a clowde with power and greate glory. And then shall they se the sonne of mā come in a clowde with power and greate glory. And then shall they se the sonne of man come in a clowde with power and greate glory. And then shal they se the sonne of man commynge in the cloude with power and greate glory.
21:28 When these thyngſ begyn to come to passe: then loke vppe/ and lifte vppe youre heddes/ for youre redēcion drawith neye. When these thinges begyn to come to passe: then loke vp/ and lifte vp youre heddes for youre redemcion draweth neye. When these thinges beginne to come to passe: then loke vp/ & lifte vp youre heddes for youre redempcion draweth neye. But whan these thinges begynne to come to passe, thē loke vp, and lift vpp youre heades, for youre redempcion draweth nye.
21:29 And he shewed them a similitude: beholde the fygge tree/ and all other trers/ And he shewed thē a similitude: beholde ye fygge tree/ & all other trees/ And he shewed thē a similitude: beholde the fygge tree/ & all other trees/ And he tolde them a symilitude: Beholde the fygge tre, and all tre trees,
21:30 when they shute forth their buddes/ ye se ād knowe of youre awne selves that sōmer is then neye att hond. when they shute forth their buddes/ ye se and knowe of youre awne selves that sommer is then nye at hōd. when they shute forth their buddes/ ye se and knowe of youre awne selues that sommer is then nye at hōd. whā they now shute forth their buddes, ye se by them, and perceaue, that Sommer is now at hande.
21:31 Soo lyke wyse ye (whē ye se these thyngſ come to passe) vnderstonde/ that the kyngdō of god is neye. So lyke wyse ye (when ye se these thinges come to passe) vnderstonde/ that the kyngdome of God is neye. So lyke wyse ye (when ye se these thinges come to passe) vnderstonde/ that the kyngdome of God is nye. So likewyse ye, whan ye se all these thinges come to passe, be sure that the kyngdome of God is nye.
21:32 Verely I saie vnto you: this generaciō shall not passe/ tyll all be fulfilled. Verely I saye vnto you: this generacion shall not passe/ tyll all be fulfilled. Verely I saye vnto you: this generacion shall not passe/ till all be fulfilled. Verely I saye vnto you: This generaciō shal not passe, tyll all be fulfilled.
21:33 Heven and erth shall passe: but my wordes shall not passe. Heaven & erth shall passe: but my wordes shall not passe. Heauen & erth shall passe: but my wordes shall not passe. Heauen and earth shal passe, but my wordes shal not passe.
21:34 Take hede to youre selves/ lest youre hertes be overcome/ with surfettynge ād dronkennes/ ād cares of this worlde: ād that/ that daye come on you vnwares. Take hede to youre selves/ lest youre hertes be overcome with surfettinge and dronkennes and cares of this worlde: and that/ that daye come on you vnwares. Take hede to youre selues/ lest youre hertes be ouercome with surfettinge and dronkennes and cares of this worlde: and that/ that daye come on you vnwares. But take hede vnto youre selues, that yor hertes be not ouerladē with excesse of eatinge and with dronkennes, and with takinge of thought for lyuynge, and so this daye come vpō you vnawares.
21:35 For as a snare shall hit come ō all them that sit on the face of the erthe. For as a snare shall it come on all them that sit on the face of the erthe. For as a snare shall it come on all them that sit on the face of the erthe. For as a snare shal it come on all them that dwell vpon earth.
21:36 Watche therfore continually ād praye/ that ye maye scape all this that shal come. And that ye maye stōde before the sonne of man. Watche therfore continually and praye/ that ye maye obtayne grace to flye all this that shall come/ & that ye maye stonde before the sonne of man. Watche therfore continually & praye/ that ye maye obtayne grace to flye all this that shall come/ & that ye maye stonde before the sonne of man. Watch therfore cōtynually, and praye, that ye maye be worthy to escape all this that shal come, & to stōde before ye sonne of man.
21:37 In the daye tyme taught he in the temple/ ād at nyght/ he went out/ and had abydynge in the mount olivete. In the daye tyme/ he taught in the temple/ and at night/ he went out/ and had abydinge in the mount olivete. In the daye tyme/ he taught in the temple/ and at nyght/ he went out/ and had abydinge in the mount oliuete. And on the daye tyme he taught in the temple, but in the night season he wente out and abode all night vpon mount Oliuete.
21:38 And all the people cam in the mornynge to hym into the temple/ forto heare hym. And all the people came in the morninge to him in the temple/ for to heare him. And all the people came in the morninge to him in the temple/ for to heare him. And all the people gat them vp early vnto him in the temple, for to heare him.


Luke: Chapter 20

The Gospell of S. Luke. The .xx. Chapter.
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
20:1 ANd yt fortuned in one off those dayes/ As he taught the people in the temple/ And preached the gospell. The hye prestes and the scrybes cam vnto hym wyth the seniours/ ANd yt fortuned in one of those dayes/ as he taught the people in the temple and preached the gospell: the hye prestes and the scribes came with the elders/ ANd it fortuned in one of those dayes/ as he taught the people in the temple and preached the gospell: the hye Prestes & the Scribes came with the elders ANd it fortuned one of those dayes, whan he taught the people in the tēple, and preached the Gospell, the hye prestes and scrybes came to him with the Elders,
20:2 And spake vnto hym/ sayinge: Tell vs by what auctorite thou doest these thyngſ? Other who is he that gave the thys auctorite? and spake vnto him sayinge. Tell vs by what auctorite thou doest these thingſ? Ether who is he yt gave ye this auctorite? & spake vpon him sayinge: Tell vs by what auctorite thou doest these thinges? Ether who is he that gaue the this auctorite? and spake vnto him, and sayde: Tell vs, by what auctorite doest thou these thinges? Or who gaue the this auctorite?
20:3 He answered and sayde vnto them: I also will axe you a questiō/ And answer me: He answered and saide vnto thē: I also will axe you a questiō/ and answer me. He answered & sayde vnto thē: I also will axe you a questiō/ and answer me. But he answered, & sayde vnto thē: I wil axe you a worde also, tell it me:
20:4 was the baptē of Ihon/ from heven/ or of men? The baptyme of Iohn: was it from heaven or of men? The baptyme of Iohn: was it from heauen or of men? The baptyme of Ihō was it from heauen, or of men?
20:5 They thought wyth in them selves sayinge: Yff we shall saye from heven: he wyll saye: Why thē beleved ye hym not? And they thought with in them selves sayinge: yf we shall saye from heavē: he will saye: why then beleved ye him not? And they thought with in them selues sayinge: yf we shall saye from heauē: he will saye: why then beleued ye him not? But they thought in them selues, and sayde: Yf we saye, from heauen, then shal he saye: Why dyd ye not thē beleue him?
20:6 But ād yff we shall saye of men/ all the people will stone vs. For they suerly beleved that Ihon was a prophett. But & yf we shall saye of men/ all ye people will stone vs. For they be persuaded that Ihon is a Prophet. But and yf we shall saye of men/ all the people wyll stone vs. For they be persuaded that Iohn is a Prophete. But yf we saye, of men, then shal all the people stone vs, for they be persuaded, that Ihon is a prophet.
20:7 And they answered that they coulde nott tell whence it was. And they answered that they coulde not tell whence it was. And they answered that they coulde not tell whence it was. And they answered, that they coulde not tell, whence it was.
20:8 And Iesus sayde vnto them: Nether tell I you by what auctorite I do these thynges. And Iesus sayde vnto them: nether tell I you by what auctorite I do these thinges. And Iesus sayde vnto them: nether tell I you by what auctorite I do these thinges. And Iesus sayde vnto them: Nether tell I you, by what auctorite I do these thinges.
20:9 Thē began he to put forthe to the people/ this similitude: A certayne man planted a vyneyarde/ and lett it forthe to fermers/ and went hym silfe into a straunge countre for a greate season. Then begāne he to put forthe to the people/ this similitude. A certayne man planted a vyneyarde/ & let it forthe to fermers/ & went him selfe into a straunge countre for a greate season. Then beganne he to put forth to the people this similitude. A certayne man planted a vyneyarde/ & let it forthe to fermers/ & went him selfe into a straunge countre for a greate season. And he beganne to tell the people this symilitude: A certayne man planted a vynyarde, and let it out vnto hussbādmen, and wente himself in to a straunge countre for a greate season.
20:10 And when the time cam/ he sent a servaūt to his tennauntſ that they shulde geve hym of the frutes/ of the vyneyarde. The tennauntſ bett hym: and sent hym awaye empty. And when the tyme was come/ he sent a servaūt to his tennauntes that they shuld geve him of the frutes of the vyneyarde. And the tennauntſ dyd bet him/ & sent him awaye empty. And when the tyme was come/ he sent a seruaūt to his tenaūtes that they shuld geue him of the frutes of the vineyarde. And the tenaūtes dyd bet him/ & sent him awaye empty. And whan his tyme was come, he sent a seruaūt to the hussbādmen, that they might geue him of the frute of the vynyarde. But the hussbandmen bet him, and sent him awaye emptye.
20:11 And he ceased nott thereby but sen yett another servaunt. And they bett hym/ and foule entreated hym alsoo/ and sent hym awaye empty. And agayne he sent yet a nother servaunt. And they dyd bet him/ & foule entreated him also/ & sent him awaye emptye. And agayne he sent yet another seruaunt. And they dyd bet him/ & foule entreated him also/ & sent him awaye emptye. And agayne he sent yet another seruaūt: but they bet him also, and intreated him shamefully, & sent him awaye emptye.
20:12 Morover/ he sent the thyrde Alsoo/ And hym they wounded/ ād cast hym out. Moreover/ he sent the thyrde to/ and him they woūded/ and cast out. Moreouer/ he sent the thyrde to/ and him they wounded/ & cast oute. And besydes this, he sent the thirde: but they wounded him also, and thrust him out.
20:13 Then sayde the lorde off the vyneyarde: what shall I do? I wyll sende my deare sonne/ hym peradventure they wyll reverence/ whē they se hym. Then sayde the lorde of the vyneyarde: what shall I do? I will sende my deare sonne/ him peradventure they will reverence/ when they se him. Then sayde the lorde of the vyneyarde: what shall I do? I will sende my deare sonne/ him peraduenture they will reuerence/ when they se him. Then sayde the lorde of the vynyarde: What shal I do? I wil sende my deare sonne, peraduenture they wil stonde in awe of him, whan they se him.
20:14 When the fermers sawe hym/ they thought ī them selves/ sayinge: this is the heyre/ come lett vs kyll hym/ that the enherytaunce maye be oures. But when the fermers sawe him/ they thought in them selves sayinge: this is the heyre/ come let vs kyll him/ that the inheritaunce maye be oures. But whē the fermers sawe him/ they thought in them selues sayinge: this is the heyre/ come let vs kyll him/ that the inheritaūce maye be oures. But whan the hussbande men sawe the sonne, they thought in thē selues, and sayde: This is the heyre, come, let vs kyll him, yt the inheritaunce maye be oures.
20:15 And they cast hym out of the vyneyarde/ ād kylled hym. Nawe what shall the lorde off the vyneyarde do vnto them? And they cast him out of the vyneyarde/ and kylled him. Now what shall the Lorde of the vyneyarde do vnto them? And they cast him out of the vyneyarde/ and kylled him. Now what shall the lorde of the vineyarde do vnto them? And they thrust him out of ye vynyarde, and slew him. What shal now the lorde of the vynyarde do vnto them?
20:16 He wyll come and destroye those fermers/ and will lett out his vyneyarde to other. When they herde that/ they sayde: God forbid. He will come and destroye those fermers/ and will let out his vyneyarde to other. When they hearde that/ they sayde: God forbyd. He will come & destroye these fermers/ & will let out his vyneyarde to other. When they hearde that/ they sayde: God forbyd. He shal come, and destroye those hussbandmen, and let out his vynyarde vnto other. Whan they herde that, they sayde: God forbyd.
20:17 He behelde thē and sayd: what meaneth thys then that is written: The stone that the bylders refused/ is made the heed corner stone? And he behelde them and sayde: what meaneth this then yt is wrytten: The stone that the bylders refused/ the same is made ye heed corner stone? And he behelde them and sayde: what meaneth this then that is wryttē: The stone that the bylders refused/ the same is made the heed corner stone? But he behelde thē, and sayde: What is this then that is wrytten: The same stone which the buylders refused, is become the head corner stone?
20:18 whosoever stomble at that stone/ shalbe brused: but on whōsoever it faul/ it wyll alto breake hym whosoever stomble at that stone/ shalbe broken: but on whosoever it faul vpon/ it wyll grynde him to powder. Whosoeuer stomble at that stone shalbe broken: but on whosoeuer it fall vpō/ it will grinde him to powder. Who so euer falleth vpon this stone, shalbe broken in sunder: but vpō whō so euer he falleth, he shall grynde him to poulder.
20:19 And the hye prestes and the scrybes/ the same howre went about to laye hondes on him/ but they feared the people. For they perceaved that he had spoken this similitude agaynst them. And the hye Prestes and the Scribes the same howre went about to laye hondes on him/ but they feared the people. For they perceaved that he had spoken this similitude agaynst them. And the hye prestes & the Scribes the same howre wēt about to laye hondes on him/ but they feared the people. For they perceaued that he had spokē this similitude agaynst them. And the hye prestes and scrybes wente aboute to laye handes vpon him the same houre, and they feared the people: for they perceaued, that he had spokē this symilitude agaynst them.
20:20 And they watched him/ and sent forth spies/ whych shulde fayne them selves perfecte/ to take hym in hys wordes/ and to delyvre hym vnto the power/ and auctorite off the presydent. And they watched him/ and sent forth spies/ which shuld fayne them selves perfecte/ to take him in his wordes/ and to delyvre him vnto the power and auctorite of the debite. And they watched him/ & sent forth spies/ which shuld fayne them selues perfecte/ to take him in his wordes/ & to deliuer him vnto the power & auctorite of the debite. And they watched hī, & sent forth spyes, which shulde fayne thē selues perfecte, that they might take him in his wordes, to delyuer him vnto the power and auctorite of ye debite.
20:21 And they axed hym sayinge: Master/ we knowe that thou sayest/ and teachest ryght/ nether considerest thou eny mānes degre/ but teachest the waye of god truely. And they axed him sayinge: Master/ we knowe that thou sayest & teachest ryght/ nother cōsiderest thou eny mānes degre/ but teachest the waye of God truly. And they axed him saying: Master/ we knowe that thou sayest & teachest right/ nother considerest thou eny mannes degre/ but teachest the waye of God truly. And they axed him, & sayde: Master, we knowe that thou sayest & teachest right, and regardest the outwarde appearaūce of no man, but teachest the waye of God truly.
20:22 Ys it laufull for vs to geve Cesar tribute/ or noo? Ys it laufull for vs to geve Cesar tribute or no? Is it laufull for vs to geue Cesar tribute or no? Is it laufull, that we geue tribute vnto the Emperoure, or not?
20:23 He perceaved their craftynes/ and sayde vnto them: Why tempt ye me? He perceaved their craftynes/ & sayde vnto them: why tēpt ye me? He perceaued their craftines/ & sayde vnto thē: why tēpt ye me? But he perceaued their craftynes, and sayde vnto them: Why tēpte ye me?
20:24 Shewe me a peny. Whoose ymage and superstripcion hath it? They answered and sayd: Cesars. Shewe me a peny. Whose ymage and superscripciō hath it? They answered and sayde: Cesars. Shewe me a peny. Whose ymage & superscripcion hath it? They answered & sayde: Cesars. Shewe me the peny. Whose ymage and superscripcion hath it? They answered, and sayde: The Emperours.
20:25 And he sayde vnto them: Geve then vnto Cesar/ that which belondeth vnto Cesar: And to God/ that whych pertayneth to God. And he sayde vnto them: Geve then vnto Cesar/ that which belongeth vnto Cesar: & to God/ that which pertayneth to God. And he sayde vnto them: Geue then vnto Cesar/ that which belongeth vnto Cesar: & to God that which pertayneth to God. Then sayde he vnto them: Geue thē vnto the Emperoure, that which is the Emperours: & vnto God, that which is Gods.
20:26 And they coulde nott reprove his sayinge before the people. And they marvayled at his answer/ ād helde their peace. And they coulde not reprove his sayinge before the people. But they marvayled at his answer/ and helde their peace. And they coulde not reproue his sayinge before the people. But they maruayled at his answer/ & helde their peace. And they coude not reproue his worde before the people, and marueyled at his answere, and helde their peace.
20:27 Then cam to hym certayne off the Saduces which denye that there is eny resurreccion. And they axed hym Then came to him certayne of the Saduces which denye that ther is eny resurrecciō. And they axed him Then came to him certayne of the Saduces which denye that ther is eny resurreccion. Then came vnto him certayne of the Saduces (which holde that there is no resurreccion) and axed him,
20:28 sayīge: Master Moses wrote vnto vs/ if eny mānes brother dye havinge a wyfe/ And the same dye wyth out issue: that then hys brother shulde take his wyfe/ and rayse vp seede vnto hys brother. sayinge: Master/ Moses wrote vnto vs/ if eny mannes brother dye havinge a wyfe/ & the same dye with out yssue: that then his brother shuld take his wyfe/ & reyse vp seede vnto his brother. And they axed him sayinge: Master/ Moses wrote vnto vs/ yf eny mannes brother dye hauinge a wyfe/ & the same dye without yssue: that then his brother shulde take his wyfe/ & rayse vp seede vnto his brother. and sayde: Master, Moses wrote vnto vs, yf eny mans brother dye hauynge a wife, and dyeth without childrē, then shal his brother take his wife, and rayse vp sede vnto his brother.
20:29 There were seven brethrē/ and the fyrst toke a wyfe/ and died with out children. Ther were seven brethren/ and the fyrste toke a wyfe/ and dyed with out children. Ther were seuen brethren/ & the fyrste toke a wyfe/ and dyed without chyldren. Now were there seuē brethrē: the first toke a wife, and dyed childlesse:
20:30 And the seconde toke the wyfe/ and he dyed chyldlesse. And the seconde toke the wyfe/ & he dyed chyldlesse. And the seconde toke the wyfe/ & he dyed chyldlesse. and the seconde toke the wife, and deyed without children also:
20:31 And the thyrde toke her/ and in lyke wyse the resydue off the seven/ and leeft noo chyldren be hynde them/ ād dyed. And the thyrde toke her/ & in lyke wyse the resydue of the seven/ & leeft no chyldren be hynde them/ and dyed. And the thyrde toke her/ & in lyke wyse the resydue of the seuen/ & left no chyldren behinde them/ & dyed. and the thirde toke her, likewyse all the seuē, and left no children behynde thē, and dyed.
20:32 Last of all the womā dyed also. Last of all the womā dyed also. Last of all the woman dyed also. At the last after them all, the woman dyed also.
20:33 Nowe at the resurrecciō whose wyfe of thē shall she be? for vij had her to wyfe. Now at the resurrecciō whose wyfe of them shall she be? For seven had her to wyfe. Now at the resurrection whose wyfe of them shall she be? For seuen had her to wyfe. Now in the resurreccion, whose wife shal she be of them For seuen had her to wife.
20:34 Iesus answered and sayd vnto thē: The chyldren off this worlde mary wyves/ and are maryed/ Iesus answered & sayde vnto them. The chyldrē of this worlde mary wyves/ & are maryed/ Iesus answered and sayde vnto them. The chyldrē of this worlde mary wyues/ & are maried/ And Iesus answered and saide vnto them: The childrē of this worlde mary, & are maried,
20:35 but they which shalbe worthy of that worlde/ and of the resurreccion from deeth/ nether mary wyves/ nether are maryed/ but they which shalbe made worthy to enioye that worlde and the resurreccion from deeth/ nether mary wyves/ nether are maryed/ but they which shalbe made worthy to enioye that worlde and the resurrection from deeth/ nether mary wyues nether are maried/ but they yt shalbe worthy to enioye that worlde and the resurreccion from the deed, shal nether mary ner be maried,
20:36 nor yet cā dye eny moare. For they are equall vnto the angels: ād are the sonnes of god/ ī as moche as they are the chyldren off the resurreccion. nor yet can dye eny moare. For they are equall vnto the angels: & are the sonnes of God/ in as moche as they are the chyldrē of the resurreccion. nor yet cā dye eny moare. For they are equall vnto the angels: & are the sonnes of God in as moche as they are the chyldrē of the resurreccion. for they can dye nomore. For they are like vnto the angels, and are the children of God, in so moch as they are children of the resurreccion.
20:37 And that the deed shall ryse agayne/ evē Moses signified besydes the busshe/ when he sayde: the lorde god of Abraham/ and the god off Isaac/ and the god of Iacob. And that the deed shall ryse agayne/ even Moses signified besydes the busshe/ when he sayde: the Lorde God of Adraham/ & the God of Isaac/ & the God of Iacob. And that the deed shall ryse agayne/ euen Moses signified besydes the busshe/ when he sayde: the Lorde God of Abraham & the God of Isaac/ & the God of Iacob. But that the deed ryse agayne, hath Moses also signified besydes the bush, when he called the LORDE, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Iacob.
20:38 For he is not the god off the deed/ but off them whych live. For all live in hym. For he is not the God of the deed/ but of them which live. For all live in him. For he is not the God of the deed/ but of them which liue. For all liue in him. But God is not a God of the deed but of the lyuynge, for they lyue all vnto him.
20:39 Certayne off the pharises answered and sayd: Master/ thou hast wele sayde. Then certayne of the Pharises answered and sayde: Master thou hast well sayde. Then certayne of the Pharises answered and sayde: Master thou hast well sayde. Then answered certayne of the scrybes, and sayde: Master, thou haist sayde well.
20:40 And after that durst they not axe hym eny question at all. And after that durst they not axe him eny question at all. And after that durst they not axe him eny question at all. And from that tyme forth they durst axe him no mo questions.
20:41 Then sayd he vnto them: howe saye they that Christ ys Davidſ sonne? Then sayde he vnto them: how saye they that Christ is Davids sonne? Then sayde he vnto them: how saye they that Christ is Dauids sonne? But he sayde vnto them: How saye they that Christ is Dauids sonne?
20:42 And David hym silfe sayth in the boke off the psalmes: The lorde sayde vnto my lorde/ Sytt on my ryght honde/ And David him selfe sayth in the boke of the Psalmes: The Lorde sayde vnto my Lorde/ syt on my right honde/ And Dauid him selfe sayth in the boke of the Psalmes: The Lorde sayde vnto my Lorde/ syt on my right honde/ And Dauid himself sayeth in the boke of the Psalmes: The LORDE sayde vnto my LORDE: Syt thou on my right honde,
20:43 tyll I make thyne enemys thy fote stole. tyll I make thine enemys thy fothe stole. tyll I make thyne enemys thy fote stole. tyll I make thine enemies thy fote stole.
20:44 David then called hym lorde: Howe ys he also hys sonne? Seinge David calleth him Lorde: How is he then his sonne. Seinge Dauid calleth him Lorde: how is he then his sonne? Dauid calleth him LORDE, how is he then his sonne?
20:45 Then in the audience off all the people/ he sayde vnto his disciples/ Then in the audience of all the people/ he sayde vnto his disciples/ Then in the audience of all the people/ he sayde vnto his disciples: Now whyle all the people gaue audience, he sayde vnto his disciples:
20:46 beware off the scrybes/ whych desyre to goo in longe clothynge: and love gretyngſ in the marketſ/ and the hyest seates in the sinagogſ/ and chefe roumes at feastest/ beware of the Scribes/ which desyre to goo in longe clothinge: & love gretynges in the markets/ and the hyest seates in the synagoges/ and chefe roumes at feastes/ beware of the Scribes/ which desyre to goo in longe clothinge: & loue gretinges in the markets/ and the hyest seates in the synagoges and chefe roumes at feastes/ Bewarre of the scrybes, which wyl go in longe garmentes, and loue to be saluted vpon the market, and desyre to syt hyest in the synagoges, and at the table.
20:47 which devoure widdowes houses/ and praye longe vnder a coloure: The same shall receave greater damnacion. which devoure widdowes houses/ & that vnder a coloure of longe prayinge: the same shall receave greater damnacion. which deuoure widdowes houses/ & that vnder a coloure of longe prayinge: the same shall receaue greater damnacion. They deuoure wedowes houses and that vnder a culoure of longe prayenge: These shal receaue the greater dānacion.


Luke: Chapter 19

The Gospell of S. Luke. The .xix. Chapter.
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
19:1 ANd he entred in/ and went thorowe Ierico. ANd he entred in/ & went thorow Hierico. ANd he entred in and went thorow Hierico. ANd he entred in, and wente thorow Iericho:
19:2 And beholde/ there was a man named Zacheus/ and he was a rueler amonge the publicans/ ād ryche alsoo. And beholde/ ther was a mā named zacheus/ which was a ruler amōge the Publicans/ and was riche also. And beholde/ ther was a man named zacheus/ which was a ruler amonge the Publicans/ and was riche also. & beholde, there was a man named Zacheus, which was a ruler of the publicans, and was riche,
19:3 And he made meanes to se Iesus/ what he shulde be: and he coulde nott for the preace/ be cause he was off a lowe stature. And he made meanes to se Iesus/ what he shuld be: & coulde not for the preace/ because he was of a lowe stature. And he made meanes to se Iesus/ what he shuld be: and coulde not for the preace/ because he was of a lowe stature. and desyred to se Iesus what he shulde be, and he coulde not for the people, for he was lowe of stature.
19:4 And he ran before/ and ascended vppe/ into a sicomore tree/ to se hym. For he wolde come that same waye. Wherfore he ran before/ and ascēded vp/ into a wilde fygge tree/ to se him: for he shulde come that same waye. Wherfore he ran before/ & ascended vp into a wilde fygge tree/ to se him: for he shulde come that waye. And he ranne before, and clymmed vp in to a wylde fygge tre, that he might se him: for he shulde come yt waye.
19:5 And when Iesus cā to the place/ he loked vp/ ād sawe hī/ and sayd vnto hym: Zache/ attonce come doune/ for to daye I muste abyde at thy housse. And when Iesus cam to the place/ he loked vp/ & sawe him/ & sayd vnto him: zache/ attonce come doune/ for to daye I must abyde at thy housse. And when Iesus cam to the place/ he loked vp/ and sawe him/ & sayd vnto him: zache/ attonce come doune/ for to daye I must abyde at thy housse. And whan Iesus came to the same place, he loked vp, and sawe him, and sayde vnto him: Zache, come downe haistely, for todaye must I turne in to thy house.
19:6 And hastely he cam doune/ and receaved hym ioyfully. And he came doune hastelye & receaved him ioyfully. And he came doune hastelye & receaued him ioyfully. And he came downe hastely, and receaued him with ioye.
19:7 And when they sawe that/ they all groudged sayinge: He is gone/ into tary with a man that is a synner. And when they sawe that/ they all groudged sayinge: He is gone in to tary with a man that is a synner. And when they sawe that/ they all groudged sayinge: He is gone in to tary with a man that is a synner. Whan they sawe that, they murmured all, and sayde, yt he was gone in, to a synner.
19:8 Zache stode forthe ād sayde vnto the lorde: Beholde lorde/ the haulfe of my gooddes I geve to the povre/ and if I have done eny man wronge/ I wyll restoore hym fower folde. And zache stode forth & sayd vnto ye Lorde: beholde Lorde/ ye haulfe of my gooddes I geve to the povre/ & if I have done eny mā wrōge/ I will restore him fower folde. And zache stode forth and sayd vnto the Lorde: beholde Lorde/ the haulfe of my gooddes I geue to the poore/ and if I haue done eny man wronge/ I will restore him fower folde. But Zacheus stode forth, and sayde vnto the LORDE: Beholde LORDE, the half of my goodes geue I to the poore: and yf I haue defrauded eny man, I restore him foure folde.
19:9 Iesus sayd vnto hym: This daye is healthe come vnto this housse: for asmoche as it also is become the childe off Abraham. And Iesus sayd to him: this daye is healthe come vnto this housse/ for as moche as it also is become the chylde of Abrahā. And Iesus sayd to him: this daye is healthe come vnto this housse/ for as moche as it also is become the chylde of Abraham. Iesus sayde vnto him: This daye is health happened vnto this house, for so moch as he also is Abrahams sonne.
19:10 For the sonne off man is come to seke/ and to save that which was looste. For the sonne of mā is come to seke & to save that which was looste. For the sonne of man is come to seke and to saue that which was looste. For the sonne of mā is come, to seke and to saue that which was lost.
19:11 As they herde these thyngſ/ he added therto a similitude/ be cause he was neye to Ierusalem/ And be cause also/ they thought that the kyngdom of God shulde shortely apere. As they hearde these thingſ/ he added ther to a similitude/ be cause he was nye to Hierusalem/ and because also they thought that the kyngdome of God shuld shortely appere. As they hearde these thinges/ he added ther to a similitude/ because he was nye to Hierusalem/ and because also they thought that the kyngdome of God shuld shortely appere. Now whyle they herkened, he tolde a symilitude also, because he was nye vnto Ierusalem, and because they thought, that the kyngdome of God shulde appeare immediatly.
19:12 He sayde therfore: A certayne noble man/ wēt into a farre countre/ to receave a kyngdom/ and then to come agayne. He sayde therfore: a certayne noble man/ wēt into a farre countre/ to receave him a kyngdome/ and then to come agayne. He sayde therfore: a certayne noble man/ went into a farre countre/ to receaue him a kyngdome/ and then to come agayne. And he sayde: A certayne noble mā wēte in to a farre countre, to receaue hī a kyngdome, and then to come agayne.
19:13 He called his ten servauntſ/ and delivered them ten pounde sayinge vnto them: By ād sell till I come: And he called his ten servauntes/ and delyvered them ten pounde sayinge vnto them: by and sell till I come. And he called his ten seruauntes and delyuered them ten pounde sayinge vnto them: by and sell till I come. This man called ten of his seruauntes, and delyuered them ten pounde, and sayde vnto them: Occupye, tyll I come agayne.
19:14 But his citesens hated hym/ and sent messengers after hym/ saynge: We will not have this man to raigne over vs. But his citesens hated him/ and sent messengers after him sayinge: We will not have this man to raygne over vs. But his citesens hated him/ and sent messengers after him sayinge: we will not haue this man to raygne ouer vs. But his citesyns hated him, and sent a message after him, and sayde: We wil not haue this man to raigne ouer vs.
19:15 And it cam to passe/ when he was come agayne and had receaved his kyngdom/ he commaūded his servauntſ/ to be called to hym (to whom he gave his money) to witt what every man had done. And it came to passe/ when he was come agayne & had receaved his kyngdome/ he cōmaunded these servaūtes/ to be called to him (to whom he gave his money) to witt what every man had done. And it came to passe/ when he was come agayne & had receaued his kyngdome/ he commaunded these seruaūtes/ to be called to him (to whom he gaue his money) to wit what euery mā had done. And it fortuned whan he came agayne, after that he had receaued the kyngdome, he bade call for the seruauntes, vnto whom he had geuē his money, yt he might knowe, what euery one had done.
19:16 Then cam the fyrst sayinge: Lorde/ thy pounde hath encreased ten pounde. Then came ye fyrst sayinge: Lorde/ thy pounde hath encreased ten poūde. Then came the fyrst sayinge: Lorde/ thy pounde hath encreased ten poūde. Then came the first and sayde: Syr, thy pounde hath wonne ten pounde.
19:17 And he sayde vnto hym: Well goode servaunte/ be cause thou wast faithfull ī a very lytell thynge/ Take thou auctorite over ten cities. And he sayde vnto him: Well good servaūte/ because thou wast faithfull in a very lytell thynge/ take thou auctorite over ten cities. And he sayd vnto him: Well good seruaūt/ because thou wast faythfull in a very lytell thinge/ take thou auctorite ouer ten cities. And he sayde vnto him: Well thou good seruaūt, for so moch as thou hast bene faithfull in the least, thou shalt haue auctorite ouer ten cities.
19:18 And the other cam sayinge: Lorde thy pounde/ hath encreased fyve pounde. And the other came sayinge: Lorde thy poūde hath encreased fyve pounde. And the other came sayinge: Lorde thy poūde hath encreased fyue pounde. The seconde came also, and sayde: Syr, thy pounde hath wonne fyue pounde.
19:19 And to the same he sayde: And be thou alsoo rueler over fyve cities. And to ye same he sayde: & be thou also ruler ouer fyve cities. And to the same he sayde: & be thou also ruler ouer fyue cities. And to him he sayde: And thou shalt be ouer fyue cities.
19:20 And the thirde cam/ and sayde: Lorde/ beholde here thy pounde/ which I have kepte ī a napkyn/ And the thyrde came & sayde: Lorde/ beholde here thy pounde/ which I have kepte in a napkyn/ And the thyrde came & sayde: Lorde/ beholde here thy pounde/ which I haue kepte in a napkyn/ And ye thirde came, and sayde: Lo syr, here is thy pounde, which I haue kepte in a napkyn.
19:21 for I feared the/ be cause thou arte a strayte man: thou takest vp that thou laydest nott doune/ And repest that thou diddest nott sowe. for I feared the/ because thou arte a strayte man: thou takest vp that thou laydest not doune/ and repest that thou dyddest not sowe. for I feared the/ because thou arte a strayte man: thou takest vp that thou laydest not doune/ and repest that thou dyddest not sowe. I was afrayed of the, for thou art an harde man, thou takest vp yt thou hast not layed downe, and reapest that thou hast not sowne.
19:22 And he sayde vnto hym: Of thyne awne mougthe iudge I the thou evyll servaunt. Knewest thou that I am a strayte mā/ takynge vppe that I layde not doune/ And repīge that I did not sowe? And he sayde vnto him: Of thine awne mouth/ iudge I the/ thou evyll servaunt. knewest thou that I am a strayte man/ takinge vp that I layde not doune/ & repinge that I dyd not sowe? And he sayde vnto him: Of thine awne mouth/ iudge I the thou euyll seruaūt. knewest thou that I am a strayte mā takinge vp that I layde not doune/ & repinge that I dyd not sowe? He sayde vnto him: Of thine awne mouth iudge I the thou euell seruaunt. Knewest thou thou that I am an harde man, takynge vp that I layde not downe, and reapynge that I dyd not sowe?
19:23 Wherfore thē gavest not thou my money into the banke? And then at my commyng shulde I have required myne awne/ with vauntage. Wherfore then gavest not thou my money into the banke/ that at my cōminge I might have required myne awne with vauntage? Wherfore then gauest not thou my money into the banke/ that at my cōminge I might haue required mine awne wt vaūtage? Wherfore then hast thou not delyuered my money to the exchaunge banke? And at my commynge might I haue requyred myne awne with vauntage?
19:24 And he sayde to them that stode by: Take from hym that pounde/ and geve it hym that hathe ten pounde. And he sayde to them that stode by: take frō him that pounde/ & geve it him that hath ten poūde. And he sayd to them that stode by: take frō him that pounde/ & geue it him that hath ten pounde. And he sayde vnto them that stode by: Take yt pounde from him, and geue it vnto him that hath ten pounde.
19:25 And they sayd to hym: Lorde he hath ten pounde. And they sayd vnto him: Lorde he hath ten pounde. And they sayde vnto him Lorde he hath ten pounde. And they sayde vnto him: Syr, he hath ten pounde already.
19:26 I saye vnto you/ that vnto all them that have/ it shalbe gevē: ād from hyme that hath not/ even that he hath shalbe taken awaye. I saye vnto you/ that vnto all thē that have/ it shalbe gevē: & from him yt hath not/ evē that he hath shalbe taken from him. I saye vnto you/ that vnto all them that haue/ it shalbe geuen: & frō him that hath not/ euen that he hath shalbe taken frō him. But I saye vnto you: Whosoeuer hath, vnto him shal be geuē: but from him that hath not, shal be taken awaye euen that he hath.
19:27 Morover thoose myne enemys/ which wolde not/ that shulde raigne over them/ brynge hidder/ and slee them before me. Moreover those myne enemys/ which wolde not that I shuld raigne over them/ bringe hidder/ & slee them before me. Moreouer those mine enemys/ which wolde not that I shuld raygne ouer thē/ bringe hidder/ & slee them before me. As for those myne enemies, which wolde not that I shulde raigne ouer them, bringe them hither, and slaye them before me.
19:28 And when he hadd thous spokē/ he proceded forthe before them/ and wēt vppe to Ierusalem. And when he had thus spoken/ he proceded forthe before a/ssendinge vp to Ierusalem. And when he had thus spoken/ he proceded forth before/ assendinge vp to Ierusalem. And whan he had thus sayde, he wēte on forwarde, and toke his iourney vp to Ierusalem.
19:29 And it fortuned/ whē he was come noye to bethfage/ and bethany/ besydes mounte olivete/ he sent two of his disciples And it fortuned/ when he was come nye to Bethphage & Bethany/ besydes moūte olivete/ he sent two of his disciples And it fortuned/ when he was come nye to Bethphage & Bethany/ besides moūte oliuete/ he sent two of his disciples And it fortuned whan he came nye to Bethphage and Bethany vnto mount Oliuete, he sent two of his disciples,
19:30 sayinge: Goo ye into the toune which is over agaīst you. In the which as sonne as ye are come/ ye shall fynde a coolte tyed/ wher on/ yett never man sate. loose hym and brynge hym hidder. sayinge: Goo ye in to the toune which is over agaynste you. In the which assone as ye are come/ ye shall finde a colte tyed/ wheron yet never man sate. Lowse him and bringe him hider. sayinge: Go ye in to the toune which is ouer agaynst you. In the which assone as ye are come/ ye shall finde a colte tyed/ wheron yet neuer man sate. Lowse him and bringe him hider. and sayde: Go in to the towne that lyeth ouer agaynst you, and assone as ye are come in, ye shal fynde a foale tyed, wheron yet neuer man satt, lowse it, and brynge it hither.
19:31 And if eny mā axe you/ why that ye loose hym: thus saye vnto hym/ The lorde hathe nede of hym. And if eny man axe you/ why that ye loowse him: thus saye vnto him/ ye lorde hath nede of him. And if eny man axe you/ why that ye lowse him: thus saye vnto him/ the Lorde hath nede of him. And yf eny mā axe you wherfore ye lowse it, saye thus vnto him. The LORDE hath nede therof.
19:32 They that wer sent went their waye/ and founde/ even as he had sayde vnto them. They that were sent/ went their waye/ and founde/ evē as he had sayde vnto thē. They that were sent/ went their waye and founde/ euen as he had sayde vnto them. And they that were sent, wēte their waye and founde euen as he had sayde.
19:33 And as they were aloosynge the coolte/ the owners sayde vnto them: why loose ye the coolte? And as they were aloosinge ye coolte/ the owners sayde vnto thē: why lowse ye ye coolte? And as they were alosinge the coolte/ the owners sayde vnto them: why lowse ye the coolte? But whā they lowsed ye foale; the owners therof sayde vnto thē: Why lowse ye the foale?
19:34 And they sayde: For the lorde hath nede of hym. And they sayde: for ye Lorde hath nede of him. And they sayde: for the Lorde hath nede of him. They sayde: The LORDE hath nede therof.
19:35 And they brought hym to Iesus. And they cast their rayment on the coolte/ and sett Iesus theron. And they brought him to Iesus. And they cast their raymēt on ye colte/ & set Iesus therō. And they brought him to Iesus. And they cast their raymēt on the colte/ & set Iesus theron. And they brought it vnto Iesus, and cast their clothes vpō the foale, and set Iesus theron.
19:36 As he went they spredde their cloothes in the waye. And as he wēt/ they spredde their clothes in ye waye. And as he went/ they spredde their clothes in the waye. Now as he wente, they spred their garmentes in the waye.
19:37 When he was come wheare he shulde goo doune from the mount olivete/ the whole multitude of his disciples/ began to reioyce/ and to lawde God with a loude voyce/ for all the miracles that they had sene/ And when he was now come/ wheare he shuld goo doune frō the moūte olivete/ ye whole multitude of ye disciples began to reioyce/ & to lawde God with a loude voyce/ for all ye miracles yt they had sene And when he was now come/ wheare he shuld go doune frō the moūte oliuete/ the whole multitude of the disciples begā to reioyce/ & to lawde God with a loude voyce/ for all the myracles that they had sene And whan he wēte downe fro mount Oliuete, ye whole multitude of his disciples begāne ioyfully to prayse God with loude voyce, ouer all the miracles that they had sene,
19:38 sayinge: Blessed be the kynge that commeth in the name off the lorde/ Peace in hevē/ and glory in the hyest. sayinge: Blessed be the kynge that cōmeth in the name of the Lorde: peace in heavē/ & glory in the hyest. sayinge: blessed be the kynge that cōmeth in the name of the Lorde: peace in heauē/ & glory in the hyest. and sayde: Blessed be he, that cōmeth a kynge in the name of the LORDE. Peace be in heauen, and prayse in the height.
19:39 And some off the pharises off the company/ sayde vnto hī: Master rebuke thy disciples. And some of ye Pharises of the cōpany sayde vnto him: Master rebuke thy disciples. And some of the Pharises of the cōpany sayde vnto him: Master rebuke thy disciples. And some of the Pharises amonge the people sayde vnto him: Master, rebuke thy disciples.
19:40 He answered/ and sayde vnto them: I tell you/ yff these holde their peace/ the stones will crye. He answered/ & sayde vnto thē: I tell you/ yf these shuld holde their peace/ the stones wold crye. He answered/ & sayde vnto thē: I tell you/ yf these shuld holde their peace/ the stones wolde crie. And he answered and sayde vnto them: I tell you, yf these holde their peace, yet shal the stones crye.
19:41 And when he was come neare/ he behelde the citie/ and wept on hit And when he was come neare/ he behelde the citie/ & wept on it And when he was come neare/ he behelde the citie/ & wept on it And whan he was come neare, he behelde the cite, and wepte vpō it,
19:42 sayinge: Yff thou haddest knowen thoose thyngſ whych belonge vnto thy peace/ even att thys daye: But nowe are they hidde from thyne eyes. sayinge: Yf thou haddest knowen those thinges which belonge vn thy peace/ evē at this thy tyme. But now are they hydde from thyne eyes. sayinge: Yf thou haddest knowē those thinges which belonge vnto thy peace/ euē at this thy tyme. But now are they hydde from thyne eyes. and sayde: Yf thou knewest what were for yi peace, thou shuldest remēbre it euen in this present daye of thine. But now is it hyd from thine eyes.
19:43 For the dayes shall come apon the/ And thyne enemys shall compas the about wyth a banke. And shall besege the rounde aboute/ and kepe the in on every syde/ For the dayes shall come vpō the/ that thy enemys shall cast a banke aboute the/ and cōpasse the rounde/ & kepe the in on every syde/ For the dayes shall come vpon the/ that thy enemyes shall cast a banke aboute the/ & cōpasse the rounde/ & kepe the in on euery syde/ For the tyme shal come vpon the, that thine enimies shal cast vp a bāke aboute the, and aboute thy children with the, and besege ye, and kepe the in on euery syde,
19:44 And make the even wyth the grounde/ wyth thy chyldren whych are in the. And they shall nott leve in the one stone apon another/ because thou knewest nott the tyme off thy visitacion. and make the even with the grounde/ with thy chyldren which are in the. And they shall not leve in the one stone vpō another/ because thou knewest not the tyme of thy visitacion. and make the euen with the grounde/ with thy chyldren which are in the. And they shall not leue in the one stone vpon another/ because thou knowest not the tyme of thy visitation. and make the eauen with the grounde, and shal not leaue in the one stone vpon another, because thou hast not knowne ye tyme, wherin thou hast bene visited.
19:45 And he went into the temple/ and began to cast out them that solde therin/ and them that bought And he went in to the temple/ & begāne to cast out them that solde therin/ & them that bought/ And he went in to the temple/ & beganne to cast out them that solde therin/ and them that bought And he wente in to the temple, and begāne to dryue out them that bought and solde therin,
19:46 sayinge vnto them/ Hyt is written/ my housse is the housse off prayer: Butt ye have made it a den off theves. sayinge vnto them/ yt is written: my housse is the housse of prayer: but ye have made it a den of theves. sayinge vnto them/ it is wrytten: my housse is the housse of prayer: but ye haue made it a den of theues. and sayde vnto them: It is wrytten: My house is an house of prayer, but ye haue made it a denne of murthurers.
19:47 And he taught dayly in the temple. The hye prestes and the scrybes and the chefe off the people/ went about to destroye hym: And he taught dayly in the temple. The hye Prestes and the Scribes and the chefe of the people went about to destroye him: And he taught dayly in the temple. The hye Prestes and the Scribes and the chefe of the people went about to destroye him: And he taught daylie in the tēple. But the hye prestes and the scrybes and the chefest of ye people wente aboute to destroye him,
19:48 Butt coulde nott fynde what to do. For all the people stacke by hym. And gave him audience. but coulde not finde what to do. For all the people stacke by him/ and gave him audience. but coulde not finde what to do. For all the people stacke by him/ and gaue him audience. and founde not, what to do vnto him. For all the people stacke by him, and gaue him audience.


Luke: Chapter 18

The Gospell of S. Luke. The .xviij. Chapter.
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
18:1 HE put forth a similitude vnto them/ signifyinge that men ought alwayes to praye/ and not to be wery/ ANd he put forth a similitude vnto thē/ signifyinge that men ought alwayes to praye/ & not to be wery ANd he put forth a similitude vnto thē/ signifyinge that men ought alwayes to praye & not to be wery/ HE tolde them a symilitude, signifienge, yt men ought allwayes to praye, & not to leaue of,
18:2 sayinge: There was a Iudge in a certaine cite/ which feared not god nether regarded mā. sayinge: Ther was a Iudge in a certayne cite/ which feared not god nether regarded man. sayinge: Ther was a Iudge in a certayne cite/ which feared not god nether regarded mā. & sayde: There was a iudge in a cite, which feared not God, and stode in awe of no man.
18:3 And there was a certayne widdowe in the same cite/ whych cam vnto hym sayinge: A venge me of myne adversary. And ther was a certayne wedowe in the same cite/ which came vnto him sayinge: avenge me of myne adversary. And ther was a certayne wedowe in the same cyte/ which came vnto him sayinge: auēge me of myne aduersary. And in the same cite there was a wedowe, which came vnto him, and sayde: delyuer me fro myne aduersary.
18:4 And a greate whyle he wolde noott. Afterwarde he sayd vnto hym silfe: Though I feare nott god/ nor care for man/ And he wolde not for a whyle. But afterwarde he sayd vnto him selfe: though I feare not God/ nor care for man/ And he wolde not for a whyle. But afterwarde he sayde to him selfe: though I feare not God/ nor care for mā/ And he wolde not a greate whyle. But afterwarde he thought within hī self: Though I feare not God, & stonde in awe of no man,
18:5 yett be cause this widdowe troubleth me/ I woll a venge her/ lest at the last she come/ and rayle on me. yet because this wedowe troubleth me/ I will avenge her lest at the laste she come and hagge on me. yet because this wedowe troubleth me/ I will auēge her lest at the laste she come and hagge on me. yet seynge this weddowe is so importune vpon me, I wil delyuer her, lest she come at the last, and rayle vpon me.
18:6 And the lorde sayd: heare what the vnrightewes iudge sayeth. And the lorde sayd: heare what the vnrightewes Iudge sayeth. And the Lorde sayd: heare what the vnrightewes Iudge sayeth. Then sayde the LORDE: Heare what ye vnrighteous iudge sayeth.
18:7 And shall not god avenge his electe/ which crye nyght and daye vnto him? Ye though he differre them: And shall not god avenge his electe/ which crye daye and nyght vnto him/ ye though he differre them? And shall not God aduēge his electe/ which crye daye and nyght vnto him/ ye though he deferre them? But shall not God also delyuer his chosen, that crye vnto hī daye and night, though he differre thē?
18:8 I tell you/ he will avēge them/ and that quicly. Neverthelesse/ when the sonne of man commeth/ suppose ye/ that he shall fynde faithe on erthe. I tell you he will avenge them/ and that quickly. Neverthelesse/ when the sonne of man cometh/ suppose ye/ that he shall fynde faithe on the erthe. I tell you he will auenge them/ and that quickly. Neuerthelesse/ when the sonne of man cometh/ suppose ye/ that he shall finde fayth on the erth. I saye vnto you: He shal delyuer them, and that shortly. Neuertheles, whan the sonne of man cōmeth, suppose ye, that he shal fynde faith vpon earth?
18:9 And he put forthe this similitude/ vnto certaine which trusted in thē selves/ that they wer perfect/ and despysed other. And he put forthe this similitude/ vnto certayne which trusted in thē selves yt they were perfecte/ & despysed other. And he put forth this similitude/ vnto certayne which trusted in them selues that they were perfecte/ and despysed other. And vnto certayne which trusted in thē selues, that they were perfecte, and despysed other, he spake this symilitude:
18:10 Two men went vp into the tēple to praye: the one a pharise/ ād the other a publican. Two men went vp into ye tēple to praye: ye one a pharise/ & the other a publican. Two men went vp into the tēple to praye: the one a Pharise & the other a publican. There wente vp two men in to the tēple, to praye: the one a Pharise, the other a publican.
18:11 The pharise stode and prayed thus with hym silfe. God I tanke the that I am nott as other are/ extorsioners/ vniuste/ advoutres/ and even as this publican is. The pharise stode & prayed thus wt him selfe. God I thanke the yt I am not as other men are/ extorsioners/ vniuste/ advoutrers/ or as this publican. The Pharise stode & prayed thus with him selfe. God I thanke the that I am not as other men are/ extorsioners/ vniuste/ aduoutrers/ or as this Publicā. The Pharise stode, and prayed by himself after this maner: I thanke the God, that I am not as other men, robbers, vnrighteous, aduouters, or as this publican.
18:12 I fast twyse in the weke. I geve tythe of all that I possesse. I fast twyse in ye weke. I geve tythe of all that I possesse. I fast twyse in the weke. I geue tythe of all that I possesse. I fast twyse in the weke, I geue the tithes of all that I haue.
18:13 And the publican stode afarre of/ and wolde not lifte vp his eyes to heven/ but smote hys brest/ sayinge: God be mercyfull to me a sinner. And the publican stode afarre of/ & wolde not lyfte vp his eyes to heven/ but smote his brest sayinge: God be mercyfull to me a synner. And the Publican stode afarre of/ & wolde not lyfte vp his eyes to heauē/ but smote his brest sayinge: God be mercyfull to me a synner. And the publican stode afarre of, and wolde not lift vp his eyes to heauen, but smote vpon his brest, and sayde: God be thou mercyfull vnto me synner.
18:14 I tell you: this mā departed home to his housse iustified moore then the other. For every man that exalteth him silfe/ shalbe brought lowe: And he that hūbleth hym silfe/ shalbe exalted. I tell you: this mā departed hōe to his housse iustified moore then the other. For every man that exalteth him selfe/ shalbe brought low: And he yt hūbleth him selfe/ shalbe exalted I tell you: this man departed home to his housse iustified moare then the other. For euery man that exalteth him selfe/ shalbe brought low: And he that humbleth him selfe/ shalbe exalted. I tell you: This man wente downe in to his house iustified more thē the other. For who so euer exalteth himself, shalbe brought lowe: and he that humbleth himself, shalbe exalted.
18:15 They brought vnto hī also babes/ that he shulde touche thē. When his disciples sawe that/ they rebuked thē. They brought vnto him also babes/ yt he shuld touche thē. When his disciples sawe that/ they rebuked thē. They brought vnto him also babes/ that he shulde touche them. When his disciples sawe that/ they rebuked thē. They brought yonge children also vnto him, that he shulde touch them. But whan the disciples sawe that, they rebuked them.
18:16 But Iesus called thē vnto hī/ and sayde: Suffre children to come vnto me/ ād forbidde them not. For vnto souche/ belongeth the kingdō of god. But Iesus called thē vnto him/ & sayde: Suffre chyldren to come vnto me/ & forbidde thē not. For of soche is ye kyngdome of God. But Iesus called thē vnto him/ & sayde: Suffre chyldren to come vnto me/ & forbidde them not. For of soche is the kyngdome of God. Neuertheles Iesus called them vnto him, and sayde: Suffre childrē to come vnto me, and forbyd thē not, for of soch is ye kyngdome of God.
18:17 Verely I saye vnto you: whosoever receaveth not the kyngdom of god/ as a chylde: he shall not enter there in. Verely I saye vnto you: whosoever receaveth not the kyngdome of God/ as a chylde: he shall not enter therin. Verely I saye vnto you: whosoeuer receaueth not the kyngdome of God/ as a chylde: he shall not enter therin. Verely I saye vnto you: Whoso euer receaueth not ye kyngdome of God as a childe, shal not enter therin.
18:18 And a certayne ruler axed hī: sayinge: Goode Master: what ought I to do/ to obtaine eternall lyfe? And a certayne ruler axed him sayinge: Good Master: what ought I to do/ to obtayne eternall lyfe? And a certayne ruler axed him sayinge: good master: what ought I to do/ to obtayne eternall lyfe? And a certayne ruler axed him, and sayde: Good master, what must I do, that I maye enheret euerlastinge life?
18:19 Iesus sayd vnto hym: Why callest thou me goode? No man is goode/ save god only. Iesus sayd vnto him: Why callest thou me good? No man is good/ save God only. Iesus sayde vnto him: Why callest thou me good? No man is good/ saue God only. But Iesus sayde vnto him: Why callest thou me good? There is no man good, but God onely.
18:20 Thou knowest the commaundmentſ: Thou shalt nott commit advoutry/ thou shalt nott kill/ thou shalt nott steale/ thou shalt not beare falce witnes Honoure thy father/ ād thy mother. Thou knowest ye cōmaundmentſ: Thou shalt not commit advoutry: thou shalt not kyll: thou shalt not steale: thou shalt not beare false witnes: Honoure thy father & thy mother. Thou knowest the commaundementes: Thou shalt not commit aduoutry: thou shalt not kyll: thou shalt not steale: thou shalt not beare false witnes: Honoure thy father & thy mother. Thou knowest the cōmaundementes: Thou shalt not breake wedlocke: Thou shalt not kyll: Thou shalt not steale: Thou shalt not beare false wytnesse: Honoure thy father and yi mother.
18:21 And he sayde: All these have I kept from my youthe. And he sayde: all these have I kept from my youthe. And he sayde: all these haue I kept from my youthe. But he sayde: All these haue I kepte fro my youth vp.
18:22 Whē Iesus herde that/ he sayde vnto hym: Yett lackest thou one thynge. Sell all that thou hast/ ād distribute it vnto te povre/ and thou shalt have treasure in hevē/ and come/ ād folowe me. When Iesus hearde that/ he sayde vnto him: Yet lackest thou one thinge. Sell all that thou hast/ & distribute it vnto the poore/ and thou shalt have treasure in heven/ and come/ & folowe me. When Iesus hearde that/ he sayde vnto him: Yet lackest thou one thinge. Sell all that thou hast/ and distribute it vnto the poore/ and thou shalt haue treasure in heauen/ and come/ & folowe me. Whā Iesus herde that, he sayde vnto him: Yet lackest thou one thinge, sell all that thou hast, and geue it vnto ye poore, and thou shalt haue a treasure in heauen, and come & folowe me.
18:23 Whē he heerd that/ he was hevy/ for he was ryche. When he heard that/ he was hevy: for he was very ryche. When he hearde that/ he was heuy: for he was very ryche. Whan he herde that, he was sory, for he was very riche.
18:24 Whē Iesus sawe hym morne/ he sayde: with whath difficulte shall they that have ryches/ enter into the kyngdom off God: When Iesus sawe him morne/ he sayde: with what difficulte shall they that have ryches/ enter into the kyngdome of God: When Iesus sawe him morne/ he sayde: with what difficulte shall they that haue ryches/ enter into the kyngdome of God: Whan Iesus sawe that he was sory, he sayde: How hardly shal the riche come in to the kyngdome of God?
18:25 Esyer it is for a cammell to passe thorowe a nedles eye/ then for a ryche man to enter into the kyngdom off God. it is easyer for a camell to goo thorow a nedles eye/ then for a ryche man to enter into the kyngdome of God. it is easyer for a camell to goo thorowe a nedles eye/ then for a ryche man to enter into the kyngdome of God. It is easyer for a Camell to go thorow the eye of a nedle, thē for a rich man to entre in to the kyngdome of God.
18:26 Then sayde they that herde that: And who shall then be saved? Then sayde they that hearde that: And who shall then be saved? Then sayd they that hearde that: And who shall then be saued? Then sayde they yt herde that: Who can then be saued?
18:27 He sayde: Thyngſ which are vnpossible with men: are possible with God. And he sayde: Thinges which are vnpossible with men are possible with God. And he sayde: Thinges which are vnpossible with mē are possible with God. But he sayde: loke what is vnpossible with mē, is possible with God.
18:28 Then Peter sayde: Loo we have forsaken all/ and have folowed the. Then Peter sayde: Loo we have lefte all/ & have folowed the. Then Peter sayde: Lo we haue lefte all/ & haue folowed the. Then sayde Peter: Beholde, we haue forsakē all, and folowed the.
18:29 He sayde vnto them: Verily I saye vnto you/ there is noo man that forsaketh housse/ other father ād mother/ other brethren/ or wyfe/ or children/ for the kyngdom of goddes sake/ And he sayde vnto them: Verely I saye vnto you/ ther is noo man that leaveth housse/ other father & mother/ other brethren or wyfe or chyldren for the kyngdome of Goddes sake/ And he sayde vnto them: Verely I saye vnto you/ ther is no man that leaueth housse/ other father & mother/ other brethren/ or wyfe/ or chyldren for the kyngdome of Goddes sake/ He sayde vnto thē: Verely I saye vnto you: There is no mā yt forsaketh house, or elders, or brethren, or wife, or children for the kyngdome of Gods sake,
18:30 which same shall nott receave moche moore ī this worlde: and in the worlde to come/ lyfe everlastynge. which same shall not receave moche moore in this worlde: and in the worlde to come/ lyfe everlastinge. which same shall not receaue moche moare in this worlde: and in the worlde to come/ lyfe euerlastinge. which shal not receaue moch more in this tyme, and euerlastinge life in the worlde to come.
18:31 He toke vnto hym the twelve/ and sayde vnto them: Loo we go vp to Ierusalem/ ād all shalbe fulfilled that are written be the prophettſ off the sonne off man. He toke vnto him twelve/ & sayde vnto them. Beholde we go vp to Ierusalem/ & all shalbe fulfilled that are written by ye Prophetes of the sonne of man. He toke vnto him twelue/ and sayde vnto them. Beholde we go vp to Ierusalem/ & all shalbe fulfilled that are written by the Prophetes of the sonne of man. He toke vnto him the twolue, and sayde vnto them: Beholde, we go vp to Ierusalē, and it shal all be fulfilled, that is wrytten by the prophetes of the sonne of man.
18:32 He shalbe delivered vnto the gentyls/ and shalbe mocked/ and shalbe despyitfully entreated/ and shalbe spetten on: He shalbe delivered vnto the gentils/ & shalbe mocked/ and shalbe despytfully entreated/ and shalbe spetted on: He shalbe deliuered vnto the gētyls/ & shalbe mocked & shalbe despytfully entreated/ & shalbe spetted on: For he shal be delyuered vnto ye Heythen, and shalbe mocked, and despytefully intreated, and spitted vpon:
18:33 and whē they have scourged hym/ they will putt hym to deeth/ and the thyrde daye/ shall he aryse agayne. and when they have scourged him/ they will put him to deeth/ and the thyrde daye he shall aryse agayne. and when they haue scourged him/ they will put him to deeth/ and the thyrde daye he shall aryse agayne. and whan they haue scourged him, they shal put him to death, and vpon the thirde daye shal he aryse agayne.
18:34 They vnderstode none of these thyngſ. And this sayinge was hid from them. And they perceaved nott the thynges which were spoken. But they vnderstode none of these thinges. And this sayinge was hid frō them. And they perceaved not the thinges which were spoken. But they vnderstode none of these thinges. And this sayinge was hid frō them. And they perceaued not the thinges which were spoken. And they vnderstode nothinge of these thinges. And this sayenge was hyd from them, and they perceaued not the thinges that were spoken.
18:35 Hit cam to passe/ as they were come neye vnto Ierico/ a certayne blynde mā sate by the waye syde beggynge. And it came to passe/ as he was come nye vnto Hierico/ a certayne blynde man sate by the waye syde begginge. And it came to passe/ as he was come nye vnto Hierico/ a certayne blynde man sate by the waye syde begginge. And it came to passe, whan he came nye vnto Iericho, there sat one blynde by the waye, and begged.
18:36 And when he herde the people passe by/ he axed what it meant. And when he hearde the people passe by/ he axed what it meant. And when he hearde the people passe by/ he axed what it meāt. And whan he herde the people passe by, he axed what it was.
18:37 They sayd vnto hym that Iesus off Nazareth/ went by. And they sayde vnto him/ yt Iesus of Nazareth passed by. And they sayde vnto him/ that Iesus of Nazareth passed by. Then sayde they vnto him, that Iesus of Nazareth passed by.
18:38 And he cryed/ saynge: Iesus the sonne of David/ have mercy on me. And he cryed sayinge: Iesus ye sonne of David/ have thou mercy on me. And he cryed sayinge: Iesus the sonne of Dauid/ haue thou mercy on me. And he cryed, and sayde: Iesu thou sonne of Dauid, haue mercy vpon me.
18:39 And they which went before rebucked hym/ be cause he shulde holde his peace. And he moche the moare cryed/ The sōne of David/ have mercy on me. And they which went before rebuked him/ that he shuld holde his peace. But he cryed so moche the moare/ thou sonne of David have mercy on me. And they which went before rebuked him/ that he shuld holde his peace. But he cryed so moche the moare/ thou sonne of Dauid haue mercy on me. But the people that wente before, rebuked him, that he shulde holde his tunge. Neuertheles he cried moch more: Thou sonne of Dauid haue mercy vpō me.
18:40 Iesus stode styll/ and commaunded hī/ to be brought vnto hym. And when he was come neare/ he axed hym And Iesus stode styll/ & commaunded him to be brought vnto him. And when he was come neare/ he axed him/ And Iesus stode styll/ & commaunded him to be brought vnto him. And whē he was come neare/ he axed him sayinge: Iesus stode styl, & cōmaunded hī to be brought vnto hī. And whan he was come neare, he axed him
18:41 sayinge: What wilt thou/ that I do vnto the? And he sayde: Lorde/ that I maye receave my sight. sayinge: What wilt thou that I do vnto the? And he sayde: Lorde/ yt I maye receave my sight. What wilt thou that I do vnto the? And he sayde: Lorde that I maye receaue my sight. and sayde: What wilt thou, that I do vnto the? He sayde: LORDE, that I maye receaue my sight.
18:42 Iesus sayde vnto hym: Receave thy sight. Thy faith hath saved the. Iesus sayde vnto him: receave thy sight: thy faith hath saved the. Iesus sayde vnto him: receaue thy sight: thy faith hath saued the. And Iesus sayde vnto him: Receaue thy sight, thy faith hath saued the.
18:43 And immediatly he sawe/ and folowed hym/ praysinge God. And all the people/ when they sawe it/ gave laude to God. And immediatly he sawe/ and folowed him/ praysinge God. And all the people/ when they sawe it/ gave laude to God. And immediatly he sawe/ and folowed him/ praysinge God. And all the people/ when they sawe it/ gaue laude to God. And immediatly he sawe, and folowed him, & praysed God. And all the people that sawe it, gaue God the prayse.


Luke: Chapter 17

The Gospell of S. Luke. The .xvij. Chapter.
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
17:1 THen sayde he to his disciples/ it can not be avoyded/ but that occasions of evyll come Neverthelesse wo be to hym throw whō they come. THen sayde he to ye disciples/ it can not be avoyded/ but that offences will come. Neverthelesse wo be to him thorow whom they come. THen sayde he to the disciples/ it can not be auoyded but that offences will come. Neuerthelesse wo be to him thorow whom they come. HE sayde vnto his disciples: It is vnpossible that offences shulde not come: but wo vnto him by whom they come:
17:2 It were better for hym if a mylstone wer hāged aboute his necke/ and that he were cast into the see/ rather thē he shulde offende won off this litle wons. It were better for him that a mylstone were hanged aboute his necke/ & that he were cast into ye see/ then that he shuld offende one of this lytleons. It were better for him that a mylstone were hanged aboute his necke/ and that he were cast into the see/ then that he shuld offende one of this lytleons. It were better for him, that a mylstone were hanged aboute his neck, and he cast in to the see, then that he shulde offende one of these litle ones.
17:3 Take hede to youre selves/ if thy brother trespas agaynst the/ rebuke hym: and if he repent/ forgeve hym. Take hede to youre selves. If thy brother trespas agaynst the/ rebuke him: & yf he repent/ forgeve him. Take hede to youre selues. If thy brother trespas agaynst the/ rebuke him: and yf he repent/ forgeue him. Take hede to youre selues. Yf thy brother trespace agaynst the, rebuke him:
17:4 And though he syn agenst the seven tymes in won daye/ and seven tymes in a daye tourne agayne to the sayinge: it repenteth me/ forgeve hym. And though he sinne agēst ye .vii. tymes in a daye/ & sevē tymes in a daye tourne agayne to ye sayinge: it repenteth me/ forgeve him And though he synne agenst the seuen tymes in a daye/ & seuen tymes in a daye tourne agayne to the sayinge: it repenteth me/ forgeue him. and yf he amende, forgeue him. And though he synne agaynst the seuen tymes in a daye, and come seuen tymes in a daye to ye agayne, and saye: It repenteth me, forgeue him.
17:5 And the apostles sayde vnto the lorde: in crease oure fayth. And the apostles sayde vnto the Lorde: increase oure faith. And the Apostles sayde vnto the Lorde: increase oure fayth. And the Apostles sayde vnto ye LORDE: Increace oure faith.
17:6 The lorde sayde: yf ye had fayth lyke a grayne off mustard sede/ and shulde saye vnto thys sycamyne tree/ plucke thy silfe vppe by the rotes/ and plant thy silfe in the see: he shoulde obey you. And the Lorde sayde: yf ye had faith lyke a grayne of mustard sede/ and shuld saye vnto this sycamine tree/ plucke thy selfe vp by the rootes/ and plant thy selfe in the see: he should obey you. And the Lorde sayde: yf ye had fayth lyke a grayne of mustard sede/ and shuld saye vnto this sycamine tree/ plucke thy selfe vp by the rootes/ and plant thy selfe in the see: he should obey you. The LORDE sayde: Yf ye haue faith as a grayne of mustarde sede, and saye vnto this Molbery tre: Plucke thy self vp by the rotes, and plāte thy self in the see, it shalbe obediēt vnto you.
17:7 Which of you havynge a servaunte a plowynge/ or fedynge catell/ wolde saye vnto hym whē he were come from the felde: Goo quickly ād sitt doune to meate/ Who is it of you yf he had a servaūte plowinge or fedinge catell/ that wolde saye vnto him when he were come from the felde/ Goo quickly and syt doune to meate: Who is it of you yf he had a seruaunte plowinge or fedinge catell/ that wolde saye vnto him when he were come from the felde: Go quickly and syt doune to meate: Which of you is it, that hath a seruaunt (which ploweth, or fedeth the catell) whā he commeth home from ye felde, that he wil saye vnto him: Go quyckly, and syt the downe to meate?
17:8 And rather sayeth not to hym/ dresse wherwith I maye suppe/ ād apoynt thy silfe ād serve me/ tyll I have eaten and dronkē: and afterwarde/ eate thou/ and drynke thou? & wolde not rather saye to him/ dresse wherwith I maye sup/ & gyrde vp thy selfe and serve me/ tyll I have eaten and dronken: and afterwarde/ eate thou/ and drinke thou? and wolde not rather saye to him/ dresse wherwith I maye sup/ and gyrde vp thy selfe and serue me/ tyll I haue eaten and droncken: and afterwarde/ eate thou/ and drincke thou? Is it not thus? that he sayeth vnto him: Make ready, that I maye suppe, gyrde vp thyself, and serue me, tyll I haue eaten and dronken, afterwarde shalt thou eate and drynke also.
17:9 Doeth he thāke that servaūt be cause he did that which was cōmaunded vnto hym? I trowe not. Doeth he thanke that servaunt because he dyd that which was commaunded vnto him? I trowe not. Doeth he thanke that seruaunt because he dyd that which was commaunded vnto him? I trowe not. Thanketh he the same seruaunt also, because he dyd that was commaunded him? I trowe not.
17:10 Soo lykewyse ye/ whē ye have done all thoose thynges which are commaunded vnto you: saye/ we are vnprofitable servauntſ. We have done that which was oure duety to do. Soo lyke wyse ye/ when ye have done all thoose thinges which are commaunded you: saye/ we are vnprofitable servaūtes. We have done yt which was oure duetye to do. So lyke wyse ye/ when ye haue done all thoose thinges which are commaunded you: saye/ we are vnprofitable seruauntes. We haue done that which was oure duetye to do. So likewyse ye, whā ye haue done all that is cōmaunded you, saye: We are vnprofitable seruauntes, we haue done that we were bounde to do.
17:11 And it chaunsed as he went to Ierusalē/ that he passed thorowe Samaria and Galile. And it chaunsed as he went to Ierusalem/ that he passed thorow Samaria and Galile. And it chaunsed as he went to Ierusalem/ that he passed thorow Samaria and Galile. And it fortuned, whan he toke his iourney towarde Ierusalem, he wente thorow the myddest of Samaria and Galile.
17:12 And as he entred īto a certayne toune/ there met hym ten mē/ that were lepers/ which stode a farre of/ And as he entred into a certayne toune/ ther met him ten men yt were lepers. Which stode a farre of/ And as he entred into a certayne toune/ ther met him ten men that were lepers. Which stode a farre of And as he came in to a towne, there met him ten leporous men, which stode afarre of,
17:13 and put forth their voices/ and sayde: Iesu master/ have mercy on vs. & put forth their voyces & sayde: Iesu master/ have mercy on vs. & put forth their voyces and sayde: Iesu master/ haue mercy on vs. and lift vp their voyce, and sayde: Iesu master, haue mercy vpon vs.
17:14 When he sawe them/ he sayde vnto them: Goo and shewe youre selves to the prestes. And hit chaunsed as they went/ they were clensed. When he sawe thē/ he sayde vnto them: Goo and shewe youre selves to the prestes. And it chaunsed as they went/ they were clensed. When he sawe them/ he sayde vnto them: Go and shewe youre selues to the Prestes. And it chaunsed as they went/ they were clensed. And whan he sawe them, he sayde vnto thē: Go, and shewe youre selues vnto ye prestes. And it came to passe, as they wente, they were clensed.
17:15 And won of them/ whē he sawe that he was clēsed/ turned backe agayne/ ād with a loude voice praysed God/ And one of them/ when he sawe that he was clensed/ turned backe agayne/ & with a loude voyce praysed God/ And one of them/ when he sawe that he was clensed/ turned backe agayne/ and with a loude voyce praysed God/ And one of them whā he sawe that he was clensed, he turned backe agayne, and praysed God with loude voyce,
17:16 ād fell doune on his face at his fete/ and gave hym thankes. And the same was a samaritan. and fell doune on his face at his fete/ and gave him thankes. And the same was a Samaritane. and fell doune on his face at his fete/ and gaue him thankes. And the same was a Samaritane. and fell downe on his face at his fete, and gaue him thankes. And the same was a Samaritane.
17:17 Iesus answered ād sayde: Are there not ten clensed? But were are those nyne? And Iesus answered & sayde: are ther not ten clensed? But where are those nyne? And Iesus answered and sayde: are ther not ten clensed? But where are those nyne? Iesus answered and saide: Are there not ten clensed? But where are those nyne?
17:18 There are not founde that returned agane/ to geve God prayse/ save only this straunger. Ther are not founde that returned agane/ to geve God prayse/ save only this straunger. Ther are not founde that returned agayne/ to geue God prayse saue only this straunger. There were els none founde, that turned agayne, and gaue God the prayse, saue onely this straūger.
17:19 And he sayde vnto hym: Aryse/ and goo thy waye/ thy fayth hath saved the. And he sayde vnto him: aryse/ & goo thy waye/ thy faith hath made the whoale. And he sayde vnto him: aryse/ and go thy waye/ thy fayth hath made the whoale. And he sayde vnto him: Aryse, go thy waye, thy faith hath made ye whole.
17:20 When he was demaunded off the pharises/ when the kyngdom off God shulde come: he answered thē and sayde: The kyngdom of God cōmeth not with waytinge fore. When he was demaunded of ye pharises/ when the kyngdome of God shuld come: he answered them and sayde: The kyngdome of God cometh not with waytinge for. When he was demaunded of the Pharises/ when the kyngdome of God shuld come: he answered them & sayde: The kyngdome of God cometh not with waytinge for. But whan he was demaunded of ye Pharises: Whan cōmeth the kyngdome of God? He answered them, and sayde: The kyngdome of God commeth not with outwarde appearaunce,
17:21 Nether shall men saye: Loo here/ loo there. For beholde/ the kyngdom of God is with in you. Nether shall men saye: Loo here/ loo there. For beholde/ the kyngdome of God is with in you. Nether shall men saye: Lo here/ lo there. For beholde/ the kyngdome of God is with in you. nether shal it be sayde: lo, here or there is it. For beholde, ye kyngdome of God is inwarde in you.
17:22 And he sayde vnto hys disciples: The dayes will come/ whē ye shall desire to se wō daye of the sonne of man/ and ye shall not se it. And he sayde vnto the disciples: The dayes will come/ when ye shall desyre to se one daye of the sonne of man/ & ye shall not se it. And he sayde vnto the disciples: The dayes will come/ when ye shall desyre to se one daye of the sonne of man/& ye shall not se it. And he sayde to the disciples: The tyme shal come, whā ye shal desyre to se one daye of the sonne of man, and shal not se it.
17:23 And they shall saye to you: Se here/ Se there. Goo nott after them/ nor folowe them/ And they shall saye to you: Se here/ Se there. Goo not after them/ nor folowe them/ And they shall saye to you: Se here/ Se there. Go not after them/ nor folowe them/ And they shal saye vnto you: Se here, Se there. Go not ye, nether folowe,
17:24 for as the lightenynge that apereth out of the one parte of the hevē/ ād shyneth vnto the other parte of hevē: Soo shall the sōne of mā be ī his dayes. for as the lyghtenynge that apereth out of the one parte of the heven/ and shyneth vnto the other parte of heven: Soo shall the sonne of man be in his dayes. for as the lyghtenynge that apereth out of the one parte of the heuen/ & shyneth vnto the other parte of heuen: So shall the sonne of man be in his dayes. for as the lightenynge shyneth aboue from the heauen, and lighteth ouer all that is vnder the heauē, so shal the sonne of mā be in his daye.
17:25 But fyrst must he suffre many thīgſ/ ād be reproved of this nacion. But fyrst must he suffre many thinges/ and be refused of this nacion. But fyrst must he suffre many thinges/ and be refused of this nacion. But first must he suffre many thinges, and be refused of this generacion.
17:26 As it happened in the tyme of Noe: Soo shall it be ī the tyme of the sonne of mā. As it happened in ye tyme of Noe: So shall it be in the tyme of the sonne of man. As it happened in the tyme of Noe: So shall it be in the tyme of the sonne of man. And as it came to passe in the tyme of Noe, so shal it come to passe also in ye dayes of the sonne of man.
17:27 They ate/ they drāke/ they maryed wyves/ ād were maryed evē vnto that same daye that Noe went īto the arke/ ād the floud cā/ ād destroyed thē all. They ate/ they dranke/ they maryed wyves & were maryed/ even vnto yt same daye yt Noe went into ye arke: & ye floud cam & destroyed thē all. They ate they dranke/ they maryed wyues and were maryed/ euen vnto that same daye that Noe went into the arke: & the floud cam & destroyed thē all. They ate, they dranke, they maried, and were maried, euen vnto ye daye that Noe wente in to the Arke, and ye floude came, and destroyed them all.
17:28 Likewise also/ as it chaunsed ī the dayes of Lot. They ate/ thei drāke/ thei bought/ thei solde/ thei planted/ they bilte. Lykewyse also/ as it chaunsed in the dayes of Lot. They ate/ they dranke/ they bought/ they solde/ they planted/ they bilte. Lykewyse also/ as it chaūsed in the dayes of Lot. They ate/ they drancke/ they bought/ they solde/ they planted/ they bilte. Likewyse also as it came to passe in the tyme of Lot, they ate, they dranke, they bought, they solde, they planted, they buylded.
17:29 And even the same daye that Lot went out of Zodō/ hit rayned fyre ād brymstone from heven/ and destroyed them all. And even the same daye that Lot went out of Zodom/ it rayned fyre & brymstone from heven/ & destroyed them all. And euen the same daye that Lot went out of zodom it rayned fyre & brymstone frō heauē/ & destroyed them all. But euen the same daye that Lot wente out of Sodom, it rayned fyre and brymstone from heauē, and destroyed them all.
17:30 After these ensamples/ shall the daye be/ whē the sonne of man shall apere. After these ensamples/ shall it be in the daye when the sonne of man shall appere. After these ensamples/ shall it be in the daye when the sonne of man shall appere. After this maner also shal it go, in the daye whan the sonne of man shal appeare.
17:31 Att that daye he that is on the housse toppe/ and his stuffe in the housse: lett hym nott come doune to take hit out. And lyke wyse lett not him that is in the feldes/ turne backe agayne to that he lefte behynde hym. At that daye he that is on the housse toppe/ and his stuffe in the housse: let him not come doune to take it out. And lykewyse let not him that is in the feldes/ turne backe agayne to that he lefte behynde. At that daye he that is on the housse toppe/ and his stuffe in the housse: let him not come doune to take it out. And lykewise let not him that is in the feldes/ turne backe agayne to that he lefte behinde. In that daye, who so is vpō the rofe, and his stuffe in ye house, let him not come downe to fetch it: Likewyse he that is in the felde, let him not turne backe, for it that is behynde him.
17:32 Remember Lottes wyfe. Remember Lottes wyfe. Remember Lottes wyfe. Remēbre Lottes wife.
17:33 Whosoever will goo about to save his lyfe/ shall loose it: And whosoever shall loose his life/ shall quycken it. Whosoever will goo about to save his lyfe/ shall loose it: And whosoever shall loose his lyfe/ shall save it. Whosoeuer will go about to saue his lyfe/ shall lose it: and whosoeuer shall lose his lyfe/ shall saue it. Who so euer goeth aboute to saue his life, shal lose it: and who so euer shal lose it, shal saue it.
17:34 I tell you: In that nyght/ there shalbe two in one beed/ the one shalbe receaved/ and the other shalbe forsaken. I tell you: In that nyght/ ther shalbe two in one beed/ the one shalbe receaved/ and the other shalbe forsaken. I tell you in that nyght/ ther shalbe two in one beed/ the one shalbe receaued & the other shalbe forsaken. I saye vnto you: In yt night shal two lye vpon one bed, the one shalbe receaued, the other shalbe for saken.
17:35 Two shalbe also a gryndynge to gedder: the one shalbe receaved/ ād the other forsaken. Two shalbe also a grindynge to gedder: the one shalbe receaved/ and the other forsaken. Two shalbe also agrindinge to gedder: the one shalbe receaued/ and the other forsaken. Two shalbe gryndinge together, the one shalbe receaued, the other shalbe forsaken.
17:37 And they answered/ and sayde to him: wheare lorde? And he said vnto thē: whersoever the body shalbe/ thidther will the egles resoorte. And they answered/ & sayde to him: wheare Lorde? And he sayd vnto thē: whersoever ye body shalbe/ thyther will the egles resoorte. And they answered/ and sayde to him: wheare Lorde? And he sayde vnto them: whersoeuer the body shalbe/ thyther will the egles resorte. And they answered, and sayde vnto him: Where LORDE? He sayde vnto thē: Where so euer ye deed carcase is there wil ye Aegles be gathered together.


Luke: Chapter 16

The Gospell of S. Luke. The .xvj. Chapter.
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
16:1 HE sayd also vnto his disciples: There was a certayne rich mā/ which had a stewarde/ that was acused vnto hī that he had wasted his goodes. ANd he sayd also vnto his disciples. Ther was a certayne rych man/ which had a stewarde/ that was acused vnto him/ that he had wasted his goodes. ANd he sayd also vnto his disciples. Ther was a certayne rych man/ which had a stewarde/ that was accused vnto him/ that he had wasted his goodes. HE sayde also vnto his disciples: There was a certayne riche man, which had a stewarde, that was accused vnto him, that he had waisted his goodes.
16:2 And he called hī/ ād said vnto hī: Howe is it/ that I heare this of the? Geve a cōptes off thy steward shippe. For thou mayste be no lōger my stewarde. And he called him/ & sayd vnto him: How is it/ that I heare this of the? Geve a comptes of thy steward shippe: For thou mayste be no longer stewarde. And he called him/ and sayd vnto him: How is it/ that I heare this of the? Geue a comptes of thy steward shippe: For thou mayste be no longer stewarde. And he called him, and sayde vnto him: How is it, that I heare this of the? geue a comptes of yi stewardshipe, for thou mayest be no longer stewarde.
16:3 The stewarde said with in hī silfe: what shall I do? for my master will take awaye frō me my stewarde shippe. I cānot digge/ ād to begge/ I ā a shamed. The stewarde sayd wt in him selfe: what shall I do? for my master will take awaye frō me ye stewarde shippe. I cānot digge/ & to begge/ I am a shamed. The stewarde sayd with in him selfe: what shall I do? for my master will take awaye from me the stewardeshippe. I cannot dygge/ and to begge/ I am a shamed. The stewarde sayde within himself: What shal I do? My lorde wil take awaye the stewardshipe fro me. I cā not dygge, and to begg I am ashamed.
16:4 I woote what to do/ that when I am put out of my stewardshippe/ they maye receave me in to there houses. I woote what to do/ yt when I am put out of ye stewardshippe/ they maye receave me into their houses. I woote what to do/ that when I am put out of the stewardshippe/ they maye receaue me into their houses. I wote what I wil do, that whā I am put out of the stewardshipe, they maye receaue me in to their houses.
16:5 Thē called he all his masters detters/ ād sayd vnto the fyrst: howe moche owest thou vnto my master? Then called he all his masters detters/ and sayd vnto ye fyrst: how moche owest thou vnto my master? Then called he all his masters detters/ & sayd vnto the fyrst: how moche owest thou vnto my master? And he called vnto hī all his lordes detters, and sayde vnto the first: How moch owest thou vnto my lorde?
16:6 And he sayd: ā hōdred tōnes of oyle/ ād he sayd to hī: take thy bill/ ād sitt doune quickly/ ād write fiftie. And he sayd: an hondred tonnes of oyle. And he sayd to him: take thy bill/ & syt doune quickly/ & wryte fiftie. And he sayd: an hondred tonnes of oyle. And he sayd to him: take thy byll/ & syt doune quickly/ and wryte fyftie. He sayde: an hundreth tonnes of oyle. And he sayde: Take yi byll, syt downe quyckly, & wryte fiftie.
16:7 Thē said he to another: what owest thou? And he sayde: an hondred quarters of wheate. He sayd to hī: Take thy bill/ and writte foure scoore. Then sayd he to another: what owest thou? And he sayde: an hondred quarters of wheate. He sayd to him: Take thy bill/ & write foure scoore. Then sayd he to another: what owest thou? And he sayde: an hondred quarters of wheate. He sayd to him: Take thy byll/ and wryte foure scoore. Then sayde he vnto another: How moch owest thou? He sayde: an hundreth quarters of wheate. And he sayde vnto him: Take thy byll, and wryte foure score.
16:8 And the lorde cōmended the vniust stewarde/ because he had done wysly. For the chyldren of this worlde/ are in their kynde/ wyser then the chyldren off light. And the lorde cōmended the vniust stewarde/ because he had done wysly. For ye chyldren of this worlde are in their kynde/ wyser then ye chyldren of lyght. And the lorde commended the vniust stewarde because he had done wysly. For the chyldren of this worlde are in their kynde/ wyser then the chyldren of lyght. And the lorde cōmended the vnrighteous stewarde, because he had done wysely. For the children of this worlde are in their kynde wyser, thē the children of light.
16:9 And I saye also vnto you: make you frendes of the wicked mammon/ that whē ye shall have nede they may receave you into everlastinge habitacions. And I saye also vnto you: make you frendes of the wicked mammon/ that when ye shall departe/ they may receave you into everlastinge habitacions. And I saye also vnto you: make you frendes of the wicked mammon/ that when ye shall departe/ they may receaue you into euerlastinge habitacions. And I saye vnto you: Make you frendes with the vnrighteous Mammon, yt whan ye shal haue nede, they maye receaue you in to euerlastinge Tabernacles.
16:10 He that is faitful ī that wiche is leste: the same is faithful ī moche. He that is faithfull in that which is leste ye same is faithfull in moche. And he yt is vnfaithfull in ye least: is vnfaithfull also in moche. He that is faythfull in that which is leste/ the same is faythfull in moche. And he that is vnfaythfull in the least: is vnfaythfull also in moche. He that is faithfull in the least, is faithfull also in moch: and he that is vnrighteous in the least, is vnrighteous also in moch.
16:11 So thē if ye have not byn faithfull ī the wicked māmō? who will beleve you ī that which is true? So then yf ye have not ben faithfull in ye wicked māmon? who will beleve you in that which is true? So then yf ye haue not ben faythfull in the wicked mammon? who will beleue you in that which is true? Yf ye then haue not bene faithfull in the vnrighteous Mammon, who wyll beleue you in that which is true?
16:12 and if ye have not bene faithfull in another mannes busines: whoo shall geve you youre awne? And yf ye have not bene faithfull in another mānes busines: who shall geve you youre awne? And yf ye haue not bene faythfull in another mannes busynes: who shall geue you youre awne? And yf ye haue not bene faithfull in anothers mans busynesse, who wil geue you that which is youre awne?
16:13 No servaunt can serve two masters, for other he shall hate the one and love the other or els he sball lene to the one/ ād despyse the other. Ye cānot serve God/ and māmon. No servaunt can serve .ii. masters/ for other he shall hate ye one & love ye other/ or els he shall lene to the one & despyse the other. Ye can not serve God & mammon. No seruaunt can serue .ij. masters/ for other he shall hate the one and loue the other/ or els he shall lene to the one and despyse the other. Ye can not serue God and mammon. No seruaunt can serue two masters: for either he shal hate the one, and loue ye other: or els he shal leane to the one, and despyse the other. Ye can not serue God and Mammon.
16:14 All these thīges herde the pharises also which were coveteous. And they mocked hī/ All these thinges herde the pharises also which were coveteous/ and they mocked him. All these thinges herde the Pharises also which were coueteous/ and they mocked him. All these thinges herde the Pharises, which were couetous, and they mocked hī.
16:15 ād he sayd vnto them: Ye are they/ which iustiefi youre selves before mē: but God knoweth youre hertes. For that which men magnifie/ is abhominable in the sight of god. And he sayd vnto thē: Ye are they which iustifie youre selves before mē: but God knoweth youre hertes. For yt which is highlie estemed amōge mē/ is abhominable in ye sight of god And he sayd vnto them: Ye are they which iustifie youre selues before men: but God knoweth youre hertes. For that which is hyghlie estemed amonge men/ is abhominable in the syght of God. And he sayde vnto them: Ye are they that iustifie yor selues before men, but God knoweth youre hertes. For yt which is hye amonge men, is an abhominacion before God.
16:16 The lawe/ and the prophettſ raygned vntyll the tyme of Ihon: Sence that tyme/ the kyngdō of god is preached. And every man stryveth to goo in. The lawe and the Prophetes raygned vntyll the tyme of Iohn: and sence that tyme/ the kyngdom of God is preached/ and every man stryveth to goo in. The lawe and the Prophetes raygned vntyll the tyme of Iohn: and sence that tyme the kyngdome of God is preached/ and euery man stryueth to go in. The lawe and ye prophetes prophecied vnto Ihon, and from that tyme forth is ye kyngdome of God preached thorow ye Gospell, and euery man preasseth in to it by violence.
16:17 Soner shall hevē and erth perisshe/ thē wō title of the lawe shall perisshe. Soner shall heven and erth perisshe/ then one tytle of the lawe shall perisshe. Soner shall heuen and erth perisshe/ then one tytle of the lawe shall perisshe. But easier is it, for heauen and earth to perishe, then one tittle of ye lawe to fall.
16:18 Whosoever forsaketh his wyfe/ and marieth another/ breaketh matrimony. And every man which marieth her that is divorsed from her husbande committeth advoutry also. Whosoever forsaketh his wyfe and marieth another/ breaketh matrimony. And every man which marieth her that is devorsed from her husbande/ committeth advoutry also. Whosoeuer forsaketh his wyfe and maryeth another/ breaketh matrimony. And euery man which maryeth her that is deuorsed from her husbande/ committeth aduoutry also. Who so euer putteth awaye his wife, & marieth another, breaketh matrimonye: and he that marieth her which is deuorced frō hir hussbande, breaketh wedlocke also.
16:19 There was a certayne riche man/ which was clothed in purple/ ād fyne raynes/ and fared deliciously every daye. Ther was a certayne ryche man/ which was clothed in purple & fyne bysse/ and fared deliciously every daye. Ther was a certayne ryche man/ which was clothed in purple and fyne bysse/ and fared deliciously euery daye. There was a certayne riche man, which clothed him self with purple and costly lynnen, and fared deliciously euery daye.
16:20 And there was a certayne begger/ name Lazarus/ whiche laye at hys gate full off soores And ther was a certayne begger/ named Lazarus/ whiche laye at his gate full of soores/ And ther was a certayne begger named Lazarus/ whiche laye at his gate full of soores/ And there was a poore man named Lazarus which laye at his gate full of sores,
16:21 desyrynge to be refresshed with the cromes whiche fell frō the ryche mānes borde. Neverthelesse/ the dogges cam/ and licked his soores. desyringe to be refresshed with the cromes whiche fell from the ryche mānes borde. Neverthelesse/ the dogges came & licked his soores. desyringe to be refresshed with the cromes whiche fell from the ryche mannes borde. Neuerthelesse/ the dogges came and licked his soores. and desyred to be fylled with the crommes, that fell from the riche mans table. Yet came the dogges, and licked his sores.
16:22 And yt fortuned that the begger dyed/ and was carryed by the angellſ into Abrahams bosome. The riche man also died/ ād was buried in hell. And yt fortuned that the begger dyed/ and was caried by the angelles into Abrahās bosome. The riche man also died/ and was buried. And it fortuned that the begger dyed/ and was caryed by the angelles into Abrahams bosome. The ryche man also dyed/ and was buried. But it fortuned, that the poore man dyed, and was caried of the angels in to Abrahams bosome. The riche man dyed also, and was buried.
16:23 When he lifte vppe his eyes/ as he was in tourmentſ/ he sawe Abraham a farre off/ ād Lazarus ī his bosome/ And beinge in hell in tormētes he lyfte vp his eyes & sawe Abraham a farre of/ & Lazarus in his bosome/ And beinge in hell in tormentes/ he lyfte vp his eyes and sawe Abraham a farre of/ & Lazarus in his bosome/ Now whan he was in the hell, he lift vp his eyes in the payne, and sawe Abraham afarre of, and Lazarus in his bosome:
16:24 And cryed and sayd: father Abraham/ have mercy on me/ and sende Lazarus that he maye depe the tippe off his fynger in water/ and cole my tonge/ for I am tourmented in this flame. & he cryed and sayd: father Abraham/ have mercy on me/ & sende Lazarus that he maye dippe the tippe of his fynger in water/ and cole my tonge: for I am tourmented in this flame. and he cryed and sayd: father Abraham/ haue mercy on me/ & sende Lazarus that he maye dippe the tippe of his fynger in water/ and cole my tonge: for I am tourmented in this flame. and he cried, and sayde: Father Abraham, haue mercy vpon me, and sende Lazarus, that he maye dyppe the typpe of his fynger in water, & coole my tonge, for I am tormēted in this flāme.
16:25 Abraham sayd vnto hym: Sonne remembre/ that thou in thy lyfe tyme receavedst thy pleasure/ and contrary wyse Lazarus payne. Nowe therfore is he comforted/ and thowe art pūnysshed. But Abrahā sayd vnto him Sonne/ remembre that thou in thy lyfe tyme/ receavedst thy pleasure/ & contrary wyse Lazarus payne. Now therfore is he comforted/ and thou art punysshed. But Abraham sayd vnto him: Sonne/ remembre that thou in thy lyfe tyme/ receauedst thy pleasure/ and contrary wyse Lazarus payne. Now therfore is he comforted/ and thou art punisshed. But Abrahā saide: Remēbre sonne, yt thou hast receaued good in yi life, & contrary wyse Lazarus receaued euell. But now is he comforted, and thou art tormented.
16:26 Beyonde all this bitwene you ād vs there is a greate space sett/ so that they which wolde goo from hence to you/ cānot: nether from thence come hidder. Beyonde all this/ bitwene you & vs ther is a greate space set/ so that they which wolde goo from hence to you cannot: nether maye come from thence to vs. Beyonde all this/ bytwene you and vs ther is a greate space set/ so that they which wolde go from hence to you cannot: nether maye come from thence to vs. And beside all this, there is a greate space set betwene vs and you: so yt they which wolde go downe from hence vnto you, can not: nether maye they passe ouer from thence vnto vs.
16:27 And he sayd: I praye the therfore father/ send hī to my fathers housse. Then he sayd: I praye the therfore father/ send him to my fathers housse. Then he sayd: I praye the therfore father/ send him to my fathers housse. Then sayde he: I pray the then father, that thou wilt sende him vnto my fathers house,
16:28 For I have fyve brethren: for to warne them/ lest they also come into this place off tourment. For I have fyve brethren: for to warne thē/ lest they also come into this place of tourmēt. For I haue fyve brethren: for to warne them lest they also come into the place of tourment. for I haue yet fyue brethren, that he maye warne them, lest they also come in to this place of torment.
16:29 Abraham sayd vnto hym/ they have Moses and the prophettſ/ lett them heare them. Abrahā sayd vnto him: they have Moses & the Prophetes/ let them heare them. Abrahā sayd vnto him: they haue Moses and the Prophetes/ let them heare them. Abraham sayde vnto him: They haue Moses and the prophetes, let them heare them.
16:30 And he sayd: naye father Abraham/ but yf won from the ded cam vnto them they wolde repent. And he sayd: naye father Abraham/ but yf one came vnto thē/ from the ded/ they wolde repent. And he sayd: naye father Abraham/ but yf one came vnto them from the ded/ they wolde repent. But he sayde: Nay father Abraham, but yf one wente vnto them frō the deed, they wolde do pennaunce.
16:31 He sayd vnto hym: Yf they heare not Moses and the prophetſ/ nether woll they beleve/ though wō roose frō deeth agayne. He sayd vnto him: If they heare not Moses & ye prophetes/ nether will they beleve/ though one roose from deeth agayne. He sayd vnto him: If they heare not Moses and the Prophetes/ nether will they beleue/ though one rose from deeth agayne. Neuertheles he sayde vnto him: Yf they heare not Moses & the prophetes, then shal they not beleue also, though one rose agayne frō the deed.