The Gospell of S. Iohn. The .xij. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
The Gospell of S. Iohn. The .xij. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
12:1 | THē Iesus before sixe dayes of ester/ cam to bethany where Lazarus (which was deed) was/ whō Iesus raysed from deeth. | THen Iesus sixe dayes before ester/ came to Bethany where Lazarus was/ which was deed & whō Iesus raysed from deeth. | THen Iesus sixe dayes before ester/ came to Bethany where Lazarus was/ which was deed and whom Iesus raysed from deeth. | SIxe dayes before Easter came Iesus vnto Bethanye, where Lazarus was, which was deed, whom Iesus raysed vp from the deed. |
12:2 | There they made hī a supper/ ād Martha served: butt Lazarus was wō of them that sate at the table with hym. | There they made him a supper/ and Martha served: but Lazarus was one of them that sate at the table with him. | There they made him a supper/ and Martha serued: but Lazarus was one of them that sate at the table with him. | There they made him a supper, and Martha serued. But Lazarus was one of them, that sat at the table with him. |
12:3 | Then toke Mary a pounde off oyntment called nardus/ perfecte and precious/ and anoynted Iesus fete/ and wept his fete with her heer/ and all the housse smelled off the savre off the oyntment. | Then toke Mary a pounde of oyntmēt called Nardus/ perfecte and precious/ & anoynted Iesus fete/ and wipt his fete with her heer/ and the housse was filled of the savre of the oyntmēt. | Then toke Mary a pounde of oyntment called Nardus/ perfecte and precious/ and anoynted Iesus fete/ & wypt his fete with her heer & the housse was filled of the sauer of the oyntment. | Then toke Mary a pounde of oyntment of pure and costly Nardus, and anoynted Iesus fete, & dryed his fete with hir heer. The house was full of the sauoure of the oyntment. |
12:4 | Then sayde won of his disciples named Iudas iscariot/ Simōs sōne/ which afterwarde betrayed hym: | Then sayde one of his disciples name Iudas Iscariot Simōs sonne/ which afterwarde betrayed him: | Then sayde one of his disciples named Iudas Iscarioth Simons sonne/ which afterwarde betrayed him: | Then sayde one of his disciples, Iudas Iscarioth Symons sonne, which afterwarde betrayed him: |
12:5 | why was not this oyntment solde for thre hondrede pence/ and geven to te povre? | why was not this oyntmēt solde for thre hondred pence/ and gevē to the poore? | why was not this oyntment solde for thre hondred pence/ and geuen to the poore? | Why was not this oyntment solde for thre hundreth pens, and geuen to the poore? |
12:6 | This sayde he/ not that he cared for the pover: butt be cause he was a thefe/ and kept the bagge/ and bare that which was gevē. | This sayde he/ not that he cared for the pooer: but because he was a thefe/ & kept the bagge/ and bare that which was geven. | This sayde he/ not that he cared for the poore: but because he was a thefe/ and kept the bagge/ and bare that which was geuen. | (This sayde he not that he cared for the poore, but because he was a thefe, and had the bagge, and bare that which was geuē.) |
12:7 | Thē sayde Iesus: Lett her alone/ agaynst the daye off my buryinge she kept it. | Then sayde Iesus: Let her alone/ agaynst the daye of my buryinge she kept it. | Then sayde Iesus: Let her alone/ agaynst the daye of my buryinge she kept it. | Then sayde Iesus: Let her alone, this hath she kepte agaynst the daye of my buryenge. |
12:8 | The povre all wayes shall ye have with you/ butt me shall ye nott all wayes have. | The poore all wayes shall ye have with you/ but me shall ye not all wayes have. | The poore all wayes shall ye haue with you/ but me shall ye not all wayes haue. | For the poore haue ye allwaye with you, but me haue ye not allwaye. |
12:9 | Moche people off the iewes had knowledge that he was there. And they cam nott for Iesus sake only/ butt that they myght se Lazarus also whom he raysed frō deeth. | Moche people of the Iewes had knowledge that he was there. And they came not for Iesus sake only/ but yt they myght se Lazarus also whom he raysed from deeth. | Moche people of the Iewes had knowledge that he was there. And they came/ not for Iesus sake only/ but that they myght se Lazarus also whom he raysed from deeth. | Then moch people of the Iewes had knowlege, that he was there, and they came not for Iesus sake onely, but also yt they might se Lazarus, whom he had raysed from the deed. |
12:10 | The hye prestes held a counsell that they myght put Lazarus to deeth also/ | The hye prestes therfore held a counsell that they myght put Lazarus to deeth also/ | The hye Prestes therfore held a counsell that they myght put Lazarus to deeth also/ | But ye hye prestes were aduysed to put Lazarus to death also: |
12:11 | be cause that for his sake many of the iewes went awaye/ and beleved on Iesus. | because that for his sake many of the Iewes went awaye/ and beleved on Iesus. | because that for his sake many of the Iewes went awaye/ and beleued on Iesus. | because yt for his sake many of the Iewes wēte awaye and beleued on Iesus. |
12:12 | On the morowe moche people which cā to the feast (when they herde that Iesus shulde come to Ierusalem) | On the morowe/ moche people that were come to the feast/ when they hearde yt Iesus shuld come to Ierusalem/ | On the morowe/ moche people that were come to the feast when they hearde that Iesus shuld come to Ierusalem/ | Vpon the nexte daye moch people which were come vnto the feast, whan they herde that Iesus came towarde Ierusalem, |
12:13 | toke braunches off palme trees and went and mett hym/ and cryed Hosianna/ blessed is he that ī the name of the lorde cōmeth/ kynge of israhell. | toke braunches of palme trees and went and met him/ & cryed: Hosanna/ blessed is he that in the name of the Lorde/ commeth kynge of Israel. | toke braunches of palme trees and went and met him/ and cryed: Hosanna/ blessed is he that in the name of the Lorde/ commeth kynge of Israel. | they toke braunches of palme trees, and wēte out to mete him, and cryed: Hosianna, Blessed be he, that in the name of the LORDE commeth kynge of Israel. |
12:14 | Iesus gott a yonge asse and sate theron/ acordynge to that wich was written: | And Iesus got a yonge asse and sate therō/ accordinge to that which was writtē: | And Iesus got a yonge asse and sate theron/ accordynge to that which was written: | Iesus gat a yonge Asse, and rode theron, As it is wryttē: |
12:15 | feare nott doughter of Sion: beholde thy kynge cōmeth sittynge on an asses coolte. | feare not doughter of Siō/ beholde thy kynge cōmeth sittinge on an asses coolte. | feare not doughter of Syon/ beholde thy kynge commeth syttinge on an asses coolte. | Feare not thou doughter of Sion, beholde, thy kynge cōmeth rydinge vpō an Asses foale. |
12:16 | These thynges vnderstode not his disciples at the fyrst: but whē Iesus was gloryfied/ thē remembryd they that soche thynges were written of hym/ ād that soche thynges they had done vnto hym. | These thinges vnderstode not his disciples at ye fyrst: but when Iesus was gloryfied/ then remembryd they that soche thinges were written of him/ and that soche thinges they had done vnto him. | These thinges vnderstode not his disciples at the fyrst: but when Iesus was glorified/ then remembryd they that soche thinges were written of him/ and that soche thinges they had done vnto him. | Neuertheles his disciples vnderstode not these thinges at the first, but whan Iesus was glorified, then remēbred they that soch thinges were wryttē of him, and that they had done soch thinges vnto him. |
12:17 | The people that was with hym/ when he called Lazarus out off his grave/ and raysed hym from deeth/ bare recorde. | The people that was with him/ when he called Lazarus out of his grave/ & raysed him from deeth/ bare recorde. | The people that was with him/ when he called Lazarus out of his graue/ and raysed him from deeth/ bare recorde. | The people that was with him whan he called Lazarus out of ye graue and raysed him from the deed, commended the acte. |
12:18 | Therfore met hym the peple/ be cause they herde that he had done soche a myracle. | Therfore met him the people/ be cause they hearde yt he had done soche a myracle. | Therfore met him the people/ because they hearde that he had done soche a miracle. | Therfore the people met him, because they herde, that he had done soch a miracle. |
12:19 | The pharises therfore sayde amonge them selves: Ye se that we prevayle no thynge: loo all the worlde goth after hym. | The Pharises therfore sayde amonge them selves: perceave ye how we prevayle no thinge? beholde the worlde goth awaye after him. | The Pharises therfore sayde amonge them selues: perceaue ye how we prevayle nothinge? Beholde the worlde goth awaye after him. | But the pharises sayde amonge them selues: Ye se, that we preuayle nothinge, beholde, all ye worlde runneth after him. |
12:20 | There were certayne grekes amonge thē/ which cam to praye at the feast/ | Ther were certayne Grekes amōge them/ that came to praye at the feast: | Ther were certayne Grekes amonge them/ that came to praye at the feast: | There were certayne Grekes (amonge thē that were come vp to Ierusalē to worshipe at the feast) |
12:21 | the same cā to Philip which was of Bethsayda a cite in galile/ ād desired hym sayinge: Syr we wolde fayne se Iesus. | the same cam to Philip which was of Bethsayda a cyte in Galile/ & desired him sayinge: Syr we wolde fayne se Iesus. | the same came to Philip which was of Bethsayda a cite in Galile/ and desyred him sayinge: Syr we wolde fayne se Iesus. | the same came vnto Philippe, which was of Bethsaida out of Galile, & prayed him, and sayde: Syr, we wolde fayne se Iesus. |
12:22 | Philip cam and tolde Andrew. and agayne Andrew ād Philip tolde Iesus. | Philip came & tolde Andrew. And agayne Andrew & Philip tolde Iesus. | Philip came and tolde Andrew. And agayne Andrew and Philip tolde Iesus. | Philippe came, & tolde Andrew. And agayne, Philippe and Andrew tolde Iesus. |
12:23 | And Iesus answered them sayinge: the houre is come that the sonne of man must be glorified. | And Iesus answered them sayinge: the houre is come yt the sonne of mā must be glorified. | And Iesus answered them sayinge: the houre is come that the sonne of man must be glorified. | Iesus answered thē, and sayde: The houre is come, that the sonne of man must be glorified. |
12:24 | Verely verely I saye vnto you/ except the wheate corne fall into the grounde and deye/ it bydeth alone. yf it deye/ it brengeth forth moche frute. | Verely verely I saye vnto you/ except ye wheate corne fall into the grounde and dye/ it bydeth alone. Yf it dye/ it brengeth forth moche frute. | Verely verely I saye vnto you/ except the wheate corne fall into the grounde and dye/ it bydeth alone. If it dye/ it bringeth forth moche frute. | Verely verely I saye vnto you: Excepte the wheat corne fall in to the grounde, and dye, it bydeth alone: But yf it dye, it bryngeth forth moch frute. |
12:25 | He that loveth his life shall destroye it: And he that hatheth his lyfe in this worlde/ shall kepe it vnto lyfe eternall. | He that loveth his lyfe shall destroye it: & he yt hateth his lyfe in this worlde shall kepe it vnto lyfe eternall. | He that loueth his lyfe shall destroye it: & he that hateth his lyfe in this worlde/ shall kepe it vnto lyfe eternall. | He that loueth his life, shal lose it: and he that hateth his life in this worlde, shal kepe it vnto life euerlastinge. |
12:26 | Yf eny mā mynister vnto me/ lett hym folowe me/ ād where I am there shall also my minister be. And if eny man minister vnto me/ hym will my father honoure. | If eny man mynister vnto me/ let him folowe me/ & where I am there shall also my minister be. And yf eny man minister vnto me/ him will my father honoure. | If eny man minister vnto me/ let him folowe me and where I am/ there shall also my minister be. And yf eny man minister vnto me/ him will my Father honoure. | He that wyl serue me, let him folowe me. And where I am, there shal my seruaunt be also: and he that serueth me, him shal my father honoure. |
12:27 | Nowe is my soule troubled/ and what shall I saye? Father delyvre me from this houre: but therfore cam I vnto this houre. | Now is my soule troubled/ & what shall I saye? Father delyver me from this houre: but therfore came I vnto this houre. | Now is my soule troubled/ and what shall I saye? Father deliuer me from this houre: but therfore came I vnto this houre. | Now is my soule heuy, and what shal I saye? Father, helpe me out of this houre. But therfore am I come in to this houre. |
12:28 | Father glorify thy name. Then cam there a voyce from heven/ I have glorified it/ and will glorify it agayne. | Father glorify thy name. Then came ther a voyce frō heaven: I have glorified it/ & will glorify it agayne. | Father glorify thy name. Then came ther a voyce from heaven: I haue glorified it and will glorify it agayne. | Father, glorifye thy name. Then came there a voyce from heauen: I haue glorified it, and wyl glorifye it agayne. |
12:29 | Then sayde the people that stode by and herde/ it thoundreth. Other sayde: an angell spake to hym. | Then sayd the people yt stode by & hearde: it thoundreth. Other sayde an angell spake to him. | Then sayd the people that stode by and hearde: it thoundreth. Other sayde an angell spake to him. | Then sayde the people that stode by and herde: It thondereth. Other sayde: An angell spake vnto him. |
12:30 | Iesus answered and sayde: this voyce cā nott be cause of me: but for youre sakes. | Iesus answered and sayde: this voyce cam not because of me/ but for youre sakes. | Iesus answered and sayde: this voyce came/ not because of me/ but for youre sakes. | Iesus answered, and sayde: This voyce came not because of me, but for youre sakes. |
12:31 | Nowe is the iudgement of this worlde. nowe shall the prynce off this worlde be cast out a dores. | Now is the iudgement of this worlde: now shall ye prince of this worlde be cast out. | Now is the iudgement of this worlde: now shall the prince of this worlde be cast out/ | Now goeth the iudgment ouer the worlde. Now shal the prynce of this worlde be thrust out. |
12:32 | And I (yf I were lifte vppe from the erthe) will drawe all men vnto me. | And I/ yf I were lifte vp from the erthe/ will drawe all men vnto me. | And I/ yf I were lyfte vp from the erth/ will drawe all men vnto me. | And I whan I am lift vp from the earth, wyl drawe all vnto me. |
12:33 | This sayde Iesus signifyinge what deeth he shulde deye. | This sayde Iesus/ signifyinge what deeth he shuld dye. | This sayde Iesus/ signifyinge what deeth he shuld dye. | (But this he sayde, to signifye, what death he shulde dye.) |
12:34 | The people answered hym: We have herde of the lawe that Christ bydeth ever: ād howe sayest thou thē that the sonne of man must be lifte vppe? who is that sonne of mā? | The people answered him: We have hearde of ye lawe yt Christ bydeth ever: & how sayest thou then that the sonne of man must be lifte vp? who is yt sonne of mā? | The people answered him: We haue hearde out of the lawe that Christ bydeth euer: & how sayest thou then that the sonne of man must be lyfte vp? who is that sonne of man? | Then answered him the people: We haue herde in the lawe, that Christ endureth for euer: and how sayest thou then, that the sonne of man must be lift vp? Who is this sonne of man? |
12:35 | Iesus sayde vnto them: yet a lytell whyle is the light with you: walke whill ye have lightt/ lest the darcknes come on you. He that walketh in the darke/ wotteth not whither he goeth. | Then Iesus sayde vnto them: yet a lytell whyle is the light wt you. Walke whill ye have light/ lest the darcknes come on you. He that walketh in the darke/ wotteth not whither he goeth. | Then Iesus sayde vnto them: yet a lytell whyle is the lyght with you. Walke whyll ye haue lyght/ lest the darcknes come on you. He that walketh in the darcke/ wotteth not whyther he goeth. | Then sayde Iesus vnto them: The light is yet a litle whyle with you, walke whyle ye haue the light, that the darknesse fall not vpō you. He that walketh in the darknesse, woteth not whither he goeth. |
12:36 | Whyll ye have light/ beleve ō the light that ye maye be the children of light. These thynges spake Iesus and departed/ ād hid hym silfe from them. | Whyll ye have light/ beleve on the light/ that ye maye be the chyldren of light. These thinges spake Iesus and departed/ & hyd him silfe frō them. | Whyll ye haue lyght/ beleue on the lyght/ that ye maye be the chyldren of lyght. These thinges spake Iesus and departed/ and hyd him selfe from them. | Beleue ye on the light, whyle ye haue it, that ye maye be the children of light. These thinges spake Iesus, and departed awaye, and hyd himself from them. |
12:37 | And though he hade done soo many myracles before thē/ yet beleved not they on hym/ | And though he had done so many myracles before them/ yet beleved not they on him/ | And though he had done so many miracles before them/ yet beleued not they on him/ | And though he had done soch tokens before thē, yet beleued they not on him, |
12:38 | that the sayinge of Esayas the prophet myght be fulfilled/ that he spake. Lorde who shall beleve oure sayinge? And to whom ys the arme off the lorde declared? | yt the sayinge of Esayas the Prophet myght be fulfilled/ yt he spake. Lorde who shall beleve oure sayinge? And to whom ys the arme of ye Lorde opened? | that the sayinge of Esaias the Prophet myght be fulfilled/ that he spake. Lorde who shall beleue oure sayinge? And to whom is the arme of the Lorde opened? | that the sayenge of Esay the prophet might be fulfylled, which he spake: LORDE, who beleueth oure preachinge? Or to whom is the arme of the LORDE opened? |
12:39 | Therfore coulde they not beleve/ be cause that Esaias sayth agayne: | Therfore coulde they not beleve/ because yt Esaias sayth agayne: | Therfore coulde they not beleue/ because that Esaias sayth agayne: | Therfore coulde they not beleue, for Esay saide agayne: |
12:40 | He hath blinded their eyes/ and hardened their hertes/ that they shuld not se with their eyes/ and vnderstonde with their hertes/ and shulde be converted and I shulde heale thē. | he hath blinded their eyes and hardened their hertes/ that they shuld not se with their eyes & vnderstonde with their hertes/ & shuld be converted/ & I shuld heale thē. | he hath blynded their eyes and hardened their hertes/ that they shuld not se with their eyes/ and vnderstonde with their hertes/ and shuld be conuerted/ & I shuld heale them. | He hath blynded their eyes, and hardened their hert, that they shulde not se with the eyes, ner vnderstonde with the hert, & shulde be conuerted, and he shulde heale them. |
12:41 | Soche thyngſ sayde Esaias when he sawe hys glory/ and spake of him. | Soche thinges sayde Esaias when he sawe his glory & spake of him. | Soche thinges sayde Esaias when he sawe his glory/ and spake of him. | This sayde Esay, whan he sawe his glory, and spake of him. |
12:42 | Neverthelesse amonge the chefe rulers many beleved on hym/ but be cause of the pharises they wolde not be a knowē off it/ lest they shulde be excōmunicate. | Neverthelesse amōge ye chefe rulers many beleved on him. But be cause of the pharises they wolde not be a knowen of it/ lest they shuld be excommunicate. | Neuerthelesse amonge the chefe rulers many beleued on him. But because of the Pharises they wolde not be a knowen of it/ lest they shuld be excommunicat. | Neuertheles many of the chefe rulers beleued on him, but because of the Pharises they wolde not be aknowne of it, lest they shulde be excommunicate, |
12:43 | For they loved the prayse that is geven off men/ more then the prayse/ that cōmeth of god. | For they loved the prayse yt is geven of men/ more then the prayse that cōmeth of God. | For they loued the prayse that is geuen of men/ more then the prayse that commeth of God. | For they loued more the prayse with men, then with God. |
12:44 | Iesus cryed and sayd: he that beleveth on me beleveth nott on me/ butt on hym that sent me. | And Iesus cryed & sayde: he that beleveth on me/ beleveth not on me/ but on him yt sent me. | And Iesus cryed and sayde: he that beleueth on me/ beleueth not on me/ but on him that sent me. | Iesus cryed and sayde: He that beleueth on me, beleueth not on me, but on him that sent me. |
12:45 | And he that seeth me/ seeth hym that sent me. | And he that seeth me/ seeth him that sent me. | And he that seeth me/ seeth him that sent me. | And he that seyth me, seyth him yt sent me. |
12:46 | I am come a light into the worlde that whosoever beleveth on me shulde nott byde in darcknes/ | I am come a light into the worlde/ that whosoever beleveth on me/ shuld not byde in darcknes. | I am come a lyght into the worlde that whosoeuer beleueth on me/ shuld not byde in darcknes. | I am come a light in to the worlde, that whosoeuer beleueth on me, shulde not byde in darknesse. |
12:47 | ād yf eny man heare my wordes and beleve nott/ I iudge hym not. For I cam not to iudge the worlde: butt to save the worlde. | And yf eny man heare my wordes & beleve not/ I iudge him not. For I came not to iudge the worlde: but to save ye worlde. | And yf eny man heare my wordes/ and beleue not/ I iudge him not. For I came not to iudge the worlde: but to saue the worlde. | And he that heareth my wordes and beleueth not, I iudge him not, for I am not come to iudge the worlde, but to saue the worlde. |
12:48 | He that putteth me awaye/ and receaveth nott my wordes/ hathe won that iudgeth hym. The wordes that I have spokē shall iudge hym in the last daye. | He that refuseth me & receaveth not my wordes/ hath one that iudgeth him. The wordes that I have spoken/ they shall iudge him in ye last daye. | He that refuseth me and receaueth not my wordes/ hath one that iudgeth him. The wordes that I haue spoken/ they shall iudge him in the last daye. | He that refuseth me, and receaueth not my wordes, hath one allready that iudgeth him. The worde that I haue spoken, that shall iudge him at the last daye, |
12:49 | For I have not spokē off my silfe: but my father which sent me gave me a cōmaundment what I shulde saye/ and what I shulde speake. | For I have not spoken of my selfe: but the father which sent me/ he gave me a commaundemēt what I shuld saye/ and what I shuld speake. | For I haue not spoken of my selfe: but the father which sent me/ he gaue me a commaundement what I shuld saye/ and what I shuld speake. | For I haue not spoken of my self: but the father that sent me, hath geuen me a commaundement, what I shulde do and saye. |
12:50 | And I knowe wele that his commaundment ys lyfe everlastynge. Whatsoever I speake therfore/ even as my father bade me/ so I speake. | And I knowe that this cōmaundement is lyfe everlastinge. Whatsoever I speake therfore/ evē as the father bade me/ so I speake. | And I knowe that this commaundement is lyfe euerlastynge. Whatsoeuer I speake therfore/ euen as the father bade me/ so I speake. | And I knowe that his commaundement is life euerlastinge. Therfore loke what I speake, that speake I euē so, as the father hath sayde vnto me. |
John: Chapter 1
The Gospell of S. Iohn. The .i. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
The Gospell of S. Iohn. The .i. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
TITLE | The Gospell off Sancte Ihon. | The Gospell of Saincte Iohn. | The Gospell of Sayncte Iohn. | The gospell of S. Ihon. |
1:1 | IN the begynnynge was that worde/ ād that worde was with god: and god was thatt worde. | IN the beginnynge was the worde/ & the worde was with God: & the worde was God. | IN the beginnynge was the worde/ and the worde was with God: & the worde was god. | IN the begynnynge was the worde, and the worde was with God, and God was ye worde. |
1:2 | The same was in the begynnynge wyth god. | The same was in the beginnynge with God. | The same was in the beginnynge with god | The same was in the begynnynge wt God. |
1:3 | All thyngſ were made by it/ and with out it/ was made noo thīge/ that made was. | All thinges were made by it/ & with out it/ was made nothinge/ that was made. | All thinges were made by it/ and without it/ was made nothinge that was made. | All thinges were made by the same, and without the same was made nothinge that was made. |
1:4 | In it was lyfe/ And lyfe was the light of mē/ | In it was lyfe/ & the lyfe was ye lyght of men/ | In it was lyfe/ and the lyfe was the lyght of men/ | In him was the life, and the life was the light of men: |
1:5 | And the light shyneth ī darcknes/ ād darcknes cōprehēded it not. | & the lyght shyneth in the darcknes/ but the darcknes comprehended it not. | & the lyght shyneth in the darcknes but the darcknes comprehended it not. | and the light shyneth in the darknesse, and the darknesse comprehended it not. |
1:6 | There was a mā sent from god/ whose name was Ihon. | There was a man sent from God/ whose name was Iohn. | There was a man sent from God/ whose name was Iohn. | There was sent from God a man, whose name was Ihon. |
1:7 | The same cā as a witnes/ to beare witnes of the light/ that all men through hī myght beleve. | The same cam as a witnes to beare witnes of the lyght/ that all men through him myght beleve. | The same cam as a witnes to beare witnes of the lyght/ that all men through him myght beleue. | The same came for a witnesse, to beare wytnesse of ye light, that thorow him they all might beleue. |
1:8 | He was nott that light: but to beare witnes of the light. | He was not that lyght: but to beare witnes of the lyght. | He was not that lyght: but to beare witnes of the lyght. | He was not that light, but that he might beare witnesse of ye light. |
1:9 | That was a true light/ which lighteneth all men that come īto the worlde. | That was a true lyght/ which lyghteth all men that come into the worlde. | That was a true lyght which lyghteth all men that come into the worlde. | That was the true light, which lighteth all men, that come in to this worlde. |
1:10 | He was in the worlde/ ād the worlde by hī was made: and the worlde knewe hym not. | He was in ye worlde/ and the worlde was made by him: and yet the worlde knewe him not. | He was in the worlde/ & the worlde was made by him: and yet the worlde knewe him not. | He was in the worlde, & the worlde was made by him, and ye worlde knewe him not. |
1:11 | He cā īto his awne/ ād his receaved hī not. | He cam amonge his (awne) and his awne receaved him not. | He cam amonge his (awne) and his awne receaued him not. | He came in to his awne, and his awne receaued him not. |
1:12 | vnto as meny as receaved hī/ gave he power to be the sōnes of god: ī that they beleved ō his name: | But as meny as receaved him/ to them he gave power to be the sonnes of God in yt they beleved on his name: | But as many as receaued him/ to thē he gaue power to be the sonnes of God in that they beleued on his name: | But as many as receaued him, to them gaue he power to be the children of God: euen soch as beleue in his name. |
1:13 | which were borne not of bloude nor of the will of the flesshe/ nor yet of the will of men: but of god. | which were borne/ not of bloude nor of the will of the flesshe/ nor yet of the will of man: but of God. | which were borne/ not of bloude nor of the will of the flesshe/ nor yet of the will of man: but of God. | Which are not borne of bloude, ner of the wyl of the flesh, ner of the wyl of man, but of God. |
1:14 | And that worde was made flesshe/ and dwelt amonge vs/ and we sawe the glory off yt/ as the glory off the only begotten sonne off the father/ which worde was full of grace/ and verite. | And the worde was made flesshe and dwelt amonge vs/ & we sawe the glory of it/ as the glory of the only begotten sonne of ye father/ which worde was full of grace and verite. | And the worde was made flesshe and dwelt amonge vs/ and we sawe the glory of it/ as the glory of the only begotten sonne of the father/ which worde was full of grace and verite. | And the worde became flesh, and dwelt amonge vs: and we sawe his glory, a glory as of the onely begottē sonne of the father, full of grace and trueth. |
1:15 | Ihon bare witnes off hym sayinge: Thys is he of whome I spake/ he that cōmeth after me/ was before me be cause he was yer thē I. | Iohn bare witnes of him and cryed sayinge: This was he of whome I spake/ he that cometh after me/ was before me/ because he was yer then I. | Iohn bare witnes of him and cryed sayinge: This was he of whome I spake/ he that cometh after me/ was before me/ because he was yer then I. | Ihon bare wytnesse of him, cryed, and sayde: It was this, of whom I spake: After me shal he come, that was before me, For he was or euer I: |
1:16 | And of his fulnes have all we receaved/ even favour for favour. | And of his fulnes have all we receaved/ even (grace) for grace. | And of his fulnes haue all we receaved/ euen (grace) for grace. | and of his fulnesse haue all we receaued grace for grace. |
1:17 | For the lawe was geven by Moses/ but favour and verite cam by Iesus Christ. | For the lawe was geven by Moses/ but grace & truthe came by Iesus Christ. | For the lawe was geuen by Moses/ but grace and truthe came by Iesus Christ. | For the lawe was geuen by Moses, grace and trueth came by Iesus Christ. |
1:18 | No man sawe god at eny tyme. The only begotten sonne/ which is in the fathers bosum/ hath declared hym. | No mā hath sene God at eny tyme. The only begottē sonne/ which is in ye bosome of ye father/ he hath declared him. | No man hath sene God at eny tyme. The only begotten sonne/ which is in the bosome of the father/ he hath declared him. | No man hath sene God at eny tyme. The onely begottē sonne which is in the bosome of the father, he hath declared the same vnto vs. |
1:19 | And this is the recorde off Ihon/ When the iewes sent prestes/ and levites from Ierusalē/ to axe hym/ what arte thou? | And this is the recorde of Iohn: When the Iewes sent Prestes and Levites from Ierusalem/ to axe him/ what arte thou? | And this is the recorde of Iohn: When the Iewes sent Prestes and Leuites from Ierusalem/ to axe him/ what arte thou? | And this is the recorde of Ihon, whan the Iewes sent prestes and Leuites frō Ierusalem, to axe him: Who art thou? |
1:20 | And he confessed/ and denyed nott/ and sayde playnly: I am nott Christ. | And he confessed/ and denyed not/ and sayde playnly: I am not Christ. | And he confessed and denyed not and sayde playnly: I am not Christ. | And he confessed and denyed not. And he confessed, and sayde: I am not Christ. |
1:21 | And they axed hym: what thē? arte thou Helias? And he sayde: I am nott. Arte thou a prophet? And he answered noo. | And they axed him: what then? arte thou Helyas? And he sayde: I am not. Arte thou a Prophete? And he answered no. | And they axed him: what then? arte thou Helyas? And he sayde: I am not. Arte thou a Prophete? And he answered no. | And they axed him: What thē? Art thou Elias? He sayde: I am not. Art thou the Prophet? And he answered: No. |
1:22 | Then sayd they vnto hym: what arte thou? That we maye geve an answer to them that sēt vs? what sayest thou of thy silfe? | Then sayd they vnto him: what arte thou that we maye geve an answer to them that sent vs: What sayest thou of thy selfe? | Then sayd they vnto him: what arte thou that we maye geue an answer to them that sent vs: What sayest thou of thy selfe? | Then sayde they vnto him: What art thou thē, yt we maye geue answere vnto thē that sent vs? What sayest thou of yi self? |
1:23 | He sayde: I am the voyce of a cryar in the wildernes/ make strayght the waye of the lorde/ as sayde the prophet Esayas. | He sayde: I am the voyce of a cryar in the wyldernes/ make strayght the waye of the Lorde/ as sayde the Prophete Esaias. | He sayde: I am the voyce of a cryar in the wildernes/ make strayght the waye of the Lorde/ as sayde the Prophete Esaias. | He sayde: I am ye voyce of a cryer in the wyldernesse. Make straight ye waye of the LORDE. As ye prophet Esay sayde: |
1:24 | And they which were sent/ wer off the pharises. | And they which were sent/ were of the pharises. | And they which were sent/ were of the Pharises. | And they that were sent, were of ye Pharises. |
1:25 | And they axed hym: and sayde vnto hī: why baptisest thou then/ yf thou be nott Christ/ nor Helias/ nether a prophet? | And they axed him/ & sayde vnto him: why baptisest thou then/ yf thou be not Christ nor Helyas/ nether a Prophet? | And they axed him/ & sayde vnto him: why baptised thou then yf thou be not Christ/ nor Helyas/ nether a Prophet? | And they axed him, & sayde vnto him: Why baptysest thou then, yf thou be not Christ, ner Elias, ner a prophet? |
1:26 | Ihon answered thē sayinge: I baptise with water: butt one is come amonge you/ whom ye knowe nott: | Iohn answered them sayinge: I baptise with water: but one is come amonge you/ whom ye knowe not | Iohn answered them sayinge: I baptise with water: but one is come amonge you/ whom ye knowe not/ | Ihon answered them, and sayde: I baptyse with water, but there is one come in amonge you, whom ye knowe not. |
1:27 | he it is that cōmeth after me/ whiche was before me/ whose shoue latchet/ I am not worthy to vnlose. | he it is that cometh after me/ whiche was before me/ whose sho latchet I am not worthy to vnlose. | he it is that cometh after me/ whiche was before me/ whose sho latchet I am not worthy to vnlose. | It is he that cōmeth after me, which was before me: whose shue lachet I am not worthy to vnlowse. |
1:28 | These thyngſ were done in Bethabara beyonde Iordan/ where Ihon did baptise. | These thinges were done in Bethabara beyonde Iordan/ where Iohn dyd baptyse. | These thinges were done in Bethabara beyonde Iordan where Iohn dyd baptise. | This was done at Bethabara beyonde Iordane, where Ihon dyd baptyse. |
1:29 | The nexte daye/ Ihon sawe Iesus commyge vnto hym/ and sayde: beholde the lambe of god/ whych taketh awaye the synne off the worlde. | The nexte daye/ Iohn sawe Iesus commyge vnto him/ and sayde: beholde the lambe of God/ which taketh awaye the synne of the worlde. | The nexte daye Iohn sawe Iesus commynge vnto him/ and sayde: beholde the lambe of God/ which taketh awaye the synne of the worlde. | The nexte daye after, Ihon sawe Iesus commynge vnto him, and sayde: Beholde the lābe of God, which taketh awaye the synne of the worlde. |
1:30 | This is he of whom I sayde: After me cōmeth a man/ which was before me. For he was yer thē I/ | This is he of whom I sayde. After me cometh a man/ which was before me/ for he was yer then I/ | This is he of whom I sayde. After me cometh a man/ which was before me/ for he was yer then I/ | This is he, of whom I sayde vnto you: After me commeth a man, which was before me. For he was or euer I, |
1:31 | and I knew hym nott: butt that he shuld be declared to Israhell/ therfore cam I baptisynge with water. | and I knew him not: but that he shuld be declared to Israell/ therfore am I come baptisynge with water. | and I knew him not: but that he shuld be declared to Israel/ therfore am I come baptisynge with water. | and I knewe him not: but that he shulde be declared in Israel, therfore am I come to baptyse with water. |
1:32 | And Ihon bare recorde/ sayinge: I sawe the sprete descende from hevē/ lyke vnto a dove/ ād it aboode apon hym/ | And Iohn bare recorde sayinge: I sawe the sprete descende from heven/ lyke vnto a dove/ and abyde apon him/ | And Iohn bare recorde sayinge: I sawe the sprete descende from heuen/ lyke vnto a doue/ and abyde apon him/ | And Ihon bare recorde, & sayde: I sawe the sprete descende from heauen like vnto a doue, and abode vpon him, |
1:33 | and I knewe hym not: but he that sent me to baptyse in water/ sayde vnto me: Apon whom thou shalt se the sprete descende/ and tary styll on hym/ the same is he whych baptiseth wyth the holy goost. | and I knewe him not. But he that sent me to baptise in water/ the same sayde vnto me: apon whom thou shalt se the sprete descende and tary styll on him/ the same is he which baptiseth with the holy goost. | and I knewe him not. But he that sent me to baptise in water/ the same sayde vnto me: apon whom thou shalt se the sprete descende and tary styll on him/ the same is he which baptiseth with the holy goost. | & I knewe him not. But he that sent me to baptyse with water, ye same sayde vnto me: Vpon whom thou shalt se the sprete descende and tary styll on him, the same is he, that baptyseth with the holy goost. |
1:34 | And I sawe yt/ and have borne recorde/ that thys ys the sonne off God. | And I sawe and bare recorde/ that this is the sonne of God. | And I sawe and bare recorde that this is the sonne of god. | And I sawe it, and bare recorde, that this is the sonne of God. |
1:35 | The next daye after Ihon stode agayne/ and two off hys disciples/ | The next daye after/ Iohn stode agayne/ & two of his disciples. | The next daye after/ Iohn stode agayne/ and two of his disciples. | The nexte daye after, Ihon stode agayne, and two of his disciples. |
1:36 | and he behelde Iesus as he walked by/ and sayde: beholde the lambe off God. | And he behelde Iesus as he walked by/ and sayde: beholde the lambe of God. | And he behelde Iesus as he walked by/ and sayde: beholde the lambe of God. | And whā he sawe Iesus walkynge, he sayde: Beholde the lābe of God. |
1:37 | And the two disciples herde hym speake/ and they folowed Iesus. | And the two disciples hearde him speake/ and folowed Iesus. | And the two disciples hearde him speake/ and folowed Iesus. | And two of his disciples herde him speake, and folowed Iesus. |
1:38 | Iesus turned about/ and sawe them folowe/ And sayde vnto them: what seke ye? They sayde vnto hym: Rabi (which is to say be interpretacion/ Master) where dwellest thou? | And Iesus turned about/ and sawe them folowe/ & sayde vnto them: what seke ye? They sayde vnto him: Rabbi (which is to saye by interpretacion/ Master) where dwellest thou? | And Iesus turned about/ and sawe them folowe/ and sayde vnto them: what seke ye? They sayde vnto him: Rabbi (which is to saye by interpretacion/ Master) where dwellest thou? | And Iesus turned him aboute, and sawe them folowinge, and sayde vnto thē: What seke ye? They sayde vnto him: Rabbi, (which is to saye by interpretacion, Master.) Where art thou at lodginge? |
1:39 | He sayde vnto them: come and se. They cam and sawe where he dwelt: and abode with hym that daye. For it was about the tenche houre. | He sayde vnto them: come and se. They came and sawe where he dwelt: & abode with him that daye. For it was about the tenthe houre. | He sayde vnto them: come and se. They came and sawe where he dwelt: & abode with him that daye. For it was about the tenth houre. | He sayde vnto them: Come and se it. They came and sawe it, & abode with him the same daye. It was aboute the tenth houre. |
1:40 | Won off the two whych herde Ihon speake/ and folowed Iesus/ was Andrew Simon Peters brother. | One of the two which hearde Iohn speake and folowed Iesus/ was Andrew Simon Peters brother. | One of the two which hearde Iohn speake and folowed Iesus/ was Andrew Simon Peters brother. | One of the two, which herde Ihon speake, and folowed Iesus, was Andrew the brother of Symon Peter: |
1:41 | The same founde hys brother Simon fyrst/ and sayde vnto hym: we have founde Messias/ whych ys be interpretacion announted: | The same founde his brother Simon fyrst/ and sayde vnto him: we have founde Messias/ which is by interpretacion/ annoynted: | The same founde his brother Simon fyrst/ and sayde vnto him: we haue founde Messias/ which is by interpretacion/ annoynted: | the same founde first his brother Symon, and sayde vnto him: We haue founde Messias (which is by interpretacion, ye Anoynted) |
1:42 | And brought hym to Iesus. And Iesus behelde hym and sayde: Thou arte Simon the sonne off Ionas/ Thou shalt be called Cephas: which is hy interpretacion a stone. | & brought him to Iesus. And Iesus behelde him and sayde: thou arte Simon the sonne of Ionas/ thou shalt be called Cephas: which is by interpretacion/ a stone. | and brought him to Iesus. And Iesus behelde him and sayde: thou arte Simon the sonne of Ionas/ thou shalt be called Cephas: which is by interpretacion/ a stone. | and brought him to Iesus. Whan Iesus behelde him, he sayde: Thou art Symon the sonne of Ionas, thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretacion, a stone. |
1:43 | The daye folowynge Iesus wolde goo into galile/ and founde Philip/ and sayde vnto hym: folowe me. | The daye folowynge Iesus wolde goo into Galile/ and founde Philip/ & sayde vnto him/ folowe me. | The daye folowynge Iesus wolde go into Galile/ and founde Philip/ and sayde vnto him/ folowe me. | The nexte daye after, wolde Iesus go agayne in to Galile, and founde Philippe, and sayde vnto him: Folowe me. |
1:44 | Philip was of Betsaida the cite of Andrew and Peter. | Philip was of Bethsaida the cite of Andrew and Peter. | Philip was of Bethsayda the cite of Andrew and Peter. | Philippe was of Bethsaida the cite of Andrew and Peter. |
1:45 | Philip foūde Nathanael/ and sayde vnto hym: We have foūde hym off whom Moses wrote in the lawe/ and the prophetſ: Iesus the sonne of Ioseph of Nazareth. | And Philip founde Nathanael/ and sayde vnto him. We have founde him of whom Moses in the lawe/ and the prophetes dyd wryte. Iesus the sonne of Ioseph of Nazareth. | And Philip founde Nathanael/ and sayde vnto him. We haue founde him of whom Moses in the lawe/ and the Prophetes dyd wryte. Iesus the sonne of Ioseph of Nazareth. | Philippe founde Nathanael, and sayde vnto him: We haue founde him, of whō Moses in the lawe, and ye prophetes haue wrytten, euen Iesus the sonne of Ioseph of Nazareth. |
1:46 | And Nathanaell sayde vnto hym: Can there eny goode thynge come out off Nazareth? Philip sayde to hym: Come and se. | And Nathanael sayde vnto him: can ther eny good thinge come out of Nazareth? Philip sayde to him: come and se. | And Nathanael sayde vnto him: can ther eny good thinge come out of Nazareth? Philip sayde to him: come and se. | And Nathanaell sayde vnto him: What good can come out of Nazareth? Philippe sayde vnto him: Come, and se. |
1:47 | Iesus sawe Nathanael commynge to hym/ and sayde of hym: Beholde a right hisrahelite/ in whom is no gyle. | Iesus sawe Nathanael commynge to him/ and sayde of him. Beholde a ryght Israelite/ in whō is no gyle. | Iesus sawe Nathanael commynge to him/ and sayde of him. Beholde a ryght Israelite/ in whom is no gyle. | Iesus sawe Nathanael cōmynge to him, and sayde of him: Beholde, a righte Israelite, in whom is no gyle. |
1:48 | Nathanael sayd vnto hym: From whence knewest thou me? Iesus answered and sayde vnto hym: Before that Philip called the/ when thou wast vnder the fygge tree/ I sawe the. | Nathanael sayd vnto him: where knewest thou me? Iesus answered/ and sayde vnto him: Before that Philip called the/ when thou wast vnder ye fygge tree/ I sawe the. | Nathanael sayd vnto him: where knewest thou me? Iesus answered/ and sayde vnto him: Before that Philip called the/ when thou wast vnder the fygge tree/ I sawe the. | Nathanael sayde vnto him: From whence knowest thou me? Iesus answered, and sayde vnto him: Before yt Philippe called the, whan thou wast vnder the fygge tre, I sawe the. |
1:49 | Nathanael answered and sayde vnto hym: Rabi/ thou arte the sonne off God/ Thou arte the kynge of Israhel. | Nathanael answered and sayde vnto him: Rabbi/ thou arte the sonne of God/ thou arte the kynge of Israel. | Nathanaell answered and sayde vnto him: Rabbi/ thou arte the sonne of God/ thou arte the kynge of Israel. | Nathanaell answered, and sayde vnto hī: Rabbi, thou art ye sonne of God, thou art ye kynge of Israel. |
1:50 | Iesus answered and sayd vnto hym: Be cause I sayde vnto the/ I sawe the vnder the fygge tree/ thou belevest. Thou shalt se greater thyngſ then these. | Iesus answered and sayd vnto him: Because I sayde vnto the/ I sawe the vnder the fygge tree/ thou belevest. Thou shalt se greater thinges then these. | Iesus answered and sayd vnto him: Because I sayde vnto the/ I sawe the vnder the fygge tree/ thou beleuest. Thou shalt se greater thinges then these. | Iesus answered, & sayde vnto him: Because I sayde vnto the, that I sawe the vnder the fygge tre, thou beleuest: thou shalt se yet greater thinges thē these. |
1:51 | And he sayde vnto hym: Verely/ verely/ I saye vnto you: here after/ shall ye se heven open/ and the angels off God ascendynge/ and descendynge over the sonne off man. | And he sayde vnto him: Verely/ verely/ I saye vnto you: herafter shall ye se heven open/ and the angels of God ascendynge and descendynge over the sonne of man. | And he sayde vnto him: Verely/ verely/ I saye vnto you: herafter shall ye se heuen open/ and the angels of God ascendynge and descendynge ouer the sonne of man. | And he sayde vnto him: Verely verely I saye vnto you: Frō this tyme forth shal ye se the heauen open, and the angels of God goinge vp & downe ouer the sonne of man. |
John: Chapter 10
The Gospell of S. Iohn. The .x. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
The Gospell of S. Iohn. The .x. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
10:1 | VErely verely I saye vnto you: Whosoever entreth not in by the dore/ into the shepe folde/ but clymeth vppe some other waye: he is a thefe and a robber. | VErely verely I saye vnto you: he that entreth not in by ye dore/ into the shepefolde/ but clymeth vp some other waye: the same is a thefe & a robber. | VErely verely I saye vnto you: he that entreth not in by the dore/ into the shepefolde/ but clymeth vp some other waye: the same is a thefe and a robber. | VErely verely I saye vnto you: He yt entreth not in at the dore in to the shepefolde, but clymmeth vp some other waye, the same is a thefe & a murthurer. |
10:2 | He thatt goeth in by the dore/ is the shepheerde of the shepe. | He that goeth in by ye dore/ is the shepeherde of ye shepe: | He that goeth in by the dore/ is the shepeherde of the shepe: | But he that goeth in at the dore, is the shepherde of the shepe: |
10:3 | To this mā the porter openneth the dore/ and the shepe heare hys voyce/ And he calleth hys awne shepe by name/ and leadeth them out/ | to him the porter openeth/ and the shepe heare his voyce/ & he calleth his awne shepe by name/ and leadeth them out. | to him the porter openeth/ and the shepe heare his voyce/ and he calleth his awne shepe by name/ and leadeth them out. | to him ye porter openeth, and the shepe heare his voyce, and he calleth his awne shepe by name, and ledeth them out. |
10:4 | and when he hath sent forthe hys awne shepe/ he goeth before thē/ and the shepe folowe hym. For they knowe hys voyce. | And when he hath sent forthe his awne shepe/ he goeth before them/ and the shepe folowe him: for they knowe his voyce. | And when he hath sent forth his awne shepe/ he goeth before them/ & the shepe folowe him: for they knowe his voyce. | And whan he hath sent forth his awne shepe, he goeth before them, and the shepe folowe him: for they knowe his voyce. |
10:5 | A straunger they will nott folowe/ butt wyll flye from hym. For they knowe nott the voyce of straungers. | A straunger they will not folowe/ but will flye from him: for they knowe not the voyce of straungers. | A straunger they will not folowe/ but will flye from him: for they knowe not the voyce of straungers. | As for a straunger, they folowe him not, but flye from him: for they knowe not the voyce of straungers. |
10:6 | This manner of sayinge spake Iesus vnto them. And they vnderstode nott/ what thynges they were/ whych he spake vnto them. | This similitude spake Iesus vnto them. But they vnderstode not what thinges they were which he spake vnto them. | This similitude spake Iesus vnto them. But they vnderstode not what thinges they were which he spake vnto them. | This prouerbe spake Iesus vnto them, but they vnderstode not what it was, that he sayde vnto them. |
10:7 | Then sayde Iesus vnto them agayne: Verely verely I saye vnto you: thatt I am the dore of the shepe. | Then sayde Iesus vnto them agayne. Verely verely I saye vnto you: I am the dore of the shepe. | Then sayde Iesus vnto them agayne. Verely verely I saye vnto you: I am the dore of the shepe. | Then sayde Iesus vnto them agayne: Verely verely I saye vnto you: I am the dore of the shepe. |
10:8 | All evē as many as cam before me/ are theves ād robbers: but the shepe did not heare them. | All/ even as many as came before me/ are theves and robbers: but the shepe dyd not heare them. | All/ euen as many as came before me/ are theues and robbers: but the shepe dyd not heare them. | All they that are come before me, are theues and murthures. But ye shepe harkened not vnto them. |
10:9 | I am the dore. by me/ yf eny mā enter in/ he shalbe safe/ and shall goo in and out/ and fynde pasture. | I am the dore: by me yf eny man enter in/ he shalbe safe/ and shall goo in and out and fynde pasture. | I am the dore: by me yf eny man enter in/ he shalbe safe/ and shall go in and out and fynde pasture. | I am the dore. Yf eny man entre in by me, he shalbe saued, and shal go in and out, and fynde pasture, |
10:10 | The thefe commeth not but forto steale and kyll/ and destroye. I cam that they myght have lyfe/ and have yt more aboundantly. | The thefe cometh not but forto steale/ kyll and destroye. I am come that they myght have lyfe/ and have it more aboundantly. | The thefe cometh not but forto steale/ kyll and destroye. I am come that they myght haue lyfe/ and haue it more aboundantly. | A thefe cōmeth not, but forto steale, kyll, and destroye. I am come, yt they might haue life, and haue it more abundauntly. |
10:11 | I am a goode shepheerd/ a goode shepheerd geveth his lyfe for his shepe. | I am ye good shepeheerd. The good shepeheerd geveth his lyfe for ye shepe. | I am the good shepeheerd. The good shepeheerd geueth his lyfe for the shepe. | I am a good shepherde. A good shepherde geueth his life for the shepe. |
10:12 | An heyred servaūt which is not the shepheerd/ nether the shepe are his awne/ seith the wolfe cōmynge/ ād leveth the shepe/ and flyeth/ and the wolfe catcheth/ and scattereth the shepe. | An heyred servaūt/ which is not ye shepeherd/ nether ye shepe are his awne/ seith the wolfe cōmynge/ & leveth the shepe/ & flyeth/ and the wolfe catcheth them/ & scattereth ye shepe. | An hyred seruaunt/ which is not the shepeherd/ nether the shepe are his awne/ seith the wolfe commynge/ and leueth the shepe/ and flyeth/ and the wolfe catcheth them/ & scattereth the shepe. | But an hyred seruaunt, which is not the shepherde, nether the shepe are his awne, seyth ye wolfe cōmynge, and leaueth ye shepe, and flyeth. And the wolfe catcheth & scatereth ye shepe. |
10:13 | The heyred servaunt flyeth be cause he is an heyred servaunt/ ād careth not for the shepe. | The heyred servaūt flyeth/ because he is an heyred servaunt/ and careth not for the shepe. | The hyred seruaunt flyeth/ because he is an heyred servaunt/ and careth not for the shepe. | But the hyred seruaūt flyeth, because he is an hyred seruaunte, and careth not for the shepe. |
10:14 | I am that goode shepheerd/ ād knowe my shepe/ and am knowen of myne. | I am that good shepeheerd/ & knowe myne/ & am knowē of myne. | I am that good shepeheerd/ and knowe myne/ and am knowen of myne. | I am a good sheperde, and knowe myne, and am knowne of myne. |
10:15 | As my father knoweth me: even soo knowe I my father. And I geve my sylfe for my shepe/ | As my father knoweth me: even so knowe I my father. And I geve my lyfe for the shepe: | As my father knoweth me: euen so knowe I my father. And I geue my lyfe for the shepe: | Euē as my father knoweth me, and I knowe ye father. And I geue my life for my shepe. |
10:16 | and other shepe I have/ which are not off this folde. Thē also must I bringe/ and they shall heare my voyce. And there shalbe won flocke/ and won shepheerde. | and other shepe I have/ which are not of this folde. Them also must I bringe/ that they maye heare my voyce/ and that ther maye be one flocke and one shepeherde. | & other shepe I haue/ which are not of this folde. Them also must I bringe/ that they maye heare my voyce/ and that ther maye be one flocke and one shepeherde. | And I haue yet other shepe, which are not of this folde, and those same must I brynge also, and they shal heare my voyce, and there shalbe one flocke and one shepherde. |
10:17 | Therfore doth my father love me/ be cause I put my lyfe from me/ that I myght take it agayne. | Therfore doth my father love me/ because I put my lyfe from me/ that I myght take it agayne. | Therfore doth my father loue me/ because I put my lyfe from me/ that I myght take it agayne. | Therfore doth my father loue me, because I leaue my life, that I maye take it agayue. |
10:18 | No man taketh it from me: butt I put ytt away off my sylfe. I have power to put it frō me/ and power I have to take it agayne. Thys commaundmēt have I receaved of my father. | No man taketh it from me: but I put it awaye of my selfe. I have power to put it from me/ and have power to take it agayne: This cōmaundment have I receaved of my father. | No man taketh it from me: but I put it awaye of my selfe. I haue power to put it from me/ and haue power to take it agayne: This commaundment haue I receaued of my father. | Nomā taketh it fro me, but I leaue it of my self. I haue power to leaue it, and haue power to take it agayne. This commaundement haue I receaued of my father. |
10:19 | Agayne there was dissencion amonge the iewes for these sayingſ/ | And ther was a dissencion agayne amōge the Iewes for these sayinges/ | And ther was a dissencion agayne amonge the Iewes for these sayinges/ | Then was there discension amōge the Iewes for these sayenges. |
10:20 | and many of them sayd: He hath the devyll/ and is madde: why heare ye hym? | and many of them sayd. He hath the devyll/ and is mad: why heare ye him? | and many of them sayd. He hath the deuyll/ & is mad: why heare ye him? | Many of thē sayde: He hath the deuell, and is madd, why heare ye him? |
10:21 | other sayde these are nott the wordſ off hym that hath the devyll: Can the devyll open the eyes off the blynde? | Other sayde/ these are not the wordes of him that hath the devyll. Can the devyll open the eyes of the blynde? | Other sayde/ these are not the wordes of him that hath the deuyll. Can the deuyll open the eyes of the blynde? | Other sayde: These are not wordes of one that is possessed. Can the deuell also open ye eyes of the blynde? |
10:22 | Hit was at Ierusalem the feaste of the dedicacion/ and itt was wynter: | And it was at Ierusalem ye feaste of the dedicacion/ & it was wynter: | And it was at Ierusalem the feaste of the dedicacion/ | It was the dedicacion of the tēple at Ierusalē, & was wynter, |
10:23 | And Iesus walked in Solomons hall. | and Iesus walked in Salomons porche. | and it was wynter: and Iesus walked in Salomons porche. | and Iesus walked in Salomōs porche. |
10:24 | Then cam the iewes rounde aboute hym/ and sayde vnto hym: Howe longe dost thou make vs doute? Yff thou be Chryst/ tell vs playnly. | Then came the Iewes rounde aboute him/ and sayde vnto him: How longe dost thou make vs doute? Yf thou be Christ/ tell vs playnly. | Then came the Iewes rounde aboute him/ and sayde vnto him: How longe dost thou make vs doute? Yf thou be Christ/ tell vs playnly. | Thē came ye Iewes rounde aboute hī, & saide vnto hī: How lōge dost thou make vs doute? Yf thou be Christ, tell vs planely. |
10:25 | Iesus answered them. I tolde you and ye beleve nott: The workes that I do in my fathers name/ beare witnes off me: | Iesus answered them: I tolde you and ye beleve not. The workes yt I do in my fathers name they beare witnes of me. | Iesus answered them: I tolde you and ye beleue not. The workes that I do in my fathers name/ they beare witnes of me. | Iesus answered thē: I tolde you, & ye beleue not. The workes yt I do in my fathers name, they beare wytnesse of me. |
10:26 | butt ye beleve not/ because ye are not of my shepe. As I sayde vnto you: | But ye beleve not/ because ye are not of my shepe. As I sayde vnto you: | But ye beleue not/ because ye are not of my shepe. | But ye beleue not, because ye are not of my shepe as I sayde vnto you. |
10:27 | my shepe/ heare my voyce/ and I knowe them/ and they folowe me/ | my shepe heare my voyce/ & I knowe them/ & they folowe me/ | As I sayde vnto you: my shepe heare my voyce/ & I knowe them/ and they folowe me/ | My shepe heare my voyce, & I knowe thē, & they folowe me. |
10:28 | and I geve vnto thē eternall lyfe. ād they shall neṽ perisshe/ nether shall eny man plucke them out off my honde. | & I geve vnto thē eternall lyfe/ & they shall never perisshe/ nether shall eny man plucke thē oute of my honde. | and I geue vnto them eternall lyfe/ and they shall neuer perisshe/ nether shall eny man plucke them oute of my honde. | And I geue thē euerlastinge life, & they shal neuer perishe, and nomā shal plucke thē out of my hande. |
10:29 | My father wich gave them me/ is greatter thē all men/ and no mā is able to take thē out off my fathers honde/ | My father which gave thē me/ is greatter then all/ and no man is able to take them out of my fathers honde. | My father which gaue them me/ is greater then all and no man is able to take them out of my fathers honde. | My father which gaue thē me, is greater thē all: & noman is able to plucke them out of my fathers hande. |
10:30 | and I ād my father are one. | And I and my father are one. | And I and my father are one. | I and the father are one. |
10:31 | Then the iewes agayne toke vppe stones/ to stone hym with all. | Then the Iewes agayne toke vp stones/ to stone him with all. | Then the Iewes agayne toke vp stones/ to stone him with all. | Then the Iewes toke vp stones agayne, to stone him. |
10:32 | Iesus answered them: many goode workſ have I shewed you from my father: for which off them wyll ye stone me? | Iesus answered them: many good workes have I shewed you from my father: for which of them will ye stone me? | Iesus answered them: many good workes haue I shewed you from my father: for which of them will ye stone me? | Iesus answered thē: Many good workes haue I shewed you fro my father, for which of thē stone ye me? |
10:33 | The iewes answered hym sayinge: For thy goode workes sake we stone the not: but for thy blasphemy. and be cause that thou beinge a man/ makest thy silfe God. | The Iewes answered him sayinge. For thy good workes sake we stone ye not: but for thy blasphemy/ and because that thou beinge a man/ makest thy selfe God. | The Iewes answered him sayinge. For thy good workes sake we stone the not: but for thy blasphemy/ and because that thou beinge a man/ makest thy selfe God | The Iewes answered hī, and sayde: For the good worke sake we stone the not, but for the blasphemy: and because yt thou beynge a man, makest thy self God. |
10:34 | Iesus answered them: Is it not writtē in youre lawe: I have sayde/ ye are goddes? | Iesus answered them: Is it not written in youre lawe: I saye/ ye are goddes? | Iesus answered them: Is it not written in youre lawe: I saye/ ye are goddes? | Iesus answered thē: Is it not wrytten in youre lawe: I haue sayde, Ye are Goddes? |
10:35 | Yf he called them goddes vnto whom the worde of God was spoken (and the scripture can nott be broken) | If he called thē goddes vnto whom the worde of God was spoken (& the scripture can not be broken) | Yf he called them goddes vnto whom the worde of God was spoken (and the scripture can not be broken) | Yf he call them Goddes, vnto whom the worde of God came (& the scripture can not be brokē) |
10:36 | saye ye then to hym/ whom the father hath sanctified/ and sent into the worlde: Thou blasphemest/ because I sayd I am the sonne of god? | saye ye then to him/ whom the father hath sainctified/ & sent into the worlde/ thou blasphemest/ because I sayd I am the sonne of God? | saye ye then to him/ whom the father hath sanctified/ and sent into the worlde/ thou blasphemest/ because I sayd I am the sonne of God? | saye ye thē vnto hī, whō ye father hath sanctified & sent in to ye worlde: thou blasphemest God, because I sayde: I am ye sonne of God? |
10:37 | Yf I do not the workſ off my father/ beleve me not. | If I do not the workes of my father/ beleve me not. | Yf I do not the workes of my father/ beleue me not. | Yf I do not ye workes of my father, beleue me not: |
10:38 | Butt though ye beleue not me/ yett beleve the workes/ that ye maye knowe ād beleve that the father is in me/ and I in hym. | But if I do though ye beleve not me/ yet beleve the workes/ that ye maye knowe and beleve that the father is in me/ and I in him. | But yf I do/ then though ye beleue not me/ yet beleue the workes/ that ye maye knowe and beleue that the father is in me/ and I in him. | but yf I do thē, thē (yf ye beleue not me) yet beleue ye workes, yt ye maye knowe & beleue, yt the father is in me, & I in ye father. |
10:39 | Agayne they went aboute to take hym/ but he escaped out of their hondes/ | Agayne they went aboute to take him: but he escaped out of their hondes/ | Agayne they went aboute to take him: but he escaped out of their hondes/ | They wente aboute agayne to take him, but he escaped out of their hādes, |
10:40 | and went awaye agayne beyonde Iordan/ into the place where Ihon before had baptised/ and there aboode. | & went awaye agayne beyonde Iordan/ into the place where Iohn before had baptised/ and there aboode. | and went awaye agayne beyonde Iordan/ into the place where Iohn before had baptised/ and there aboode. | and wēte awaye agayne beyōde Iordane, in to ye place where Ihō had baptysed before, & there he abode. |
10:41 | and many resorted vnto hym/ and sayd: Ihon did no miracle. Butt all thyngſ that Ihō spake of this mā are true. | And many resorted vnto him/ and sayd. Iohn dyd no miracle: but all thinges that Iohn spake of this man are true. | And many resorted vnto him & sayd. Iohn dyd no miracle: but all thinges that Iohn spake of this man/ are true. | And many came to hī, and sayde: Ihō dyd no tokēs, but all yt Ihon spake of this man, is true. |
10:42 | And there many beleved on hym. | And many beleved on him theare. | And many beleued on him theare. | And many beleued on him there. |
John: Chapter 9
The Gospell of S. Iohn. The .viiij. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
The Gospell of S. Iohn. The .viiij. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
9:1 | And as Iesus passed by/ he sawe a mā which was blynde from his birth/ | ANd as Iesus passed by/ he sawe a man which was blynde from his birth. | ANd as Iesus passed by/ he sawe a man which was blynde from his byrth. | ANd Iesus passed by, and sawe a man that was borne blynde. |
9:2 | And his disciples axed hym sayinge: Master who did synne: this mā/ or his father and mother/ that he was borne blynde? | And his disciples axed him sayinge. Master/ who dyd synne: this man or his father & mother/ that he was borne blynde? | And his disciples axed him sayinge: Master/ who dyd synne: this man or his father and mother/ that he was borne blynde? | And his disciples axed him, & sayde: Master, Who hath synned? this, or his elders, that he was borne blynde? |
9:3 | Iesus answered: Nether this mā hathe synned/ nor yet his father ād mother: but that the workes of God shulde be shewed ō hym | Iesus answered: Nether hath this man synned/ nor yet his father and mother: but that the workes of God shuld be shewed on him. | Iesus answered: Nether hath this man synned/ nor yet his father and mother: but that the workes of God shuld be shewed on him. | Iesus answered: Nether hath this synned, ner his elders, but that ye workes of God shulde be shewed on him. |
9:4 | I must worke the workſ off hym that sent me/ whill it is daye. The nyght cōmeth/ when no mā can worke. | I must worke the workes of him that sent me/ whyll it is daye. The nyght cometh when noman can worke. | I must worke the workes of him that sent me/ whyll it is daye. The nyght cometh when noman can worke. | I must worke the workes of him that hath sent me, whyle it is daye. The night commeth, whan no man can worke. |
9:5 | As longe as I am in the worlde/ I am the light of the worlde. | As longe as I am in the worlde/ I am the lyght of the worlde. | As longe as I am in the worlde/ I am the lyght of the worlde. | As longe as I am in the worlde, I am the light of the worlde. |
9:6 | As sone as he had thus spoken/ he spate ō the grounde/ and made claye of the spetle/ and rubbed the claye on the eyes off the blynde/ | Assone as he had thus spoken/ he spate on the grounde & made claye of the spetle/ & rubbed the claye on the eyes of the blynde/ | Assone as he had thus spoken/ he spatte on the grounde and made claye of the spetle/ & rubbed the claye on the eyes of the blynde/ | Whan he had thus sayde, he spat on the grounde, and made claye of the spetle, and rubbed the claye on the eyes of the blynde, |
9:7 | and sayde vnto hym: Goo wesshe the in the pole of Siloe (which by in terpretacion/ signifieth sent) He went his waye and wesshed/ and cā agayne seinge. | & sayde vnto him: Goo wesshe the in ye pole of Syloe/ which by interpretacion/ signifieth sent. He went his waye and wasshed/ & cam agayne seinge. | and sayde vnto him: Go wesshe the in the pole of Syloe/ which by interpretacion/ signifieth sent. He went his waye and wasshed & came agayne seinge. | and sayde vnto him: Go thy waye to the pole of Syloha (which is interpretated, sent) and wash the. Then wēte he his waye and wasshed him, and came seynge. |
9:8 | The neghbourſ/ ād they that had sene hym before howe that he was a begger sayde: Is not this he that sate and hegged? | The neghboures and they that had sene him before how that he was a begger/ sayde: is not this he that sate & begged? | The neghboures and they that had sene him before how that he was a begger/ sayde: is not this he that sate and begged? | The neghbours and they that had sene him before, that he was a begger, sayde: Is not this he that sat, and begged? |
9:9 | Some sayde: this is he. other sayd: he is lyke hym. He hym silfe sayde: I am even he. | Some sayde: this is he. Other sayd: he is lyke him. But he him selfe sayde: I am even he. | Some sayde: this is he. Other sayd: he is lyke him. But he him selfe sayde: I am euen he. | Some sayde: It is he. Other sayde: he is like him. But he himself sayde: I am euen he. |
9:10 | They sayde vnto hym: Howe are thyne eyes openned then? | They sayde vnto him: How are thyne eyes opened then? | They sayde vnto him: How are thyne eyes opened then? | Then sayde they vnto him: How are thine eyes opened? |
9:11 | He answered and sayde: The man that is called Iesus/ made claye/ and anoynted myne eyes/ and sayd vnto me: Goo to the pole Siloe/ and wesshe. I went and wesshed and receaved my sight. | He answered & sayde. The mā that is called Iesus/ made claye/ and anoynted myne eyes/ and sayd vnto me: Goo to the pole Syloe and wesshe. I went and wesshed & receaved my syght. | He answered and sayde. The man that is called Iesus/ made claye/ and anoynted myne eyes/ and sayd vnto me: Go to the pole Syloe and wesshe. And I went and wesshed and receaued my syght. | He answered, and sayde: The mā that is called Iesus, made claye, and anoynted myne eyes, and sayde: Go thy waye to the pole of Siloha, and wash the. I wente my waye, & washed me, and receaued my sight. |
9:12 | They sayde vnto hym: where is he? He sayde: I cannot tell. | They sayde vnto him: where is he? He sayde: I cannot tell. | They sayde vnto him: where is he? He sayde: I cannot tell. | Then sayde they vnto him: Where is he? He sayde: I can not tell. |
9:13 | Then brought they to the pharises/ him that a litell before was blynde | Then brought they to ye pharises/ him that a lytell before was blynde: | Then brought they to the pharises/ him that a lytell before was blynde: | Then brought they vnto the pharises, him that a litle before was blynde |
9:14 | (Hit was the saboth daye when Iesus made the claye/ ād opened his eyes) | for it was the Saboth daye when Iesus made the claye & opened his eyes. | for it was the Saboth daye when Iesus made the claye and opened his eyes. | It was the Sabbath, whan Iesus made the claye, and opened his eyes. |
9:15 | Then agayne the pharises also axed hym howe he had receaved his sight. He sayde vnto them: He putt claye apon myne eyes/ And I wasshed/ and I se. | Then agayne the pharises also axed him how he had receaved his syght. He sayde vnto thē: He put claye apon myne eyes and I wasshed/ & do se. | Then agayne the Pharises also axed him how he had receaued his syght. He sayde vnto them: He put claye apon myne eyes & I wasshed/ and do se. | Then agayne the Pharises also axed him, how he had receaued his sight. He sayde vnto thē: He put claye vpon myne eyes, and I wasshed me, & now I se. |
9:16 | Then sayde some of the pharises: This mā is not of god/ be cause he kepeth not the saboth daye. other sayde: howe can a mā that is a synner do suche myracles? And there was stryfe amonge them. | Then sayde some of the pharises: this man is not of God/ because he kepeth not the saboth daye. Other sayde: how can a man yt is a synner/ do suche myracles? And ther was stryfe amonge thē. | Then sayde some of the Pharises: this man is not of God/ because he kepeth not the Saboth daye. Other sayde: how can a man that is a synner/ do suche miracles? And ther was stryfe amonge them. | Then sayde some of the pharises: This man is not of God, seynge he kepeth not ye Sabbath. But the other sayde: How can a synfull man do soch tokens? And there was a stryfe amonge thē. |
9:17 | Then spake they vnto the blynde agayne: What sayst thou of hym/ be cause he hath openned thyne eyes? And he sayd: He ys a prophet. | Then spake they vnto the blynde agayne: What sayst thou of him/ because he hath openned thyne eyes? And he sayd: He is a Prophet. | Then spake they vnto the blynde agayne: What sayst thou of him/ because he hath opened thyne eyes? And he sayd: He is a Prophet. | They sayde agayne vnto ye blynde: What sayest thou of him, that he hath opened thine eyes? He sayde: he is a prophet. |
9:18 | The iewes did nott beleve off the felowe/ howe that he was blynde/ and had receaved hys sight: vntill they had called the father ād mother off hī that had receaved his sight. | But the Iewes dyd not beleve of the felowe/ how that he was blynde & receaved his syght/ vntyll they had called the father and mother of him that had receaved his syght. | But the Iewes dyd not beleue of the felowe/ how that he was blynde and receaued his syght/ vntyll they had called the father and mother of him that had receaued his syght. | The Iewes beleued not hī, that he was blynde, and had receaued his sight, tyll they called the elders of him, that had receaued his sight, |
9:19 | And they axed them saying: Ys this youre sonne/ whome ye saye was borne blynde? Howe doth he nowe se then? | And they axed thē saying: Is this youre sonne/ whome ye saye was borne blynde? How doth he now se then? | And they axed them saying: Is this youre sonne/ whome ye saye was borne blynde? How doth he now se then? | and they axed them, and sayde: Is this youre sonne, whom ye saye, was borne blynde? How doth he now se then? |
9:20 | His father and mother answered them and sayde: we wote wele that this is oure sonne/ and that he was borne blynde: | His father & mother answered them & sayde: we wote well that this is oure sonne/ and that he was borne blynde: | His father and mother answered them and sayde: we wote well that this is oure sonne/ and that he was borne blynde: | His elders answered them, and sayde: We knowe, that this is oure sonne, and that he was borne blynde. |
9:21 | Butt by what meanes he nowe seyth/ that can we nott tell or who hath openned his eyes can we nott tell. He is olde ynough/ axe hym/ lett hym answer for hym sylfe/ off thyngſ that pertayne to hym sylfe. | but by what meanes he now seith/ that can we not tell/ or who hath opened his eyes/ can we not tell. He is olde ynough/ axe him/ let him answer for him selfe. | but by what meanes he now seith that can we not tell/ or who hath opened his eyes/ can we not tell. He is olde ynough/ axe him/ let him answer for him selfe. | But how he now seyeth, we can not tell: or who hath opened his eyes, can we not tell. He is olde ynough himself, axe him, let him speake for him self. |
9:22 | Suche wordſ spake his father/ and mother/ because they feared the iewes/ for the iewes had conspyred allredy that yff eny man did confesse that he was Christ/ he shulde be excommunicat out of the Sinagoge. | Suche wordes spake his father and mother/ because they feared the Iewes. For the Iewes had conspyred all redy that yf eny man dyd confesse that he was Christ/ he shuld be excommunicat out of the synagoge. | Suche wordes spake his father and mother/ because they feared the Iewes. For the Iewes had conspyred all redy that yf eny man dyd confesse that he was Christ he shuld be excommunicat out of the synagoge. | This sayde his elders, because they feared the Iewes. For the Iewes had conspyred allready, that yf eny man dyd confesse that he was Christ, the same shulde be excomunicate. |
9:23 | Therfore sayde his father and mother: he is olde ynongh/ axe hym. | Therefore sayde his father and mother: he is olde ynough/ axe him. | Therfore sayde his father and mother: he is olde ynough/ axe him. | Therfore sayde his elders: He is olde ynough, axe him. |
9:24 | Then agayne called they the man that was blynde and sayd vnto hym: Geve God the prayse/ we knowe thatt thys man ys a synner. | Then agayne called they the man that was blynde/ and sayd vnto him: Geve God the prayse: we knowe that this man is a synner. | Then agayne called they the man that was blynde/ & sayd vnto him: Geue God the prayse: we knowe that this man is a synner. | Then called they the mā agayne yt was blynde, and sayde vnto him: Geue God ye prayse, we knowe that this man is a synner. |
9:25 | He answered and sayde: Whither he be a synner or noo/ I cannot tell: Won thynge I am sure off/ that I was blynde/ and nowe I se. | He answered and sayde: Whyther he be a synner or noo/ I cannot tell: One thinge I am sure of/ that I was blynde/ & now I se. | He answered and sayde: Whyther he be a synner or no/ I cannot tell: One thinge I am sure of/ that I was blynde/ and now I se. | He answered, & sayde: Whether he be a synner or no, I can not tell: one thinge am I sure off, that I was blynde, and now I se. |
9:26 | Then sayde they to him agayne: What did he to the? Howe opened he thyne eyes? | Then sayde they to him agayne. What dyd he to the? How opened he thyne eyes? | Then sayde they to him agayne. What dyd he to the? How opened he thyne eyes? | Thē sayde they vnto him agayne: What dyd he vnto the? How opened he thine eyes? |
9:27 | He answered thē/ I tolde you yerwhyle/ And ye did nott heare. Wherfore wolde ye heare ytt agayne? Wyll ye alsoo be hys disciples? | He answered them/ I tolde you yerwhyle/ and ye dyd not heare. Wherfore wolde ye heare it agayne? Will ye also be his disciples? | He answered them/ I tolde you yer whyle/ & ye dyd not heare. Wherfore wolde ye heare it agayne? Will ye also be his disciples? | He answered them: I tolde you right now. Herde ye it not? What, wil ye heare it agayne? Will ye also be his disciples? |
9:28 | Then rated they hym/ and sayde: Thou arte hys disciple. We are Moses disciples. | Then rated they him/ and sayde: Thou arte his disciple. We be Moses disciples. | Then rated they him/ and sayde: Thou arte his disciple. We be Moses disciples. | Then rayted they him, and sayde: Thou art his disciple. |
9:29 | We are sure that God spake wyth Moses. Thys felowe we knowe not from whence he ys. | We are sure that God spake with Moses. This felowe we knowe not from whence he is. | We are sure that God spake with Moses. This felowe we knowe not from whence he is. | We are sure that God spake wt Moses: As for this felowe, we know not whēce he is. |
9:30 | The man answered/ and sayde vnto thē: this is a merveleous thynge that ye wote nere whence he is/ and yet hath he openned myne eyes. | The man answered and sayde vnto them: this is a merveleous thinge that ye wote not whence he is/ seinge he hath opened myne eyes. | The man answered and sayde vnto them: this is a meruelous thinge that ye wote not whence he is/ seinge he hath opened myne eyes. | The man answered, and sayde vnto thē: This is a maruelous thinge, that ye wote not whence he is, and he hath opened mine eyes. |
9:31 | We knowe wele ynought that God heareth noo synners: But yf eny man be a worshipper of God: and do what his will is/ him heareth he. | For we be sure that God heareth not synners. But yf eny man be a worshipper of God & do his will/ him heareth he. | For we be sure that God heareth not synners. But yf eny man be a worshipper of God and do his will/ him heareth he. | For we knowe that God heareth not ye sinners: but yf eny mā be a fearer of God, and doth his will, him heareth he. |
9:32 | Sence the worlde began was it nott herde that eny mā openned the eyes off won that was borne blind. | Sence ye worlde beganne was it not hearde yt eny man opened the eyes of one that was borne blynd. | Sence the worlde beganne was it not hearde that eny man opened the eyes of one that was borne blynd. | Sens ye worlde beganne was it not herde, that eny man opened the eyes of one that was borne blynde. |
9:33 | if this man were not of god/ he coulde have done noo thynge. | If this man were not of God/ he coulde have done no thinge. | If this man were not of God/ he coulde haue done no thinge. | Yf this man were not of God, he coulde haue done nothinge. |
9:34 | They answered and sayd vnto him: thou arte altogedder borne ī synne: ād dost thou teache vs? And they cast hym out. | They answered and sayd vnto him: thou arte altogeder borne in synne: & dost thou teache vs? And they cast him out. | They answered and sayd vnto him: thou arte altogether borne in synne/ and dost thou teache vs? And they cast him out. | They answered, and sayde vnto him: Thou art alltogether borne in synne, and teachest thou vs? And they thrust him out. |
9:35 | Iesus herde that they had excōmunicate hī/ and as sone as he had founde hym he sayd vnto hym: doest thou beleve on the sonne of God? | Iesus hearde that they had excommunicate him: and assone as he had founde him/ he sayd vnto him: doest thou beleve on the sonne of God? | Iesus hearde that they had excommunicate him: & assone as he had founde him/ he sayd vnto him: doest thou beleue on the sonne of God? | Iesus herde, yt they had thrust him out, and whā he had founde him, he sayde vnto him: Beleuest thou on the sonne of God? |
9:36 | He answered and sayde: And who ys yt lorde/ that I myght beleve on hym? | He answered and sayde: Who is it Lorde/ that I myght beleve on him? | He answered and sayde: Who is it Lorde/ that I myght beleue on him? | He answered, and sayde: LORDE, who is it, yt I might beleue on him? |
9:37 | And Iesus sayde vnto hym: Thou hast both sene hym/ and he it is that talketh with the. | And Iesus sayde vnto him: Thou hast sene him/ & he it is that talketh with the. | And Iesus sayde vnto him: Thou hast sene him/ and he it is that talketh with the. | Iesus sayde vnto him: Thou hast sene him, and he it is, that talketh with the. |
9:38 | And he sayde: lorde I beleve. And worshipped hym. | And he sayde: Lorde I beleve: & worshipped him. | And he sayde: Lorde I beleue: and worshipped him. | He sayde: LORDE, I beleue. And he worshipped him. |
9:39 | Iesus sayde: I am come vnto iudgement/ into this worlde: that they which se nott myght se/ and they which se myght be made blynde. | Iesus sayde: I am come vnto iudgement into this worlde: that they which se not/ myght se/ and they which se/myght be made blynde. | Iesus sayde: I am come vnto iudgement into this worlde: that they which se not myght se/ & they which se myght be made blynde. | And Iesus sayde: I am come to iudgmēt in to this worlde, that they which se not, might se: and that they which se, might be made blynde. |
9:40 | And some off the pharises whych were wyth hym/ herde these wordſ/ and sayde vnto hym: Are we then blynde? | And some of the pharises which were with him/ hearde these wordes & sayde vnto him: are we then blynde? | And some of the Pharises which were with him/ hearde these wordes & sayde vnto him: are we then blynde? | And some of the Pharises yt were with him, herde this, and sayde vnto him: Are we then blynde also? |
9:41 | Iesus sayde vnto thē/ yf ye were blynde/ ye shulde have noo synne: but nowe ye saye we se/ therfore youre synne remayneth. | Iesus sayde vnto them: yf ye were blynde/ ye shuld have no synne. But now ye saye/ we se/ therfore youre synne remayneth. | Iesus sayde vnto them: yf ye were blynde/ ye shuld haue no synne. But now ye saye/ we se/ therfore youre synne remayneth. | Iesus sayde vnto thē: Yf ye were blynde, ye shulde haue no synne. But now that ye saye, we se, therfore youre sonne remayneth. |
John: Chapter 8
The Gospell of S. Iohn. The .viij. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
The Gospell of S. Iohn. The .viij. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
8:1 | IEsus went vnto the mounte Olivete/ | ANd Iesus went vnto mounte Olivete | ANd Iesus went vnto moūte oliuete/ | IEsus wente vnto mount Oliuete, |
8:2 | and erly in the mornynge cam agayne into the temple/ and all the people cam vnto hym/ And he sate doune/ and taught them. | & erly in ye mornynge came agayne in to ye temple & all the people came vnto him/ & he sate doune & taught them. | & erly in the morninge came agayne into the temple & all the people came vnto him/ & he sate doune & taught them. | and early in the mornynge came he agayne in to the temple, and all the people came vnto him. And he sat downe, and taught them. |
8:3 | The scribes ād pharises brought vnto hym a woman taken in advoutry/ and sett her in the middes | And the scribes & ye pharises brought vnto him a woman taken in advoutry/ & set hyr in the myddes | And the Scribes & Pharises brought vnto him a woman takē in aduoutry/ & set hyr in the myddes | And ye scrybes and Pharises brought vnto him a woman taken in aduoutrye, and set her there openly, |
8:4 | and sayde vnto hym: Master thys woman was taken in advoutry/ even as the dede was a doyng. | and sayde vnto him: Master/ this woman was taken in advoutry/ even as the dede was a doyng. | & sayde vnto him: Master/ this womā was taken in aduoutry/ euē as the dede was adoyng. | and sayde vnto him: Master, this woman was taken in aduoutrye, euē as the dede was adoynge. |
8:5 | Moses in the lawe commaunded vs that suche shulde be stoned: What sayst thou therfore? | Moses in the lawe cōmaunded vs yt suche shuld be stoned. What sayest thou therfore? | Moses in the lawe cōmaunded vs that suche shulde be stoned. What sayest thou therfore? | Moses in the lawe commaunded vs to stone soch. What sayest thou? |
8:6 | And thys they sayde to tempt hym: that they myght have/ wher off to accuse hym. Iesus stouped doune/ and wyth hys fynger wrote on the grounde. | And this they sayde to tempt him: that they myght have/ wherof to accuse him. Iesus stouped doune/ & with his fynger wrote on the grounde. | And this they sayde to tempt him: that they myght haue/ wherof to accuse him. Iesus stouped doune/ and with his finger wrote on the grounde. | This they sayde, to tempte him, that they might haue wherof to accuse him. But Iesus stouped downe, and wrote with his fynger vpō the grounde. |
8:7 | And whill they continued axynge hym/ he lifte hym sylfe vppe/ And sayde vnto them: lett hym thatt ys a monge you wyth out synne/ cast the fyrst stone at her. | And whyll they continued axynge him/ he lyfte him selfe vp/ & sayde vnto them: let him yt is amōge you wt out synne cast the fyrst stone at her. | And whyll they continued axinge him/ he lyfte him selfe vp/ & sayde vnto them: let him that is amōge you without synne/ cast the fyrst stone at her. | Now whyle they contynued axynge him, he lift him self vp, and sayde vnto them: He that is amonge you without synne, let him cast the first stone at her. |
8:8 | And agayne he stouped doune and wrote on the grounde. | And agayne he stouped doune & wrote on ye grounde. | And agayne he stouped doune & wrote on the grounde. | And he stouped downe agayne, and wrote vpon the grounde. |
8:9 | As sone as they herde that/ they went out won by won the eldest fyrst. And Iesus was lefte a lone/ and the woman stondynge in the myddes. | And assone as they hearde that/ they went out one by one the eldest fyrst. And Iesus was lefte a lone/ & the woman stondynge in ye myddes. | And assone as they hearde that/ they wēt out one by one/ the eldest fyrst. And Iesus was lefte alone & the woman stondinge in the myddes. | But whan they herde that, they wente out, one after another: the eldest first, and left Iesus alone, and the woman stondinge before him. |
8:10 | When Iesus had lifte vppe hym sylfe agayne/ and sawe noo man butt the woman: He sayde vnto her: Woman/ where are those thyne accusars? Hath no man condempned the? | When Iesus had lyfte vp him selfe agayne/ and sawe no man but the woman/ he sayde vnto hyr. Woman/ where are those thyne accusars? Hath no man condempned the? | When Yesus had lyfte vp him selfe agayne/ & sawe no man but the woman he sayde vnto hyr. Woman/ where are those thyne accusars? Hath no man condempned the? | Iesus lift himself vp, and whan be sawe noman but the woman, he sayde vnto her: Woman, where are thine accusers? Hath noman condempned the? |
8:11 | She sayde: Syr no man. Iesus sayde: Nether do I condempne the. Goo hence and synne no moare. | She sayde: No man Lorde. And Iesus sayde: Nether do I condempne the. Goo/ & synne no moare. | She sayde: No man Lorde And Iesus sayde: Nether do I condēpne the. Go/ and synne no moare. | She sayde: LORDE, no man. Iesus sayde: Nether do I cōdempne the, Go thy waye, and synne nomore. |
8:12 | Then spake Iesus agayne vnto them/ sayīge: I am the light off the worlde: He that foloweth me shall nott walke in darcknes: butt shall have the light of lyfe. | Then spake Iesus agayne vnto them sayinge: I am the light of the worlde. He that foloweth me shall not walke in darcknes: but shall have the light of lyfe. | Then spake Iesus agayne vnto them sayinge: I am the light of the worlde. He that foloweth me/ shall not walke in darcknes: but shall haue the light of lyfe. | Then spake Iesus agayne vnto them, and sayde: I am the light of the worlde. He that foloweth me, shal not walke in darknesse, but shal haue the light of life. |
8:13 | The pharises sayde vnto hym: thou bearest recorde of thy sylfe: thy recorde ys not true. | The pharises sayde vnto him: thou bearest recorde of thy sylfe thy recorde is not true. | The Pharises sayde vnto him: thou bearest recorde of thy silfe/ thy recorde is not true. | Then sayde the Pharises vnto him: Thou bearest recorde of thy self, thy recorde is not true. |
8:14 | Iesus answered and sayde vnto them: And yf I beare recorde off my sylfe/ my recorde is true for I knowe whence I cam/ and whither I goo. Ye cannot tell whence I come/ ād whither I goo. | Iesus answered & sayde vnto them: Though I beare recorde of my selfe yet my recorde is true: for I knowe whēce I came & whyther I goo. But ye cannot tell whēce I come/ & whyther I goo. | Iesus answered & sayd vnto thē: though I beare recorde of my selfe/ yet my recorde is true: for I knowe whence I came & whither I go. But ye cānot tell whēce I came & whither I go. | Iesus answered, and sayde vnto them: Though I beare recorde of my self, yet my recorde is true: for I knowe whence I came, and whither I go: but ye can not tell whence I come, and whither I go. |
8:15 | Ye iudge after the flesshe. I iudge no man/ | Ye iudge after ye flesshe. I iudge noman/ | Ye iudge after the flesshe/ I iudge nomā. | Ye iudge after the flesh, I iudge no man: |
8:16 | ād yff I iudge/ then ys my iudgment true. For I am not a lone: butt I and my father that sent me. | though I iudge yet is my iudgmēt true. For I am not alone: but I & the father that sent me. | And yf I iudge/ my iudgemēt is true. For I am not alone: but I & the father that sent me. | but yf I iudge, my iudgment is true: for I am not alone, but I and the father that hath sent me. |
8:17 | Itt ys also written in youre lawe/ that the testimony of two mē ys true. | It is also written in youre lawe/ that the testimony of two men is true. | It is also written in youre lawe/ that the testimony of two men is true. | It is wrytten also in youre lawe, that the testimony of two men is true. |
8:18 | I am won that beare witnes off my sylfe/ and my father that sent me beareth witnes off me. | I am one yt beare witnes of my selfe/ and the father that sent me/ beareth witnes of me. | I am one that beare witnes of my selfe/ & the father that sent me/ beareth witness of me. | I am one that beare wytnesse of my self: And the father that sent me, beareth wytnes of me also. |
8:19 | Then sayde they vnto hym: Where is thy father? Iesus answered: ye nether knowe me/ nor yet my father. Yff ye had knowen me/ ye shulde have knowen my father alsoo. | Then sayde they vnto him: where is thy father? Iesus answered: ye nether knowe me/ nor yet my father. Yf ye had knowen me/ ye shuld have knowen my father also. | Then sayde they vnto him: where is thy father? Iesus answered: ye nether knowe me/ nor yet my father. Yf ye had knowen me/ ye shuld haue knowē my father also. | Then sayde they vnto him: Where is thy father? Iesus answered: Ye nether knowe me ner yet my father. Yf ye knewe me, ye shulde knowe my father also. |
8:20 | These wordes spake Iesus in the tresury/ as he taught in the temple. And no man layde honhes on hym/ For hys tyme was nott yett come. | These wordes spake Iesus in the tresury/ as he taught in the temple/ & noman layde hondes on him/ for his tyme was not yet come. | These wordes spake Iesus in the tresury/ as he taught in the temple/ & noman layde hondes on him/ for his tyme was not yet come | These wordes spake Iesus vpon the Godschest, as he taught in the tēple. And noman toke him, for his houre was not yet come. |
8:21 | Then sayde Iesus agayne vnto them: I goo my waye/ and ye shall seke me/ and shall deye in youre synnes. Whither I goo thither can ye not come. | Then sayde Iesus agayne vnto them. I goo my waye/ & ye shall seke me/ & shall dye in youre synnes. Whyther I goo/ thyther can ye not come. | Then sayde Iesus agayne vnto them. I go my waye/ and ye shall seke me/ & shall dye in youre synnes. Whyther I goo/ thyther can ye not come. | Then sayde Iesus agayne vnto them: I go my waye, and ye shal seke me, and shal dye in youre synnes: whither I go, thither can not ye come. |
8:22 | Then spake the iewes: wyll he kyll hī sylfe/ be cause he sayth: whither I goo/ thither can ye not come? | Then sayde the Iewes: will he kyll him selfe/ because he sayth: whyther I goo/ thyther can ye not come? | Then sayde the Iewes: will he kyll him selfe/ because he sayth: whyther I go/ thither can ye not come? | Then sayde ye Iewes: Wyl he kyll him self then, that he sayeth: whither I go, thither can not ye come? |
8:23 | And he sayde vnto them: ye are frō beneth/ I am from above. Ye are of this worlde/ I am nott off thys worlde. | And he sayde vnto thē: ye are frō beneth/ I am from above. Ye are of this worlde/ I am not of this worlde. | And he sayde vnto them: ye are from beneth/ I am from aboue. Ye are of this worlde/ I am not of this worlde. | And he sayde vnto them: Ye are from beneth, I am from aboue: Ye are of this worlde, I am not of this worlde. |
8:24 | I sayde therfore vnto you/ that ye shall deye in youre synnes. For except ye beleve that I am he/ ye shall deye in youre synnes. | I sayde therfore vnto you/ that ye shall dye in youre synnes. For except ye beleve that I am he/ ye shall dye in youre synnes. | I sayde therfore vnto you/ that ye shall dye in youre synnes. For except ye beleue that I am he/ ye shall dye in youre synnes. | Therfore haue I sayde vnto you, that ye shal dye in youre synnes. For yf ye beleue not that I am he, ye shal dye in youre synnes. |
8:25 | Then sayde they vnto hym/ who arte thou? And Iesus sayde vnto them: Even the very same thynge that I saye vnto you. | Then sayde they vnto him/ who arte thou? And Iesus sayde vnto them: Even ye very same thinge yt I saye vnto you. | Then sayde they vnto him/ who arte thou? And Iesus sayde vnto them: Euē the very same thinge that I saye vnto you. | Then sayde they vnto him: Who art thou then? And Iesus sayde vnto thē: Euē the very same thinge that I saye vnto you. |
8:26 | I have many thynges to saye/ and to iudge of you. But he that sent me is true. And I speake in the worlde/ those thyngſ whych I have herde of hym. | I have many thinges to saye/ & to iudge of you. But he yt sent me is true. And I speake in ye worlde/ those thingſ which I have hearde of him. | I haue many thinges to saye/ and to iudge of you. Ye and he that sent me is true. And I speake in the worlde/ those thinges which I haue hearde of him. | I haue many thinges to saye and to iudge of you. But he that sent me, is true: and loke what I haue herde of him, that speake I before the worlde, |
8:27 | They vnderstode not that he spake of his father. | They vnderstode not that he spake of his father. | Howbeit they vnderstode not that he spake of his father. | Howbeit they vnderstode not, that he spake of the father. |
8:28 | Then sayde Iesus vnto them: When ye have lift oppe an hye the sonne off man then shall ye knowe that I am he/ and thatt I do nothynge off my silfe/ Butt as my father hath taught me/ even soo I speake. | Then sayde Iesus vnto them: when ye have lyft vp an hye the sonne of man/ then shall ye knowe that I am he/ and that I do nothinge of my selfe: but as my father hath taught me/ even so I speake: | Then sayde Iesus vnto them: when ye haue lyft vp an hye the sonne of man/ then shall ye knowe that I am he/ and that I do nothinge of my selfe: but as my father hath taught me/ euen so I speake: | Then sayde Iesus vnto them: Whan ye haue lift vp an hye the sonne of man, then shal ye knowe that I am he, and that I do nothinge of my self: but as my father hath taught me, euen so I speake. |
8:29 | And he that sent me ys with me. My father hath nott lefte me alone/ For I do alwayes those thyngſ that please hī. | and he that sent me/ is with me. The father hath not lefte me alone/ for I do alwayes those thinges that please him. | and he that sent me/ is with me. The father hath not lefte me alone/ for I do alwayes those thinges that please him. | And he that sent me, is with me. The father leaueth me not alone, for I do alwaie that pleaseth him. |
8:30 | As he spake these wordes/ many beleved on hym. | As he spake these wordes/ many beleved on him. | As he spake these wordes/ many beleued on him. | Whan he thus spake, many beleued on him. Then sayde Iesus vnto the Iewes, that beleued on him: |
8:31 | Then sayde Iesus to those iewes which beleved on hym: Yf ye continue in my sayinge/ then are ye my very disciples: | Then sayde Iesus to those Iewes which beleved on him. If ye cōtinue in my wordes/ then are ye my very disciples/ | Then sayde Iesus to those Iewes which beleued on him. If ye cōtinue in my wordes/ then are ye my very disciples/ & shall knowe the trueth: | Yf ye contynue in my worde, then are ye my very disciples, |
8:32 | and ye shall knowe the trueth: And the trueth shall make you free | & shall knowe the trueth: & the trueth shall make you free. | & the trueth shall make you free. | and ye shall knowe the trueth, and the trueth shal make you fre. |
8:33 | They answered hym: We are Abrahams seede/ and were never bonde to eny man: why sayest thou then: ye shalbe made fre. | They answered him: We be Abrahams seede/ and were never bonde to eny man: why sayest thou then/ ye shalbe made fre. | They answered him: We be Abrahams seede/ and were neuer bonde to eny man: why sayest thou then/ ye shalbe made fre. | Then answered they him: We are Abrahams sede, we were neuer bonde to eny man, how sayest thou then: Ye shal be fre? |
8:34 | Iesus answered them: verely verely I saye vnto you/ that whosoever committeth synne/ is the servaunt of synne. | Iesus answered them: verely verely I saye vnto you/ that whosoever committeth synne/ is the servaunt of synne. | Iesus answered them: verely/ verely I saye vnto you/ that whosoeuer committeth synne/ is the seruaunt of synne. | Iesus answered them, and sayde: Verely verely I saye vnto you: Who so euer doth synne, |
8:35 | And the servaūt abydeth nott in the housse for ever: Butt the sonne abydeth ever. | And the servaunt abydeth not in the housse for ever: But ye sonne abydeth ever. | And the seruaunt abydeth not in the housse for euer: But the sonne abideth euer. | is the seruaunt of synne: As for the seruaunt, he abydeth not in the house for euer, |
8:36 | Yf the sonne therfore shall make you fre/ then are ye fre in dede. | If the sonne therfore shall make you fre/ then are ye fre in dede. | If the sonne therfore shall make you fre/ then are ye fre in dede | but the sonne abydeth euer. Yf the sonne therfore make you fre, then are ye fre in dede. |
8:37 | I knowe that ye are Abrahams seed: butt ye seke meanes to kyll me be cause my sayingſ have noo place in you. | I knowe that ye are Abrahams seed: but ye seke meanes to kyll me/ because my sayinges have no place in you. | I knowe that ye are Abrahās seed: but ye seke meanes to kyll me/ because my sayinges haue no place in you. | I knowe that ye are Abrahams sede, but ye seke to kyll me. For my worde taketh not amonge you. |
8:38 | I speake that I have sene wyth my father: And ye do that whych ye have sene wyth youre father. | I speake that I have sene with my father: and ye do that which ye have sene with youre father. | I speake that I haue sene with my father: and ye do that which ye haue sene with youre father. | I speake that I haue sene of my father, & ye do that ye haue sene of youre father. |
8:39 | They answered and sayde vnto hym: Abraham is oure father. Iesus sayde vnto them. Yf ye were Abrahams children/ ye wolde do the dedes of Abraham. | They answered and sayde vnto him: Abraham is oure father. Iesus sayde vnto them. If ye were Abrahams chyldren/ ye wolde do the dedes of Abraham. | They answered and sayde vnto him: Abraham is oure father. Iesus sayde vnto them. If ye were Abrahams chyldren ye wolde do the dedes of Abraham. | They answered, and sayde vnto him: Abraham is oure father. Iesus sayde vnto them: Yf ye were Abrahams children, ye wolde do the dedes of Abraham. |
8:40 | But nowe ye goo about to kill me/ a man that have tolde you the truthe/ which I have herde off my father. This did not Abraham. | But now ye goo about to kyll me a man that have tolde you the truthe/ which I have herde of god: this dyd not Abraham. | But now ye go about to kyll me/ a man that haue tolde you the truthe which I haue herde of God: this dyd not Abraham. | But now ye go aboute to kyll me, a man, that haue tolde you the trueth, which I haue herde of God, this dyd not Abraham. |
8:41 | Ye do the dedes of youre father. Then sayde they vnto hym: we were nott borne of fornicacion. We have won father that is god. | Ye do the dedes of youre father. Then sayde they vnto him: we were not borne of fornicacion. We have one father/ which is God. | Ye do the dedes of youre father. Then sayde they to him: we were not borne of fornicacion. We haue one father/ which is God. | Ye do the dedes of youre father. Then sayde they vnto him: We are not borne of fornicacion, we haue one father, euen God. |
8:42 | Iesus sayde vnto them: yf god were youre father/ then wolde ye have loved me. For I procede forthe and come from god. Nether cam I of my sylfe/ butt he sent me. | Iesus sayde vnto them: yf God were youre father/ then wolde ye love me. For I proceaded forthe and come from God. Nether came I of my selfe/ but he sent me. | Iesus sayde vnto them: yf God were youre father/ then wolde ye loue me. For I proceaded forthe and come from God. Nether came I of my selfe/ but he sent me. | Iesus sayde vnto them: Yf God were youre father, then wolde ye loue me. For I am proceaded forth, and come from God. For I am not come of my self, but he hath sent me. |
8:43 | Why do ye nott knowe my speache? Be cause ye cannot abyde the hearynge off my wordes. | Why do ye not knowe my speache? Even because ye cannot abyde the hearynge of my wordes. | Why do ye not knowe my speache? Euen because ye cannot abyde the hearynge of my wordes. | Why knowe ye not thē my speach? Euē because ye can not abyde the hearinge of my worde. |
8:44 | Ye are of youre father the devyll/ ād the lustſ off youre father/ ye will folowe: He was a murtherer from the begynnynge/ And aboode nott in the trueth/ be cause there ys noo trueth in hym. When he speaketh a lye/ then speaketh he off hys awne. For he ys a lyar/ and the father therof. | Ye are of youre father the devyll and the lustes of youre father ye will folowe. He was a murtherer from the beginnynge/ and aboode not in the trueth/ because ther is no trueth in him. When he speaketh a lye/ then speaketh he of his awne. For he is a lyar/ and the father therof. | Ye are of youre father the deuyll/ and the lustes of youre father ye will do. He was a murtherer from the beginnynge and aboode not in the trueth/ because ther is no trueth in him. When he speaketh a lye/ then speaketh he of his awne. For he is a lyar/ and the father therof. | Ye are of the father the deuell, and after the lustes of youre father wyl ye do. The same was a murthurer from the begynnynge, and abode not in the trueth: for the trueth is not in him. Whan he speaketh a lye, then speaketh he of his awne: for he is a lyar, and a father of the same. |
8:45 | And because I tell you the trueth/ therfore beleve ye nott me. | And because I tell you ye trueth/ therfore ye beleve me not. | And because I tell you the trueth/ therfore ye beleue me not. | But because I saye the trueth, ye beleue me not. |
8:46 | Which of you can rebuke me off synne? Yf I say the trueth/ why do not ye beleve me? | Which of you can rebuke me of synne? If I saye ye trueth/ why do not ye beleve me? | Which of you can rebuke me of synne? If I saye the trueth/ why do not ye beleue me? | Which of you can rebuke me of one synne? Yf I saye the trueth, why do ye not beleue me? |
8:47 | He that is of Gog/ heareth goddes wordes. Ye therfore heare them not/ be cause ye are nott of God. | He that is of God/ heareth goddes wordes Ye therfore heare them not/ because ye are not of God. | He that is of God heareth goddes wordes. Ye therfore heare them not/ because ye are not of God. | He that is of God, heareth Gods worde. Therfore heare ye not, because ye are not of God. |
8:48 | Thē answered the iewes and sayde vnto hym: Saye we nott well that thou arte a Samaritan ād hast the devyll? | Then answered the Iewes and sayde vnto him: Saye we not well that thou arte a Samaritane/ and hast the devyll? | Then answered the Iewes and sayde vnto him: Saye we not well that thou arte a Samaritane & hast the deuyll? | Then answered the Iewes, and sayde vnto him: Saye we not right, that thou art a Samaritane, and hast the deuell? |
8:49 | Iesus answered: I have not the devyll: butt I honour my father/ ād ye have dishonoured me. | Iesus answered: I have not the devyll: but I honour my father/ and ye have dishonoured me. | Iesus answered: I have not the deuyll: but I honoure my father/ & ye haue dishonoured me. | Iesus answered: I haue no deuell, but I honoure my father, and ye haue dishonoured me. |
8:50 | I seke nott myne awne prayse: There is won that seketh it and iudgeth. | I seke not myne awne prayse: but ther is one that seketh and iudgeth. | I seke not myne awne prayse: but ther is one that seketh and iudgeth. | I seke not myne awne prayse, but there is one that seketh it, and iudgeth. |
8:51 | Verely verely I saye vnto you/ yf a man kepe my sayingſ/ he shall never se deeth. | Verely verely I saye vnto you/ yf a man kepe my sayinges/ he shall never se deeth. | Verely verely I saye vnto you/ yf a man kepe my sayinges/ he shall neuer se deeth. | Verely verely I saye vnto you: Yf eny man kepe my worde, he shal neuer se death. |
8:52 | Then sade the iewes to hym: Nowe knowe we that thou hast the devyll. Abraham is deed/ and also the prophettſ/ and yett thou sayest: yf a mā kepe my sayinge he shall never tast deeth. | Then sayde the Iewes to him: Now knowe we that thou hast the devyll. Abrahā is deed/ and also the Prophetes: and yet thou sayest/ yf a man kepe my sayinge/ he shall never tast of deeth. | Then sayde the Iewes to him: Now knowe we that thou hast the deuyll. Abraham is deed/ and also the Prophetes: and yet thou sayest/ yf a man kepe my sayinge he shall neuer taste of deeth. | Then sayde the Iewes vnto him: Now knowe me, that thou hast the deuell. Abraham is deed and the prophetes, and thou sayest: Yf eny mā kepe my worde, he shal neuer taist of death. |
8:53 | Arte thou greater then oure father Abraham? which is deed? ād the prophettſ are deed. Whome makest thou thy silfe? | Arte thou greater then oure father Abraham which is deed? and the Prophetes are deed. Whome makest thou thy selfe? | Arte thou greater then oure father Abraham/ which is deed? and the Prophetes are deed. Whome makest thou thy selfe? | Art thou greater then oure father Abraham? which is deed, and the prophetes are deed? Whō makest thou thy self? |
8:54 | Iesus answered: Yf I prayse my silfe/ my prayse is nothynge worth. Hit is my father that prayseth me/ whtch ye saye is youre God. | Iesus answered: Yf I honoure my selfe/ myne honoure is nothinge worth. It is my father that honoureth me/ which ye saye/ is youre God/ | Iesus answered: If I honoure my selfe/ myne honoure is nothinge worth. It is my father that honoureth me/ which ye saye/ is youre God/ | Iesus answered: Yf I prayse my self, then is my prayse nothinge. But it is my father that prayseth me, which ye saye is youre God, |
8:55 | And yet have ye not knowē hym: but I knowen hym. And yf I shulde saye/ I knowe hym nott/ I shulde be a lyare lyke vnto you. but I knowe hym/ and kepe is sayinge. | & ye have not knowen him: but I knowe him. And yf I shuld saye/ I knowe him not/ I shuld be a lyar lyke vnto you. But I knowe him/ and kepe his sayinge. | and ye haue not knowen him: but I knowe him And yf I shuld saye/ I knowe him not/ I shuld be a lyar lyke vnto you. But I knowe him/ and kepe his sayinge. | and ye knowe hī not: but I knowe him. And yf I shulde saye, I knowe him not, I shulde be a lyar, like vnto you. But I knowe him, and kepe his worde. |
8:56 | Youre father Abraham was glad to se my daye/ and he sawe it and reioysed. | Youre father Abraham was glad to se my daye/ & he sawe it & reioysed. | Youre father Abraham was glad to se my daye/ and he sawe it and reioysed. | Abraham youre father was glad, that he shulde se my daye, And he sawe it, and reioysed. |
8:57 | Then sayde the iewes vnto hym: Thou arte not yet .l. yere olde/ and hast thou sene Abraham? | Then sayde the Iewes vnto him: thou arte not yet .l. yere olde/ and hast thou sene Abraham? | Then sayde the Iewes vnto him: thou arte not yet .l. yere olde/ and hast thou sene Abraham? | Then sayde the Iewes vnto him: Thou art not yet fiftie yeare olde, and hast thou sene Abraham? |
8:58 | Iesus sayd vnto them: Verely verely I say vnto you: yer Abraham was I am. | Iesus sayd vnto them: Verely verely I saye vnto you: yer Abraham was/ I am. | Iesus sayd vnto them: Verely verely I saye vnto you: yer Abraham was/ I am. | Iesus sayde vnto thē: Verely verely I saye vnto you: Or euer Abraham was, I am. |
8:59 | Then toke they vppe stones/ to caste at hym. but Iesus hid hym silfe/ and went out of the temple. | Then toke they vp stones/ to caste at him. But Iesus hid him selfe/ & went out of ye temple. | Then toke they vp stones/ to caste at him. But Iesus hyd him selfe/ and went out of the temple. | Then toke they vp stones, to cast at him. But Iesus hyd himself, and wente out of the temple. |
John: Chapter 7
The Gospell of S. Iohn. The .vij. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
The Gospell of S. Iohn. The .vij. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
7:1 | AFter that Iesus went about in Galile/ and wolde not goo about in iewry/ for the iewes soughtt to kyll hym. | AFter that/ Iesus wēt about in Galile & wolde not go about in Iewry/ for the Iewes sought to kill him. | AFter that/ Iesus wēt about into Galile & wolde not go about in Iewry for the Iewes sought to kill him. | AFter that wente Iesus aboute in Galile, for he wolde not go aboute in Iewry, because the Iewes sought to kyll him. |
7:2 | The iewes tabernacle feast was at honde. | The Iewes tabernacle feast was at honde. | The Iewes tabernacle feast was at honde. | But the Iewes feast of Tabernacles was at hande. |
7:3 | His brethrē therfore sayde vnto hym: Gett thy silfe hence and goo into iewry that thy disciples maye se thy workes that thou doest. | His brethren therfore sayde vnto him: get ye hence & go into Iewry yt thy disciples maye se thy workes yt thou doest. | His brethrē therfore sayde vnto him: get the hēce & go into Iewry that thy disciples maye se thy workes that thou doest. | Then sayde his brethren vnto him: Get the hēce, and go in to Iewry, that thy disciples also maye se thy workes, that thou doest. |
7:4 | There is no man that doeth eny thynge secretly/ and he hym silfe seketh to be knowē. Yf thou do soche thyngſ/ shewe thy silfe to the worlde. | For ther is no man yt doeth eny thing secretly/ and he him selfe seketh to be knowen. Yf thou do soche thinges/ shewe thy selfe to the worlde. | For ther is no mā that doeth eny thinge secretly/ & he him selfe seketh to be knowē openlye. If thou do soche thinges/ shewe thy selfe to the worlde. | He that seketh to be openly knowne, doth nothinge in secrete. Yf thou do soch thinges, thē shewe yi self before the worlde: |
7:5 | For as yet his brethren beleved not in hym. | For as yet his brethrē beleved not in him. | For as yet his brethren beleued not in him. | For his awne brethren also beleued not in him. |
7:6 | Then Iesus sayd vnto them: My tyme is not yett come/ youre tyme is all waye redy. | Then Iesus sayd vnto them: My tyme is not yet come/ youre tyme is all waye redy. | Then Iesus sayde vnto them: My tyme is not yet come: but youre tyme is all waye redy. | Then sayde Iesus vnto them: My tyme is not yet come, but youre tyme is allwaye ready. |
7:7 | The worlde can not hate you. Me it hateth: Because I testyfy off hitt/ thatt the workes off itt are evyll. | The worlde cānot hate you. Me it hateth: be cause I testify of it/ that the workes of it are evyll. | The worlde cānot hate you. But me it hateth: because I testify of it/ that the workes of it are euyll. | The worlde can not hate you, but me it hateth: because I testifye of it, that the workes of it are euell. |
7:8 | Goo ye vppe vnto this feast/ I will nott goo vppe yett vnto this feaste/ For my tyme is nott yett full come. | Go ye vp vnto this feast. I will not go vp yet vnto this feast/ for my tyme is not yet full come. | Go ye vp vnto this feast. I will not go vp yet vnto this feast/ for my tyme is not yet full come. | Go ye vp vnto this feast, I wyll not go vp yet vnto this feast, for my tyme is not yet fulfylled. |
7:9 | These wordes he sayde vnto them/ and aboode still in Galile. | These wordes he sayde vnto them and abode still in Galile. | These wordes he sayde vnto them/ and abode still in Galile. | Whan he sayde this vnto them, he abode styll in Galile. |
7:10 | As sone as his brethren were goone vppe/ then went he also vppe vnto the feast/ nott openly: butt as it were prevely. | But assone as his brethren were goone vp/ then went he also vp vnto the feast: not openly but as it were prevely. | But assone as his brethren were gone vp/ then went he also vp vnto the feast: not openly/ but as it were preuely. | But as soone as his brethren were gone vp, then wente he vp also vnto the feast, not openly, but as it were secretly. |
7:11 | Then sought hym the iewes at the feast/ and sayde: Where is he? | Then sought him the Iewes at ye feast/ & sayde: Where is he? | Then sought him the Iewes at the feast/ & sayde: where is he? | Then sought him ye Iewes at ye feast, and sayde: Where is he? |
7:12 | And moche murmurynge was there of hym amonge the people. Some sayde He is goode. Wother sayde naye/ but he deceaveth the people. | And moche murmurynge was ther of him amonge the people. Some sayde: He is good. Wother sayde naye/ but he deceaveth the people. | And moche murmuringe was ther of him amōge the people. Some sayde: He is good. Wother sayde naye/ but he deceaueth the people. | And there was a greate murmur of him amonge the people. Some sayde: He is good. But other sayde: No, he doth but disceaue the people. |
7:13 | No man spake openly of hym/ for feare of the iewes. | How be it no mā spake openly of him/ for feare of the Iewes | Howbeit no mā spake openly of him/ for feare of the Iewes. | Howbeit no man spake frely of him, for feare of the Iewes. |
7:14 | In the myddes of the feast/ Iesus went vppe into the temple/ and thaught. | In ye middes of the feast/ Iesus went vp into the temple and taught. | In the middes of the feast/ Iesus went vp into the temple and taught. | But in the myddes of the feast wēte Iesus vp in to the temple, and taught. |
7:15 | And the iewes marveylled/ saiynge: Howe knoweth he the scriptures? seynge that he never learned. | And the Iewes marveylled/ sayinge: How knoweth he ye scriptures/ seynge yt he never learned? | And the Iewes marueyled sayinge: How knoweth he the scriptures/ seynge that he neuer learned? | And the Iewes marueyled and sayde: How can he ye scrypture, seynge he hath not lerned it? |
7:16 | Iesus answered them/ and sayde: My doctrine is nott myne/ butt hys thatt sent me. | Iesus answered them/ and sayde: My doctrine is not myne: but his that sent me. | Iesus answered them/ and sayde: My doctrine is not myne: but his that sent me: | Iesus answered them, and sayde: My doctryne is not myne, but his that hath sent me. |
7:17 | Yff eny man wyll do hys will/ he shall knowe of the doctrine/ whether it be of god: or whether I spake of my silfe. | If eny man will do his will/ he shall knowe of the doctrine/ whether it be of God/ or whether I speake of my selfe. | If eny mā will do his will/ he shall knowe of the doctrine/ whether it be of God/ or whether I speake of my selfe. | Yf eny man wyl do his will, he shal knowe, whether this doctryne be of God, or whether I speake of my self. |
7:18 | He that speaketh of hī silfe/ seketh his awne prayse. Butt whosoever seketh his prayse that sent hī/ he ys true/ ād no vnrightewesnes is in hym. | He that speaketh of him selfe/ seketh his awne prayse. But he that seketh his prayse that sent him/ the same is true/ and no vnrightewesnes is in him. | He that speaketh of him selfe/ seketh his awne prayse. But he that seketh his prayse that sent him/ the same is true and no vnrightewesnes is in him. | He that speaketh of himself, seketh his awne prayse: but he that seketh the prayse of him that sent him, the same is true, & there is no vnrighteousnes in him. |
7:19 | Did not Moses geve you a lawe? And yet none off you kepeth the lawe? Why goo ye a boute to kill me? | Dyd not Moses geve you a lawe/ & yet none of you kepeth ye lawe? Why goo ye a boute to kyll me? | Dyd not Moses geue you a lawe/ & yet none of you kepeth the lawe? Why go ye aboute to kyll me? | Hath not Moses geuen you the lawe? and none of you kepeth the lawe? Why go ye aboute to kyll me? |
7:20 | The people answered ād sayde: Thou hast the devyll. Who goeth aboute to kill the? | The people answered & sayde: thou hast the devyll: who goeth aboute to kyll the? | The people answered & sayde: thou hast the deuyll: who goeth aboute to kill the? | The people answered, and sayde: Thou hast the deuell, who goeth aboute to kyll the? |
7:21 | Iesus answered/ and sayde vnto them/ I have done won worke/ and ye all marvayle. | Iesus answered and sayde to them: I have done one worke/ and ye all marvayle. | Iesus answered and sayde to them: I haue done one worke/ and ye all maruayle. | Iesus answered and sayde: One worke haue I done, and ye all maruayle. |
7:22 | Moses therfore gave vnto you circūcision/ not because it is of Moses/ but of the fathers. And yet ye on the saboth daye circumcise a man. | Moses therfore gave vnto you circumcision: not because it is of Moses/ but of the fathers. And yet ye on the Saboth daye/ circumcise a man. | Moses therfore gaue vnto you circumcision: not because it is of Moses/ but of the fathers. And yet ye on the Saboth daye/ circumcise a man. | Moses gaue you the circumcision, (not because it commeth of Moses, but of ye fathers:) Yet do ye circumcyse a man vpon the Sabbath. |
7:23 | Yf a man on the saboth daye receave circūcision with out breakynge of the lawe off Moses: Disdayne ye at me/ be cause I made a man every whit whoale on the saboth daye? | If a man on the Saboth daye receave circumcision without breakinge of the lawe of Moses: disdayne ye at me/ because I have made a man every whit whoale on the saboth daye? | If a man on the Saboth daye receaue circumcision with out breakinge of the lawe of Moses: disdayne ye at me/ because I haue made a man euery whit whoale on the Saboth daye? | Yf a man receaue circūcision vpon the Sabbath, that the lawe of Moses shulde not be broken, dissdayne ye then at me, because I haue made a mā euery whyt whole on the Sabbath? |
7:24 | Iudge not after the vtter aperaunce: but iudge rightewes iudgement. | Iudge not after the vtter aperaunce: but iudge rightewes iudgement. | Iudge not after the vtter aperaunce: but iudge rightewes iudgement. | Iudge not after the vtter appearaūce, but iudge righteous iudgment. |
7:25 | Then sayd sum of thē of Ierusalem: Is nott this he whom they went aboute to kill? | Then sayd some of them of Ierusalem: Is not this he whō they goo aboute to kyll? | Then sayde some of them of Ierusalem: is not this he whom they go aboute to kyll? | Then sayde some of them of Ierusalem: Is not this he, whō they go aboute to kyll? |
7:26 | beholde he speaketh boldly/ ād they saye nothynge to hī. Do not oure ruelars knowe in dede/ that this is very Christ? | Beholde he speaketh boldly/ and they saye nothinge to him. Do the rulars knowe in dede/ that this is very Christ? | Beholde he speaketh boldly/ & they saye nothinge to him. Do the rulers knowe in dede that this is very Christ? | And beholde, he speaketh boldely, and they saye nothinge to him. Do oure rulers knowe in dede, that he is very Christ? |
7:27 | But we knowe this man whence he is/ but whē Christ cōmeth/ no man shall knowe whence he is. | How be it we knowe this man whence he is: but when Christ cometh/ no man shall knowe whence he is. | Howbeit we knowe this man whence he is: but when Christ cometh/ no mā shall knowe whence he is. | Howbeyt we knowe, whence this is. But whā Christ commeth, no man shal knowe whence he is. |
7:28 | Then cryed Iesus in the temple as he taught sayinge: And me ye knowe/ and whence I am ye knowe: and I am nott come off my silfe. Butt he thatt sent me is true/ whom ye knowe nott. | Then cryed Iesus in ye temple as he taught sayinge: ye knowe me/ and whence I am ye knowe. And yet I am not come of my selfe/ but he yt sent me is true/ whom ye knowe not. | Then cryed Iesus in the tēple as he taught sayinge: ye knowe me/ and whence I am ye knowe. And yet I am not come of my selfe/ but he that sent me is true/ whom ye knowe not. | Then cryed Iesus in the temple as he taught, and sayde: Yee ye knowe me, and whence I am ye knowe, and of my self am I not come, but he yt sent me, is true, whom ye knowe not. |
7:29 | I knowe hym: For I am off hym/ and he hath sent me. | I knowe him: for I am of him/ & he hath sent me. | I knowe him: for I am of him/ & he hath sent me. | But I knowe him, for I am of him, and he hath sent me. |
7:30 | Then sought the iewes to take hym: butt no mā layde hondes on hym/ be cause his tyme was nott yett come. | Then they sought to take him: but no mā layde hondes on him/ because his tyme was not yet come. | Then they sought to take him: but no man layde hondes on him/ because his tyme was not yet come. | Then sought they to take him, but no mam layed handes vpon him, for his houre was not yet come. |
7:31 | Many off the people beleved on hym/ and sayde: When Christ cōmeth: Will he do moo myracles then this man hathe done? | Many of the people beleved on him & sayde: when Christ cometh/ will he do moo miracles then this man hath done? | Many of the people beleued on him & sayde: when Christ cometh/ will he do moo myracles then this man hath done? | But many of the people beleued on him, and sayde: Whan Christ commeth, shall he do mo tokens, then this doth? |
7:32 | The pharises herde that the people murmured suche thyngſ about hym: and the pharises and scribes sent ministers forthe to take hym. | The pharises hearde that the people murmured suche thinges about him. Wherfore ye pharises and hye prestes sent ministres forthe to take him. | The Pharises hearde that the people murmured suche thinges about him. Wherfore the Pharises & hye prestes sent ministers forth to take him. | And it came to the Pharises eares, that ye people murmured soch thinges of him. And the Pharises and hye prestes sent out seruauntes, to take him. |
7:33 | Then sayde Iesus vnto them: Yett am I a lytell whyle with you/ and then goo I vnto hym that sent me. | Then sayde Iesus vnto thē: Yet am I a lytell whyle with you/ and then goo I vnto him that sent me. | Then sayde Iesus vnto them: Yet am I a lytell whyle with you/ and then go I vnto him that sent me. | Then sayde Iesus vnto them: I am yet a litle whyle with you and then go I vnto him that hath sent me. |
7:34 | Ye shall seke me/ and shall nott fynde me: And where I am/ thither can ye nott come. | Ye shall seke me/ and shall not fynde me: and where I am/ thyther can ye not come. | Ye shall seke me/ and shall not fynde me: and where I am/ thyther can ye not come. | Ye shal seke me, & not fynde me: and where I am, thither can ye not come. |
7:35 | Then sayde the iewes betwene them selves: Whither will he goo? that we shall nott fynde hym. Will he goo amonge the gentyls/ which are scattered all a broade/ and teache the gentyls? | Then sayde the Iewes bitwene thē selves: whyther will he goo/ that we shall not fynde him? Will he goo amonge the gentyls which are scattered all a broade/ and teache the gentyls? | Then sayde the Iewes bitwene them selues: whither will he go/ that we shall not fynde him? Will he go amonge the gentyls which are scattered all a broade/ & teache the gentyls: | Then sayde the Iewes amonge them selues: Whyther wil he go, that we shal not fynde him? Wyl he go amōge the Grekes that are scatred abrode, and teach the Grekes? |
7:36 | What maner off sayinge ys thys that he sayde: ye shall seke me/ and shall nott fynde me: And where I/ am thither can ye nott come? | What maner of sayinge is this that he sayde: ye shall seke me/ and shall not fynde me: and where I am/ thyther can ye not come? | What maner of sayinge is this that he sayde: ye shall seke me/ and shall not finde me: and where I am thither can ye not come? | What maner of sayenge is this, that he sayeth: ye shal seke me, and not fynde me: and where I am, thither can not ye come? |
7:37 | In the last daye/ that grett daye off the feaste: Iesus stode and cryed sayinge: Yf eny man thyrst/ lett hym come vnto me and drynke. | In the last daye/ that great daye of the feaste/ Iesus stode and cryed sayinge: If eny man thyrst/ let him come vnto me and drinke. | In the last daye/ that great daye of the feaste Iesus stode & cryed sayinge: If eny man thyrst/ let him come vnto me and drincke. | But in the last daye which was ye most solempne daye of the feast, Iesus stode vp, cried, and sayde: Who so thyrsteth, let him come vnto me, and drynke. |
7:38 | Whosoever beleveth on me/ as sayeth the scripture/ out off his belly shall flowe ryvers off water off lyfe. | He that beleveth on me/ as sayeth the scripture/ out of his belly shall flowe ryvers of water of lyfe. | He that beleueth on me/ as sayeth the scripture/ out of his belly shall flowe ryuers of water of lyfe. | He that beleueth on me, as the scripture sayeth, out of his body shal flowe ryuers of the water of life. |
7:39 | This spake he off the sprete/ which they that beleved on hym shulde receave. For the holy gost was not yet there/ because that Iesus was nott yett glorified. | This spak he of the sprete which they that beleved on him/ shuld receave. For the holy goost was not yet there/ because that Iesus was not yet glorifyed. | This spake he of the sprete which they that beleued on him/ shulde receaue. For the holy goost was not yet there/ because that Iesus was not yet glorifyed. | (But this spake he of the sprete, which they that beleue on him, shulde receaue. For the holy goost was not yet there, because Iesus was not yet glorifyed.) |
7:40 | Many off the people/ when they herde this sayinge sayde: This is/ no doute/ a prophet. | Many of the people/ when they hearde this sayinge sayd: of a truth this is a prophet | Many of the people/ when they hearde this saying sayd: of a truth this is a prophet: | Many of the people now whan they herde this sayenge, sayde: This is a very prophet. |
7:41 | Wother sayde: this is Christ. Some sayde: shall Christ come out off galile? | Other sayde: this is Christ. Some sayde: shall Christ come out of Galile? | other sayde/ this is Christ: some sayde: shall Christ come out of Galile? | Other sayde: He is Christ. But some sayde: Shal Christ come out of Galile? |
7:42 | Sayeth nott the scripture that Christ shall come off the seed off David: and out off the toune off Bethleem where David was? | Sayeth not the scripture that Christ shall come of the seed of David: & out of the toune of Bethleem where David was? | Sayeth not the scripture that Christ shall come of the seed of Dauid: & out of the toune of Bethleem where Dauid was? | Sayeth not the scripture, that Christ shal come of the sede of Dauid, and out of the towne of Bethleem, where Dauid was? |
7:43 | So was there dissenciō amonge the people for hys sake. | So was ther dissencion amonge the people aboute him. | So was ther dissencion amonge the people aboute him. | Thus was there discencion amonge the people for his sake. |
7:44 | And some off them wolde have taken hym: butt noo man layed hondes on hym. | And some of them wolde have taken him: but no man layed hondes on him. | And some of them wolde haue taken him: but no man layed hondes on him. | Some of them wolde haue taken him, but no man layed handes on him. |
7:45 | Then cam the ministers to the hye prestes/ ād pharises. And they sayde vnto them: why have ye not brought hym? | Then came ye ministres to ye hye prestes & pharises. And they sayde vnto thē: why have ye not brought him? | Then came the ministers to the hye prestes & Pharises. And they sayde vnto thē: why haue ye not brought him? | The seruauntes came to the hye prestes and pharises, and they sayde vnto them: Why haue ye not brought him? |
7:46 | The servauntſ answered: never man spake as thys man speaketh. | The servaūtſ answered never man spake as this man doeth. | The seruaūtes answered: neuer man spake as this mā doeth. | The seruauntes answered: Neuer mā spake as this man doth. |
7:47 | Then answered them the pharises: Are ye alsoo disceaved? | Then answered thē the pharises: are ye also disceaved? | Then answered thē the Pharises: are ye also disceaued? | Then answered them the pharises: Are ye also disceaued? |
7:48 | Doth eny of the ruelers/ or off the pharises beleve on hym? | Doth eny of the rulers or of the pharises beleve on him? | Doth eny of the rulers or of the Pharises beleue on him? | Doth eny of the rulers or pharises beleue on him? |
7:49 | butt the commen people whyche knowe nott the lawe are a cursed. | But the comen people whiche knowe not ye lawe/ are cursed. | But the comē people which knowe not the lawe/ are cursed. | But the comon people which knowe not the lawe, are cursed. |
7:50 | Nicodemus sayde vnto them (He that cam to Iesus by nyght whych was one off them) | Nicodemus sayde vnto them: He that came to Iesus by nyght/ and was one of them. | Nicodemus sayde vnto them: He that came to Iesus by nyght/ and was one of them. | Nicodemus sayde vnto them, he that came to him by night, which was one of them: |
7:51 | Doth oure lawe iudge eny man/ before it be herde/ and knowen/ what he hath done? | Doth oure lawe iudge eny man/ before it heare him/ & knowe what he hath done? | Doth oure lawe iudge eny man before it heare him/ & knowe what he hath done? | Doth oure lawe iudge eny man, before it heare him, and knowe what he hath done? |
7:52 | They answered/ and sayde vnto hym: Arte thou alsoo off Galile? Searche and loke/ for out of Galile aryseth noo prophet. | They answered & sayde vnto him: arte thou also of Galile? Searche and loke/ for out of Galile aryseth no Prophet. | They answered and sayde vnto him: arte thou also of Galile? Searche and loke/ for out of Galile aryseth no Prophet. | They answered and sayde vnto him? Art thou a Galilean also? Searche and loke, out of Galile aryseth no prophet. |
7:53 | And every man went vnto his awne housse. | And every man went vnto his awne housse. | And euery man went vnto his awne housse. | And so euery man wente home. |
John: Chapter 6
The Gospell of S. Iohn. The .vj. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
The Gospell of S. Iohn. The .vj. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
6:1 | AFter that wēt Iesus his waye over the see of galile nye to a cite called Tiberias. | AFter these thinges Iesus wēt his waye over the see of Galile nye to a cyte called Tiberias. | AFter these thinges Iesus wēt his waye ouer the see of Galile nye to a cite called Tiberias. | AFter this wente Iesus ouer the see vnto the cite Tiberias in Galilee. |
6:2 | And a greate multitude folowed hym/ be cause they hadde sene the myracles that he did ō them which were diseased. | And a greate multitude folowed him/ because they had sene his myracles which he dyd on them that were diseased. | And a greate multitude folowed him/ because they had sene his myracles which he dyd on them that were diseased. | And moch people folowed him, because they sawe the tokens that he dyd vpon thē which were diseased. |
6:3 | Iesus went vp into a mountayne/ and there he sate with his disciples | And Iesus went vp into a mountayne/ & there he sate with his disciples. | And Iesus wēt vp into a mountayne/ and there he sate with his disciples. | But Iesus wēte vp in to a mountayne, and there he sat with his disciples. |
6:4 | (And ester a feast of the iewes/ was nye) | And ester/ a feast of ye Iewes/ was nye. | And ester/ a feast of the Iewes/ was nye | And Easter ye feast of the Iewes was nye. |
6:5 | Thē Iesus lifte vppe hys eyes/ and sawe a greate company come vnto hym/ and sayde vnto Phillip: whence shall we bye breed tbat these might eate: | Then Iesus lifte vp his eyes/ & sawe a greate cōpany come vnto him/ and sayde vnto Philip: whence shall we bye breed yt these might eate. | Then Iesus lyfte vp his eyes/ & sawe a greate cōpany come vnto him/ and sayde vnto Philip: whence shall we bye breed that these myght eate. | Then Iesus lift vp his eyes, and sawe yt there came moch people vnto him, and he sayde vnto Philippe: Whence shal we bye bred, yt these maye eate? |
6:6 | This he sayde to prove hym. For he hym sylfe knewe what he wolde do. | This he sayde to prove him: for he him sylfe knewe what he wolde do. | This he sayde to proue him: for he him selfe knewe what he wolde do. | But this he sayde to proue him, for he himself knewe, what he wolde do. |
6:7 | Philip answered him/ two hōdred peny worthe of breed are not sufficient for thē/ that every man have a litell. | Philip answered him/ two hondred peny worthe of breed are not sufficient for them/ yt every mā have a litell. | Philip answered him/ two hondred peny worthe of breed are not sufficient for them/ that euery mā haue a lytell. | Philippe answered him: Two hundreth peny worth of bred is not ynough amonge thē, yt euery one maye take a litle. |
6:8 | Then sayde vnto hym/ won off hys disciples (Andrew Simon Peters brother) | Then sayde vnto him/ one of his disciples/ Andrew Simon Peters brother. | Then sayd vnto him one of his disciples/ Andrew Simon Peters brother. | Thē sayde vnto hī one of his disciples, Andrew ye brother of Symō Peter: |
6:9 | There ys a ladde here/ whych hath fyve barly loves/ and two fisshes: butt what ys that amonge so many? | There ys a lad here/ which hath fyve barly loves and two fisshes: but what is that amōge so many? | There is a lad here/ which hath fyue barly loues and two fisshes: but what is that amonge so many? | There is a lad here, yt hath fyue barlye loaues, and two fishes, but what is that amōge so many? |
6:10 | Iesus sayde: Make the people to sit doune. (There was moche grasse in the place) And the men sate doune/ in nombre/ about five thousande. | And Iesus sayde. Make the people sit doune: Ther was moche grasse in the place. And the men sate doune/ in nombre/ about five thousande. | And Iesus sayde: Make the people sit doune: Ther was moche grasse in the place. And the men sate doune/ in nōbre/ about fyue thousand. | Iesus sayde: Make the people syt downe. There was moch grasse in the place. Then they sat thē downe, aboute a fyue thousande men. |
6:11 | Iesus toke the breed/ and gave thankſ/ and gave to his disciples/ ād his disciples/ to them that were sett doune. And likwyse of the fysshes/ as moche as they wolde. | And Iesus toke the breed/ and gave thankes/ and gave to the disciples/ and his disciples to them that were set doune. And lykwyse of the fysshes/ as moche as they wolde. | And Iesus toke the breed/ and gaue thankes and gaue to the disciples/ and his disciples to them that were set doune. And lykewyse of the fysshes as moche as they wolde. | Iesus toke the loaues, thanked, and gaue them to the disciples: the disciples (gaue) to them that were set downe. Likewyse also of the fishes as moch as they wolde. |
6:12 | When they had eten ynought/ he sayde vnto his disciples: gadder vppe the brokē meate that remayneth: that nothinge be loost. | When they had eatē ynough/ he sayd vnto his disciples: gadder vp the brokē meate that remayneth: that nothinge be loost. | When they had eate ynough he sayd vnto his disciples: gather vp the brokē meate that remayneth: that nothinge be loost. | Whan they were fylled, he sayde vnto his disciples: Gather vp the broken meate that remayneth, that nothinge be lost. |
6:13 | They gaddered it togedder/ and filled twelve basketſ wyth the broken meate/ of the five barly loves/ which broken meate remayned vnto them that had eaten. | And they gadered it to geder/ and fylled twelve baskettes with the broken meate/ of the five barly loves/ which broken meate remayned vnto thē that had eaten. | And they gadered it to gether/ and filled twelue baskettes with the brokē meate/ of the fiue barly loues: which brokē meate remayned vnto them that had eaten. | Thē they gathered, and fylled twolue baskettes with the brokē meate, that remayned of the fyue barlye loaues, vnto them which had eaten. |
6:14 | Then those men/ when they had sene te myracle that Iesus did/ sayde: This is off a trueth the same prophet which shall come īto the worlde. | Then the men/ when they had sene the myracle that Iesus dyd/ sayde: This is of a trueth the Prophet that shuld come into the worlde. | Then the men/ when they had sene the myracle that Iesus dyd/ sayde: this is of a trueth the Prophet that shulde come into the worlde. | Now whan the men sawe the token yt Iesus dyd, they saide: This is of a trueth the Prophet, yt shulde come in to the worlde. |
6:15 | Iesus knew wele ynough/ that they wolde come/ and take hym vppe/ to make hym kynge: and therfore departed he agayne/ into a mountayne/ hym silfe a lone. | When Iesus perceaved that they wolde come/ and take him vp/ to make him kinge/ he departed agayne into a mountayne him silfe a lone. | When Iesus perceaued that they wolde come/ and take him vp to make him kynge/ he departed agayne into a mountayne him selfe alone. | Whan Iesus now perceaued that they wolde come, and take him vp, to make him kynge, he gat him awaye agayne in to a mountayne himself alone. |
6:16 | When even was come his disciples went vnto the see/ | And when evē was come/ his disciples wēt vnto the see | And when euē was come/ his disciples wēt vnto the see | At euen wente his disciples downe to ye see, |
6:17 | and entred into a shyppe. And went over the see vnto capernaum. And anon it was darcke/ and Iesus was not come to them. | & entred into a shyppe/ and went over the see vnto Capernaum. And anōne it was darcke/ & Iesus was not come to them. | & entred into a shyppe and went ouer the see vnto Capernaum. And anone it was darcke/ & Iesus was not come to them. | and entred in to the shippe, and came to the other syde of ye see vnto Capernaū. And it was darcke allready. And Iesus was not come to thē. |
6:18 | And the see arose with a greate wynde. | And ye see arose with a greate winde yt blew. | And the see arose with a greate wynde that blew. | And ye see arose thorow a greate wynde. |
6:19 | whē they had rowē aboute a xxv. or a xxx. furlongſ/ they sawe Iesus walke on the see/ and to drawe nye vnto the shyppe/ and they were afrayed. | And when they had rowē aboute a .xxv. or a xxx. furlongſ/ they sawe Iesus walke on ye see/ & drawe nye vnto the shyp/ and they were afrayed. | And when they had rowen aboute a xxv. or a .xxx. furlonges/ they sawe Iesus walke on the see/ & drawe nye vnto the shyp/ and were afrayed. | Now whan they had rowed vpō a fyue and twētie or thirtie furlonges, they sawe Iesus goinge vpon the see, and came nye to the shippe. And they were afrayed. |
6:20 | He sayd vnto them: Itt is I/ be nott a frayde. | And he sayde vnto them: It is I/ be not a frayde. | And he sayde vnto them: It is I/ be not a frayde. | But he sayde vnto them: It is I, be not afrayed. |
6:21 | Then wolde they have receaved hym īto the shippe/ and the shippe was by and by at the londe whyther they went. | Then wolde they have receaved him into the shyp/ and the ship was by & by at the londe whyther they went. | Then wolde they haue receaued him into the shyp/ and the shyp was by & by at the londe whither they went. | Then wolde they haue receaued him in to ye shippe. And immediatly ye shippe was at the londe whither they wente. |
6:22 | The daye folowynge/ the people which stode on the other syde of the see/ sawe that there was none other shyppe there save that won wher in his disciples were entred/ and that Iesus went nott in with them into the shippe: butt that hys disciples were gone awaye alone | The daye folowynge/ the people which stode on the other syde of the see/ sawe that ther was none other shyp theare/ save yt one wher in his disciples were entred/ and that Iesus went not in with his disciples into the ship: but that his disciples were gone awaye alone. | The daye folowinge/ the people which stode on the other syde of the see/ sawe that ther was none other shyp theare/ saue that one wherinto his disciples were entred/ & that Iesus wēt not in with his disciples in the shyp: but that his disciples were gone awaye alone. | The nexte daye after, the people which stode on the other syde of the see, sawe that there was none other shippe there saue that one, wherinto his disciples were entred: and that Iesus wēte not in with his disciples in to the shippe, but yt his disciples were gone awaie alone. |
6:23 | (There cam other shippes from Tiberias nye vnto the place/ where they ate breed/ whē the lorde had blessed) | How be it/ ther came other shippes from Tiberias nye vnto the place/ where they ate breed/ when the Lorde had blessed. | Howbe it/ ther came other shyppes from Tiberias nye vnto the place/ where they ate breed/ when the Lorde had blessed. | Howbeit there came other shippes from Tiberias, nye vnto ye place where they had eatē the bred, after yt the LORDE had geuen thankes. |
6:24 | Then when the people sawe that Iesus was not there nether hys disciples/ They also toke shippynge and cam to Caparnaū sekinge for Iesus. | Then whē the people sawe that Iesus was not there nether his disciples/ they also toke shippinge & came to Caparnaum sekinge for Iesus. | Then when the people sawe that Iesus was not there nether his disciples/ they also toke shippinge & came to Capernaum sekinge for Iesus. | Now whan the people sawe that Iesus was not there, nether his disciples, they toke shippe also, and came to Capernaum, and sought Iesus. |
6:25 | And when they had founde hym on the other syde of the see/ they sayd vnto hym: Master whē camest thou hidder? | And when they had founde him on ye other syde of ye see/ they sayd vnto him: Rabbi/ whē camest thou hidder? | And when they had founde him on the other side of the see/ they sayd vnto him: Rabbi/ whē camest thou hidder? | And whan they founde him on the other syde of the see, they sayde vnto him: Master, whan camest thou hither? |
6:26 | Iesus answered them and sayde: verely verely I saye vnto you: ye seke me/ nott be cause ye sawe the myracles: but be cause ye ate of the breed/ and were filled. | Iesus answered them & sayde: verely verely I saye vnto you: ye seke me/ not because ye sawe the myracles: but be cause ye ate of the loves/ & were filled. | Iesus answered them & sayde: verely/ verely I saye vnto you: ye seke me/ not because ye sawe the myracles: but because ye ate of the loues/ & were filled. | Iesus answered thē, & sayde: Verely verely I saye vnto you: Ye seke me not because ye sawe ye tokēs, but because ye ate of the loaues, and were fylled. |
6:27 | Laboure not for the meate which perissheth/ but for the meate that endureth vnto everlastynge lyfe/ whiche meate the sonne of mā shall geve vnto you. For hym hath god the father sealed. | Laboure/ not for ye meate which perissheth/ but for ye meate that endureth vnto everlastynge lyfe/ whiche meate ye sonne of mā shall geve vnto you. For him hath god ye father sealed. | Laboure not for the meate which perissheth/ but for the meate that endureth vnto euerlastinge lyfe/ which meate the sonne of man shall geue vnto you. For him hath God the father sealed. | Laboure not for the meate which perisheth but yt endureth vnto euerlastinge life, which the sonne of mā shal geue you: For him hath God the father sealed. |
6:28 | Then sayde they vnto hym: what shall we do that we myght worke the workes of god? | Then sayd they vnto him: what shall we do that we myght worke ye workes of God? | Then sayde they vnto him: what shall we do that we myght worke the workes of God? | Thē sayde they vnto him: What shal we do, that we maye worke ye workes of God? |
6:29 | Iesus answered and sayd vnto them: This is the worke of god/ that ye beleve on him/ whom he hath sent. | Iesus answered & sayde vnto them. This is ye worke of God/ that ye beleve on him/ whō he hath sent. | Iesus answered & sayde vnto them. This is the worke of God/ that ye beleue on him/ whō he hath sent. | Iesus answered, and sayde vnto thē: This is the worke of God, that ye beleue on him, whom he hath sent. |
6:30 | They sayde vnto hym: what signe shewest thou then? that we maye se and beleve the. What doest thou worke? | They sayde vnto him: what signe shewest thou then/ that we maye se & beleve the? What doest thou worke? | They sayde vnto him: what signe shewest thou then/ that we maye se & beleue the? What doest thou worke? | Then sayde they vnto him: What token doest thou thē, that we maye se and beleue ye? What workest thou? |
6:31 | oure fathers did eate manna in the desert/ as yt ys written: He gave them breed from heven to eate. | Oure fathers dyd eate Manna in the desert/ as yt is writtē: He gave them breed frō heaven to eate. | Oure fathers dyd eate Manna in the desert/ as it is wryttē: He gaue them breed from heauen to eate. | Oure fathers ate Māna in the wyldernesse, as it is wryttē: He gaue thē bred frō heauen to eate. |
6:32 | Iesus sayde vnto thē: verely verely I saye vnto you: Moses gave you not breed from heven: but my father geveth you the true breed from heven. | Iesus sayde vnto thē: verely verely I saye vnto you: Moses gave you breed frō heavē: but my father geveth you the true breed frō heavē. | Iesus sayde vnto them: verely/ verely I saye vnto you: Moses gaue you not breed from heauen: but my father geueth you the true breed frō heauen. | Then sayde Iesus vnto thē: Verely verely I saye vnto you: Moses gaue you not bred from heauē, but my father geueth you the true bred from heauen: |
6:33 | For he is the breed of God/ which commeth doune from heven/ and geveth lyfe vnto the worlde. | For the breed of God is he which cōmeth doune from heavē and geveth lyfe vnto the worlde. | For the breed of God is he which commeth doune from heauen/ and geueth lyfe vnto the worlde. | For this is that bred of God, which commeth from heauen, and geueth life vnto the worlde. |
6:34 | Then sayde they vnto hym: Master ever moore geve vs this breed. | Then sayde they vnto him: Lorde/ ever moore geve vs this breed. | Then sayde they vnto him: Lorde/ euer more geue vs this breed. | Thē sayde they vnto him: Syr, geue vs allwaye soch bred. |
6:35 | And Iesus sayde vnto them: I am that breed of lyfe. He that commeth to me/ shall not honger: and he that beleveth on me shall never thurst. | And Iesus sayde vnto them: I am that breed of life. He that cōmeth to me/ shall not honger: & he that beleveth on me shall never thurst. | And Iesus sayde vnto them: I am that breed of lyfe. He that cōmeth to me/ shall not honger: & he that beleueth on me shall neuer thurst. | But Iesus sayde vnto thē: I am yt bred of life. He that cōmeth vnto me, shal not hūger: & he that beleueth on me, shal neuer thyrst. |
6:36 | Butt I saye vnto you: that ye have sene me/ and yett beleve ye not. | But I sayed vnto you: that ye have sene me/ aud yet beleve not. | But I sayed vnto you: that ye haue sene me/ and yet beleue not. | But I haue sayde vnto you, yt ye haue sene me, and yet ye beleue not. |
6:37 | All that my father geveth me/ commeth to me: and hym that cōmeth to me/ cast I not out at the dores. | All that the father geveth me/ shall come to me: & him yt cometh to me/ I cast not awaye. | All that the father geueth me shall come to me: & him that cometh to me/ I cast not awaye. | All that my father geueth me, cōmeth vnto me: and who so cōmeth vnto me, him wyl not I cast out: |
6:38 | For I cam doune from heven: nott to do myne awne will: butt his will whiche hathe sent me. | For I came doune frō heaven: not to do myne awne will/ but his will which hath sent me. | For I came doune from heauē: not to do myne awne will/ but his will which hath sent me. | for I am come downe from heauē, not to do myne awne wyll, but the wyll of him that hath sent me. |
6:39 | And this is my fathers will which hath sent me/ that oo all which he hath geven me/ I shulde loose noo thynge: but shulde rayse it vp agayne at the last daye. | And this is the fathers will which hath sent me/ that of all which he hath geven me/ I shuld loose no thinge: but shuld rayse it vp agayne at the last daye. | And this is the fathers will which hath sent me/ that of all which he hath geuen me/ I shulde loose no thinge: but shuld rayse it vp agayne at the last daye. | This is ye will of the father, which hath sent me, that of all that he hath geuē me, I shulde lose nothinge, but shulde rayse it vp agayne at the last daye. |
6:40 | And this is the wyll off hym that sent me/ That every man whych seith the sonne/ And beleveth ō hym/ have everlastynge lyfe. And I wyll rayse hym vp att the last daye. | And this is the wyll of him yt sent me: yt every man which seith ye sonne & beleveth on him/ have everlastinge lyfe. And I will rayse him vp at ye last daye. | And this is the wyll of him that sent me: that euery man which seith the sonne and beleueth on him/ haue euerlastinge lyfe. And I will rayse him vp at the last daye. | This is the wyl of him which hath sent me, that, who soeuer seyth the sonne and beleueth on him, haue euerlastinge life, and I shal rayse him vp at the last daye. |
6:41 | The iewes murmured att itt/ be cause he sayde: I am thatt breed which is come doune from heven. | The Iewes then murmured at him/ because he sayde: I am that breed which is come doune from heaven. | The Iewes then murmured at him/ because he sayd: I am that breed which is come doune from heauen. | Thē murmured the Iewes therouer, that he sayde: I am yt bred which is come downe from heauē, |
6:42 | And they sayde: Is nott this Iesus the sonne of Ioseph/ whose father/ and mother we knowe? Howe ys yt then thatt he sayeth/ I cam doune from heven? | And they sayde: Is not this Iesus ye sonne of Ioseph/ whose father & mother we knowe? How ys yt then that he sayeth/ I came doune from heavē? | And they sayde: Is not this Iesus the sonne of Ioseph/ whose father and mother we knowe? How is it then that he sayeth/ I came doune from heauē? | and they sayde: Is not this Iesus, Iosephs sonne, whose father and mother we knowe? How sayeth he then, I am come downe from heauen? |
6:43 | Iesus answered and sayde vnto them: Murmur not betwene youre selves. | Iesus answered & sayde vnto them. Murmur not betwene youre selves. | Iesus answered & sayde vnto them. Murmur not betwene youre selues. | Iesus answered, and sayde vnto them: Murmur not amonge youre selues. |
6:44 | No man can come to me except my father which hath sent me/ drawe hym. And y will rayse hym vp at the last daye. | No man can come to me except the father which hath sent me/ drawe him. And I will rayse him vp at the last daye. | No man can come to me except the father which hath sent me/ drawe him. And I will rayse him vp at the last daye. | No man can come vnto me, excepte the father which hath sent me, drawe him. And I shal rayse him vp at the last daye. |
6:45 | Hit is written in the prophetes: And they shall all be taught of God. Every man which hath herde/ and learned of the father/ commeth vnto me/ | It is written in the Prophetes/ yt they shall all be taught of God. Every man therfore that hath hearde and hath learned of the father commeth vnto me. | It is writtē in the prophetes that they shalbe all taught of God. Euery man therfore that hath hearde and hath learned of the father commeth vnto me. | It is wrytten in the prophetes: They shal all be taught of God. Who so euer now heareth it of the father, and lerneth it, commeth vnto me. |
6:46 | not that eny man hath sene the father/ save he which is off God. The same hath sene the father. | Not that eny man hath sene ye father/ save he which is of God: the same hath sene the father. | Not that eny man hath sene the father/ saue he which is of God: the same hath sene the father. | Not that eny man hath sene the father, saue he which is of the father, the same hath sene the father. |
6:47 | Verely verely I saye vnto you/ he that beleveth on me hat everlastynge lyfe. | Verely verely I saye vnto you/ he that beleveth on me/ hath everlastinge lyfe. | Verely/ verely I saye vnto you/ he that beleueth on me/ hath euerlastinge lyfe. | Verely verely I saye vnto you: He that beleueth on me, hath euerlastinge life. |
6:48 | I am that breed of lyfe. | I am that breed of lyfe. | I am that breed of lyfe. | I am that bred of life. |
6:49 | Youre fathers did eate manna in the wildernes/ and are deed. | Youre fathers dyd eate Māna in ye wildernes & are deed. | Youre fathers dyd eate Manna in the wildernes and are deed? | Youre fathers ate Manna in the wyldernes, and are deed. |
6:50 | This is that breed which commeth from heven/ that he wich off it eateth/ shulde also not deye. | This is that breed which cōmeth frō heavē/ yt he which eateth of it/ shuld also not dye. | This is that breed which cōmeth from heauen that he which eateth of it/ shuld also not dye. | This is that bred which commeth from heauen, that who so eateth therof, shulde not dye. |
6:51 | I am that livynge breed which cam doune from heven. Yf eny man eate of this breed/ he shall live for ever. And the breed that I will geve/ is my flesshe/ which I will geve for the lyfe of the worlde. | I am that lyvinge breed which came doune from heavē. Yf eny man eate of this breed/ he shall live forever. And the breed that I will geve/ is my flesshe/ which I will geve for the lyfe of ye worlde | I am that lyuinge breed which came doune from heauē. If eny man eate of this breed/ he shall liue for euer. And the breed that I will geue/ is my flesshe/ which I will geue for the lyfe of the worlde. | I am that lyuynge bred, which came downe frō heauen: Who so eateth of this bred, shal lyue for euer. And the bred that I wil geue, is my flesh which I wil geue for ye life of the worlde. |
6:52 | The iewes strove amonge them selves sayinge: Howe can this felowe geve vs his flesshe to eate? | And the Iewes strove amōge them selves sayinge: How can this felowe geve vs his flesshe to eate? | And the Iewes stroue amōge them selues sayinge: How can this felowe geue his flesshe to eate? | Then stroue the Iewes amonge them selues, and sayde: How cā this folowe geue vs his flesh to eate? |
6:53 | Iesus sayde vnto them: Verely/ verely I saye vnto you/ except ye eate the flesshe off the sonne of man/ and drynke his bloude/ ye shall not have lyfe in you. | Then Iesus sayde vnto them: Verely/ verely I saye vnto you/ except ye eate ye flesshe of ye sonne of man/ & drinke his bloude/ ye shall not have lyfe in you. | Then Iesus sayde vnto them: Verely/ verely I saye vnto you/ except ye eate the flesshe of the sonne of mā & drinke his bloude/ ye shall not haue lyfe in you. | Iesus sayde vnto thē: Verely verely I saye vnto you: Excepte ye eate ye flesh of ye sonne of man and drynke his bloude, ye haue no life in you. |
6:54 | Whosoever eateth my flesshe/ and drynketh my bloudde/ the same hath eternall lyfe: And I will rayse hym vp at the last daye. | Whosoever eateth my flesshe/ & drinketh my bloude/ hath eternall lyfe: & I will rayse him vp at the last daye. | Whosoeuer eateth my flesshe & drinketh my bloude/ hath eternall lyfe: & I will rayse him vp at the last daye. | Who so eateth my flesh, and drynketh my bloude, hath euerlastinge life: and I shal rayse him vp at the last daye. |
6:55 | For my flesshe is meate in dede: and my bloudde is drynke in dede. | For my flesshe is meate in dede: & my bloude is drynke in dede. | For my flesshe is meate in dede: & my bloude is drincke in dede. | For my flesh is ye very meate, and my bloude is ye very drynke. |
6:56 | He thatt eateth my flesshe ād drynketh my bloudde/ dwelleth in me and I in hym. | He that eateth my flesshe & drynketh my bloude/ dwelleth in me & I in him. | He that eateth my flesshe & drinketh my bloude/dwelleth in me and I in him. | Who so eateth my flesh, and drynketh my bloude, abydeth in me, and I in him. |
6:57 | As my lyvynge father hath sent me/ even soo lyve I by my father: and he that eateth me/ shall live by me. | As the lyvinge father hath sent me/ even so lyve I by my father: and he that eateth me/ shall live by me. | As the liuinge father hath sent me/ euen so lyue I by my father: and he that eateth me shall liue by me. | As the lyuynge father hath sent me, and I lyue for the fathers sake: Euen so he that eateth me, shall lyue for my sake. |
6:58 | This is the breed which cā from heven: Nott as youre fathers have eaten manna and are deed: He that eateth of this breed/ shall live ever. | This is the breed which cam from heavē: not as youre fathers have eaten Manna and are deed. He that eateth of this breed/ shall live ever. | This is the breed which cam from heauē: not as youre fathers haue eaten Manna & are deed. He that eateth of this breed/ shall liue euer. | This is ye bred which is come frō heauen: Not as youre fathers ate Manna, and are deed. He that eateth of this bred, shal lyue for euer. |
6:59 | These thīgſ sayd he in the sinagoge as as he taught in capernaum. | These thinges sayd he in the synagoge as he taught in Capernaum. | These thinges sayde he in the synagoge as he taught in Capernaū. | These thinges sayde he in the synagoge, whā he taught at Capernaum. |
6:60 | Many of his disciples/ when they had herde this/ sayd: This is an herde sayinge. Who can abyde the hearynge of it? | Many of his disciples/ when they had herde this/ sayde: this is an herde sayinge: who can abyde the hearinge of it? | Many therfore of his disciples/ whē they had herde this/ sayde: this is an herde sayinge: who can abyde the hearinge of it? | Many now of his disciples that herde this, sayde: This is an harde sayenge, who maye abyde the hearynge of it? |
6:61 | Iesus knew in hym silfe/ that his disciples murmured at hit/ and sayde vnto them: Doth this offēde you? | Iesus knew in him selfe/ that his disciples murmured at it/and sayde vnto them: Doth this offende you? | Iesus knew in him selfe/ that his disciples murmured at it/ and sayde vnto them: Doth this offende you? | But whan Iesus perceaued in hī self, that his discipes murmured therat he sayde vnto them: Doth this offende you? |
6:62 | what and if ye shall se the sonne off man ascende vp where he was before? | What & yf ye shall se the sonne of man ascēde vp where he was before? | What and yf ye shall se the sonne of man ascende vp where he was before? | What and yf ye shal se the sonne of man ascende vp thither, where he was afore? |
6:63 | It is the sprete that quyckeneth/ the flesshe proffeteth nothynge. The wordes that I speake vnto you are sprete and lyfe. | It is the sprete that quyckeneth/ the flesshe proffeteth nothinge. The wordes that I speake vnto you/ are sprete and lyfe. | It is the sprete that quyckeneth/ the flesshe proffeteth nothinge. The wordes that I speake vnto you/ are spret and lyfe. | It is ye sprete that quyckeneth, ye flesh profiteth nothinge. The wordes that I speake, are sprete, and are life. |
6:64 | But there are some off you that beleve not. For Iesus knewe from the begynnynge/ which they were that beleved not. And who shulde betraye hym. | But ther are some of you that beleve not. For Iesus knewe from the begynnynge/ which they were that beleved not/ and who shuld betraye him. | But there are some of you that beleue not. For Iesus knewe from the beginninge/ which they were that beleued not/ and who shuld betraye him. | But there are some amōge you, that beleue not. For Iesus knewe well from the begynnynge, which they were that beleued not, and who shulde betraye him. |
6:65 | And he sayde: Therfore sayd I vnto you: that no man can come vnto me/ except it were geven vnto hym of my father. | And he sayde: Therfore sayde I vnto you: that no man can come vnto me/ except it were geven vnto him of my father. | And he sayde: therfore sayde I vnto you: that no man cā come vnto me/ except it were geuen vnto him of my father. | And he sayde: Therfore haue I sayde vnto you: No man can come vnto me, excepte it be geuen him of my father. |
6:66 | From that tyme many of his disciples went a waye from him/ and companyed no moore with hym. | From that tyme many of his disciples wēt backe/ and walked no moore with him. | From that tyme many of his disciples wēt backe/ and walked no moare with him. | From that tyme forth, many of his disciples wente backe, and walked nomore with him. |
6:67 | Then sayde Iesus to the twelve: will ye alsoo goo awaye? | Then sayde Iesus to the twelve: will ye alsoo goo awaye? | Then sayde Iesus to the twelue: will ye also go awaye? | Then sayde Iesus vnto the twolue: Wyll ye also go awaye? |
6:68 | Simon Peter answered hym: Master to whom shall we goo? Thou haste the wordes off eternall lyfe/ | Then Simon Peter answered: Master to whom shall we goo? Thou haste the wordes of eternall lyfe/ | Then Simon Peter answered: Master to whom shall we go? Thou haste the wordes of eternall lyfe/ | Then answered Simon Peter: LORDE, Whither shal we go? Thou hast the wordes of euerlastinge life: |
6:69 | And we have beleved/ and knowen/ that thou arte Christe the soone off the lyvynge God. | and we beleve and knowe/ yt thou arte Christ the sonne of the lyvinge God. | and we beleue & knowe that thou arte Christ the sonne of the lyuinge God. | and we haue beleued & knowne, that thou art Christ the sonne of the lyuynge God. |
6:70 | Iesus answered them: Have not I chosen you twelve? And yett one off you is the devyll? | Iesus answered them: Have not I chosen you twelve/ & yet one of you is the devyll? | Iesus answered them: Haue not I chosen you twelue and yet one of you is the deuyll? | Iesus answered them. Haue I not chosen you twolue, and one of you is a deuell? |
6:71 | He spake it off Iudas iscariot the sonne of Simon. For he itt was that shulde betraye hym/ and was one of the twelve. | He spake it of Iudas Iscariot the sonne of Simon. For he it was yt shuld betraye him/ and was one of the twelve. | He spake it of Iudas Iscariot the sonne of Simō. For he it was that shuld betraye him/ and was one of the twelue. | But he spake of Iudas Symon Iscarioth: the same betrayed him afterwarde, and was one of the twolue. |
John: Chapter 5
The Gospell of S. Iohn. The .v. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
The Gospell of S. Iohn. The .v. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
5:1 | AFter that there was a feast off the iewes/ and Iesus went vppe to Ierusalem. | AFter that ther was a feast of the Iewes/ & Iesus went vp to Ierusalem. | AFter that ther was a feast of the Iewes/ and Iesus wēt vp to Ierusalem. | AFterwarde, there was a feast of the Iewes, and Iesus wente vpto Ierusalem. |
5:2 | There is at Ierusalē/ by the slaughterhousse a pole called in the ebrue tonge/ bethesda/ havynge five porches/ | And ther is at Ierusalem/ by ye slaughterhousse/ a pole called in ye Ebrue tōge/ Bethseda/ havinge five porches/ | And ther is at Ierusalē/ by the slaughterhousse/ a pole called in the Ebrue tōge/Bethseda/ hauinge fyue porches/ | There is at Ierusalem by the slaughter house a pole, which in Hebrue is called Bethseda, & hath fyue porches, |
5:3 | in them laye a greate multitude off sicke folke/ off blynde/ halt/ and wyddered/ waytynge for the movynge off the wather. | in which laye a greate multitude of sicke folke/ of blinde/ halt & wyddered/ waytinge for the movinge of the water. | in which laye a greate multitude of sicke folcke/ of blinde/ halt and wyddered/ waytinge for the mouinge of the water. | wherin laye many sicke, blynde, lame, wythred, which wayted, whan the water shulde moue. |
5:4 | For an angell went doune at a certayne ceason into the pole an stered the water. whosoever then fyrst after the sterynge off the water stepped doune/ was made whoale of whath soever disease he had. | For an angell wēt doune at a certayne ceason into ye pole & troubled ye water. Whosoever then fyrst after the steringe of the water/ stepped in/ was made whoale of what soever disease he had. | For an angell wēt doune at a certayne ceason into the pole and troubled the water. Whosoeuer then fyrst after the steringe of the water/ stepped in/ was made whoale of whatsoeuer disease he had. | For the angell wente downe at his tyme in to the pole, and stered the water. Who so euer now wente downe first, after that the water was stered, ye same was made whole, what soeuer disease he had. |
5:5 | And a certayne mā was there/ which had bene diseased .xxxviij. yeares. | And a certayne mā was theare/ which had bene diseased .xxxviii. yeares. | And a certayne man was theare/ which had bene diseased .xxxviij. yeares. | And there was a man, which had lyen sicke eight and thirtie yeares. |
5:6 | When Iesus sawe hym lye/ ād knewe that he nowe longe tyme had bene diseased/ he sayde vnto hym. Wilt thou be whoale? | When Iesus sawe him lye/ & knewe that he now longe tyme had bene diseased/ he sayde vnto him. Wilt thou be made whoale? | When Iesus sawe him lye/ and knewe that he now longe tyme had bene diseased/ he sayde vnto him. Wilt thou be made whoale? | Whan Iesus sawe him lye, & knewe that he had lyen so longe, he saide vnto him: Wilt thou be made whole? |
5:7 | The syke answered hym: Syr I have no mā when the water is moved/ to put me into the pole. Butt in the meane tyme/ whill I am about to come/ another stoppeth doune before me. | The sicke answered him: Syr I have no man whē the water is troubled/ to put me into the pole. But in the meane tyme/ whill I am about to come/ another steppeth doune before me. | The sicke man answered him: Syr I haue no man when the water is troubled/ to put me in to the pole. But in the meane tyme/ whill I am about to come/ another steppeth doune before me. | The sicke answered him: Syr, I haue no man, whan the water is moued, to put me in to the pole. And whan I come, another steppeth downe in before me. |
5:8 | Iesus sayde vnto hym: ryse/ take vp thy beed/ and walke. | And Iesus sayde vnto him: ryse/ take vp thy beed/ & walke. | And Iesus sayde vnto him: ryse take vp thy beed/ & walke. | Iesus sayde vnto him: Aryse, take vp thy bed, and go thy waye. |
5:9 | And immediatly that mā was whole/ and toke vp his beed/ and went. And the same daye was the saboth daye. | And immediatly the man was made whole/and toke vp his beed/ and went. And the same daye was the Saboth daye. | And immediatly the man was made whole/ & toke vp his beed/ & went. And the same daye was the Saboth daye. | And immediatly the man was made whole, and toke vp his bed and wente his waye. But vpon the same daye it was the Sabbath. |
5:10 | The iewes therfore sayd vnto hym that was made whole: It is the saboth daye/ it is nott laufull for the to cary thy beed. | The Iewes therfore sayde vnto him that was made whole. It is ye Saboth daye/ it is not laufull for the to cary thy beed | The Iewes therfore sayde to him that was made whole. It is the Saboth daye/ it is not laufull for the to cary thy beed. | Then sayde the Iewes vnto him that was made whole: To daye is ye Sabbath, it is not laufull for the to cary the bed. |
5:11 | He answered them: he that made me whole/ sayde vnto me: Take vp thy beed/ and gett the hence. | He answered them: he that made me whole/ sayde vnto me: take vp thy beed/ and get the hence. | He answered them: he that made me whole/ sayde vnto me: take vp thy beed/ and get the hence. | He answered them: He that made me whole, sayde vnto me: Take vp thy bed, and go yi waye. |
5:12 | Then axed they hym: what man is that which sayd vnto the/ take vp thy beed ād walke. | Then axed they him: what man is that which sayde vnto the/ take vp thy beed and walke. | Then axed they him: what man is that which sayde vnto the/ take vp thy beed and walke. | Then axed they him: What man is that, which sayde vnto the: Take vp thy bed, and go yi waye? |
5:13 | And he that was healed wist not who yt was. For Iesus gatt hym silfe awaye/ be cause that there was preace of people in the place. | And he yt was healed/ wist not who it was. For Iesus had gottē him selfe awaye/ be cause yt ther was preace of people in ye place. | And he that was healed/ wist not who it was. For Iesus had gottē him selfe awaye/ because that ther was preace of people in the place. | But he that was healed, wyst not who he was: for Iesus had gottē him self awaye, because there was moch people. |
5:14 | After that/ Iesus founde hym in the temple/ ande sayd vnto hym: Beholde thou arte made whole/ se thou synne no moore/ lest a worsse thīge happen vnto the. | And after that/ Iesus founde him in the tēple/ & sayd vnto him: beholde thou arte made whole/ synne no moore/ lest a worsse thinge happē vnto the. | And after that/ Iesus founde him in the tēple/ & sayd vnto him: beholde thou arte made whole/ synne no moore/ lest a worsse thinge happē vnto the. | Afterwarde founde Iesus him in the tēple, and sayde vnto him: Beholde, thou art made whole, synne nomore, lest a worse thinge happen vnto the. |
5:15 | The man departed/ and tolde the iewes that yt was Iesus/ the whyche had made hym whole. | The man departed/ & tolde ye Iewes that yt was Iesus/ whiche had made him whole. | The mā departed and tolde the Iewes that it was Iesus/ which had made him whole. | The mā departed, and tolde the Iewes, that it was Iesus, which had made hī whole. |
5:16 | And therfore the iewes did persecute Iesus/ and sought the meanes to slee hym/ because he had done these thyngſ on the saboth daye. | And therfore the Iewes dyd persecute Iesus & sought the meanes to slee him/ because he had done these thingſ on the Saboth daye. | And therfore the Iewes dyd persecute Iesus/ & sought the meanes to slee him/ because he had done these thinges on the Saboth daye. | Therfore dyd ye Iewes persecute Iesus, and sought to slaye him, because he had done this vpō ye Sabbath. |
5:17 | Iesus answered them: My father worketh hidderto/ and I worke. | And Iesus answered them: my father worketh hidder to/ and I worke. | And Iesus answered thē: my father worketh hidder to/ and I worke. | But Iesus answered them: My father worketh hither to, and I worke also. |
5:18 | Therfore the iewes sought the moore to kill hym/ not only be cause he had broken the saboth: but sayde alsoo that god was his father/ and made hym silfe equall with god. | Therfore the Iewes sought the moare to kill him/ not only because he had broken the Saboth: but sayde also that God was his father/ and made him selfe equall with God. | Therfore the Iewes sought the moare to kill him/ not only because he hath broken the Saboth: but sayde also that God was his father and made him selfe equall with God. | Therfore sought the Iewes the more to slaye hī: because he brake not onely ye Sabbath, but saide also, that God was his father, and made him self equall with God. |
5:19 | Then answered Iesus and sayde vnto them: verely/ verely/ I saye vnto you: the sonne can do noo thynge of hym silfe: but that he seyth the father do. For whatsoever he doeth/ that doeth the sonne also. | Then answered Iesus & sayde vnto them: verely/ verely/ I saye vnto you: the sonne can do no thinge of him selfe/ but that he seeth ye father do. For whatsoever he doeth/ yt doeth the sonne also. | Then answered Iesus & sayde vnto them: verely/ verely/ I saye vnto you: the sonne can do nothinge of him selfe/ but that he seeth the father do. For whatsoeuer he doeth/ that doeth the sonne also. | Thē answered Iesus, and sayde vnto them: Verely verely I saye vnto you: The sonne can do nothinge of himself, but that he seyth the father do. For what soeuer he doeth, that doeth ye sonne also. |
5:20 | For the father loveth the sonne/ and sheweth hym all thyngſ/ whatsoever he hī silfe doeth. And he will shewe hym gretter thyngſ then these/ be cause ye shoulde marvayle. | For the father loveth ye sonne/ & sheweth him all thingſ/ whatsoever he him selfe doeth. And he will shewe him greter workes then these/ because ye shoulde marvayle. | For the father loueth the sonne/ & sheweth him all thinges/ whatsoeuer he him selfe doeth. And he will shewe him greater workes then these/ because ye shulde maruayle. | The father loueth the sonne, & sheweth him all that he doth, and wyll shewe him yet greater workes, so that ye shal marueyle. |
5:21 | For lykwyse as the father rayseth vppe the deed/ ād quyckeneth them/ even soo the sonne quyckeneth whom he woll. | For lykwyse as the father rayseth vp ye deed/ & quickeneth them/ even so the sonne quyckeneth whom he will. | For lykwyse as the father rayseth vp the deed/ & quickeneth them/ euē so the sonne quickeneth whom he will. | For as the father rayseth vp the deed, and maketh them lyue, euē so the sonne also maketh lyuynge whom he wyll. |
5:22 | Nether iudgeth the father eny man: but hath committed all iudgment vnto the sonne/ | Nether iudgeth ye father eny mā: but hath cōmitted all iudgemēt vnto the sonne/ | Nether iudgeth the father eny man: but hath cōmitted all iudgement vnto the sonne/ | For the father iudgeth no man, but hath geuen all iudgmēt vnto the sonne, |
5:23 | be cause that all men shulde honoure the sonne/ even as they honoure the father. He that honoureth nott the sonne/ the same honoureth not the father which hath sent hym. | because that all men shuld honoure the sonne/ evē as they honoure the father. He that honoureth not ye sonne/ the same honoureth not the father which hath sent him. | because that all men shuld honoure the sonne/ euē as they honoure the father. He that honoureth not the sonne/ the same honoureth not the father which hath sent him. | that they all might honoure the sonne, euen as they honoure ye father. Who so honoureth not the sonne, the same honoureth not the father, which hath sent him. |
5:24 | Vyrely verely I saye vnto you: He that heareth my mordes/ And beleveth on hym that sent me/ hathe everlastynge lyfe/ ād shall not come in to damnacion: but is scaped from deth vnto lyfe. | Verely verely I saye vnto you: He that heareth my wordes/ & beleveth on him that sent me/ hath everlastinge lyfe/ & shall not come in to damnacion: but is scaped frō deth vnto lyfe. | Verely/ verely I saye vnto you: He that heareth my wordes/ & beleueth on him that sent me/ hath euerlastinge lyfe/ & shall not come into damnacion: but is scaped from deeth vnto lyfe. | Verely verely I saye vnto you: Who so heareth my worde, and beleueth him that sent me, hath euerlastinge life, and cōmeth not in to damnacion, but is passed thorow from death vnto life. |
5:25 | Verely/ verely I saye vnto you: the tyme shall come/ and nowe ys/ when the deed shall heare the voyce off the sonne of god. And they that heare/ shall live. | Verely/ verely I saye vnto you: the tyme shall come/ & now is/ when the deed shall heare the voyce of the sonne of God. And they yt heare/ shall live. | Verely/ verely I saye vnto you: the tyme shall come/ & now is/ when the deed shall heare the voyce of the sonne of God. And they that heare/ shall liue. | Verely verely I saye vnto you: The houre cōmeth, & is now allready, yt the deed shal heare ye voyce of ye sonne of God: and they that heare it, shal lyue. |
5:26 | For as the father hath life ī hym silfe: soo lyke wyse hath he geven to the sonne to have lyfe in hym silfe. | For as the father hath life in him silfe: so lyke wyse hath he geven to ye sonne to have lyfe in him silfe: | For as the father hath life in him selfe/ so lyke wyse hath he geuen to the sonne to haue life in him selfe: | For as the father hath life in him self, so likewyse hath he geuen vnto the sonne, to haue life in him self: |
5:27 | And hath geven hym power alsoo to iudge in that he is the soune off mā. | & hath geven him power also to iudge/ in that he is the sonne of man. | & hath geuē him power also to iudge/ in that he is the sonne of man. | & hath geuē hī power also to execute iudgmēt because he is the sonne of mā. |
5:28 | Marvayle nott at this/ that the houre shall come/ in the whych all that are in the graves/ shall heare his voice/ | Marvayle not at this/ ye houre shall come in the which all yt are in the graves/ shall heare his voice/ | Maruayle not at this: the houre shall come in the which all that are in the graues/ shall heare his voice/ | Maruayle not ye at this: for ye houre cōmeth, in ye which all that are in ye graues, shal heare his voyce, |
5:29 | and shall come forthe/ they that have done goode vnto the resurreccion off life. And they that have done evyll/ vnto the resurreccion of dampnacion. | and shall come forthe: they that have done good vnto the resurreccion of lyfe: & they that have done evyll/ vnto the resurreccion of dampnacion. | & shall come forthe: they that haue done good vnto the resurreccion of lyfe: and they that haue done euyll/ vnto the resurreccion of dampnacion. | and shal go forth, they that haue done good, vnto the resurreccion of life: but they that haue done euell, vnto the resurreccion of damnacion. |
5:30 | I can of myne awne silfe do noo thynge at all. as I heare I iudge/ and my iudgment ys iust/ be cause I seke nott myne awne wyll: Butt the will off the father which hath sent me. | I can of myne awne selfe do nothinge at all. As I heare/ I iudge/ and my iudgemēt is iust/ be cause I seke not myne awne will/ but the will of ye father which hath sent me. | I can of myne awne selfe do nothinge at all. As I heare/ I iudge/ and my iudgemēt is iust/ because I seke not myne awne will/ but the will of the father which hath sent me. | I can do nothinge of my self. As I heare, so I iudge: & my iudgmēt is iust. For I seke not myne owne wyll, but the wyll of the father which hath sent me. |
5:31 | Yf I beare witnes off my silfe/ my witnes ys nott true. | Yf I beare witnes of my selfe/ my witnes is not true. | If I beare witnes of my selfe/ my witnes is not true. | Yf I beare wytnesse of my self, my wytnesse is not true. |
5:32 | There ys another thatt beareth witnes off me. And I am sure that the witnes whyche he beareth of me is true. | Ther is a nother that beareth witnes of me/ and I am sure that the witnes whiche he beareth of me/ is true. | Ther is another that beareth witnes of me/ and I am sure that the witnes which he beareth of me/ is true. | There is another that beareth wytnesse of me, and I am sure, that the wytnesse which he beareth of me, is true. |
5:33 | Ye sent vnto Ihon/ and he bare witnes vnto the trueth: | Ye sent vnto Iohn/ & he bare witnes vnto the truthe. | Ye sent vnto Iohn/ & he bare witnes vnto the truthe. | Ye sent vnto Ihon, and he bare wytnes of the trueth. |
5:34 | but I receave no recorde of man. Neverthelesse/ these thyngſ I saye/ that ye myght be safe. | But I receave not the recorde of man. Neverthelesse/ these thingſ I saye/ that ye might be safe. | But I receaue not the recorde of mā. Neuerthelesse/ these thinges I saye/ that ye myght be safe. | As for me, I take no recorde of mā, but these thinges I saye, that ye might be saued. |
5:35 | He was a brurnynge and a shynynge light/ and ye wolde for a season have reioysed ī his light. | He was a burninge & a shyninge light/ & ye wolde for a season have reioysed in his light. | He was a burninge/ & a shyninge lyght/ & ye wolde for a season haue reioysed in his lyght. | He was a burnynge and shyninge light, but ye wolde haue reioysed a litle whyle in his light. |
5:36 | But I have gretter witnes/ then the witnes off Ihon. For the workes whych my father hath geven me to fynnysshe: The same workes whych I do/ beare witnes off me/ thatt my father sent me/ | But I have greater witnes then the witnes of Iohn. For ye workes which ye father hath gevē me to fynisshe: the same workes which I do/ beare witnes of me/ that ye father sent me. | But I haue greater witnes then the witnes of Iohn. For the workes which the father hath geuē me to fynisshe: the same workes which I do/ beare witnes of me/ that the father sent me. | Neuertheles I haue a greater wytnesse then the wytnesse of Ihon. For the workes which the father hath geuē me to fynish, the same workes which I do, beare wytnesse of me, that the father hath sent me. |
5:37 | And my father hym silfe/ which hath sent me/ beareth witnes off me. Ye have nott herde hys voice att eny tyme/ Nor yett have sene hys shape. | And the father him silfe which hath sent me/ beareth witnes of me. Ye have not hearde his voyce at eny tyme/ nor ye have sene his shape: | And the father him selfe which hath sent me/ beareth witnes of me. Ye haue not hearde his voyce at eny tyme nor ye haue sene his shape: | And ye father him self which hath sent me, beareth wytnesse of me. Ye haue nether herde his voyce at eny tyme, ner sene his shappe: |
5:38 | And his wordes have ye nott abydynge in you: For ye beleve not hym whom he hath sent. | therto his wordes have ye not abydinge in you. For whome he hath sent: him ye beleve not. | therto his wordes haue ye not abydinge in you. For whome he hath sent: him ye beleue not. | and his worde haue ye not abydinge in you, for ye beleue not him, whom he hath sent. |
5:39 | Searche the scriptures/ for in them/ ye thynke ye have eternal lyfe: And they are they whych testify off me. | Searche the scriptures/ for in them ye thinke ye have eternall lyfe: & they are they which testify of me. | Searche the scriptures/ for in them ye thinke ye haue eternall lyfe: & they are they which testify of me. | Searche the scripture, for ye thinke ye haue euerlastinge life therin: and the same is it that testifyeth of me, |
5:40 | And yett will ye nott come to me that ye myght have lyfe. | And yet will ye not come to me/ that ye might have lyfe. | And yet will ye not come to me/ that ye myght haue lyfe. | and ye wil not come vnto me, that ye might haue life. |
5:41 | I receve nott prayse off men: | I receave not prayse of men. | I receaue not prayse of men. | I receaue not prayse of men. |
5:42 | Butt I koowe you/ that ye have nott the love off God in you. | But I knowe you/ that ye have not the love of God in you/ | But I knowe you/ that ye haue not the loue of God in you. | But I knowe you, that ye haue not the loue of God in you. |
5:43 | I am come in my fathers name/ and ye receave me not. Yff another shall come in hys awne name/ hym wyll ye receave. | I am come in my fathers name/ and ye receave me not. Yf another shall come in his awne name/ him will ye receave. | I am come in my fathers name/ and ye receaue me not. If another shall come in his awne name/ him will ye receaue. | I am come in my fathers name, and ye receaue me not. Yf another shal come in his awne name, him wil ye receaue. |
5:44 | howe can ye beleve/ whych receave prayse won of another/ ād seke not the prayse which cōmeth of god only? | How can ye beleve which receave honoure one of another/ and seke not the honoure that commeth of God only? | How can ye beleue which receaue honoure one of another/ and seke not the honoure that commeth of God only? | How can ye beleue which receaue prayse one of another, and seke not the prayse, that is of God onely? |
5:45 | Suppose nott/ that I wyll accuse you to my father/ There is won that accuseth you/ verely Moses in whom ye truste. | Doo not thinke that I wyll accuse you to my father. Ther is one that accuseth you/ evē Moses in whom ye trust. | Do not thinke that I will accuse you to my father. Ther is one that accuseth you: euē Moses in whom ye trust. | Ye shall not thynke that I wyll accuse you before ye father: there is one yt accuseth you, euen Moses, in whō ye trust. |
5:46 | For had ye beleved Moses/ ye wolde have beleved me: For he wrote of me. | For had ye beleved Moses/ ye wold have beleved me: for he wrote of me. | For had ye beleued Moses/ ye wold haue beleued me: for he wrote of me. | Yf ye beleued Moses, ye shulde beleue me also: For he hath wryttē of me. |
5:47 | But when ye beleve not hys writtynge: howe shall ye beleve my wordes. | But now ye beleve not his writinge: how shall ye beleve my wordes. | But seinge ye beleue not his writinge: how shuld ye beleue my wordes. | But yf ye beleue not his wrytinges, how shal ye beleue my wordes? |
John: Chapter 4
The Gospell of S. Iohn. The .iiij. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
The Gospell of S. Iohn. The .iiij. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
4:1 | AS sone as the lorde had knoweledge/ howe that it was come to the eares off the pharises/ that Iesus made and baptised moo disciples then Ihon | ASsone as the Lorde had knowledge/ how the Pharises had hearde/ that Iesus made and baptised moo disciples then Iohn | ASsone as the Lorde had knowledge/ how the Pharises had hearde/ that Iesus made and baptised moo disciples then Iohn | NOw whan Iesus had knowlege, yt it was come to the eares of the Pharises, that Iesus made and baptised mo disciples thē Ihon |
4:2 | (thought that Iesus hym silfe baptised not: butt his disciples) | (though that Iesus him selfe baptised not: but his disciples) | (though that Iesus him selfe baptised not: but his disciples) | (howbeit Iesus himself baptysed not, but his disciples) |
4:3 | he lefte iewry/ and departed agayne into galile. | he lefte Iewry/ & departed agayne into Galile. | he left Iewry/ and departed agayne into Galile. | he left the londe of Iewry, and departed agayne in to Galile. |
4:4 | And it was soo that he must nedes goo thorowe Samaria. | And it was so that he must nedes goo thorowe Samaria. | And it was so that he must nedes go thorowe Samaria. | But he must nedes go thorow Samaria. |
4:5 | Thē cam he to a cite of Samaria called Sichar besydes the possessiō that Iacob gave to his sōne Ioseph/ | Then came he to a cyte of Samaria called Sichar/ besydes the possession that Iacob gave to his sonne Ioseph. | Then came he to a cite of Samaria called Sichar/ besydes the possession that Iacob gaue to his sonne Ioseph. | Then came he in to a cite of Samaria, called Sichar, nye vnto ye pece of lōde, yt Iacob gaue vnto Ioseph his sonne. |
4:6 | and there was Iacobs well. Iesus then weried in his iorney/ sate thus on the well. Hit was about the sixte houre: | And there was Iacobs well. Iesus then weryed in his iorney/ sate thus on the well. And it was about the sixte houre: | And there was Iacobs well. Iesus then weryed in his iorney/ sate thus on the well. And it was about the sixte houre: | And there was Iacobs well. Now whan Iesus was weerye of his iourney, he satt hī downe so vpō the well. And it was aboute the sixte houre. |
4:7 | There cam a woman of Samaria to drawe water. Iesus sayde vnto her: Geve me drynke | & there came a woman of Samaria to drawe water. And Iesus sayde vnto her: geve me drynke. | and there came a woman of Samaria to drawe water. And Iesus sayde vnto her: geue me drincke. | Then came there a woman of Samaria to drawe water. Iesus sayde vnto her: Geue me drynke. |
4:8 | (for his disciples wer gone awaye vnto the toune to beye meate) | For his disciples were gone awaye vnto the toune to bye meate. | For his disciples were gone awaye vnto the toune to bye meate. | (For his disciples were gone their waye in to ye cite, to bye meate.) |
4:9 | The woman off Samaria sayde vnto hym: howe is itt/ thatt thou beinge a iewe axest drynke of me/ which am a Samaritane? (for the iewes medle not with the Samaritans) | Then sayde the woman of Samaria vnto him: how is it/ that thou beinge a Iewe/ axest drinke of me/ which am a Samaritane? for the Iewes medle not with the Samaritans. | Then sayde the woman of Samaria vnto him: how is it/ that thou beinge a Iewe/ axest drincke of me/ which am a Samaritane? for the Iewes medle not with the Samaritans. | So the woman of Samaria sayde vnto him: How is it that thou axest drynke of me, seynge thou art a Iewe, and I a woman of Samaria? For the Iewes medle not with the Samaritans. |
4:10 | Iesus answered and sayde vnto her: if thou knewest the gyfte of God/ and who it is/ that sayeth to the geve me drynke: thou woldest have axed of hym/ and he wolde have geven the water af lyfe. | Iesus answered and sayde vnto hir: yf thou knewest the gyfte of God/ & who it is that sayeth to the geve me drynke/ thou woldest have axed of him/ and he wolde have geven the water of lyfe. | Iesus answered and sayde vnto hyr: yf thou knewest the gyfte of God/ & who it is that sayeth to the geue me drincke/ thou woldest haue axed of him/ and he wolde haue geuen the water of lyfe. | Iesus answered, and sayde vnto her: Yf thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that sayeth vnto the, geue me drynke, thou woldest axe of him, and he wolde geue the, the water of life. |
4:11 | The woman sayde vnto hym: Syr thou hast noo thynge to drawe it with all/ and the well is depe: from whene then hast thou that water off lyfe? | The woman sayde vnto him. Syr thou hast no thinge to drawe with/ and the well is depe: from whence then hast thou yt water of lyfe? | The woman sayde vnto him. Syr thou hast nothinge to drawe with/ and the well is depe: from whence then hast thou that water of lyfe? | The woman sayde vnto him: Syr, thou hast nothinge to drawe withall, and the well is depe, from whence hast thou then that water of life? |
4:12 | Arte thou gretter then oure father Iacob/ which gave vs this well/ and he hym silfe dranke there of and his chyldren and his cattell? | Arte thou greater then oure father Iacob which gave vs the well/ and he him silfe dranke therof/ & his chyldren/ and his catell? | Arte thou greater then oure father Iacob which gaue vs the well/ and he him selfe dranke therof/ and his chyldren/ and his catell? | Art thou greater then oure father Iacob, which gaue vs this well? And he himself dranke therof, and his children, and his catell. |
4:13 | Iesus answered and sayde vnto her: whosoever drynketh of this water/ shall thurst agayne. | Iesus answered & sayde vnto hir: whosoever drinketh of this water/ shall thurst agayne. | Iesus answered and sayde vnto hyr: whosoeuer drinketh of this water/ shall thurst agayne. | Iesus answered, and sayde vnto her: Who so euer drynketh of this water, shal thyrst agayne: |
4:14 | But whosoever shall drynke of the water that I shall geve hym/ shall never be moare a thyrst: But the water that I shall geve hym/ shalbe in hym a well of water spryngynge vp in to everlastynge lyfe. | But whosoever shall drinke of ye water yt I shall geve him/ shall never be more a thyrst: but the water that I shall geve him/ shalbe in him a well of water/ springinge vp in to everlastinge lyfe. | But whosoeuer shall drincke of the water that I shall geue him/ shall neuer be more a thyrst: but the water that I shall geue him/ shalbe in him a well of water/ springinge vp into euerlastinge lyfe. | But whosoeuer shal drynke of the water that I shal geue him, shal neuer be more a thyrst: but the water that I shal geue him, shalbe in him a well of water, which spryngeth vp in to euerlastinge life. |
4:15 | The woman sayde vnto hym: Syr geve me of that water/ that I thyrst not/ nether come hedder to drawe. | The womā sayd vnto him: Syr geve me of that water/ that I thyrst not/ nether come hedder to drawe. | The woman sayd vnto him: Syr geue me of that water/ that I thyrst not/ nether come hither to drawe. | The woman sayde vnto him: Syr, geue me that same water, that I thyrst not, nether nede to come hither to drawe. |
4:16 | Iesus sayde vnto her: Go and call thy husband/ ād come hydder. | Iesus sayde vnto her. Go and call thy husband/ & come hydder. | Iesus sayde vnto her. Go & call thy husband/ & come hyther. | Iesus sayde vnto her: Go, call they hussbande, and come hither. |
4:17 | The woman answered and sayde vnto hym: I have no husband. Iesus sayde to her: Thou hast well sayd/ I have no husbande. | The woman answered & sayde to him: I have no husband. Iesus sayde to her. Thou hast well sayd/ I have no husbande. | The woman answered & sayd to him: I haue no husband. Iesus sayde to her: Thou hast well sayd/ I haue no husband. | The woman answered, and sayde vnto him: I haue no hussbande. Iesus sayde vnto her: Thou hast sayde well, I haue no hussbande: |
4:18 | For thou haste had five husbandes/ and he whom thou nowe hast/ is not thy housband. That saydest thou truely. | For thou haste had five husbandes/ and he whom thou now hast/ is not thy husband. That saydest thou truely. | For thou haste had fiue husbandes/ & he whō thou now hast/ is not thy husbād. That saydest thou truely. | for thou hast had fyue hussbandes, and he whom thou hast now, is not thine hussbande: there saydest thou right. |
4:19 | The woman sayde vnto hym: Syr I perceave that thou arte a prophet. | The woman sayde vnto him: Syr I perceave yt thou arte a prophet. | The woman sayde vnto him: Syr I perceaue that thou arte a Prophet. | The womā sayde vnto him: Syr, I se, that thou art a prophet. |
4:20 | Oure fathers worshipped in this mountayne: and ye saye thatt in Ierusalem is the place where men ought to praye. | Oure fathers worshipped in this mountayne: & ye saye that in Hierusalem is the place where men ought to worshippe. | Oure fathers worshipped in this mountayne: & ye saye that in Ierusalem is the place where mē ought to worshippe. | Oure fathers worshipped vpon this mountayne, and ye saye, that at Ierusalem is the place, where men ought to worshippe. |
4:21 | Iesus sayde vnto her: woman trust me/ The houre cometh/ when ye shall nether in this mountayne/ nor yet att Ierusalem/ worshippe the father. | Iesus sayde vnto her: woman beleve me/ the houre cometh/ when ye shall nether in this moūtayne nor yet at Ierusalem/ worshippe the father. | Iesus sayde vnto her: woman beleue me/ the houre cometh/ when ye shall nether in this moūtayne nor yet at Ierusalem/ worshippe the father. | Iesus sayde vnto her: Woman, beleue me, the tyme commeth, that ye shal nether vpon this mountayne ner at Ierusalem worshippe the father. |
4:22 | ye worshippe ye wot neare what/ we knowe what we worshippe. For salvacion commeth of the iewes. | Ye worshippe/ ye wot not what: we knowe what we worshippe. For salvacion cōmeth of the Iewes. | Ye worshippe ye wot not what: we knowe what we worshippe. For saluacion cōmeth of the Iewes. | Ye wote not what ye worshippe, but we knowe what we worshippe, for Saluacion commeth of the Iewes. |
4:23 | But the houre cōmeth/ and nowe is/ when the true worshippers shall worshippe the father in sprete/ and in verite. For verily suche the father requyreth to worshippe hym. | But the houre commeth and nowe is/ when the true worshippers shall worshippe the father in sprete and in trouthe. For verely suche the father requyreth to worshippe him. | But the houre cōmeth and now is/ when the true worshippers shall worshippe the father in sprete/ and in trouthe. For verely suche the father requyreth to worshippe him. | But the tyme commeth, and is now allready, that the true worshippers shal worshippe the father in sprete and in the trueth: For the father wil haue soch so to worshippe him. |
4:24 | God is a sprete/ and they that worshippe hym/ must honoure hym/ in sprete and verite. | God is a sprete/ and they that worshippe him/ must worshippe him/ in sprete and trouthe. | God is a sprete/ and they that worshippe him/ must worshippe him in sprete and trouthe. | God is a sprete, and they that worshippe him, must worshippe in sprete and in the trueth. |
4:25 | The woman sayde vnto hym: I wot well Messias shall come/ which is called Christ. When he is once come/ he will tell vs all thyngſ. | The woman sayde vnto him: I wot well Messias shall come/ which is called Christ. When he is come/ he will tell vs all thingſ. | The woman sayde vnto him: I wot well Messias shall come/ which is called Christ. When he is come/ he will tell vs all thinges. | The womā sayde vnto him: I wote that Messias shal come, which is called Christ. Whan he commeth, he shal tell vs all thinges. |
4:26 | Iesus sayde vnto her: I thatt speake vnto the/ am he. | Iesus sayde vnto hir: I that speake vnto the am he. | Iesus sayde vnto hir: I that speake vnto the am he. | Iesus sayde vnto her: I that speake vnto the, am he. |
4:27 | And even at that poynte/ cam his disciples/ and marvelled that he talked with the woman. Yet no man sayde vnto hym: what meanest thou/ or why talkest thou with her? | And evē at that poynte/ came his disciples/ & marvelled that he talked with the woman. Yet noman sayde vnto him what meanest thou/ or why talkest thou with her? | And euē at that poynte came his disciples/ & maruelled that he talked with the woman. Yet no man sayde vnto him: what meanest thou/ or why talkest thou with her? | And in the meane season came his disciples, and they marueyled that he talked with the woman. Yet sayde no man: What axest thou, or what talkest thou with her? |
4:28 | The woman lefte her water pott behynde her/ and went her waye into the cite/ and sayde to the men there: | The womā then lefte her waterpot/ and went her waye into the cite/ & sayde to the men. | The woman then lefte her waterpot/ and went her waye into the cite/ & sayde to the men. | Then the woman let hir pot stonde, and wente in to the cite, and sayde vnto the people: |
4:29 | Come se a man whiche tolde me all thynges thatt ever I dyd. Is not he Christ? | Come se a man which tolde me all thinges yt ever I dyd. Is not he Christ? | Come se a man which tolde me all thinges that euer I dyd. Is not he Christ? | Come, se a man, which hath tolde me all that euer I dyd, Is not he Christ? |
4:30 | Then they wēt out off the cite/ and cam vnto hym. | Then they went ont of the cite/ & came vnto him. | Then they wēt out of the cite/ and came vnto him. | Then wente they out of the cite, and came vnto him: |
4:31 | In the meane whyle his disciples prayed hym saynge: Master eate. | And in ye meane while his disciples prayed him sayinge: Master/ eate. | And in the meane whyle his disciples prayed him sayinge: Master/ eate. | In the meane whyle his disciples prayed him, and sayde: Master, eate. |
4:32 | He sayde vnto them: I have meate to eate/ that ye knowe nott off. | He sayde vnto thē: I have meate to eate/ that ye knowe not of. | He sayde vnto thē: I haue meate to eate/ that ye knowe not of. | But he sayde vnto them: I haue meate to eate, that ye knowe not of. |
4:33 | Then sayd the disciples bitwene them selves: hath eny man brought hym meate? | Then sayd ye disciples bitwene them selves: hath eny mā brought him meate? | Then sayde the disciples bitwene them selues: hath eny man brought him meate? | Then sayde the disciples amōge them selues: Hath eny man brought him meate? |
4:34 | Iesus sayd vnto thē: My meate ys to fulfill the will off hym that sent me/ And to fynnysshe hys worcke. | Iesus sayde vnto them: my meate is to doo the will of him that sent me. And to fynnysshe his worke. | Iesus sayde vnto them: my meate is to do the will of thē that sent me. And to fynnisshe his worke. | Iesus sayde vnto thē: My meate is this, that I do the wyll of him that sent me, and to fynish his worke. |
4:35 | Saye not ye: There are yett foure monethes/ and then commeth harvest? Beholde I saye vnto you/ lyfte vppe youre eyes/ and loke on the regions: For they are whyte allredy vnto harvest. | Saye not ye: there are yet foure monethes/ and then cōmeth harvest? Beholde I saye vnto you/ lyfte vp youre eyes/ & loke on ye regiōs: for they are whyte all redy vnto harvest. | Saye not ye: there are yet foure monethes/ and then cōmeth haruest? Beholde I saye vnto you/ lyfte vp youre eyes/ & loke on the regions: for they are white all redy vnto haruest. | Saye not ye youre selues: There are yet foure monethes, and then commeth the haruest? Beholde, I saye vnto you: lift vp youre eyes, and loke vpon the felde, for it is whyte allready vnto the haruest. |
4:36 | And he that repeth receaveth rewarde/ and gaddereth frute vnto lyfe eternall: That bothe he that soweth/ myght reioyce also/ and he thatt repeth. | And he yt repeth receaveth rewarde/ & gaddereth frute vnto life eternall: that bothe he that soweth/ & he yt repeth myght reioyse to gether. | And he that repeth receaueth rewarde/ & gaddereth frute vnto life eternall: that both he that soweth & he that repeth myght reioyse to gether. | And he that reapeth, receaueth rewarde, and gathereth frute to euerlastinge life, that both he that soweth and he that reapeth, maye reioyse together. |
4:37 | And here in ys the sayinge true/ that won soweth/ And another repeth. | And herin is the sayinge true/ yt one soweth/ & another repeth. | And herin is the sayinge true/ that one soweth & another repeth. | For herin is the prouerbe true: One soweth, another reapeth. |
4:38 | I sent you to repe that wheron ye bestowed no laboure. Other men laboured/ And ye are entred into their Labours. | I sent you to repe yt wherō ye bestowed no laboure. Other men laboured/ and ye are entred into their labours. | I sent you to repe that wheron ye bestowed no laboure. Other men laboured/ and ye are entred into their labours. | I haue sent you to reape that, wheron ye bestowed no laboure. Other haue laboured, and ye are come in to their laboures. |
4:39 | Many off the Samaritans off the cite beleved on hym/ For the womans sayinge/ whych testifyed: He tolde me all thyngſ that ever I did. | Many of the Samaritās of that cyte beleved on him/ for ye sayinge of the womā/ which testified: he tolde me all thinges yt ever I dyd. | Many of the Samaritans of that cite beleued on him/ for the sayinge of the woman/ which testified: he tolde me all thinges that euer I dyd. | Many Samaritans of the same cite beleued on him, for the sayenge of the woman, which testified: He hath tolde me all that euer I dyd. |
4:40 | Then when the Samaritans were come vnto hym/ They besought hym/ that he wolde tary wyth them. And he aboode there two dayes. | Then when the Samaritās were come vnto him/ they besought him/ yt he wolde tary wt thē. And he aboode there two dayes. | Then when the Samaritans were come vnto him/ they besought him/ that he wolde tary with thē. And he abode there two dayes. | Now whan the Samaritans came to him, they besought him, that he wolde tary with them. And he abode there two dayes, |
4:41 | And many moo beleved because off hys awne wordes. | And many mor beleved because of his awne wordes/ | And many moo beleued because of his awne wordes/ | and many mo beleued because of his worde, |
4:42 | And sayde vnto the woman: Nowe we beleve nott be cause off thy sayinge. For we have herde hym oure selves/ and knowe thatt thys ys even in dede Christ the savioure off the worlde. | & sayd vnto the woman: Now we beleve not because of thy sayinge. For we have herde him oure selves/ and knowe that this is even in dede Christ the savioure of the worlde. | and sayde vnto the woman: Now we beleue not because of thy sayinge. for we haue herde him oure selues/ and knowe that this is euen in dede Christ the sauioure of the worlde. | and sayde vnto the woman: We beleue now hence forth, not because of thy sayenge, we haue herde him oureselues, and knowe, that this of a trueth is Christ the Sauioure of the worlde. |
4:43 | After two dayes/ he departed thēce/ and went awaye into galile. | After two dayes he departed thence/ & wēt awaye into Galile. | After two dayes he departed thence/ & wēt awaye into Galile. | After two dayes he departed thence, and wente in to Galile. |
4:44 | And Iesus silfe hym testifyed/ that a prophet hath none honoure in hys awne countre. | And Iesus him selfe testified/ that a Prophete hath none honoure in his awne countre. | And Iesus him selfe testified that a Prophete hath none honoure in his awne countre. | For Iesus himself testified, that a prophet is nothinge set by at home. |
4:45 | Then as sone as he was come īto Galile/ the Galileās receaved hym which had sene all thyngſ/ that he did at Ierusalem on the feast. For they wēt also vnto the feast daye. | Then assone as he was come into Galile/ the Galileans receaved him which had sene all the thinges yt he dyd at Ierusalem at ye feast. For they wēt also vnto ye feast daye. | Then assone as he was come into Galile/ the Galileans receaued him which had sene all the thinges that he dyd at Ierusalem at the feast. For they went also vnto the feast daye. | Now whā he came in to Galile, the Galileās receaued him, which had sene all that he dyd at Ierusalem in the feast: for they also were come thither in the feast. |
4:46 | And Iesus cam agayne into Cana of Galile/ where he tourned water into wyne. And there was a certayne rueler/ whose sonne was sicke at Capernaum. | And Iesus came agayne into Cana of Galile/ wher he turned water into wyne. And ther was a certayne ruler/ whose sonne was sicke at Capernaum. | And Iesus came agayne into Cana of Galile/ wher he turned water into wyne. And ther was a certayne ruler/ whose sonne was sicke at Capernaum. | And Iesus came agayne vnto Cana in Galile, where he turned the water vnto wyne. And there was a certayne ruler, whose sonne laye sicke at Capernaum. |
4:47 | As sone as he herde that Iesus was come out of iewry into Galile he went vnto hym/ and besought him/ that he wolde descende/ ād heale his sonne: For he was even redy to deye. | Assone as the same herde that Iesus was come out of Iewry into Galile/ he wēt vnto him/ and besought him/ yt he wolde descende/ & heale his sonne: For he was evē readie to dye. | Assone as the same herde that Iesus was come out of Iewry into Galile/ he went vnto him/ and besought him/ that he wolde descende/ and heale his sonne. For he was euen readie to dye. | This herde that Iesus came out of Iewry in to Galile, and wente vnto him, and besought him, that he wolde come downe, and helpe his sonne, for he laye deed sicke. |
4:48 | Then sayde Iesus vnto hym: Excepte ye se signes and wonders/ ye beleve not. | Then sayde Iesus vnto him: excepte ye se signes & wōdres/ ye cānot beleve. | Then sayde Iesus vnto him: excepte ye se signes and wondres/ ye cannot beleue. | And Iesus sayde vnto him: Excepte ye se tokens and wonders, ye beleue not. |
4:49 | The rueler sayde vnto hym: Syr come awaye or ever that my chylde deye. | The ruler sayd vnto him: Syr come awaye or ever yt my chylde dye. | The ruler sayde vnto him: Syr come awaye or euer that my chylde dye. | The ruler sayde vnto him: Come downe Syr, or euer my childe dye. |
4:50 | Iesus sayde vnto hī goo thy waye/ thy sonne liveth. And the man beleved the wordes that Iesus had spoken vnto hym/ and went his waye. | Iesus sayde vnto him/ goo thy waye/ thy sonne liveth. And the mā beleved ye wordes yt Iesus had spokē vnto him/ & wēt his waye. | Iesus sayde vnto him: Goo thy waye/ thy sonne liueth. And the man beleued the wordes that Iesus had spoken vnto him/ and went his waye. | Iesus sayde vnto him: Go thy waye, thy sonne lyueth. The man beleued the worde, that Iesus sayde vnto him, and wente his waye. |
4:51 | And anon as he went on his waye/ his servauntſ mett hym/ and tolde hym/ sayinge: Thy sonne liveth/ | And anone as he went on his waye/ his servantſ met him/ & tolde him sayinge: thy chylde liveth. | And anone as he wēt on his waye/ his seruauntes met him/ and tolde him sayinge: thy chylde liueth. | And as he was goinge downe, his seruauntes mett him, and tolde him, and sayde: Thy childe lyueth. |
4:52 | Thē enquyred he of them the houre when he began to amēde. And they sayde vnto hym: Yester daye the seventhe houre/ the fever lefte hym. | Then enquyred he of thē the houre when he begāne to amende. And they sayde vnto him: Yester daye the sevēthe houre/ the fever lefte him. | Then enquyred he of them the houre when he beganne to amende. And they sayde vnto him: Yester daye the seuenth houre/ the feuer lefte him. | Then enquyred he of them the houre, wherin he beganne to amende. And they sayde vnto him: Yesterdaye aboute the seuēth houre the feuer left him. |
4:53 | And the father knew that it was the same houre when Iesus sayde vnto hym: Thy sonne liveth. And he beleved/ and all his houshold. | And the father knew that it was the same houre in which Iesus sayde vnto him: Thy sonne liveth. And he beleved/ and all his housholde. | And the father knew that it was the same houre in which Iesus sayde vnto him: Thy sonne liueth. And he beleued/ and all his housholde. | Then the father perceaued, that it was aboute the same houre, wherin Iesus sayde vnto him: Thy sonne lyueth. And he beleued with his whole house. |
4:54 | Thys ys agayne the seconde myracle/ that Iesus did/ after he cā out of iewry into Galile. | Thys is agayne the seconde myracle/ yt Iesus dyd/ after he was come oute of Iewry into Galile. | This is agayne the seconde myracle that Iesus dyd/ after he was come oute of Iewry into Galile. | This is now the seconde token that Iesus dyd, whan he came from Iewry in to Galile. |
John: Chapter 3
The Gospell of S. Iohn. The .iij. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
The Gospell of S. Iohn. The .iij. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
3:1 | THere was a man off the pharises named Nicodemus a ruler amonge the iewes. | THer was a man of the pharises named Nicodemus a ruler amonge ye Iewes. | THer was a man of the Pharises named Nycodemus a ruler amonge the Iewes. | THere was a man of the Pharises, named Nicodemus a ruler amōge the Iewes. |
3:2 | He cam to Iesus be nyght/ and sayde vnto hī: Master/ we knowe that thou arte/ a teacher whyche arte come from god. For no man coulde do suche miracles as thou doest/ except God were wyth hym: | The same cam to Iesus by nyght/ and sayde vnto him: Rabbi/ we knowe that thou arte a teacher whiche arte come from God. For no man coulde do suche miracles as thou doest/ except God were with him. | The same cam to Iesus by nyght/ & sayde vnto him. Rabbi/ we knowe that thou arte a teacher whiche arte come from God. For no man coulde do suche miracles as thou doest/ except God were with him. | The same came vnto Iesus by night, & sayde vnto hī: Master, we knowe yt thou art come a teacher frō God: for no mā can do these tokēs yt thou doest, excepte God be with him. |
3:3 | Iesus answered/ and sayde vnto hym: Verely verely I saye vnto the: except that a man be boren a newe/ he cannot se the kingdō of god. | Iesus answered and sayde vnto him: Verely verely I saye vnto the: except a man be boren a newe/ he cannot se the kyngdom of God. | Iesus answered and sayde vnto him: Verely verely I saye vnto the: except a man be boren a newe/ he cannot se the kyngdom of God. | Iesus answered, and sayde vnto him: Verely verely I saye vnto the: Excepte a man be borne a new, he can not se the kyngdome of God. |
3:4 | Nicodemus sayde vnto hym: howe can a man be boren/ when he is olde? can he enter into hys moders body and be boren agayne? | Nicodemus sayde vnto him: how can a man be boren when he is olde? can he enter into his moders wombe & be boren agayne? | Nycodemus sayde vnto him: how can a man be boren when he is olde? can he enter into his moders wombe and be boren agayne? | Nicodemus sayde vnto him: How can a man be borne, whan he is olde? Can he entre into his mothers wombe, and be borne agayne? |
3:5 | Iesus answered: verely/ verely I saye vnto the: except that a man be borē of water/ ād of the sprete/ he cannot enter into the kyngdom of god. | Iesus answered: verely/ verely I saye vnto the: except that a man be boren of water & of ye sprete/ he cannot enter into the kyngdome of god. | Iesus answered: verely/ verely I saye vnto the: except that a man be boren of water and of the sprete/ he cannot enter into the kyngdome of God. | Iesus answered: Verely verely I saye vnto the: Excepte a mā be borne of water and of the sprete, he can not come in to ye kyngdome of God. |
3:6 | That whych is boren of the flesshe/ is flesshe. And that which is boren of the sprete/ is sprete. | That which is boren of the flesshe/ is flesshe: & that which is boren of the sprete/ is sprete. | That which is boren of the flesshe/ is fiesshe: and that which is boren of the sprete/ is sprete. | That which is borne of flesh, is flesh: & that which is borne of the sprete, is sprete. |
3:7 | Marvayle nott that I sayd to the/ ye must be boren a newe. | Marvayle not that I sayd to the/ ye must be boren a newe. | Maruayle not that I sayd to the/ ye must be boren a newe. | Maruell not, that I sayde vnto ye: Ye must be borne of new. |
3:8 | The wynde bloweth where he listeth/ and thou hearest his sounde: butt thou canst nott tell whence he commeth and whether he goeth. So is every man that is boren of the sprete. | The wynde bloweth where he listeth/ & thou hearest his sounde: but canst not tell whence he cometh and whether he goeth. So is every man that is boren of the sprete. | The wynde bloweth where he lysteth/ and thou hearest his sounde: but canst not tell whence he cometh and whether he goeth. So is euery man that is boren of the sprete. | The wynde bloweth where he wyl, and thou hearest his sounde: but thou canst not tell whēce he commeth, and whither he goeth. So is euery one, that is borne of the sprete. |
3:9 | Nicodemus answered and sayde vnto hī: howe can these thyngſ be? | And Nicodemus answered and sayde vnto him: how can these thinges be? | And Nycodemus answered and sayde vnto him: how can these thinges be? | Nicodemus answered, and sayde vnto him: How maye these be? |
3:10 | Iesus answered and sayde vnto hym: Arte thou a master in Israhell/ and knowest nott these thyngſ? | Iesus answered and sayde vnto him: arte thou a master in Israel/ and knowest not these thinges? | Iesus answered and sayde vnto him: arte thou a master in Israel/ and knowest not these thinges? | Iesus answered, & sayde vnto hī: Art thou a Master in Israel, & knowest not these? |
3:11 | Verely verely/ I saye vnto the/ we speake that we knowe/ and testify that we have sene: And ye receave not oure witnes. | Verely verely/ I saye vnto the/ we speake that we knowe/ and testify that we have sene: and ye receave not oure witnes. | Verely/ verely/ I saye vnto the/ we speake that we knowe/ and testify that we haue sene: and ye receaue not oure witnes. | Verely I saye vnto ye: We speake that we knowe, and testifie that we haue sene, and ye receaue not oure wytnesse. |
3:12 | Yff I have tolde you erthely thyngſ and ye have not beleved: Howe shulde ye beleve if I shall tell you of hevenly thyngſ? | Yf when I tell you erthely thinges/ ye beleve not: how shuld ye beleve/ yf I shall tell you of hevenly thinges? | If when I tell you erthly thinges/ ye beleue not: how shuld ye beleue yf I shall tell you of heuenly thinges? | Yf ye beleue not whan I tell you of earthly thinges, how shulde ye beleue, whā I speake vnto you of heauenly thinges? |
3:13 | And noo man hath ascended vppe to heven/ butt he that cam doune from heven/ that ys to saye the sonne of man/ which is in heven. | And no man ascendeth vp to heaven/ but he that came doune from heaven/ that is to saye/ the sonne of man which is in heaven. | And no man ascendeth vp to heauen/ but he that came doune from heauen/ that is to saye/ the sonne of man which is in heauen. | And noman ascendeth vp in to heauen, but he that is come downe from heauē, (namely) the sonne of man which is in heauen. |
3:14 | And as Moses lifte vppe the serpent in wyldernes/ even soo must the sonne off man be lifte vppe/ | And as Moses lifte vp the serpent in the wyldernes/ even so must the sonne of man be lifte vp/ | And as Moses lyfte vp the serpent in the wildernes/ euen so must the sonne of man be lyfte vp/ | And like as Moses lift vp the serpent in the wyldernes, euen so must the sonne of man be lift vp, |
3:15 | that noo man which beleveth in hym perisshe: but have eternall lyfe. | that none that beleveth in him perisshe: but have eternall lyfe. | that none that beleueth in him perisshe: but haue eternall lyfe. | that who so euer beleueth in him, shulde not perish, but haue euerlastinge life. |
3:16 | God soo loved the worlde/ that he gave his ōly sonne for the entent/ that none that beleve in hym/ shulde perisshe: Butt shulde have everlastynge lyfe. | For God so loveth the worlde/ yt he hath geven his only sonne/ that none that beleve in him/ shuld perisshe: but shuld have everlastinge lyfe. | For God so loueth the worlde/ that he hath geuen his only sonne/ that none that beleue in him/ shuld perisshe: but shuld haue euerlastinge lyfe. | For God so loued the worlde, that he gaue his onely sonne, that who so euer beleueth in hī, shulde not perishe, but haue euerlastinge life. |
3:17 | For God sent not his sonne into the worlde/ to condempne the worlde: But that the worlde through hī/ mynght be saved. | For God sent not his sonne into the worlde/ to condēpne the worlde: but that the worlde through him/ might be saved. | For God sent not his sonne into the worlde/ to condempne the worlde: but that the worlde through him/ myght be saued. | For God sent not his sonne in to ye worlde to condempne the worlde, but that the worlde might be saued by him. |
3:18 | He that beleveth on hym shall not be condempned. But he that beleveth nott/ is condempned all redy/ be cause he beleveth nott in the name off the only sonne off God. | He that beleveth on him/ shall not be condēpned. But he that beleveth not/ is condempned all redy/ be cause he beleveth not in the name of the only sonne of God. | He that beleueth on him/ shall not be condempned. But he that beleueth not/ is condempned all redy/ because he beleueth not in the name of the only sonne of God. | He that beleueth on him, shal not be cōdemned. But he that beleueth not, is cōdemned allready: because he beleueth not on the name of the onely sonne of God. |
3:19 | And this is the condempnacion: Light is come into the worlde/ and the men have loved darcknes more then light/ be cause their dedes were evyll. | And this is the condempnacion: that light is come into the worlde/ & the mē loved darcknes more then light/ because their dedes were evill. | And this is the condempnacion/ that lyght is come into the worlde/ and the men loued darcknes more then lyght/ because their dedes were euyll. | But this is ye cōdempnacion, that the light is come in to the worlde, and men loued the darknesse more thē ye light: for their workes were euell. |
3:20 | For every man that evyll doeth/ hateth the light: nether commeth to light/ lest his dedes shulde be reproved. | For every man that evyll doeth/ hateth the light: nether commeth to light/ lest his dedes shuld be reproved. | For euery man that euyll doeth/ hateth the lyght: nether commeth to lyght/ lest his dedes shuld be reproued. | Whosoeuer doth euell, hateth the light, and cōmeth not to the light, that his dedes shulde not be reproued. |
3:21 | Butt he that doth the trueth/ cōmeth to the light/ that his dedes myght be knowē/ howe that they are wroght in God. | But he that doth truth/ commeth to the light/ that his dedes might be knowen/ how that they are wrought in God. | But he that doth trueth/ commeth to the lyght that his dedes myght be knowē/ how that they are wrought in God. | But he that doth the trueth, commeth to the light, that his workes maye be knowne: for they are done in God. |
3:22 | After that cā Iesus and his disciples into the iewes londe/ ād there abode with them and baptised/ | After these thinges cam Iesus & his disciples into the Iewes londe/ & ther he haunted with them & baptised. | After these thinges cam Iesus and his disciples into the Iewes londe/ and ther he haunted with them and baptised. | Afterwarde came Iesus & his disciples in to the lōde of Iewry, and had his beynge there with them, and baptysed |
3:23 | and Ihon also baptised in Enon besydes Salim/ be cause there was moche water there/ and they cam/ ād were baptised. | And Iohn also baptised in Enon besydes Salim/ because ther was moche water there/ & they came & were baptised. | And Iohn also baptised in Enon besydes Salim/ because ther was moche water there/ and they came and were baptised | Ihon baptysed also in Enon besyde Salem: for there was moch water there. And they came thither, and were baptysed: |
3:24 | For Ihon was not yet cast into preson. | For Iohn was not yet cast into preson. | For Iohn was not yet cast into preson. | for Ihon was not yet put in preson. |
3:25 | There a rose a question bitwene Ihons disciples and the iewes a bout purifiynge. | And ther arose a questiō bitwene Iohns disciples and the Iewes a bout purifiynge. | And ther arose a question bitwene Iohns disciples and the Iewes about purifyinge. | Then arose there a question amonge the disciples of Ihon with the Iewes aboute the purifienge, |
3:26 | And they cam vnto Ihon/ and sayde vnto hym: Master/ beholde he that was with the beyonde iordā/ to whom thou barest witnes/ baptyseth/ ād all mē come to hym. | And they came vnto Iohn/ & sayde vnto him: Rabbi/ he that was with the beyonde Iordan/ to whom thou barest witnes. Beholde the same baptyseth/ & all mē come to him. | And they came vnto Iohn/ and sayde vnto him: Rabbi/ he that was with the beyonde Iordan/ to whom thou barest witnes. Beholde the same baptiseth/ & all men come to him. | and they came vnto Ihon, and sayde vnto him: Master, he yt was with the beyonde Iordan, of whom thou barest wytnesse, beholde, he baptyseth, and euery man cōmeth vnto him. |
3:27 | Ihon answered/ and sayde: A mā cā receave nothynge at all except it be gevē hym from heven. | Iohn answered/ and sayde: a man can receave no thinge at all except it be gevē him frō heaven. | Iohn answered/ & sayde: a man can receaue nothinge at all except it be geuen him from heauen. | Ihon answered and sayde: A man can receaue nothinge, excepte it be geuen him from heauē. |
3:28 | Ye youre selves are witnesses/ howe that I sayde: I am nott Christ: butt am sent before hym. | Ye youre selves are witnesses/ how that I sayde: I am not Christ but am sent before him. | Ye youre selues are witnesses/ how that I sayde: I am not Christ/ but am sent before him. | Ye youreselues are my witnesses, how that I sayde, I am not Christ, but am sent before him. |
3:29 | He that hath the bryde is the brydegrome: But the frende off the brydegrome which stondeth by and heareth hym/ reioyseth greately of the brydgromes voyce. Therfore this my ioye is fulfilled. | He that hath the bryde/ is the brydegrome. But the frende of the brydegrome which stondeth by and heareth him/ reioyseth greately of the brydgromes voyce. Tis my ioye is fulfilled. | He that hath the bryde/ is the brydegrome. But the frende of the brydegrome/ which stondeth by and heareth him reioyseth greately of the brydegromes voyce. This my ioye is fulfilled. | He that hath the bryde, is the brydegrome: but the frende of the brydegrome stondeth, and herkeneth vnto him, and reioyseth greatly ouer the voyce of the brydegrome, this same ioye of myne is now fulfilled. |
3:30 | He must increace: ād I muste decreace. | He must increace: & I muste decreace. | He must increace: and I muste decreace. | He must increace, but I must decreace. |
3:31 | He that commeth from an hye is above all: he that is off the erth is of the erth/ ād speaketh off the erth. He that commeth from heven/ is above all: | He that commeth from an hye is above all: He that is of ye erth/ is of the erth/ & speaketh of the erth. He that cōmeth from heaven/ is above all/ | He that commeth from an hye is aboue all: He that is of the erth/ is of the erth/ and speaketh of the erth. He that cōmeth from heauen/ is aboue all/ | He that commeth from an hye, is aboue all. He that is of the earth, is earthly, and speaketh of the earth. He that commeth frō heauen, is aboue all, |
3:32 | And testifyeth that he hath sene/ and herde: ād his testimony noo mā receaveth. | & what he hath sene & hearde: that he testifieth: but no man receaveth his testimonye. | and what he hath sene and hearde: that he testifieth: but no man receaueth his testimonye. | and testifieth what he hath sene & herde, and no man receaueth his wytnesse. |
3:33 | Whosoever receavith his witnes/ the same hath sealed that God is true. | How be it/ he that hath receaved hys testimonye hath set to his seale that God is true. | Howbeit/ he that hath receaued his testimonye hath set to his seale that God is true. | But he that receaueth it, hath set to his seale, that God is true. |
3:34 | For he whom God hath sent speaketh the wordſ off God. For God geveth nott the sprete by measure. | For he whom God hath sent/ speaketh the wordes of God. For God geveth not the sprete by measure. | For he whom God hath sent/ speaketh the wordes of God. For God geueth not the sprete by measure. | For he whō God hath sent, speaketh ye wordes of God: for God geueth not the sprete (vnto him) by measure. |
3:35 | The father loveth the sonne/ and hath geven all thyngſ into his honde. | The father loveth the sonne & hath geven all thinges into his honde. | The father loueth the sonne/ and hath geuen all thinges into his honde. | The father loueth the sonne, and hath geuen him all thinges in to his hande. |
3:36 | He that beleveth on the sonne/ hath eyerlastyng lyfe. And he that beloveth nott the sonne/ shall nott se lyfe: but the wrathe of God bydeth on hym. | He that beleveth on the sonne/ hath everlastynge lyfe: and he that beleveth not the sonne/ shall not se lyfe/ but the wrathe of God abydeth on him. | He that beleueth on the sonne/ hath euerlastynge lyfe: and he that beleueth not the sonne shall not se lyfe/ but the wrath of God abydeth on him. | He that beleueth on the sonne, hath euerlastinge life: he that beleueth not the sonne, shal not se the life, but ye wrath of God abydeth vpon him. |