James: Chapter 1

The Epistle of S. Iames. The .i. Chapter.
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
TITLE The pistle off S. Iames. The pistle of S. Iames The epistle of saynct Iames. The Epistle of S. Iames.
1:1 IAmes the seruaunt off God/ and off the lorde Iesus Christ/ sendeth gretynge to the xij. trybes which are stattered here and there. IAmes the seruaūt of God and of the Lorde Iesus Christ/ sendeth gretinge to ye .xii. trybes which are scattered here and there. IAmes the seruaūt of god & of the lorde Iesus Christ/ sendeth gretynge to the .xij. tribes which are scattered here and there. IAmes the seruaunt of God and of the LORDE Iesus Christ, sendeth gretinge to the xij. trybes which are scatered here & there.
1:2 My brethrē/ count it excedynge ioye when ye faule into divers temptacions/ My brethren/ count it excedynge ioye when ye faule into divers tēptacions/ My brethrē/ coūt it excedinge ioye when ye faule into diuers temptacions/ My brethren, counte it exceadynge ioye whē ye fall in to diuers temptacions,
1:3 remembrynge howe that the tryinge off youre fayth bringeth pacience: for as moche as ye knowe how that the tryinge of youre fayth bringeth pacience: for as moche as ye knowe how that the tryinge of youre fayth bringeth pacience: for as moche as ye knowe, how yt the tryinge of youre faith bringeth pacience:
1:4 and let pacience have her parfect worke/ that ye maye be parfect and sounde/ that nothynge be lackynge vnto you. and let pacience have her parfect worke/ that ye maye be parfecte and sounde/ lackinge nothinge. and let pacience haue her parfect worke/ that ye maye be parfecte and sounde/ lackynge nothinge. and let pacience haue her parfect worke, yt ye maye be parfecte aud sounde, lakinge nothinge.
1:5 Yff eny that is amonge you lake wisdom/ let hym axe off God (which geveth to all men with outen doublenes/ ād casteth no man in the teth) and it shalbe geven hym: Yf eny of you lacke wysdome/ let him axe of God which geveth to all men indifferentlie/ and casteth no man in the teth: and it shalbe geven him. Yf eny of you lacke wysdome/ let him axe of God which geueth to all men indifferentlye/ & casteth no man in the teth: and it shalbe geuen him. Yf eny of you lacke wyssdome, let him axe of God, which geueth to all men indifferentlie, and casteth no man in the teth: and it shal be geuē him.
1:6 but let hym axe in faythe/ and waver not. For he that douteth is lyke the waves off the see/ tost off the wynde/ and caried with violence. But let him axe in fayth & waver not. For he that douteth is lyke the waves of the see/ tost of the wynde and caried with violence. But let him axe in fayth & wauer not. For he that douteth/ is lyke the waues of the see/ tost of the wynde and caryed with violence. But let him axe in faith and wauer not. For he that douteth, is lyke the wawes of ye See, tost of the wynde, and caried wt violence.
1:7 Nether let that man thynke that he shall receave eny thynge off God. Nether let that man thinke that he shall receave eny thinge of the Lorde. Nether let that man thinke that he shall receaue eny thinge of the Lorde. Nether let yt man thinke that he shal receaue eny thīge of ye LORDE.
1:8 A waverynge mynded man is vnstable in all his wayes. A waveringe mynded man is vnstable in all his wayes. A wauerynge mynded man is vnstable in all his wayes. A wauerynge mynded mā ys vnstable in all his waies.
1:9 Let the brother off lowe degre reioyce in that he is exalted/ Let the brother of lowe degre reioyce in yt he is exalted/ Let the brother of lowe degre reioyce in that he is exalted/ Let the brother of lowe degre reioyce, in yt he is exalted:
1:10 and the ryche in that he is made lowe. For even as the flower off the grasse shall he vannysshe awaye. & the ryche in that he is made lowe. For evē as ye flower of the grasse/ shall he vanysshe awaye. and the ryche in that he is made lowe. For euen as the flower of the grasse/ shall he vanysshe awaye. and the rich, in yt he is made lowe. For euē as the flor of ye grasse shal he vanyshe awaye.
1:11 The sonne is rysen with heate/ and the grasse is widdered/ and his flower is faulen awaye/ and the beautie off the fassion off it is perisshed: even so shall the riche man perisshe in his aboundance. The sonne ryseth with heate/ & the grasse wydereth/ & his flower falleth awaye/ and the beautie of the fassion of it perissheth: even so shall the ryche man perisshe with his aboundance. The sonne ryseth with heate/ and the grasse wydereth/ and his flower falleth awaye/ and the beautie of the fassion of it perissheth: euen so shall the ryche man perisshe with his aboundance. The Sonne ryseth wt heat and the grasse wydereth, & his floure falleth awaye, and the beautie of the fassion of it perissheth: euen so shal the ryche man perisshe with his abundaunce.
1:12 Happy is the man that endureth in temptacion/ for when he is tryed he shall receave the croune of lyfe/ which the lorde hath prepared for them that love hym. Happy is the man that endureth in temptacion/ for when he is tryed he shall receave the croune of lyfe/ which the Lorde hath promysed to them that love him. Happy is the man that endureth in temptacion/ for when he is tryed/ he shall receaue the croune of lyfe/ which the Lorde hath promised to them that loue him. Happy is the man that endureth in tēptacion, for when he is tryed, he shal receaue the crowne of life, which the LORDE hath promised to them that loue him.
1:13 Let no man saye when he is tempted that he is tempted of god: for god tempteth not vnto evyll: he tempteth no mā: Let no man saye when he is tēpted that he is tempted of God. For God tēpteth not vnto evyll/ nether tēpteth he anie mā. Let no man saye when he is tempted/ that he is tempted of God. For God tempteth not vnto euyll/ nether tempteth he anye man. Let no man saye when he is tempted, yt he is tempted of God. For God tēpteth not vnto euell, nether tēpteth he eny man.
1:14 But every man is tēpted drawne a waye/ and entysed of his awne cōcupiscence. But every mā is tēpted/ drawne awaye/ & entysed of his awne concupiscēce. But euery man is tempted/ drawne awaye/ and entysed of his awne cōcupiscence. But euery mā is tēpted, drawne awaye, & entysed of his awne cōcupiscēce.
1:15 Then when lust hath cōceaved/ she brīgeth forth synne/ād synne when it is fynnisshed bryngeth forthe deeth. Then when lust hath cōceaved/ she bringeth forth synne/ & synne whē it is fynisshed bringeth forthe deeth. Then when lust hath conceaued/ she bringeth forth synne/ and synne when it is fynisshed/ bringeth forth deeth. Thē whē lust hath conceaued, she bringeth forth synne, & synne when it is fynished, bringeth forth deeth.
1:16 Erre not my deare brethren. Erre not my deare brethren. Erre not my deare brethren. Erre not my deare brethrē.
1:17 Every good gyfte/ and every parfait gyft/ is from above and commeth doune from the father off light/ with whom is no variablenes/ nether is he chaunged vnto darknes. Every good gyfte/ & every parfayt gyft/ is from above and commeth doune frō the father of light/ with whom is no variablenes/ nether is he chaunged vnto darcknes. Euery good gyfte/ and euery parfayt gyft/ is from aboue and commeth doune from the father of lyght/ with whom is no variablenes/ nether is he chaunged vnto darcknes Euery good gifte, & euery parfait gift, is from aboue, and cōmeth downe from ye father of light, with whom is no variablenes, nether is he chaunged vnto darcknes.
1:18 Of his awne will begat he vs with the worde off lyfe/ that we shulde be the fyrst of his creatures. Of his awne will begat he vs with the worde of lyfe/ that we shuld be the fyrst frutes of his creatures. Of his awne will begat he vs with the worde of lyfe/ that we shuld be the fyrstfrutes of his creatures. Of his awne will begat he vs with the worde of life, that we shulde be the fyrst frutes of his creatures.
1:19 Wherfore deare brethren/ let every man be swyfte to heare/ slowe to speake/ ād slowe to wrathe. Wherfore deare brethren/ let every man be swyfte to heare/ slowe to speake/ and slowe to wrath. Wherfore deare brethren/ let euery man be swyfte to heare/ slowe to speake/ and slowe to wrath. Wherfore deare brethren, let euery man be swifte to heare, slowe to speake, and slowe to wrath.
1:20 For the wrathe off man worketh not that which is righteous before God. For the wrath of man worketh not that which is ryghteous before God. For the wrath of man worketh not that which is ryghteous before God. For the wrath of mā worketh not that which is righteous before God.
1:21 Wherfore laye a parte all filthynes/ all superfluite off maliciousnes/ and receave with meknes the worde that is grafted in you/ which is able to save youre soules: Wherfore laye a parte all fylthynes/ all superfluite of maliciousnes/ and receave with meknes the worde yt is grafted in you/ which is able to save youre soules. Wherfore laye a parte all filthynes/ all superfluyte of maliciousnes/ and receaue with meknes/ the worde that is graffed in you/ which is able to saue youre soules. Wherfore laye aparte all fylthines, all superfluite of maliciousnes, & receaue with meknes ye worde yt is grafted in you, which is able to saue youre soules.
1:22 And se that ye be doares of the worde ād not heares only/ deceavīge youre owne selves. And se that ye be doars of the worde & not hearers only/ deceavinge youre awne selves with sophistrie And se that ye be doars of the worde and not hearers only/ deceauynge youre awne selues with sophistrye. And se that ye be doers of ye worde & not heares only, deceauinge youre awne selues.
1:23 For yff a man heare the worde/ and do it not/ he is lyke vnto a man that beholdeth his boddyly face in a glasse. For yf eny heare the worde/ and do it not/ he is lyke vnto a man that beholdeth his bodyly face in a glasse. For yf eny heare the worde/ & do it not/ he is lyke vnto a man that beholdeth his bodyly face in a glasse. For yf eny heare the worde, and do it not, he is like vnto a mā that beholdeth his bodily face in a glasse.
1:24 For as sone as he hath loked on hym silfe/ he goeth his waye/ and hath immediatly forgotten what his fassion was: For assone as he hath loked on him silfe/ he goeth his waye/ & forgetteth immediatlie what his fassion was. For assone as he hath loked on him selfe/ he goeth his waye/ and forgetteth immediatlye what his fassion was. For assone as he hath loked on him selfe, he goeth his waye, and forgetteth immediatly what his fasshion was.
1:25 but whosoever loketh in the parfait lawe off libertie/ and continueth there in (yf he be not a forgettfull hearer/ but a doar off the worke) he shalbe happi in his dede. But who so loketh in the parfaict lawe of libertie/ and continueth ther in (yf he be not a forgetfull hearer/ but a doar of ye worke) the same shallbe happie in his dede. But who so loketh in the parfayct lawe of libertie/ and continueth ther in (yf he be not a forgetfull hearer/ but a doar of the worke) the same shalbe happye in his dede. But who so loketh in ye perfect lawe of libertie, and continueth therin (yf he be not a forgetfull hearer, but a doar of the worke) the same shalbe happie in his dede.
1:26 Yff eny man amonge you seme devoute/ and refrayne not his tonge: but deceave his owne herte/ this mannes devocion is in vayne. Yf eny man amonge you seme devoute/ and refrayne not his tonge: but deceave his awne herte/ this mannes devocion is in vayne Yf eny man amonge you seme deuoute/ and refrayne not his tonge: but deceaue his awne herte/ this mannes deuocion is in vayne. Yf eny man amonge you seme deuoute, & refrayne not his tōge: but deceaue his awne herte, this mannes deuocion is in vayne.
1:27 Pure devocion and vndefiled before God the father/ is this: To vysit the frendlesse/ and widdowes in their adversite/ and to kepe hym silfe vnspotted from the worlde. Pure devocion and vndefiled before God the father/ is this: to vysit the frendlesse and widdowes in their adversite/ and to kepe him silfe vnspotted of the worlde. Pure deuocion and vndefiled before God the father/ is this: to visyt the faderlesse and widdowes in their aduersite/ and to kepe him selfe vnspotted of the worlde. Pure deuocion and vndefiled before God the father, is this: to visit the frendlesse and widdowes in their aduersite, and to kepe him selfe vnspotted of the worlde.


James: Chapter 2

The Epistle of S. Iames. The .ij. Chapter.
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
2:1 BRethrē have not the fayth of oure lorde Iesus Christ the lorde off glory in respecte off persons. BRethren have not the fayth of oure lorde Iesus Christ the lorde of glory in respecte of persons. BRethren haue not the fayth of oure lorde Iesus Christ the Lorde of glory in respecte of persons. BRethren, haue not the faith of oure LORDE Iesus Christ ye LORDE of glory in respecte of persons.
2:2 Yff there come into youre company a man with a golden rynge/ ād in goodly aparrell ād there come in also a povre man in vyle rayment/ Yf ther come into youre company a man with a golden rynge and in goodly aparell and ther come in also a poore man in vyle rayment/ Yf ther come into youre company a man with a golden rynge and in goodly aparell/ and ther come in also a poore man in vyle rayment/ Yf ther come in to yor cōpany a mā wt a goldē rynge and in goodly aparell, & ther come in also a poore man in vyle raymēt,
2:3 and ye have a respecte to hym that weareth the gaye clothynge and saye vnto hym: Sit thou here in a goode place: and saye vnto the povre/ stonde thou there/ or sit here vnder my fote stole: and ye have a respecte to him that weareth the gaye clothynge and saye vnto him. Sit thou here in a good place: and saye vnto the poore/ stonde thou there or sit here vnder my fote stole: and ye haue a respecte to him that weareth the gaye clothynge/ and saye vnto him. Syt thou here in a good place: and saye vnto the poore/ stonde thou there or syt here vnder my fote stole: & ye haue a respecte to him yt weareth the gaye clothinge & saye vnto hī: Sit thou here ī a good place, & saye vnto ye poore, stonde thou there or sit here vnder my fote stole:
2:4 are ye not even parciall in youre selves/ and have iudged after evyll thoughtes? are ye not parciall in youre selves/ and have iudged after evyll thoughtes? are ye not parciall in youre selues/ and haue iudged after euyll thoughtes? are ye not parciall in youre selues, and haue iudged after euyll thoughtes?
2:5 Harken my deare beloved brethren/ hath not God chosen the povre off this worlde/ which are ryche in fayth/ and heyres off the kyngdom/ which he promysed to them that love hym? Harken my deare beloved brethren. Hath not God chosen the poore of this worlde/ which are ryche in fayth/ and heyres of the kyngdom which he promysed to them that love him? Harken my deare beloued brethren. Hath not God chosen the poore of this worlde/ which are ryche in fayth/ and heyres of the kyngdome which he promised to them that loue him? Harken my deare beloued brethrē. Hath not God chosen the poore of this worlde, which are ryche in faith, and heyres of the kyngdom which he promysed to thē that loue him?
2:6 But ye have despised the povre. Are not the rych they which opresse you: ād they which drawe you before iudges? But ye have despised the poore. Are not the rych they which opresse you: and they which drawe you before iudges? But ye haue despysed the poore. Are not the rych they which opresse you: & they which drawe you before iudges? But ye haue despised the poore. Are not the rych they which oppresse you: & they which drawe you before iudges?
2:7 Do not they speake evyll of that good name that is called on over you? Do not they speake evyll of that good name after which ye be named. Do not they speake euyll of that good name after which ye be named. Do not they speake euell of that good name after which ye be named.
2:8 Yf ye fulfill the royall lawe accordynge to the scripture which sayth: Thou shalt love thyne neghbour as thy silfe/ ye do wele: Yf ye fulfill the royall lawe accordynge to the scripture which sayth. Thou shallt love thyne neghbour as thy silfe/ ye do well. Yf ye fulfill the royall lawe accordynge to the scripture which sayth. Thou shallt loue thyne neghbour as thy selfe/ ye do well. Yf ye fulfill the royall lawe acordinge to the scripture which saith: Thou shalt loue thyne neghbour as thy selfe, ye do well.
2:9 but yf ye regarde one person more then another/ ye commit synne/ and are rebuked off the lawe as transgressours. But yf ye regarde one person more then another/ ye commit synne/ and are rebuked of the lawe as transgressours. But yf ye regarde one person more then another/ ye cōmit synne/ & are rebuked of the lawe/ as transgressours. But yf ye regarde one person more then another, ye cōmit synne, and are rebuked of the lawe as trāgressours.
2:10 Whosoever shall kepe the whole lawe/ ād yet fayle in one poynt/ he is gyltie in all. Whosoever shall kepe the whole lawe/ and yet fayle in one poynt/ he is gyltie in all. Whosoeuer shall kepe the whole lawe/ & yet fayle in one poynt/ he is gyltie in all. Whosoeuer shal kepe the whole lawe, and yet fayle in one poynt, he is gyltie in all.
2:11 For the that sayde: Thou shalt not commit fornicacion/ sayde also: thou shalt not kyll. Though thou shallt do no fornicacion/ yet yff thou kill/ thou arte a transgresser off the lawe. For he that sayd. Thou shallt not commit adulterie/ sayed also: thou shallt not kyll. Though thou do none adulterie/ yet yf thou kill/ thou arte a transgresser of the lawe. For he that sayd. Thou shallt not commit adulterie/ sayed also: thou shallt not kyll. Though thou do none adulterie yet yf thou kyll/ thou arte a transgressor of the lawe. For he that sayde: Thou shalt not commit adulterie, sayed also: thou shalt not kyll. Though thou do none adulterie, yet yf thou kill, thou art a transgresser of the lawe.
2:12 So speake ye/ ād so do as they that shalbe iudged by the lawe off libertie. So speake ye/ and so do as they that shalbe iudged by the lawe of libertie. So speake ye/ and so do/ as they that shalbe iudged by the lawe of libertie. So speake ye, and so do as they that shalbe iudged by the lawe of libertie.
2:13 For there shalbe iudgement merciles to hym that sheweth no mercy/ ād mercy reioyseth agaynst iudgement: For ther shalbe iudgement merciles to him that sheweth no mercy/ and mercy reioyseth agaynst iudgement: For ther shalbe iudgement merciles to him that sheweth no mercy/ & mercy reioyseth agaynst iudgement. For ther shalbe iudgement merciles to him that sheweth no mercy, & mercy reioiseth against iudgment.
2:14 What avayleth it my brethren/ though a mā saye he hath fayth/ when he hath no dedes? Cā fayth save hym? What a vayleth it my brethren/ though a man saye he hath fayth/ when he hath no dedes? Can fayth save him? What auayleth it my brethren/ though a man saye he hath fayth/ when he hath no dedes? Can fayth saue him? What a vayleth it my brethrē, though a man saye he hath faith, when he hath no dedes? Can faith saue him?
2:15 Yff a brother or a sister be naked or destitute off dayly fode/ If a brother or a sister be naked or destitute of dayly fode/ Yf a brother or a syster be naked or destitute of dayly fode/ If a brother or a sister be naked or destitute of dayly fode,
2:16 and one of you saye vnto them: Departe in peace/ God sende you warmnes and fode: not with stondynge ye geve them not tho thyngſ which are nedfull to the body: what helpeth it them? and one of you saye vnto them: Departe in peace/ God sende you warmnes & fode: not withstondinge ye geve thē not tho thyngſ which are nedfull to the body: what helpeth it thē? and one of you saye vnto them: Departe in peace/ God sende you warmnes and fode: not withstondynge ye geue them not tho thinges which are nedfull to the body: what helpeth it? & one of you saye vnto them: Departe in peace, God sende you warmnes and fode: notwithstōdinge ye geue them not tho thinges which are nedfull to the body: what helpeth it them?
2:17 Evē so fayth/ yf it have no dedes is deed in hit silfe. Evē so fayth/ yf it have no dedes/ is deed in it selfe. Euen so fayth/ yf it haue no dedes/ is deed in it selfe. Euen so faith, yf it haue no dedes, is deed in it selfe.
2:18 But one shall saye: Thou hast fayth/ and I have dedes: Shewe me they fayth by thy dedes: and I will shewe the my fayth by my dedes. Ye & a man myght saye: Thou hast fayth/ and I have dedes: Shewe me thy fayth by thy dedes: and I will shewe the my fayth by my dedes. Ye and a man myght saye: Thou hast fayth/ & I haue dedes: Shewe me thy fayth by thy dedes: & I will shewe the my fayth by my dedes. Ye & a man might saye: Thou hast faith, and I haue dedes: Shewe me thy faith by thy dedes: and I wil shewe the my faith by my dedes.
2:19 Belevest thou that there is one god? Thou doest wele. The devyls also beleve and tremble. Belevest thou yt ther is one God? Thou doest well. The devyls also beleve and tremble. Beleuest thou that ther is one God? Thou doest well. The deuyls also beleue and tremble. Beleuest thou yt ther is one God? Thou doest well. The deuils also beleue and tremble.
2:20 Wilt thou vnderstonde o thou vayne man/ that fayth with out dedes is deed? Wilt thou vnderstonde o thou vayne man/ that fayth with out dedes is deed? Wilt thou vnderstonde o thou vayne man/ that fayth with out dedes is deed? Wilt thou vnderstōde o thou vayne man that faith with out dedes is deed:
2:21 Was not Abraham oure father iustifyed off his dedes whē he offered Ysaac his sonne apon the aultre? Was not Abrahā oure father iustified thorow workes when he offered Isaac his sonne vpō the aultre? Was not Abraham oure father iustified thorow workes when he offered Isaac his sonne vpon the aultre? Was not Abraham oure father iustified thorow workes when he offered Isaac his sonne vpon the aulter?
2:22 Thou seyst howe that fayth wroght in his dedes/ ād through the dedes was the fayth made parfet. Thou seist how that fayth wrought with his dedes/ and through the dedes was the fayth made parfect: Thou seist how that fayth wrought with his dedes and through the dedes was the fayth made parfecte: Thou seist how yt faith wrought with his dedes, and through ye dedes was the faith made perfect:
2:23 And the scripture was fulfilled which sayth: Abraham beleved god/ and it was reputed vnto hym for rightewesnes: and he was called the frende off God. ye scripture was fulfilled which sayth: Abraham beleved God/ & it was reputed vnto him for rightewesnes: & he was called the frēde of God. and the scripture was fulfilled which sayth: Abraham beleued God/ & it was reputed vnto him for ryghtewesnes: and he was called the frende of God. & the scripture was fulfilled which saith: Abrahā beleued God and it was reputed vnto him for rightewesnes: and he was called ye frende of God.
2:24 Ye se then howe that off dedes a man is iustified/ and nott off fayth only. Ye se then how that of dedes a man is iustified/ & not of fayth only. Ye se then how that of dedes a man is iustified/ and not of fayth only. Ye se then how that of dedes a man is iustified, and not of faith only
2:25 Lyke wyse also was not Raab the harlot iustifyed when she receaved the messengers/ and sent thē out a nother waye? Lyke wyse also was not Raab the harlot iustifyed thorow workes/ when she receaved the messengers/ & sent thē out another waye? Lykewyse also was not Raab the harlot iustified thorow workes/ when she receaued the messengers/ and sent them out another waye? Likewise also was not Raab the harlot iustified thorow workes, when she receaued the messengers, and sent them out another waye?
2:26 For as the body/ with out the sprete is deed/ evē so fayth with out dedes is deed. For as the body/ with oute the sprete is deed/ evē so fayth with out dedes is deed For as the body/ with oute the sprete is deed/ euen so fayth with out dedes is deed. For as the body, with oute the sprete is deed, euen so faith wt out dedes is deed.


James: Chapter 3

The Epistle of S. Iames. The .iij. Chapter.
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
3:1 MY brethren/ be not every man a master/ Remembrynge howe that we shall receave the more damnacion. MY brethren/ be not every mā a master/ remembringe how that we shall receave the more damnacion: MY brethren/ be not euery man a master/ remembringe how that we shall receaue the more damnacion: MY brethrē, be not euery man a master, remēbrynge how that we shall receaue the more damnacion:
3:2 For in many thyngſ we synne all. Yff a man synne not in worde/ he is a parfect man and able to tame all the body. for in many thinges we synne all. Yf a man synne not in worde/ the same is a parfecte mā/ & able to tame all the body. for in many thinges we synne all. Yf a man synne not in worde/ the same is a parfecte man/ and able to tame all the body. for in many thinges we synne all. Yf a man synne not in worde, the same is a parfecte man, & able to tame all the body.
3:3 Beholde we put bittes into the horses mouthes that they shulde obeye vs/ ād we turne aboute all the body. Beholde we put bittes into ye horses mouthes that they shuld obeye vs/ & we turne aboute all the body. Beholde we put bittes into the horses mouthes that they shuld obeye vs/ and we turne aboute all the body. Beholde, we put bittes into the horses mouthes yt they shulde obeye vs, and we turne aboute all the body.
3:4 Beholde also the shippes/ which though they be so gret/ and are dryven off fearce wīdes/ yet are they turned a bout with a very smale helme/ whither soever the violence off the governes woll: Beholde also the shyppes/ which though they be so gret/ and are dryven of fearce windes/ yet are they turned about with a very smale helme/ whither soever the violence of the governer wyll. Beholde also the shyppes/ which though they be so gret/ and are dryuen of fearce wyndes/ yet are they turned about with a very smale helme/ whythersoeuer the violence of the gouerner will. Beholde also ye shyppes, which though they be so gret, and are dryuen of fearce windes, yet are they turned about with a very smale helme, whither soeuer the violence of the gouerner wyll.
3:5 evē so the tonge is a littell member and bosteth grett thyngſ. Beholde howe gret a thynge a litell fyre kyndleth/ Even so the tonge is a lyttell member/ and bosteth great thinges. Beholde how gret a thinge a lyttell fyre kyndleth/ Euen so the tonge is a lyttell member/ and bosteth great thinges. Beholde how gret a thinge a lyttell fyre kyndleth Euen so the tōge is a lyttell member, and bosteth great thinges. Beholde how gret a thinge a lyttell fyre kyndleth,
3:6 and the tonge is fyre/ and worlde off wickednes. So is the tonge set among oure members/ that it defileth the whole body/ and setteth a fyre all that we have off nature/ and is it silfe sett a fyre/ even off hell. & the tonge is fyre/ and a worlde of wyckednes. So is the tonge set amonge oure members/ that it defileth the whole body/ & setteth a fyre all that we have of nature/ and is it selfe set a fyre even of hell. and the tonge is fyre/ and a worlde of wyckednes. So is the tonge set amonge oure membres/ that it defileth the whole body/ and setteth a fyre all that we haue of nature/ and is it selfe set a fyre euen of hell. and the tonge is fyre, and a worlde of wyckednes. So is the tonge set amonge oure membres, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth a fyre all that we haue of nature, and is it selfe set a fyre euen of hell.
3:7 All the natures off beastes/ and off byrdes/ and off serpentes/ and thynges of the see/ ar meked and tamed off the nature off man. All the natures of beastes/ & of byrdes/ and of serpentes/ and thinges of ye see/ are meked & tamed of the nature of man. All the natures of beastes/ and of byrdes/ and of serpentes/ and thinges of the see are meked and tamed of the nature of man. All the natures of beastes, and of byrdes, and of serpentes, and thinges of the see, are meked and tamed of the nature of mā.
3:8 But the tonge can noman tame. Yt is an vnruely evyll full off deedly poyson. But the tonge can no man tame. Yt is an vnruely evyll full of deedly poyson. But the tonge can no man tame. It is an vnruely euyll full of deedly poyson. But the tōge can no man tame. Yt is an vnruely euell full of deedly poysou.
3:9 Therwith blesse we God the father/ and therwith cursse we men which are made vnto the similitude off God. Therwith blesse we God the father/ and therwith cursse we mē which are made after the similitude of God. Therwith blesse we God the father/ and therwith cursse we men which are made after the similitude of God. Therwith blesse we God the father, and therwith cursse we men which are made after the similitude of God.
3:10 Out off one mought proceadeth blessynge and cursynge. My brethren these thynges ought not soo to be. Out of one mouth proceadeth blessynge and cursynge. My brethren these thinges ought not so to be. Out of one mouth proceadeth blessynge and cursynge. My brethren these thinges ought not so to be. Out of one mouth proceadeth blessynge and cursynge. My brethrē these thinges ought not so to be.
3:11 Doth a fountayne sende forth at one place swete water/ and bytter also? Doth a fountayne sende forth at one place swete water and bytter also? Doth a fountayne sende forth at one place swete water and bytter also? Doth a fountayne sende forth at one place swete water and bytter also?
3:12 Can the fygge tree/ my brethren/ beare olive beries: other a vyne beare fygges? So can no fountayne geve bothe salt water and fresshe also. Can the fygge tree/ my Brethren/ beare olive beries: other a vyne beare fygges? So can no fountayne geve bothe salt water and fresshe also. Can the fygge tree/ my brethren/ beare olyue beries: other a vyne beare fygges? So can no fountayne geue bothe shalt water and fresshe also. Can the fygge tree, my Brethren, beare oliue beries: ether a vyne beare fygges? So can no fountayne geue bothe salt water and fresshe also.
3:13 Who ys wyse and endued with learnynge amonge you? Let hym shewe the workſ of his good conversacion in meknes that ys coupled wyth wisdom. If eny man be wyse and endued with learnynge amonge you let him shewe the workes of his good conversaciō in meknes that ys coupled with wisdome. Yf eny man be wyse and endued with learnynge amonge you/ let him shewe the workes of his good conuersacion in meknes that is coupled with wysdome. If eny man be wyse and endued with learnynge amonge you, let him shewe the workes of his good cōuersacion in meknes that is coupled with wissdome.
3:14 Yff ye have bitter envyinge amonge you/ ād stryfe in youre hertes/ reioyce not: nether be lyars agaynst the trueth. But Yf ye have bitter envyinge and stryfe in youre hertes/ reioyce not: nether be lyars agaynst the trueth. But Yf ye haue bytter enuynge and stryfe in youre hertes/ reioyce not: nether be lyars agaynst the trueth: But yf ye haue bitter enuyenge and stryfe in yor hertes, reioyce not: nether be lyars agaynst the trueth.
3:15 This wisdom descendeth not frō a bove: but is erthy/ and naturall/ ād divlysshe: This wisdome descēdeth not from a boue: but is erthy/ and naturall/ and divelisshe. This wysdome descendeth not from a boue: but is erthy/ and naturall/ and diuelisshe. This wissdome descendeth not from aboue: but is erthy, and naturall, and dyuelishe.
3:16 For where envyinge and stryfe is/ there is vnstablenes/ ād all māner of evyll workſ: For where envyinge & stryfe is/ there is stablenes & all māner of evyll workes. For where enuyinge and stryfe is/ there is vnstablenes and all manner of euyll workes. For where enuyenge and stryfe is, there is vnstablenes and all māner of euell workes.
3:17 but the wisdō that is from above/ is fyrst pure/ thē peasable/ gentle/ and easy tobe entreated/ full of mercy and good frutes/ with out iudgynge/ and with out simulaciō: But the wisdom that is from above/ is fyrst pure/ then peasable/ gentle/ and easy to be entreated/ full of mercy and good frutes/ without iudgynge/ and without simulaciō: But the wysdome that is from aboue/ is fyrst pure/ then peasable/ gentle/ and easy to be entreated/ full of mercy and good frutes/ without iudgynge/ and without simulacion: But the wissdom that is frō aboue, is fyrst pure, thē peasable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good frutes, without iudgynge, and without simulacion:
3:18 yee/ ād the frute of rightewesnes is sowen in peace/ of thē that kepe peace. yee/ and the frute of rightewesnes is sowen in peace/ of them that mayntene peace. yee/ and the frute of ryghtewesnes is sowen in peace/ of them that mayntene peace. yee, and the frute of rightewesnes is sowen in peace, of thē that mayntene peace.


James: Chapter 4

The Epistle of S. Iames. The .iiij. Chapter.
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
4:1 FRom whence cōmeth warre/ and fightynge amonge you? come they not here hence? evē off youre volupteousnes that rayneth in youre members. FRom whence commeth warre & fighttynge amonge you: come they not here hence? even of youre volupteousnes that rayne in youre members. FRom whence commeth warre and fyghtynge amonge you: come they not here hence? euen of youre volupteousnes/ that rayne in youre membres. FRom whence commeth warre and fightynge amonge you: come they not here hence? euen of yor volupteousnesses that rayne in youre mēbres?
4:2 Ye lust/ and have not. Ye envie and have indignacion/ and cannot come by it. Ye fight and warre/ ād have not/ be cause ye axe not. Ye lust/ and have not. Ye envie & have indignacion/ and cannot obtayne. Ye fight and warre & have not/ because ye axe not. Ye lust/ and haue not. Ye enuye and haue indignacion/ & cannot obtayne. Ye fyght and warre and have not/ because ye axe not. Ye lust, and haue not. Ye envie and haue indignacion, and can not obtayne. Ye fight & warre, and haue not, because ye axe not.
4:3 Ye axe and have not/ be cause ye axe a mysse/ forto consume it apō youre volupteousnes. Ye axe and receave not/ because ye axe a mysse: even to consume it apon youre volupteousnes. Ye axe and receaue not/ because ye axe a mysse: euen to consume it apon youre volupteousnes. Ye axe & receaue not because ye axe amysse: euē to cōsume it vpō yor voluptuousnes.
4:4 Ye advoutrars/ and wemen that breke matrimonie: knowe ye not howe that the frendshippe off the worlde is enmitie to god warde? Whosoever wilbe a frende of the worlde/ is made the enemie of god. Ye advouterars/ & wemen that breke matrimonie: knowe ye not how yt the frēshippe of ye worlde is ennimite to godwarde? Whosoever wilbe a frende of the worlde/ is made the enemie of god. Ye aduouterars/ & wemen that breke matrimonie: knowe ye not how that the frensshippe of the worlde is ennimite to godwarde? Whosoeuer wilbe a frende of the worlde/ is made the enemye of God. Ye aduouterars, & wemē that breke matrimonie: knowe ye not how that the frenshippe of ye worlde is ennimite to godwarde? Whosoeuer wilbe a frende of the worlde, is made ye enemie of god.
4:5 Do ye suppose that the scripture sayth ī vayne: The sprete that dwelleth in you/ lusteth evē contrary to envie: Ether do ye thinke that the scripture sayth in vayne The sprite that dwelleth in you/ lusteth evē contrary to envie: Ether do ye thinke that the scripture sayth in vayne. The sprite that dwelleth in you/ lusteth euen contrary to enuye: Ether do ye thinke yt the scripture sayth in vayne. The sprete yt dwelleth in you, lusteth euen contrary to enuie:
4:6 but geveth more grace. but geveth more grace. but geueth more grace. but geueth more grace.
4:7 Submit youre selves to god/ and resist the devyll/ ād he will flye frō you. Submit youre selves to god/ and resist the devyll/ and he will flye from you. Submit youre selues to God/ and resist the deuyll/ and he will flye from you. Submit youre selues to God, and resist the deuell, & he wil flye frō you.
4:8 Drawe neye to god/ and he will drawe neye to you. Clense youre hondes ye synners/ and pourdge youre hertes ye waverynge mynded. Drawe nye to god & he will drawe nye to you. Clense youre hondes ye synners/ and pourdge youre hertes ye waverynge mynded. Drawe nye to God and he will drawe nye to you. Clense youre hondes ye synners/ and pourdge youre hertes ye wauerynge mynded. Drawe nye to God & he wil drawe nye to you. Clense yor hondes ye synners, and pourge youre hertes ye wauerynge mynded.
4:9 Suffre affliccions: sorowe ye and wepe. Let youre laughter be turned to mornynge/ and youre ioye to hevynes. Suffre afflicciōs: sorowe ye and wepe. Let youre laughter be turned to mornynge/ and youre ioye to hevynes. Suffre affliccions: sorowe ye and wepe. Let youre laughter be turned to mornynge/ and youre ioye to heuynes. Suffre affliccions: sorowe ye and wepe. Let youre laughter be turned to mornynge, and youre ioye to heuynes.
4:10 Cast doune your selves before the lorde/ ād he shall lift you vppe. Cast doune youre selves before the lorde/ and he shall lift you vp. Cast doune youre selues before the Lorde/ & he shall lyft you vp. Cast downe youre selues before the LORDE, and he shal lift you vp.
4:11 Backbyte not one another/ brethren. He that backbyteth hys brother/ and he that iudgeth his brother/ backbyteth the lawe/ ād iudgeth the lawe: but and yf thou iudge the lawe/ thou art not an observer of the lawe: but a iudge. Backbyte not one another/ brethren. He that backbyteh hys brother/ and he that iudgeth his brother/ backbyteth the lawe/ and iudgeth the lawe. But and yf thou iudge the lawe/ thou art not an observer of ye lawe: but a iudge. Backbyte not one another/ brethren. He that backbyteth his brother/ & he that iudgeth his brother/ backbyteth the lawe/ and iudgeth the lawe. But and yf thou iudge the lawe/ thou art not an obseruer of the lawe: but a iudge. Backbyte not one another, brethren. He that backbyteth his brother, and he yt iudgeth his brother, backbyteth the lawe, and iudgeth the lawe. But and yf thou iudge the lawe, thou art not an obseruer of the lawe: but a iudge.
4:12 There is one lawe gever/ which is able to save ād to distoyre. what art thou that iudgest another mā Ther is one lawe gever/ which is able to save and to distroye. What art thou that iudgest a nother man? Ther is one lawe geuer/ which is able to saue and to distroye. What are thou that iudgest a nother man? There is one lawe geuer, which is able to saue and to distroye. What art thou that iudgest another man?
4:13 Go to nowe ye that saye: to daye ād to morowe let vs go into soche a citie and cōtinue there a yeare and beye/ and sell/ and wynne: Go to now ye that saye: to daye & to morow let vs go into soche a citie and continue there a yeare & bye and sell/ and wynne: Go to now ye that saye: to daye and to morow let vs go into soche a cite and cōtinue there a yeare and bye and sell/ and wynne: Go to now ye that saye: to daye & to morow let vs go into soche a citie and continue there a yeare, and bye and sell, and wynne:
4:14 and yet cannot tell what shall happen to morowe. For what thīge is youre lyfe? hit is evē a vapoure that apereth for a lytell tyme/ and then vanyssheth awaye: and yet can not tell what shall happen to morowe. For what thynge is youre lyfe? It is even a vapoure that apereth for a lytell tyme/ and thē vanyssheth awaye: and yet cannot tell what shall happen to morowe. For what thinge is youre lyfe? It is euen a vapoure that apereth for a lytell tyme/ and then vanyssheth awaye: & yet cā not tell what shal happē to morowe. For what thinge is youre life? It is euen a vapoure that apereth for a lytell tyme, and thē vanysheth awaye:
4:15 For that ye ought to saye: yff the lorde will and yf we live/ let vs do this or thatt. For that ye ought to saye: yf the lorde will and yf we live/ let vs do this or that. For that ye ought to saye: yf the Lorde will and yf we lyue/ let vs do this or that. For that ye ought to say: yf the LORDE wil, and yf we liue, let vs do this or that.
4:16 Butt nowe ye reioyce in youre bostynges. All soche reioysynge is evyll. But nowe ye reioyce in youre bostinges. All soche reioysynge is evyll. But now ye reioyce in youre bostynges. All soche reioysynge is euyll. But nowe ye reioyce in youre bostinges. All soche reioysynge is euell.
4:17 Therfore to hym that knoweth howe to do good/ and doth it not/ it is synne. Therfore to him that knoweth how to do good/ and doth it not/ to him it is synne. Therfore to him that knoweth how to do good/ and doth it not/ to him it is synne. Therfore to him that knoweth how to do good, and doth it not, to him it is synne.


James: Chapter 5

The Epistle of S. Iames. The .v. Chapter.
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
5:1 Goo to nowe ye Ryche men. Wepe/ and howle on youre wretchednes that shall come apon you. GOo to now ye ryche men. Wepe/ and howle on youre wretchednes that shall come apon you. GO to now ye ryche men. Wepe/ and howle on youre wretchednes that shall come apon you. GOo to now ye riche men. Wepe, and howle on yor wretchednes that shal come vpon you.
5:2 Youre ryches is corrupte/ youre garmentſ are moth eaten. Youre ryches is corrupte/ youre garmentes are motheaten. Youre ryches is corrupte/ youre garmentes are motheaten. Youre riches is corrupte, youre garmētes are motheaten.
5:3 Youre golde and youre silver are cankred/ and the rust off them shalbe a witnes vnto you/ and shall eate youre flesshe as it were fyre. Ye have heaped treasure togedder in youre last dayes: Youre golde and youre silver are cankred/ and the rust of them shalbe a witnes vnto you/ & shall eate youre flesshe/ as it were fyre. Ye have heaped treasure togedder in youre last dayes: Youre golde and youre siluer are cankred/ and the rust of them shalbe a witnes vnto you/ & shall eate youre flesshe/ as it were fyre. Ye haue heaped treasure to gedder in youre last dayes: Youre golde & yor siluer are cancred, & the rust of them shalbe a witnes vnto you, & shal eate youre flesshe, as it were fyre. Ye haue heaped treasure togedder in yor last dayes:
5:4 Beholde the hyer off the laboures which have reped doune youre feldes (which hyer is of you kept backe by fraude) cryeth: and the cryes off them which have reped/ are intred into the eares off the lorde off Sabaoth. Beholde the hyre of ye labourers which have reped doune youre feldes (which hyer is of you kept backe by fraude) cryeth: & ye cryes of them which have reped/ are entred into the eares of the lorde Sabaoth. Beholde the hyre of the labourers which haue reped doune youre feldes (which hyere is of you kept backe by fraude) cryeth: and the cryes of them which haue reped/ are entred into the eares of the Lorde Sabbaoth. Beholde, the hyre of the labourers which haue reped downe youre feldes (which hyer is of you kept backe by fraude) cryeth: and the cryes of thē which haue reped, are entred in to the eares of the LORDE Sabaoth.
5:5 Ye have lived in pleasure on the erth and in wantannes. Ye have norysshed youre hertes/ as in a daye off slaughter. Ye have lived in pleasure on the erth and in wantannes. Ye have norysshed youre hertſ/ as in a daye of slaughter. Ye haue lyued in pleasure on the erth and in wantannes. Ye haue norysshed youre hertes/ as in a daye of slaughter. Ye haue liued in pleasure on the earth and in wantannes. Ye haue norysshed youre hertes, as in a daye of slaughter.
5:6 Ye have condempned and have killed the iuste/ ād he hath not resisted you. Ye have condempned and have killed the iust/ and he hath not resisted you. Ye haue condempned and haue kylled the iust and he hath not resisted you. Ye haue cōdempned and haue killed the iust, and he hath not resisted you.
5:7 Be pacient therfore brethren/ vnto the commynge of the lorde. Beholde the husbande man wayteth for the precious frute off the erth/ and hath longe pacience there vppon/ vntill he receave the yerly and the latter rayne. Be pacient therfore brethren/ vnto the commynge of the lorde. Beholde the husbande man wayteth for the precious frute of the erth/ and hath longe pacience ther vppon/ vntill he receave (the erly and the latter rayne.) Be pacient therfore brethren vnto the commynge of the Lorde. Beholde the husbande man wayteth for the precious frute of the erth/ and hath longe pacience ther vpon/ vntyll he receaue (the erly and the latter rayne.) Be pacient therfore brethren, vnto the cōmynge of the LORDE. Beholde, the hussbāde man wayteth for the precious frute of ye earth, and hath longe pacience there vpon, vntill he receaue the erly and the latter rayne.
5:8 Be ye also pacient therfore/ and settle youre hertes/ for the commynge off the lorde draweth neye. Be ye also pacient therfore/ and settle youre hertes/ for ye commynge of the lorde draweth nye. Be ye also pacient therfore and settle youre hertes/ for the commynge of the Lorde draweth nye. Be ye also pacient therfore, and settle youre hertes, for the commynge of the LORDE draweth nye.
5:9 Grodge not one agaynst another brethren/ lest ye be dampned. Beholde the iudge stondeth before the dore. Grodge not one agaynst another brethrē/ lest ye be dāpned. Beholde the iudge stondeth before the dore. Grodge not one agaynst another brethren/ lest ye be dampned. Beholde the iudge stondeth before the dore. Grodge not one agaynst another brethren, lest ye be damned. Beholde, the iudge stondeth before the dore.
5:10 Take (my brethren) the prophettſ for an ensāple of sufferynge adversitie/ ād of longe pacience/ which spake in the name of the lorde. Take (my brethren) the prophettes for an ensample of sufferynge adversitie/ and of longe pacience/ which spake in the name of the lorde. Take (my brethren) the Prophetes for an ensample of sufferynge aduersitie/ and of longe pacience/ which spake in the name of the Lorde. Take (my brethren) the prophetes for an ensample of sufferynge aduersitie, and of longe pacience, which spake in the name of the LORDE.
5:11 Beholde we counte them happy which endure. Ye have herde of the pacience of Iob/ and have knowen what ende the lorde made/ For the lorde is very pitifull/ and mercifull. Beholde we counte them happy which endure. Ye have hearde of the pacience of Iob/ & have knowen what ende the lorde made. For the lorde is very pitifull and mercifull. Beholde we counte them happy which endure. Ye haue hearde of the pacience of Iob/ and haue knowen what ende the Lorde made. For the Lorde is very pitifull and mercyfull. Beholde we counte them happy which endure. Ye haue hearde of ye paciēce of Iob, and haue knowen what ende the LORDE made. For the LORDE is very pitifull and mercifull.
5:12 Butt above all thyngſ my brethren/ sweare not/ nether by heven/ nether by erth/ nether by eny wother othe. Let youre sayinge be ye ye/ naye naye: lest ye faule into ypocrysy. But above all thynges my brethrē/ sweare not/ nether by heven/ nether by erth/ nether by eny other othe. Let youre ye be ye/ and youre maye naye: lest ye faule into ypocrecy. But aboue all thinges my brethren/ sweare not/ nether by heuen/ nether by the erth/ nether by eny other othe. Let youre ye be ye/ and youre naye naye: lest ye faule into ypocrecy. But aboue all thinges my brethrē, sweare not, nether by heauē, nether by earth, nether by eny other othe. Let youre ye be ye, and yor naye naye: lest ye faule in to ypocricy.
5:13 Ys there eny amonge you that is evyll vexed? let hym praye. Ys there eny man a monge you that is mery? let hym synge psalmes. Yf eny of you be evyll vexed/ let him praye. Yf eny of you be mery/ let him singe Psalmes. Yf eny of you be euyll vexed/ let him praye. Yf eny of you be mery/ let him singe Psalmes. Yf eny of you be euell vexed, let hī praye. Yf eny of you be mery, let him singe Psalmes.
5:14 Ys there eny man deseased a monge you? Lett hym call for the seniours off the congregacion/ ād lett them praye over hym/ and anoynte hym with oyle in the name off the lorde: Yf eny be defeated amonge you/ let him call for the elders of the congregacion/ and let thē praye over him/ and anoynte him with oyle in the name of the lorde: Yf eny be deseased amonge you/ let him call for the elders of the congregacion/ and let them praye ouer him/ and anoynte him with oyle in the name of the Lorde: Yf eny be deseased amonge you, let him call for the elders of the congregacion, & let thē praye ouer him, and anoynte him with oyle in the name of the LORDE:
5:15 and the prayer off fayth shall save the sicke/ and the lorde shall rayse hym vppe: and yf he have committed synnes/ they shalbe forgevē hym. and the prayer of fayth shall save the sicke/ and the lorde shall rayse him vp: and yf he have committed synnes/ they shalbe forgeuen him. and the prayer of fayth shall saue the sicke/ & the Lorde shall rayse him vp: and yf he haue committed synnes/ they shalbe forgeuen him. and ye prayer of faith shal saue the sicke, and the LORDE shal rayse him vp: and yf he haue cōmitted synnes, they shalbe forgeuen him.
5:16 Knowledge youre fautes one to another: and praye one for another/ that ye maye be healed. The prayer off a ryghteous man avayleth moche/ yf it be ferveut. knowledge youre fautes one to another: & praye one for another/ that ye maye be healed. The prayer of a ryghteous mā avayleth moche/ yf it be fervēt. Knowledge youre fautes one to another: and praye one for another/ that ye maye be healed. The prayer of a ryghteous man auayleth moche/ yf it be feruent. Knowlege youre fautes one to another: and praye one for another, that ye maye be healed. The prayer of a righteous man auayleth moche, yf it be feruēt.
5:17 Helias was a man in daunger to tribulacion as we are/ and he prayed in his prayer/ that it myght not rayne: and it rayned nott on the erth by the space off thre yeares and sixe monethes. Helias was a man mortall even as we are/ and he prayed in his prayer/ that it myght not rayne: and it rayned not on the erth by the space of thre yeares and sixe monethes. Helias was a man mortall euen as we are & he prayed in his prayer/ that it myght not rayne: & it rayned not on the erth by the space of thre yeares and sixe monethes. Helias was a mā mortall euen as we are, and he prayed in his prayer, that it might not rayne: & it rayned not on the earth by the space of thre yeares and sixe monethes.
5:18 And agayne he prayed/ and the hevē gave rayne/ ād the erth brought forth her frute. And he prayed agayne/ & the hevē gave rayne & the erth brought forth her frute. And he prayed agayne/ & the heuen gaue rayne and the erth brought forth her frute. And he prayed agayne, and ye heauē gaue rayne, & ye earth brought forth her frute.
5:19 Brethren yf eny off you erre from the trueth/ and a nother convert hym/ Brethren yf eny of you erre from the trueth and a nother convert him/ Brethren yf eny of you erre from the trueth and a nother conuert him/ Brethren, yf eny of you erre frō the trueth and another conuert him,
5:20 lett the same knowe/ thatt he whych converted the synner from goynge astraye out of his waye/ shall save a soule from deeth/ and shall hyde the multitude off synnes. let the same knowe that he which converted the synner frō goynge a straye out of his waye/ shall save a soule frō deeth/ & shall hyde ye multitude of synnes. let the same knowe that he which conuerted the synner from goynge a straye out of his waye/ shall saue a soule from deeth/ and shall hyde the multitude of synnes. let ye same knowe that he which conuerted the synner from goynge astraye out off his waye, shal saue a soule frō death, and shal hyde the multitude of synnes.
END The ende of the pistle off Saynct Iames. The ende of the pistle of Saynct Iames. The ende of the pistle of Saynct Iames. The ende of the epistle of S. Iames.