The .ii. Epistle of S. Paul To Timothe. The .iij. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
The .ii. Epistle of S. Paul To Timothe. The .iij. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
3:1 | THis vnderstond/ that ī the last dayes shall come parelous tymes: | THis vnderstonde/ that in the last dayes shall come parelous tymes. | THis vnderstonde/ that in the last dayes shall come parelous tymes. | BVT this shalt thou knowe, that in the last dayes shal come parelous tymes. |
3:2 | For the men shalbe lovers of their awne selves/ Coveteous/ Bosters/ Proude/ Cursed speakers/ disobediēt to father and mother/ vnthankfull/ vnholy/ | For the mē shalbe lovers of their awne selves/ coveteous/ bosters/ proude/ cursed speakers/ disobediēt to father & mother/ vnthākfull/ vnholy/ | For the men shalbe louers of their awne selues coueteous/ bosters proude/ cursedspeakers/ disobediēt to father and mother/ vnthankfull/ vnholy/ | For there shalbe mē which shal holde of thē selues, couetous, boasters, proude, cursed speakers, dishobedient to their elders, vnthankfull, vngoostly, |
3:3 | churlisshe/ stubborn/ falce accusars/ ryatours/ fearce/ despisers of thē which are good/ | vnkinde/ trucebreakers/ stubborn/ falceaccusars/ ryatours/ fearce despisers of thē which are good/ | vnkynde/ trucebreakers stubborn/ falseaccusars/ ryatours/ fearce/ despysers of them which are good/ | vnkynde, truce breakers, false accusers, ryatours, fearce, despysers of them which are good, |
3:4 | traytours/ heddy/ hye mynded/ gredy apon voluptousnes more then the lovers of god/ | traytours/ heddy/ hye mynded/ gredy apon volupteousnes more then the lovers of god/ | traytours/ heddy/ hye mynded/ gredy apon volupteousnes more then the louers of God/ | traytours, heady, hye mynded, gredy vpon voluptuousnes more then the louers of God, |
3:5 | havynge a similitude off godly lyvynge/ but have denyed the power there of. Soche abhorre. | havynge a similitude of godly lyvynge/ but have denyed the power ther of and soche abhorre. | hauynge a similitude of godly liuynge/ but haue denyed the power ther of: and soche abhorre. | hauynge a shyne off godly lyuynge, but denyenge the power therof. And soch avoyde. |
3:6 | For of this sorte are they which entre īto houses/ ād brynge īto bōdage wymmen laden with synne/ which wemē are ledde of divers lustes/ | Of this sorte are they which entre in to houses/ and brynge into bondage wymmen laden with synne/ which wemen are ledde of divers lustes/ | Of this sorte are they which entre into housses/ and bringe into bondage wymmen laden with synne/ which wemen are ledde of diuers lustes/ | Of this sorte are they which rūne frō house to house, & brynge in to bondage wemē ladē wt synne: which (wemen) are led with dyuerse lustes, |
3:7 | ever learnynge/ and never able to come vnto the knowledge of the trueth. | ever learnynge and never able to come vnto the knowledge of the trueth. | euer learnynge and neuer able to come vnto the knowledge of the trueth. | euer lernynge, and are neuer able to come vnto the knowlege of the trueth. |
3:8 | As Iannes and Iambres withstode Moses/ even so do these resist the trueth. men they are off corrupt myndes/ ād leawde as concernynge the fayth: | As Iannes and Iambres with stode Moses/ even so do these resist the trueth/ men they are of corrupt myndes/ and leawde as concernynge the fayth: | As Iannes and Iambres withstode Moses/ euen so do these resist the trueth/ men they are of corrupt myndes/ and leawde as concernynge the fayth: | But like as Iamnes and Iābres withstode Moses, euen so do these also resist the trueth: mē they are of corrupte myndes, and lewde as cōcernynge ye faith: |
3:9 | but they shall prevayle no lenger. For there madnes shalbe vttered vnto all mē as thers was: | but they shall prevayle no lēger. For their madnes shalbe vttered vnto all men as theirs was. | but they shall preuayle no lenger. For their madnes shalbe vttered vnto all men as theirs was. | but they shal preuayle no longer. For their folishnes shalbe manifest vnto all men, as theirs was. |
3:10 | but thou hast sene the experience of my doctryne/ ordinaunce/ purpose/ fayth/ longe sufferynge/ love/ pacience/ | But thou hast sene ye experience of my doctrine/ fassion of lyuynge/ purpose/ fayth/ longe sufferynge/ love/ pacience/ | But thou hast sene the experience of my doctryne/ fassion of lyuynge/ purpose/ fayth/ longe sufferynge/ loue/ pacience/ | But thou hast sene the experience of my doctryne, my fasshion of lyuynge, my purpose, my faith, my longsufferynge, my loue, my pacience, |
3:11 | persecucions/ and affliccions which happened vnto me att Anthioche/ at Iconium/ and at lystra: which persecucions I suffered paciently/ And from them all the lorde delivered me. | persecucions/ and affliccions which happened vnto/ me at Antioche/ at Iconium and at lystra: which persecucions I suffered paciently. And from them all the lorde delivered me. | persecucions/ and affliccions which happened vnto me at Antioche/ at Iconium and at Lystra: which persecucions I suffered paciently. And from them all the Lorde deliuered me. | my persecucions, my affliccions, which happened vnto me at Antioche, at Iconium, at Lystra, which persecucions I suffred paciently, and from thē all the LORDE delyuered me. |
3:12 | Ye and all that will live godly in Christ Iesu/ must suffre persecucions. | Ye and all that will live godly in Christ Iesu/ must suffre persecucions. | Ye and all that will lyue godly in Christ Iesu/ must suffre persecucions. | Yee and all they that wil lyue godly in Christ Iesu, must suffre persecucion. |
3:13 | But the evyll men and disceavers/ shall wexe worsse and worsse/ whill they deceave/ and are deceaved them selves. | But the evyll men and disceavers shall wexe worsse and worsse/ whill they deceave and are deceaved them selves. | But the euyll men and disceauers shall wexe worsse and worsse whyll they deceaue and are deceaued them selues. | But the euell men and disceauers shal waxe worse and worse, disceauynge and beynge disceaued. |
3:14 | But continue thou in the thyngſ which thou hast learned/ which also were cōmitted vnto the seynge thou knowest off whō thou hast learned them. | But continue thou in the thynges which thou hast learned/ which also were committed vnto the seynge thou knowest of whom thou hast learned them | But continue thou in the thinges which thou hast learned/ which also were committed vnto the/ seynge thou knowest of whom thou hast learned them | But contynue thou in the thinges that thou hast lerned, which also were cōmytted vnto the, seynge thou knowest of whō thou hast learned them, |
3:15 | and for as moche also as thou hast knowē holy scripture of a chylde/ which is able to make the wyse vnto health throwe fayth/ which ys in Christ Iesu. | & for as moche also as thou hast knowē holy scripture of a chylde/ which is able to make the wyse vnto saluacion thorowe the fayth which ys in Christ Iesu. | & for as moche also as thou hast knowen holy scripture of a chylde/ which is able to make the wyse vnto saluacion thorowe the fayth which is in Christ Iesu. | And for so moch as thou hast knowne holy scripture of a childe, the same is able to make ye wyse vnto saluacion thorow the faith in Christ Iesu. |
3:16 | For all scripture geven by inspiraciō of god/ is proffitable to teache/ to improve/ to informe/ ād to īstruct ī rightewesnes/ | For all scripture gevē by inspiracion of god/ is proffitable to teache/ to improve/ to amende and to instruct in rightewesnes/ | For all scripture geuen by inspiracion of God/ is proffitable to teache/ to improue/ to amende and to instruct in ryghtewesnes/ | For all scripture geuē by inspiracion of God, is profitable to teach, to improue, to amende, and to instructe in righteousnes, |
3:17 | that the man of god maye be perfet/ and prepared vnto all good workſ. | yt ye man of god maye be perfect & prepared vnto all good workes. | that the man of God maye be perfecte and prepared vnto all good workes. | that a man off God maye be perfecte, and prepared vnto all good workes. |