1 Corinthians: Chapter 1

The .i. Epistle of S. Paul To the Corinthyans. The .i. Chapter.
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
TITLE The fyrst pistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corrinthyans. The fyrst epistle of S. Paul the Apostle to the Corinthyans. The fyrst epistle of saynct Paul the Apostle to the Corinthyans. The first Epistle of the Apostle S. Paul, to the Corinthians.
1:1 PAul by vocaciō the Apostle of Iesus Christ thorowe the will of god/ ād brother Sostenes PAul by vocacion an Apostle of Iesus Christ thorow the will of God/ and brother Sostenes. PAul by vocacion an Apostle of Iesus Christ thorow the will of God/ and brother Sostenes. PAul, called to be an Apostle of Iesus Christ thorow ye will of God, and brother Sosthenes,
1:2 Vnto the congregaciō of God which is at Corrinthum. To thē that are sanctifyed in Iesus christ/ sanctſ by callynge/ with all them thatt call on the name of oure lorde Iesus Christ in every place/ both of theirs and of oures. Vnto the congregacion of God which is at Corinthum. To them that are sanctified in Christ Iesu/ sainctes by callynge/ with all that call on the name of oure lorde Iesus Christ in every place/ both of theirs & of oures Vnto the congregacion of God which is at Corinthum. To them that are sanctified in Christ Iesu/ saynctes by callynge/ with all that call on the name of oure Lorde Iesus Christ in euery place/ both of theirs & of oures vnto the congregacion off God which is at Corinthum, to them that are sanctified in Christ Iesus, sayntes by callinge, with all them that call vpon the name of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, in euery place both off theirs and oures.
1:3 Grace be with you and peace from God oure father/ and from the lorde Iesus Christ. Grace be with you and peace frō God oure father/ and from the lorde Iesus Christ. Grace be with you and peace from God oure father/ and from the Lorde Iesus Christ. Grace be with you and peace from God oure father, and from the LORDE Iesus Christ.
1:4 I thanke my god all wayes on youre behalfe for the faveour of god which is gevē you by Iesus Christ/ I thanke my God all wayes on youre behalfe for ye grace of God which is geuen you by Iesus Christ/ I thanke my God all wayes on youre behalfe/ for the grace of God which is geuen you by Iesus Christ/ I thāke my God allwayes on youre behalfe, for the fauoure of God which is geuē you in Iesus Christ,
1:5 that in all thīgſ ye are made ryche by hī/ in all speache and in all knowledge that in all thinges ve are made riche by him in all lerninge and in all knowledge that in all thinges ye are made ryche by him/ in all lerninge and in all knowledge/ that in all poyntes ye are made ryche by him, in euery worde, and in all maner of knowlege
1:6 (even as the testimony of Iesus Christ was confermed ī you) even as the testimony of Iesus Christ was confermed in you) euen as the testimony of Iesus Christ was confermed in you) (euē as ye preachinge of Christ is confirmed in you)
1:7 so that ye are behynde in no gyft/ and wayte for the aperynge off oure lorde Iesus Christ so that ye are behynde in no gyft/ and wayte for the apperynge of oure lorde Iesus Christ so that ye are behynde in no gyft/ & wayte for the apperynge of oure Lorde Iesus Christ so that ye wante nothinge in eny gifte, and wayte but for the appearinge of oure LORDE Iesus Christ:
1:8 which shall strengthe you vnto the ende/ that ye maye be blamlesse in the daye off oure lorde Iesus Christ. which shall strēght you vnto ye ende/ that ye maye be blamelesse in ye daye of oure lorde Iesus Christ. which shall strenght you vnto the ende/ that ye maye be blamelesse in the daye of oure lorde Iesus Christ. which shal strength you also vnto ye ende, that ye maye be blamelesse in the daye of oure LORDE Iesus Christ.
1:9 God is faythfull/ by whom ye are called vnto the fellishyppe off his sonne Iesus Christe oure lorde. ffor god is faythfull/ by whom ye are called vnto ye fellishyppe of his sonne Iesus Christe oure lorde For God is faythfull/ by whom ye are called vnto the fellishippe of his sonne Iesus Christ oure Lorde. For God is faithfull, by whō ye are called vnto the fellishippe of his sonne Iesus Christ oure LORDE.
1:10 I beseche you brethrē ī the name of oure lorde Iesus Christ/ that ye all speake one thynge/ and that there be no dissencion amōge you: but be ye perfect in one mynde/ and one meanynge. I beseche you brethrē in ye name of oure lorde Iesus Christ/ that ye all speake one thynge & that there be no dissencion amōge you: but be ye knyt together in one mynde & in one meāynge. I beseche you brethren in the name of oure Lorde Iesus Christ/ that ye all speake one thinge and that there be no dissencion amonge you: but be ye knyt to gether in one mynde & in one meanynge: But I beseke you brethrē thorow the name of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, that ye all speake one thinge, and let there be no discension amonge you, but that ye be perfecte in one meanynge.
1:11 hit is shewed vnto me (my brethren) off you by them that are of the housse of Cloe/ that there is stryfe amonge you/ It is shewed vnto me (my brethren) of you by them that are of the housse of Cloe/ that ther is stryfe amonge you. And this is it that I meane: It is shewed vnto me (my brethrē) of you/ by them that are of the housse of Cloe/ that ther is stryfe amonge you. For it is shewed me (my brethren) of you, by them which are of ye housholde of Cloes, that there is stryfe amonge you. I speake of that,
1:12 I speake of that which every one of you sayth: I holde of Paul/ Another sayth: I holde of Apollo: Another sayth: I holde off Cephas: ād another sayth I holde of Christ. how that comēlie amonge you/ one sayeth: I holde of Paul: another I holde of Apollo: ye thyrde I holde of Cephas: ye four yt I holde of Christ. And this is it that I meane: how that comenlie amonge you/ one sayeth: I holde of Paul: another I holde of Apollo: the thyrde I holde of Cephas: the fourth I holde of Christ. which euery one of you sayeth: I holde of Paul. Another, I holde of Apollo. The thirde, I holde of Cephas. The fourth, I holde off Christ.
1:13 Ys Christ devided? was Paul crucified for you? other were ye baptised in the name of Paul? Ys Christ devided? was Paul crucified for you? ether were ye baptised in ye name of Paul? Is Christ deuided? was Paul crucified for you? ether were ye baptised in the name of Paul? Is Christ then deuyded in partes? Was Paul crucified for you? Or were ye baptysed in ye name of Paul?
1:14 I thanke god that I cristened none of you/ but Crispus and Gaius/ I thanke God that I christened none of you/ but Crispus & Gayus/ I thanke God that I Christened none of you/ but Crispus and Gayus/ I thanke God that I haue baptised none of you, but Crispus and Gaius:
1:15 lest eny shulde saye that I in myn awne name had baptised. lest eny shulde saye that I had baptised in myne awne name. lest eny shulde saye that I had baptised in myne awne name. lest eny shulde saye, yt I in myne awne name had baptised.
1:16 I baptised also the housse of Stephana. Forthermore knowe I not whether I baptised eny man or noo. I baptised also the housse of Stephana. Forthermore knowe I not whether I baptised eny man or no. I baptised also the housse of Stephana. Forthermore knowe I not whether I baptised eny man or no. I baptysed also ye housholde of Stephana. Farthermore knowe I not, whether I baptysed eny other.
1:17 For Christ sent me not to baptise/ but to preache the gospell/ not with wisdom of wordes/ lest the crosse of Christ shulde have bene made of none effecte. For Christ sent me not to baptyse/ but to preache ye gospell/ not with wysdome of wordes/ lest the crosse of Christ shuld have bene made of none effecte. For Christ sent me not to baptise/ but to preache the gospell/ not with wysdome of wordes/ lest the crosse of Christ shuld haue bene made of none effecte. For Christ sent me not to baptyse, but to preach the Gospell, not with wyssdome of wordes, lest ye crosse of Christ shulde haue bene made of none effecte.
1:18 For the preachynge off the crosse is to them that perisshe folisshnes: but vnto vs which are saved/ it is the power off God. For ye preachinge of the crosse is to them yt perisshe folishnes: but vnto vs which are saved/ it is ye power of God. For the preachynge of the crosse is to them that perisshe folishnes: but vnto vs which are saued it is the power of God. For the worde of ye crosse is foolishnesse to thē that perishe but vnto vs which are saued, it is the power of God.
1:19 For it is written: I will destroye the wisdome of the wyse and will cast awaye the vnderstondynge of the prudent. For it is written: I will destroye the wysdome of the wyse/ & will cast awaye the vnderstondinge of the prudēt. For it is written: I will destroye the wysdome of the wyse and will cast awaye the vnderstondynge of the prudent. For it is wryttē: I wyl destroye the wyssdome of the wyse, & wil cast away the vnderstondinge of ye prudēt.
1:20 Where is the wyse man? where is the scrybe? where is the searcher of this worlde? hath not god made the wisdom of this worlde folisshnes? Where is the wyse? Where is the scrybe? Where is the searcher of this worlde? Hath not God made the wysdome of this worlde folisshnes? Where is the wyse? Where is the scrybe? Where is the searcher of this worlde? Hath not God made the wysdome of this worlde folisshnes? Where are the wyse? Where are ye scrybes? where are ye disputers of this worlde? Hath not God made the wyssdome of this worlde foolishnesse?
1:21 For when the worlde thorow wisdom knew not god/ in the wisdom of god: it pleased god throw folisshnes off preachynge to save them that beleve. For when the worlde thorow wysdome knew not God/ in ye wysdome of God: it pleased God thorow folisshnes of preachinge to save them yt beleve. For when the worlde thorow wysdome knew not God/ in the wysdome of God: it pleased God thorow folysshnes of preachynge to saue them that beleue. For in so moch as the worlde by the wyssdome therof knewe not God in his wyssdome, it pleased God thorow foolish preachinge to saue them yt beleue.
1:22 For the iewes requyre a signe/ and the grekes seke after wisdom. For ye Iewes requyre a signe/ & the Grekes seke after wysdome. For the Iewes require a signe/ and the Grekes seke after wysdome. For the Iewes requyre tokens, and the Grekes axe after wyssdome.
1:23 but we preach Christ crucified/ vnto the iewes an occasion of fallynge and vnto the grekſ folisshnes: But we preache Christ crucified/ vnto the Iewes an occasion of fallinge/ & vnto the Grekes folisshnes: But we preache Christ crucified/ vnto the Iewes an occasion of fallynge/ & vnto the Grekes folisshnes: But we preach Christ the crucified: to the Iewes an occasion off fallinge, and vnto the Grekes foolishnes.
1:24 but vnto them which are called both of Iewes and grekſ we preache Christ the power of god/ and the wisdom of god. but vnto thē which are called both of Iewes & Grekes/ we preache Christ ye power of God/ and the wysdome of God. but vnto them which are called both of Iewes and Grekes/ we preache Christ the power of God and the wysdome of God. But vnto them that are called (both Iewes and Grekes) we preach Christ the power of God and the wyssdome off God.
1:25 For Godly folysshnes is wyser then men: And godly weaknes is stronger then are men. For the folishnes of God is wyser then mē: & the weakenes of God is stronger then men. For the folisshnes of God is wyser then men: & the weakenes of God is stronger then men. For the foolishnes of God is wyser then men: and the weaknes of God is strōger thē men.
1:26 Brethern loke on youre callinge howe that not many wyse men after the flesshe/ not many myghty/ not many of hye degre are called: Brethren loke on youre callinge/ how that not many wyse men after the flesshe/ not many myghty/ not many of hye degre are called: Brethren loke on youre callynge how that not many wyse men after the flesshe/ not many myghty/ not many of hye degre are called: Brethren loke on youre callinge, how that not many wysemē after the flesh, not many mightie, not many of hye degre are called:
1:27 But God hath chosen the folysshe thyngſ off the worlde/ to confounde the wyse. ād hath chosyn the weake thyngſ of the worlde/ to confounde thyngſ which are myghty. but God hath chosen the folysshe thinges of the worlde/ to confounde the wyse. And God hath chosyn the weake thingſ of the worlde/ to confounde thingſ which are mighty. but God hath chosen the folysshe thinges of the worlde/ to confounde the wyse. And God hath chosyn the weake thinges of the worlde/ to confounde thinges which are myghty. but that foolish is before the worlde, hath God chosen, that he mighte cōfounde the wyse: And that weake is before ye worlde, hath God chosen, yt he mighte confounde the mightye.
1:28 And vile thyngſ off the worlde/ and thyngſ which are despysed/ hath god chosen yee and thyngſ of no reputacion/ forto brynge to nought thyngſ off reputacion/ And vile thinges of the worlde/ & thinges which are despysed/ hath God chosen/ yee & thinges of no reputacion/ for to brynge to nought thinges of reputacion/ And vile thinges of the worlde/ and thinges which are despysed/ hath God chosen/ yee and thinges of no reputacion for to brynge to nought thinges of ruputacion/ And the vyle and despysed before the worlde hath God chosen, yee and that which is nothinge, that he mighte destroye that which is oughte,
1:29 that noo flesshe shulde reioyce in his presence. that no flesshe shulde reioyce in his presence. that no flesshe shulde reioyce in his presence. that no flesh shulde reioyse in his presence.
1:30 ād vnto him pertayne ye/ in Christ Iesu/ which off god is made vnto vs wisdom/ ād also rightewesnes/ and sanctifiynge/ and redempcion. And vnto him partayne ye/ in Christ Iesu/ which of God is made vnto vs wysdome/ & also rightewesnes/ and saunctifyinge & redempcion. And vnto him partayne ye/ in Christ Iesu/ which of God is made vnto vs wysdome/ and also ryghtswesnes/ and sanctifyinge and redempcion. Of the same are ye also in Christ Iesu, which of God is made vnto vs wyssdome and righteousnes, and sanctifienge and redēpcion,
1:31 that acordynge as it is written: he which reioyseth/ shulde reioyce in the lorde. That accordinge as it is written: he which reioyseth/ shulde reioyce in the Lorde. That accordynge as it is written: he which reioyseth/ shulde reioyce in the Lorde. that, acordinge as it is wrytten: He that reioyseth, shulde reioyse in the LORDE.


1 Corinthians: Chapter 2

The .i. Epistle of S. Paul To the Corinthyans. The .ij. Chapter.
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
2:1 ANd I brethrē when I cam to you/ cam not in gloriousnes of wordes or of wisdom/ shewynge vnto you the testimony of God. ANd I brethren when I came to you/ came not in gloriousnes of wordes or of wysdome/ shewynge vnto you the testimony of God. ANd I brethren when I came to you/ came not in gloriousnes of wordes or of wysdome/ shewynge vnto you the testimony of God. ANd I brethrē, whā I came vnto you came not wt hye wordes or hye wyssdome, to shewe vnto you the preachinge of Christ.
2:2 Nether shewed I my silfe that I knewe eny thynge amonge you save Iesus Christ/ even the same that was crucified. Nether shewed I my selfe that I knewe eny thinge amonge you save Iesus Christ/ evē the same that was crucified. Nether shewed I my selfe that I knewe eny thinge amonge you saue Iesus Christ/ euen the same that was crucified. For I shewed not forth my selfe amonge you that I knewe eny thinge, saue onely Iesus Christ, euen the sam thate was crucified.
2:3 And I was amonge you in weaknes/ and in frare/ and in moche tremblynge. And I was amōge you in weaknes/ & in feare/ & in moche trēblinge. And I was amonge you in weaknes/ and in feare/ and in moche tremblynge. And I was amonge you in weaknes, and in feare, and in moch tremblinge:
2:4 And my wordes/ ād my preachīge were not with entysynge wordes of mannes wysdom: but in shewynge of the sprete and of power/ And my wordes & my preachinge were not with entysynge wordes of mānes wysdome: but in shewinge of ye sprete & of power/ And my wordes and my preachinge was not with entysynge wordes of mannes wysdome: but in shewinge of the sprete and of power/ and my worde and my preachinge was not with entysinge wordes of mans wyssdome, but in shewinge of the sprete and of power:
2:5 that youre fayth shulde nott stonde in the wisdom off men/ but in the power of god. that youre fayth shuld not stonde in ye wysdome of mē/ but in ye power of God. that youre fayth shuld not stonde in the wysdome of men: but in the power of God. that youre faith shulde not stonde in the wyssdome of men, but in the power of God.
2:6 We speake that which is wisdom amonge them that are perfaicte: not the wisdō of this worlde nether off the ruelars off this worlde (which goeth to nought) That we speake of/ is wysdome amonge them that are perfecte: not the wysdome of this worlde nether of the rulars of this worlde (which go to nought) That we speake of/ is wysdome amonge them that are perfecte: not the wysdome of this worlde nether of the rulars of this worlde (which go to nought) That we speake of, is wyssdome amonge thē yt are perfecte: not ye wyssdome of this worlde, nether of the rulers of this worlde which go to naughte:
2:7 but we speake the wisdom off god/ which is in secrete and lieth hid/ which god ordeyned before the worlde vnto oure glory: but we speake ye wysdome of God/ which is in secrete & lieth hyd/ which God ordeyned before the worlde vnto oure glory: but we speake the wysdome of God/ which is in secrete & lyeth hyd/ which God ordeyned before the worlde/ vnto oure glory: but we speake of the wyssdome of God, which is in secrete and lyeth hyd: which God ordeyned before the worlde vnto oure glorye:
2:8 which wisdom none of the ruelars of the worlde knewe. For had they knowen it/ they wolde not have crucified the lorde of glory: which wysdome none of ye rulars of the worlde knewe. For had they knowē it/ they wolde not have crucified the Lorde of glory. which wysdome none of the rulars of this worlde knewe. For had they knowē it/ they wolde not haue crucifyed the Lorde of glory. which none of ye rulers of this worlde knewe. For yf they had knowne it, they had not crucified the LORDE of glorye,
2:9 but as it is writtē The eye hath not sene/ and the eare hath not hearde/ nether have entred into the herte of mā/ the thynges which god hath prepared for them that love hym. But as it is written: The eye hath not sene/ & the eare hath not hearde/ nether have entred into the herte of man/ ye thinges which God hath prepared for them that love him. But as it is written: The eye hath not sene/ & the eare hath not hearde/ nether haue entred into the hert of mā/ the thinges which God hath prepared for them that loue him. but as it is wrytten: The eye hath not sene, and the eare hath not herde, nether hath it entred in to the hert of man that God hath prepared for them that loue him.
2:10 But God hath opened them vnto vs by hys sprete. For the sprete searcheth all thyngſ/ yee the bottom of goddes secretſ. But God hath opened them vnto vs by his sprete. For ye sprete searcheth all thinges/ ye the bottome of Goddes secretes. But God hath opened them vnto vs by his sprete. For the sprete searcheth all thinges/ ye the bottome of Goddes secretes. But God hath opened it vnto vs by his sprete. For the sprete searcheth out all thinges, yee euen the depenesses of the Godheade.
2:11 For what mā knoweth the thyngſ of a mā: save the sprete off a mā whiche is with in hym? Even so the thyngſ off god knoweth no man/ but the sprete of god. For what man knoweth the thingſ of a mā: save ye sprete of a man which is with in him? Even so ye thinges of God knoweth no man/ but ye sprete of god. For what man knoweth the thinges of a man: saue the sprete of a man which is with in him. Euen so the thinges of God knoweth no man/ but the sprete of God. For what mā knoweth what is in man, saue the sprete of mā which is in him? Euen so no man knoweth what is in God, saue ye sprete of God.
2:12 and we have nott receaved the sprete off the worlde: but the sprete which commeth of god/ for to knowe the thyngſ that are gevē to vs vf god/ And we have not receaved the sprete of ye worlde: but the sprete which cōmeth of god/ for to knowe the thingſ that are gevē to vs of god/ And we haue not receaued the sprete of the worlde: but the sprete which commeth of God/ for to knowe the thinges that are geuen to vs of God/ As for vs, we haue not receaued the sprete of this worlde, but the sprete which cōmeth of God, so that we cā knowe what is geuē vs of God:
2:13 which thyngſ also we speake/ not ī the cōnynge wordes off mannes wisdom/ but with the cōnynge wordes off the holy goost/ makynge spretuall cōparesons of spretuall thyngſ. which thinges also we speake/ not in the cōnynge wordes of mānes wysdome/ but with the cōnynge wordes of the holy goost/ makynge spretuall cōparesons of spretuall thingſ. which thinges also we speake/ not in the cōnynge wordes of mannes wysdome/ but with the cōninge wordes of the holy goost/ makinge spretuall comparisons of spretuall thinges. which we also speake, not with connynge wordes of mās wyssdome, but with the cōnynge wordes of the holy goost, and iudge spirituall matters spiritually.
2:14 For the naturall mā perceaveth not the thyngſ off the sprete off god: For they are but folysshnes vnto hym. nether cā he preceave them be cause he is spretually examyned: For ye naturall man perceaveth not the thingſ of the sprete of god. For they are but folysshnes vnto him. Nether can he perceave them/ because he is spretually examined. For the naturall man perceaueth not the thinges of the sprete of god. For they are but folyshnes vnto him. Nether can he perceaue thē/ because he is spretually examined. Howbeit the naturall man perceaueth nothinge of ye sprete of God. It is foolishnes vnto him, and he can not perceaue it: for it must be spiritually discerned.
2:15 but he that is sprituall discusseth all thyngſ: yet he hym silfe is iudged off no man. But he that is spretuall/ discusseth all thinges: yet he him selfe is iudged of no mā. But he that is spretuall/ discusseth all thinges: yet he him selfe is iudged of no man. But he that is spirituall, discusseth all thinges, and he is iudged of noman.
2:16 For who knoweth the mynde of the lorde/ other who shall īforme hym? but we vnderstonde the mynde off Christ. For who knoweth the mynde of the Lorde/ other who shall informe him? But we vnderstonde the mynde of Christ. For who knoweth the mynde of the Lorde/ other who shall informe him? But we vnderstonde the mynde of Christ. For who hath knowne ye mynde of the LORDE? Or who shal enfourme him? But we haue the mynde of Christ.


1 Corinthians: Chapter 3

The .i. Epistle of S. Paul To the Corinthyans. The .iij. Chapter.
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
3:1 ANd I coulde not speake vnto you brethren as vnto spirituall: but as vnto carnall/ even as it were vnto babes in Christ. ANd I coulde not speake vnto you brethrē as vnto spretuall: but as vnto carnall/ even as it were vnto babes in Christ. ANd I coulde not speake vnto you brethren as vnto spretuall: but as vnto carnall/ euen as it were vnto babes in Christ. ANd I brethren, coulde not speake vnto you as vnto spirituall, but as vnto carnall, euen as vnto babes in Christ.
3:2 I gave you mylke to drynke and not meate. For ye then were not stronge/ noo nether yet are stronge. I gave you mylke to drinke & not meate. For ye then were not stronge/ no nether yet are. I gaue you mylke to drinke and not meate. For ye then were not strōge/ no nether yet are. I gaue you mylke to drynke, and not meate, for ye mighte not then awaye withall, nether maye ye yet euen now,
3:3 For ye are yet carnall. As longe verely as there is amōge you envyinge/ stryfe/ and dissencion: are ye not carnall/ and walke after the māner of men? For ye are yet carnall. As longe verely as ther is amōge you envyīge/ stryfe/ & dissenciō: are ye not carnall/ & walke after ye manner of mē? For ye are yet carnall. As lōge verely as ther is amonge you enuyinge/ stryfe & dissenciō: are ye not carnall/ & walke after the māner of men? in so moch as ye are yet fleshlye. For seynge there is enuyenge, stryfe, and discencion amonge you, are ye not fleshly, & walke after ye maner of men?
3:4 As louge as one sayth: I holde of Paul/ and another/ I am of apollo. are ye not carnall? As lōge as one sayth/ I holde of Paul/ & another/ I am of Apollo/ are ye not carnall? As longe as one sayth/ I holde of Paul and another I am of Apollo/ are ye not carnall? For whan one sayeth: I holde of Paul: another, I holde of Apollo, are ye not thē fleshlye?
3:5 What is Paul? what thīge is apollo? but ministers by whōne ye beleeved even as the lorde gave every man grace. What is Paul? What thinge is Apollo? Only miministers are they by whō ye beleved/ even as the Lorde gave every mā grace. What is Paul? What thinge is Apollo? Only ministers are they by whō ye beleued/ euē as the Lorde gaue euery mā grace. What is Paul? What is Apollo? Euē mynisters are they, by whom ye are come to the beleue, and the same, acordinge as the LORDE hath geuen vnto euery man.
3:6 I have planted: Apollo watred: but god gave the increare. I have planted: Apollo watred: but god gave increace. I haue planted/ Apollo watred: but God gaue the increace. I haue planted, Apollo hath watred, but God hath geuen the increase.
3:7 So then/ nether is he that planteth eny thynge/ nether he that watreth: but god which gave the increare. So then/ nether is he that planteth eny thinge/ nether he yt watreth: but god which gave the increace. So then/ nether is he that planteth eny thinge/ nether he that watreth: but God that gaue the increace. So then nether is he that planteth, eny thinge, nether he that watreth, but God which geueth the increase.
3:8 He that planteth/ and he that watreth/ are nether better then the other. Every man yet shall receave his rewarde acordynge to his labour. He that planteth and he that watreth/ are nether better then the other. Every man yet shall receave his rewarde accordynge to his laboure. He that planteth and he that watreth/ are nether better then the other. Euery man yet shall receaue his rewarde accordinge to his laboure. As for him that planteth, and he that watreth, ye one is as the other: but yet shal euery one receaue his rewarde acordinge to his laboure.
3:9 We are goddis labourers: ye are goddis husbandrye/ ye are goddis byldynge. We are goddis labourers/ ye are goddis husbandrye/ ye are goddis byldynge. We are Goddes labourers/ ye are Goddes husbandrye/ ye are Goddes byldinge. For we are Gods labourers, ye are Gods hussbandry, ye are Gods buyldinge.
3:10 Acordynge to the grace of god gevē vnto me/ as a wyse bilder have I layde the foūdacion/ another hath bylt therō: but let every mā take hede howe he bildeth apon. Accordynge to the grace of god geven vnto me/ as a wyse bylder have I layde the foundaciō And another bylt therō. But let every mā take hede how he bildeth apō. Accordinge to the grace of God geuen vnto me/ as a wyse bylder haue I layde the foundaciō. And a nother bylt therō. But let euery mā take hede how he byldeth vpō. Acordinge to the grace of God which is geuen vnto me, as a wyse buylder haue I layed the foundacion, but another buyldeth theron. Yet let euery man take hede how he buyldeth theron.
3:11 For other foundacion can no nam laye/ then that which is layde/ which is Iesus Christ. For other foundacion can no man laye/ then yt which is layde/ which is Iesus Christ. For other foundacion can no mā laye/ then that which is layde/ which is Iesus Christ. For other foūdacion can noman laye, then that which is layed, the which is Iesus Christ.
3:12 Yff eny man bilde on this foundacion/ golde/ silver/ precious stones/ tymber/ haye/ or stuble: Yf eny man bilde on this foundacion/ golde/ silver/ precious stones tymber/ haye or stoble: Yf eny man bylde on this foundacion/ golde/ siluer/ precious stones: tymber/ haye or stoble: But yf eny man buylde vpon this foundacion, golde, syluer, precious stones, tymber, haye, stobble,
3:13 every mānes worke shall apere. for the daye shall declare it/ and it shalbe shewed in fyre/ and the fyre shall trye every mannes worke what it is. every mannes worke shall appere. For the daye shall declare it/ and it shalbe shewed in fyre. And ye fyre shall trye euery mannes worke/ what it is. euery mannes worke shall appere. For the daye shall declare it & it shalbe shewed in fyre. And the fyre shall trye euery mannes worke what it is. euery mās worke shal be shewed. For the daye of the LORDE shal declare it, which shal be shewed with fyre: and the fyre shal trye euery mās worke what it is.
3:14 Yf eny mannes worke that he hath bylt apō byde/ he shall receave a rewarde. Yf eny mannes worke yt he hath bylt apon/ byde/ he shall receave a rewarde. Yf eny mannes worke that he hath bilt vpō/ byde/ he shall receaue a rewarde. Yf eny mans worke that he hath buylde theron, abyde, he shal receaue a rewarde:
3:15 Yf eny mānes worke burne/ he shall suffre losse: butt he shalbe safe hym sylfe. neverthelesse yet as itt were thorow fyre. If eny mānes worke burne he shall suffre losse: but he shalbe safe him selfe: neverthelesse yet as it were thorow fyre. If eny mānes worke burne/ he shall suffre losse/ but he shalbe safe him selfe: neuerthelesse yet as it were thorow fyre. Yf eny mans worke burne, he shal suffre losse: but he shal be saued himselfe, neuertheles as thorow fyre.
3:16 Are ye nott ware that ye are the tēple of god/ and howe that the sprete of god dwelleth ī you? Are ye not ware that ye are the temple of god/ and how that the sprete of god dwelleth in you? Are ye not ware that ye are the temple of God/ & how that the sprete of God dwelleth in you? Knowe ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the sprete of God dwelleth in you?
3:17 Yf eny man defyle the temple of god/ hym shall god destroye. For the temple off God is holy/ which temple are ye. Yf eny man defyle the temple of god him shall god destroye. For the temple of god is holy/ which temple ye are. Yf eny man defyle the tēple of God/ him shall God destroye. For the tēple of God is holy/ which temple ye are. Yf eny man defyle the tēple of God, him shal God destroye. For the temple of God is holy, which ye are.
3:18 Lett no man deceave hym silfe/ yf eny man seme wyse amonge you/ let him be a fole in thys worlde/ that he maye be wyse. Let no man deceave him silfe. Yf eny man seme wyse amonge you/ let him be a fole in this worlde/ that he maye be wyse. Let no mā deceaue him selfe. Yf eny man seme wyse amonge you/ let him be a fole in this worlde/ that he maye be wyse. Let no mā disceaue himselfe. Yf eny man thinke himselfe wyse amōge you, let him become a foole in this worlde, that he maye be wyse.
3:19 For the wisdom of this worlde is folyssnes with God. For it is writen: He compaseth the wyse in their craftynes. For ye wisdome of this worlde is folysshnes with god. For it is writtē: he compaseth the wyse in their craftynes. For the wysdome of this worlde is folysshnes with God. For it is writtē: he compaseth the wyse in their craftynes. For the wyssdome off this worlde is foolishnes with God. For it is wrytten: He compaseth the wyse in their craftynesse.
3:20 And agayne/ God knoweth the thoughtes of the wyse that they be vayne. And agayne/ God knoweth the thoughtes of the wyse that they be vayne. And agayne/ God knoweth the thoughtes of the wyse that they be vayne. And agayne: The LORDE knoweth the thoughtes of the wyse, that they are vayne.
3:21 Therfore let no man reioyce in men. For all thyngſ are youres/ Therfore let no mā reioyce in men. For all thinges are youres/ Therfore let no mā reioyce in men. For all thinges are youres/ Therfore let no man reioyse in men. For all is youres,
3:22 whether it be Paul/ other Apollo/ other Cephas: wether it be the worlde/ other lyfe/ other deeth/ whether they be present thyngſ or thyngſ to come: all are youres/ whether it be Paul/ other Apollo/ other Cephas: whether it be ye worlde/ other lyfe/ other deeth/ whether they be present thingſ or thinges to come: all are youres/ whether it be Paul/ ether Apollo/ ether Cephas: whether it be the worlde/ ether lyfe/ ether deeth/ whether they be present thinges or thinges to come: all are youres/ whether it be Paul or Apollo, whether it be Cephas or the worlde, whether it be life or death, whether it be presente or for to come. All is youres,
3:23 and ye are Christes/ and Christ is goddis. & ye are Christes/ and Christ is goddis. and ye are Christes/ and Christ is Goddes. but ye are Christes, and Christ is Gods.


1 Corinthians: Chapter 4

The .i. Epistle of S. Paul To the Corinthyans. The .iiij. Chapter.
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
4:1 LEt men this wyse esteme vs/ evē as the ministers of Christ/ ād disposers of the secretſ of god. LEt men this wyse esteme vs/ evē as the ministers of Christ/ and disposers of ye secretes of God. LEt men this wyse esteme vs/ euē as the ministers of Christ/ & disposers of the secretes of God. LEt euery man this wyse esteme vs, euen for the mynisters of Christ, and stewardes of the secretes of God.
4:2 furthermore it is required of the disposers that they be founde faithfull. Furthermore it is requyred of the disposers that they be founde faithfull. Furthermore it is requyred of the disposers that they be foūde faythfull. Now is there no more requyred of the stewardes, then, that they be founde faithfull.
4:3 With me is it but a very smale thīge/ that I shulde be iudged of you/ other of mās daye. No I iudge not myn awne silfe. With me is it but a very smal thinge/ that I shuld be iudged of you/ ether of (mans daye) No I iudge not myn awne selfe. With me is it but a very smal thinge/ that I shuld be iudged of you/ ether of (mans daye) No I iudge not myn awne selfe. It is but a small thinge vnto me, that I shulde be iudged of you, or of mans daye, nether iudge I myne awne selfe.
4:4 I know nought by my silfe: yet am I not therby iustified. hit is the lorde that iudgeth me. I know nought by my selfe: yet am I not therby iustified. It is the Lorde that iudgeth me. I know nought by my selfe: yet am I not therby iustified. It is the Lorde that iudgeth me. I knowe noughte by my selfe, yet am I not therby iustified. It is the LORDE that iudgeth me.
4:5 Therfore iudge no thynge before the tyme/ vntill the lorde come/ which will lighten thyngſ that are hid in darcknes: and open the counsels of the hertſ. and then shall every mā have prayse off God. Therfore iudge no thinge before the tyme/ vntill the Lorde come/ which will lighten thinges that are hyd in darcknes and opē the counsels of the hertes. And then shall every man have prayse of God. Therfore iudge nothinge before the tyme vntill the Lorde come/ which will lighten thinges that are hyd in darcknes & open the counsels of the hertes. And then shall euery man haue prayse of God. Therfore iudge ye nothinge before ye tyme, vntyll the LORDE come, which shal brynge it to lighte that is hyd in darknesse, and opē the councels of ye hertes, and thē shal euery one haue prayse of God.
4:6 These thīgſ brethren I have described ī myn awne person/ and Apollos: for youre sakſ/ that ye myght learne by vs thatt no man counte off hym silfe beyonde that which is above written: that one swell nott agaynst another for eny mans cause. These thingſ brethrē I have described in myn awne person & Apollos/ for youre sakſ/ that ye myght learne by vs/ that no man coūte of him selfe beyonde that which is above written: that one swell not agaynst another for eny mans cause. These thinges brethrē I haue described in myne awne person & Apollos/ for your sakes/ that ye myght learne by vs/ that no man coūte of him selfe beyonde that which is aboue written: that one swell not agaynst another for eny mans cause. These thinges brethren haue I described in myne awne preson & in Apollos for youre sakes, that ye mighte lerne by vs, that noman counte hygher of him self, then aboue is wrytten, that one be not puft vp agaynst another for eny mans cause.
4:7 For who perferreth the? What hast thou/ that thou hast not receaved? yf thou have receaved it: why reioysest thou as though thou haddest not receaved it? For who preferreth the? What hast thou/ that thou hast not receaved? Yf thou have receaved it/ why reioysest thou as though thou haddest not receaved it? For who preferreth the? What hast thou/ that thou hast not receaued? Yf thou haue receaued it/ why reioysest thou as though thou haddest not receaued it? For who preferreth the? What hast thou that thou hast not receaued? Yf thou hast receaued it, why makest thou thē thy boost, as though thou haddest not receaued it?
4:8 Nowe ye are full: nowe ye are made rych. ye raygne as kyngſ with out vs: ād I wold to god ye did raygne/ that we myght raygne with you. Now ye are full: now ye are made rych: ye raygne as kingſ with out vs: & I wold to god ye dyd raygne/ that we might raygne with you. Now ye are full: now ye are made rych: ye raygne as kinges without vs: & I wolde to God ye dyd raygne/ that we might raygne wt you. Now ye are full, now ye are made riche, ye raigne without vs, and wolde God ye dyd raigne, that we might raigne with you.
4:9 My thynketh that god hath shewed vs which are apostles/ for the hynmost off all/ as it were men apoynted to deeth/ for we are a gasyngstocke vnto the worlde/ and to the angels/ and to mē/ Me thinketh that God hath set forth vs which are Apostles/ for the lowest of all/ as it were mē appoynted to deeth. For we are a gasyngestocke vnto the worlde/ & to ye angels/ & to men. Me thinketh that God hath set forth vs which are Apostles/ for the lowest of all/ as it were men apoynted to deeth. For we are a gasyngestocke vnto the worlde/ & to the angels/ & to men. Me thynketh that God hath set forth vs Apostles for the lowest off all, euen as those that are appoynted vnto death. For we are a gasynge stocke vnto ye worlde and to the angels, and vnto men.
4:10 we are foles for Christes sake/ ād ye are wyse thorow Christ: we are weake/ ād ye are strōge. ye are honorable and we are despised. We are foles for Christes sake/ & ye are wyse thorow Christ. We are weake/ & ye are strōge. Ye are honorable & we are despised. We are foles for Christes sake/ & ye are wyse thorow Christ. We are weake/ & ye are strōge. Ye are honorable/ & we are despised We are fooles for Christes sake, but ye are wyse in Christ: We weake, but ye strōge: Ye honorable, but we despysed.
4:11 Even vnto this daye we honger and thyrst/ and are naked/ and are boffetted with fistes/ and have no certayne dwellynge place/ Evē vnto this daye we honger & thyrst/ & are naked/ & are boffetted wt fistes/ & have no certayne dwellinge place/ Euē vnto this daye we honger & thyrst/ & are naked/ & are boffetted with fistes/ & haue no certayne dwellinge place/ Euen vnto this daye we hōger and thyrst, and are naked, and are boffetted with fystes, and haue no certayne dwellinge place,
4:12 and labour workynge with oure owne hondes. We are reviled/ and yet we blesse. we are persecuted/ and suffer it. and laboure workinge with oure awne hondes. We are revyled/ & yet we blesse. We are persecuted/ & suffer it. and laboure workinge with oure awne hondes. We are reuyled/ & yet we blesse. We are persecuted/ & suffer it. and laboure and worke with oure awne handes. We are reuyled, and yet we blesse: we are persecuted, and suffre it:
4:13 We are evyll spoken off/ ād we praye. we are made as it were the filthynes off the worlde/ the ofscowrynge of all thīges/ evē vnto thys tyme. We are evyll spoken of/ and we praye. We are made as it were the filthynes of the worlde/ the of scowringe of all thinges/ even vnto this tyme. We are euyll spoken of/ & we praye. We are made as it were the filthynes of the worlde/ the ofscowringe of all thinges/ euē vnto this tyme. We are euell spoken of, and we praye: We are become as it were the very outswepinges of ye worlde, yee the of scowringe of all men vnto this tyme.
4:14 I write not these thyngſ to shame you: but as my beloved sonnes I warne you. I write not these thinges to shame you: but as my beloved sonnes I warne you. I wryte not these thinges to shame you: but as my beloued sonnes I warne you. I wryte not this to shame you, but as my deare childrē I warne you.
4:15 For though ye have ten thousande instructours in Christ: yet have ye nott many fathers. In Christ Iesu/ I have begotten you thorowe the gospell. For though ye have ten thousande instructours in Christ: yet have ye not many fathers. In Christ Iesu/ I have begotten you thorowe ye gospell. For though ye haue ten thousande instructours in Christ: yet haue ye not many fathers. In Christ Iesu/ I haue begottē you thorow the gospell. For though ye haue ten thousande instructours in Christ yet haue ye not many fathers. For I haue begotten you in Christ Iesu thorow ye Gospell?
4:16 Wherfore I desyre you to counterfayte me. Wherfore I desyre you to folowe me. Wherfore I desyre you to folowe me. Wherfore I exhorte you, be ye my folowers.
4:17 For this cause have I sent vnto you Timotheus/ which is my deare sonne/ and faithfull in the lorde/ which shall put you in remembraunce off my wayes which I have in Christ/ even as I teach every where in all congregacions. For this cause have I sent vnto you Timotheus/ which is my deare sonne/ & faithfull in the Lorde/ which shall put you in remembraūce of my wayes which I have in Christ/ evē as I teache every where in all congregaciōs. For this cause haue I sent vnto you Timotheus/ which is my deare sonne/ & faythfull in the Lorde/ which shall put you in remembraūce of my wayes which I haue in Christ/ euen as I teache euery where in all congregaciōs. For this cause haue I sent vnto you Timotheus (which is my deare sonne, and faithfull in the LORDE) that he maye put you in remembraunce of my wayes, which are in Christ, euē as I teach euery where in all congregacions.
4:18 Some swell as though I wolde come no more at you: Some swell as though I wolde come no more at you. Some swell as though I wolde come no more at you. Some are puft vp, as though I wolde come nomore at you.
4:19 but I will come to you shortely/ yf god will/ and will knowe/ not the wordes off them whiche swell/ but the power. But I will come to you shortely/ yf God will: & will knowe/ not ye wordes of thē which swell/ but ye power: But I will come to you shortely/ yf God will: & will knowe/ not the wordes of thē which swell/ but the power: But I wil come to you shortly (yf the LORDE wyl) and wyl knowe, not the wordes of thē that are puft vp, but ye power.
4:20 For the kyngdom off God is not in wordes/ but in power. for ye kyngdome of God is not in wordes/ but in power. for the kyngdome of God is not in wordes/ but in power. For the kyngdome of God is not ī wordes, but in power.
4:21 What will ye? Shall I come vnto you with a rodde/ or els in love/ and in the sprete of mekenes? What will ye? Shall I come vnto you with a rodde/ or els in love & in the sprete of mekenes? What will ye? Shall I come vnto you with a rodde/ or els in loue & in the sprete of mekenes? What wil ye? Shal I come vnto you wt the rodd, or with loue and the sprete of mekenesse?


1 Corinthians: Chapter 5

The .i. Epistle of S. Paul To the Corinthyans. The .v. Chapter.
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
5:1 THere goeth a commen saynge that there is fornicaciō amonge you/ ād soche fornicaciō as is not once named amonge the gentyls: that won shulde have his fathers wyfe. THere goeth a cōmen sayinge that ther is fornicacion amōge you/ & soche fornicacion as is not once named amonge the gentyls: that one shuld have his fathers wyfe. THere goeth a cōmen sayinge that ther is fornicacion amōge you/ & soche fornicacion as is not once named amonge the gentyls: that one shuld haue his fathers wyfe. THere goeth a commen reporte, that there is whordome amōge you, and soch whordome, as is not once named amōge the Heythen, that one shulde haue his fathers wife.
5:2 and ye swell and have not rather sorowed/ that he which hath done this dede myght be put from amōge you. And ye swell and have not rather sorowed/ yt he which hath done this dede/ myght be put frō amōge you. And ye swell/ and haue not rather sorowed/ that he which hath done this dede/ might be put frō amōge you. And ye are puft vp, and haue not rather sorowed, that he which hath done this dede, mighte be put frō amōge you.
5:3 For I verely as absent in body/ even so present ī sprete/ have determined all redy (as though I were present) of hym that hath done this dede/ For I verely as absent in body/ even so present in sprete/ have determyned all redy (as though I were present) of him that hath done this dede/ For I verely as absent in body/ euen so present in sprete haue determyned all redy (as though I were present of him that hath done this dede/ For I verely as absent in body, but present in sprete, haue determyned allready as though I were present (cōcernynge him that hath done this dede)
5:4 in the name of oure lorde Iesu Christ/ when ye are gaddered togedder/ ād my sprete/ with the power off the lord Iesus Christ/ in the name of oure Lorde Iesu Christ/ when ye are gaddered togedder/ & my sprete/ with the power of the Lorde Iesus Christ/ in the name of oure Lorde Iesu Christ/ when ye are gaddered to gether/ & my sprete/ with the power of the Lorde Iesus Christ/ in ye name of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, whā ye are gathered together with my sprete, and with the power of oure LORDE Iesus Christ,
5:5 to deliver hym vnto Satā/ for the destrucciō of the flesshe that the sprete maye be saved in the daye off the lorde Iesus. to deliver him vnto Satan/ for ye destrucciō of the flesshe/ yt the sprete maye be saved in ye daye of ye Lorde Iesus. to deliuer him vnto Satan/ for the destruccion of the flesshe/ that the sprete maye be saued in the daye of the Lorde Iesus. to delyuer him vnto Sathan for the destruccion of the flesh, that the sprete maye be saued in the daye of the LORDE Iesus.
5:6 Youre reioysynge is not good. Knowe ye not that a lytell leven sowereth the whole lōpe of dowe? Youre reioysinge is not good: knowe ye not that a lytle levē sowreth the whole lompe of dowe. Youre reioysinge is not good: knowe ye not that a lytle leuē sowreth the whole lompe of dowe. Youre reioysinge is not good. Knowe ye not that a litle leuen sowereth the whole lompe of dowe?
5:7 pourge therfore the olde leven/ that ye maye be newe dowe as ye are swete breed. For Christ oure ester lambe is offered vppe for vs. Pourge therfore the olde leven/ that ye maye be newe dowe/ as ye are swete breed. For Christ oure esterlambe is offered vp for vs. Pourge therfore the olde leuē/ that ye maye be newe dowe/ as ye are swete breed. For Christ oure esterlambe is offered vp for vs. Pourge out therfore the olde leuen, that ye maye be new dowe, like as ye are swete bred. For we also haue an Easter lambe, which is Christ, that is offred for vs.
5:8 Therfore let vs kepe holydaye/ not with olde leven/ nether with the levē of maliciousnes ād wickednes but with the swete breed of purenes and trueth. Therfore let vs kepe holy daye/ not with olde levē/ nether with the leven of maliciousnes and wickednes: but with the swete breed of purenes and truth. Therfore let vs kepe holy daye/ not with olde leuen/ nether with the leuen of maliciousnes and wickednes: but with the swete breed of purenes and truthe. Wherfore let vs kepe Easter, not in ye olde leuen, ner in the leuen of maliciousnes, and wickednes, but in the swete bred of purenesse and of the trueth.
5:9 I worte vnto you in a pistle that ye shulde not cōpany with fornicatours. I wrote vnto you in a pistle that ye shuld not company with fornicatours. I wrote vnto you in a pistle that ye shuld not company with fornicatours. I wrote vnto you in the Epistle, that ye shulde haue nothinge to do with whoremōgers,
5:10 And I meante nott atall of the fornicatours of this world/ other off the coveteous/ or of extorsioners/ other of the ydolaters: for then muste ye nedes have gone out of the worlde: And I meāt not at all of the fornicatours of this worlde/ ether of the coveteous/ or of extorsioners/ ether of the ydolaters: for then must ye nedes have gone out of ye worlde. And I meāt not at all of the fornicatours of this worlde/ ether of the coueteous/ or of extorsioners/ ether of the ydolaters: for then must ye nedes haue gont out of the worlde. & that meant I not at all of the whoremongers of this worlde, ether of the couetous, or of extorcioners, or of thē that worshippe ymages, for then must ye nedes haue gone out of the worlde.
5:11 but now I have written vnto you that ye cōpany not togedder. Yf eny that is called a brother/ be a fornicator/ or coveteous/ or a worshipper of ymages/ other a raylar/ other a dronkard/ or an extorcionar: with hym that is soche se that ye eate not. But now I write vnto you/ that ye company not togedder/ yf eny that is called a brother/ be a fornicator/ or coveteous/ or a worshipper of ymages/ ether a raylar/ ether a dronkard/ or an extorcionar: with him that is soche se that ye eate not. But now I write vnto you/ that ye company not to gether/ yf eny that is called a brother/ be a fornicator/ or coueteous/ for a worshipper of ymages/ ether a raylar/ ether a dronkard/ or an extorcionar: with him that is soche se that ye eate not. But now haue I wryttē vnto you, yt ye shulde haue nothinge to do with them: (Namely,) yf there be eny man that is called a brother, and is an whoremonger, or couetous, or a worshipper of ymages, ether a raylar, or a dronkarde, or an extorcioner, with soch shal ye not eate.
5:12 For what have I to do to iudge thē which are with out? Do ye not iudge thē that are with in? For what have I to do/ to iudge them which are with out? Do ye not iudge them that are with in? or what haue I to do/ to iudge them which are without? Do ye not iudge them that are with in? For what haue I to do to iudge them that are without? Do ye not iudge thē that are within?
5:13 Thē that are with out/ god shall iudge. Put awaye from amonge you that evyll parsone. Them that are with out/ God shall iudge. Put awaye from amonge you/ that evyll parson. Them that are without/ God shall iudge. Put awaye from amonge you/ that euyll parson. As for them that are without, God shal iudge them. Put awaye frō you him that is euell.


1 Corinthians: Chapter 6

The .i. Epistle of S. Paul To the Corinthyans. The .vj. Chapter.
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
6:1 HOwe dare one of you havynge busines with another/ goo to lawe vnder the wicked? ād not rather vnder the sanctſ? HOw dare one of you havinge busines with another/ goo to lawe vnder the wicked/ & not rather vnder the sainctes? HOw dare one of you hauinge busines with another go to lawe vnder the wicked/ & not rather vnder the saynctes? HOw dare one off you hauynge busynes with another, go to lawe before the vnrighteous, and not before the sayntes?
6:2 Do ye not know that the saynctſ shall iudge the worlde? Yf the worlde shalbe iudged by you: are ye nott goode ynought to iudge smale tryfles. Do ye not know that the sainctes shall iudge the worlde? If the worlde shalbe iudged by you: are ye not good ynough to iudge smale trifles: Do ye not know that the sainctes shall iudge the worlde? If the worlde shalbe iudged by you: are ye not good ynough to iudge small trifles: Do ye not knowe that the sayntes shal iudge the worlde? Yf the worlde then shalbe iudged off you, are ye not good ynough to iudge small matters?
6:3 Knowe ye not howe that we shall iudge the angels? Howe moche more maye we iudge thyngſ that pertayne to the lyfe? knowe ye not how that we shall iudge the angles? How moche more maye we iudge thinges that partayne to ye lyfe? knowe ye not how that we shall iudge the angels? How moche more maye we iudge thinges that partayne to the life? Knowe ye not that we shal iudge the angels? how moch more thinges that pertayne to the tēporall life?
6:4 yf ye have iudgemētſ off wordely matters/ take thē which are despised ī the congregaciō/ ād make them iudges. If ye have iudgementſ of worldely matters/ take them which are despised in ye congregaciō/ & make them iudges. If ye haue iudgemētes of worldely matters/ take them which are despised in the congregaciō/ & make them iudges. Therfore yf ye haue iudgmentes of temporall matters, take them that are despysed in the congregacion, and set them to be iudges.
6:5 This I saye to youre shame Ys there vtterly no wyse man amonge you? what not one att all? that cā iudge bitwene brother ād brother? This I saye to youre shame. Is ther vtterly no wyse man amōge you? What not one at all/ yt can iudge bitwene brother & brother/ This I saye to youre shame. Is ther vtterly no wyse man amōge you? What not one at all/ that can iudge bitwene brother and brother/ This I saye to youre shame. Is there vtterly no wyse man amōge you? What not one at all, that can iudge betwene brother & brother?
6:6 but one brother goeth to lawe with another: and that vnder the vnbelevers? but one brother goeth to lawe with another: & that vnder the vnbelevers? but one brother goeth to lawe with another: and that vnder the vnbeleuers? but one brother goeth to lawe with another, and that before the vnbeleuers?
6:7 Nowe therfore is there vtterly a faute amonge you/ be cause ye goo to lawe one with another Why rather suffer ye not wronge? why rather suffre ye not youre selves to be robbed? Now therfore ther is vtterly a faute amonge you/ because ye goo to lawe one with another. Why rather suffer ye not wronge? why rather suffre ye not youre selves to be robbed? Now therfore there is vtterly a faute amōge you/ because ye go to lawe one with another. Why rather suffer ye not wronge? why rather suffre ye not your selues to be robbed? Now therfore is there vtterly a faute amōge you, that ye go to lawe one with another. Why rather suffre ye not wronge? Why suffre ye not youre selues rather to be defrauded?
6:8 Naye ye youre selves do wronge/ ād robbe: and that the brethrē. Naye ye youre selves do wronge/ and robbe: and that the brethren. naye/ ye youre selues do wrōge/ and robbe: & that the brethren. but ye youre selues do wrōge and defraude, and that euen the brethrē.
6:9 Do ye not remember howe that the vnrighteous shall not inheret the kyngdom of god? Be not deceaved. For nether fornicators/ nether worshyppers off ymages/ nether whormongers/ nether weaklingſ/ nether abusars of them selves with the mankynde/ Do ye not remember how that the vnrighteous shall not inheret the kyngdome of God? Be not deceaved. For nether fornicators/ nether worshyppers of ymages/ nether whormongers/ nether weaklinges/ nether abusars of them selves with the mankynde/ Do ye not remember how that the vnryghteous shall not inheret the kyngdome of God? Be not deceaued. For nether fornicatours/ nether worshippers of ymages/ nether whormongers/ nether weaklinges/ nether abusers of them selues with the mankynde/ Knowe ye not that ye vnrighteous shal not inheret the kyngdome of God? Be not disceaued. Nether whoremongers, ner worshippers off ymages, ner breakers off wedlocke, ner weaklinges, nether abusers of them selues with mankynde,
6:10 nether theves/ nether the coveteous/ nether drōkardſ/ nether cursed speakers/ nether pillers/ shall inheret the kyngdom off god. nether theves/ nether the coveteous/ nether dronkardes/ nether cursed speakers/ nether pillers/ shall inheret the kyngdome of God. nether theues/ nether the coueteous/ nether dronkardes/ nether cursed speakers/ nether pillers/ shall inheret the kyngdome of God. ner theues, nether the couetous, ner drōkardes, ner cursed speakers, ner extorcioners shal inheret the kyngdome of God.
6:11 And soche ware ye verely: but ye are wesshed: ye are sanctified: ye are iustified by the name off the lorde Iesus: And by the sprete of oure God. And soche ware ye verely: but ye are wesshed: ye are sanctified: ye are iustified by the name of the Lorde Iesus/ and by the sprete of oure God. And soche ware ye verely: but ye are wesshed: ye are sanctified: ye are iustified by the name of the Lorde Iesus/ and by the sprete of oure God. And soch haue some of you bene, but ye are wasshed, ye are sanctified, ye are made righteous by the name of the LORDE Iesus, and by the sprete of oure God.
6:12 All thyngſ are lawfull vnto me: but all thyngſ are not profitable. I maye do all thyngſ: but I will be brought vnder no mans power. All thinges are lawfull vnto me: but all thingſ are not proffitable. I maye do all thinges: but I will be brought vnder nomans power. All thinges are lawfull vnto me: but all thinges are not profitable. I maye do all thinges: but I will be brought vnder nomās power. I maye do all thinges, but all thinges are not profitable. I maye do all thinges, but I wil be broughte vnder no mās power.
6:13 meates are ordeyned for the belly/ and the belly for meates: but God shall destroy bothe hym and them. Let nott the body be applied vnto fornicacion/ butt vnto the lorde/ and the lorde vnto the body. Meates are ordeyned for the belly/ & the belly for meates: but God shall destroy bothe it and them. Let not the body be applied vnto fornicacion/ but vnto the Lorde/ and the Lorde vnto the body. Meates are ordeyned for the belly/ and the belly for meates: but God shall destroye both it & them. Let not the body be applied vnto fornicaciō/ but vnto the Lorde/ and the Lorde vnto the body. Meates are ordeyned for ye bely, & the bely for meates. But God shal destroye both it and them. The body belongeth not vnto whordome, but vnto the LORDE, and the LORDE vnto the body
6:14 God hath raysed vppe the lorde/ and shall rayse vs vppe by his power. God hath raysed vp the Lorde/ & shall rayse vs vp by his power. God hath raysed vp the Lorde/ & shall rayse vs vp by his power. God hath raysed vp the LORDE, and shal rayse vs vp also by his power.
6:15 Other remēber ye nott/ that youre bodyes are the members of Christe? Shall I nowe take the members off Christ/ and make them the members of an harlott? God forbid. Ether remember ye not/ that youre bodyes are the members of Christ? Shall I now take the members of Christ/ and make them the members of an harlot? God forbyd. Ether remember ye not/ that youre bodyes are the members of Christ? Shall I now take the members of Christ/ & make them the members of an harlot? God forbyd. Knowe ye not that youre bodies are the mēbres of Christ? Shal I now take the membres of Christ, and make them the membres of an harlot? God forbyd.
6:16 Do ye nott vnderstonde thatt he whych coupleth hym silfe with an harlott/ is be come one body. For two (sayth he) shalbe one flesshe: Do ye not vnderstonde that he which coupleth him selfe with an harlot/ is be come one body? For two (saith he) shalbe one flesshe. Do ye not vnderstonde that he which coupleth him selfe with an harlot/ is be come one body? For two (sayth he) shalbe one flesshe. Or do ye not knowe, that he which cleueth vnto an harlot, is one body? For they shalbe two (sayeth he) in one flesshe.
6:17 butt he that is ioyned vnto the lorde is one sprete. But he that is ioyned vnto the Lorde/ is one sprete. But he that is ioyned vnto the Lorde/ is one sprete. But he that cleueth vnto the LORDE, is one sprete.
6:18 Fle fornicacion. All synnes that a mā dothe/ are with out the body. Butt he that is a fornicator/ synneth agaynst his awne body. Fle fornicacion. All synnes that a man dothe/ are with out ye body. But he yt is a fornicator/ synneth agaynst his awne body. Fle fornicacion. All synnes that a man dothe/ are without the body. But he that is a fornicator/ synneth agaynst his awne body. Fle whordome. All synnes yt a man doth, are without the body. But he that commytteth whordome, synneth agaynst his awne body.
6:19 Knowe ye not howe thatt youre bodyes are the temple off the holy goost/ which is in you/ whom he have of God/ and howe that ye are not youre awne? Ether knowe ye not how that youre bodyes are the temple of ye holy goost/ which is in you/ whō ye have of God/ & how that ye are not youre awne? Ether knowe ye not how that youre bodyes are the temple of the holy goost/ which is in you/ whom ye haue of God/ & how that ye are not youre awne? Or knowe ye not that youre body is the temple of the holy goost? Whom ye haue of God, and are not youre awne?
6:20 For ye are dearly bought. Therfore glorifye ye god ī youre bodyes and ī youre spretes/ for they are goddis. For ye are dearly bought. Therfore glorifie ye God in youre bodyes and in youre spretes/ for they are goddes. For ye are dearly bought. Therfore glorifie ye God in youre bodyes & in youre spretes/ for they are goddes. For ye are dearly boughte. Prayse ye God therfore in yor body & in yor sprete, which are Gods.


1 Corinthians: Chapter 7

The .i. Epistle of S. Paul To the Corinthyans. The .vij. Chapter.
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
7:1 AS Cōcernynge the thyngſ wher of ye wrote vnto me: Hitt is good for a man/ nott to touche a woman. AS concerninge the thinges wherof ye wrote vnto me: it is good for a mā/ not to touche a woman. AS concerninge the thinges wherof ye wrote vnto me: it is good for a man/ not to touche a woman. AS concernynge the thinges wherof ye wrote vnto me, I answere: It is good for a man not to touche a woman.
7:2 Neverthelesse to avode fornicacion/ lett every man have his wyfe: and lett every woman have her husbande. Neverthelesse to a voyde fornicaciō/ let every man have his wyfe: and let every woman have her husbande. Neuerthelesse to a voyde fornicaciō/ let euery man haue his wyfe: & let euery woman haue her husbande. Neuertheles to avoyde whordome, let euery man haue his awne wife, and let euery woman haue hir awne hussbande.
7:3 Let the man geve vnto the wyfe due benevolence. Lykwyse also the wyfe vnto the man. Let the man geve vnto the wyfe due benevolence. Lykwyse also the wyfe vnto the man. Let the man geue vnto the wyfe due beneuolence. Lykwyse also the wyfe vnto the man. Let the mā geue vnto the wife due beneuolence: likewyse also the wife vnto ye man.
7:4 The wyfe hath nott power over her awne body: butt the husbande: And lykewyse the man hath not power over his awne body: but the wyfe. The wyfe hath not power over her awne body: but the husbande. And lykewyse the man hath not power over his awne body: but the wyfe. The wyfe hath not power ouer her awne body: but the husbande. And lykewyse the man hath not power ouer his awne body: but the wyfe. The wife hath not power ouer hir awne body, but the hussbande: & likewyse the man hath not power ouer his awne body, but the wife.
7:5 Withdrawe not youre selves one from another excepte itt be with consent for a tyme/ forto geve youre selves to fastynge and prayer/ and afterwarde come agayne to the same thynge/ lest Satan tempt you for youre incontinency. Withdrawe not youre selves one from another/ excepte it be with consent for a tyme/ for to geve youre selves to fastynge and prayer. And afterwarde come agayne to the same thynge/ lest Satan tempt you for youre incontinencye. Withdrawe not youre selues one from another/ excepte it be with consent for a tyme/ for to geue youre selues to fastynge and prayer. And afterwarde come agayne to the same thinge/ lest Satan tempt you for youre incontinencie. Withdrawe not yor selues one frō another, excepte it be with the consent of both for a tyme, that ye maye geue youre selues vnto fastinge and prayer, and thē come together agayne, lest Sathan tempte you for yor incontynēcye.
7:6 This I saye of faveour/ not of commaundement. This I saye of faveour/ not of cōmaundement. This I saye of fauoure/ & not of cōmaundement. But this I saye of fauoure, and not of commaundemēt.
7:7 For I wolde that all men were as I my silfe am: but every man hath his proper gifte off god/ won after this māner/ a nother after that. For I wolde that all men were as I my selfe am: but every man hath his proper gyfte of God/ one after this māner/ another after that. For I wolde that all mē were as I my selfe am: but euery man hath his proper gyfte of god/ one after this māner/ another after that. Howbeit I wolde rather yt all mē were as I am. Neuertheles euery one hath his proper gifte of God: one thus, another so.
7:8 I saye vnto the vnmaried men/ and widdowes: it is good for thē yf they abyde even as I do: I saye vnto the vnmaried men & widdowes: it is good for them yf they abyde evē as I do. I saye vnto the vnmaried mē & widdowes: it is good for them yf they abyde euē as I do. To them verely yt are vnmaried and to wedowes I saye: It is good for thē that they abyde also as I do.
7:9 but ād yf they cannot abstayne/ let them mary. For it is better to Mary then to bourne. But & yf they cānot abstayne/ let them mary. For it is better to mary then to burne. But & yf they cānot abstayne/ let them mary. For it is better to mary then to burne. But yf they can not absteyne, let them mary. For it is better to mary, then to burne.
7:10 Vnto the maried commaunde not I/ but the lorde: that the wyfe separate nott her silfe from the man. Vnto the maryed cōmaunde not I/ but the Lorde: that the wyfe separate not her selfe from the man. Vnto the maryed cōmaunde not I/ but the Lorde: that the wyfe separate not her selfe frō the man. But vnto them that are maried, commaunde not I, but the LORDE, that the wife separate not her selfe from the hussbande:
7:11 yf she separate her silfe/ let her remayne vnmaried/ or be recōciled vnto her husbande agayne. And lett not the husbande put awaye his wyfe from hym. Yf she separate her selfe/ let her remayne vnmaryed/ or be reconciled vnto her husbande agayne. And let not the husbande put awaye his wyfe from him. Yf she separate her selfe/ let her remayne vnmaryed or be reconcyled vnto her husbande agayne. And let not the husbande put awaye his wyfe from him. but yf she separate her selfe, yt she remayne vnmaried, or be reconcyled to hir hussbande: and let not the hussbande put awaye his wife from him.
7:12 To the remnaunt speake I/ ād nott the lorde: yff eny brother have a wyfe that beleveth nott/ yf she be content to dwell with hym/ lett hym not putt her awaye. To the remnaunt speake I/ & not the lorde. Yf eny brother have a wyfe that beleveth not/ yf she be content to dwell with him/ let him not put her awaye. To the remnaunt speake I & not the Lorde. If eny brother haue a wyfe that beleueth not/ yf she be content to dwell with him/ let him not put her awaye. As for the other, vnto thē saye I, not ye LORDE: Yf eny brother haue an vnbeleuynge wife, and she is content to dwell with him, let him not put hir awaye.
7:13 And the woman which hath to her husbande an infidell/ yff he consent to dwell with her/ lett her nott putt hym away. And ye womā which hath to her husbande an infidell/ yf he consent to dwell with her/ let her not put him awaye. And the womā which hath to her husbande an infidell/ yf he consent to dwell with her/ let her not put him awaye. And yf a woman haue an vnbeleuynge hussbande, and he is content to dwell with her, let her not put him awaye.
7:14 For the vnbelevynge husbande is sanctifyed by the wyfe: and the vnbelevynge wyfe ys sanctifyed by the husbande. Or els were youre chyldren vnclene: but nowe are they pure. For ye vnbelevynge husbande is sanctified by the wyfe: & the vnbelevynge wyfe is sanctified by the husbande. Or els were youre chyldren vnclene: but now are they pure. For the vnbeleuinge husbande is sanctyfied by the wyfe: & the vnbeleuinge wyfe is sanctified by the husbande. Or els were youre chyldren vnclene: but now are they pure. For the vnbeleuynge hussbande is sanctified by the wife, and the vnbeleuynge wife is sanctified by the hussbande: or els were youre children vncleane, but now are they holy.
7:15 Butt and yff the vnbelevynge departe/ lett hym departe. A brother or a sister ys not in subieccion to soche. God hath called vs in peace. But and yf the vnbelevynge departe/ let him departe. A brother or a sister is not in subiection to soche. God hath called vs in peace. But and yf the vnbeleuynge departe/ let him departe. A brother or a syster is not in subiectiō to soche. God hath called vs in peace. But yf the vnbeleuynge departe, let him departe. A brother or a sister is not boūde in soch cases, but God hath called vs in peace.
7:16 For howe knowest thou o woman/ whether thou shalt save thy husbande or not? Other howe knowest thou o mā/ whether thou shalt save the wyfe or not? For how knowest thou o woman/ whether thou shalt save that man or no? Other how knowest thou o man/ whether thou shalt save that woman or no? For how knowest thou o woman/ whether thou shalt saue that mā or no? Other how knowest thou o man whether thou shalt saue that woman or no? For what knowest thou O womā, whether thou shalt saue ye mā? Or what knowest thou O man, whether thou shalt saue the woman?
7:17 but even as god hath distributed to every man. As the lorde hath called every person/ so let hī walke: ād so orden I in all congregacions. but even as God hath distributed to every man. As the lorde hath called every person/ so let him walke: & so orden I in all congregaciōs. but euen as God hath distributed to euery man. As the Lorde hath called euery person/ so let him walke: & so ordē I in all cōgregacions. But euen as God hath distributed vnto euery one and as the LORDE hath called euery man, so let him walke: and so orden I in all congregacions.
7:18 yf eny man be called beynge circumcised/ let hym adde nothynge therto. yf eny be called vncircumcised: let hym not be circumcised. Yf eny man be called beynge circumcised/ let him adde nothinge therto. Yf eny be called vncircumcised: let him not be circūcised. Yf eny man be called beynge circumcised/ let him adde nothinge therto. Yf eny be called vncircumcised: let him not be circumcised. Yf eny man be called beynge circumcysed let him take no Heythenshippe vpon him. Yf eny man be called in the Heythenshippe, let him not be circumcysed.
7:19 Circumcisiō is nothynge. vncircūcisiō is nothynge: but the keppyng of the cōmaundmentſ of god is altogedder. Circumcision is nothinge/ vncircumcision is nothinge: but the kepyng of the cōmaundmentes of god is altogether. Circumcision is nothinge/ vncircumcision is nothinge: but the kepinge of the cōmaundementes of God is altogether. Circumcision is nothinge, and vncircumcision is nothinge, but the kepynge of the commaundementes of God.
7:20 Let every man abide in the same state werin he was called. Let every man abyde in the same state wherin he was called. Let euery man abyde in the same state wherin he was called. Let euery one abyde in the callynge wherin he is called.
7:21 Arte thou called a servaunt? care not for hit. Neverthelesse if thou mayst be fre/ vse it rather. Arte thou called a servaūt? care not for it. Neverthelesse yf thou mayst be fre/ vse it rather. Arte thou called a seruaunt? care not for it. Neuerthelesse yf thou mayst be fre/ vse it rather. Art thou called a seruaūt, care not for it: neuertheles yf thou mayest be fre, vse it rather.
7:22 For he that is called in the lorde beynge a servaūt/ is the lordes freman. Lykwyse he that is called beynge fre/ is Christes servaunt. For he that is called in the lorde beynge a servaunt/ is the lordes freman. Lykwyse he that is called beynge fre/ is Christes servaūt. For he that is called in the Lorde beynge a seruaūt is the Lordes freman. Lykwyse he that is called beynge fre/ is Christes seruaūt. For he that is called in the LORDE beynge a seruaūte, is a fre man of the LORDE. Likewyse he that is called beynge fre, is a seruaūt of Christ.
7:23 Ye are dearly bought/ be not mēnes servaūtſ. Ye are dearly bought/ be not mennes seruauntes. Ye are dearly bought/ be not mēnes seruauntes. Ye are dearly boughte, be not ye the seruauntes of men.
7:24 Brethren lett evere man wherin he is called/ therin abyde with god. Brethren let everye man wherin he is called/ therin abyde with God. Brethren let euery man wherin he is called/ therin abyde with God. Brethren let euery one wherin he is called, therin abyde with God.
7:25 As cōcernynge virgins/ I have noo cōmaundment of the lorde: yet geve I counsell as wō that hath obtayned off the lorde to be faithfull. As concernynge virgins/ I have no cōmaundment of the lorde: yet geve I counsell/ as one that hath obtayned mercye of the lorde to be faythfull. As concerninge virgins/ I haue no commaundemēt of the Lorde: yet geue I coūsell/ as one that hath obtayned mercye of the Lorde to be faythfull. As concernynge virgins, I haue no commaundement of the LORDE, neuertheles I saye my goodmeanynge, as I haue optayned mercy of the LORDE to be faithfull.
7:26 I suppose that it is good for the presēt necessite. for it is good for a mā so to be. I suppose that it is good for the present necessite. For it is good for a mā so to be. I suppose that it is good for the present necessite. For it is good for a man so to be. I suppose it is good for ye present necessite: for it is good for a man so to be.
7:27 Arte thou boūde vnto a wyfe? seke nott to be lowsed. Arte thou lowsed frō a wife? seke not a wyfe. Arte thou bounde vnto a wyfe? seke not to be lowsed. Arte thou lowsed from a wyfe? seke not a wyfe. Arte thou bounde vnto a wyfe? seke not to be lowsed. Arte thow lowsed from a wyfe? seke not a wyfe. Art thou bounde vnto a wife, seke not to be lowsed: Art thou lowsed frō a wife, seke not a wife.
7:28 but ād yf thou take a wyfe/ thou hast not sinned. Lykwyse if a virgin mary/ she hath not sīned: neverthelesse soche shall have trouble ī their flesshe: but I faver you. But and yf thou take a wyfe thou synnest not. Lykwyse if a virgin mary/ she synneth not. Neverthelesse soche shall have trouble in their flesshe: but I faver you. But and yf thou take a wyfe thou synnest not. Lykwyse yf a virgin mary/ she synneth not. Neuerthelesse soche shall haue trouble in their flesshe: but I fauer you. But yf thou take a wife, thou synnest not. And yf a virgin mary, she synneth not. Neuertheles soch shal haue trouble in the flesshe. But I fauoure you.
7:29 This saye I brethrē/ the tyme is shorte. Hitt remayneth that they which have wyves/ be as though they had none: This saye I brethrē the tyme is shorte. It remayneth that they which have wives/ be as though they had none/ This saye I brethrē/ the tyme is shorte. It remayneth that they which haue wiues/ be as though they had none/ Howbeit this I saye brethren: the tyme is shorte. Farthermore this is the meanynge, yt they which haue wyues, be as though they had none:
7:30 ād they that wepe/ be as though they wept not: ād they that reioyce/ be as though they reioysed nott: And they that bye/ be as though they possessed not: and they that wepe be as though thy wept not: and they that reioyce/ be as though they reioysed not: & they that bye be as though they possessed not: and they that wepe be as though they wept not: & they that reioyce/ be as though they reioysed not: & they that bye/ be as though they possessed not: and they that wepe, be as though they wepte not: and they that reioyse, be as though they reioysed not: & they that bye, be as though they possessed not:
7:31 And they that vse this worlde/ be as though they vsed it not: For the fassion of this worlde goeth awaye. & they yt vse this worlde/ be as though they vsed it not. For the fassion of this worlde goeth awaye. and they that vse this worlde/ be as though they vsed it not. For the fassion of this worlde goeth awaye. & they that vse this worlde, be as though they vsed it not. For the fasshion off this worlde passeth awaye.
7:32 I wolde have you with out care/ the syngle man careth for the thyngſ of the lorde/ howe he maye please the lorde: I wolde have you without care: the single man careth for the thingſ of the lorde/ how he maye please the lorde. I wold haue you without care. The single man careth for the thinges of the Lorde how he maye please the Lorde. But I wolde that ye shulde be without care. He that is syngle, careth for the thinges of the LORDE, how he maye please the LORDE.
7:33 but he that hath maried/ careth for the thyngſ off the worlde/ howe he maye please his wyfe. But he that hath maried/ careth for the thingſ of the worlde howe he maye please his wyfe. But he that hath maried/ careth for the thinges of the worlde/ how he maye please his wyfe. But he that is maried, careth for the thinges of the worlde, how he maye please his wife, and is deuyded.
7:34 There is difference bitwene a virgen and a wyfe. The single woman careth for the thyngſ of the lorde/ that she maye be pure both in body and also in sprete: but she that is maried/ careth for thyngſ off the worlde/ howe she maye please her husbād. There is differēce bitwene a virgin & a wyfe. The single woman careth for the thinges of the lorde/ that she maye be pure both in body & also in sprete But she that is maryed/ careth for the thingſ of the worlde/ how she maye please her husband. There is differēce bitwene a virgin & a wyfe. The single woman careth for the thinges of the Lorde/ that she maye be pure both in body & also in sprete. But she that is maried/ careth for the thinges of the worlde/ how she maye please her husband. A woman and a virgin that is syngle, careth for the thinges of the LORDE, that she maye be holy both in body & also in sprete. But she that is maried, careth for ye thinges of the worlde, how she maye please hir hussbande.
7:35 This speake I for youre proffit/ not to tangle you in a snare: but for that which is honest and comly vnto you And that ye maye quyetly cleave vnto the lorde with out separacion. This speake I for youre proffit/ not to tangle you in a snare: but for that which is honest and comly vnto you/ & that ye maye quyetly cleave vnto the lorde wt out separacion. This speake I for youre profit/ not to tangle you in a snare: but for that which is honest & cōly vnto you/ & that ye maye quyetly cleaue vnto the Lorde without separacion. This I saye for youre profit, not that I wil tangle you in a snare, but for that which is honest and comly vnto you, that ye maye cōtynually cleue vnto the LORDE without hynderaunce.
7:36 Yf eny man thynke that it is vncomly for his virgen if she passe the tyme off mariage/ and iff so nede requyre/ let hī do what he listeth/ he synneth not: let them be coupled ī mariage. If eny man thinke that it is vncomly for his virgin if she passe the tyme of mariage/ ād if so nede requyre/ let him do what he listeth/ he synneth not: let thē be coupled in mariage. If eny man thinke that it is vncomly for his virgin/ yf she passe the tyme of mariage/ & yf so nede requyre/ let him do what he listeth/ he synneth not: let thē be coupled in mariage. But yf eny man thinke that it is vncomly for his virgin yf she passe the tyme of mariage, and yf nede so requyre, let him do what he lyst, he synneth not, let thē be coupled in mariage.
7:37 Neverthelesse/ he that purposeth surely in his herte/ havynge none nede: but hath power over his awne will: and hath so decreed in his herte that he will kepe his virgen/ doth wele. Neverthelesse/ he yt purposeth surely in his herte/ havynge none nede: but hath power over his awne will: and hath so decreed in his herte that he will kepe his virgin/ doth well. Neuerthelesse he that purposeth surely in his herte/ hauinge none nede: but hath power ouer his awne will: and hath so decreed in his herte/ that he will kepe his virgin/ doth well. Neuertheles he that purposeth surely in his hert, hauynge no nede, but hath power of his awne wyll, and determeth so in his hert to kepe his virgin, doth well.
7:38 So then he that ioyneth his virgen in mariage doth wele. And he that ioyneth not his virgen in mariage doth better. So then he that ioyneth his virgin in maryage doth well. But he that ioyneth not his virgin in mariage doth better. So then he that ioyneth his virgin in mariage/ doth well. But he that ioyneth not his virgin in mariage/ doth betrer. Fynally, he that ioyneth his virgin in mariage, doth well: but he that ioyneth not his virgin in mariage, doth better.
7:39 The wyfe is bounde to the lawe as longe as her husband liveth. Yf her husbande slepe/ she is at her liberte to mary with whom she woll only in the lorde. The wyfe is bounde to the lawe as longe as her husband liveth If her husbande slepe/ she is at liberte to mary with whom she wyll/ only in the lorde. The wyfe is bounde to the lawe as longe as her husband liueth. If her husbande slepe/ she is at liberte to mary with whom she wyll/ only in the Lorde. The wife is bounde to the lawe, as longe as hir hussbande lyueth. But yf hir hussbande slepe, she is at liberty to mary vnto whom she wil, onely that it be done in the LORDE.
7:40 but she is happiar yf she so abyde/ in my iudgment. And I thynke verely that I have the sprete off God. But she is happiar yf she so abyde/ in my iudgmēt And I thinke verely that I have the sprete of God. But she is happyar yf she so abyde/ in my iudgement. And I thinke verely that I haue the sprete of God. But she is happier yf she so abyde after my iudgment. I thinke verely that I also haue the sprete of God.


1 Corinthians: Chapter 8

The .i. Epistle of S. Paul To the Corinthyans. The .viij. Chapter.
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
8:1 TO speake off thyngſ dedicate vnto ydols/ we are sure that we all have knowledge. Knowledge maketh a man swell: but love edifieth. TO speake of thinges dedicate vnto ydols/ we are sure that we all have knowledge. knowledge maketh a man swell: bnt love edifieth. TO speake of thinges dedicate vnto ydols/ we are sure that we all haue knowledge. Knowledge maketh a man swell: but loue edifieth. AS touchinge thinges offred vnto Idols we are sure yt we all haue knowlege. Knowlege puffeth a mā vp, but loue edifyeth.
8:2 yf eny man thynke that he knoweth eny thynge/ he knoweth nothynge yett as he ought to knowe. If eny man thinke that he knoweth eny thinge/ he knoweth nothynge yet as he ought to knowe. If eny man thinke that he knoweth enythīge/ he knoweth nothinge yet as he ought to knowe. Neuertheles yf eny mā thinke yt he knoweth eny thinge, he knoweth not yet how he oughte to knowe.
8:3 but yff eny man love god/ the same is knowen nf hym. But yf eny man love god/ the same is knowen of him. But yf eny mā loue God/ the same is knowē of him. But yf eny man loue God, the same is knowne of him.
8:4 To speake of meate dedicat vnto ydols/ we are sure that there is none ydoll in the worlde: ād that ther is none other god but one. To speake of meate dedicat vnto ydols/ we are sure that ther is none ydoll in the worlde and that ther is none other god but one. To speake of meate dedicat vnto ydols/ we are sure that ther is none ydoll in the worlde and that ther is none other God but one. So are we sure now cōcernynge the meates offred vnto Idols, that an Idoll is nothinge in the worlde, and that there is none other God but one.
8:5 And though there be that are called goddes/ whether in heven other in erth (as there be goddes many and lordes many) And though ther be yt are called goddes/ whether in heven other in erth (as ther be goddes many and lordes many) And though ther be that are called goddes/ whether in heauē other in erth (as ther be goddes many & lordes many) And though there be that are called goddes, whether in heauen or in earth (as there be goddes many and lordes many)
8:6 but vnto vs is there one god/ which is the father/ off whom are all thynges/ and we in hym: ād one lorde Iesus Christ/ by whom are all thyngſ/ and we by hym. yet vnto vs is there but one god/ which is the father/ of whom are all thinges/ & we in him: & one lorde Iesus Christ by whom are all thinges/ and we by him. yet vnto vs is there but one God/ which is the father/ of whom are all thinges/ & we in him: & one lorde Iesus Christ by whom are all thinges/ and we by him. yet haue we but one God, euen the father, of whō are all thinges, and we in him: & one LORDE Iesus Christ, by whō are all thinges, and we by him.
8:7 But every man hath not knowledge. for some suppost that their is an ydoll/ vntill this houre/ and eate as off a thynge offered vnto the ydole/ and so their consciences beynge yet weake are defyled. But every man hath not knowledge. For some suppose that ther is an ydoll/ vntyll this houre/ and eate as of a thinge offered vnto ye ydole/ & so their consciences beynge yet weake/ are defyled. But euery man hath not knowledge. For some suppose that ther is an ydoll vntill this houre/ & eate as of a thinge offered vnto the ydole/ & so their consciences beynge yet weake/ are defyled. But euery man hath not knowlege: for some make yet consciēce ouer the Idoll, and eate it as a thinge offred vnto Idols: and so their conscience beynge weake, is defyled.
8:8 Meate maketh vs not accepted to god: Nether yff we eate are we the better: Nether yf we eate not are we the worsse. Meate maketh vs not acceptable to god. Nether yf we eate/ are we ye better. Nether yf we eate not/ are we the worsse. Meate maketh vs not acceptable to God. Nether yf we eate/ are we the better. Nether yf we eate not/ are we the worsse. Neuertheles meate furthureth not vs vnto God. Yf we eate, we shal not therfore be the better: yf we eate not, we shal not therfore be the lesse.
8:9 But take hede that youre libertie cause nott the weake to faule. But take hede that youre libertie cause not ye weake to faule. But take hede that youre libertie cause not the weake to faule. But take hede that this youre liberty be not an occasion of fallynge vnto ye weake.
8:10 For yf some man se the which hast knowledge sitt at mate in the ydoles temple shall nott the conscience off hym which is weake be boldened to eate those thyngſ which are offered vnto the ydole? For yf some man se ye which hast knowledge/ sit at meate in the ydoles tēple/ shall not the conscience of hym which is weake/ be boldened to eate those thingſ which are offered vnto ye ydole? For yf some man se the which hast knowledge/ syt at meate in the ydols temple shall not the conscience of him which is weake/ be boldened to eate those thinges which are offered to the ydole? For yf eny man se the (which hast knowlege) syt at the table in the Idols house, shal not his conscience whyle it is weake, be occasioned to eate of the Idoll offeringes?
8:11 And so thorow thy knowledge shall the weake brother perisshe for whom christ dyed. And so thorow thy knowledge shall ye weake brother perisshe for whom christ dyed. And so thorow thy knowledge shall the weake brother perisshe for whom Christ dyed. And so thorow thy knowlege shal the weake brother perishe, for whō Christ dyed.
8:12 When we synne so agaynst the brethrē and wounde their weake consciences/ we synne agaynst Christ. Whē ye synne so agaynst the brethren and wounde their weake consciences ye synne agaynst Christ. When ye synne so agaynst the brethren/ & wounde their weake consciences/ ye synne agaynst Christ. But whan ye synne so agaynst the brethren, and wounde their weake cōscience, ye synne agaynst Christ.
8:13 Wherfore yf meate hurt my brother/ I will eate no flesshe whill the worlde stōdeth/ be cause I will not hurte my brother. Wherfore yf meate hurt my brother/ I will eate no flesshe whill the worlde stondeth/ because I will not hurte my brother. Wherfore yf meate hurt my brother/ I will eate no flesshe whill the worlde stondeth/ because I will not hurte my brother. Wherfore yf meate offende my brother, I wyl neuer eate flesh, lest I offende my brother.


1 Corinthians: Chapter 9

The .i. Epistle of S. Paul To the Corinthyans. The .ix. Chapter.
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
9:1 AM I not an Apostle? am I nott fre? have I not sene Iesus Christ oure lorde? Are not ye my worke in the lorde. AM I not an Apostle? am I not fre? have I not sene Iesus Christ oure lorde? Are not ye my worke in the lorde. AM I not an Apostle? am I not fre? haue I not sene Iesus Christ oure lorde? Are ye not my worke in the Lorde? AM I not an Apostle? Am I not fre? Haue I not sene Iesus Christ oure LORDE? Are not ye my worke in the LORDE?
9:2 Yf I be nott an Apostle vnto other/ yet am I vnto you. For the seale off myne Apostleshippe are ye in the lorde. Yf I be not an Apostle vnto other/ yet am I vnto you. For the seale of myne Apostleshippe are ye in the lorde. If I be not an Apostle vnto other/ yet am I vnto you. For the seale of myne Apostleshyppe are ye in the Lorde. Yf I be not an Apostle vnto other, yet am I youre Apostle: for the seale of myne Apostleshippe are ye in the LORDE.
9:3 Myne answer to them that axe me/ is this: Myne answer to them that axe me/ is this. Myne answer to thē that axe me/ is this. Myne answere vnto them that axe me, is this:
9:4 Have we not power to eate and to drynke? Have we not power to eate & to drynke? Haue we not power to eate & to drinke? Haue we not power to eate and drynke?
9:5 other have we nott power to leade about a sister to wyfe as wele as other Apostles/ and as the brethren off the lorde/ and Cephas? Ether have we not power to leade about a sister to wyfe as wel as other Apostles/ and as the brethren of the lorde/ and Cephas? Ether haue we not power to leade about a syster to wyfe/ as well as other Apostles and as the brethren of the Lorde and Cephas? Haue we not power also to leade aboute a sister to wife, as well as other Apostles, and as the brethren of the LORDE, and Cephas?
9:6 Other only I and Barnabas have not power this to do? Ether only I and Barnabas have not power this to do? Ether only I and Barnabas haue not power this to do? Or haue onely I and Barnabas not power this to do?
9:7 who goeth a warfare eny tyme att his awne cost? who planteth a vynearde and eateth nott of the frute? or who fedeth a flocke and eateth nott off the mylke. who goeth a warfare eny tyme at his awne cost? who planteth a vynearde & eateth not of the frute? Who fedeth a flocke and eateth not of the mylke? Who goeth a warfare eny tyme at his awne cost? who planteth a vyneyarde/ & eateth not of the frute? Who fedeth a flocke and eateth not of the mylke? Who goeth a warfare at eny tyme vpon his awne wages? Who planteth a vynyarde, and eateth not of the frute therof? Who fedeth a flocke, and eateth not of the mylke of the flocke?
9:8 Saye I these thīgſ after the manner of men? or sayth nott the lawe the same also? Saye I these thinges after the manner of men? Or sayth not the lawe the same also? Saye I these thinges after the maner of men? Or sayth not the lawe the same also? Saye I these thinges after the maner of men? Sayeth not the lawe the same also?
9:9 For itt ys writtē in the lawe of Moses: Thou shall not mosell the mouth of the oxe that treadeth out the corne. doth god take thought for oxen? For it ys written in the lawe of Moses. Thou shall not mosell the mouth of the oxe that treadeth out the corne. Doth God take thought for oxen? For it ys wrytten in the lawe of Moses: Thou shall not mossell the mouth of the oxe that treadeth out the corne. Doth God take thought for oxen? For it is wrytten in the lawe off Moses: Thou shalt not mosell the mouth of the oxe that treadeth out the corne. Doth God take thought for the oxen?
9:10 other sayth he it nott all togedder for oure sakes? For oure sakes no doute this is written: that he which eareth shulde eare in hope: ād that he which throssheth in hope/ shulde be part taker of his hope. Ether sayth he it not all to gedder for oure sakes? For oure sakes no doute this is written: that he which eareth/ shuld eare in hope: and that he which thressheth in hope/ shuld be parttaker of his hope. Ether sayth he it not all to gether for oure sakes? For oure sakes no doute this is writtē: that he which eareth/ shuld eare in hope: and that he which throssheth in hope/ shulde be parttaker of his hope. Or sayeth he it not alltogether for oure sakes? For no doute it is wryttē for oure sakes. For he that eareth, shulde eare vpon hope: and he yt throssheth, shulde trosshe vpon hope, yt he mighte be partaker of his hope.
9:11 Yf we sowe vnto you spītuall thyngſ: is it a greate thynge yf we reepe youre carnall thynges? Yf we sowe vnto you spirituall thynges: is it a greate thynge yf we reepe youre carnall thynges Yf we sowe vnto you spirituall thinges: is it a greate thinge yf we repe youre carnall thinges? Yf we haue sowne vnto you spiritual thinges, is it a greate thīge yf we reape yor bodely thīges?
9:12 yf other be part takers of this power over you? wherfore are not we rather. Neverthelesse we have not vsed this power: but suffre all thīgſ lest we shulde hynder the gospell of Christ. Yf other be parttakers of this power over you? wherfore are not we rather. Neverthelesse we have not vsed this power: but suffre all thinges lest we shuld hynder the gospell of Christ. Yf other be parttakers of this power ouer you/ wherfore are not we rather? Neuerthelesse we haue not vsed this power: but suffre all thinges lest we shulde hynder the gospell of Christ. But yf other be partakers of this power on you, wherfore are not we rather? Neuertheles we haue not vsed this power, but suffre all thinges, lest we shulde hynder the Gospell off Christ.
9:13 Do ye not vnderstonde howe that they which minister in the temple: have their fyndynge of the temple? And they which wayte att the aulter are parttakers with the aultre? Do ye not vnderstōder how that they which minister in the temple/ have their fyndynge of the temple? And they which wayte at the aulter/ are partakers with ye aultre? Do ye not vnderstonde how that they which minister in the temple/ haue their findinge of the temple? And they which wayte at the aulter/ are partakers with the aultre? Knowe ye not that they which laboure in the temple, haue their lyuynge of ye temple: and they that wayte at the altare, enioye the altare?
9:14 Even so also dyd the lorde ordayne/ thatt they whych preache the gospell/ shulde live off the gospell: Even so also dyd ye lorde ordayne/ that they which preache ye gospell/ shuld live of the gospell. Euen so also dyd the Lorde ordayne/ that they which preache the gospell/ shulde lyue of the gospell. Euen thus also hath ye LORDE ordeyned, that they which preach the Gospell, shulde lyue of ye Gospell.
9:15 But I have vsed none of these thyngſ. Nether wrote I these thyngſ that it shulde be soo done vnto me. Hit were better for me to deye/ thē that eny man shulde take this reioysynge frō me. But I have vsed none of these thinges. Nether wrote I these thinges that it shuld be so done vnto me. For it were better for me to dye/ thē yt eny man shnld take this reioysinge from me. But I haue vsed none of these thinges. Nether wrote I these thinges that it shuld be so done vnto me. For it were better for me to dye/ then that eny man shuld take this reioysinge from me. But I haue vsed none of these thinges. Nether wryte I therof, that it shulde be done so vnto me: for I had rather dye, thē that eny man shulde brynge my reioysinge to naughte.
9:16 In that I preache the gospell I have nothīge to reioyce of. For necessite is putt vnto me. wo is it vnto me yf I preache not the gospell. In that I preache the gospell/ I have nothinge to reioyce of. For necessite is put vnto me. Wo is it vnto me yf I preache not the gospell. In that I preache the gospell/ I haue nothinge to reioyce of. For necessite is put vnto me. Wo is it vnto me yf I preache not the gospell. For in that I preach the Gospell, I neade not boost my selfe, for I must nedes do it. And wo vnto me, yff I preach not the Gospell.
9:17 yf I do it with a good will/ I have my rewarde. yf I do it agaynst my will/ ā office is cōmitted vnto me. If I do it with a good will/ I have a rewarde. But yf I do it agaynst my will/ an office is committed vnto me. If I do it with a good will I haue a rewarde. But yf I do it agaynst my will/ an office is cōmitted vnto me. Yf I do it with a good wyll, I shall haue my rewarde: but yff I do it agaynst my wyll, yet is the office commytted vnto me.
9:18 what is my rewarde thē? Verely that whē I preach the gospell/ I make the gospell of Christ fre/ that I misvse not myne auctorite in the gospell What is my rewarde then? Verely that whē I preache the gospell/ I make the gospell of Christ fre/ yt I misvse not myne auctorite in ye gospel What is my rewarde then? Verely that whē I preache the gospell/ I make the gospell of Christ fre/ that I misvse not myne auctorite in the gospell. Wherfore thē shal I be rewarded? (Namely therfore) that I preach the Gospell, and do the same frely for naughte, that I abuse not my libertye in ye Gospell.
9:19 For though I be fre from all mē/ yet have I made my silfe servaūt vnto all mē/ that I myght wyn the mooe. For though I be fre from all men/ yet have I made my silfe servaunt vnto all men/ that I myght wynne the moo. For though I be fre from all men/ yet haue I made my selfe seruaunt vnto all men/ that I myght wynne the moo. For though I am fre from all men, yet haue I made my selfe euery mans seruaunt, yt I mighte wynne ye moo.
9:20 And vnto the iewes/ I be cam as a iewe/ to wyn the iewes. To thē that were vnder the lawe/ was I made as though I had bene vnð the lawe/ to wyn them that were vnder the lawe. Vnto the Iewes/ I became as a Iewe/ to winne ye Iewes. To thē that were vnder the lawe/ was I made as though I had bene vnder the lawe/ to wynne thē that were vnder the lawe. Vnto the Iewes/ I became as a Iewe/ to winne the Iewes. To thē that were vnder the lawe/ was I made as though I had bene vnder the lawe/ to wynne them that were vnder the lawe. Vnto the Iewes I am become as a Iewe, to wynne ye Iewes. To them that are vnder the lawe, I am become as though I were vnder the lawe, to wynne them which are vnder the lawe.
9:21 To thē that were with out lawe/ becā I as though I had bene with out lawe (when I was not with out lawe as perteyninge to god/ but vnder a lawe as concernynge Christ) to wyn thē thatt were with out lawe. To them that were with out lawe/ be cā I as though I had bene with out lawe (whē I was not with out lawe as perteyninge to god/ but vnder a lawe as concerninge Christ) to wynne thē that were with out lawe. To them that were with out lawe/ be cam I as though I had bene with out lawe (when I was not with out lawe as perteyninge to God/ but vnder a lawe as cōcerninge Christ) to winne them that were with out lawe. Vnto them that are without lawe, I am become as though I were without lawe (where as yet I am not without the lawe of God, but am in ye lawe of Christ) to wynne thē that are without lawe.
9:22 To the weake be cam I as weake/ to wyn the weake. In all thynge I fassioned my silfe to all men/ to save att the lest waye some. To the weake became I as weake/ to wynne the weake. In all thinge I fassioned my silfe to all men/ to save at ye lest waye some. To the weake became I as weake/ to wynne the weake. In all thinge I fassioned my selfe to all men/ to saue at the lest waye some. To the weake, am I become as weake, to wynne the weake. I am become of all fasshions vnto euery man, to saue some at ye leest.
9:23 And this I do for the gospels sake/ that I myght have my parte ther of. And this I do for the gospels sake/ that I might have my parte therof. And this I do for the gospels sake/ that I myght haue my parte therof. But this I do for the Gospels sake, that I mighte be partaker therof.
9:24 Perceave ye not howe that they which runne in a course/ runne all/ yet butt one receaveth the rewarde. So runne that ye maye obtayne. Perceave ye not how that they which runne in a course/ runne all/ yet but one receaveth the rewarde. So runne that ye maye obtayne. Perceaue ye not how that they which rūne in a course/ runne all/ yet but one receaueth the rewarde. So rūne that ye maye obtayne. Knowe ye not, that they which runne in a course, runne all, yet but one receaueth the rewarde? Runne ye so, that ye maye optayne.
9:25 Every man that proveth mastres abstaineth frō all thyngſ. and they do itt to obtayne a corruptible croune: but we to obtayne an everlastynge croune. Euery man yt proveth masteryes/ abstaineth from all thinges. And they do it to obtayne a corruptible croune: but we to obtayne an vncorruptible croune: Euery mā that proueth masteries/ abstayneth from all thinges. And they do it to obtayne a corruptible croune: but we to obtayne an vncorruptible croune. Euery one that proueth mastrye, absteyneth from all thinges, and they do it, that they maye optayne a corruptible crowne, but we to optayne an vncorruptible crowne.
9:26 I therfore soo runne/ nott as at an vncertayne thynge. So fyght I/ not as won that beateth the aier: I therfore so runne/ not as at an vncertayne thinge. So fyght I/ not as one yt beateth the ayer: I therfore so runne/ not as at an vncertayne thinge. So fyght I/ not as one that beateth the ayer: I therfore so runne, not as at an vncertayne thinge: So fighte I, not as one yt beateth ye ayre:
9:27 but I tame my body ād brynge hym into subieccion/ lest after that I have preached to other/ I my silfe shulde be a castawaye. but I tame my body and bringe it into subiecciō/ lest after that I have preached to other/ I my silfe shuld be a castawaye. but I tame my body/ and bringe it into subieccion/ lest after that I haue preached to other/ I my silfe shulde be a castaway. but I tame my body, and brynge it in to subieccion, lest whan I preach vnto other: I my selfe be a cast awaye.


1 Corinthians: Chapter 10

The .i. Epistle of S. Paul To the Corinthyans. The .x. Chapter.
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
10:1 BRethren I wolde not thatt ye shulde be ignoraunt off this/ howe thatt oure fathers were all vnder a coulde/ and all passed thorowe the see/ BRethren I wolde not that ye shuld be ignoraunt of this/ how yt oure fathers were all vnder a cloude/ and all passed thorow the see/ BRethren I wolde not that ye shuld be ignoraunt of this/ how that oure fathers were all vnder a cloude/ & all passed thorow the see/ BRethren, I wolde not that ye shulde be ignoraunt of this, that oure fathers were all vnder the cloude, and all passed thorow the see,
10:2 and were all baptised vnder Moses ī the cloude/ and in the see. and were all baptised vnder Moses/ in the cloude/ and in the see: & were all baptised vnder Moses/ in the cloude & in the see: & were all baptised vnder Moses in the cloude and in the see,
10:3 and did all eate of one spirituall meate/ & dyd all eate of one spirituall meate/ & dyd all eate of one spirituall meate/ and dyd all eate of one spirituall meate,
10:4 and did all drynke off one maner of spirituall drynke. And they dronke off thatt spretuall rocke that folowed them/ which rocke was Christ. & did all drincke of one maner of spirituall drincke. And they dranke of that spretuall rocke that folowed them/ which rocke was Christ. & dyd all drincke of one maner of spirituall drincke. And they drancke of that spirituall rocke that folowed them/ which rocke was Christ. and dyd all drynke of one spirituall drynke: but they dronke of the spirituall rocke that folowed thē, which rocke was Christ.
10:5 but ī many of thē had god no delite. For they were overthrowen in the wildernes. But in many of them had god no delite. For they were overthrowen in the wildernes. But in many of them had God no delite. For they were ouerthrowen in the wyldernes. Neuertheles in many of them had God no delyte, for they were smytten downe in the wyldernesse.
10:6 These are ensamples to vs that we shulde not lust after evyll thyngſ/ as they lusted. These are ensamples to vs that we shuld not lust after evyll thingſ/ as they lusted These are ensamples to vs that we shulde not lust after euyll thinges/ as they lusted. These are ensamples vnto vs, yt we shulde not lust after euell thinges, as they lusted.
10:7 Nether be ye worshippers of Images as were some off them accordynge as ytt is written: The people sate doune to eate and drynke/ and rose vppe agayne to playe. Nether be ye worshippers of Images as were some of them accordynge as it is written: The people sate doune to eate and drynke/ & rose vp agayne to playe. Nether be ye worshippers of ymages as were some of them accordinge as it is writtē: The people sate doune to eate and drincke/ & rose vp agayne to playe. Nether be ye worshippers off ymages, as were some of them. Acordinge as it is wryttē: The people sat downe to eate and drynke, and rose vp to playe.
10:8 Nether let vs cōmit fornicacion as some of them cōmitted fornicacion/ and were destroyed in one daye xxiij. thousande. Nether let vs cōmit fornicacion as some of them committed fornicacion/ and were destroyed in one daye .xxiii. thousande. Nether let vs cōmit fornicacion as some of them committed fornicaciō/ & were destroyed in one daye .xxiij. thousande. Nether let vs commytte whordome, as some of them cōmytted whordome, and fell in one daye thre & twenty thousande.
10:9 Nether let vs tempte Christ/ as some off them tempted ād were destroyed of serpentſ. Nether let vs tempte Christ/ as some of them tempted/ and were destroyed of serpentes. Nether let vs tēpte Christ/ as some of them tempted/ & were destroyed of serpentes. Nether let vs tempte Christ, as some of them tempted him, and were destroyed of serpētes.
10:10 Nether murmure ye as some of them murmured/ and were destroyed off the destroyer. Nether murmure ye as some of them murmured/ and were destroyed of ye destroyer Nether murmure ye as some of them murmured/ and were destroyed of the destroyer. Nether murmur ye, as some of them murmured, and were destroyed thorow the destroyer.
10:11 All these thyngſ happened vnto them for ensambles/ and were written to put vs in remembraunce/ whom the endes off the worlde are come apon. All these thingſ happened vnto them for ensamples/ and were written to put vs in remembraunce/ whom the endes of the worlde are come apon. All these thinges happened vnto them for ensamples/ and were written to put vs in remembraunce/ whom the endes of the worlde are come vpon. All these thinges happened vnto thē for ensamples, but they are wryttē to warne vs, vpon whom the ende of ye worlde is come.
10:12 Wherfore lett hym thatt thynketh he stondeth/ take hede lest he fall. Wherfore let hym that thynketh he stōdeth/ take hede least he fall. Wherfore let him that thynketh he stondeth/ take hede least he fall. Therfore let him that thinketh he stondeth, take hede, lest he fall.
10:13 There hath none other tēptacion taken you/ but soche as foloweth the nature of man. God is faythfull/ which shall not suffer you to be tēpted above youre strengthe: but shall in the myddes off the temptacion make awaye to escape out. There hath none other temptacion taken you/ but soche as foloweth ye nature of mā. But God is faythfull/ which shall not suffer you to be tempted above youre strenght: but shall in the myddes of the temptacion make awaye to escape out. Ther hath none other temptaciō taken you/ but soche as foloweth the nature of man. But God is faythfull which shall not suffer you to be tempted aboue youre strenght: but shall in the myddes of the temptacion make a waye to escapt out. There hath yet no tēptacion ouertaken you, but soch as foloweth the nature of man. Neuertheles God is faithfull, which shal not suffre you to be tempted aboue youre strength, but shal in the myddes of ye temptacion make a waye to come out, that ye maye beare it.
10:14 Wherfore my deare beloved/ fle from worshippynge of ydols. Wherfore my deare beloued/ fle from worshippynge of ydols. Wherfore my deare beloued/ fle from worshippinge of ydols. Wherfore my dearly beloued, fle from worshippinge of Idols.
10:15 I speake as vnto them which have discreciō/ Iudge ye what I saye. I speake as vnto them which have discrecion/ Iudge ye what I saye. I speake as vnto them which haue discrecion/ iudge ye what I saye. I speake vnto them which haue discreciō, iudge ye what I saye.
10:16 Ys not the cuppe of blessinge which we blysse/ partakynge of the bloude of Christ? ys not the breed which we breake/ partetakynge of the body of Christ? Ys not the cuppe of blessinge which we blesse/ partakynge of ye bloude of Christ? ys not the breed which we breake/ partetakynge of the body of Christ? Ys not the cuppe of blessinge which we blesse/ partakinge of the bloude of Christ? is not the breed which we breake/ partetakinge of the body of Christ? The cuppe of thākesgeuynge wherwith we geue thankes, is it not the partakinge of the bloude of Christ?
10:17 be cause that we (though we be many) yet are one breed/ ād one body ī as moch as we all are partetakers off one breed. because that we (though we be many) yet are one breed/ and one bodye in as moch as we all are partetakers of one breed. because that we (though we be many) yet are one breed/ & one bodye in as moche as we all are partetakers of one breed. The bred that we breake, is it not ye partakinge of ye body of Christ? For we many, are one bred & one body, in as moch as we all are partakers of one bred.
10:18 Beholde Israhell which walketh carnally. Are not they which eate of the sacrifyse/ partetakers off the aultre? Beholde Israhell which walketh carnally. Are not they which eate of the sacrifyse/ partetakers of the aultre? Beholde Israel which walketh carnally. Are not they which eate of the sacrifice/ partetakers of the aultre? Beholde Israel after the flesshe. They yt eate the sacrifices, are they not partakers of the altare?
10:19 What saye I thē? that the ymage is eny thīge? or that it which is offered to ymages is eny thynge? What saye I then? that the ymage is eny thinge? or that it which is offered to ymages is eny thinge? What saye I then? that the ymage is eny thinge? or that it which is offered to ymages is eny thinge? What shal I now saye then? Shal I saye that the Idoll is eny thinge? Or that it which is offred vnto the Idoll is eny thinge?
10:20 Naye/ but I saye/ that those thēgſ which the gentyls offer/ they offer to devyls/ ād not to god. And I wolde not that ye shulde have fellishippe with the devyls. Nay/ but I saye/ that those thinges which the gentyle offer/ they offer to devyls/ and not to god. And I wolde not that ye shuld have fellishippe with ye devils Nay but I saye/ that these thinges which the gentyls offer/ they offer to deuyls/ & not to God. And I wold not that ye shuld haue fellishippe with the deuyls. Nay. But this I saye, that loke what the Heythen offre, that offre they vnto deuels, and not vnto God. Now wolde I not that ye shulde be in the fellishippe of deuels.
10:21 Ye cannot drynke of the cuppe off the lorde/ and of the cuppe off the devyls. Ye cannot be parte takers off the lordes table/ and off the table off devyls. Ye cānot drincke of the cup of the lorde/ & of ye cup of ye deuyls. Ye cnanot be partetakers of the lordes table/ & of the table of deuelles. Ye cānot drincke of the cup of the Lorde/ & of the cup of the deuyls. Ye cannot be partetakers of the Lordes table/ & of the table of deuelles. Ye can not drynke of the cuppe of the LORDE and of the cuppe of the deuels. Ye can not be partakers of the LORDES table, and of the table of deuels.
10:22 Other shall we provoke the lorde? other are we stronger then he? Ether shall we provoke the lorde? Or are we stronger then he? Ether shall we prouoke the Lorde? Or are we stronger then he? Or wyl we prouoke the LORDE? I maye do all thinges, but all thinges are not profitable.
10:23 All thyngſ are laufull vnto me/ but all thyngſ are not expediēt. All thyngſ are lawfull/ but all thyngſ edifye not. All thynges are laufull vnto me/ but all thynges are not expedient. All thynges are lawfull to me/ but all thinges edifye not. All thinges are laufull vnto me/ but all thinges are not expedient. All thinges are lawfull to me/ but all thinges edifye not. I maye do all thinges, but all thinges edifye not.
10:24 Lett no man seke his awne prophet: but lett every man seke his neghbours welthe. Let noman seke his awne proffet: but let every man seke anothers welthe. Let noman seke his awne proffet: but let euery man seke a nothers welthe. Let noman seke his awne profit, but let euery man seke anothers welth.
10:25 What soever is solde in the market/ that eate/ and axe no questions for conscience sake. What soever is solde in the market/ that eate/ and axe no questions for conscience sake What soeuer is solde in the market/ that eate/ and axe no questions for conscience sake What soeuer is solde in the fleshmarket, that eate, and axe no question for conscience sake.
10:26 For the erth is the lordis/ and all that therein is. For the erth is the lordis/ and all that therein is. For the erth is the Lordes & all that therein is. For the earth is the LORDES, and all yt therin is.
10:27 Yf eny off them which beleve not bid you to a feast/ and yff ye be disposed to goo/ what soever is seet before you eate/ axynge no question for conscience sake: Yf eny of them which beleve uot/ bid you to a feest/ & yf ye be disposed to goo/ what soever is seet before you: eate/ axinge no question for conscience sake. If eny of them which beleue not/ byd you to a feest/ & yf ye be disposed to go/ what soeuer is seet before you: eate/ axinge no questiō for conscience sake. Yf eny of thē yt beleue not, byd you to a feast, and yf ye be disposed to go, what soeuer is set before you, that eate, axinge no question for conscience sake.
10:28 but and yff eny man saye vnto you: this is dedicate vnto ydols/ eate not off it for his sake that shewed it/ and for hurtynge off conscience: the erth is the lordes and all that there ī is. But and yf eny man saye vnto you: this is dedicate vnto ydols/ eate not of it for his sake that shewed it/ and for hurtynge of conscience. The erth is the lordes & all that there in is. But and yf eny man saye vnto you: this is dedicate vnto ydols/ eate not of it for his sake that shewed it/ and for hurtinge of conscience. The erth is the Lordes & all that there in is. But yf eny man saye vnto you: This is offred vnto Idols, thē eate not of it, for his sake that shewed it, and for hurtinge of conscience. (The earth is the LORDES and all that therin is.)
10:29 Conscience I saye/ not thyne: but the conscience of that other. Why shulde my liberte be iudged of another mannes consciēce? Conscience I saye/ not thyne: but the cōscieuce of that other. For why shuld my liberte be iudged of another mānes conscience: Conscience I saye/ not thyne: but the conscience of that other. For why shuld my liberte be iudged of another mānes conscience. Neuertheles I speake of consciēce, not thine, but of ye other. For why shulde my liberty be iudged of another mās cōscience?
10:30 For yf I take my parte with thankſ: why am I evell spokē off for that thynge wher fore I geve thankſ. For yf I take my parte with thākes: why am I evell spoken of for that thynge wherfore I geve thankes. For yf I take my parte whith thankes: why am I euyll spoken of for that thinge wherfore I geue thankes. For yf I take my parte wt thankesgeuynge, why am I euell spoken of, for yt thinge wherfore I geue thankes?
10:31 Whether therfore ye eate or drynke/ or whatsoever ye do/ do all to the prayse off God. Whether therfore ye eate or dryncke/ or what soever ye do/ do all to the prayse of God. Whether therfore ye eate or drincke/ or what soeuer ye do/ do all to the prayse of God. Therfore whether ye eate or drynke, or what so euer ye do, do all to ye prayse of God.
10:32 Se that ye geve occasion off evell/ nether to the iewes/ nor yet to the gentyls/ nether to the congregacion of god: Se that ye geve occasion of evell/ nether to ye Iewes/ nor yet to the gentyls/ nether to ye cōgregacion of god: Se that ye geue none occasiō of euill/ nether to the Iewes/ nor yet to the gētyls/ nether to the congregaciō of God: Be not ye an occasion of fallinge, nether to the Iewes, ner to the Gentyles, ner to the congregacion of God,
10:33 even as I please all men in all thyngſ not sekynge myne awne proffet/ but the proffet of many/ that they myght be saved. euen as I please all men in all thinges/ not sekynge myne awne proffet/ but the proffet of many/ that they myght be saved. euen as I please all men in all thinges/ not sekinge myne awne proffet/ but the proffet of many/ that they myght be saued. euē as I also please all men in all thinges, not sekinge myne awne profit, but the profit of many, that they mighte be saued.