Acts: Chapter 15

The Actes of the Apostles. The .xv. Chapter.
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
15:1 ANd there cā certayne frō iewry and taught the brethren: excepte ye be circumcysed after the maner of Moses ye can not be saved. THen cam certayne from Iewrie/ and taught the brethren: excepte ye be circumcysed after the maner of Moses/ ye cannot be saved. THen came certayne from Iewrie/ and taught the brethren: excepte ye be circumcised after the maner of Moses/ ye cannot be saued. ANd there came certayne frō Iewry, and taughte the brethren: Excepte ye be circumcysed after the maner of Moses, ye can not be saued.
15:2 Then arose there dissencion and disputynge not a little vnto Paul and Barnabas agaynste them. And they determened that Paul and Barnabas and certayne other of them shulde ascende to Ierusalem vnto the apostles and seniours aboute this questiō. And when ther was rysen dissencion & disputinge not alitle vnto Paul & Barnabas agaynst them. They determined that Paul and Barnabas & certayne other of them shuld ascende to Ierusalem vnto the Apostles & elders aboute this question. And when ther was rysen dissenciō & disputinge not a litell vnto Paul and Barnabas agaynst them. They determined that Paul and Barnabas/ and certayne other of them shuld ascende to Ierusalem vnto the Apostles & elders aboute this question. Now whā there rose a discēsion, and Paul and Barnabas had set them selues harde agaynst them, they ordeyned, that Paul and Barnabas and certayne other of them shulde go vp to Ierusalem vnto the Apostles and Elders, aboute this questiō.
15:3 After they were brought on their waye by the congregacion/ they passed over Phenices and Samaria/ declarynge the conversacion off the gentyls/ and they brought gret ioye vnto all the brethren. And after they were brought on their waye by the congregacion/ they passed over Phenices and Samaria/ declarynge the conuersion of the gētyls/ & they brought great ioye vnto all ye brethren. And after they were brought on their waye by the congregacion/ they passed ouer Phenices and Samaria/ declarynge the conuersion of the Gentyls/ and they brought great ioye vnto all the brethren. And they were broughte on their waye by ye cōgregacion, & wente thorow Phenices and Samaria, and declared the conuersacion of the Heythen, and brought greate ioye vnto all the brethren.
15:4 When they were come to Ierusalem they were receaved of the congregacion and of the apostles and seniours. And they declared what thynges God had done by them. And when they were come to Ierusalem/ they were receaved of the congregacion & of the Apostles & elders. And they declared what thinges God had done by them. And when they were come to Ierusalem/ they were receaued of the congregacion & of the Apostles and elders. And they declared what thinges God had done by thē. Whan they came to Ierusalē, they were receaued of ye cōgregacion, & of the Apostles, and of the Elders, & they tolde how greate thinges God had done with thē.
15:5 Then arose there vppe certayne of the secte of the pharises/ which dyd beleve sayinge thatt itt was nedfull to circumcise them ād to inioyne them to kepe the lawe of Moses. Then arose ther vp certayne that were of the secte of the Pharises & dyd beleve sayinge/ that it was nedfull to circūcise them & to enioyne thē to kepe ye lawe of Moses. Then rose vp certayne of the secte of the Pharises/ which dyd beleue/ sayinge/ that it was nedfull to circumcise them and to enioyne them to kepe the lawe of Moses. Then rose there vp certayne of the secte of ye Pharises (which beleued) and sayde: They must be circumcysed and cōmaunded, to kepe the lawe of Moses.
15:6 The apostles and seniours cam to gedder to reason of this matter. And ye Apostles & elders came to geder to reason of this matter. And the Apostles and elders came to geder to reason of this matter. But the Apostles and Elders came together, to reason vpon this matter.
15:7 When there was moche disputynge/ Peter rose vppe and sayd vnto them: Ye men and brethren/ ye knowe howe that a goode while agoo/ God chose amonge vs that the gentyls by my mouthe shulde here the worde off the gospell and beleve. And when ther was moche disputinge/ Peter rose vp & sayde vnto them: Ye men & brethren/ ye knowe how that a good whyle agoo/ God chose amōge vs that the gētyls by my mouth shuld heare the worde of the gospell & beleve. And when ther was moche disputinge/ Peter rose vp and sayde vnto them: Ye men and brethren/ ye knowe how that a good whyle agoo/ God chose amonge vs that the Gentyls by my mouth shuld heare the worde of the Gospell and beleue. Now whan there was moch disputinge Peter rose vp, and sayde vnto thē: Ye men and brethren, ye knowe that a good whyle agoo, God chose amonge vs, yt the Heythē by my mouth shulde heare the worde of the Gospell, and beleue.
15:8 And God which knoweth the herte/ bare them witnes/ and gave vnto them the holy gost even as he dyd vnto vs/ And God which knoweth the herte/ bare them witnes/ and gave vnto them the holy goost/ evē as he dyd vnto vs/ And God which knoweth the herte/ bare them witnes/ and gaue vnto them the holy goost/ euen as he dyd vnto vs And God the knower of hertes bare wytnesse ouer thē, and gaue thē the holy goost, like as vnto vs,
15:9 And he putt no difference bitwene them and vs/ and with fayth purified their hertes. and he put no difference bitwene them and vs/ but with fayth purified their hertes. and he put no difference bitwene them and vs/ but with fayth purified their hertes. & put no dyfference betwixte vs & them, and purified their hertes thorow fayth.
15:10 Nowe therfore why tempte ye God/ thatt ye wolde putt a yoke on the disciples neckes which nether oure fathers nor we wer able to beare: Now therfore why tempte ye God/ that ye wolde put a yoke on the disciples neckes/ which nether oure fathers nor we were able to beare. Now therfore why tempte ye God/ that ye wolde put a yoke on the disciples neckes/ which nether oure fathers nor we were able to beare. Now therfore why tempte ye God, with layenge vpon ye disciples neckes the yocke, which nether or fathers ner we were able to beare?
15:11 Butt we beleve thatt thorowe the grace of the Lorde Iesu Christ we shalbe saved as they doo. But we beleve that thorowe the grace of the Lorde Iesu Christ we shalbe saved/ as they doo. But we beleue that thorowe the grace of the Lorde Iesu Christ/ we shalbe saued/ as they do. But we beleue to be saued thorow the grace of the LORDE Iesu Christ, like as they also.
15:12 Then all the multitude was peased and gave audience to Barnabas and Paul which tolde what signes and wondres God had shewed amonge the gentyls by them. Then all the multitude was peased and gave audience to Barnabas & Paul/ which tolde what signes and wondres God had shewed amonge the gentyls/ by them. Then all the multitude was peased and gaue audience to Barnabas and Paul/ which tolde what signes and wondres God had shewed amonge the Gentyls/ by them. Then all ye multitude helde their peace, and gaue audience vnto Paul and Barnabas, which tolde how greate tokens and wonders God had done by thē amōge the Heythen.
15:13 As sone as they helde their peace/ Iames answered sayinge: Men and brethren herken vnto me/ And when they helde their peace/ Iames answered sayinge: Men & brethren herken vnto me. And when they helde their peace Iames answered sayinge: Men and brethren herken vnto me. Afterwarde whan they helde their peace, Iames answered, and sayde: Ye men and brethren, herkē vnto me,
15:14 Simeon tolde howe God at the beginninge dyd visit the gentyls/ and receaved of them people vnto his name. Simeon tolde how God at the begynnynge dyd visit the gentyls/ & receaved of them/ people vnto his name. Simeon tolde how God at the beginnynge dyd visit the Gentyls/ & receaued of thē/ people vnto his name. Simō hath tolde, how God at the first vysited to receaue a people vnto his name from amonge the Heythen.
15:15 ād to this agreith the wordſ of the prophetſ/ as it is writtē: And to this agreith ye wordes of ye Prophetſ/ as it is written. And to this agreyth the wordes of the prophetes/ as it is writtē. And vnto this agree ye wordes of the prophetes, as it is wryttē:
15:16 After this I will returne/ and will bylde agayne the tabernacle of David which is fallē doune/ and that wich is fallē in dekey of it will I bilde a gayne ād I will set it vppe/ After this I will returne/ & wyll bylde agayne the tabernacle of David which is fallen doune/ & that which is fallen in dekey of it/ will I bilde agayne/ & I will set it vp/ After this I will returne/ & will bylde agayne the tabernacle of Dauid which is fallen doune/ and that which is fallen in dekey of it/ will I bylde agayne/ and I will set it vp/ After this wyl I returne and wyl buylde agayne ye tabernacle of Dauid, that is fallen downe, and that which is fallen in decaye therof, wyl I buylde agayne, and wyl set it vp,
15:17 that the residue of mē myght seke after the Lorde/ and also the gētyls vppon whom my name is called on sayth the lorde/ which doth all these thynges: that the residue of men might seke after the Lorde/ & also the gentyls vpō whom my name is named saith ye Lorde/ which doth all these thinges: that the residue of men myght seke after the Lorde/ & also the Gentyls vpon whom my name is named sayth the Lorde/ which doth all these thinges: that the residue of men maye seke after the LORDE: & also the Heythen vpō whom my name is named, sayeth the LORDE, which doth all these thinges.
15:18 knowne vnto God are all hys werkes from the begīnynge of the woelde. knowne vnto God are all his workes from the begynninge of the worlde. knowen vnto God are all his workes from the beginnynge of the worlde. Knowne vnto God are all his workes from the begynnynge of ye worlde.
15:19 Wherfore my sentēce is/ that we trouble not thē which of the gentyls are turned to God: Wherfore my sentēce is/ yt we trouble not them which frō amonge the gentyls/ are turned to God: Wherfore my sentence is/ that we trouble not thē which from amonge the Gentyls/ are turned to God: Wherfore my sentence is, that they which from amonge the Heythen are turned vnto God, be not disquyeted,
15:20 but that we write vnto them that they abstayne them selves from filthines of ymages/ frō fornicaciō/ from strāglyd/ and frō bloude. but yt we write vnto them yt they abstayne them selves frō filthynes of ymages/ frō fornicaciō/ from strāglyd & frō bloude. but that we write vnto them/ that they abstayne thē selues from filthynes of ymages/ from fornicacion/ from stranglyd & from bloude. but to wryte vnto them, that they absteyne them selues from fylthynesse of Idols, from whordome, and from strangled, and bloude.
15:21 For Moses of olde tyme in every cite hath thē that preache hym/ and he is reede in the synagogſ every saboth daye. For Moses of olde tyme hath in every cite that preache him/ and he is rede in the synagogſ every saboth daye. For Moses of olde tyme hath in euery cite that preache him/ & he is rede in the synagoges euery Saboth daye. For Moses hath of olde tyme in euery cite them that preach him: and he is red in the synagoges euery Sabbath daye.
15:22 Thē pleased it the apostles and seniours with the whole cōgregacion to send chosyn mē of their owne cōpany to Antioche with Paul and Barnabas. They sent Iudas called also Barsabas ād Silas which were chefe mē amōg the brethrē Then pleased it the Apostles & elders wt the whole congregaciō/ to sende chosyn men of their owne cōpany to Antioche with Paul and Barnabas. They sent Iudas called also Barsabas and Silas/ which were chefe men amonge the brethrē/ Then pleased it the Apostles & elders with the whole congregacion/ to sende chosyn men of their owne company to Antioche with Paul and Barnabas. They sent Iudas called also Barsabas/ and Sylas/ which were chefe men amonge the brethren/ And the Apostles and Elders with the whole congregacion thoughte it good, to chose out men of them, and to sende them vnto Antioche with Paul and Barnabas, namely Iudas, whose syrname was Barsabas, and Sylas (which were chefe men amōge the brethrē)
15:23 ād gave thē letters ī their hōdſ after this maner. The apostles/ seniours ād brethren send gretynges vnto the brethren which are of the gentyls in Antioche Siria and cilicia/ and gave them lettres in their hondes after this maner. The Apostles/ elders & brethren send gretynges vnto the brethrē which are of the gentyls in Antioche/ Siria & Celicia. and gaue them letters in their hondes after this maner. The Apostles/ elders and brethren send gretynges vnto the brethren which are of the Gentyls in Antioche/ Syria and Celicia. and gaue thē letters in their handes after this maner: We the Apostles and Elders & brethren, wysh health vnto the brethrē of the Heythē which are at Antioche, and Syria and Celicia.
15:24 For as moche as we have herde thatt certayne wich departed from vs/ have troubled you with wordes/ and combred youre myndes sayinge: Ye must be circumcised/ and kepe the lawe/ to whom we gave no soche commaundment. For as moche as we have hearde yt certayne which departed frō vs/ have troubled you with wordſ/ & combred youre myndes sayinge: Ye must be circumcised & kepe the lawe/ to whom we gave no soche cōmaundemēt. For as moche as we haue hearde that certayne which departed from vs/ haue troubled you with wordes/ & combred youre myndes sayinge: Ye must be circumcised and kepe the lawe/ to whom we gaue no soche commaundement. For so moch as we haue herde that certayne of oures are departed, and haue troubled you, and combred youre myndes, sayenge: ye must be circumcysed, and kepe ye lawe (to whom we gaue no soch commaundemēt)
15:25 It semed therfore to vs a goode thynge/ when we were come to gedder with won accorde/ to sende chosyn men vnto you/ with oure beloved Barnabas and Paul/ It semed therfore to vs a good thinge/ when we were come to gedder with one accorde/ to sende chosyn men vnto you/ with oure beloved Barnabas and Paul/ It semed therfore to vs a good thinge/ when we were come to geder with one accorde/ to sende chosyn men vnto you/ with oure beloued Barnabas and Paul/ it semed good vnto vs, beynge gathered together with one accorde, to chose out men, and to sende them vnto you, with oure beloued Barnabas and Paul,
15:26 men that have ieoperded theyr lives/ for the name of oure lorde Iesus Christ. men that have ieoperded their lyves for the name of oure Lorde Iesus Christ. men that haue ieoperded their lyues for the name of oure Lorde Iesu Christ. men that haue ioperded their lyues for ye name of oure LORDE Iesus Christ.
15:27 We have sent therfore Iudas and Sylas/ which shall alsoo tell you the same thynges by mouth. We have sent therfore Iudas and Sylas/ which shall also tell you the same thingſ by mouth. We haue sent therfore Iudas and Sylas/ which shall also tell you the same thinges by mouth. Therfore haue we sent Iudas and Sylas, which shal also tell you the same with wordes.
15:28 For hitt semed goode to the holy gost and to vs/ to putt no grevous thynge to you more then these necessary thynges/ For it semed good to the holy gost and to vs/ to put no grevous thinge to you more then these necessary thinges: For it semed good to the holy goost and to vs/ to put no greuous thinge to you/ more then these necessary thinges: For it pleased the holy goost and vs, to laye no charge vpon you, more then these necessary poyntes:
15:29 that is to saye that ye abstayne from thynges offered vnto the ymages/ from bloud/ from strangled/ and fornicacion. From which if ye kepe youre selves/ ye shall do well. Soo fare ye well. that is to saye/ that ye abstayne from thinges offered to ymages/ from bloud/ from strangled and fornicacion. From which yf ye kepe youre selves/ ye shall do well. So fare ye well. that is to saye/ that ye abstayne from thinges offered to ymages/ from bloud/ from strangled and fornicacion. From which yf ye kepe youre selues/ ye shall do well. So fare ye well. That ye absteyne from the offeringes of Idols, and from bloude, and from strangled, and from whordome. From the which yf ye absteyne youre selues, ye shal do well. Fare ye well.
15:30 when they were departed/ they cam to Antioche and gaddred the multitude to gedder and delivered the pistle. When they were departed/ they came to Antioche & gaddred the multitude togeder & delyvered ye pistle. When they were departed/ they came to Anthioche and gaddred the multitude to geder/ and deliuered the pistle. Whan these were sent forth, they came vnto Antioche, and gathered the multitude together, and delyuered the epistle.
15:31 Whē they had redde it/ they reioysed off that consolacion. When they had redde it/ they reioysed of that consolacion. When they had rede it/ they reioysed of that consolacion. Whan they had red it, they were glad of that cōsolacion.
15:32 Iudas and Sylas beinge prophetes/ exhorted the people with moche preachynge/ and strengthed them. And Iudas & Sylas beinge prophetes/ exhorted the brethren with moche preachynge & strengthed them. And Iudas & Sylas beinge Prophetes/ exhorted the brethren with moche preachynge/ and strengthed them. As for Iudas & Sylas (which were prophetes also) they exorted ye brethrē with moch preachinge, and strēgthed them.
15:33 After they hadde taryed there a certayne space/ they were lett goo in peace off the brethren vnto the apostles. And after they had taryed there a space/ they were let goo in peace of the brethren vnto the Apostles. And after they had taryed there a space/ they were let go in peace of the brethren vnto the Apostles. And whan they had taried there for a season, they were let go of the brethren in peace vnto the Apostles.
15:34 Notwithstondynge it pleasyd Sylas to abyde there still. Not with stondynge it pleasyd Sylas to abyde there still. Not with stondynge it pleasyd Sylas to abyde there styll. Notwithstondinge Sylas thoughte it good to byde there styll.
15:35 Paul and Barnabas continued in Antioche teachynge/ and preachynge the worde of the lorde whith other many. Paul & Barnabas continued in Antioche teachynge and preachynge the worde of the Lorde with other many. Paul & Barnabas contynued in Antioche teachynge & preachynge the worde of the Lorde with other many. But Paul and Barnabas cōtynued at Antioche, teachinge and preachinge the worde of the LORDE, with other many.
15:36 Butt after a certayne space Paul sayde vnto Barnabas: Lett vs goo agayne and visite oure brethren in every cite/ where we have shewed the worde of the lorde/ and se howe they do. But after a certayne space/ Paul sayde vnto Barnabas: Let vs goo agayne and visite oure brethren in every cite where we have shewed the worde of the Lorde/ and se how they do. But after a certayne space/ Paul sayde vnto Barnabas: Let vs go agayne and visite oure brethrē in euery cite where we haue shewed the worde of the Lorde/ & se how they do. Neuertheles after certayne dayes Paul sayde vnto Barnabas: let vs go agayne, and vyset oure brethren thorow all the cities (wherin we haue shewed the worde of the LORDE) how they do.
15:37 Barnabas gave counsell/ to take with them Ihon called also Marke: And Barnabas gave counsell to take wt them Iohn/ called also Marke. And Barnabas gaue counsell to take with them Iohn/ called also Marke. But Barnabas gaue councell, that they shulde take with thē Ihon, whose syrname was Marke.
15:38 But Paul thought it not mete to take hī vnto theyr company whiche departed from them at Pamphylia/ and went nott with them to the worke. But Paul thought it not mete to take him vnto their company whiche departed from them at Pamphylia/ & went not with them to the worke. But Paul thought it not mete to take him vnto their company whiche departed from them at Pamphilia/ and went not with them to the worke. Howbeit Paul thoughte it mete, not to take him with them, which departed from them in Pamphilia, and wente not with them vnto the worke.
15:39 Soo sharp was the dissencion bitwene them/ thatt they departed asunder won from the other. And Barnabas toke Marke and sayled vnto Cypers. And the dissencion was so sharpe bitwene them/ that they departed a sunder one from the other: so that Barnabas toke Marke and sayled vnto Cypers. And the dissencion was so sharpe bitwene them/ that they departed a sunder one from the other: so that Barnabas toke Marke and sayled vnto Cypers. And so sharpe was the strife betwene them, that they departed asunder ye one frō the other, and Barnabas toke Marke vnto him, and sayled vnto Cypers.
15:40 Paul chose Sylas and departed delivered off the brethren vnto the grace of God. And Paul chose Sylas & departed delyvered of ye brethren vnto the grace of god. And Paul chose Sylas and departed/ deliuered of the brethren vnto the grace of God. But Paul chose Sylas, and departed, beynge cōmytted of the brethren vnto the grace of God.
15:41 And he wēt thorowe all Cyria ād Cilicia/ stablisshynge the congregacions. And he went thorowe all Cyria and Cilicia/ stablisshynge the congregacions. And he went thorowe all Cyria and Cylicia/ stablisshynge the congregacions. He wente thorow Syria and Celicia, stablishynge the congregacions.


Acts: Chapter 28

The Actes of the Apostles. The .xxviij. Chapter.
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
28:1 ANd when they were scaped they knewe that the yle was called Mileta. ANd when they were scaped/ then they knewe that the yle was called Milete. ANd when they were scaped/ thē they knewe that the yle was called Milete. ANd whā we were escaped, we knewe that the Ile was called Melite.
28:2 The people off the countre shewed vs no litell kyndnes/ for they kyndled a fyre and receaved vs every one be cause off the present rayne/ and be cause off colde. And the people of the countre shewed vs no lytell kyndnes: for they kyndled a fyre and receaved vs every one/ because of the present rayne/ & because of colde. And the people of the countre shewed vs no lytell kyndnes: for they kyndled a fyre & receaued vs euery one/ because of the present rayne and because of the colde. As for the people, they shewed vs no litle kyndnesse: for they kyndled a fyre, and receaued vs all because of the rayne that was come vpō vs, and because of the colde.
28:3 When Paul had gaddered a boundle off stickes/ And putt them into the fyre/ a viper (be cause off the heet) creept out and lept on his honde. And when Paul had gaddered a boundle of stickes/ & put them into the fyre/ ther came a viper out of the heet and lept on his honde. And when Paul had gaddered a bondell of styckes/ and put them into the fyre/ ther came a viper out of the heet & lept on his honde. Whan Paul had gathered a bondell of stickes, and layed them on the fyre, there came a vyper out of the heate, and leape on Pauls hande.
28:4 When the men off the contre sawe the worme hange on hys honde/ they sayde amonge them selves: thys man must nedes be a mortherer/ Whom (though he have escaped the see) yet vengeaunce suffreth nott to live. When the men of the contre sawe the worme hange on his honde/ they sayde amonge thē selves: this man must nedes be a mortherer. Whome (though he have escaped the see) yet vengeaunce suffreth not to lyve. When the men of the contre sawe the worme hange on his honde/ they sayde amonge them selues: this man must nedes be a mortherer. Whome (though he haue escaped the see) yet vengeaunce suffreth not to lyue. Whan the people sawe the beest hange on his hande, they sayde amonge them selues: This man must nedes be a murthurer, whō vengeaunce suffreth not to lyue, though he haue escaped the see.
28:5 and he shuke of the vermē into the fyre/ and felt no harme. But he shouke of the vermen into the fyre/ and felt no harme. But he shouke of the vermen into the fyre and felt no harme. But he shoke of ye beest in to the fyre, and and felt no harme.
28:6 They wayted when he shulde have swolne/ or fallē doune deed sodently. But after they had loked a greate whyle/ and sawe no harme come to hym/ they chaunged their myndes/ and sayde that he was a God. Howbeit they wayted when he shuld have swolne/ or fallen doune deed sodenly. But after they had loked a greate whyle/ and sawe no harme come to him/ they chaunged their myndes/ and sayde that he was a God. Howbeit they wayted whē he shuld haue swolne/ or fallen doune deed sodēly. Butt after they had loked a greate whyle/ & sawe no harme come to him/ they chaunged their myndes/ and sayde that he was a God. Howbeit they wayted, whā he shulde haue swollen, or fallen downe deed sodenly. But whan they had loked a greate whyle, and sawe yt there happened no harme vnto him, they chaunged their myndes, and sayde that he was a God.
28:7 In the same quarters/ the chefe mā off the yle whose name was Publius/ had a lordshippe/ whych receaved vs/ and lodged vs thre dayes courteously. In the same quarters/ the chefe man of the yle whose name was Publius/ had a lordshippe: the same receaved vs/ and lodged vs thre dayes courteously. In the same quarters the chefe man of the yle whose name was Publius/ had a lordshippe: the same receaued vs/ and lodged vs thre dayes courteously. In the same quarters the chefe man of the Ile whose name was Publius had a lordshipe: the same receaued vs, and lodged vs thre dayes curteously.
28:8 Hit fortuned that the father of Publius laye sicke off a fiever/ and of a bluddy flixe to whom Paul entred in and prayde/ and layde his hondes on hym/ and healed hym. And it fortuned that the father of Publius laye sicke of a fiever/ and of a bluddy flixe. To whō Paul entred in & prayde/ & layde his hondes on him & healed him. And it fortuned that the father of Publius laye sicke of a fieuer and of a bluddy flixe. To whom Paul entred in & prayde/ & layde his hondes on him and healed him. It fortuned whā Publius father laye sicke of the feuers and of a bloudy fluxe, Paul wente in vnto him, and prayed, and layed the handes on him, and healed him.
28:9 when this was done/ other also which were diseased in the yle/ cam and were healed: When this was done/ other also which had diseases in the yle/ came and were healed. When this was done/ other also which had diseases in the yle/ came & were healed. Whan this was done, other also which had diseases in the Ile, came, and were healed.
28:10 and they did vs grett honour. And when we departed/ they laded vs with thyngſ necessary. And they dyd vs gret honoure. And when we departed/ they laded vs with thinges necessary. And they dyd vs gret honoure. And when we departed/ they laded vs with thinges necessary. And they dyd vs greate honoure. And whan we departed, they laded vs with thinges necessary.
28:11 After thre monethes we sayled in a shippe off Alexandry/ which had wyntred in the yle/ whose badge was Castor and pollux. After thre monethes we departed in a ship of Alexandry/ which had wyntred in the yle/ whose badge was Castor & Pollux. After thre monethes we departed in a ship of Alexandry/ which had wyntred in the yle/ whose badge was Castor & Pollux. After thre monethes we sayled in a shippe of Alexandria, which had wyntred in the Ile, and had a badge of Castor and Pollux.
28:12 And when we cam to Ciracusa/ we taryed there iij. dayes/ And whē we came to Cyracusa/ we taryed there .iii. dayes. And when we came to Cyracusa/ we taryed there .iij. dayes And whan we came to Syracusa, we taried there thre dayes.
28:13 frō whence we sayled about and cam to Regium. ād after won daye the sougth wynde blewe/ and we cam the next daye to Putiolus And from thence we fet a compasse & came to Regium. And after one daye the south wynde blewe/ and we came the next daye to Putiolus: And from thence we fet a compasse and came to Regium. And after one daye the south wynde blewe/ and we came the next daye to Putiolus: And whan we had sayled aboute, we came to Rhegium: and after one daye whan the south wynde blewe, we came to Putiolus,
28:14 where we founde brethren/ and were desyred to tary with them seven dayes/ and so cam we to Rome. where we founde brethren/ & were desyred to tary with them seven dayes/ and so came to Rome. where we founde brethren/ and were desyred to tary with them seuen dayes/ and so came to Rome. where we founde brethrē and were desyred of them to tarye there seuē dayes, and so came we to Rome.
28:15 And from thence/ when the brethren herde of vs/ they cam to Apiphorum/ and thre taverns/ and met vs. when Paul sawe thē he thanked God/ and wexed boolde. And from thence/ when ye brethren hearde of vs/ they came agaynst vs to Apiphorum/ & to ye thre taverns. When Paul sawe thē/ he thanked God/ and wexed bolde. And from thence/ when the brethren hearde of vs/ they came agaynst vs to Apiphorum/ and to the thre tauernes. When Paul sawe them/ he thanked God/ and wexed bolde. And from thence whan the brethren herde of vs, they came forth to mete vs to Apiforum and to the Thre tauerns. Whan Paul sawe them, he thāked God, and waxed bolde.
28:16 whē we cam to Rome/ the vnder captayne delivered the presoners to the chefe captayne of the host: butt Paul was suffered to dwell alone with wone soudier that kept hym. And when he came to Rome/ ye vnder captayne delyvered ye presoners to ye chefe captayne of ye host: but Paul was suffered to dwell by him selfe with one soudier that kept him. And when he came to Rome/ the vnder captayne deliuered the presoners to the chefe captayne of the host: but Paul was suffered to dwell by him selfe with one soudier that kept him. But whā we came to Rome, the vndercaptayne delyuered the presoners to ye chefe captayne. As for Paul, he had leue to byde alone with one soudyer that kepte him.
28:17 Hit fortuned that after thre dayes Paul called the chefe of the iewes togedder. When they were come/ he sayde vnto thē: Men and brethren/ though I have committed noo thynge agaynst the people/ or lawes of oure fathers: yett was I delivered presoner from Ierusalem into the hondes of the romains. And it fortuned after thre dayes/ that Paul called ye chefe of ye Iewes together. And whē they were come/ he sayde vnto thē: Men & brethren/ though I have cōmitted nothinge agaynst the people or lawes of oure fathers: yet was I delyvered presoner from Ierusalem in to the hondes of ye Romayns. And it fortuned after thre dayes/ that Paul called the chefe of the Iewes to gether. And whē they were come/ he sayde vnto them. Men & brethren though I haue cōmitted nothinge agaynst the people or lawes of oure fathers: yet was I deliuered presoner from Ierusalem into the hondes of the Romayns. After thre dayes it fortuned, yt Paul called ye chefe of ye Iewes together. And whā they were come, he sayde vnto thē: Ye mē & brethrē I haue cōmytted nothinge agaynst or people, ner agaynst ye lawes of ye fathers, yet was I boūde, delyuered out of Ierusalē in to ye Romaynes hādes:
28:18 Which when they had examened me wolde have lett me goo/ be cause they founde no cause of deeth in me: Which when they had examined me/ wolde have let me goo/ because they founde no cause of deeth in me. Which when they had examined me/ wolde haue let me go/ because they founde no cause of deeth in me. which whā they had examyned me, wolde haue let me go, for so moch as there was no cause of death ī me.
28:19 but when the iewes cryed contrary: I was constrayned to appeale vnto Cesar. Not be cause I had ought to accuse my people of. But when ye Iewes cryed cōtrary/ I was constrayned to appeale vnto Cesar: not because I had ought to accuse my people of. But when the Iewes cryed contrary/ I was constrayned to appeale vnto Cesar: not because I had ought to accuse my people of. But whā ye Iewes spake ye cōtrary, I was cōstrayned to appeale vnto ye Emperor: not as though I had ought to accuse my people of.
28:20 For this cause have I called for you to se you/ and to speake with you. For I be cause off the hope off Israhel/ am bounde with this chayne. For this cause have I called for you/ evē to se you & to speake with you: because that for the hope of Israel/ I am bounde with this chayne. For this cause haue I called for you/ euen to se you/ and to speake with you: because that for the hope of Israel/ I am bounde with this chayne. For this cause haue I called you, euē to se you, & to speake wt you: because yt for ye hope of Israel, I am bounde wt this cheyne.
28:21 And they sayde vnto hī: We nether receaved letters out of Iewry pertaynīge vnto the/ nether cam eny of the brethren thatt shewed or spake eny harme of the. And they sayde vnto him: We nether receaved letters out of Iewry pertayninge vnto ye/ nether came eny of the brethren that shewed or spake eny harme of the. And they sayde vnto him: We nether receaued lettres out of Iewry pertayninge vnto the/ nether came eny of the brethren that shewed or spake eny harme of the. They sayde vnto hī: We haue nether receaued letter out of Iewry cōcernynge the, nether came there eny of the brethrē, yt shewed or spake eny harme of ye.
28:22 Butt we woll heare of the what thou thynkest. For we have herde off this secte/ that every wheare it is spokē agaynst. But we will heare of the what thou thynkest. For we have hearde of this secte/ that every wheare it is spoken agaynst. But we will heare of the what thou thinkest. For we haue hearde of this secte/ that euery wheare it is spoken agaynst. But we wyl heare of ye , what thou thinkest: for we haue herde of this secte, that euery where it is spoken agaynst.
28:23 Whē they had apoynted hym a daye/ there cam many vnto hym into his lodgynge: to whom he expouned and testifyed the kyngdom off God. and preached vnto them off Iesu: both by the lawe off Moses/ and also by the prophetſ from mornynge to nyght. And when they had apoynted him a daye/ ther came many vnto him into his lodgynge. To whom he expounded & testifyed the kyngdome of God/ and preached vnto thē of Iesu: both out of the lawe of Moses and also out of the prophetes/ even from mornynge to nyght. And when they had apoynted him a daye/ ther came many vnto him into his lodginge. To whom he expounded and testified the kyngdome of God/ and preached vnto them of Iesu: both out of the lawe of Moses and also out of the Prophetes/ euen from morninge to night. And whā they had appoynted hī a daye, there came many vnto hī in to his lodginge: vnto whō he expoūded ye kyngdome of God & preached vnto thē of Iesu, out of ye lawe and out of the prophetes, euē frō mornynge vntyll the euē.
28:24 And some beleved the thynges which were spoken/ and some beleved not. And some beleved ye thinges which were spoken/ & some beleved not. And some beleued the thinges which were spoken/ and some beleued not. And some beleued ye thinge yt he sayde, but some beleued not.
28:25 When they agreed not amonge them selves/ they departed/ after thatt Paul had spoken one worde: well spake the holy goost by Esay the prophet vnto oure fathers/ When they agreed not amonge thē selves/ they departed/ after that Paul had spoken one worde. Well spake the holy goost by Esay ye prophet vnto oure fathers/ When they agreed not amōge them selues/ they departed/ after that Paul had spokē one worde. Well spake the holy goost by Esay the Prophet vnto oure fathers/ sayinge: But whā they agreed not amōge thē selues, they departed, whā Paul had spokē one worde: Full well hath the holy goost spokē by ye prophet Esay vnto or fathers,
28:26 sayinge: Goo vnto this people ād saye: with youre eares shall ye heare/ and shall not vnderstonde. and with youre eyes shall ye se and shall not perceave. sayinge: Goo vnto this people & saye: with youre eares shall ye heare/ and shall not vnderstonde: and with youre eyes shall ye se and shall not perceave. Go vnto this people & saye: with youre eares shall ye heare/ & shall not vnderstonde: and with youre eyes shall ye se and not perceaue. & sayde: Go vnto this people, and saye: With eares ye shal heare, & not vnderstōde: & with eyes shal ye se, & not perceaue.
28:27 For the hert off this people is wexed grosse/ and their eares wexe thycke of hearīge/ and their eyes have they closed/ lest they shulde se with their eyes/ ād heare with their eares/ and vnderstonde with their hertes/ and shulde be converted/ and I shulde heale them. For the hert of this people is wexed grosse/ and their eares were thycke of hearynge/ & their eyes have they closed: lest they shuld se with their eyes/ and heare with their eares/ and vnderstonde with their hertes/ and shuld be converted/ and I shulde heale them. For the hert of this people is wexed grosse and their eares were thicke of hearinge/ & their eyes haue they closed: lest they shulde se with their eyes/ & heare with their eares/ and vnderstonde with their hertes/ & shuld be conuerted/ & I shulde heale them. For ye hert of this people is waxed grosse, & they heare hardly wt their eares: & their eyes haue they closed, yt they shulde not once se wt their eyes, & heare wt their eares, & vnderstōde ī their hertes, and be cōuerted, yt I mighte heale thē.
28:28 Be it knowen therfore vnto you/ that this consolaciō of God is sent to the gentyls/ and they shall heare it. Be it knowen therfore vnto you/ that this salvacion of God is sent to the gentyls/ and they shall heare it. Be it knowen therfore vnto you/ that this saluacion of God is sent to the gentyls/ and they shall heare it. Be it knowne therfore vnto you, yt this saluaciō of God is sent vnto ye Heythē, and they shal heare it.
28:29 And when he had sayde that/ the iewes departed frō hym/ and had grete despicions amonge them selves. And when he had sayde that/ the Iewes departed/ and had grete despiciōs amonge them selves. And when he had sayde that/ the Iewes departed/ & had greate despiciōs amōge thē selues. And whā he sayde yt, ye Iewes departed, & had a greate disputacion amonge thē selues.
28:30 But Paul dwelt two yeares in his lodgynge. And receaved all thatt cam to hym/ And Paul dwelt two yeares full in his lodgynge/ and receaved all that came to him/ And Paul dwelt two yeares full in his lodginge/ and receaued all that came to him/ But Paul abode two whole yeares in his owne hyred dwellinge, & receaued all thē yt came in vnto hī,
28:31 preachyng the kyngdome off God/ and teachynge those thyngſ whych concerned the lorde Iesus wyth all confidence/ noo man forbyddynge hym. preachyng the kyngdome of God/ and teachynge those thinges which concerned the lorde Iesus/ with all confidence/ vnforboden. preachinge the kyngdome of God/ and teachinge those thinges which concerned the Lorde Iesus with all confidence/ vnforboden. preachinge ye kyngdome of God, and teachinge those thinges which concerne the LORDE Iesus with all boldnesse, vnforbydden.
END Here endeth the Actes off the Apostles. Here endeth the Actes of the Apostles. Here endeth the Actes of the Apostles. The ende of the Actes of the Apostles, wrytten by S. Luke, which was present at ye doynges of them.


Acts: Chapter 27

The Actes of the Apostles. The .xxvij. Chapter.
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
27:1 WHē it was cōcluded that we shulde sayle into italy/ they delivered Paul/ and certayne other presoners vnto won named Iulius/ ā vndercaptayne of Cesars soudiars. VVhen it was cōcluded that we shuld sayle into Italy/ they delivered Paul & certayne other presoners vnto one named Iulius/ an vnder captayne of Cesars soudiars. VVhen it was concluded that we shuld sayle into Italy they deliuered Paul & certayne other presoners vnto one named Iulius/ an vnder captayne of Cesars soudiars. WHan it was concluded that we shulde sayle in to Italy, they delyuered Paul and certayne other presoners to the vndercaptayne named Iulius, of the Emperours soudyers.
27:2 ād we ētred īto a shippe of Adramiciū/ ād lowsed frō lōd/ apoynted to sayle by the costes off Asia/ won Aristarcus out of Macedonia/ of the cōtre of Thessalia/ beīge with vs. And we entred into a ship of Adramicium/ & lowsed from lond/ apoynted to sayle by the costes of Asia/ one Aristarcus out of Macedonia/ of the contre of Thessalia/ beinge with vs. And we entred into a ship of Adramicium/ and lowsed from lond/ apoynted to sayle by the costes of Asia/ one Aristarcus out of Macedonia/ of the contre of Thessalia/ beinge with vs. And whan we were entred in to a shippe of Adramitium, to sayle by Asia, we lowsed from londe. And there was with vs one Aristarchus out of Macedonia off Thessalonica,
27:3 The nexte daye cā we to sidō/ and Iulius courteously ētreated Paul/ and gave him liberte to goo vnto his frendes/ and to refresshe hym silfe. And the nexte daye we came to Sidon. And Iulius courteously entreated Paul/ & gave him liberte to goo vnto his frendes/ & to refresshe him selfe. And the nexte daye we came to Sidon. And Iulius courteously entreated Paul/ and gaue him liberte to go vnto his frendes/ and to refresshe him selfe. and on the nexte daye we came vnto Sidon. And Iulius intreated Paul curteously, and gaue him liberty to go to his frendes, and to refresh himselfe.
27:4 And from thence lanched we and sayled harde by Cypers/ be cause the wyndes were contrary. And from thence lanched we/ and sayled harde by Cypers/ because the wyndes were contrarye. And from thence lanched we/ and sayled harde by Cypers/ because the wyndes were contrarye. And from thence launched we, and sayled harde by Cypers (because the wyndes were agaynst vs)
27:5 Then sayled we over the see off Cicill/ and Pamphylia/ and cam to Myra a cite in Lycia. Then sayled we over the see of Cilicia/ and Pamphylia/ and came to Myra a cite in Lycia. Then sayled we ouer the see of Cylicia/ and Pamphilia/ and came to Myra a cite in Lycia. and sayled ouer the see of Celicia and Pamphilia, and came to Myra in Lycia.
27:6 And there the vnder captayne founde a shippe off Alexandry redy to sayle into Italy/ and put vs there in/ And there ye vnder captayne founde a shippe of Alexander redy to sayle into Italy & put vs therin. And there the vnder captayne founde a shippe of Alexander/ redy to sayle into Italy/ & put vs therin. And there the vndercaptayne founde a shippe of Alexādria, ready to sayle in to Italy, and put vs therin.
27:7 and when we had sayled slowly many dayes/ and scace were come over agaynst Gnydon (be cause the wynde with stode vs) we saled harde by the costes off Candy/ over agaynste Salmo/ And when we had sayled slowly many dayes/ & scace were come over agaynst Gnydon (because the wynde with stode vs) we sayled harde by the costes of Candy/ over agaynste Salmo/ And when we had sayled slowly many dayes/ & scace were come ouer agaynst Gnydon (because the wynde withstode vs) we sayled harde by the costes of Candy/ ouer agaynste Salmo/ And whan we had sayled slowly, and in many dayes were scarcely come ouer agaynst Gnydon (for the wynde with stode vs) we sayled by Candy nye vnto the cite off Salmo,
27:8 and with moche worke sayled beyonde hytt/ and cam vnto a place called Goode porte. Neye where vnto was a citte called Lasea. and with moche worke sayled beyonde yt/ and came vnto a place called good porte. Nye whervnto was a citie called Lasea. & with moche worke sayled beyonde it/ and came vnto a place called goodporte. Nye whervnto was a citie called Lasea. and came scarcely beyonde it. Then came we to a place, which is called Goodhauen, nye where vnto was the cite Lasea.
27:9 When moche tyme was spent/ and saylynge was nowe ieoperdeous/ because alsoo thatt we had overlonge fasted/ Paul put them in remembraunce/ When moche tyme was spent and saylinge was now ieoperdeous/ because also that we had overlonge fasted/ Paul put them in remembraunce/ When moche tyme was spent and saylinge was now ieoperdeous/ because also that we had ouerlonge fasted/ Paul put them in remembraunce Now whan moch tyme was spent, and saylinge was now ioperdous, because that they also had fasted ouerlonge, Paul exhorted them,
27:10 and sayde vnto them: Syrs I perceave that thys vyage wilbe with hurte and domage/ not off the ladynge and shippe only: but also off oure lyues. and sayde vnto them Syrs/ I perceave that this vyage wilbe with hurte and moche domage/ not of the ladynge and ship only: but also of oure lyves. & sayde vnto them. Syrs/ I perceaue that this vyage wilbe with hurte and moche domage/ not of the ladynge & ship only: but also of oure lyues. and sayde vnto them: Syrs, I se that this saylinge wyl be with hurte and moch dammage, not onely of the ladynge and of the shippe, but also of oure lyues.
27:11 Butt the vndercaptayne beleved the gouerner/ and the master better then thoo thynges which were spoken off Paul. Neverthelather the vndercaptayne beleved the governer and the master/ better then tho thinges which were spoken of Paul. Neuerthelather the vnder captayne beleued the gouerner and the master/ better then to thinges which were spoken of Paul. Neuertheles ye vndercaptayne beleued the gouernoure of the shippe and ye master, more then it that was spoken of Paul.
27:12 And because the haven was nott commodius to wynter in/ many toke counsell to departe thence/ yff by eny meanes they myght atayne to Phenices and there to wynter/ whych haven pertayneth to Candy/ and servith to the sougthwest/ ād northwest wynde. And because the haven was not cōmodius to wynter in/ many toke counsell to departe thence/ yf by eny meanes they myght attayne to Phenices and there to wynter/ which is an haven of Candy/ and servith to the southwest and northwest wynde. And because the hauen was not cōmodius to wynter in/ many toke counsell to departe thence/ yf by eny meanes they myght attayne to Phenices and there to wynter/ which is an hauen of Candy/ and seruith to the southwest and northwest wynde. And for somoch as the hauē was not comodious to wynter in, the more parte off them toke councell to departe thēce, yf by eny meanes they might come to Phenices to wynter there, which is an hauen of Candy, towarde the Southwest and Northwest wynde.
27:13 Whē the sougth wynde blewe/ they supposynge to obtayne theyr purpose lowsed vnto Asson/ and sayled paste all Candy. When the south wynde blewe/ they supposynge to obtayne their purpose/ lowsed vnto Asson/ and sayled paste all Candy. When the south wynde blewe/ they supposynge to obtayne their purpose lowsed vnto Asson/ and sayled paste all Candy. Whan the South wynde blewe, they supposinge to haue had their purpose, lowsed vnto Asson, and sayled past all Candy.
27:14 Butt anon after there arose (agaynste theyr purpose) a flawe off wynde out of the northeste But anone after ther arose agaynste their purpose/ a flawe of wynde out of the northeeste. But anone after/ ther arose agaynst their purpose/ a flawe of wynde out of the northeeste. But not longe after, there rose agaynst their purpose a flawe of wynde, which is called the Northeast.
27:15 Whē the shippe was caught/ and coulde not resist the wynde/ we lett her goo ād drave with the wedder. And when the ship was caught/ & coulde not resist the wynde/ we let her goo & drave with the wether. And when the ship was caught & coulde not resist the wynde/ we let her go and draue with the wether. And whan the shippe was caught, and coulde not resist ye wynde, we let her go, and draue with the wedder.
27:16 We cā vnto an yle named Clauda/ And had moche worke to come by aboote/ And we came vnto an yle named Clauda/ & had moche worke to come by abote/ And we came vnto an yle named Clauda/ & had moche worke to come by abote/ But we came to an Ile named Claudia, where we coulde scarce get a bote.
27:17 which they toke vppe/ and vsed helppe vndergerdynge the shippe/ fearynge lest we shulde have fallen into Syrtes/ and we let doune a vessell and soo were caryed. which they toke vp and vsed helpe/ vndergerdynge the shippe/ fearynge lest we shuld have fallen into Syrtes/ and we let doune a vessell & so were caryed. which they toke vp and vsed helpe/ vndergerdynge the shippe/ fearynge lest we shuld haue fallen into Syrtes & we let doune a vessell and so were caryed. Which they toke vp, and vsed helpe, and bounde it vnder harde to the shippe, fearinge lest they shulde haue fallen in to the Syrtes, and let downe the vessell, and so were caried.
27:18 The nexte daye whē we were tossed with an excadynge tempest/ they lightened the shippe/ The nexte daye when we were tossed wt an exceadynge tempest/ they lyghtened ye ship/ The nexte daye when we were tossed with an exceadynge tempest/ they lyghtened the ship/ And whan we had bydden a greate tēpest, on the nexte daye they made an outcastinge.
27:19 and the thyrde daye we cast out with oure awne hōdes the tacklīge of the shippe. & the thyrde daye we cast out with oure awne hondes/ the tacklynge of the shippe. & the thyrde daye we cast out with oure awne hondes/ the tacklynge of the shippe. And on the thirde daye with oure awne handes we cast out the tacklynge of the shippe.
27:20 Whē at the last nether sunne nor starre in many dayes apered/ And noo smale tempest laye apon vs/ all hope thatt we shulde be saved/ was taken awaye. When at the last nether sunne nor starre in many dayes appered/ & no small tempest laye apon vs/ all hope that we shuld be saved/ was then taken awaye. When at the last nether sunne nor starre in many dayes appered/ and no small tempest laye apon vs/ all hope that we shuld be saued/ was then taken awaye. But whā nether Sonne ner starres appeared in many dayes, and no small tempest laye vpon vs, all the hope of oure life was taken awaye.
27:21 Then after longe abstinence Paul stode forth in the myddes af them and sayde: Syrs ye shulde have herde me/ and not have departed from Cādy/ nether to have brought vnto vs this harme ād losse. Then after longe abstinence/ Paul stode forth in the myddes of them & sayde: Syrs ye shulde have harkened to me/ & not have lowsed from Candy/ nether to have brought vnto vs this harme and losse. Then after longe abstinēce/ Paul stode forth in the myddes of them & sayde: Syrs ye shulde haue harkened to me/ & not haue lowsed from Candy/ nether to haue brought vnto vs this harme & losse. And after longe abstinence, Paul stode forth in the myddes of thē, and sayde: Syrs, ye shulde haue herkened vnto me, and not to haue lowsed from Candy, and not to haue broughte vs this harme and losse.
27:22 And nowe I exhorte you to be of goode chere/ ffor there shalbe noo losse off eny mans lyfe amonge you: Butt off the shippe only. And nowe I exhorte you to be of good chere. For ther shalbe no losse of eny mās lyfe amonge you/ save of the ship only. And nowe I exhorte you to be of good chere. For ther shalbe no losse of eny mās lyfe amonge you/ saue of the ship only. And now I exhorte you to be of good cheare, for there shal none of oure lyues perishe, but the shippe onely.
27:23 For there stode by me this nyght the angell off God whose I am/ and whom I serve/ For ther stode by me this nyght the angell of God/ whose I am/ and whom I serve/ For ther stode by me this nyght the angel of God/ whose I am/ & whom I serue/ For this night stode by me the angell off God (whose I am, & whō I serue)
27:24 sayinge: feare nott Paul/ for thou must be brought before Cesar. And loo/ God hath geven vnto the all thatt are in the shippe with the/ sayinge: feare not Paul/ for thou must be brought before Cesar. And lo/ God hath geven vnto the all that sayle with ye. sayinge: feare not Paul for thou must be brought before Cesar. And lo/ God hath geuē vnto the all that sayle with the. & saide: Feare not Paul, thou must be broughte before the Emperoure. And lo, God hath geuen vnto the all thē that sayle with the.
27:25 wherfore Syrs be of goode chere/ for I beleve God that so it shalbe even as it was tolde me/ Wherfore Syrs be of good chere: for I beleve God/ that so it shalbe even as it was tolde me. Wherfore syrs be of good chere: for I beleue god/ that it shalbe euē as it was tolde me. Wherfore syrs be of good cheare: for I beleue God, yt it shal come so to passe, as it was tolde me.
27:26 and we must be cast into a certayne ylonde. How be it we must be cast into a certayne ylonde. How be it we must be cast into a certayne ylonde. Howbeit we must be cast in to a certayne ylonde.
27:27 But when the fourtenthe nyght was come as we were caryed in Adria/ about mydnyght the shipmen demed thatt there apered some countre vnto them/ But when ye fourtēthe nyght was come/ as we were caryed in Adria about mydnyght/ the shipmen demed that ther appered some countre vnto thē: But when the fourtēth nyght was come/ as we were caried in Adria about mydnyght/ the shipmen demed that ther appered some coūtre vnto them: But whan the fourtenth night came, as we were caried in Adria aboute mydnight, ye shipmen demed that there appeared some countre vnto them,
27:28 and they sounded/ and founde it xx. feddoms. they went a lytell further and sounded agayne/ and founde xv. feddoms. and sounded/ & founde it .xx. feddoms. And when they had gone a lytell further/ they sounded agayne/ & founde .xv. feddoms. & sounded/ & founde it .xx. feddōs. And when they had gone a lytell further/ they sounded agayne/ & founde xv. feddoms. and they cast out the leade, and founde it twētye feddoms: and whā they were gone a litle farther, they cast out the leade agayne, and founde fyftene feddoms.
27:29 Thē fearinge lest they shulde have fallen on some Rocke/ they cast iiij. ancres out of the sterne/ ād wysshed for the daye. Then fearinge lest they shuld have fallen on some Rocke/ they cast .iiii. ancres out of the sterne/ & wysshed for ye daye. Then fearinge lest they shuld haue fallen on some rocke/ they cast .iiij. ancres out of the sterne/ & wysshed for the daye. Then fearinge lest they shulde fall on some rocke, they cast foure anckers out of the sterne, and wysshed for the daye.
27:30 As the shipmen were about to fle out of the shippe/ and had lett doune the bote into the see/ vnder a colour as though they wolde have cast ancres out off the forshippe: As the shipmen were about to fle out of the ship/ and had let doune the bote into the see/ vnder a coloure as though they wolde have cast ancres out of the forshippe: As the shypmen were about to fle out of the shyp/ & had let doune the bote into the see/ vnder a coloure as though they wolde haue cast ancres out of the forshyppe: Whan the shipmen were aboute to flye out of the shippe, and let downe the bote in to the see, (vnder a coloure as though they wolde cast ankers out of the fore shippe)
27:31 Paul sayd vnto the vnder captayne and the soudiers: excepte these abyde in the shippe ye cannot be safe. Paul sayd vnto ye vnder captayne & the soudiers: excepte these abyde in the ship/ ye cannot be safe. Paul sayde vnto the vnder captayne & the soudiers: excepte these abyde in the shyp/ ye cānot be safe. Paul sayde to ye vndercaptayne and to the soudyers: Excepte these byde in the shippe, ye can not be saued.
27:32 Thē the soudiers cut off the rope off the bote/ and lett yt fall awaye. Then the soudiers cut of the rope of the bote/ and let it fall awaye. Then the soudiers cut of the rope of the bote/ and let it fall awaye. Then the soudyers cut of the rope from the bote, and let it fall.
27:33 And in the meane tyme/ bitwixt that and daye/ Paul besought them all to take meate/ sayinge: this is the fourtenthe daye that ye have taried and continued fastynge receavynge no thynge at all/ And in ye meane tyme betwixt that & daye Paul besought them all to take meate/ sayinge: this is ye fourtenthe daye that ye have taried and continued fastynge/ receavinge nothinge at all. And in the meane tyme betwixt that & daye/ Paul besought them all to take meate/ sayinge: this is the fourtenth daye that ye haue taried and continued fastinge/ receauinge nothinge at all. And whan it beganne to be daye, Paul exhorted them all to take meate, and sayde: To daye is the fourtene daye that ye haue taried and contynued fastinge, and haue receaued nothinge:
27:34 wherfore I praye you to take meate. for this no dout is for youre helth/ for there shall not an heere fall from the heed of eny of you. Wherfore I praye you to take meate: for this no dout is for youre helth: for ther shall not an heere fall frō the heed of eny of you. Wherfore I praye you to take meate: for this no dout is for youre helth: for ther shall not an heere fall from the heed of eny of you. Wherfore I praye you to take meate, for youre health: for there shal not one heer fall from the heade of eny of you.
27:35 And when he had thus spoken he toke breed and gave thankes to God in presence off them all/ and brake it/ and began to eate. And when he had thus spokē/ he toke breed and gave thankes to God in presence of thē all/ and brake it/ & begāne to eate. And when he had thus spokē/ he toke breed and gaue thankes to God in presence of them all/ and brake it/ & beganne to eate. And whan he had thus spoken, he toke bred, and gaue thankes to God before them all, and brake it, and begāne to eate.
27:36 Then were they all of Good cheare/ ād they also toke meate. Then were they all of good cheare/ & they also toke meate. Then were they all of good cheare/ & they also toke meate. Then were they all of good cheare, and toke meate also.
27:37 We were all togedder in the shippe/ two hondred ād thre score and sixtene soules. We were all together in ye ship/ two hundred thre score & sixtene soules. We were all to gether in the shyp/ two hūdred threscore & sixtene soules. We were all together in the shippe two hundreth thre score and sixtene soules.
27:38 When they had eaten ynough/ they lightened the shippe and cast out the weate into the see. And whē they had eatē ynough/ they lightened ye ship and cast out the wheate into the see. And when they had eaten ynough/ they lightened the shyp/ and cast out the wheate into the see. And whan they had eaten ynough, they lightened the shippe, and cast out the wheate in to the see.
27:39 When ytt was daye they knew not the lande/ butt they spied a certayne reache with a banke/ in to the which they were mynded (yff ytt were possible) to thrust in the shippe. Whē yt was daye/ they knew not ye lande but they spied a certayne haven with a banke into ye which they were mynded (yf yt were possible) to thrust in the ship. When it was daye/ they knew not the lande but they spied a certayne hauen with a banke into the which they were mynded (yf yt were possible) to thrust in the shyp. Whan it was daye, they knewe not the londe. But they spyed an hauen with a banke, in to which they were mynded (yf it were possible) to thrust in the shippe.
27:40 And when they had taken vppe the ancres/ they cōmitted them selves vnto the see/ and lowsed the rudder bondes ād hoysed vppe the mayne sayle to the wynde and drue to londe/ And when they had taken vp the ancres/ they cōmytted them selves vnto the see/ & lowsed the rudder bondes & hoysed vp ye mayne sayle to the wynde & drue to londe. And when they had taken vp the ancres/ they commytted them selues vnto the see/ and lowsed the rudder bōdes & hoysed vp the mayne sayle to the wynde & drue to londe. And whan they had takē vp the anckers, they commytted them selues to the see, and lowsed the rudder bandes, and hoyssed vp the mayne sayle to the wynde, and drue towarde londe.
27:41 and they fell into a place/ which had the see on bothe the sydes/ and thrust in the shippe/ and the foore parte stucke fast/ ād moved not/ and the hynderparte brake with the violence of the waves. But they chaunsed on a place/ which had the see on bothe the sydes/ and thrust in the ship. And the foore parte stucke fast and moved not/ but ye hynder brake with the violence of the waves. But they chaunsed on a place/ which had the see on bothe the sydes/ & thrust in the ship. And the foore parte stucke fast and moued not but the hynder brake with the violence of the waues. And whan we chaunced on a place which had the see on both the sydes, the shippe dasshed vpon it. And the fore parte abode fast vnmoued, but the hynder parte brake thorow the violence of the wawes.
27:42 The soudears counsell was to kyll the presoners lest eny off them/ when he had swome out shulde fle awaye: The soudears counsell was to kyll ye presoners/ lest eny of them/ when he had swome out/ shulde fle awaye. The soudears counsell was to kyll the presoners/ lest eny of them/ when he had swome out shulde fle awaye. The soudyers councell was to kyll ye presoners, lest eny of them whan he had swymmed out, shulde flye awaye.
27:43 but the vnder captayne willīge to save Paul kept thē from their purpose/ ād commaunded that they that coulde swym shulde cast thē selves fyrst into the see/ and scape to londe. But the vndercaptayne willinge to save Paul/ kept thē from their purpose/ & commaunded that they yt could swyme/ shulde cast thē selves first in to ye see/ and scape to londe. But the vnder captayne willinge to saue Paul kept thē frō their purpose/ and commaunded that they that could swyme shulde cast them selues fyrst into the see/ & scape to londe. But the vndercaptayne wyllinge to saue Paul, keped them from their purpose, and commaunded that they which coulde swymme, shulde cast them selues first in to the see, and escape vnto londe:
27:44 And the other he commaunded to goo/ some on bordes/ and some on broken peces off the shippe. and so cam it to passe/ that they cam all safe to londe. And the other he cōmaunded to goo/ some on bordes/ and some on broken peces of the ship. And so it came to passe/ that they came all safe to londe. And the other he commaunded to goo/ some on bordes/ and some on broken peces of the ship. And so it came to passe/ that they came all safe to londe. and the other, some on bordes, some on broken peces of the shippe. And so it came to passe, that all the soules came safe vnto londe.


Acts: Chapter 26

The Actes of the Apostles. The .xxvj. Chapter.
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
26:1 AGrippa sayde vnto Paul: Thou arte permitted to speake for thy silfe. Thē Paul stretched forth his honde/ ād answered for hym silfe: AGrippa sayde vnto Paul: thou arte permitted to speake for thy selfe. Then Paul stretched forth the honde/ & answered for him selfe. AGrippa sayde vnto Paul: thou arte permitted to speake for thy selfe. Then Paul stretched forth the honde/ and answered for him selfe. AGrippa sayde vnto Paul: Thou hast leue to speake for thy selfe. Thē Paul stretched forth the hande, and answered for himselfe:
26:2 I thynke my silfe happy kynge Agrippa/ be cause I shall answere this daye before the of all the thyngſ where of I am accused of the iewes/ I thynke my selfe happy kynge Agrippa/ because I shall answere this daye before the/ of all the thinges wherof I am accused of ye Iewes/ I thinke my selfe happy kynge Agrippa/ because I shall answere this daye before the/ of all the thinges wherof I am accused of the Iewes I thinke my selfe happye (O kynge Agrippa) because I shal answere this daye before the, of all the thinges wherof I am accused of the Iewes:
26:3 namly be cause thou arte experte ī all customes/ ād questions/ which are amonge the iewes. wheerfore I besethe the to heare me paciently. namely because thou arte experte in all customes and questions/ which are amonge the Iewes. Wherfore I beseche the to heare me paciently. namely because thou arte experte in all customes & questions/ which are amonge the Iewes. Wherfore I beseche the to heare me paciently. specially for so moch as thou art experte in all customes and questions, which are amonge the Iewes. Wherfore I beseche the, to heare me paciently.
26:4 My livynge off a chylde/ which was at the fyrst amonge myne awne nacion att Ierusalem knowe all the iewes My lyvynge of a chylde/ which was at the fyrst amōge myne awne nacion at Ierusalem knowe all the Iewes My liuinge of a chylde/ which was at the fyrst amōge myne awne nacion at Ierusalem knowe all the Iewes My lyuynge truly from youth vp (how it was led from the begynnynge amonge this people at Ierusalē) knowe all the Iewes
26:5 which knew me from the begynnynge/ yf they wolde testifye it. For after the most straytest secte of oure laye lived I a pharisaye which knew me from ye beginnynge/ yf they wolde testifie it. For after the most straytest secte of oure laye/ lyved I a pharisaye. which knew me frō the beginninge/ yf they wolde testifie it. For after the most straytest secte of oure laye/ lyued I a Pharisaye. which knewe me afore at the first, yf they wolde testifye, for after the most strayte secte of oure Iewysh lawe, I lyued a Pharise.
26:6  ād nowe I stōd ād am iudged for the hope off the promes made off God vnto oure fathers And now I stond & am iudged for the hope of the promes made of God vnto oure fathers: And now I stond & am iudged for the hope of the promes made of God vnto oure fathers: And now stonde I, and am iudged because of the hope of the promes, that was made of God vnto oure fathers,
26:7 vnto which promes/ oure .xij. tribes instantly servynge God daye and nyght/ hope to come. For which hopes sake/ kynge Agrippa am I accused off the iewes. vnto which promes/ oure .xii. tribes instantly servynge God daye & nyght/ hope to come. For which hopes sake/ kynge Agrippa/ am I accused of the Iewes. vnto which promes oure .xij. tribes instantly seruinge God daye & nyght hope to come. For which hopes sake/ kynge Agrippa/ am I accused of the Iewes. vnto the which (promes) oure twolue trybes hope to come, seruynge God instātly daye and nighte. For the which hopes sake (O kynge Agrippa) I am accused of the Iewes.
26:8 why shulde itt be thought a thynge vncredible vnto you/ if God rayse agayne the deed? Why shuld it be thought a thinge vncredible vnto you/ that god shuld rayse agayne the deed? Why shuld it be thought a thinge vncredible vnto you/ that God shuld rayse agayne the deed? Wherfore is this iudged amonge you not to be beleued, that God rayseth vp the deed?
26:9 I also verely thought ī my silfe/ that I ought to do many contrary thyngſ/ clene agaynst the name off Iesus off Nazareth: I also verely thought in my selfe/ that I ought to do many cōtrary thinges/ clene agaynst the name of Iesus of Nazareth: I also verely thought in my selfe/ that I ought to do many contrary thinges/ clene agaynst the name of Iesus of Nazareth: I also verely thoughte by my selfe, that I oughte to do many cōtrary thinges cleane agaynst the name off Iesus off Nazareth,
26:10 which thynge I alsoo did in Ierusalem. And many of the saynctſ shut I ī presō. morover I receaved auctorite off the hye prestes: And when they were putt to deeth I gave the sentence. which thinge I also dyd in Ierusalem. Where many of the sainctes I shut vp in preson/ & had receaved auctorite of ye hye prestes. And whē they were put to deeth/ I gave the sentence. which thinge I also dyd in Ierusalem. Where many of the saynctes I shut vp in preson/ & had receaued auctorite of the hye prestes. And when they were put to deeth/ I gaue the sentence. which I dyd at Ierusalem, whan I shut vp many sayntes in preson, whervpon I receaued auctorite of ye hye prestes. And whā they shulde be put to death, I broughte the sentence.
26:11 And I punnysshed them oftē ī every sinagoge/ and compelled them to blaspheme. and was yett more mad apon thē and persecuted them/ even vnto straunge cites. And I punysshed them ofte in every synagoge/ and compelled them to blaspheme: & was yet more mad apon them/ and persecuted thē/ even vnto straunge cities. And I punisshed them ofte in euery synagoge/ and compelled them to blaspheme: & was yet more mad vpon them/ & persecuted them/ euē vnto straūge cities. And thorow all the synagoges I punyshed them oft, and compelled thē to blaspheme, and was exceadinge mad vpon them, and persecuted them euen vnto straunge cities.
26:12 About the which thynges as I went to Damascon whith auctorite/ and commission from the hye prestes/ About the which thinges as I went to Damasco with auctorite and licence of the hye Prestes/ About which thinges as I went to Damasco with auctorite & licence of the hye prestes/ Aboute which thinges as I wente towarde Damascon with auctorite and lycence of the hye prestes,
26:13 even at myd daye (kynge Agrippa) I sawe in the waye a lyght from heven/ above the brightnes of the sunne/ shyne rounde about me and them/ which iorneyed with me. even at myddaye (o kynge) I sawe in ye waye a lyght from heven/ above the brightnes of the sunne/ shyne rounde about me and them which iorneyed with me. euē at middaye (o kinge) I sawe in the waye a light from heauen/ aboue the brightnes of the sunne/ shyne roūde about me and them which iorneyed with me. euen at myddaye (O kynge) I sawe in the waye, that a lighte from heauē (clearer then the brightnesse of the Sonne) shyned rounde aboute me, and them that iourneyed with me.
26:14 When we wer all fallen to the erth/ I herde a voyce speakynge vnto me/ and sayinge in the ebrue tonge: Saul/ Saul/ why persecutest thou me? Hit is harde for the to kicke agaynste the pricke. When we were all fallen to the erth/ I hearde a voyce speakynge vnto me/ & sayinge in ye Hebrue tonge: Saul/ Saul/ why persecutest thou me? It is harde for the to kicke agaynste the pricke. When we were all fallen to the erth/ I hearde a voyce speakinge vnto me & sayinge in the Hebrue tonge: Saul/ Saul/ why persecutest thou me? It is harde for the to kicke agaynst the pricke. But whan we were all fallen downe to the earth, I herde a voyce speakynge vnto me, and sayēge in Hebrue: Saul Saul, why persecutest thou me? It shalbe harde for the to kycke agaynst the prycke.
26:15 And I sayde: Who arte thou lorde? And he sayde: I am Iesus whom thou persecutest: And I sayde: Who arte thou lorde? And he sayde I am Iesus whom thou persecutest. And I sayde: Who arte thou Lorde? And he sayde I am Iesus whom thou persecutest/ But I sayde: LORDE, who art thou? He sayde: I am Iesus, whom thou persecutest.
26:16 But ryse and stond vppe on thy fete. For I have apered vnto the for this purpose/ to make the a mynister/ and a witnes both off tho thynges which thou hast sene/ and off tho thynges in the which I will apere vnto the/ But ryse & stond vp on thy fete. For I have apered vnto the for this purpose/ to make the a minister & a witnes/ both of tho thinges which thou hast sene/ and of tho thinges in the which I will appere vnto the/ but ryse & stond vp on thy fete. For I haue apered vnto the for this purpose/ to make the a minister & a witnes/ both of tho thinges which thou hast sene/ & of tho thinges in the which I will appere vnto the/ But ryse vp, and stonde vpon thy fete, for therfore haue I appeared vnto the, that I mighte ordeyne the to be a mynister and witnesse of it that thou hast sene, and that I wyll yet cause to appeare vnto the.
26:17 delyverynge the from the people/ and frō the gentyls/ vnto the which nowe I sende the/ delyverynge the from the people/ and from ye gentyls vnto which nowe I sende the/ delyueringe the frō the people/ & frō the gentyls/ vnto which nowe I sende the/ And I wil delyuer the from the people, and from the Heythen, amonge whō I wil now sende the,
26:18 to open their eyes that they myght turne ffrom darcknes vnto lyght/ and ffrom the power of Satan vnto God/ that they maye receave forgevenes of synnes/ and inheritaunce amonge them which are sanctyfyed by fayth in me. to open their eyes that they myght turne from darcknes vnto lyght/ & from the power of Satan vnto God/ that they maye receave forgevenes of synnes and inheritaūce amonge thē which are sanctified by fayth in me. to opē their eyes/ that they myght turne frō darcknes to lyght/ & frō the power of Satā vnto God/ that they maye receaue forgeuenes of synnes and inheritaūce amōge thē which are sanctified by faith in me. to opē their eyes, that they maye turne from the darknesse vnto the lighte, and from the power of ye deuell vnto God, that they maye receaue forgeuenesse of synnes, and the enheritaunce with them that are sanctified by faith in me.
26:19 Wherfore kynge Agrippa I was not disobedient vnto the hevenly vysion: Wherfore kynge Agrippa/ I was not disobedient vnto the hevenly vision: Wherfore kynge Agrippa/ I was not disobedient vnto the heauenly vision: Wherfore (O kynge Agrippa) I was not faithlesse vnto ye heauēly vision,
26:20 butt shewed fyrst vnto them off Damascon/ and att Ierusalem/ and thorow out all the costes off Iewry/ and to the gentyls/ that they shulde repent/ and turne to God/ and do the right werkes off repentaunce. but shewed fyrst vnto them of Damasco/ and at Ierusalem/ and thorow out all the costes of Iewry/ and to the gentyls/ that they shuld repent/ & turne to God/ and do the ryght workes of repentaunce. but shewed fyrst vnto them of Damasco/ and at Ierusalem/ & thorowout all the costes of Iewry/ & to the gētyls/ that they shuld repēt/ & tourne to God/ & do the ryght workes of repentaūce but shewed it first vnto them at Damascon, and at Ierusalē, and in all the coastes of Iewry, and to the Heythen, that they shulde do pennaunce, and turne vnto God, and to do the righte workes of pennaunce.
26:21 For this cause the iewes caught me in the temple/ ād wēt about to kill me. For this cause the Iewes caught me in the temple/ and went about to kyll me. For this cause the Iewes caught me in the tēple & wēt about to kyll me. For this cause the Iewes toke me in the temple, and wente aboute to kyll me.
26:22 Neverthelesse I obtayned helpe off God/ and stond vnto this daye witnessyng bothe to smale and to greate/ saying none other thynges/ thē those which the prophetſ and Moses did saye shulde come/ Neverthelesse I obtayned helpe of God/ & cōtynew vnto this daye witnessyng bothe to small and to greate saying none other thinges/ then those which the prophetes and Moses dyd saye shuld come/ Neuerthelesse I obtayned helpe of God & cōtynew vnto this daye witnessing bothe to small & to greate sayinge none other thinges/ then those which the prophetes & Moses dyd saye shuld come/ But thorow the helpe of God lent vnto me, I stonde vnto this daye, and testifye both vnto small and greate, and saye no other thinge, thē that ye prophetes haue sayde (that it shulde come to passe) and Moses,
26:23 that Christ shulde suffre/ and that he shuld be the fyrst that shulde ryse from deeth/ and shulde shewe lightt vnto the people/ and to the gentyls. that Christ shulde suffre/ & that he shuld be the fyrst that shulde ryse from deeth/ and shuld shewe lyght vnto the people/ and the gentyls. that Christ shulde suffre/ and that he shuld be the fyrst that shulde ryse from deeth/ and shulde shewe lyght vnto the people/ & to the gentyls. that Christ shulde suffre, and be the first of the resurreccion from the deed, and shew light vnto the people, and to the Heythen.
26:24 As he thus answered for hym silfe: Festus sayde with a lowde voyce: Paul/ thou arte besides thy silfe. Moche learnynge hath made the mad. As he thus answered for him selfe: Festus sayde with a lowde voyce: Paul/ thou arte besides thy selfe. Moche learnynge hath made the mad. As he thus answered for him selfe: Festus sayde with a lowde voyce. Paul/ thou arte besides thy selfe. Moche learnīge hath made the mad. Whan he thus answered for himselfe, Festus sayde with a loude voyce: Paul, thou art besydes thy selfe, moch lernynge maketh ye madd.
26:25 And Paul sayde: I am not mad most dere Festus: but speake the wordſ of trueth and sobernes And Paul sayde: I am not mad most dere Festus: but speake the wordes of trueth & sobernes. And Paul sayd: I am not mad/ most dere Festus: but speake the wordes of trueth & sobernes. But Paul sayde: I am not madd (most deare Festus) but speake the wordes of trueth and sobernesse:
26:26 The kynge knoweth of these thynges/ beforewhom I speke frely. nether thynke I that eny of these thyngſ are hidden from hym. For this thynge was not done in a corner. The kynge knoweth of these thinges/ before whom I speke frely: nether thynke I that eny of these thinges are hydden frō him. For this thinge was not done in a corner. The kinge knoweth of these thinges/ before whō I speke frely: nether thinke I that eny of these thinges are hydden frō him. For this thinge was not done in a corner. for ye kynge knoweth this well, vnto whom I speake frely. For I thinke that none off these thinges is hyd from him: for this was not done in a corner.
26:27 Kynge Agrippa belevest thou the prophetes? I wote wele thou belevest. Kynge Agrippa belevest thou ye prophetes? I wote well thou belevest. Kynge Agrippa beleuest thou the Prophetes? I wote well thou beleuest. Beleuest thou the prophetes, O kynge Agrippa? I knowe that thou beleuest.
26:28 Agrippa sayde vnto Paul: Sumwhatt thou bryngest me in mynde ffor to be come christen. Agrippa sayde vnto Paul: Sumwhat thou bringest me in mynde for to be come a Christen. Agrippa sayde vnto Paul: Sumwhat thou bringest me in mynde for to be come a Christen. Agrippa sayde vnto Paul: Thou persuadest me in a parte to become a Christen.
26:29 And Paull sayd: I wolde to God that not ōly thou: but also all that heare me to daye/ were not sumwhat only/ but altogedder soche as I am except these bondes. And Paul sayd: I wolde to God that not only thou: but also all that heare me to daye/ were/ not sumwhat only/ but altogeder soche as I am/ except these bondſ. And Paul sayde: I wolde to God that not only thou: but also all that heare me to daye/ were/ not sumwhat only but altogeder soche as I am/ except these bondes. Paul sayde: I wolde to God, that (not onely in a parte but alltogether,) I mighte persuade not the onely, but all them that heare me this daye, to be soch I am, these bondes excepte.
26:30 And when he had thus spoken/ the kynge rose vppe/ and the debite/ and Bernice/ and they that sate with them. And when he had thus spoken/ the kynge rose vp/ & the debite/ and Bernice/ and they that sate with them. And when he had thus spoken/ the kynge rose vp/ & the debite/ & Bernice/ & they that sate with them. And whan he had spoken this, the kynge rose vp, and the Debyte, and Bernice, and they that sat with them,
26:31 And when they were gone aparte/ they talked betwene them selves sayinge: This man doeth nothynge worthy of deeth/ nor of bondes. And when they were gone aparte/ they talked betwene them selves sayinge: This man doeth nothinge worthy of deeth/ nor of bondes. And when they were gone aparte/ they talked betwene them selues sayinge: This man doeth nothinge worthy of deeth/ nor of bōdes. and wente asyde, and talked together, and sayde: This man hath done nothinge that is worthy of death or of bondes.
26:32 Then sayde Agrippa vnto festus: This man myght have bene lowsed yf he had not apealed vnto Cesar. Then sayde Agrippa vnto Festus: This man myght have bene lowsed/ yf he had not appealed vnto Cesar. Then sayde Agrippa vnto Festus: This man myght haue bene lowsed/ yf he had not appealed vnto Cesar. But Agrippa sayde vnto Festus: This man mighte haue bene lowsed, yf he had not appealed vnto the Emperoure.


Acts: Chapter 25

The Actes of the Apostles. The .xxv. Chapter.
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
25:1 WHē Festus was come into the province/ after thre dayes/ he ascended from Cesarea vnto Ierusalem. VVhen Festus was come into the province/ after thre dayes/ he ascended frō Cesarea vnto Ierusalem. VVhen Festus was come into the prouince/ after thre dayes/ he ascended frō Cesarea vnto Ierusalē. NOw whan Festus was come in to the countre, ouer thre dayes he wente vp from Cesarea to Ierusalem.
25:2 Then enformed hym the hye prestes/ and the chefe off the iewes agaynst Paul. ād they entreated hym/ Then enformed him the hye prestes & the chefe of the Iewes of Paul. And they besought him/ Then enformed him the hye prestes & the chefe of the Iewes of Paul. And they besought him/ Then appeared the hye prestes and the chefe of the Iewes before him agaynst Paul, and intreated him,
25:3 and desired faveour agaynst hym that he wold sende for hī to Ierusalē/ and layde awayte for hym ī the waye to kill hī. & desired faveour agaynst him/ that he wold sende for him to Ierusalem: & layde awayte for him in the waye to kill him. and desired faueour agaynst him/ that he wold sende for him to Ierusalē: & layde awayte for him in the waye/ to kyll him. and desyred fauoure agaynst him, that he wolde sende for him to Ierusalem, and layed wayte for him, that they might slaye him by the waye.
25:4 Festus answered that Paul shulde be kept at Cesarea: but that he hym silfe wold shortly departe thither. Festus answered/ that Paul shuld be kept at Cesarea: but that he him selfe wold shortly departe thither. Festus answered that Paul shulde be kept at Cesarea: but that he him selfe wolde shortly departe thither. Then answered Festus, that Paul shulde be kepte at Cesarea, but that he himselfe wolde shortly go thither agayne.
25:5 Lett thē therfore (sayd he) whiche amōge you are able to do it come doune with vs ād accuse hym/ if there be eny faute in the mā. Let thē therfore (sayd he) which amōge you are able to do it/ come doune with vs and accuse him/ if ther be eny faute in the man. Let thē therfore (sayd he) which amonge you are able to do it/ come doune with vs & accuse him/ yf ther be eny faute in the man. Let them therfore (sayde he) which are able amonge you, come downe with vs to accuse the man, yf there be ought in him.
25:6 When he had taried there moare then ten dayes he departed vnto Cesarea/ and the nexte daye sate doune in the iudgemēt seate/ ād cōmaunded Paul to be brought. When he had taried there moare then ten dayes/ he departed vnto Cesarea/ & the nexte daye sate doune in the iudgemēt seate/ & commaunded Paul to be brought. When he had taried there moare then ten dayes/ he departed vnto Cesarea/ & the nexte daye sate doune in the iudgement seate/ & cōmaunded Paul to be brought. Whan he had taried amonge them more then ten dayes, he wente downe to Cesarea. And on the nexte daye he sat downe on the iudgment seate, and commaunded Paul to be broughte.
25:7 When he was come the iewes which were come from Ierusalem/ cam aboute hym ād layde many ād greveous complaintes agaynst Paul/ which they coulde nott prove When he was come/ the Iewes which were come frō Ierusalem/ came aboute him & layde many & greveous complayntes agaynst Paul/ which they coulde not prove When he was come/ the Iewes which were come frō Ierusalem/ came aboute him and layde many and greveous complayntes agaynst Paul/ which they coulde not proue Whan he was come, ye Iewes which were come downe from Ierusalem, stode rounde aboute him, and broughte vp many and greuous quarels agaynst Paul, which they coulde not proue,
25:8 as longe as he answered for hym silfe/ that he had nether agaynst the lawe of the iewes/ nether agaynst the temple/ nor yet agaynst Cesar offended eny thynge att all. as longe as he answered for him selfe/ that he had nether agaynst the lawe of the Iewes/ nether agaynst the temple/ nor yet agaynst Cesar offended eny thinge at all. as longe as he answered for him selfe/ that he had nether agaynst the lawe of the Iewes/ nether agaynst the temple/ nor yet agaynst Cesar offended eny thinge at all. whyle he answered for himselfe: I haue nether offended ought agaynst the lawe of the Iewes, ner agaynst the tēple, ner agaynst the Emperoure.
25:9 Festus willynge to do the iewes a pleasure/ answered Paul/ and sayde: Wilte thou goo to Ierusalem/ ād there be iudged of these thynges before me? Festus willinge to do the Iewes a pleasure/ answered Paul & sayde: wilt thou goo to Ierusalem/ and there be iudged of these thinges before me? Festus willinge to do the Iewes a pleasure/ answered Paul & sayde: wilt thou go to Ierusalem & there be iudged of these thinges before me? But Festus wyllinge to shewe the Iewes a pleasure, answered Paul, and sayde: Wilt thou go vp to Ierusalem, and there be iudged off these thinges before me?
25:10 Thē sayd Paul: I stonde at Cesars iudgemēt seate/ where I ought to be iudged. To the iewes have I no harme done/ as thou very well knowest. Then sayd Paul: I stonde at Cesars iudgemēt seate/ where I ought to be iudged. To ye Iewes have I no harme done/ as thou verely well knowest. Then sayd Paul: I stonde at Cesars iudgement seate/ where I ought to be iudged. To the Iewes haue I no harme done/ as thou very well knowest. But Paul sayde: I stonde at the Emperours iudgmēt seate, where I ought to be iudged: to the Iewes haue I done no harme, as thou also knowest very well.
25:11 If I have hurte them/ or committed eny thynge worthy of deeth/ I refuse not to deye. Yf none off these thyngſ are/ where off they accuse me/ no man owght to deliver me to them. I appeale vnto Cesar. If I have hurte them/ or cōmitted eny thinge worthy of deeth I refuse not to dye. Yf none of these thinges are/ where of they accuse me/ no man owght to delyver me to them. I appeale vnto Cesar. Yf I haue hurte them/ or cōmitted eny thinge worthy of deeth I refuse not to dye. Yf none of these thinges are/ where of they accuse me/ no man ought to deliuer me to them. I appeale vnto Cesar. Yf I haue hurte eny man, or committed eny thinge worthy off death, I refuse not to dye. But yf there are no soch thinges as they accuse me off, then maye no man delyuer me vnto them. I appeale vnto the Emperoure.
25:12 Then spake Festus with deliberacion/ and answered: Thou haste appealed vnto Cesar: vnto Cesar shalt thou goo. Then spake Festus with deliberacion/ & answered. Thou hast appealed vnto Cesar: vnto Cesar shalt thou goo. Then spake Festus with deliberacion/ & answered. Thou hast appealed vnto Cesar: vnto Cesar shalt thou go. Then spake Festus with the Councell, and answered: Thou hast appealed vnto the Emperoure, to the Emperoure shalt thou go.
25:13 After a certayne dayes kynge Agrippa and Bernice cam vnto Cesarea to welcom Festus. After a certayne dayes/ kinge Agrippa and Bernice came vnto Cesarea to salute Festus. After a certayne dayes/ kynge Agrippa and Bernice came vnto Cesarea to salute Festus. After certayne dayes came kynge Agrippa and Bernice to Cesarea to welcome Festus.
25:14 And whē they had bene there a good ceason/ Festus reherased Paules cause vnto the kynge sayinge: There is a certayne man lefte in preson off Felix And when they had bene there a good ceason/ Festus rehersed Paules cause vnto ye kynge sayinge: ther is a certayne man left in preson of Felix/ And when they had bene there a good ceason/ Festus rehersed Paulus cause vnto the kynge sayinge: ther is a certayne man left in preson of Felix/ And whan they had taried there many dayes, Festus rehearsed Pauls cause vnto the kynge, and sayde: There is a man left bounde of Felix,
25:15 a about whom when I cam to Ierusalem the hye prestes/ and seniours of the Iewes ēformed me/ and desyred to have iudgemēt agaynst hym. about whom when I came to Ierusalem/ the hye prestes & elders of the Iewes enformed me/ & desyred to have iudgement agaynst him. about whom when I came to Ierusalem/ the hye Prestes and elders of the Iewes enformed me/ and desyred to haue iudgement agaynst him. for whose cause the hye prestes and Elders of the Iewes appeared before me whan I was at Ierusalem, and desyred a sentence agaynst him.
25:16 To whom I answered: It is nott the maner off the Romayns to delivere eny man thatt he shulde perisshe/ before that he which is accused/ have hys accusars before hym/ and have licence to answer for hym silfe/ as pertaynynge to the cryme wher of he is accused. To whom I answered: It is not the maner of the Romayns to delyver eny man/ that he shuld perisshe/ before that he which is accused/ have the accusars before him/ and have licence to answer for him selfe/ concerninge ye cryme layde agaynst him: To whom I answered: It is not the maner of the Romayns to deliuer eny man/ that he shuld perisshe/ before that he which is accused/ haue the accusars before him/ and haue licence to answer for him selfe/ consernynge the cryme layde agaynst him: Vnto whom I answered: It is not the maner off the Romaynes to delyuer eny man that he shulde perishe, before that he which is accused, haue his accusers presente, and receaue libertye to answere for him selfe to the accusacion.
25:17 when they were come hidder/ with out delaye on the morowe I sate to geve iudgement/ and commaunde the man to be brought forth. whē they were come hidder/ wt out delaye on the morowe I sate to geve iudgement/ & cōmaunded ye mā to be brought forthe. when they were come hydder/ with out delaye on the morowe I sate to geue iudgement/ & commaunded the man to be brought forthe. Whā they were come hither together, I made no delaye, but sat the nexte daye in iudgment, and commaunded the man to be broughte forth.
25:18 agaynste whom when the accusers stode vppe/ they brought none accusacion off soche thynges as I supposed: Agaynst whō when ye accusers stode vp/ they brought none accusacion of soche thingſ as I supposed: Agaynst whom when the accusers stode vp/ they brought none accusacion of soche thinges as I supposed: Of whom, whan the accusers stode vp, they broughte no accusacion of soch thinges as I supposed:
25:19 But hadde certayne questions agaynst hym off their awne supersticion/ and of one Iesus which was ded. whom Paul affirmed to be alive. but had certayne questions agaynst him of their awne supersticion/ & of one Iesus which was ded: whom Paul affirmed to be alyve. but had certayne questions agaynst him of their awne supersticion/ and of one Iesus which was deed whom Paul affirmed to be alyue. But had certayne questions agaynst him of their awne supersticions, and of one Iesus deed, whom Paul affirmed to be alyue.
25:20 Be cause I douded off the questions/ I axed hym whither he wolde goo to Ierusalē/ and there be iudged of these matters. And be cause I douted of soche maner questions/ I axed him whyther he wolde goo to Ierusalem/ & there be iudged of these matters. And because I douted of soche maner questions/ I axed him whether he wolde go to Ierusalem/ & there be iudged of these matters. Howbeit because I vnderstode not the question, I axed hī, whether he wolde go to Ierusalē, and there be iudged of these matters.
25:21 Then when Paul had appealed to be kept vnto the knowledge off Cesar. I cōmaunded hym to be kept till I myght sende hym to Cesar. Then when Paul had appealed to be kept vnto the knowledge of Cesar/ I commaunded him to be kept/ tyll I myght sende him to Cesar. Thē whē Paul had appealed to be kept vnto the knowledge of Cesar/ I cōmaunded him to be kept/ tyll I myght sende him to Cesar. But whā Paul had appealed, that he might be kepte vnto the knowlege of the Emperoure, I cōmaunded him to be kepte, tyll I mighte sende him to the Emperoure.
25:22 Agrippa sayd vnto Festus: I wolde also heare the mā my silfe. To morowe (sayde he) thou shalt heare hym. Agrippa sayd vnto Festus: I wolde also heare ye man my selfe. To morowe (sayde he) thou shalt heare him. Agrippa sayd vnto Festus: I wolde also heare the man my selfe. To morowe (sayde he) thou shalt heare him. Agrippa sayde vnto Festus: I wolde fayne heare the man also. He sayde: Tomorow shalt thou heare him.
25:23 On the morowe whē Agrippa was come and Bernice with greate pompe/ and were entrede īto the counsell housse with the captaynes and chefe men of the cite/ at Festus commaundemēt Paul was brought forth/ And on ye morowe when Agrippa was come and Bernice with greate pompe/ & were entred into the counsell housse with the captaynes & chefe men of the cite/ at Festus commaundement Paul was brought forth. And on the morowe whē Agrippa was come and Bernice with greate pompe/ & were entred into the counsell housse with the captaynes & chefe men of the cite/ at Festus cōmaundemēt Paul was brought forth. And on the nexte daye came Agrippa & Bernice with greate pompe, and wēte in to the comon hall with the captaynes & chefe mē of the cite. And at Festus cōmaundement, Paul was brought forth.
25:24 and Festus sayde: Kynge Agrippa/ and all men which are heare present with vs: Ye se this man about whom all the multitude off Iewes hath bene with me/ both at Ierusalem and also here/ cryinge that he ought not to live eny lenger. And Festus sayde: kynge Agrippa/ & all men which are heare present wt vs: ye se this man about whom all the multitude of the Iewes have bene with me both at Ierusalem and also here/ cryinge that he ought not to lyve eny lenger. And Festus sayde: kynge Agrippa/ & all men which are heare present with vs: ye se this mā about whō all the multitude of the Iewes haue bene with me/ both at Ierusalem/ & also here/ cryinge that he ought not to lyue eny lēger. And Festus sayde: Kynge Agrippa, and all ye men which are here with vs, ye se this man, aboute whom all the multitude of the Iewes haue entreated me, both at Ierusalē and here also, and cried, that he ought not to lyue eny lenger.
25:25 Yet foūde I nothynge worthy of deeth that he had cōmitted. Neverthelesse seinge that he hath appealed to Cesar/ I have determyned to sende hym. Yet founde I nothinge worthy of deeth that he had cōmitted. Neverthelesse seinge that he hath appealed to Cesar/ I have determined to sende him. Yet founde I nothinge worthy of deeth that he had committed. Neuerthelesse seinge that he hath appealed to Cesar/ I haue determined to sende him. But whan I perceaued that he had done nothinge worthy off death, and that he himselfe also had appealed vnto the Emperoure, I determyned to sende him,
25:26 Off whom I have no certayne thynge to wryte vnto my lorde. Wherfore I have brought hym vnto you/ and specially vnto the/ kynge Agrippa/ that after examinacion had/ I myght have sumwbat to write. Of whom I have no certayne thinge to wryte vnto my lorde. Wherfore I have brought him vnto you/ and specially vnto the/ kynge Agrippa/ that after examinacion had/ I myght have sumwhat to wryte. Of whom I haue no certayne thinge to write vnto my lorde. Wherfore I haue brought him vnto you/ and specially vnto the/ kynge Agrippa/ that after examinacion had/ I myght haue sumwhat to write. of whō I haue no certayne thinge to wryte vnto my lorde. Therfore haue I caused hī to be broughte forth before you, specially before the (O kynge Agrippa) that after examinacion had, I might haue somwhat to wryte.
25:27 For me thynketh it vnreasoneble forto sende a presoner/ ād not to shewe the causes/ which are layde agaynst hym. For me thynketh it vnreasonable/ for to sende a presoner/ and not to shewe the causes which are layde agaynst him. For me thinketh it vnreasonable/ for to sende a presoner/ and not to shewe the causes which are layde agaynst him. For me thynke it an vnreasonable thinge to sende a presoner, and not to shewe the causes which are layed agaynst him.


Acts: Chapter 24

The Actes of the Apostles. The .xxiiij. Chapter.
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
24:1 AFter v. dayes/ Ananias the hye preste descended/ with senioures/ and with a certayne oratour named Tartullus/ ād enformed the ruelar agaynst Paul. AFter .v. dayes/ Ananias the hye preste descended/ with elders & with a certayne Oratour named Tartullus/ & enformed the ruelar of Paul. AFter .v. dayes/ Ananias the hye Preste descended/ with elders and with a certayne Oratour named Tartullus/ and enformed the ruelar of Paul. AFter fyue dayes the hye prest Ananias came downe with the Elders, and wt the Oratour Tertullus, which appeared before the Debyte agaynst Paul.
24:2 whē Paul was called forth/ Tartullus began to accuse hī sayīg: Seynge that we live in gret quyetnes by the meanes of the and that many goode thyngſ are done vnto this nacion thorow thy providence: When Paul was called forth/ Tartullus beganne to accuse him saying: Seynge yt we live in great quyetnes by the meanes of the/ & that many good thinges are done vnto this nacion thorow thy providence: When Paul was called forth/ Tartullus beganne to accuse him saying: Seyinge that we lyue in great quietnes by the meanes of the/ and that many good thinges are done vnto this nacion thorow thy prouidence: Whan Paul was called forth, Tertullus begāne to accuse him, and sayde: Seynge that we lyue in greate peace by the meanes of ye, and that many good thinges are done for this people thorow thy prouydence
24:3 that alowe we ever ād in all placis/ most myghty Felix with all thankes. that alowe we ever & in all places/ most myghty Felix with all thankes. that alowe we euer and in all places/ most myghty Felix with all thankes. (most mightie Felix) that alowe we euer and in all places with all thankes.
24:4 Notwithstondynge/ lest I be tedeous vnto the/ I praye the/ thatt thou woldest heare vs of thy curtesy a feawe wordes. Notwithstondinge/ that I be not tedeous vnto the/ I praye the/ that thou woldest heare vs of thy curtesy a feawe wordes. Not withstondyge/ that I be not tedeous vnto the/ I praye the/ that thou woldest heare vs of thy curtesy a feawe wordes. Notwithstondinge yt I be nomore tedious vnto the, I praye the, that of thy curtesy thou woldest heare vs a few wordes.
24:5 We have founde this man a pestilent felowe/ and a mover of debate amonge the iewes thorowe out the worlde/ And a mayntayner off the secte off the Nazarens: We have founde this mā a pestilent felowe/ and a mover of debate vnto all the Iewes thorowe out the worlde/ & a mayntayner of ye secte of the Nazarites/ We haue founde this man a pestilent felowe/ and a mouer of debate vnto all the Iewes thorowe out the worlde/ and a mayntayner of the secte of the Nazarites/ We haue founde this man a pestilent felowe, and a sterer vp of sedicion amonge all the Iewes thorow out all the worlde, and a manteyner of the secte of the Nazaretes,
24:6 Which also hath enforsed to pollute the temple/ whom we toke ād wolde have iudged acordynge to oure lawe: & hath also enforsed to pollute the temple. Whom we toke & wolde have iudged acordinge to oure lawe: & hath also enforsed to pollute the temple. Whom we toke & wolde haue iudged accordynge to oure lawe: and hath taken in hande also to suspende the temple, whom we toke, and wolde haue iudged him acordinge to oure lawe.
24:7 but the hye captayne Lisias cā apon vs/ and with grett violence toke hym out of oure hondes/ but the hye captayne Lisias came vpon vs/ and with great violence toke him awaye out of oure hōdes/ but the hye captayne Lysias came vpon vs/ and with great violence toke him awaye out of oure hondes/ But Lysias the hye captayne came vpō vs, and with greate violence delyuered him out of oure handes,
24:8 cōmaundynge his accusars to come vnto the/ off whom thou mayst (yff thou wilt enquyre) knowe the certaynte of all these thyngſ wher off we accuse hym. cōmaundinge his accusars to come vnto the. Of whō thou mayst (yf thou wilt enquyre) knowe the certayne of all these thinges where of we accuse him. commaundinge his accusars to come vnto the. Of whō thou mayst (yf thou wilt enquyre) knowe the certayne of all these thinges where of we accuse him. and commaunded his accusers to come vnto the: of whom (yf thou wilt enquyre) thou mayest haue knowlege of all these thinges, wherof we accuse him.
24:9 The iewes lyke wyse affermed/ sayīge that it was even so. The Iewes lyke wyse affermed/ sayinge that it was even so. The Iewes lyke wyse affermed/ sayinge that it was euen so. The Iewes likewyse affirmed and sayde, that it was euen so.
24:10 Then Paul (after that the ruelar hī silfe had beckened vnto hī that he shulde speake) answered: I shall with a moare quyet mīde āswer for my silfe/ for as moche as I vnderstonde that thou hast bene off many yeares a iudge vnto thys people/ Then Paul (after that the rular him selfe had beckened vnto him that he shuld speake) answered: I shall with a moare quyet minde answere for my selfe/ for as moche as I vnderstonde yt thou hast bene of many yeares a iudge vnto this people/ Then Paul (after that the rular him selfe had beckened vnto him that he shuld speake) answered: I shall with a moare quyet mynde answere for my selfe/ for as moche as I vnder stonde that thou hast bene of many yeares a iudge vnto this people/ But Paul (whan the debyte had beckened vnto him, that he shulde speake) answered: Seynge I knowe that thou hast bene iudge now many yeares amonge this people, I wil not be afrayed to answere for my selfe,
24:11 be cause that thou mayst knowe that there are yet but xij. dayes sence I went vppe to Ierusalē for to praye. because that thou mayst knowe yt there are yet .xii. dayes sence I went vp to Ierusalem for to praye/ because that thou mayst knowe that there are yet/ but .xii. dayes sence I wēt vp to Ierusalē for to praye/ because that thou mayest knowe, that there are yet nomore but twolue dayes sence I came vp to Ierusalem for to worshippe,
24:12 And that they nether founde me in the temple disputinge with eny man/ other raysynge vp the people/ nether in the sinagoges nor in the cite. & that they nether founde me in the tēple disputinge with eny man/ other raysinge vp the people/ nether in the Synagoges/ nor in the cite. and that they nether founde me in the temple disputynge with eny man/ ether raysinge vp the people nether in the Synagoges/ nor in the cite: and that they nether founde me in the temple disputinge with eny man, or makynge eny vproure amonge the people, ner in ye synagoges, ner in the cite:
24:13 Nether can they prove the thīges wher of they accuse me. Nether can they prove ye thingſ wher of they accuse me. Nether can they proue the thinges wherof they accuse me. nether can they proue the thinges, wherof they accuse me.
24:14 But this I confesse vnto the/ that after thatt waye (which they call heresy) so worshippe I the god of my fathers/ belevīge all thyngſ which are writtē in the lawe and the prophetſ/ But this I confesse vnto ye/ that after that waye (which they call heresy) so worshippe I the God of my fathers/ belevinge all thinges which are writtē in the lawe & ye Prophetes/ But this I confesse vnto the/ that after that waye (which they call heresy) so worshippe I the god of my fathers/ beleuinge all thinges which are writtē in the lawe & the prophetes But this I confesse vnto the, that after this waye which they call heresye, so worshippe I the God of my fathers, that I beleue all that is wrytten in the lawe and in the prophetes,
24:15 and have hope tewardſ god/ that the same resurrecsion from derth (which they them selves loke for also) shalbe both of iust and vniust. & have hope towardes God/ that ye same resurreccion from deeth (which they them selves loke for also) shalbe/ both of iust & vniust. & haue hope to wardes God/ that the same resurreccion of the deed (which they them selues loke for also) shalbe/ both of iust & vniust. and haue hope towardes God, that the same resurreccion of the deed (which they them selues loke for also) shalbe, both of the iust and vniust.
24:16 And therfore stody I to have a cleare conscience towarde god/ and toward man also. And therfore stody I to have a cleare consciēce towarde God/ and toward man also. And therfore stody I to haue a cleare conscience towarde God/ and toward man also. Therfore studye I to haue allwaye a cleare conscience towarde God and towarde men.
24:17 Many yeres agoo I cam and brought almes to my people and offeringſ/ But after many yeres I came & brought almes to my people & offeringes/ But after many yeres I came and brought almes to my people & offeringes/ But after many yeares I came and broughte allmesse vnto my people, and offeringes:
24:18 in the which they founde me purified ī the temple/ nether with multitude/ nor yett with vnquyetnes. in the which they founde me purified in the tēple/ nether with multitude/ nor yet wt vnquyetnes. How beit there were certayne Iewes out of Asia in the which they founde me purified in the temple/ nether with multitude/ nor yet with vnquietnes/ how beit there were certayne Iewes out of Asia whervpon they founde me purifyed in the temple without eny maner of rumoure or vnquyetnesse. Howbeit there were certayne Iewes out of Asia,
24:19 There were certaine iewes out of Asia which ought to be here present before the/ and accuse me/ yf they had ought agaynst me: which ought to be here present before the/ & accuse me/ yf they had ought agaynst me: which ought to be here present before the/ and accuse me/ yf they had ought agaynst me: which shulde be here presente before the, and accuse me, yf they had oughte agaynst me:
24:20 or els let thes same here saye/ if they have founde eny evyll doinge in me/ whill I stonde here ī the counsell/ or els let these same here saye/ if they have founde eny evyll doinge in me/ whill I stonde here in ye counsell: or els let these same here saye/ yf they haue founde eny euyll doinge in me/ whyll I stonde here in the counsell: or els lett these same here saye, yf they haue founde eny vnrighteousnes in me, whyle I stonde here before ye councell:
24:21 excepte it be for this one voyce/ that I cryed stondynge amonge thē off the resurreccion from deeth am I iudged off you this daye. except it be for this one voyce/ yt I cryed stondinge amōge thē/ of the resurreccion frō deeth am I iudged of you this daye. except it be for this one voyce/ that I cryed stōdynge amōge thē/ of the resurrecciō frō deeth am I iudged of you this daye. excepte it be for this one worde, that I cried stondinge amonge them: Of the resurreccion off the deed am I iudged of you this daye.
24:22 When Felix herde that he differde them/ for he knewe very wele of that waye and sayde: whē Lisias the captayne is come/ I will know the vt most of youre matters. When Felix hearde these thinges he deferde them/ for he knewe very well of yt waye & sayde: when Lisias the captayne is come/ I will know the vtmost of youre matters. When Felix hearde these thinges/ he deferde them/ for he knewe very well of that waye/ & sayde: when Lysias the captayne is come/ I will know the vtmost of youre matters. Whan Felix herde this, he dyfferred thē (for he knewe very well of that waye) and sayde: Whan Lysias the vpper captayne commeth downe, I wyl knowe ye vttemost of youre matter
24:23 ād he cōmaūded an vndercaptayne to kepte Paul/ ād that he shuld have rest/ ād that he shulde forbyd none of his aquayntaunce to minister vnto hī/ or to come vnto hī. And he commaunded an vndercaptayne to kepe Paul/ and that he shuld have rest/ and that he shuld forbyd none of his aquayntaūce to minister vnto him/ or to come vnto him. And he cōmaunded an vndercaptayne to kepe Paul and that he shulde haue rest/ and that he shuld forbyd none of his aquayntaunce to minister vnto him/ or to come vnto him. But he commaunded the vndercaptayne to kepe Paul, and to let him haue rest, and that he shulde forbydde none of his acquauntaūce to mynister vnto him, or to come vnto him.
24:24 After a certayne dayes cā Felix/ and his wyfe Drusilla which was a iewes/ and called forth Paul/ and herde hym of the fayth which is toward Christ. And after a certayne dayes/ cā Felix & his wyfe Drusilla which was a Iewas/ & called forth Paul/ & hearde him of the fayth which is toward Christ. And after a certayne dayes/ cā Felix & his wyfe Drusilla which was a Iewas/ & called forth Paul/ and hearde him of the fayth which is toward Christ. But after certayne dayes came Felix wt his wife Drusilla, which was a Iewesse, and called for Paul, and herde him of the faith in Christ.
24:25 And as he preached of Iustice/ temperaunce/ and Iudgement to come/ Felix trembled/ and answered: thou hast done ynough att this tyme/ departe/ when I have a convenient tyme/ I will sēde for the. And as he preached of righteousnes/ temperaūce & iudgement to come/ Felix trembled & answered: thou hast done ynough at this tyme/ departe/ when I have a conveniēt tyme/ I will sende for the. And as he preached of righteousnes/ temperaūce/ & iudgemēt to come/ Felix trēbled & answered: thou hast done ynough at this tyme/ departe whē I haue a cōueniēt tyme/ I will sende for the. Howbeit whan Paul spake off righteousnesse, and off chastite and off the iudgment to come, Felix trembled, and answered: Go thy waye for this tyme. Whan I haue a conuenyent tyme, I wil sende for the.
24:26 He hoped also that money shulde be geven hym off Paul thatt he myght lowse hym/ wherfore he called hym the oftenner/ and cōmened with hym. He hoped also that money shuld have bene geven him of Paul/ that he myght lowse him: wherfore he called him ye oftēner & cōmened with him. He hoped also that money shulde haue bene geuen him of Paul/ that he might lowse him: wherfore he called him the oftēner & cōmened with him. He hoped also, that money shulde haue bene geuen him of Paul, therfore called he oft for him, and commened with him.
24:27 After two yeare cam Festus Porcius into Felix roume/ and Felix willynge to shewe the Iewes a pleasure lefte Paul in preson bounde. But after two yeare/ Festus Porcius came into Felix roume. And Felix willinge to shewe ye Iewes a pleasure/ lefte Paul in preson bounde. But after .ij. yeare Festus Porcius came into Felix roume. And Felix willinge to shewe the Iewes a pleasure/ lefte Paul in preson boūde. But after two yeares came Portius Festus in to felix rowme. Yet Felix wyllinge to shewe the Iewes a pleasure, left Paul bounde.


Acts: Chapter 23

The Actes of the Apostles. The .xxiij. Chapter.
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
23:1 PAul behelde the counsell and sayde: Men and brethrē/ I have lived in all goode cōcience before god vntill this daye. PAul behelde the counsell & sayde: men & brethrē/ I have lived in all good cōscience before God vntill this daye. PAul behelde the counsell & sayde: men & brethrē/ I haue liued in all good cōscience before God vntill this daye. PAul behelde the councell, and sayde: Ye men and brethren, I haue lyued with all good conscience before God vnto this daye:
23:2 The hye prest Ananias cōmaunded them that stode by/ to smyte hym on the mought. The hye prest Ananias cōmaunded thē that stode by to smyte him on the mouth. The hye prest Ananias cōmaunded thē that stode by/ to smyte him on the mouth. But the hye prest Ananias commaunded them that stode aboute him, to smyte hī on the mouth.
23:3 Thē sayde Paul to hym God shall smyte the thou payntyd wall. Sittest thou ād iudgest me after the lawe: and cōmaundest me to be smitten contrary to the lawe? Then sayde Paul to him: God smyte the thou payntyd wall. Sittest thou & iudgest me after the lawe: & commaundest me to be smytten contrary to the lawe? Then sayd Paul to him: God smyte the thou payntyd wall. Sittest thou & iudgest me after the lawe: & cōmaundest me to be smytten contrary to the lawe? Then sayde Paul vnto him: God shal smyte the thou paynted wall. Syttest thou and iudgest me after the lawe, and commaundest me to be smytten cōtrary to ye lawe?
23:4 And they that stode by sayde: Revylest thou Goddes hy preste? And they that stode by/ sayde: revylest thou Goddes hye preste? And they that stode by sayde: reuylest thou Goddes hye preste? And they that stode aboute hī, sayde: Reuylest thou Gods hye prest?
23:5 Thē sayd Paul: I wist not brethren/ that he was the hye preste. For it is writtē thou shalt not speake evyll to the ruelar of thy people. Then sayd Paul: I wist not brethren/ that he was the hye preste. For it is writtē/ thou shalt not curse the rular of thy people. Then sayde Paul: I wist not brethren that he was the hye preste. For it is written: thou shalt not curse the ruler of thy people. And Paul sayde: Brethrē, I wyst not that he was the hye prest. For it is wryttē: The ruler of thy people shalt thou not curse.
23:6 When Paul percaved that the one parte were Saduces/ and the other Pharises: He cryed oute in the counsell: Men and brethren I am a pharisaye/ the sonne off a pharisaye. Of hope/ and of resurrecciō from deeth I am iudged. When Paul perceaved that the one parte were Saduces/ & the other Pharises: he cryed oute in the counsell. Men & brethren/ I am a Pharisaye/ the sonne of a Pharisaye. Of the hope/ & resurreccion frō deeth/ I am iudged. When Paul perceaued that the one parte were Saduces/ & the other Pharises: he cried oute in the counsell. Men & brethrē/ I am a Pharisaye/ the sonne of a Pharisaye. Of the hope & resurrecciō frō deeth/ I am iudged. But whan Paul knewe that the one parte was Saduces, and the other parte Pharises, he cried out in ye councell: Ye men and brethren, I am a Pharise, and the sonne of a Pharise, Of hope and resurreccion of the deed am I iudged.
23:7 And when he had soo sayde/ there a rose a debate bitwene the pharisayes ād the saduces/ ād the multitude was devided. And when he had so sayde/ ther arose a debate bitwene the Pharisayes & ye Saduces/ & the multitude was devided. And whē he had so sayde/ ther arose a debate bitwene the Pharisayes & the Saduces/ & the multitude was deuided. And whan he had so sayde, there arose a dissencion betwene ye Pharises and the Saduces, and the multitude was deuyded:
23:8 For the saduces saye that there is no resurrecciō/ nether angell/ nor sprete But the phariseies graūt bothe. For ye Saduces saye that ther is no resurrecciō/ nether angell/ nor sprete. But the Pharisayes graunt bothe. For the Saduces saye that ther is no resurreccion/ nether angell/ nor sprete. But the Pharisayes graunt bothe. for the Saduces saye that there is no resurreccion, nether angell, ner sprete: but the Pharises graūte both.
23:9 And there arose a grett crye/ ād the scribes which wer ō the pharisais parte strove saynge: We fynde none evyll ī this mā. Though a sprete/ or an angell hath apered to hym/ lett vs not stryve agaynst God. And ther arose a great crye/ and the Scribes which were of the Pharisayes parte/ arose & strove sayinge: we fynde none evyll in this man. Though a sprete or an angell hath apered to him/ let vs not stryve agaynst God. And ther arose a great crie/ and the Scribes which were of the Pharisayes parte/ arose and stroue sayinge: we finde none euyll in this man. Though a sprete or an angell hath apered to him/ let vs not stryue agaynst God. And there was made a greate crye. And ye Scrybes of the Pharyses secte, stode vp, and stroue, and sayde: We fynde no euell in this mā. But yf a sprete or an angell haue spokē vnto him, let vs not stryue agaynst God.
23:10 And when there arose greate de bate/ the captayne fearynge lest Paul shuld have bene pluckte asondre off them/ cōmaunded the soudiers to goo doune/ and to take hym from amōge them/ and to brynge hym into the castle. And when ther arose greate debate/ the captayne fearynge lest Paul shuld have bene pluckt asondre of them/ cōmaunded the soudiers to goo doune/ & to take him from amonge them/ and to bringe him into the castle. And when ther arose greate debate/ the captayne fearīge lest Paul shuld haue bene pluckt a sondre of them/ cōmaunded the soudiers to go doune/ & to take him frō amōge them/ & to bringe him into the castle. But whan the discension was greate, ye vpper captayne feared, that Paul shulde haue bene pluckte a sonder of them, and commaunded the soudyers to go downe, and to take him from them, and to brynge him in to the castell.
23:11 The nyght folowyng god stode by hym and sayd: Be of goode cheare Paul: For as thou hast testified off me in Ierusalē/ soo must thou beare witnes at Rome. The nyght folowyng/ God stode by him and sayde: Be of good cheare Paul: for as thou hast testified of me in Ierusalem/ so must thou beare witnes at Rome. The nyght folowing/ God stode by him & sayd: be of good cheare Paul: for as thou hast testified of me in Ierusalem/ so must thou beare witnes at Rome. But in the nighte folowinge, the LORDE stode by him, and sayde: Be of good cheare Paul, for as thou hast testified of me at Ierusalem so must thou testifye at Rome also.
23:12 Whē daye was come/ certayn of the iewes gaddered them selves to gedder/ and made a vowe saīge: that they wolde nether eate nor drynke till they had killed Paul. When daye was come/ certayne of the Iewes gaddered them selves to geder/ & made a vowe/ sayinge that they wolde nether eate nor drinke till they had killed Paul. When daye was come/ certayne of the Iewes gaddered them selues to geter/ & made a vowe/ sayinge/ that they wolde nether eate nor drinke till they had killed Paul. Now whan it was daye, certayne of the Iewes gathered them selues together, and made a vowe nether to eate ner drynke, tyll they had kylled Paul.
23:13 They were aboute .xl. which had made this conspiraciō. They were aboute .xl. which had made this conspiraciō. They were about .xl. which had made this conspiraciō. They were mo then fortye, which had made this conspyracion.
23:14 And they cā to the chefe prestes and seniours/ and sayde: we have boūde oure selves with a vowe/ that we will eate nothynge vntill we have slayne Paul. And they cam to ye chefe prestes & elders/ & sayde: we have boūde oure selves with a vowe/ that we will eate nothinge vntill we have slayne Paul. And they came to the chefe prestes & elders/ & sayde: we haue bounde oure selues with a vowe/ that we will eate nothinge vntill we haue slayne Paul. These came to the hye prestes and Elders, and sayde: We haue bounde oure selues wt a vowe, that we wil eate nothinge, tyll we haue slayne Paul.
23:15 Nowe therfore geve knowlege to the vpper captayne/ ād to the counsell that he brynge hym forth vnto vs to morow/ as thought we wolde knowe some thīge more perfectly of hym. But we (or ever he come neare) are redy ī the mean season to kill hī. Now therfore geve ye knowlege to the vpper captayne & to the counsell/ that he bringe him forth vnto vs to morow/ as though we wolde knowe some thinge more perfectly of him. But we (or ever he come neare) are redy in ye meane season to kill him. Now therfore geue ye knowlege to the vpper captayne and to the counsell/ that he bringe him forth vnto vs to morow/ as though we wolde knowe some thinge more perfectly of him. But we (or euer he come neare) are redy in the meane season to kill him. Now therfore geue ye knowlege to the vpper captayne and to the councell, that he maye brynge him forth vnto you tomorow, as though ye wolde heare him yet better: As for vs, we are ready to kyll him, or euer he come nye you.
23:16 When Pauls sisters sonne herde of their layinge awayte/ he went and entred into the castle/ and tolde Paul. When Pauls sisters sonne hearde of their layinge awayte/ he wēt & entred into the castle/ & tolde Paul. When Pauls sisters sonne hearde of their layinge awayte/ he wēt & entred into the castle/ and tolde Paul. But whan Pauls sisters sonne herde of their layenge awayte, he came, and entred in to the castell, and tolde Paul.
23:17 And Paul called one off the vnder captaynes vnto hī/ and sayde: Brynge this younge mā vnto the capteyne. for he hath a certayne thynge to shewe hym. And Paul called one of ye vnder captaynes vnto him/ & sayde: bringe this younge man vnto ye hye captayne: for he hath a certayne thinge to shewe him. And Paul called one of the vnder captaynes vnto him/ & sayde: bringe this younge man vnto the hye captayne: for he hath a certayne thinge to shewe him. So Paul called vnto him one of ye vnder captaynes, and sayde: Brynge this yonge man to the vpper captayne, for he hath somewhat to saye to him.
23:18 And he toke hī/ and ledde him vnto the hye captayne/ ād sayd: Paul the presoner called me vnto hym and prayed me to brynge this younge mā vnto the/ which hath a certayne matter to shewe the. And he toke him/ & sayd: Paul ye presoner called me vnto him & prayed me to brīge this yoūge mā vnto ye/ which hath a certayne matter to shewe ye. And he toke him & sayd: Paul the presoner called me vnto him/ and prayed me to bringe this younge man vnto the/ which hath a certayne matter to shewe the. He toke him, and broughte him to the vpper captayne, and sayde: Paul the presoner called me vnto him, and prayed me to brynge to the this yonge man, which hath somwhat to saye vnto the.
23:19 The hye captayne toke hym by the hond/ and wēt a parte with hym out of the waye/ and axed hym: what hast thou to saye vnto me? The hye captayne toke him by the hond/ & wēt a parte with him out of the waye: & axed him: what hast thou to saye vnto me? The hye captayne toke him by the hond/ and went a parte with him out of the waye: & axed him: what hast thou to saye vnto me? Then the hye captayne toke him by the hande, and wente a syde with him out of the waye, and axed him: What is it, that thou hast to saye vnto me?
23:20 And he said: the iewes are determined to desyre the that thou woldest brynge forth Paul to morowe into the coūsell/ as thougth they wolde enquyre somwhat of him more parfectly. And he sayd: the Iewes are determined to desyre the yt thou woldest brynge forth Paul to morowe into the counsell/ as though they wolde enquyre somwhat of him more parfectly. And he sayd: the Iewes are determined to desyre the that thou woldest bringe forth Paul to morowe into the counsell/ as though they wolde enquire somwhat of him more parfectly. He sayde: The Iewes are agreed together, to desyre the, to let Paul be broughte forth tomorow before the councell, as though they wolde yet heare him better.
23:21 But folowe not their mīdes: for there laye awayte for hym off thē/ moo then xl. men/ which have bounde them selves with a vowe/ that they will nether eate nor drynke till they have killed hym. And nowe are they redy/ and loke for thy promes. But folowe not their mindes: for ther lye in wayte for him of thē/ moo then .xl. men/ which have boūde thē selves wt a vowe/ that they will nether eate ner drinke till they have killed him. And now are they redy/ & loke for thy promes. But folowe not their mindes: for ther lye in wayte for him of thē/ moo then .xl. men/ which haue bounde them selues with a vowe/ that they will nether eate ner drinke tyll they haue kylled him. And now are they redy/ & loke for thy promes. But folowe not thou their myndes, for there laye wayte for him mo then fortye men off them, which haue bounde them selues with a vowe, nether to eate ner drynke, tyll they haue slayne Paul: and euen now are they redye, and loke for thy promes.
23:22 The vpper captayne lett the yōge man departe and charged: Se thou tell no man that thou hast tolde me this. The vpper captayne let ye yōge man departe & charged: se thou tell it out to no man that thou hast shewed these thingſ to me. The vpper captayne let the yonge man departe and charged: se thou tell it out to no man that thou hast shewed these thinges to me. Then the vpper captayne let the yonge man departe, and charged him to tell noman, that he had shewed him this.
23:23 And he called vnto hym two vnder captaynes/ sayinge: Make redy two hondred soudiers to goo to Cesarea/ and horsmē threscore and ten. And speare men two hondred/ at the thyrde houre off the nyght/ And he called vnto him two vnder captaynes/ sayinge: make redy two hondred soudiers to goo to Cesarea/ and horsmen threscore and ten/ & speare men two houndred/ at the thyrde houre of the nyght. And he called vnto him two vnder captaynes sayinge: make redy two hondred soudiers to go to Cesarea/ & horsmen threscore & ten/ & speare men two houndred/ at the thyrde houre of the nyght And he called vnto him two vndercaptaynes, and sayde: Make redye two hundreth soudyers, that they maye go to Cesarea, aud thre score and ten horsmen, and two hundreth speare men at the thirde houre of the nighte,
23:24 And delyvre them beastes that they maye putt Paul on/ and brynge hym safe vnto Felix the hye debite/ And delyvre them beastes that they maye put Paul on/ and bringe him safe vnto Felix the hye debite/ And deliure them beastes that they maye put Paul on/ and bringe him safe vnto Felix the hye debite/ and delyuer thē beastes, that they maye set Paul theron, and brynge him safe vnto Felix the debyte,
23:25 and wrote a letter in this maner. and wrote a letter in this maner. and wrote a letter in this maner. and he wrote a letter on this maner:
23:26 Claudius Lisias vnto the most mighty ruelar Felix sendeth gretyngſ. Claudius Lisias vnto ye most mighty rular Felix/ sendeth gretingſ. Claudius Lysias vnto the most mighty rular Felix/ sendeth gretinges. Claudius Lysias, vnto the most mightie Debyte Felix, gretynge.
23:27 This man was taken of the iewes/ and shulde have bene killed of them: Thē cā I with soudiers/ ād rescued hī/ and perceaved that he was a Romayne. This man was takē of the Iewes/ and shuld have bene killed of them. Then cam I with soudiers/ & rescued him/ and perceaved that he was a Romayne. This man was taken of the Iewes/ & shuld haue bene killed of thē. Then came I with soudiers/ and rescued him/ & perceaued that he was a Romayne. The Iewes had taken this man, and wolde haue slayne him, then came I with soudyers, and rescued him, and perceaued that he is a Romayne.
23:28 And when I wolde have knowen the cause/ wherfore they accused hym/ I brought hym forth into their coūsell. And when I wolde have knowen the cause/ wherfore they accused him/ I brought him forth into their coūsell. And when I wolde haue knowen the cause/ wherfore they accused him/ I brought him forth into their conunsell. And whan I wolde haue knowne the cause, wherfore they accused hī, I broughte him in to their councell:
23:29 There perceaved I that he was accused off questions of their lawe: but was not gilty of eny thīge worthy of deeth/ or of bondes. There perceaved I yt he was accused of questiōs of their lawe: but was not giltye of eny thinge worthy of deeth or of bondes. There perceaued I that he was accused of questions of their lawe: but was not gyltye of eny thinge worthy of deeth or of bondes. then perceaued I, that he was accused aboute questions of their lawe. But there was no accusacion worthy of death or of bondes.
23:30 After warde when it was shewed me howe that the iewes layde wayte for the man/ I sent hym strayght waye to the/ and gave cōmaundment to hys accusars/ yf they had aught agaynst hym/ to tell it vnto the: fare well. Afterwarde when it was shewed me how that ye Iewes layde wayte for ye man/ I sent him strayght waye to the/ & gave commaundmēt to his accusars/ yf they had ought agaynst him/ to tell it vnto ye: fare well. Afterwarde when it was shewed me how that the Iewes layde wayte for the man/ I sent him strayght waye to the/ and gaue commaundment to his accusars/ yf they had ought agaynst him/ to tell it vnto the: fare well. And whan it was shewed me, that certayne Iewes layed wayte for him, I sent him straight waye vnto the, and commaunded the accusers also, that loke what they had agaynst him, they shulde tell the same before the. Fare well.
23:31 The soudiers as it was cōmaūded vnto thē/ toke Paul and brought hym by nyght to Antipatras. Then ye soudiers as it was cōmaunded thē/ toke Paul/ & brought him by nyght to Antipatras. Then the soudiers as it was cōmaunded thē/ toke Paul/ & brought him by nyght to Antipatras. The soudyers (as it was commaunded them) toke Paul, and broughte him to Antipatras.
23:32 On the morowe they lefte the horsmen to goo with hym/ and returned vnto the castle. On the morowe they lefte horsmen to goo with him/ and returned vnto the castle. On the morowe they lefte the horsmen to go with him/ and returned vnto the castle. But on the nexte daye, they lefte ye horse men to go with him, and turned agayne to the castell.
23:33 whē they cā to Cesarea/ they delivered the pistle to the debite/ and presented Paul before hī. Which when they cam to Cesarea/ they delivered the epistle to the debite/ and presented Paul before him. Which when they came to Cesarea/ they deliuered the epistle to the debite/ & presented Paul before him. When these came to Cesarea, they delyuered the letter vnto the Debyte, & presented Paul before him also.
23:34 whē the debite had redde the letter/ he axed off what countre he was/ ād when he vnderstode that he was of Cicill/ When the debite had redde the letter/ he axed of what countre he was/ & when he vnderstode that he was of Cicill/ When the debite had redde the letter/ he axed of what countre he was/ & when he vnderstode that he was of Cicill/ Whan the Debyte had red the letter, he axed off what countre he was. And whā he vnderstode that he was of Celicia, he sayde:
23:35 I will heare the (sayde he) when thyne accusars are come also. And cōmaunded hym to be kepte in Herodſ pallys. I will heare the (sayde he) whē thyne accusars are come also: & commaunded him to be kepte in Herodes pallys. I will heare the (sayde he) when thyne accusars are come also: and cōmaunded him to be kepte in Herodes pallys. I wil heare the, whan thine accusers are come also. And he commaunded him to be kepte in Herodes iudgment house.


Acts: Chapter 22

The Actes of the Apostles. The .xxij. Chapter.
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
22:1 YE men/ brethren/ and fathers/ heare myne answere which I make vnto you. YE men/ brethrē & fathers/ heare myne answere which I make vnto you. YE men/ brethren & fathers/ heare myne answere which I make vnto you. YE men, brethren, and fathers, heare myne answere which I make vnto you.
22:2 When they herde that he spake Ebrue vnto them/ they kept the moore silence. And he sayde: Whē they hearde that he spake in ye Ebrue tonge to them/ they kept the moore silence. And he sayde: Whē they hearde that he spake in the Ebrue tonge to them/ they kept the moore silēce. And he sayde: Whan they herde that he spake vnto them in the Hebrue, they kepte the more sylence. And he sayde:
22:3 I am verely a man which am a iewe/ borne in Tharsus/ a cite in Cicill/ neverthelesse yet broght vppe in this cite/ at the fete off Gamaliel/ and informed diligētly in the lawe off the fathers/ and was fervēt mynded to God warde/ as ye all are this same daye/ I am verely aman which am a Iewe/ borne in Tharsus/ a cite in Cicill: neverthelesse yet brought vp in this cite/ at ye fete of Gamaliel and informed diligently in the lawe of the fathers/ and was fervent mynded to Godwarde/ as ye all are this same daye/ I am verely aman which am a Iewe borne in Tharsus/ a cite in Cicill: neuerthelesse yet brought vp in this cite/ at the fete of gamaliel and informed diligently in the lawe of the fathers/ and was feruent mynded to Godwarde as ye all are this same daye/ I am a man which am a Iewe, borne at Tharsis in Celicia, and broughte vp in this cite at the fete off Gamaliel, enfourmed diligently in the lawe of the fathers, and was feruent mynded to God warde, as ye all are also this daye,
22:4 and I persecuted this waye vnto the deeth byndynge/ ād delyverynge into preson bothe mē and wemē/ and I persecuted this waye vnto the deeth byndynge and delyveringe into preson bothe men and wemen/ and I persecuted this waye vnto the deeth byndynge and delyueringe into presort bothe mē and wemen/ and I persecuted this waye vnto the death. I bounde them and delyuered them vnto preson, both men and wemen,
22:5 as the chefe prest doth beare me witnes/ and all the seniours: of whom also I receaved letters vnto the brethren/ and went to Damascō to brynge them which were there bounde vnto Ierusalem forto be pumysshed. as the chefe prest doth beare me witnes/ and all the elders: of whom also I receaved letters vnto the brethren/ & wēt to Damasco to bringe them which were there/ bounde vnto Ierusalem for to be punysshed. as the chefe prest doth beare me witnes/ and all the elders: of whom also I receaued letters vnto the brethren/ and went to Damasco to brynge them which were there bounde vnto Ierusalem for to be punysshed. as ye hye prest also doth beare me wytnesse, and all ye Elders: of whom I receaued letters vnto the brethren, and wente towarde Damascon, that I mighte brynge them which were there, bounde to Ierusalem, to be punyshed.
22:6 And it fortuned that as I made my iorney/ ād was come nye vnto Damascō/ aboute none/ sodenly there shone from heven a greate lyght rounde aboute me/ And it fortuned/ as I made my iorney and was come nye vnto Damasco aboute none/ yt sodenly ther shone frō heaven a greate lyght rounde aboute me/ And it fortuned/ as I made my iorney and was come nye vnto Damasco aboute none that sodenly ther shone from heauen a greate lyght rounde aboute me/ But it fortuned as I made my iourney, and came nye vnto Damascon, aboute noone, sodenly there shone a greate lighte aboute me from heauen,
22:7 and I fell vnto the erth/ ād herde a voice sayinge vnto me: Saul/ Saul/ why persecutest thou me? and I fell vnto the erth/ & hearde a voyce sayinge vnto me: Saul/ Saul/ why persecutest thou me? and I fell vnto the erth/ and hearde a voyce sayinge vnto me Saul Saul/ why persecutest thou me? and I fell to the earth, and herde a voyce which sayde vnto me: Saull Saull, why persecutest thou me?
22:8 And I answered: what arte thou lorde? ād he sayde vnto me? I am Iesus of Nazareth/ whom thou persecutest. And I answered: what arte thou Lorde? And he sayd vnto me: I am Iesus of Nazareth/ whom thou persecutest. And I answered: what arte thou Lorde? And he sayd to me: I am Iesus of nazareth whō thou persecutest. I answered: Who art thou LORDE? And he sayde vnto me: I am Iesus of Nazareth whom thou persecutest.
22:9 And they that were with me sawe verely a lyght and were a frayde: but they herde nott the voyce of hī that spake with me. And they that were with me/ sawe verely a lyght & were a frayde: but they hearde not the voyce of him that spake with me. And they that were with me/ sawe verely a lyght & were a frayde: but they hearde not the voyce of him that spake with me. As for them that were with me, they sawe ye lighte and were afrayed, but they herde not the voyce of him that spake with me.
22:10 And I sayd: what shall I do lorde? And the lorde sayde vnto me: Aryse and goo into Damascon and there it shalbe tolde the off all thingſ which are apoynted for the to do. And I sayde: what shall I do Lorde? And the Lorde sayde vnto me: Aryse & goo into Damasco & there it shalbe tolde the of all thinges which are apoynted for the to do. And I sayde: what shall I do Lorde? And the Lorde sayde vnto me: Aryse and go into Damasco and there it shalbe tolde the of all thinges which are apoynted for the to do. I sayde: LORDE, what shal I do? The LORDE sayde vnto me: Aryse, and go in to Damascon, there shal it be tolde ye of all that is appoynted the to do.
22:11 And whē I sawe no thynge for the brightnes of that light/ I was ledde by the honde off them thatt were with me/ and cam into Damascon. And when I sawe nothynge for the brightnes of that light/ I was ledde by the honde of them that were with me/ and came into Damasco. And whē I sawe nothinge for the brightnes of that lyght/ I was ledde by the honde of them that were with me/ and came into Damasco. But whan I sawe nothinge for the bryghtnesse of the lighte, I was led by the hande of them that were with me, and came to Damascon.
22:12 Won Ananias a perfecte man/ ād as pertaynynge to the lawe havynge goode reporte of all the iewes which there dwelt/ And one Ananias a perfect man/ & as pertayninge to the lawe/ havinge good reporte of all the Iewes which there dwelt/ And one Ananias a perfect man/ & as pertaynynge to the lawe hauynge good reporte of all the Iewes which there dwelt/ There was one Ananias, a deuoute man after the lawe, which had a good reporte of all the Iewes that dwelt there,
22:13 cam vnto me/ and stode and sayd vnto me: Brother Saul receave thy sight. And that same houre I receaved my sight and sawe hym. came vnto me/ & stode & sayd vnto me: Brother Saul/ loke vp. And that same houre I receaved my sight and sawe him. came vnto me/ and stode and sayd vnto me: Brother Saul/ loke vp. And that same houre I receaued my syght and sawe him. the same came, and stepte vnto me, and sayde: Brother Saul, loke vp. And I loked vp vpon him the same houre.
22:14 And he sayde vnto me/ the god off oure fathers hath ordeyned the before/ that thou shuldest knowe his will/ and shuldest se that which is rightfull/ ād shuldest heare the voyce off hys mought: And he sayde/ the God of oure fathers hath ordeyned the before/ that thou shuldest knowe his will/ and shuldest se that which is rightfull/ & shuldest heare the voyce of his mouth: And he sayde/ the God of oure fathers hath ordeyned the before/ that thou shuldest knowe his will/ & shuldest se that which is ryghtfull/ & shuldest heare the voyce of his mouth: He sayde: The God of oure fathers hath ordeyned the before, that thou shuldest knowe his wyll, and se the thinge yt is rightfull, and heare the voyce out of his mouth:
22:15 for thou shalt be his witnes vnto al men off tho thyngſ which thou hast sene and herde. for thou shalt be his witnes vnto all men of tho thinges which thou thou hast sene & hearde. for thou shalt be his witnes vnto all men of tho thinges which thou hast sene and hearde. for thou shalt be his wytnesse vnto all men, of tho thinges which thou hast sene and herde.
22:16 And nowe: why tariest thou? Aryse and be baptised/ ād wesshe awaye thy synnes/ in callynge on the name of the lorde. And now: why tariest thou? Aryse & be baptised/ and wesshe awaye thy synnes/ in callinge on ye name of ye Lorde. And now: why tariest thou? Aryse and be baptised/ and wesshe awaye thy synnes/ in callynge on the name of the Lorde. And now why tariest thou? Aryse, and be baptysed, and wasse awaye thy synnes, and call vpon the name of the LORDE.
22:17 And it fortuned/ whē I was come agayne to Ierusalem ād prayde in the temple/ that I was in a traunce/ And it fortuned/ when I was come agayne to Ierusalem & prayde in the tēple/ yt I was in a traūce/ And it fortuned/ when I was come agayne to Ierusalem & prayde in the temple/ that I was in a traunce/ But it fortuned, that whan I was come agayne to Ierusalē, and prayed in the temple, I was in a traunce,
22:18 And sawe hym sayinge vnto me: Make haste/ and gett the quicly out of Ierusalem: For they wilnott receave the witnes that thou bearest of me. & sawe him sayinge vnto me. Make haste/ & get the quickly out of Ierusalem: for they will not receave thy witnes yt thou bearest of me. & sawe him sayinge vnto me. Make haste/ & get the quickly out of Ierusalem: for they will not receaue thy witnes that thou bearest of me. and sawe him. Then sayde he vnto me: Make haist, and get the soone out of Ierusalem, for they wyl not receaue the witnesse that thou bearest of me.
22:19 And I sayde: lorde they knowe that I presoned/ ād bett ī every sinagoge thē that beleved ō the. And I sayde: Lorde they knowe that I presoned/ & bet in every synagoge them that beleved on the. And I sayde: Lorde they knowe that I presoned/ & bet in euery synagoge thē that beleued on the. And I sayde: LORDE, they thē selues knowe that I put in preson and bett in euery synagoge them that beleued on the.
22:20 ād whē the bloud of thy witnes Steven was sheed/ I also stode by/ and cōsented vnto his deeth. and kept the rayment off them that slewe hym. And when the bloud of thy witnes Steven was sheed/ I also stode by/ and consented vnto his deeth/ and kept the rayment of them that slewe him. And whē the bloud of thy witnes Steuen was sheed/ I also stode by/ & consented vnto his deeth/ & kept the rayment of thē that slewe him. And whā the bloude of Steuē thy witnesse was shed, I stode by also, & consented vnto his death, and kepte the clothes of them that slewe him.
22:21 And he sayde vnto me: departe for I will sende the a farre hence vnto the gentyls. And he sayde vnto me: departe/ for I will sende the a farre hence vnto the Gentyls. And he sayde vnto me: departe/ for I will sende the a farre hence vnto the Gentyls. And he sayde vnto me: Go thy waye, for I wil sende the farre amonge the Heythen.
22:22 They gave him audience vnto this worde/ ād lifte vppe their voyces ād saide: a waye with soche a felowe from the erth. yt is pitie that he shulde live. They gave him audience vnto this worde/ & then lifte vp their voyces & sayde: a waye wt soche a felowe frō the erth: yt is pitie that he shuld live. They gaue him audience vnto this worde/ and then lyfte vp their voyces and sayde: a waye with soche a felowe from the erth: it is pytie that he shuld lyue. They gaue him audience vnto this worde, and lifte vp their voyce, & sayde: Awaye with soch a felowe from the earth, for it is not reason that he shulde lyue.
22:23 And they cryed and cast of their clothes/ and thrue dust into the ayer. And as they cryed & cast of their clothes/ & thrue dust into ye ayer/ And as they cryed & cast of their clothes/ and thrue dust into the ayer/ But as they cried, and cast of their clothes, & thrue dust in to the ayre,
22:24 The captayne bade hym to be brought into the castle/ ād commaunded hī to be scourged/ and to be examined/ that he myght knowe wherfore they cryed on hī. ye captayne bade him to be brought into the castle/ & commaunded him to be scourged/ & to be examined/ that he myght knowe wherfore they cryed on him. the captayne bad him to be brought into the castle/ & cōmaunded him to be scourged/ & to be examined/ that he myght knowe wherfore they cryed on him. the captayne bad brynge him in to the castell, and commaunded him to be beaten with roddes and to be examyned, that he mighte knowe, for what cause they cried so vpon him.
22:25 And as they bounde hym with thongſ/ Paul sayde vnto an vnder captayne: Ys it laufull for you to scourge a Romain vncondempned? And as they bounde him with thōges/ Paul sayde vnto the Centurion that stode by: Ys it laufull for you to scourge a man that is a Romain & vncondempned? And as they bounde him with thonges/ Paul sayd vnto the Centuriō that stode by: Ys it laufull for you to scourge a man that is a Romain and vncondempned? And whan he bounde him with thonges, Paul sayde vnto the vndercaptayne that stode by: Is it laufull for you to scourge a man that is a Romayne, and vncondemned?
22:26 Whē the vnder captayne herde that/ he went to the vpper captayne/ and tolde hym sayinge: What intendest thou to do? This man is a Romain. When the Centurion hearde that/ he went/ and tolde the vpper captayne sayinge: What intendest thou to do? This man is a Romayne. When the Centurion hearde that/ he went/ & tolde the vpper Captayne sayinge: What intendest thou to do? This man is a Romayn. Whan the vndercaptayne herde that, he wēte to the vpper captayne, and tolde him, and sayde? What wilt thou do? This man is a Romayne.
22:27 The vpper captayne cam to hym/ and sayde: Tell me/ arte thou a Romain? He sayde: Yee Then the vpper captayne came/ & sayde to him: tell me/ art thou a Romayne? He sayde: Yee. Then the vpper Captayne came/ & sayde to him: tell me/ art thou a Romayne? He sayde: Yee. Then came ye vpper captayne, and sayde vnto him: Tell me, art thou a Romayne? He sayde: Yee.
22:28 And the captayne answered: With moche money obtayned I this fredom. And Paul sayde: I was fre borne. And the captayne answered: with a greate some obtayned I this fredome. And Paul sayde: I was fre borne. And the captayne answered: with a greate some obtayned I this fredome. And Paul sayde: I was fre borne. And the vpper captayne answered: With a greate summe optayned I this fredome. But Paul sayde: As for me, I am a Romayne borne.
22:29 Then strayght wayde departed from hym they wich shulde have examined hym And the captayne also was a frayde/ after he knewe that he was a Romain/ be cause he had bounde hym. Then strayght waye departed from him/ they which shuld have examyned him. And the hye captayne also was a frayde/ after he knewe that he was a Romayne: because he had bounde him. Then strayght waye departed from him/ they which shulde haue examined him. And the hye captayne also was a frayde/ after he knewe that he was a Romayne: because he had bounde him. Thē straight waye departed from him, they that shulde haue examyned him. And ye chefe captayne was afrayed, whan he knewe that he was a Romayne, and because he had bounde him.
22:30 On the morowe he lowsed hym from hys boundſ desyringe to knowe the certaynte for what cause he was accused of the iewes/ and commaunded the hye prestes ād all the counsell to come togedder/ and brought Paul/ and sett hym before them. On the morowe because he wolde have knowen the certayntie wherfore he was accused of the Iewes/ he lowsed him from his bondes/ & commaunded the hye Prestes & all the counsell to come together/ and brought Paul/ and set him before them. On the morowe because he wolde haue knowen the certayntie wherfore he was accused of the Iewes/ he lowsed him from his bondes/ & commaunded the hye Prestes & all the counsell to come together/ and brought Paul and set him before them. On the nexte daye wolde he knowe the certentye wherfore he was accused of the Iewes, and he lowsed him from the bondes, and commaunded the hye prestes and all their councell to come together, and broughte Paul forth, and set him amonge them.


Acts: Chapter 21

The Actes of the Apostles. The .xxj. Chapter.
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
21:1 ANd it chaūsed that as sone as we had laūched forth/ and were departed from them/ we cam with a strayght course vnto Choon/ and the daye folowynge vnto the Rhodes/ and from thence vnto Patara. ANd it chaunsed that assone as we had launched forth/ & were departed from them/ we came with a strayght course vnto Choon/ and the daye folowinge vnto the Rhodes/ & from thence vnto Patara. ANd it chaunsed that assone as we had launched forth/ & were departed from them/ we came with a strayght course vnto Choon & the daye folowinge vnto the Rhodes/ & frō thence vnto Patara. NOw whan it fortuned that we had launched forth and were departed from them, we came with a straight course vnto Coon, and on the daye folowinge vnto the Rhodes, and from thence vnto Patara.
21:2 And we founde a shyppe reddy to sayle vnto Phenices. And went a borde and sett forthe. And we founde a shippe redy to sayle vnto Phenices/ and went a borde & set forthe. And we founde a shippe redy to sayle vnto Phenices/ & wēt a borde & set forthe. And whan we founde a shippe ready to sayle vnto Phenices, we wente aborde and set forth.
21:3 Then apered vnto vs Ciprus/ and we lefte it on the lefte honde/ ād sayled vnto Siria. and cam vnto Tire. For there the shippe vnladed her burthen. Then appered vnto vs Cyprus/ and we lefte it on the lefte honde/ and sayled vnto Syria/ and came vnto Tyre. For there the shyppe vnladed her burthen. Then appered vnto vs Cyprus/ & we lefte it on the lefte honde/ & sayled vnto Syria/ & came vnto Tyre. For there the shyppe vnladed her burthē. But whā we came within the sighte of Cypers, we lefte it on the lefte hande, and sayled vnto Syria, and came vnto Tyre: for there the shippe shulde laye forth the ware.
21:4 And when we had founde brethren/ we taried there .vij. dayes. and they tolde Paul thorowe the sprete/ that he shuld not goo vppe to Ierusalem. And when we had founde brethren/ we taryed there .vii. dayes. And they tolde Paul thorowe ye sprete/ that he shuld not goo vp to Ierusalem. And whē we had founde brethren/ we taryed there .vij. dayes. And they tolde Paul thorowe the sprete/ that he shuld not go vp to Ierusalem. And whan we had founde disciples, we taried there seuen dayes. And they tolde Paul thorow the sprete, that he shulde not go vp to Ierusalem.
21:5 Ande when the dayes were ended we departed/ and went oure wayes ād they all brought ous on oure waye/ with their wyves and children till we were come out off the cite. and we kneled doune ī the shore and prayde. And when the dayes were ended/ we departed & went oure wayes/ and they all brought vs on oure waye/ wt their wyves and chyldren/ tyll we were come out of the cyte. And we kneled doune in the shore & prayde. And when the dayes were ended/ we departed and went oure wayes/ and they all brought vs on oure waye/ with their wyues & chyldren/ tyll we were come out of the cyte. And we kneled doune in the shore & prayde. And it fortuned whā we had fulfilled those dayes, we departed, and wente oure wayes, and they all broughte vs on oure waye with wyues and childrē, tyll we were come out of ye cite, and we kneled downe vpō the shore, and prayed.
21:6 and when we had taken oure leave one off another/ we toke shippe/ and they returned home agayne. And when we had taken oure leave one of another/ we toke shyppe/ and they returned home agayne. And whē we had taken oure leaue one of another/ we toke shyppe/ and they returned home agayne. And whan we had taken oure leue one off another, we toke shippe, but they turned agayne vnto theirs.
21:7 When we had full ended the course/ from Tire/ we aryved at Ptholomaida/ and saluted the brethren/ and abode with them one daye. When we had full ended the course frō Tyre/ we aryved at Ptolomaida/ & saluted the brethren/ & abode with thē one daye. When we had full ended the course frō Tyre/ we aryued at Ptolomaida/ & saluted the brethren/ & a bode with thē one daye. As for vs we ended the course from Tyre, and came to Ptolomaida, and saluted the brethren, and abode with them one daye.
21:8 The nexte daye/ we that were off Paulus company/ cam vnto Cesarea. and we entred into the housse of Philip the evangelist/ which was one of the seven/ and abode with hym. The nexte daye/ we that were of Pauls cōpany/ departed & came vnto Cesarea. And we entred into the housse of Philip ye Evagelist/ which was one of the sevē deacones/ & abode with him. The nexte daye/ we that were of Pauls company/ departed & came vnto Cesarea. And we entred into the housse of Philip the Euāgelist/ which was one of the seuē deacones and abode with him. On the nexte daye we yt were with Paul, departed, and came vnto Cesarea, & entred in to the house of Philippe the Euangelist (which was one of the seuē) and abode with him.
21:9 The same man had fower doughters virgens/ which did prophesy. The same man had fower doughters virgēs/ which dyd prophesy. The same man had fower doughters virgens/ which dyd prophesy. The same had foure doughters, which were virgins, and prophecied.
21:10 And as we taried there a good many dayes/ there cam a certayne prophete from iewry/ named Agabus. And as we taried there a good many dayes/ there came a certayne prophete from Iurie/ named Agabus. And as we taried there a good mayny of dayes/ there came a certayne prophet from Iurie/ named Agabus. And as we taried there mo dayes, there came downe from Iewry a prophet, named Agabus.
21:11 When he was come vnto vs/ he toke Pauls gerdell/ and bounde his hondes and fete and sayde: Thus sayth the holy goost: Soo shall the iewes at Ierusalem/ bynde the man that oweth this gyrdell/ ād shall deliver hym into the hondes of the genthils. When he was come vnto vs/ he toke Pauls gerdell/ & bounde his hondes & fete/ & sayde: thus saith the holy goost: so shall ye Iewes at Ierusalem bynde the man yt oweth this gerdell/ & shall delyver him into the hondes of the gentyls. When he was come vnto vs/ he toke Pauls gerdell/ and bonde his hondes and fete/ and sayde: Thus sayth the holy goost: so shall the Iewes at Ierusalem bynde the man that oweth this gerdell/ and shall delyuer him into the hondes of the Gentyls. Whā he was come vnto vs, he toke Pauls gerdell, and bounde his hādes and fete, and sayde: Thus sayeth ye holy goost: The man whose gerdell this is, shal the Iewes bynde thus at Ierusalem, and shal delyuer him in to the handes of the Heythē.
21:12 Whē we herde this/ both we and other of the same place/ besought hym/ that he wolde nott goo vppe to Ierusalem. When we hearde this/ both we & other of the same place/ besought him/ that he wolde not goo vp to Ierusalem. When we hearde this/ both we and other of the same place/ besought him/ that he wolde not go vp to Ierusalem. Whan we herhe this, both we and they that were of the same place, besoughte him, that he wolde not go vp to Ierusalem.
21:13 Then Paul answered/ and sayd: What do ye wepynge/ and breakyng myne hert? I am redy not to be bound only/ but also to deye at Ierusalem for te name off the lor Iesu. Then Paul answered & sayde: what do ye wepynge & breakinge myne hert? I am redy not to be bound only/ but also to dye at Ierusalem for ye name of ye Lorde Iesu. Then Paul answered & sayde: what do ye wepinge and breakinge myne hert? I am redy not to be bound only/ but also to dye at Ierusalem for the name of the Lorde Iesu. Then answered Paul and sayde: What do ye, wepynge, and breakynge my hert? For I am redye not onely to be bounde, but also to dye at Ierusalem for ye name of the LORDE Iesu.
21:14 Whē we coulde nott turne his mynde/ we ceased sayinge: The will of the lorde be fulfilled. When we coulde not turne his mynde/ we ceased sayinge: the will of ye Lorde be fulfilled. When we coulde not turne his mynde/ we ceased/ sayinge: the will of the Lorde be fulfilled. But whā he wolde not be persuaded, we ceassed, and sayde: The will of the LORDE be fulfylled.
21:15 After those dayes we made oure silfes redy/ ād went vp to Ierusalem. After those dayes we made oure selfes redy/ & went vp to Ierusalem. After those dayes we made oure selfes redy/ & went vp to Ierusalē. And after those dayes we were ready, & wente vp to Ierusalem:
21:16 There went with vs also certayne off the disciples off Cesarea/ and brought with them won Mnason off Ciprus/ an olde disciple/ with whom we shulde lodge. There went with vs also certayne of his disciples of Cesarea/ & brought with them one Mnason of Cyprus/ an olde disciple with whom we shuld lodge. Ther went with vs also certayne of the disciples of Cesarea/ & brought with them one Mnason of Cyprus/ an olde disciple with whom we shulde lodge. There came with vs also certayne of the disciples off Cesarea, and broughte with them one of Cypers, named Mnason, an olde disciple, with whom we shulde lodge.
21:17 And when we were come to Ierusalem/ the brethren receaved vs gladly. And when we were come to Ierusalem/ the brethren receaved vs gladly. And when we were come to Ierusalem/ the brethren receaued vs gladly. Now whā we came to Ierusalem, the brethren receaued vs gladly.
21:18 On the moreowe Paul went in withe vs vnto Iames. Ande all the seniours cam to gedder. And on the morowe Paul wēt in with vs vnto Iames. And all the elders came to geder. And on the morowe Paul wēt in with vs vnto Iames. And all the elders came to gether. But on the nexte daye Paul wente in with vs vnto Iames, and all the Elders came together.
21:19 And when he had saluted them/ he tolde by order/ what thyngſ God had wrought amonge the gentyls by hys ministracion. And when he had saluted them/ he tolde by order all thingſ that God had wrought amōge the gētyls by his ministracion. And when he had saluted them/ he tolde by order all thinges/ that God had wrought amōge the gētyls by his ministracion. And whan he had saluted them, he tolde by order, what God had done amōge the Heythen by his mynistracion.
21:20 when they herde itt/ they gloryfied the lorde/ and sayde vnto hym: Thou seist brother/ howe many thousande Iewes there are which beleve/ and they are all zelous over the lawe. And when they hearde it/ they glorified the Lorde/ & sayde vnto him: thou seist brother/ how many thousande Iewes ther are which beleve/ and they are all zelous over ye lawe. And when they hearde it/ they glorified the Lorde/ & sayde vnto him: Thou seyst brother/ how many thousande Iewes ther are which beleue/ and they are all zelous ouer the lawe. Whan they herde that, they praysed the LORDE, and sayde vnto him: Brother, thou seyst how many thousande Iewes there are which beleue, and are all Zelous ouer ye lawe.
21:21 and they are informed off the that thou teachest all the Iewes which are amonge the gentyls to forsake Moses/ and sayst that they ought not to circumcise their children/ nether to live after the customes. And they are informed of the/ that thou teachest all the Iewes which are amōge the gentyls/ to forsake Moses/ & sayst that they ought not to circumcise their chyldren/ nether to live after the customes. And they are informed of the/ that thou teachest all the Iewes which are amōge the gentyls/ to forsake Moses/ and sayst that they ought not to circumcise their chyldren/ nether to liue after the customes. But they are enfourmed agaynst the, that thou teachest all the Iewes which are amōge the Heythē, to forsake Moses, and sayest that they oughte not to circumcyse their children, ner to walke after the same custome.
21:22 What is it therfore? The multitude must nedes come togedder. For they shall heare that thou arte come. What is it therfore? The multitude must nedes come togeder. For they shall heare that thou arte come. What is it therfore? The multitude must nedes come to gether. For they shall heare that thou arte come. What is it therfore? The multitude must nedes come together, for they shal heare that thou art come.
21:23 Do therfore this that we saye to the. We have .iiij. men/ which have a vowe ō them Do therfore this that we saye to the. We have .iiii. men/ which have a vowe on them. Do therfore this that we saye to the. We haue .iiij. men/ which haue a vowe on them. Do this therfore that we saye vnto the: We haue foure men, which haue a vowe on them,
21:24 Them take and purifye thy silfe with them. and do cost ō them/ that they maye shave their heedes. ād all shall knowe that tho thynges which they have herde off the are nothynge: but thatt thou thy silfe also walkest and kepest the lawe. Them take/ and purifye thy selfe with them/ & do cost on them/ that they maye shave their heeddes/ & all shall knowe yt tho thingſ which they have hearde concerninge the/ are nothinge: but that thou thy selfe also walkest & kepest the lawe. Them take/ and purifye thy selfe with them/ & do cost on them/ that they maye shaue their heddes & all shall knowe that tho thinges which they haue hearde cōcerninge the/ are nothinge: but that thou thy selfe also walkest & kepest the lawe. take them vnto ye, and purifye thyselfe with them, and do the cost on them, that they maye shaue their heades: and they shal knowe, that it is nothinge, wherof they are enfourmed agaynst the, but that thou also walkest and kepest the lawe.
21:25 As touchīge the gentyls whyche beleve we have written and concluded/ that they observe no soche thynges: but that they kepe them selves from thīges offred to ydoles/ from bloud/ from strāgled/ and from fornicacion. For as touchinge the gentyls which beleve/ we have written & concluded/ yt they observe no soche thinges: but that they kepe them selves from thinges offred to ydoles/ from bloud/ frō strangled/ & frō fornicacion. For as touchinge the gētyls which beleue/ we haue written & concluded/ that they obserue no soche thinges: but that they kepe them selues from thinges offred to ydoles/ from bloud/ frō strangled/ & frō fornicacion. For as touchinge them that beleue amonge the Heythen, we haue wrytten, and concluded, that they shulde obserue no soch, but onely to kepe them selues from the offeringes of Idols, from bloude, from strāgled, and from whordome.
21:26 Then the nexte daye Paul toke the men ād purified hym silfe with them/ and entred in to the temple/ declarynge the fulfillynge off the dayes of purificacion/ vntyll that an oblacion shulde be offered for every one off them. Then the nexte daye Paul toke the men/ & purified him selfe with them/ & entred into the tēple/ declaringe that he observed the dayes of ye purificaciō/ vntyll that an offeringe shuld be offred for every one of them. Then the nexte daye Paul toke the men/ & purified him selfe with them/ & entred into the tēple/ declaringe that he obserued the dayes of the purificacion/ vntyll that an offeringe shuld be offered for euery one of them. Then Paul toke the men vnto him, and was purified with them on the nexte daye, and entred in to the temple, declaringe that he fulfylled the dayes of purificacion, tyll there was an offeringe offred for euery one of them.
21:27 And as the seven dayes shulde have bene ended/ the iewes which were of Asia when they sawe hym in the temple/ they moved all the people and layde hondes on hym And as the seven dayes shuld have bene ended/ ye Iewes which were of Asia when they sawe him in the tēple/ they moved all the people/ & layde hondes on him And as the seuen dayes shuld haue bene ended/ the Iewes which were of Asia when they sawe him in the tēple/ they moued all the people/ and layde hondes on him But whan the seuen dayes were allmost fulfylled, the Iewes of Asia sawe him in the temple, and moued all the people, layed handes vpon him,
21:28 cryinge: Men of Israhell helpe/ This is the mā that teacheth all men every where agaynst the people/ and the lawe/ and this place. Morover also he hath brought grekes into the temple/ and hath polluted this holy place. cryinge: men of Israel helpe. This is the man that teacheth all men every where agaynst the people/ & the lawe/ and this place. Moreover also he hath brought Grekes into the tēple/ & hath polluted this holy place. cryinge: men of Israel/ helpe. This is the man that teacheth all men euery where agaynst the people & the lawe/ and this place. Moreouer also he hath brought Grekes into the tēple/ & hath polluted this holy place. and cryed: Ye men of Israel, helpe, this is the man, that teacheth all men euery where agaynst oure people, the lawe, and this place. He hath broughte Grekes also in to the temple, and hath defyled this holy place.
21:29 For they sawe won Trophimus an Ephesian with hym in the cite. Hym they supposed Paul had brought into the tēple. For they sawe one Trophimus an Ephesian with him in the cyte. Him they supposed Paul had brought into the tēple. For they sawe one Trophimus an Ephesian with him in the cyte. Him they supposed Paul had brought into the tēple. For they had sene Trophimus the Ephesian with him in the cite, him they thoughte yt Paul had broughte in to the temple.
21:30 And all the cite was moved/ and the people swarmed togedder. And they toke Paul/ ād drue hym out of the tēple/ ād forth with the dores were shut to. And all the cyte was moved/ & the people swarmed to geder. And they toke Paul & drue him out of the tēple/ & forthwith the dores were shut to. And all the cyte was moued/ & the people swarmed to gether. And they toke Paul and drue him out of the tēple/ and forthwith the dores were shut to. And all the cite was moued, and the people ranne together. And they toke Paul, and drue him out off the temple, and forth with the dores were shut to.
21:31 As they went about to kyll hym/ tygynges cā vnto the hye captayne off the soudiers/ thatt all Ierusalem was moved. As they went about to kyll him/ tydinges came vnto the hye captayne of the soudiers/ that all Ierusalem was moved. As they went about to kyll him/ tydinges came vnto the hye captayne of the soudiers/ that all Ierusalem was moued. But whan they wēte aboute to kyll him, tydinges came to the chefe captayne of the company, that all Ierusalem was moued.
21:32 which immediatly toke soudiers and vndercaptaynes/ and rann doune vnto them. When they sawe the vpper captayne and the soudiers/ They lefte smytynge off Paul. Which immediatly toke soudiers & vndercaptaynes/ & ranne doune vnto them. When they sawe ye vpper captayne & the soudiers/ they lefte smytinge of Paul. Which immediatly toke soudiers & vndercaptaynes/ and ranne doune vnto them. When they sawe the vpper captayne & the soudiers they lefte smytinge of Paul. Which immediatly toke soudyers and captaynes vnto him, and ranne in amōge them. Whan they sawe the captayne and the soudyers, they lefte smytinge of Paul.
21:33 Then the captayne cam neare and toke hym/ ād commaunded hym to be bounde with two chaynes/ and demaunded whatt he was/ and whatt he had done. Then the captayne came neare & toke him/ & cōmaunded him to be bounde with two chaynes/ & demaunded what he was/ & what he had done. Then the captayne came neare and toke him/ & cōmaunded him to be bounde with two chaynes/ & demaūded what he was/ & what he had done. Whan the captayne came nye, he toke him, and commaunded him to be bounde with two cheynes, and axed what he was, and what he had done.
21:34 Won cryed this/ another that/ amōge the people. And when he coulde nott knowe the certayne/ for the rage: He commaunded hym to be caried into the castle. And one cryed this/ another that amōge the people. And whē he coulde not knowe the certayntie for ye rage/ he cōmaunded him to be caryed into the castle. And one cried this/ another that amōge the people. And when he coulde not knowe the certayntie for the rage/ he commaunded him to be caryed into the castle. One cried this, another that amonge the people. But whan he coulde not knowe the certente because of the rumoure, he commaunded him to be caried in to the castell.
21:35 When he cam vnto a grece/ hit fortuned that he was borne off the soudiers for the violence off the people. And whē he came vnto a grece/ it fortuned that he was borne of the soudiers of the violence of the people. And whē he came vnto a grece/ it fortuned that he was borne of the soudiers for the violence of the people. And whā he came to the steppes, it fortuned that he was borne of ye soudyers because of the violence of the people.
21:36 The multitude off the people folowed after cryinge: a waye with hym. For the multitude of the people folowed after cryinge: awaye wt him. For the multitude of the people folowed after crying: awaye with him. For the multitude off the people folowed after, and cryed: Awaye with him.
21:37 And as Paul shulde have bene caryed into the castle. He sayde vnto the hye captayne: Maye I speake vnto the? Which sayde: Canst thou speake greke? And as Paul shuld have bene caryed into the castle/ he sayde vnto the hye Captayne: maye I speake vnto the? Which sayde: canst thou speake Greke? And as Paul shulde haue bene caryed into the castle/ he sayde vnto the hye Captayne: maye I speake vnto the? Which sayde: Cāst thou speake Greke? Whan Paul was now to be caried in to the castell, he sayde vnto ye captayne: Maye I speake vnto the? He sayde: Canst thou Greke?
21:38 Arte not thou that Egipcian whych before these dayes/ made an vproure/ and ledde out into the wildernes about iiij. thousande men that were mortherers? Arte not thou that Egypcian which before these dayes made an vproure & ledde out into the wildernes .iiii. thousande men that were mortherers? Arte not thou that Egypcian which before these dayes made an vproure/ and ledde out into the wildernes .iiij. thousande men that were mortherers? Art not thou the Egipcian, which before these dayes maydest an vproure, & leddest out in to the wyldernesse foure thousande preuy murthurers?
21:39 Paul sayde: I am a man which am a iewe of Tharsus a cite in Cicill/ a citesyn off noo vyle cyte/ I besethe che soffre me to speake vnto the people. But Paul sayde: I am a mā which am a Iewe of Tharsus a cite in Cicill a Citesyn of no vyle cite/ I beseche ye soffre me to speake vnto ye people. But Paul sayde: I am a man which am a Iewe of Tharsus a cite in Cicill a Citesin of no vyle cite/ I beseche the soffre me to speake vnto the people. Paull sayde: I am a man which am a Iewe off Tharsis, a citesyn of a famous cite in Celicia: I beseke the, suffre me to speake vnto the people.
21:40 When he had geven him licence/ Paul stode on the steppes/ and beckned with his honde vnto the people/ and there was made a greate silence. And he spake vnto them in Ebrue sayinge: When he had gevē him licēce/ Paul stode on ye steppes & beckned with the honde vuto the people/ & ther was made a greate silence. And he spake vnto thē in ye Ebrue tonge sayinge: When he had geuen him licence/ Paul stode on the steppes/ and beckned with the honde vnto the people/ and ther was made a great silence. And he spake vnto them in the Hebrue tonge sayinge. Whan he had geuen him lycence, Paul stode on the steppes, and beckened with the hande vnto the people. Now whan there was made a greate sylēce, he spake vnto them in Hebrue, and sayde:


Acts: Chapter 20

The Actes of the Apostles. The .xx. Chapter.
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
20:1 AFter the rage was ceased/ Paul called the disciples vnto hym/ and toke his leave off them/ and departed for to goo into Macedonia. AFter the rage was ceased/ Paul called the disciples vnto him/ & toke his leave of them/ & departed for to goo into Macedonia. AFter the rage was ceased/ Paul called the disciples vnto him/ & toke his leaue of thē/ & departed for to go into Macedonia. NOw whan the vproure was ceassed, Paul called the disciples vnto him, and toke his leue of them, and departed to go in to Macedonia.
20:2 And whē he had gone over those parties/ ād geven them large exhortacions/ he cam into grece And when he had gone over those parties/ and geven them large exhortacions/ he came into Grece/ And when he had gone ouer those parties/ & geuē them large exhortacions/ he came into Grece/ And whan he had gone thorow those partes, and exhorted them with many wordes, he came in to Grekelonde,
20:3 And there abode .iij. monethes. When the iewes layde wayte for hym as he was aboutt to sayle into Syria/ He purposed to returne therowe Macedonia. and there abode .iii. monethes. And when the Iewes layde wayte for him as he was about to sayle into Syria/ he purposed to returne thorowe Macedonia. & there abode .iij. monethes. And when the Iewes layde wayte for him as he was about to sayle into Syria he purposed to returne thorowe Macedonia. and there abode thre monethes. But whan the Iewes layed wayte for him, as he was aboute to sayle in to Syria, he purposed to turne agayne thorow Macedonia.
20:4 There acompanied hym into Asia Sopater of Beroen: And of Tessalonia Aristarcus and Secundus/ and Gaius of Derba/ and Timotheus: Out of Asia Tichicus/ ād Trophimos. Ther acompanied him into Asia/ Sopater of Berrea/ and of Thessalonia Aristarcus & Secundus/ & Gayus of Derba/ & Timotheus: and out of Asia Tychicus and Trophimos. Ther acōpanied him into Asia/ Sopater of Berrea/ and of Thessalonia Aristarcus and Secundus/ & Gayus of Derba/ and Timotheus: and out of Asia Tychicus and Trophimos. There accompanied him in to Asia, Sopater of Berrea: and of Thessalonica, Aristarchus and Secundus: and Gaius of Derba, and Timotheus: but of Asia, Tychicus and Trophimus.
20:5 These went before/ ād taried vs at Troas These went before/ and taryed vs at Troas. These went before/ and taried vs at Troas. These wente before, and taried for vs at Troada:
20:6 We sayled awaye from Philippos after the ester holidayes/ and cam vnto them to Troas in five dayes/ and there abode seven dayes. And we sayled awaye frō Philippos after the ester holydayes/ & came vnto them to Troas in five dayes/ where we abode seven dayes. And we sayled awaye from Philippos after the ester holydayes/ and came vnto them to Troas in fyue dayes/ where we abode seuen dayes. but we sayled after the Easter dayes from Philippos, vnto ye fyfth daye, and came to them vnto Troada, and taried there seuen dayes.
20:7 On a saboth daye the disciples cam to gedger forto breake breed/ and Paul preached vnto them (redy to departe on the morowe) and continued his preachynge vnto mydnyght. And on the morowe after the saboth daye the disciples came to geder for to breake breed and Paul preached vnto them (redy to departe on the morowe) & cōtinued the preachynge vnto mydnyght. And on the morowe after the Saboth daye the Disciples came to gether for to breake breed/ & Paul preached vnto them (redy to departe on the morowe) & cōtinued the preachinge vnto midnyght. Vpon one of the Sabbathes, whan the disciples came together to breake bred, Paul preached vnto them, wyllinge to departe on the morow, and contynued the preachinge vnto mydnight.
20:8 There were many lightes in the chamber where we were gaddered to gedder/ And there were many lyghtes in the chamber where thy were gaddered to geder/ And ther were many lightes in the chamber where thy were gaddered to gether/ And there were many lightes in the chamber, where they were gathered together.
20:9 and there sate in a wyndowe a certayne yonge man named Eutichos/ fallen into a depe slepe. And as Paul declared he was moare overcome with slepe/ and fell doune from the thyrde lofte/ and was taken vp deed. and there sate in a wyndowe a certayne yonge man named Eutichos/ fallen into a depe slepe. And as Paul declared/ he was the moare overcome with slepe/ & fell doune from the thyrde lofte/ and was taken vp deed. and ther sate in a wyndowe a certayne yonge man named Eutichos/ fallen into a depe slepe. And as Paul declared/ he was the moare ouercome with slepe/ and fell doune frō the thyrde lofte/ & was taken vp deed. There sat a yonge man named Eutychos, in a wyndow, and fell in to a depe slepe (whyle Paul was speakinge) and was ouercome with slepe, and fell downe from the thirde lofte, and was taken vp deed.
20:10 Paul wentt doune and fell on hym/ and embrased hym/ and sayde: Make nothynge a do. For his lyfe is in hym. Paul went doune and fell on him/ and embrased him/ and sayde: make nothinge a do/ for his lyfe is in him. Paul went doune and fell on him/ & embrased him/ and sayde: make nothinge a do for his lyfe is in him. But Paul wente downe, and fell on him, and enbraced him, and sayde: Make nothinge a doo, for his soule is in hī.
20:11 When he was come vp agayne/ he brake breed/ and tasted/ and commened a longe whyle evē till the mornynge/ ād soo departed. When he was come vp agayne/ he brake breed/ and tasted/ and comened a longe whyle even tyll the mornynge/ and so departed. When he was come vp agayne/ he brake breed/ and tasted/ and comened a longe while euen tyll the morninge/ and so departed. Then wente he vp, and brake the bred, and ate, and talked moch with thē, tyll the daye brake, and so departed.
20:12 They brought the yonge man a live/ and were nott alitell conforted. And they brought the yoūge man a lyve/ and were not alytell comforted. And thy brought the younge man a lyue/ and were not a lytell comforted. As for the yōge man, they broughte him alyue, and were not a litle conforted.
20:13 Then toke we shippynge/ and departed vnto Asson/ there to receave Paul. For soo had he apoynted/ and wolde hym silfe goo be londe. And we went a fore to shippe and lowsed vnto Asson/ there to receave Paul. For so had he apoynted/ and wolde him selfe goo a fote. And we went a fore to shyppe/ and lowsed vnto Asson there to receaue Paul. For so had he apoynted/ and wolde him selfe go a fote. But we wente afore in to the shippe, and sayled towarde Asson, wyllinge there to receaue Paul. For so had he appoynted, and wolde himselfe go on fote.
20:14 Whē he was come to vs vnto Assō/ we toke hym in/ and cam to Mittilenes. When he was come to vs vnto Asson/ we toke him in/ & came to Mytelenes. When he was come vnto vs to Asson/ we toke him in/ & came to Mytilenes. Whan he was come to vs vnto Asson, we toke him in, and came to Mitylenes,
20:15 and sayled thence/ and cam the nexte day over agaynst Chios. And the day folowynge we aryved at Samos/ and taryed at Trogiliō. The nexte daye we cam to Mileton. And we sayled thence/ and came the nexte daye over agaynst Chios. And the nexte daye we aryved at Samos/ and taryed at Trogilion. The nexte daye we came to Myleton: And we sayled thence/ and came the nexte daye ouer agaynst Chios. And the nexte daye we ariued at Samos/ & taryed at Trogilion. The nexte daye we came to Myleton: and sayled from thence, and came on the nexte daye ouer agaynst Chios, and on the daye folowinge we aryued at Samos, and taried at Tragilion, and on the nexte daye came we to Mileton:
20:16 For Paul had determined to leave Ephesus as they sayled/ because he wolde not spende the tyme in Asia. For he hasted to be (yff itt were possible) at Ierusalē in the feaste off pentecoste. for Paul had determined to leave Ephesus as they sayled/ because he wolde not spende ye tyme in Asia. For he hasted to be (yf he coulde possible) at Ierusalem at the daye of pentecoste. for Paul had determined to leaue Ephesus as they sayled/ because he wolde not spende the tyme in Asia. For he hasted to be (yf he coulde possible) at Ierusalem at the daye of Pentecoste. for Paul had determed to sayle ouer by Ephesus, that he nede not to spende the tyme in Asia: for he haisted to be at Ierusalem vpō the Whitsondaye, yf it were possible for him.
20:17 From Mileton he sent to Ephesus/ and called the seniours off the congregacion. Wherfore from Myleton he sent to Ephesus/ & called the elders of the cōgregacion. Wherfore from Myleton he sent to Ephesus/ and called the elders of the congregacion. But from Mileton he sent vnto Ephesus, and called for the Elders of the congregacion.
20:18 When they were cōe to hym/ he sayde vnto them: Ye knowe frō the fyrst daye that I cā vnto Asia/ after what maner I have bene wyth you at all ceasons/ And when they were come to him/ he sayde vnto thē: Ye knowe frō the fyrst daye yt I came vnto Asia/ after what maner I have bene wt you at all ceasons/ And when they were come to him/ he sayd vnto them: Ye knowe from the fyrst daye that I came into Asia/ after what maner I haue bene with you at all ceasons/ Whan they were come to him, he sayde vnto them: Ye knowe sence the first daye that I came in to Asia, after what maner I haue bene with you at all tyme,
20:19 servynge God with all humblenes off mynde/ and with many teares/ and temtacions/ whiche happened vnto me by the layingſ awayte off the iewes/ servynge the lorde with all humblenes of mynde/ & with many teares/ & temptacions which happened vnto me by the layinges awayte of the Ieues/ seruinge the Lorde with all humblenes of mynde/ & with many teares/ & temptaciōs which happened vnto me by the layinges awayte of the Iewes/ and serued ye LORDE with all humblenesse of mynde, and with many teares and tentacions, which happened vnto me by ye layenges of wayte of the Iewes,
20:20 and howe I kept backe nothynge thatt myght be for youre proffet: but that I have shewed you/ and taught you openly and at home in youre houses/ & how I kept backe no thinge that was profitable: but that I have shewed you & taught you openly and at home in youre houses/ & how I kept backe no thinge that was profitable: but that I haue shewed you & taught you openly and at home in youre houses/ how yt I haue kepte backe nothinge yt was profitable, but that I haue shewed you, and taughte you openly, and priuately from house to house.
20:21 witnessynge bothe to the iewes/ and also to the grekes/ the repentaunce taward god/ and faith tawarde oure lorde Iesu. witnessinge bothe to the Iewes/ & also to the Grekes/ the repentaunce toward God/ & faith towarde oure Lorde Iesu. witnessinge bothe to the Iewes/ & also to the Grekes/ the repentaunce toward God/ & fayth toward oure lorde Iesus. And haue testifyed both vnto the Iewes & to the Grekes the repentaunce towarde God, and faith towarde oure LORDE Iesus.
20:22 And nowe beholde I goo bounde in the sprete vnto Ierusalem/ and knowe nott what shall come off me there/ And now beholde I goo bounde in the sprete vnto Ierusalem/ & knowe not what shall come on me there/ And now beholde I go bounde in the sprete vnto Ierusalem/ & knowe not what shall come on me there/ And now beholde, I go bounde in ye sprete vnto Ierusalē, not knowinge what shal happen there vnto me,
20:23 butt that the holy gost witnesseth in every cite sayinge: that bondes and trouble abyde me: but that the holy goost witnesseth in every cite sayinge: yt bondes & trouble abyde me. but that the holy goost witnesseth in euery cite sayinge: that bondes and trouble abyde me. but yt the holy goost witnesseth in euery cite, and sayeth, that bondes and troubles abyde me there.
20:24 but none of tho thinges move me. Nether is my lyfe dere vnto my silfe/ that I myght fulfill my course with ioye/ ād the ministracion which I have receaved of the lorde Iesu to testify the gospell of the grace of god. But none of tho thinges move me: nether is my lyfe dere vnto my selfe/ that I myght fulfill my course wt ioye/ & the ministraciō which I have receaved of ye Lorde Iesu/ to testify the gospell of ye grace of god. But none of those thinges moue me: nether is my lyfe dere vnto my selfe/ that I myght fulfill my course with ioye/ and the ministracion which I haue receaued of the Lorde Iesu/ to testifye the gospell of the grace of God. But I regarde none of them, nether counte I my life dearer then my selfe, that I maye fulfyll my course with ioye, and the office yt I haue receaued of the LORDE Iesu, to testifye the Gospell of the grace of God.
20:25 And nowe beholde/ I am sure that hēceforth ye all (thorow whom I have gone preachynge the kyngdom of god) shall se my face noo moore. And now beholde/ I am sure yt hence forth ye all (thorow whō I have gone preachinge ye kyngdome of God) shall se my face no moore. And now beholde/ I am sure that hēce forth ye all (thorow whom I haue gone preachinge the kyngdome of God) shall se my face no more. And now beholde, I knowe that ye shal se my face nomore, all ye, thorow whom I haue gone, and preached the kyngdome of God.
20:26 Wherfore I take you to recorde this same daye/ that I am pure from the bloud of all men. Wherfore I take you to recorde this same daye/ that I am pure frō the bloude of all mē. Wherfore I take you to recorde this same daye/ that I am pure frō the bloude of all mē. Wherfore I take you to recorde this daye, that I am pure from the bloude of all men:
20:27 For I have kepte nothynge backe: butt have shewed you all the counsell off god. For I have kepte nothinge backe: but have shewed you all the counsell of God. For I haue kepte nothinge backe: but haue shewed you all the counsell of God. For I haue kepte nothinge backe, but haue shewed you all the councell off God.
20:28 Take hede therfore vnto youre selves/ and to all the flocke/ wher of the holy gost hath made you oversears/ to rule the congregaciō of god/ which he hath purchased with his bloud. Take hede therfore vnto youre selves/ & to all the flocke/ wherof the holy goost hath made you oversears/ to rule the congregacion of God/ which he hath purchased with his bloud. Take hede therfore vnto youre selues & to all the flocke/ where of the holy goost hath made you ouer sears/ to rule the cōgregaciō of god/ which he hath purchased with his bloud. Take hede therfore vnto youre selues, and to all the flocke, amonge the which the holy goost hath set you to be Bishoppes, to fede the congregacion of God, which he hath purchaced thorow his owne bloude.
20:29 For I am sure off this/ that after my departynge shall greveous wolves entre in amonge you/ which will nott spare the flocke. For I am sure of this/ that after my departynge shall greveous wolves entre in amonge you/ which will not spare the flocke. For I am sure of this/ that after my departinge shall greueous wolues entre in amōge you/ which will not spare the flocke. For this I knowe, that after my departinge there shal enter in amonge you greuous wolues, which shal not spare the flocke.
20:30 And off youre awne selves shall men aryse speakynge perverse thynges/ to drawe disciples after them. Moreover of youre awne selves shall men aryse speakinge perverse thingſ/ to drawe disciples after thē. Morouer of youre awne selues shall mē aryse speakinge peruerse thinges to drawe disciples after thē. Yee euē from amonge youre awne selues shal men aryse, speakynge peruerse doctryne, to drawe disciples after them.
20:31 Therfore awake and remember/ that by the space of iij. yeares I ceased not to warne every one of you/ both nyght and daye with teares. Therfore awake & remember/ that by the space of .iii. yeares I ceased not to warne every one of you/ both nyght and daye with teares. Therfore awake & remember/ that by the space of .iij. yeares I ceased not to warne euery one of you both nyght & daye with teares. Therfore awake, and remembre, that by the space of thre yeares I ceassed not to warne euery one off you both nighte and daye with teares.
20:32 And nowe dere brethren I commende you to god and to the worde of his grace/ which is able to bylde further/ and to geve you an inheritaunce amonge all them which are sanctified. And now brethren I cōmende you to God and to the worde of his grace/ which is able to bylde further/ & to geve you an inheritaunce amōge all them which are sanctified. And now brethrē I cōmende you to God & to the worde of his grace/ which is able to bylde further/ & to geue you an inheritaūce amōge all thē which are sanctified. And now brethren I commende you vnto God, and to ye worde of his grace, which is mightie to edifye you, and to geue you the enheritaunce amōge all them that are sanctified.
20:33 I have desyred no mans silver/ golde/ or vestur/ I have desyred no mās silver/ golde/ or vesture. I haue desyred no mans siluer/ golde/ or vesture. I haue not desyred syluer, golde or rayment off eny off you.
20:34 Ye ye knowe wele that these hondes have ministred vnto my necessites/ and to them thatt were with me. Ye knowe well yt these hondes have ministred vnto my necessities/ and to them that were wt me. Ye knowe well that these hōdes haue ministred vnto my necessities/ & to thē that were with me. For ye youre selues knowe, that these handes haue mynistred vnto my necessities, and them that were with me.
20:35 I have shewed you all thyngſ/ howe that soo laborynge ye ought to receave the weake/ ād to remember the wordes off the lorde Iesu/ howe that he sayde: It is more blessed to geve/ thē to receave. I have shewed you all thingſ/ how that so laborynge ye ought to receave the weake/ & to remember the wordes of the Lorde Iesu/ howe that he sayde: It is more blessed to geve/ then to receave. I haue shewed you all thinges/ how that so laboringe ye ought to receaue the weake/ & to remēber the wordes of the Lorde Iesu/ how that he sayde: it is more blessed to geue then to receaue. I haue shewed you all thinges, how that so labouringe ye oughte to receaue the weake, and to remembre the worde of the LORDE, how that he sayde: It is more blessed to geue, then to receaue.
20:36 When he had thus spoken/ he kneled doune/ and prayed with them all. When he had thus spoken/ he kneled doune/ and prayed with them all. When he had thus spoken/ he kneled doune & prayed with thē all. And whan he had sayde this, he kneled downe, and prayed with them all.
20:37 And they wept all aboundantly/ And fell on Pauls necke/ and kissed hym And they wept all aboundantly/ and fell on Pauls necke/ & kissed him/ And they wept all aboūdantly & fell on Pauls necke/ & kissed him/ But there was moch wepynge amonge them all, and they fell aboute Pauls necke, and kyssed him,
20:38 sorowynge/ most of all/ for the wordes/ which he spake/ thatt they shulde se his face noo moore/ And they accompanied hym vnto the shippe. sorowinge most of all for the wordes which he spake/ that they shuld se his face no moore. And they acompanyed him vnto the shyppe. sorowinge most of all for the wordes which he spake/ that they shulde se his face no moore. And they acompanied him vnto the shyppe. and were sory, most of all because of the worde which he had sayde, that they shulde se his face nomore. And they accōpanied him vnto the shippe.