The .ii. Epistle of S. Paul To the Corinthyans. The .ij. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
The .ii. Epistle of S. Paul To the Corinthyans. The .ij. Chapter. |
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
2:1 | but I determened this in my silfe/ that I wolde nott come agayne to you in hevines. | But I determened this in my silfe/ yt I wolde not come agayne to you in hevines. | But I determined this in my selfe/ that I wolde not come agayne to you in heuynes. | But I determyned this wt my selfe, that I wolde not come agayne to you in heuynes. |
2:2 | For yf I make you sory: who is it that shulde make me glad/ but the same which is made sory by me? | For yf I make you sorye/ who is it that shuld make me glad/ but the same which is made sory by me? | For yf I make you sorye/ who is it that shuld make me glad/ but the same which is made sory by me? | For yf I make you sory, who is it that shal make me glad, but the same which is made sory by me? |
2:3 | And I wrote this same pistle vnto you/ lest yf I cam/ I shulde take hevines of them/ of whom I ought to reioyce. Certaynly this cōfidence have I in you all/ that my ioye is the ioye of you all. | And I wrote this same pistle vnto you/ lest yf I came I shuld take hevynes of them of whom I ought to reioyce. Certaynly this confidence have I in you all/ that my ioye is the ioye of you all. | And I wrote this same pistle vnto you/ lest yf I came/ I shuld take heuynes of them/ of whom I ought to reioyce. Certaynly this confidence haue I in you all/ that my ioye is the ioye of you all. | And the same haue I wrytten vnto you, lest whā I come, I shulde take heuynes of them, of whom I oughte to reioyse: for somoch as I haue this confidence in you all, that my ioye is the ioye of you all. |
2:4 | For in grett affliccion and anguisshe of hert I wrote vnto you with many teares: not to make you sory/ butt that ye myght perceave the love which I have most specially vnto you. | For in great affliccion & anguysshe of hert I wrote vnto you with many teares: not to make you sory/ but that ye myght perceave the love which I have most specially vnto you. | For in great affliccion and anguysshe of hert I wrote vnto you with many teares: not to make you sory/ but that ye myght perceaue the loue which I haue/ most specially vnto you. | For in greate trouble and anguysh of hert wrote I vnto you with many teares: not yt ye shulde be sory, but that ye mighte perceaue the loue, which I haue most specially vnto you. |
2:5 | Yf eny man hath caused sorowe/ the same hath not made me sory: but partly/ lest I shuld greve you all. | If eny man hath caused sorow/ the same hath not made me sory/ but partely: lest I shuld greve you all. | Yf eny man hath caused sorow/ the same hath not made me sory/ but partely: lest I shuld greue you all. | But yf eny man haue caused sorowe, the same hath not made me sory, but partely, lest I shulde greue you all. |
2:6 | Hit is sufficient vnto the same man that he was rebuked off many. | It is sufficient vnto the same man that he was rebuked of many. | It is sufficient vnto the same man that he was rebuked of many. | It is sufficient, that the same man is so rebuked of many, |
2:7 | So that nowe contrary wyse ye ought to forgeve hym and cōforte hym: lest that same persone shulde be swalowed vpp with over moche hevines. | So that now contrary wyse ye ought to forgeve him and comforte him: lest that same persone shuld be swalowed vp with over moche hevines. | So that now contrary wyse ye ought to forgeue him and comforte him: lest that same persone shuld be swalowed vp with ouer moche heuynes. | so that from hence forth ye oughte the more to forgeue him and to comforte him, lest he be swalowed vp in ouer moch heuynesse. |
2:8 | Wherfore I exhorte you/ that love maye have strengthe over hym. | Wherfore I exhorte you/ that love maye have strēgth over him. | Wherfore I exhorte you/ that loue maye haue strength ouer him. | Wherfore I exhorte you, that ye shewe loue vpō him. |
2:9 | For this cause verely did I write/ that I myght knowe the profe off you/ whether ye shulde he obediente in all thyngſ. | For this cause verely dyd I write/ that I myght knowe the profe of you/ whether ye shuld be obediēt in all thinges. | For this cause verely dyd I write/ that I myght knowe the profe of you/ whether ye shuld be obedient in all thinges. | For therfore dyd I wryte vnto you also, that I mighte knowe the profe of you, whether ye were obediēt in all thinges. |
2:10 | To whom ye forgeve eny thynge/ I forgeve also. And verely if I forgave eny thynge/ to whom I forgave it for youre sakes forgave I it/ in the roume of Christ/ | To whom ye forgeve eny thinge/ I forgeve also. And verely if I forgeve eny thinge/ to whom I forgave it/ for youre sakes forgave I it/ in the roume of Christ/ | To whom ye forgeue eny thinge/ I forgeue also. And verely yf I forgeue eny thinge/ to whom I forgaue it/ for youre sakes forgaue I it/ in the roume of Christ/ | But loke vnto whō ye forgeue eny thinge, I forgeue hī also. For I also, yf I forgeue ought vnto eny mā, that forgeue I for youre sakes in the rowme of Christ, |
2:11 | lest Satan shulde prevent vs. For his thoughtes are not vnknowen vnto vs. | lest Satan shuld prevēt vs. For his thoughtes are not vnknowen vnto vs. | lest Satan shuld preuent vs. For his thoughtes are not vnknowen vnto vs. | lest we shulde be preuented of Sathan. For his thoughtes are not vnknowne vnto vs. |
2:12 | When I was come to Troada for Christſ gospels sake (ād a grett dore was openned vnto me of the lorde) | When I was come to Troada for Christſ gospels sake (& a great dore was openned vnto me of the Lorde) | When I was come to Troada for Christes Gospels sake (and a great dore was opened vnto me of the Lorde) | But whā I came to Troada to preach ye Gospell of Christ (and a dore was opened vnto me in ye LODRE) |
2:13 | I had no rest in my sprete/ be cause I founde not Titus my brother: but toke my leave of them and went my waye into Macedonia. | I had no rest in my sprete/ because I founde not Titus my brother: but toke my leave of them & went awaye into Macedonia. | I had no rest in my sprete/ because I founde not Titus my brother: but toke my leaue of them and went awaye into Macedonia. | I had no rest in my sprete, because I founde not Titus my brother: but I toke my leue of them, and wente awaye in to Macedonia. |
2:14 | Thankſ be vnto God which alwayes geveth vs the victory in Christ/ and openeth the saver off his knowledge by vs in every place. | Thankes be vnto God which alwayes geveth vs the victorie in Christ/ & openeth the saver of his knowledge by vs in every place. | Thankes be vnto God which alwayes geueth vs the victorie in Christ/ & openeth the sauer of his knowledge by vs in euery place. | Yet thankes be vnto God, which allwaye geueth vs the victory in Christ, and openeth ye sauoure of his knowlege by vs in euery place. |
2:15 | For we are vnto god the swete saver of Christ/ both amōge them that are saved/ and also amōge them which perisshe: | For we are vnto God the swete savoure of Christ/ both amōge them that are saved/ & also amōge them which perisshe. | For we are vnto God the swete sauoure of Christ/ both amonge thē that are saued/ & also amonge them which perysshe. | For we are vnto God the good sauoure of Christ, both amonge thē yt are saued, & amonge thēm yt perishe. |
2:16 | to the one parte are we the saver of deeth vnto deeth: vnto the other parte are we the saver of lyfe vnto lyfe. And who is mete vnto these thyngſ? | To the one parte are we ye savoure of deeth vnto deeth. And vnto the other parte are we the savoure of lyfe vnto lyfe. And who is mete vnto these thinges? | To the one parte are we the sauoure of deeth vnto deeth. And vnto the other parte are we the sauoure of lyfe vnto lyfe. And who is mete vnto these thinges? | To these, ye sauoure of death vnto death: but vnto ye other, the sauoure of life vnto life. And who is mete therto? |
2:17 | For we are not as many are which choppe and chaunge with the worde of god: but as they which speake off purenes/ and as they which speake of God in the sight off God/ so speake we in Christ. | For we are not as many are which choppe and chaunge with the worde of God: but even oute of purenes/ and by the power of God/ and in the sight of God/ so speake we in Christ. | For we are not as many are which choppe and chaunge with the worde of God: but euen oute of purenes/ and by the power of God/ and in the syght of God/ so speake we in Christ. | For we are not as many are, which choppe & chaunge wt the worde of God, but euē out of purenesse, and out of God, in ye sighte of God, so speake we in Christ. |