The Epistle of S. Paul To the Galathyans. The .i. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
The Epistle of S. Paul To the Galathyans. The .i. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
TITLE | The epistle off Paul vnto the Gallathyans. | The epistle of S. Paul vnto the Galathyans. | The epistle of saynct Paul the Apostle vnto the Galathyans. | The Epistle of the Apostle S. Paul to the Galathians. |
1:1 | PAul an Apostle/ nott off men/ nether by man/ but by Iesus Christ/ and by god the father which raysed him from deeth/ | PAul an Apostle/ not of men/ nether by man/ but by Iesus Christ/ and by God the father which raysed him from deeth: | PAul an Apostle not of men/ nether by man/ but by Iesus Christ/ & by God the father which raysed him from deeth: | PAul an Apostle (not of men, nor by mā, but by Iesus Christ & by God the father, which raysed him vp frō ye deed) |
1:2 | and all the brethren whych are with me. Vnto the congregacion off Galacia. | and all the brethren which are with me. Vnto the congregaciōs of Galacia. | and all the brethren which are with me. Vnto the congregacions of Galacia. | & all the brethrē which are wt me. Vnto the cōgregaciōs in Galacia. |
1:3 | Grace be with you ād peace frō god the father/ ād frō oure lorde Iesus Christ/ | Grace be with you & peace from God the father/ and from oure Lorde Iesus Christ/ | Grace be with you and peace from God the father/ and from oure Lorde Iesus Christ/ | Grace be with you, and peace frō God the father, and oure LORDE Iesus Christ, |
1:4 | which gave hī sylfe for oure synnes/ to deliver vs from this present evill worlde/ thorowe the will of God oure father/ | which gave him selfe for oure synnes/ to deliver vs from this present evyll worlde/ thorow the will of God oure father/ | which gaue him selfe for oure synnes/ to deliuer vs from this present euyll worlde/ thorow the will of God oure father/ | which gaue him selfe for oure synnes, that he mighte delyuer vs from this present euel worlde, acordinge to the wyll of God oure father, |
1:5 | to whom be prayse for ever Amen. | to whom be prayse for ever and ever. Amen. | to whom be prayse for euer and euer. Amen. | to whom be prayse for euer and euer. Amen. |
1:6 | I marvayle that ye are so sone tourned from hym that called you in the grace of Christ/ vnto another gospell/ | I marvayle that ye are so sone turned frō him that called you in the grace of Christ/ vnto another gospell: | I maruayle that ye are so sone turned from him that called you in the grace of Christ/ vnto another Gospell: | I maruell yt ye are so soone turned (from him that called you in the grace of Christ) vnto another Gospell: |
1:7 | which is nothynge els/ but that there be some which trouble you/ and intende to pervert the gospell off Christ. | which is nothinge els/ but that ther be some which trouble you/ & intende to pervert to gospell of Christ. | which is nothinge els/ but that ther be some which trouble you/ and intende to peruert the Gospell of Christ. | which is nothinge els, but that there be some, which trouble you, and intende to peruerte the Gospell of Christ. |
1:8 | Neverthelesse though we oure selves/ or an angell from hevē/ preache eny other gospell vnto you thē that which we have preached vnto you/ holde hym as acursed. | Neverthelesse though we oure selves/ or an angell frō hevē/ preache eny other gospell vnto you thē that which we have preached vnto you/ holde him as a cursed. | Neuerthelesse though we oure selues/ or an angel from heuen/ preache eny other gospell vnto you/ then that which we haue preached vnto you/ holde him as a cursed. | Neuertheles though we oure selues, or an angell from heauē preach vnto you eny other Gospel, thē yt which we haue preached vnto you, the same be acursed. |
1:9 | As I sayde before/ so saye I nowe agayne/ yf ene mā preache eny other thīge vnto you/ then that ye have receaved/ holde hym acursed. | As I sayde before/ so saye I now agayne/ yf eny man preache eny other thinge vnto you/ then that ye have receaved/ holde him accursed. | As I sayde before/ so saye I now agayne/ yf eny man preache eny other thinge vnto you/ then that ye haue receaued/ holde him accursed. | As we haue sayde afore, so saye we now agayne: Yf eny mā preach vnto you eny other thinge, thē yt ye haue receaued, ye same be acursed. |
1:10 | Seke I nowe the faveour off men/ or off God? Other go I abut to please men? Yf I stodyed to please men/ I were not the servaunt of Christ. | Preache I mannes doctrine or Godes? Ether go I about to please men? If I stodyed to please men/ I were not the servaunt of Christ. | Preache I mannes doctrine or Godes? Other go I about to please men? Yf I stodyed to please men/ I were not the seruaunt of Christ. | Preach I men now or God? Or go I aboute to please men? Yf I shulde yet please men, I were not the seruaunt of Christ. |
1:11 | I certifie you brethrē/ that the gospell which was preached of me/ was not after the manner of men/ | I certifie you brethren/ that the gospell which was preached of me/ was not after the māner of men/ | I certifie you brethren/ that the Gospell which was preached of me/ was not after the manner of men/ nether receaued I it of man/ | But I certifye you brethren, yt the Gospell which is preached of me, is not of men. |
1:12 | nether receaved I it of mā/ nether was I taught it: but receaved it by the revelacion of Iesus Christ. | nether receaved I it of mā/ nether was I taught it: but receaved it by the revelacion of Iesus Christ. | nether was I taught it: but receaued it by the reuelacion of Iesus Christ. | For I nether receaued it ner lerned it of mā, but by the reuelacion of Iesus Christ. |
1:13 | ye have herde of my conversacion in tymes past in the Iewes wayes/ howe that be yonde measure I persecuted the congregaciō off god/ and spoyled it: | For ye have hearde of my conversacion in tyme past/ in the Iewes wayes/ how that beyonde measure I persecuted the congregacion of God/ & spoyled it: | For ye haue hearde of my conuersacion in tyme past/ in the Iewes wayes/ how that beyonde measure I persecuted the congregacion of God/ and spoyled it: | For ye haue herde of my conuersacion afore tyme in the Ieweshippe, how that beyōde measure I persecuted the cōgregacion of God, and spoyled it, |
1:14 | and prevayled in the iewes laye/ above many of my companiōs/ which were of myne awne nacion/ and moche more fevētly mayntayned the tradicions of the elders. | and prevayled in the Iewes laye/ above many of my companions/ which were of myne awne naciō/ and was a moche more fervēt mayntener of the tradicions of the elders. | and preuayled in the Iewes laye/ aboue many of my companions/ which were of myne awne nacion/ and was a moche more feruent mayntener of the tradicions of the elders. | and preuayled in the Ieweshippe aboue many of my companyons in my nacion, & was a moch more feruent manteyner of the tradicions of the fathers. |
1:15 | But when it pleased god/ which seperated me from my mothers wombe/ and called me by his grace/ | But whē it pleased God/ which seperated me from my mothers wombe/ & called me by his grace/ | But when it pleased God (which seperated me from my mothers wombe/ and called me by his grace/ | But whan it pleased God which separated me fro my mothers wombe, and called me by his grace, |
1:16 | forto declare his sonne by me/ that I shulde preache hym amonge the hethen: Immediatly I cōmened not of the matter with flesshe ād bloud/ | forto declare his sonne by me/ that I shuld preache him amonge the hethen: immediatly I cōmened not of the matter with flesshe and bloud/ | forto declare his sonne by me) that I shuld preache him amonge the hethen: immediatly I commened not of the matter with flesshe and bloud/ | for to declare his sonne in me, that I shulde preach him thorow the Gospell amonge the Heythen, immediatly I commened not of the matter with flesh and bloude: |
1:17 | nether returned to Ierusalem to thē which were Apostles before me: but wēt my wayes into Arabia/ and cam agayne vnto Damascō. | nether returned to Ierusalem to them which were Apostles before me: but wēt my wayes into Arabia/ & came agayne vnto Damasco. | nether returned to Ierusalem to them which were Apostles before me: but went my wayes into Arabia/ & came agayne vnto Damasco. | nether came I to Ierusalem vnto them which were Apostles before me: but wente my wayes in to Arabia, and came agayne to Damascon. |
1:18 | Thē after thre yeare I returned to Ierusalē vnto Peter and abode with hym .xv dayes/ | Then after thre yeare I returned to Ierusalem to se Peter/ & abode with him .xv. dayes/ | Then after thre yeare/ I returned to Ierusalem to se Peter/ and abode with him .xv. dayes | Then after thre yeare I came to Ierusalē to se Peter, and abode with him fyftene dayes. |
1:19 | no nother off the Apostles sawe I/ save Iames the lordes brother. | no nother of the Apostles sawe I/ save Iames the Lordes brother. | no nother of the Apostles sawe I/ saue Iames the Lordes brother. | As for the other Apostles, I sawe none of them, saue Iames the LORDES brother. |
1:20 | The thyngſ which I write/ beholde/ god knoweth I lye not. | The thinges which I write/ beholde/ God knoweth I lye not. | The thinges which I write/ beholde/ God knoweth I lye not. | The thinges that I wryte vnto you, beholde, God knoweth, I lye not. |
1:21 | After that I went into the costes of Siria ād Cicill: | After that I went into the costes of Siria & Cilicia: | After that I went into the costes of Syria and Cylicia: | After that wente I in to the coastes of Syria and Celicia: |
1:22 | ād was vnknowen as touchynge my person vnto the congregaciōs of Iewry/ which were in Christ. | & was vnknowen as touchinge my person vnto ye cōgregaciōs of Iewrye/ which were in Christ. | & was vnknowen as touchinge my person/ vnto the congregacions of Iewrye/ which were in Christ. | but of face I was vnknowne to ye Christen congregacions in Iewrye. |
1:23 | But they herde only/ that he which persecuted vs in tyme past/ nowe preacheth the fayth/ which before he destroyed. | But they hearde only/ that he which persecuted vs in tyme past/ now preacheth the fayth which before he destroyed. | But they hearde only/ that he which persecuted vs in tyme past/ now preacheth the fayth which before he destroyed. | Neuertheles they had herde onely, that: He that persecuted vs in tyme passed, preacheth now ye faith which some tyme he destroyed: |
1:24 | And they glorifyed god in me. | And they glorified God on my behalffe. | And they glorified God on my behalffe. | and they praysed God in me. |
Galatians: Chapter 2
The Epistle of S. Paul To the Galathyans. The .ij. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
The Epistle of S. Paul To the Galathyans. The .ij. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
2:1 | THē xiiij. yeares after that/ I went agayne to Ierusalem with Barnabas/ and toke with me Titus also. | THen .xiiii. yeares after that/ I wēt vp agayne to Ierusalem with Barnabas/ & toke with me Titus also. | Then .xiiij. yeares ther after/ I went vp agayne to Ierusalem with Barnabas/ & toke with me Titus also. | THen after fourtene yeares, I wente vp agayne to Ierusalē with Barnabas, and toke Titus with me also. |
2:2 | Yee/ ād I went by revelacion/ and cōmened with them of the gospell/ which I preache amōge the gentyls: but apart with them which are counted chefe/ lest it shulde have bene thought that I shulde rūne/ or had rūne ī vayne. | Ye and I went vp by revelacion/ & cōmened with them of the Gospell which I preache amonge the gentyls: but apart with them which were coūted chefe/ lest it shuld have bene thought yt I shuld runne or had runne in vayne. | Ye and I went vp by reuelacion/ and commened with thē/ of the Gospell which I preache amonge the Gentyls: but betwene oure selues/ with them which were counted chefe/ lest it shuld have bene thought that I shuld runne or had runne in vayne. | But I wente vp by reuelacion, and commened with thē of ye Gospell, which I preach amonge the Heythē: but specially with thē which were in reputacion, lest I shulde runne or had runne in vayne. |
2:3 | Also Titus which was with me/ though he were a greke/ yet was not compelled to be circumcised/ | Also Titus which was with me/ though he were a Greke/ yet was not compelled to be circumcised/ | Also Titus which was with me/ though he were a Greke/ yet was not compelled to be circumcised/ | But Titus which was also with me, was not compelled to be circūcysed, though he was a Greke: |
2:4 | and that be cause of incōmers beynge falce brethren/ which cam in amonge wother to spye out oure libertie whych we have in Christ Iesus/ that they might brynge vs into bondage. | & that because of incōmers beynge falce brethren/ which came in amōge other to spye out oure libertie which we have in Christ Iesus/ that they might bringe vs into bondage. | and that because of incommers beynge false brethren which came in amōge other to spye out oure libertie which we have in Christ Iesus/ that they myght bringe vs into bondage. | and that because of certayne incommers beynge false brethrē, which came in amōge other, to spye out oure libertye, which we haue in Christ Iesus, that they mighte brynge vs in to bondage: |
2:5 | To whom we gave no roume/ no not for the space of an houre/ as concernynge to be brought into subieccion: and thatt be cause that the trueth of the gospell myght continue with you. | To whom we gave no roume/ no not for the space of an houre/ as cōcerninge to be brought into subiecciō: & that because that the trueth of the gospell myght continue with you. | To whom we gaue no roume/ no not for the space of an houre/ as concernynge to be brought into subieccion: and that because that the trueth of the Gospell myght continue with you. | To whom we gaue no rowme, no not for the space of an houre, as concernynge to be broughte in to subieccion: yt the trueth of the Gospell mighte comtynue with you. |
2:6 | Of thē which seme to be grett (what they were in tyme passed it maketh no matter to me: god loketh on no mans persone) neverthelesse they which seme grett/ added nothynge to me: | Of thē which seme to be great (what they were in tyme passed it maketh no matter to me: God loketh on no mans person) neverthelesse they which seme great/ added nothynge to me. | Of them which seme to be great (what they were in tyme passed it maketh no matter to me: God loketh on no mans person) neuerthelesse they which seme great/ added nothinge to me. | As for thē that semed to be greate, what they were in tyme passed, it maketh no matter to me. For God loketh not on the outwarde appearaunce of men. Neuertheles they which semed greate, taught me nothinge: |
2:7 | Butt contrary wyse/ when they sawe that the gospell over the vncircumcision was cōmitted vnto me/ as the gospell over the circumcision was vnto Peter | But contrary wyse/ when they sawe that the gospell over the vncircumcision was cōmitted vnto me/ as the gospell over ye circūcision was vnto Peter: | But contrary wyse/ when they sawe that the Gospell ouer the vncircumcision was committed vnto me/ as the Gospell ouer the circumcision was vnto Peter: | but contrary wyse, whan they sawe that the Gospell ouer the vncircumcision was cōmytted vnto me, as ye Gospell ouer ye circūcision was commytted vnto Peter. |
2:8 | (For he that was myghty in Peter in the Apostle shippe over the circumcision/ the same was myghty in me amonge the gentyls) | for he yt was myghty in Peter in the Apostleshippe over the circumcision/ the same was myghty in me amōge the gentyls: | for he that was myghty in Peter in the Apostleshippe ouer the circumcision/ the same was myghty in me amonge the Gentyls: | (For he yt was mightie with Peter to the Apostleshippe ouer the circumcision, the same was mightie with me also amōge the Heythen) |
2:9 | and as sone as Iames/ Cephas/ and Ihon/ which semed to be pillares/ perceaved the grace thatt was geven vnto me/ they gave to me and Barnabas their hondes/ and agreed with vs thatt we shulde preache amonge the hethen/ and they amonge the Iewes: | and therfore when they perceaved the grace that was gevē vnto me/ then Iames/ Cephas & Iohn/ which semed to be pilers/ gave to me & Barnabas the ryght hondes/ & agreed with vs/ that we shuld preache amonge the Hethen/ and they amonge the Iewes: | and therfore when they perceaued the grace that was geuen vnto me/ then Iames/ Cephas and Iohn/ which semed to be pylers/ gaue to me and Barnabas the ryght hondes and agreed with vs/ that we shuld preache amonge the Hethen and they amonge the Iewes: | they perceaued the grace that was geuen vnto me. Iames and Cephas and Ihon, which semed to be pilers, gaue me and Barnabas ye righte handes, and agreed with vs, that we shulde preach amonge the Heythē, and they amonge the Iewes: |
2:10 | warnynge only that we shulde remember the povre/ which thynge also I was diligent to do. | warnynge only that we shulde remember the poore. Which thinge also I was diligent to do. | warnynge only that we shulde remember the poore. Which thinge also I was diligent to do. | onely that we shulde remēbre the poore, which thinge also I was diligent to do. |
2:11 | When Peter was come to Antioche/ I withstode hī in the face/ for he was worthy to be blamed. | And when Peter was come to Antioche/ I withstode him in the face/ for he was worthy to be blamed. | And when Peter was come to Antioche/ I withstode him in the face/ for he was worthy to be blamed. | But whā Peter was come to Antioche, I withstode him in ye face: for he was worthy to be blamed. |
2:12 | For yerre that certayne cam from Iames/ he ate with the gentyls: butt when they were come/ he withdrue and seperated hym silfe/ fearynge them which were off the circumcision/ | For yerr that certayne came frō Iames/ he ate with the gentyls. But when they were come/ he withdrue & separated him selfe/ fearinge them which were of ye circumcision. | For yer that certayne came from Iames/ he ate with the Gentyls. But when they were come/ he withdrue and separated him selfe/ fearynge them which were of the circumcision. | For afore there came certayne from Iames, he ate with the Heythē. But whā they were come, he withdrue and separated himselfe, fearinge thē which were of the circumcision. |
2:13 | and the wother Iewes dissembled lyke wyse/ In so moche that Barnabas was brought into their simulacion also. | And ye other Iewes dissembled lyke wyse/ in so moche that Barnabas was brought into their simulaciō also. | And the other Iewes dissembled lykewyse/ in so moche that Barnabas was brought in to their simulacion also. | And the other Iewes dyssembled with him likewyse, in so moch yt Barnabas was brought in to their symulacion also. |
2:14 | Butt when I sawe/ thatt they went nott the ryght waye after the trueth off the gospell/ I sayde vnto Peter before all men/ yff thou beynge a Iewe/ livest after the manner off the gentyls/ and nott as do the Iewes: why causest thou the gētyls to folowe the Iewes? | But when I sawe/ that they went not the ryght waye after the trueth of the gospell/ I sayde vnto Peter before all men/ yf thou beynge a Iewe/ livest after the māner of the gentyls/ & not as do the Iewes: why causest thou the gētyls to live as do the Iewes? | But when I sawe/ that they went not the ryght waye after the trueth of the Gospell/ I sayde vnto Peter before all men/ yf thou beynge a Iewe/ lyuest after the manner of the Gentyls/ & not as do the Iewes: why causest thou the Gentyls to lyue as do the Iewes? | But whan I sawe that they walked not right after ye trueth of the Gospell, I sayde vnto Peter openly before all: Yf thou beynge a Iewe, lyuest after the maner of the Gentyles, and not as do the Iewes, why causest thou the Gentyles then to lyue as do the Iewes? |
2:15 | we which are Iewes by nature and not synners off the gentyls/ | We which are Iewes by nature/ & not synners of the gētyls/ | We which are Iewes by nature/ & not synners of the Gentyls/ | Though we be Iewes by nature, and not synners of the Gentyles, |
2:16 | knowe thatt a man is nott iustified by the dedes off the lawe: but by the fayth of Iesus Christ: and we have beleved on Iesus Christ/ that we myght be iustified by the fayth of Christ ād not by the dedes of the lawe: be cause that noo flesshe shalbe iustified by the dedes of the lawe. | knowe that a man is not iustified by ye dedes of the lowe: but by the fayth of Iesus Christ. And therfore we have beleved on Iesus Christ/ yt we myght be iustified by ye fayth of Christ/ & uot by the dedes of the lawe: because that by ye dedes of ye lawe no flesshe shalbe iustified. | knowe that a man is not iustified by the dedes of the lawe: but by the fayth of Iesus Christ. And therfore we haue beleued on Iesus Christ/ that we myght be iustified by the fayth of Christ/ & not by the dedes of the lawe: because that by the dedes of the lawe no flesshe can be iustified. | yet (in so moch as we knowe, that a man is not made righteous by the dedes off the lawe, but by the faith on Iesus Christ) we haue beleued also on Iesus Christ, yt we might be made righteous by the faith of Christ, and not by the dedes of the lawe, because that by the dedes of the lawe no flesh shal be iustified. |
2:17 | Yf thē whill we seke to be made rightewes by Christ/ we oure selves are foūde synners/ is not thē Christ the minister of sinne? god forbid. | Yf then whill we seke to be made rightewes by Christ/ we oure selves are founde synners/ is not then Christ ye minister of synne? God forbyd. | Yf then whyll we seke to be made ryghtewes by Christ/ we oure selues are founde synners/ is not then Christ the minister of synne? God forbyd. | Yf we then which seke to be made righteous by christ, shulde be yet founde synners or selues, is not Christ then the mynister of synne? God forbyd. |
2:18 | For yf I bilde agayne that which I destroyed/ then make I my silfe a treaspaser. | For yf I bylde agayne yt which I destroyed. then make I my selfe a treaspaser. | For yf I bylde agayne that which I destroyed/ then make I my selfe a treaspaser. | For yf I buylde agayne yt which I haue destroyed, then make I my selfe a trespacer. |
2:19 | But I thorowe the lawe am deed to the lawe/ that I myght live vnto God. | But I thorow ye lawe ame deed to ye lawe: that I myght live vnto God. | But I thorow the lawe/ am deed to the lawe: that I myght lyue vnto God. | But I thorow the lawe am deed vnto the lawe, that I might lyue vnto God. |
2:20 | I am crucified with Christ. I live verely/ yet nowe not I/ but Christ liveth in me. The lyfe which I nowe live ī the flesshe/ I live by the fayth of the sonne off god/ which loved me/ and gave hym silfe for me. | I am crucified with Christ. I live verely: yet now not I/ but Christ liveth in me. For ye lyfe which I now live in ye flesshe/ I live by the fayth of ye sonne of God/ which loved me/ and gave him selne for me. | I am crucified with Christ. I lyue verely: yet now not I/ but Christ lyueth in me. For the lyfe which I now lyue in the flesshe/ I lyue by the fayth of the sonne of God/ which loued me/ and gaue him selfe for me. | I am crucified with Christ, yet do I lyue: neuerthelesse now not I, but Christ lyueth in me. For ye life which I now lyue in ye flesshe, I lyue in the faith of ye sonne of God which loued me, and gaue himselfe for me. |
2:21 | I despyse not the grace of god: For if rightewesnes come of the lawe/ then is Crist deed in vayne. | I despyse not the grace of God. For if rightewesnes come of the lawe/ then Christ dyed in vayne. | I despyse not the grace of God. For yf ryghtewesnes come of the lawe/ then Christ dyed in vayne. | I cast not awaye the grace of God. For yf righteousnes come by the lawe, then dyed Christ in vayne. |
Galatians: Chapter 3
The Epistle of S. Paul To the Galathyans. The .iij. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
The Epistle of S. Paul To the Galathyans. The .iij. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
3:1 | O Folisshe Galathyās: who hath bewiched you/ that ye shulde not beleve the trueth? to whom Iesus Christ was described before the eyes/ ād amōge you crucified? | O Folisshe Galathyās: who hath bewitched you/ that ye shuld not beleve the trueth? To whom Iesus Christ was described before the eyes/ & amōge you crucified. | O Folisshe Galathyans: who hath bewitched you/ that ye shuld not beleue the trueth? To whom Iesus Christ was described before the eyes/ and amonge you crucified. | O Ye folishe Galathiās, who hath bewitched you, that ye shulde not beleue the trueth? To whō Iesus Christ was descrybed before the eyes and amonge you crucified. |
3:2 | This ōly wolde I learne of you. receaved ye the sprete by the dedes of the lawe? or els by preachīge of the faith? | This only wolde I learne of you: receaved ye the sprete by the dedes of ye lawe/ or els by preachinge of ye faith? | This only wolde I learne of you receaued ye the sprete by the dedes of the lawe/ or els by preachynge of the fayth? | This onely wolde I lerne of you: Receaued ye the sprete by the dedes of the lawe, or by the preachinge of the faith? |
3:3 | Are ye so vnwyse/ that after ye have begon ī the sprete/ ye wolde nowe ende in the flesshe? | Are ye so vnwyse/ that after ye have begonne in the sprete/ ye wolde nowe ende in the flesshe? | Are ye so vnwyse/ that after ye haue begonne in the sprete/ ye wolde nowe ende in the flesshe? | Are ye so vnwyse? Ye beganne in the sprete, wolde ye ende now thē in the flesh? |
3:4 | So many thyngſ ye have suffred in vayne. Yf it be so that ye have suffered in vayne. | So many thinges there ye have suffred in vayne/ if yt be vayne. | So many thinges then ye haue suffred in vayne/ yf that be vayne. | Haue ye suffred so moch in vayne? Yf it be els in vayne. |
3:5 | Which ministered to you the sprete/ ād worketh miracles amōge you doth he itt thorowe the dedes off the lawe? or by preachīge of the faith? | Which ministered to you the sprete/ and worketh myracles amonge you/ doth he it thorow the dedes of the lawe/ or by preachinge of the fayth? | Which ministred to you the sprete/ and worketh miracles amonge you/ doth he it thorow the dedes of the lawe/ or by preachynge of the fayth? | He that geueth you the sprete, and doth soch greate actes amōge you, doth he it thorow the dedes of the lawe, or by ye preachinge of the faith? |
3:6 | Evē as Abrahā beleved god/ ād it was a scribed to hī for rightewesnes. | Even as Abraham beleved God/ and it was asscribed to him for rightewesnes. | Euen as Abrahā beleued God/ and it was asscribed to him for ryghtewesnes. | Euen as Abrahā beleued God, and it was counted vnto him for righteousnes. |
3:7 | Vnderstonde therfore/ thatt they which are off fayth/ are the children of Abraham. | Vnderstonde therfore/ yt they which are of fayth/ the same are the chyldren of Abraham | Vnderstonde therfore/ that they which are of fayth/ the same are the chyldren of Abraham. | Thus ye knowe, that they which are of faith, are Abrahams children. |
3:8 | The scripture sawe afore hōde/ that god wolde iustifie the hethen thorow fayth/ and shewed before hōde glad tydyngſ vnto Abrahā: In the shall all nacions be blessed. | For the seripture sawe afore honde/ yt God wolde iustifie the hethen thorow fayth/ and therfore shewed before honde glad tydinges vnto Abraham: In the shall all nacions be blessed. | For the scripture sawe afore honde/ that God wolde iustifie the hethen thorow fayth/ & therfore shewed before honde glad tydynges vnto Abraham: In the shall all nacions be blessed. | The scripture sawe afore hāde, that God iustifieth the Heythen thorow faith. Therfore shewed it glad tydinges afore vnto Abraham, and sayde: In the shal all the Heythen be blessed. |
3:9 | So then they which be of fayth/ are blessed with faythfull Abrahā. | So then they which be of fayth/ are blessed with faythfull Abraham. | So then they which be of fayth/ are blessed with faythfull Abraham. | So then they which be of faith, are blessed with faithfull Abraham. |
3:10 | For as many as are vnð the dedes of the lawe/ are vnder malediccion. For it is written: cursed is every mā that cōtinueth not in all thyngſ which are writtē ī the boke of the lawe to fulfill thē. | For as many as are vnder the dedes of the lawe/ are vnder maledicciō. For it is written: cursed is every man yt cōtinueth not in all thingſ which are writtē in ye boke of ye lawe/ to fulfill thē. | For as many as are vnder the dedes of the lawe/ are vnder malediccion. For it is written: cursed is euery man that continueth not in all thinges which are written in the boke of the lawe/ to fulfill them. | For as many as go aboute with the workes of the lawe, are vnder ye curse: For it is wryttē: Cursed be euery man, which cōtynueth not in all thinges that are wryttē in the boke of the lawe, to do them. |
3:11 | That no man is iustified by the lawe in the sight of god is evident. For the iust shall live by faith. | That no mā is iustified by ye lawe in ye sight of God/ is evidēt. For the iuste shall live by fayth. | That no man is iustified by the lawe in the syght of God/ is euident. For the iuste shall lyue by fayth. | That no man is iustified by the lawe in the sighte of God, it is euydēt: For ye iust shal lyue by his faith. |
3:12 | The lawe is not of fayth: butt the man that fulfilleth the thīgſ contayned in the lawe/ shall live in them. | The lawe is not of fayth: but the man that fulfilleth the thinges contayned in the lawe (shall live in thē.) | The lawe is not of fayth: but the man that fulfilleth the thinges contayned in the lawe (shall lyue in them.) | The lawe is not of faith, but the mā that doth ye same, shal lyue therin. |
3:13 | Christ hath delivered vs from the curse of the lawe/ ād was made a cursed for vs (for it is writtē: Cursed is every one that hangeth on tree) | But Christ hath delivered vs frō the curse of the lawe/ & was made a cursed for vs. For it is writtē: cursed is every one that hangeth on tree/ | But Christ hath deliuered vs from the curse of the lawe/ and was made a cursed for vs. For it is written: curssed is euery one that hangeth on tree/ | But Christ hath delyuered vs from ye curse of the lawe, whan he became a curse for vs. (For it is wryttē: Cursed is euery man that hangeth on tre) |
3:14 | that the blessynge of Abrahā might come ō the gentyls throwe Iesus Christ/ that we might receave the promes of the sprete thorowe fayth. | that the blessynge of Abraham might come on the gētyls thorow Iesus Christ/ and that we might receave the promes of the sprete thorow fayth. | that the blessynge of Abraham myght come on the Gentyls thorow Iesus Christ/ and that we myght receaue the promes of the sprete thorow fayth. | yt the blessynge of Abraham mighte come on the Gentyles in Christ Iesu, and yt we might so receaue ye promysed sprete, thorow faith. |
3:15 | Brethrē I will speake after the māner of mē: Though it be but a mans testament/ yet no man despyseth it/ or addeth eny thynge therto whē it is once alowed. | Brethren I will speake after the māner of men. Though it be but a mans testament/ yet no mā despiseth it/ or addeth eny thinge therto when it is once alowed. | Brethren I will speake after the maner of men. Though it be but a mans testament/ yet no man despyseth it/ or addeth eny thinge therto when it is once alowed. | Brethren, I wil speake after the maner of men. Though it be but a mās Testamēt, yet no man despyseth it, or addeth eny thinge therto, whan it is confirmed. |
3:16 | To Abrahā and his seede were the promyses made. He saith not/ ī thy seedes as in many: But ī thy sede/ as in won/ which is Christ. | To Abraham & his seed were the promises made. He sayth not/ in the seedes as in many: but in thy sede/ as in one/ which is Christ. | To Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He sayth not/ in the seedes as in many: but in thy sede/ as in one/ which is Christ. | To Abraham and his sede were the promyses made. He sayeth not: In the sedes, as in many, but in thy sede, as in one, which is Christ. |
3:17 | This I saye that the lawe which began afterwarde/ beyonde iiij C. and xxx. yeares/ doth not disanull the testament/ that was confermed of gōd vnto Christ ward/ to make the promes of none effect. | This I saye/ that the lawe which beganne afterwarde/ beyonde .iiii.C & .xxx. yeares/ doth not disanull the testament/ that was confermed afore of God vnto Christ ward/ to make the promes of none effect. | This I saye/ that the lawe which beganne afterwarde/ beyonde .iiij. C and .xxx. yeares/ doth not disnaull the testament/ that was confermed afore of God vnto Christ ward/ to make the promes of none effect. | This Testament (I saye) which afore was confirmed to Christ warde, is not disanulled (that the promes shulde be made of none affecte) by the lawe which was geuen beyonde foure hundreth & thirtie yeares therafter. |
3:18 | For yf the inheritaunce come off the lawe/ hit cōmeth not of pormes: but god gave it vnto Abraham by promes. | For yf the inheritaunce come of the lawe/ it cōmeth not of promes. But God gave it vnto Abraham by promes. | For yf the inheritaunce come of the lawe/ it commeth not of promes. But God gave it vnto Abraham by promes. | For yf the enheritaunce be gotten by the lawe, then is it not geuen by promes. But God gaue it frely vnto Abraham by promes. |
3:19 | Wherfore then serveth the lawe? The lawe was added be cause of transgressiō (till the seede cā vnto which seede the promes was made) and it was ordeyned by āgels ī the hōde of a mediator. | Wherfore then serveth ye lawe? The lawe was added because of transgression (tyll the seed cam to which ye promes was made) & it was ordeyned by angels in ye honde of a mediator. | Wherfore then serueth the lawe? The lawe was added because of transgression (tyll the seed came to which the promes was made) and it was ordeyned by angels in the honde of a mediator. | Wherfore thē serueth the lawe? It was added because of trangression, tyll the sede came, to the which the promes was made. And it was geuen of angels, by the hande of the mediatoure. |
3:20 | A mediator is nott a mediator of one. Butt god is one. | A mediator is not a mediator of one. But God is one. | A mediator is not a mediator of one. But God is one. | A mediatour is not a mediatour of one onely, but God is one. |
3:21 | Ys the lawe thē agaynst the promes off god? God forbid. Yff there had bene a lawe gevē which coulde have gevē lyfe: then no doute rightewesnes shulde have come by the lawe: | Ys the lawe then agaynst ye promes of God? God forbid. How be it yf ther had bene a lawe gevē which coulde have geven lyfe: then no doute rightewesnes shuld have come by ye lawe. | Is the lawe then agaynst the promes of God? God forbyd. Howbeit yf ther had bene a lawe geuen which coulde haue geuen lyfe: then no doute ryghtewesnes shuld haue come by the lawe. | Is the lawe then agaynst the promyses of God? God forbyd. Howbeit yf there had bene geuen a lawe which coulde haue geuē life, thē no doute righteousnes shulde come of the lawe. |
3:22 | but the scripture cōcluded all thīgſ vnder sinne/ that the promes by the faith of Iesus Christ/ shulde be gevē vnto thē that beleve. | But ye scripture concluded all thinges vnder synne/ yt the promes by the fayth of Iesus Christ shuld be gevē vnto them yt beleve. | But the scripture cōcluded all thinges vnder synne that the promes by the fayth of Iesus Christ/ shuld be geuen vnto them that beleue. | But ye scripture hath shut vp all vnder synne, that ye promes shulde come by the faith on Iesus Christ, geuē vnto thē that beleue. |
3:23 | Before that fayth cā/ we were kept and shut vppe vnder the lawe/ vnto the fayth which shulde afterwarde be declared. | Before yt fayth cam/ we were kept and shut vp vnder the lawe/ vnto the fayth which shuld afterwarde be declared. | Before that fayth came/ we were kept and shut vp vnder the lawe/ vnto the fayth which shuld afterwarde be declared. | Before faith came, we were kepte and shut vp vnder the lawe, vnto the faith which shulde afterwarde be declared. |
3:24 | Wherfore the lawe was oure scolemaster vnto the tyme of Christ/ that we myght be made rightewes by fayth. | Wherfore the lawe was oure scolemaster vnto the tyme of Christ/ yt we might be made rightewes by fayth. | Wherfore the lawe was oure scolemaster vnto the tyme of Christ/ that we myght be made ryghtewes by fayth. | Thus ye lawe was or scolemaster vnto Christ, that we might be made righteous by faith. |
3:25 | But after that faith is come/ nowe are we no lenger vnder a scolemaster. | But after yt fayth is come/ now are we no lenger vnder a scolemaster. | But after that fayth is come/ now are we no lenger vnder a scolemaster. | But now that faith is come, we are nomore vnder the scolemaster. |
3:26 | For ye are all the sonnes of god/ by the faith which is in Christ Iesus. | For ye are all the sonnes of God/ by ye fayth which is in Christ Iesus. | For ye are all the sonnes of God/ by the fayth which is in Christ Iesus. | For ye all are the children of God by the faith in Christ Iesu. |
3:27 | For all ye thatt are baptised/ have put Christ ō you. | For all ye that are baptised/ have put on Christ. | For all ye that are baptised/ haue put on Christ. | For as many of you as are baptysed, haue put on Christ. |
3:28 | Nowe is there no Iewe/ nether greke: there is nether bonde/ nether fre: there is nether mā/ nether womā: for all are one thynge in Christ Iesu. | Now is ther no Iewe nether gētyle: ther is nether bonde ner fre: ther is nether man ner woman: but ye are all one thinge in Christ Iesu. | Now is ther no Iewe nether Gentyl: ther is nether bonde ner fre: ther is nether man ner woman: but ye are all one thinge in Christ Iesu. | Here is nether Iewe ner Greke: here is nether bōde ner fre: here is nether man ner woman, for ye are all one in Christ Iesu. |
3:29 | yf ye be Christſ/ then are ye Abrahams seede/ and heyres by promes. | Yf ye be Christes/ then are ye Abrahams seed/ and heyres by promes. | Yf ye be Christes/ then are ye Abrahams seed/ and heyres by promes. | Yf ye be Christes, thē are ye Abrahās sede and heyres acordynge to the promes. |
Galatians: Chapter 4
The Epistle of S. Paul To the Galathyans. The .iiij. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
The Epistle of S. Paul To the Galathyans. The .iiij. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
4:1 | ANd I saye that the heyre as longe as he ys a chylde differth not from a servaunt/ though he be lorde of all/ | ANd I saye that the heyre as longe as he is a chylde/ differth not from a servaunt/ though he be Lorde of all/ | ANd I saye that the heyre as longe as he is a chylde/ differth not from a servaunt/ though he be Lorde of all/ | BVt I saye: As longe as the heyre is a childe, there is no difference betwene him and a seruaunt, though he be lorde of all ye goodes: |
4:2 | but is vnder tuters ād governers/ vntill the tyme apoynted of the father. | but is vnder tuters and governers/ vntill the tyme appoynted of the father. | but is vnder tuters and gouerners/ vntyll the tyme appoynted of the father. | but he is vnder tuters and gouerners, vntyll the tyme appoynted of the father. |
4:3 | Even so we/ as longe as we were children/ wer ī bōdage vnder the ordinaciōs of the worlde: | Even so we/ as longe as we were chyldren/ were in bondage vnder the ordinaunces of the worlde. | Euen so we/ as longe as we were chyldren/ were in bondage vnder the ordinaūces of the worlde. | Euen so we also, whā we were children, were in bondage vnder the outwarde tradicions. |
4:4 | but when the tyme was full come/ god sent his sōne borne of a woman/ ād made bonde vnto the lawe/ | But when the tyme was full come/ God sent his sonne borne of a woman & made bonde vnto ye lawe/ | But when the tyme was full come/ God sent his sonne borne of a woman and made bonde vnto the lawe/ | But whan the tyme was fulfylled, God sent his sonne, borne of a womā, and put vnder the lawe, |
4:5 | to redeme them which were vnder the lawe: that we thorowe eleccion shulde receave the īheritaūce that belongeth vnto the naturall sōnes. | to redeme thē which were vnder the lawe: yt we thorow eleccion myght receave the inheritaūce yt belongeth vnto the naturall sonnes. | to redeme them which were vnder the lawe: that we thorow eleccion/ myght receaue the inheritaunce that belongeth vnto the naturall sonnes. | to redeme them which were vnder the lawe, that we mighte receaue ye childshippe. |
4:6 | Be cause ye are sonnes/ God hath sent the sprete of his sonne ī to oure hertes/ which cryeth abba father. | Be cause ye are sonnes/ God hath sent the sprete of his sonne in to oure hertſ/ which cryeth Abba father. | Because ye are sonnes/ God hath sent the sprete of his sonne into oure hertes/ which cryeth Abba father. | For so moch thē as ye are children, God hath sent the sprete of his sonne in to oure hertes, which cryeth: Abba, deare father. |
4:7 | Wherfore nowe arte thou not a servaunt/ but a sonne. yff thou be the sonne/ thou arte also the heyre of god thorowe Christ. | Wherfore now/ thou art not a servaunt/ but a sonne. Yf thou be ye sonne/ thou arte also the heyre of God thorow Christ. | Wherfore now/ thou art not a seruaunt/ but a sonne. Yf thou be the sonne/ thou arte also the heyre of God thorow Christ. | Wherfore now, thou art not a seruaunt, but a sonne. Yf thou be a sonne, then art thou the heyre of God thorow Christ. |
4:8 | Notwithstondynge/ when ye knewe not god/ ye did service vnto them/ which by nature were not goddes: | Notwithstondinge/ whē ye knewe not God/ ye dyd service vnto them/ which by nature were no goddes. | Notwithstondynge/ when ye knewe not God ye dyd seruice vnto them/ which by nature were no goddes. | Notwithstondinge whan ye knewe not God, ye dyd seruyce vnto them, which by nature are no Goddes. |
4:9 | butt nowe seynge ye knowe god (ye rather are knowen of God) howe is it that ye tourne agayne vnto the weake and bedgarly cerimones/ where vnto agayne ye desyre afresshe to be in bondage? | But now seinge ye knowe god (yee rather are knowē of God) how is it that ye tourne agayne vnto the weake and bedgarly cerimonies/ whervnto agayne ye desyre afresshe to be in bondage? | But now seinge ye knowe God (yee rather are knowen of God) how is it that ye tourne agayne vnto the weake and bedgarly cerimonies/ wher vnto agayne ye desyre afresshe to be in bondage? | But now seynge ye knowe God (yee rather are knowne off God) how is it that ye turne you backe agayne vnto the weake and beggerly tradicions, wher vnto ye desyre agayne afresh to be in bondage? |
4:10 | ye observe the dayes/ and monethes/ and tymes/ and yeares. | Ye observe dayes/ & monethes/ and tymes/ and yeares. | Ye obserue dayes/ and monethes/ and tymes/ and yeares. | Ye obserue dayes and monethes, and tymes and yeares. |
4:11 | I feare off you/ lest I have bestowed on you laboure in vayne. | I am in feare of you/ lest I have bestowed on you laboure in vayne. | I am in feare of you/ lest I haue bestowed on you laboure in vayne. | I am in feare of you, lest I haue bestowed laboure on you in vayne. |
4:12 | Brethern I besech you/ be ye as I am: for I am as ye are. Ye have not hurte me. | Brethern I besech you/ be ye as I am: for I am as ye are. Ye have not hurte me at all. | Brethren I besech you/ be ye as I am: for I am as ye are. Ye haue not hurte me at all. | Brethrē I beseke you, be ye as I am, for I am as ye are. Ye haue not hurte me at all. |
4:13 | Ye knowe wele howe that thorowe infirmitie of the flesshe/ I preached the gospell vnto you at the fyrst: | Ye knowe/ how thorow infirmite of the flesshe/ I preached the gospell vnto you at the fyrst. | Ye knowe/ how thorow infirmite of the flesshe/ I preached the Gospell vnto you at the fyrst. | For ye knowe how that in weaknes after ye flesh I preached ye Gospell vnto you at the first: |
4:14 | and my temptaciō which I suffered by reason of the flesshe/ ye despysed not/ nether abhorred: but receaved me as an angell of God: ye as Christ Iesus. | And my temptacion which I suffered by reason of my flesshe/ ye despysed not/ nether abhorred: but receaved me as an angell of god: ye as Christ Iesus. | And my temptacion which I suffred by reason of my flesshe/ ye despysed not nether abhorred: but receaued me as an angel of God: ye as Christ Iesus. | and my tentacion which I suffred after the flesh, ye despysed not, nether abhorred, but receaued me as an angell of God, yee euen as Christ Iesus. |
4:15 | Howe happy were ye then? for I beare you recorde that yf it hat bene possible/ ye wolde have digged out youre awne eyes/ and have geven them to me. | How happy were ye then? for I beare you recorde that yf it had bene possible/ ye wolde have plucked out youre awne eyes/ and have geven them to me. | How happy were ye then? for I beare you recorde that yf it had bene possible ye wolde haue plucked out youre awne eyes/ and haue geuen them to me. | How happy were ye then? For I beare you recorde, that yf it had bene possible, ye had plucked out youre awne eyes, and geuē them vnto me. |
4:16 | Am I so greatly become youre enmye/ be cause I tell you the trueth? | Am I therfore become youre enemie/ because I tell you the truth? | Am I therfore become youre enemye/ because I tell you the trueth? | Am I therfore become yor enemy, because I tell you ye trueth? |
4:17 | They are gelous over you amysse. Ye they intende to exclude you that ye shulde be fervent to themwarde. | They are gelous over you amysse. Ye/ they intēde to exclude you/ that ye shuld be feruēt to them warde. | They are gelous ouer you amysse. Ye/ they intende to exclude you/ that ye shuld be feruēt to them warde. | They are gelous ouer you amysse. Yee they wolde make you to fall backe, that ye might be feruēt to thē warde. |
4:18 | Iit is good alwayes to be fervent/ so it be in a good thynge/ ād not only when I am present with you. | It is good alwayes to be fervent/ so it be in a good thinge/ and not only whē I am present with you. | It is good alwayes to be fervent/ so it be in a good thinge/ & not only when I am present with you. | It is good to be feruent, so yt it be allwaye in a good thinge, and not onely whan I am present wt you. |
4:19 | My littel children (of whom I travayle in birth agayne vntill Christ be fassioned in you) | My littel children (of whom I travayle in birth againe vntill Christ be fassioned in you) | My lyttel chyldren (of whom I trauayle in birth agayne/ vntyll Christ be fassioned in you) | My litle children (of whom I trauayle in byrth agayne, vntyll Christ be fashioned in you) |
4:20 | I wolde I were with you nowe/ and coulde chaūge my voyce/ for I stonde in a doute of you. | I wolde I were with you now/ & coulde chaunge my voyce: for I stonde in a doute of you | I wolde I were with you now/ & coulde chaunge my voyce: for I stonde in a doute of you. | I wolde I were wt you now, and coulde chaūge my voyce, for I stōde ī doute of you. |
4:21 | Tell me ye that desyre to be vnder the lawe: have ye not herde of the lawe? | Tell me ye that desyre to be vnder the lawe have ye not hearde of the lawe? | Tell me ye that desyre to be vnder the lawe haue ye not hearde of the lawe? | Tell me ye that wylbe vnder the lawe, haue ye not herde the lawe? |
4:22 | For it is writtē that Abraham had two sonnes/ the one by a bonde mayde/ the wother by a fre woman. | For it is written that Abraham had two sonnes/ ye one by a bonde mayde/ the other by a fre woman. | For it is written that Abraham had two sonnes/ the one by a bonde mayde/ the other by a fre woman. | For it is wrytten, that Abraham had two sonnes the one by a bonde mayde, the other by a fre woman. |
4:23 | Yee and he which was of the bonde woman/ was borne after the flesshe: but he which was of the fre woman/ was borne by promes. | Yee and he which was of the bonde woman was borne after the flesshe: but he which was of the fre woman/ was borne by promes. | Yee and he which was of the bonde woman. was borne after the flesshe: but he which was of the fre woman/ was borne by promes. | As for him that was of the bōde mayde, he was borne after ye flesh: but he which was of the fre woman, was borne by promes. |
4:24 | Which thyngſ betoken mistery. For these wemen are two testamentſ/ the one from the mounte Sina/ which gendreth vnto bondage/ which is Agar | Which thinges betoken mystery. For these wemen are two testamentes/ the one frō the mounte Sina/ which gendreth vnto bondage/ which is Agar. | Which thinges be token mystery. For these wemen are two testamentes/ the one from the mounte Syna/ which gendreth vnto bondage/ which is Agar. | These wordes betoken somwhat. For these wemen are the two Testamentes: The one from the mount Sina, that gendreth vnto bondage, which is Agar. |
4:25 | (For mounte Sina is called Agar in Arabia/ and bordreth apon the citie which is nowe Ierusalem) and is in bondage with her Children. | For mounte Sina is called Agar in Arabia/ and bordreth vpō the citie which is now Ierusalem/ and is in bondage with her chyldren. | For mounte Syna is called Agar in Arabia/ and bordreth vpon the cite/ which is now Ierusalem/ and is in bondage with her chyldren. | For Agar is called in Arabia ye mount Sina, and reacheth vnto Ierusalem which now is, and is in bondage with hir children. |
4:26 | But Ierusalem/ which is above/ is fre: which is the mother of vs all. | But Ierusalem/ which is above/ is fre: which is the mother of vs all. | But Ierusalem/ which is aboue/ is fre: which is the mother of vs all. | But Ierusalem that is aboue, is the fre woman, which is the mother of vs all. |
4:27 | For it is written: reioyce thou baren/ that bearest no childrē: breake forthe and crye/ thou that travelest not. For the desolate hath many moo children/ then she which hath an husband. | For it is written: reioyce thou barē/ that bearest no chyldrē: breake forthe & crye/ thou that travelest not. For the desolate hath many moo chyldren then she which hath an husband. | For it is written: reioyce thou baren/ that bearest no chyldren: breake forth and crye/ thou that trauelest not. For the desolate hath many moo chyldren then she which hath an husband. | For it is wryttē: Reioyse thou baren, that bearest no childrē: breake forth and crye thou yt trauaylest not, for the desolate hath many mo childrē, then she which hath an hussbande. |
4:28 | Brethren we are after the maner off Isaac children of promes: | Brethrē we are after the maner of Isaac/ chyldren of promes. | Brethren we are after the maner of Isaac/ chyldren of promes. | As for vs (brethren) we are the children of Isaac acordinge to the promes. |
4:29 | But as then he that was borne carnally/ persecuted hym that was borne spiritually. Even so is it nowe. | But as then he yt was borne carnally/ persecuted him that was borne spiritually. Even so is it now. | But as then he that was borne carnally/ persecuted him that was borne spiritually. Euen so is it now. | But like as at that tyme, he that was borne after the flesh, persecuted him yt was borne after the sprete, euen so is it now also. |
4:30 | Neverthelesse what sayth the scripture: Caste a waye the bonde woman and her sonne. For the sonne of the bonde woman shall not be heyre with the sonne off the fre woman. | Neverthelesse what sayth the scripture: put awaye the bonde woman & her sonne. For the sonne of the bonde womā shall not be heyre with the sonne of ye fre woman. | Neuerthelesse what sayth the scripture: put awaye the bonde woman and her sonne. For the sonne of the bonde woman shall not be heyre with the sonne of the fre woman. | But what sayeth the scripture? Put awaye the bonde mayden and hir sonne: for the sonne of ye bondmayde shal not be heyre with ye sonne of the fre woman. |
4:31 | So then brethrē we are not children of the bonde woman: but off the fre woman. | So then brethren we are not chyldrē of the bonde woman: but of the fre woman. | So then brethren we are not chyldren of the bonde woman: but of the fre woman. | So now brethren, we are not children of the bonde mayde, but of the fre woman. |
Galatians: Chapter 5
The Epistle of S. Paul To the Galathyans. The .v. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
The Epistle of S. Paul To the Galathyans. The .v. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
5:1 | STond fast therfore in the libertie wherwith Christ hath made vs fre/ and wrappe nott youre selves agayne in the yoke of bondage. | STond fast therfore in ye libertie wher with Christ hath made vs fre/ & wrappe not youre selves agayne in ye yoke of bondage. | STond fast therfore in the libertie wher with Christ hath made vs fre/ & wrappe not youre selues agayne in the yoke of bondage. | STonde fast therfore in the libertye wherwith Christ hath made vs fre, and be not wrapped agayne in the yocke off bondage. |
5:2 | Be holde I Paul saye vnto you/ that yf ye be circūcised/ Christ shall proffit you nothynge at all. | Beholde I Paul saye vnto you/ that yf ye be circumcised/ Christ shall proffit you nothinge at all. | Beholde I Paul saye vnto you/ that yf ye be circumcised/ Christ shall proffit you nothinge at all. | Beholde, I Paul saye vnto you: Yf ye be circumcysed, Christ profiteth you nothinge at all. |
5:3 | I testifie agayne to every man which is circūcised that he is bounde to kepe the whole lawe. | I testifie agayne to every man which is circumcised that he is bounde to kepe the whole lawe. | I testifie agayne to euery man which is circumcised that he is bounde to kepe the whole lawe. | I testifye agayne vnto euery man which is circumcysed, that he is bounde to kepe the whole lawe. |
5:4 | Ye are gone quyte from Christ as many as are iustified by the lawe/ and are fallen from grace. | Ye are gone quyte frō Christ as many as are iustified by the lawe/ & are fallen from grace. | Ye are gone quyte from Christ as many as are iustified by the lawe/ and are fallen from grace. | Ye are gone quyte from Christ, as many off you as wylbe made righteous by the lawe, and are fallen from grace. |
5:5 | We loke for ād hope to be iustified by the sprete which cōmeth of fayth. | We loke for & hope in the sprite/ to be iustified thorow fayth. | We loke for and hope in the sprite/ to be iustified thorow fayth. | But we wayte in the sprete off hope, to be made righteous by faith. |
5:6 | For ī Iesu Christ/ nether is circūcision eny thynge worth/ nether yet vncircūcision/ but fayth which by love is myghty in operaciō. | For in Iesu Christ/ nether is circumcision eny thinge worth/ nether yet vncircōcision/ but faith which by love is mighty in operacion. | For in Iesu Christ/ nether is circumcision eny thinge worth/ nether yet vncircumcision/ but fayth which by loue is myghty in operacion. | For in Christ Iesu nether is circumcision eny thinge worth ner vncircumcision, but faith which by loue is mightie in operacion. |
5:7 | Ye did runne wele. Who was a lett vnto you/ that ye shulde not obey the trueth? | Ye did runne well: who was a let vnto you/ that ye shuld not obey the trueth? | Ye dyd runne well: who was a let vnto you/ that ye shuld not obey the trueth? | Ye ranne well, who was a let vnto you, that ye shulde not obeye the trueth? |
5:8 | Even that coūsell that is not of hym that called you. | Evē that counsell that is not of him that called you. | Euen that counsell that is not of him that called you. | Soch councell is not of him that hath called you. |
5:9 | A lytel leven doth levē the whole lompe of dowe. | A lytell leven doth leven the whole lompe of dowe. | A lytell leven doth leuen the whole lompe of dowe. | A litle leuen sowreth the whole lompe of dowe. |
5:10 | I have trust towarde you in god/ that ye will be none other wyse mynded. He that troubleth you shall beare his iudgement/ what soever he be. | I have trust towarde you in the Lorde/ yt ye wyll be none other wyse mynded. He that troubleth you shall beare his iudgemēt/ what soever he be. | I haue trust towarde you in the Lorde/ that ye will be none other wyse mynded. He that troubleth you/ shall beare his iudgement/ whatsoeuer he be. | I haue trust towarde you in ye LORDE, that ye wylbe none otherwyse mynded. But he that troubleth you, shal beare his iudgment, what so euer he be. |
5:11 | Brethren yf I yet preache circūcisiō: why do I thē yet suffre persecuciō? For then had the offence which the crosse geveth ceased. | Brethren yf I yet preache circūcision: why do I then yet suffre persecucion? For then had the offence which the crosse geveth/ ceased. | Brethren yf I yet preache circumcision: why do I then yet suffre persecucion? For then had the offence which the crosse geueth/ ceased. | Brethren yf I yet preach circumcision, why do I suffre persecucion? then had the slaunder off the crosse ceassed. |
5:12 | I wolde to god they were sōdred frō you which trouble you | I wolde to God they were seperated from you which trouble you. | I wolde to God they were seperated from you/ which trouble you. | Wolde God they were roted out frō amōge you, which trouble you. |
5:13 | Brethren ye were called in to libertie/ only lett not youre libertie be an occasion vnto the flesshe but in love serve one another. | Brethrē ye were called in to (libertie) only let not youre libertie be an occasion vnto the flesshe/ but in love serve one another. | Brethren ye were called into (libertie) only let not youre libertie be an occasion vnto the flesshe/ but in loue serue one another. | But brethrē, ye are called vnto liberty, onely let not youre libertie be an occasion vnto the flesh, but by loue serue one another. |
5:14 | For all the lawe is fulfilled in one worde/ which is this: Thou shalt love thyne neghbour as thy silfe. | For all ye lawe is fulfilled in one worde/ which is this: thou shalt love thyne neghbour as thy selfe. | For all the lawe is fulfilled in one worde/ which is this: thou shalt loue thyne neghbour as thy selfe. | For all the lawe is fulfylled in one worde, namely in this: loue thy neghboure as thy selfe. |
5:15 | Yf ye byte and devoure one another: take hede lest ye be consumed one of another. | Yf ye byte & devoure one another: take hede lest ye be consumed one of another. | Yf ye byte and deuoure one another: take hede lest ye be consumed one of another. | But yf ye byte and deuoure one another, take hede, that ye be not consumed one of another. |
5:16 | I saye walke in the sprete/ and fulfill not the lustes of the flesshe. | I saye walke in the sprete/ & fulfill not ye lustes of ye flesshe. | I saye walke in the sprete/ and fulfill not the lustes of the fleshe. | I saye: Walke in the sprete, and so shal ye not fulfill the lustes off the flesshe. |
5:17 | For the flesshe lusteth cōtrary to the sprete/ and the sprete cōtrary to the flesshe. These are contrary one to the other/ so that ye cannot do that which ye wolde. | For ye flesshe lusteth contrary to ye sprete/ and ye sprete cōtrary to ye flesshe. Tese are cōtrary one to the other/ so yt ye cānot do that which ye wolde. | For the flesshe lusteth contrary to the sprete/ and the sprete contrary to the flesshe. These are contrary one to the other/ so that ye cannot do that which ye wolde. | For the flesh lusteth agaynst the sprete, and the sprete agaynst the flesh. These are contrary one to the other, so that ye can not do that which ye wolde: |
5:18 | But and yf ye be ledde off the sprete/ then are ye not vnder the lawe. | But & yf ye be ledde of the sprete/ then are ye not vnder the lawe. | But and yf ye be ledde of the sprete/ then are ye not vnder the lawe. | But and yf ye be led of the sprete, then are ye not vnder the lawe. |
5:19 | The dedes of the flesshe are manyfest/ whiche are these/ advoutrie/ fornicacion/ vnclennes/ wantannes/ | The dedes of the flesshe are manyfest/ whiche are these/ advoutrie/ fornicaciō/ vnclēnes/ wantannes/ | The dedes of the flesshe are manifest/ whiche are these/ aduoutrie fornicacion/ vnclennes wantannes/ | The dedes of ye flesh are manifest, which are these: Aduoutrye, whordome, vnclēnes, wantānes, |
5:20 | ydolatrie/ witchecraft/ hatred/ lawynge/ Zele/ wrath/ stryfe/ sedicion/ parte takyngſ/ | ydolatrye/ witchecraft/ hatred/ variaunce/ zele/ wrath/ stryfe/ sedicion/ sectes/ | ydolatrie/ witchecraft/ hatred/ variaunce/ zele/ wrath/ stryfe/ sedicion/ sectes/ | Idolatrye, witchcraft, hatred, variaunce, zele, wrath, stryfe, sedicion, sectes, |
5:21 | envyinge/ murther/ dronkennes/ glottony/ and soche lyke: off the which I tell you before/ as I have tolde you in tyme past/ that they which commit soche tyngſ shall not be the in heritours of the kyngdō of God: | envyinge/ murther/ dronkēnes/ glottony/ and soche lyke: of the which I tell you before as I have tolde you in tyme past/ that they which cōmit soche thingſ/ shall not inherite/ ye kyngdome of God. | enuyinge/ murther/ dronkennes/ glottony/ and soche lyke: of the which I tell you before as I haue tolde you in tyme past/ that they which commit soche thinges/ shall not inherite/ the kyngdome of God. | envyenge, murthur, dronkennes, glotony, and soch like: of the which I tell you before, as I haue tolde you in tyme past, that they which commytte soch, shal not inheret the kyngdome of God. |
5:22 | but the frute off the sprete is/ love/ ioye/ peace/ longe sufferynge gentlenes/ goodnes/ faythfulnes/ | But ye frute of sprete is/ loue/ ioye/ peace/ longesufferinge/ gētlenes goodnes/ faythfulnes/ | But the frute of the sprete is/ loue/ ioye/ peace/ longe sufferinge/ gentlenes/ goodnes/ faythfulnes | But the frute of the sprete, is loue, ioye, peace, longe sufferinge, gētlenes, goodnesse, faithfulnes, |
5:23 | meknes/ temperancy: Agaynst suche is there no lawe. | meknes/ temperancye. Agaynst suche ther is no lawe. | meknes/ temperancye. Agaynst suche ther is no lawe. | mekenesse, tēperaunce, Agaynst soch is not ye lawe: |
5:24 | They that are Christis/ have crucified the flesshe with the appetites and lustes. | They yt are Christis/ have crucified the flesshe with the appetites and lustes. | They that are Christis/ haue crucified the flesshe with the appetites and lustes. | But they that are Christes, haue crucified their flesh, with the lustes and desyres. |
5:25 | Yf we live in the sprete let vs walke in the sprete. | Yf we lyve in the sprete/ let vs walke in the sprete. | Yf we lyue in the sprete/ let vs walke in the sprete. | YF we lyue in the sprete, let vs walke also in the sprete. |
5:26 | Lett vs nott be vayne glorious/ provokynge one another/ ād envyinge one another. | Let vs not be vayne glorious/ provokinge one another/ & envyinge one another. | Let vs not be vayne glorius/ prouokynge one another/ and enuyinge one another. | Let vs not be vayne glorious, prouokinge one another, and envyenge another. |
Galatians: Chapter 6
The Epistle of S. Paul To the Galathyans. The .vj. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
The Epistle of S. Paul To the Galathyans. The .vj. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
6:1 | BRethren yff eny man be faullen by chaunce into eny faute: ye which are spretuall/ helpe to amende hym/ in the sprete of meknes: consyderynge thy silfe/ lest thou also be tempted. | BRethren/ yf eny mā be fallen by chaūce into eny faute: ye which are spirituall helpe to amende him/ in the sprete of meknes: consyderynge thy silfe/ lest thou also be tempted. | BRethren/ yf eny man be fallen by chaunce into eny faute: ye which are spirituall/ helpe to amende him/ in the sprete of meknes: consyderynge thy selfe/ lest thou also be tempted. | Brethren, Yf eny mā be ouertaken of a faute, ye which are spirituall, enfourme him with a meke sprete: and considre thine owne selfe, that thou also be not tempted. |
6:2 | Beare ye one anothers burthen: and so fulfill ye the lawe of Christ. | Beare ye one anothers burthē and so fulfill the lawe of Christ. | Beare ye one anothers burthen/ and so fulfill the lawe of Christ. | Beare ye one anothers burthē, and so shal ye fulfyll the lawe of Christ. |
6:3 | Yff a man seme to hym silfe that he is somwhat when in dede he is nothynge/ the same deceaveth hym silfe in his ymaginacion. | If eny mā seme to him silfe that he is somwhat whē in dede he is nothynge/ the same deceaveth hym silfe in his ymaginacion. | Yf eny man seme to him selfe that he is somwhat/ when in dede he is nothinge/ the same deceaueth him selfe in his ymaginacion. | But yf eny man thinke himselfe to be somwhat (whan in dede he is nothinge) the same disceaueth himselfe. |
6:4 | Let every man prove his awne worke/ and then shall he have reioysynge in his awne silfe/ and not in another. | Let every man prove his awne worke/ and then shall he have reioysinge in his awne silfe/ and not in another | Let euery man proue his awne worke/ and then shall he haue reioysinge in his awne selfe/ and not in another | Let euery man proue his owne worke, and thē shal he haue reioysinge in his awne selfe, and not in another. |
6:5 | For every man shall beare his awne burthen. | For every man shall beare his awne burthen. | For euery man shall beare his awne burthen. | For euery one shal beare his owne burthen. |
6:6 | Let hym that is taught in the worde/ minister vnto hym that teacheth hym in all good thyngſ. | Let him that is taught in ye worde minister vnto him yt teacheth him in all good thingſ. | Let him that is taught in the worde/ minister vnto him that teacheth him/ in all good thinges. | But let him that is taughte with the worde, mynister in all good thinges, vnto him that teacheth him. |
6:7 | Be not deceaved/ god is not mocked. For what soever a mā soweth/ that shall he reepe. | Be not deceaved/ God is not mocked. For what soever a man soweth/ yt shall he reepe. | Be not deceaued/ God is not mocked. For whatsoeuer a man soweth/ that shall he reepe. | Be not disceaued, God wil not be mocked. For what soeuer a man soweth, that shal he reape. |
6:8 | He that soweth in the flesshe/ shall of the flesshe reepe corrupcion: but he that soweth in the sprete shall/ of the sprete reepe lyfe everlastynge. | He that soweth in his flesshe/ shall of ye flesshe reepe corrupciō. But he yt soweth in ye sprete/ shall of the sprete reepe lyfe everlastinge. | He that soweth in his flesshe/ shall of the flesshe reepe corrupcion. But he that soweth in the sprete/ shall of the sprete reepe lyfe euerlastynge. | He that soweth vpon the flesh, shal of the flesh reape destruccion: But he that soweth vpon ye sprete, shal of the sprete reape life euerlastinge. |
6:9 | Let vs do good/ and let vs not faynte. For when the tyme is come we shall repe with out werynes. | Let vs not be wery of well doynge. For when the tyme is come/ we shall repe with out werines. | Let vs not be wery of well doynge. For when the tyme is come/ we shall repe with out werynes. | Let vs not be weery of well doynge: for whā the tyme is come, we shal reape without ceassinge. |
6:10 | Whill we have therfore tyme lett vs do good vnto all men/ and specially/ vnto them which are off the housholde of fayth. | Whill we have therfore tyme/ let vs do good vnto all men/ and specially vnto them which are of the housholde of fayth. | Whyll we haue therfore tyme/ let vs do good vnto all men/ and specially vnto them which are of the housholde of fayth. | Whyle we haue tyme therfore, let vs do good vnto all men but specially vnto thē which are of ye housholde of faith. |
6:11 | Beholde howe large a letter I have written vnto you with myne awne honde. | Beholde how large a letter I have written vnto you with myne awne honde. | Beholde how large a letter I haue written vnto you with myne awne honde. | Beholde, with how many wordes I haue wrytten vnto you with myne awne hande. |
6:12 | As many as desyre with vttwarde aperaunce to please carnally/ they constrayne you to be circumcised/ only be cause they wolde nott suffre persecucion with the crosse off Christ. | As many as desyre with vtwarde apperaūce to please carnally/ they constrayne you to be circumcised/ only be cause they wolde not suffre persecucion with the crosse of Christ. | As many as desyre with vtwarde apperaunce to please carnally/ they constrayne you to be circumcised/ only because they wolde not suffre persecucion with the crosse of Christ. | They that wil please in the flesh, constrayne you to be circumcysed, onely lest they shulde be persecuted with the crosse of Christ. |
6:13 | For they them selves which are circumcised kepe not the lawe: but desyre to have you circumcised that they myght reioyce in youre flesshe. | For they them selves which are circumcised/ kepe not the lawe: but desyre to have you circumcised/ that they myght reioyce in youre flesshe. | For they them selues which are circumcised/ kepe not the lawe: but desyre to haue you circūcised/ that they myght reioyce in youre flesshe. | For euē they them selues which are circumcysed, kepe not the lawe, but wolde haue you circūcysed, that they mighte reioyse in youre flesh. |
6:14 | God forbid that I shulde reioyce but in the crosse of oure lorde Iesu Christ/ wher by the worlde is crucified as touchynge me/ and I as concernynge the worlde. | God forbyd that I shuld reioyce but in the crosse of oure Lorde Iesu Christ/ wherby the worlde is crucified as touchinge me/ and I as concerninge the worlde. | God forbyd that I shuld reioyce/ but in the crosse of oure Lorde Iesu Christ/ wherby the worlde is crucified as touchynge me/ and I as concernynge the worlde. | But God forbyd that I shulde reioyse, saue onely in the crosse of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, wherby the worlde is crucified vnto me, and I vnto the worlde. |
6:15 | For in Christ Iesu nether circumcisiō avayleth eny thynge at all nor vncircumcisiō: but a newe creature. | For in Christ Iesu nether circūcision avayleth eny thinge at all nor vncircumcisiō: but a new creature. | For in Christ Iesu nether circumcision auayleth eny thinge at all/ nor vncircūcision: but a new creature. | For in Christ Iesu nether circūcision avayleth eny thinge, ner vncircumcision, but a new creature. |
6:16 | And as many as walke acordynge to this rule/ peace be on them/ and mercy/ and apon Israhel that pertayneth to god. | And as many as walke accordinge to this rule/ peace be on them/ and mercy/ and vpon Israel that pertayneth to God. | And as many as walke accordynge to this rule/ peace be on them/ and mercy/ and vpon Israel that pertayneth to God. | And as many as walke acordynge to this rule, peace and mercy be vpon thē, and vpon Israel of God. |
6:17 | From hēce forth/ let no man put me to busynes. For I beare in my bodye the markſ of the lorde Iesu. | From hence forth/ let no man put me to busynes. For I beare in my bodye ye markes of the Lorde Iesu. | From hence forth/ let no man put me to busynes. For I beare in my bodye the markes of the Lorde Iesu. | From hence forth let no man put me to busynesse, for I beare in my body the markes of the LORDE Iesu. |
6:18 | Brethren the grace off oure lorde Iesu Christe be with youre sprete/ Amen. | Brethren the grace of oure Lorde Iesu Christe be with youre sprete. Amen. | Brethren the grace of oure Lorde Iesu Christe be with youre sprete. Amen. | Brethren, the grace of oure LORDE Iesu Christ be with youre sprete Amen. |
END | Vnto the Galathyans written from Rome. | Vnto the Galathyans written from Rome. | Vnto the Galathyans written from Rome. | Vnto the Galathians, sent from Rome. |