1 John: Chapter 2

The .i. Epistle of S. Iohn. The .ij. Chapter.
Tyndale (1526)
Tyndale (1534)
Tyndale (1535)
Coverdale (1535)
2:1 MY lytell children/ these thīgſ write I vnto you/ that ye shulde not sinne: ād yf eny mā synne/ yet we have an advocate with the father/ Iesus Christ/ which is righteous: MY lytell children/ these thynges write I vnto you/ that ye synne not: yf eny man synne/ yet we have an advocate with ye father/ Iesus Christ/ which is righteous: MY lytell chyldren/ these thinges write I vnto you/ that ye synne not: yf eny man synne/ yet we haue an aduocate with the father/ Iesus Christ/ which is righteous: MY litle children, these thinges wryte I vnto you, that ye shulde not synne: and yf eny man synne, we haue an aduocate with the father, euen Iesus Christ which is righteous:
2:2 ād he itt is that obteyneth grace for oure synnes: not for oure sinnes only: but also for the sinnes of all the worlde. & he it is that obteyneth grace for oure synnes: not for oure synnes only: but also for the synnes of all the worlde. & he it is that obteyneth grace for oure synnes: not for youre synnes only: but also for the synnes of all the worlde. and he it is that optayneth grace for oure synnes: not for oure synnes onely, but also for the synnes of all the worlde.
2:3 And herby we knowe that we have knowen hī/ yf we kepe his cōmaundemētſ. And herby we are sure that we knowe him/ yf we kepe his cōmaundementes. And herby we are sure that we knowe him/ yf we kepe his cōmaundemētes. And hereby are we sure that we knowe him, yf we kepe his cōmaundemētes.
2:4 He that sayth I knowe hym/ and kepeth nott his cōmaundementſ is a lyar/ and the veritie is not in hī. He that sayth I knowe him/ and kepeth not his commaundementes is a lyar/ & the veritie is not in him. He that sayth I knowe him/ & kepeth not his cōmaundemētes is a lyar/ & the veritie is not in him. He that sayeth: I knowe him, and kepeth not his cōmaundemētes, is a lyar, and the trueth is not in him,
2:5 Whosoever kepeth his worde/ ī hym is the love of god parfet in dede. And therin knowe we that we are in hym. Whosoever kepeth his (worde) in him is the love of god parfect in dede. And therby knowe we that we are in him. Whosoeuer kepeth his worde/ in him is the loue of God parfect in dede. And therby knowe we that we are in him. But who so kepeth his worde, in him is the loue of God perfecte in dede. Hereby knowe we, that we are in him.
2:6 He that sayth he bydeth in hym/ ought to walke even as he walked. He that sayth he bydeth in him ought to walke even as he walked. He that sayth he bydeth in him/ ought to walke euen as he walked. He yt sayeth he abydeth in him, oughte to walke euen as he walked.
2:7 Brethren I write no newe cōmaundemēt vnto you: but that olde cōmaūdemēt which ye herde from the begynnynge. The olde cōmaūdemēt is the worde which ye herde frō the begynnynge. Brethren I write no newe cōmaundement vnto you: but that olde cōmaundemēt which ye hearde from the begynnynge. The olde cōmaundement is the worde which ye hearde from the begynnynge. Brethren I write no neue cōmaundement vnto you: but that olde cōmaundemēt which ye hearde from the beginninge. The olde commaundement is the worde which ye hearde from the beginninge. Brethren, I wryte no new commaundement vnto you, but that olde commaundement, which ye haue herde from the begynnynge. The olde cōmaundement is the worde, which ye haue herde from the begynnynge.
2:8 Agayne a newe cōmaūdemēt I write vnto you/ a thynge that is true ī hym/ and also in you: for the darknes is past/ and the true lyght nowe shyneth. Agayne a newe cōmaundement I write vnto you/ a thynge that is true in him/ and also in you: for the darknes is past/ and the true lyght now shyneth. Agayne a newe cōmaundement I write vnto you/ a thinge that is true in him/ and also in you: for the dercknes is past/ & the true lyght now shyneth. Agayne, a new cōmaundemēt wryte I vnto you, a thinge that is true in him & also in you: for the darknesse is past, and the true lighte now shyneth.
2:9 He that sayth howe that he is in the true light/ ād yet hateth his brother/ is ī darknes evē vntyll this tyme. He that sayth how that he is in the light/ and yet hateth his brother/ is in darknes even vntyll this tyme. He that sayth how that he is in the light/ and yet hateth his brother/ is in dercknes euen vntyll this tyme. He that sayeth he is in lighte, and hateth his brother, is yet in darknesse.
2:10 He that loveth his brother/ abydeth in the light/ and there is none occasion of evyll in hī. He that loveth his brother/ abydeth in the light and ther is none occasion of evyll in him. He that loueth his brother/ abydeth in the lyght and ther is none occasion of euyll in him. He yt loueth his brother, abydeth in the lighte, and there is none occasion of euell in him.
2:11 He that hateth his brother is in darknes/ and walketh in darknes: and cannot tell whither he goeth/ be cause thatt darknes hath blynded his eyes. He that hateth his brother is in darknes/ and walketh in darknes: and cannot tell whither he goeth/ because that darknes hath blynded his eyes. He that hateth his brother/ is in dercknes/ and walketh in dercknes: and cānot tell whither he goeth/ because that dercknes hath blinded his eyes. But he yt hateth his brother, is in darknes, and walketh in darknes, and can not tell whither he goeth, for ye darknes hath blynded his eyes.
2:12 Babes I write vnto you howe that youre synnes are forgevē you for his names sake. Babes I write vnto you how that youre synnes are forgeven you for his names sake. Babes I write vnto you how that youre synnes are forgeuen you for his names sake. Babes, I wryte vnto you, that yor synnes are forgeuen you for his names sake.
2:13 I wryte vnto you fathers/ howe that ye have knowē hī that was frō the begynnynge. I wryte vnto you yonge mē/ howe that ye have overcome the wicked. I wryte vnto you lytell childrē/ hawe that ye have knowne the father. I wryte vnto you fathers/ how that ye have knowen him that was from the begynnynge. I wryte vnto you yonge men/ how that ye have overcome the wicked. I wryte vnto you lytell children/ how that ye have knowne the father. I write vnto you fathers/ how that ye knowe him that was frō the beginninge. I write vnto you yonge men/ how that ye haue ouercome the wicked. I wryte vnto you lytell chyldren/ how that ye knowe the father. I wryte vnto you fathers, how that ye haue knowne him which is from ye begynnynge. I wryte vnto you yonge mē, how that ye haue euercome the wicked. I wryte vnto you litle children, how that ye haue knowne the father.
2:14 I wryte vnto you fathers/ howe that ye have knowē hī that was frō the begynnynge. I wryte vnto you yonge men/ howe that ye are stronge: and the worde of God abydeth ī you/ ād ye have over come that wicked I wryte vnto you fathers/ how that ye have knowē him that was frō the begynnynge. I wryte vnto you yoūge men/ how that ye are stronge: and the worde of God abydeth in you and ye have over come that wicked. I wryte vnto you fathers/ how that ye knowe him that was from the begynnynge. I wryte vnto you yoūge mē/ how that ye are stronge and the worde of god abydeth in you and ye haue ouer come that wicked. I haue wrytten vnto you fathers, how that ye haue knowne him, which is frō the begynnynge. I haue wrytten vnto you yonge men, how that ye are stronge, and the worde of God abydeth in you, and ye haue ouercome that wicked.
2:15 Se that ye love not the worlde/ nether the thyngſ that are in the worlde. Yf eny mā love the worlde/ the love of the father is not in hī. Se that ye love not the worlde/ nether the thynges that are in the worlde. Yf eny man love the worlde/ the love of the father is not in him. Se that ye loue not the worlde/ nether the thynges that are in the worlde. If eny man loue the worlde/ the loue of the father is not in him. Se that ye loue not the worlde, nether ye thinges that are in the worlde. Yf eny man loue the worlde, the loue of the father is not in him:
2:16 For all that is in the worlde (as the lust of the flesshe/ the lust of the eyes/ and the pryde of gooddes) is not of the father: butt of the worlde. For all that is in ye worlde (as the lust of the flesshe/ the lust of the eyes/ & ye pryde of gooddes) is not of the father: but of ye worlde For all that is in the worlde (as the lust of the flesshe/ the lust of the eyes/ and the pryde of goodes) is not of the father/ but of the worlde. for all that is in the worlde (namely the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pryde of life) is not of the father, but of the worlde.
2:17 And the worlde vannyssheth awaye/ and the lust ther of: butt he that fulfilleth the will of god/ abydeth ever. And the worlde vannyssheth awaye/ and the lust therof: but he that fulfilleth the will of god/ abydeth ever. And the worlde vannyssheth awaye/ and the lust ther of: but he that fulfilleth the will of god/ abydeth euer. And the worlde passeth awaye and the lust therof. But he that fulfylleth the wyll of God, abydeth for euer.
2:18 Lytell children it is the last tyme/ ād as ye have herde howe thatt Antichrist shall come: even nowe are there many Antichristes come allredy wher by we knowe that it is the last tyme. Lytell children it is the last tyme/ and as ye have herde how that Antichrist shall come: even now are there many Antichristes come allredy. Wherby we knowe that it is the last tyme. Lytell Chyldren it is the last tyme/ & as ye haue herde how that Antichrist shall come: euen now are there many Antichristes come allredy. Wherby we knowe that it is the last tyme. Litle children, it is the last houre, and (as ye haue herde that Antechrist shal come) euen now are there many become Antechristes allready: wherby we knowe, that it is ye last houre.
2:19 They went oute from vs but they were nott of vs. For yf they had bene of vs/ they wolde no dout have continued with vs. Butt that fortuned that ytt myght apere/ that they were not of vs. They went oute from vs but they were not of vs. For yf they had bene of vs/ they wolde no dout/ have continued with vs. But that fortuned that yt myght appere/ that they were not of vs. They went oute from vs/ but they were not of vs. For yf they had bene of vs/ they wolde no dout/ haue continued with vs. But that fortuned that it myght appere/ that they were not of vs. They wente out frō vs, but they were not of vs: for yf they had bene of vs, they wolde no doute haue contynued with vs. But that they maye be knowne, how that they are not all of vs.
2:20 And ye have an oyntmēt of the holy gost/ ād ye knowe all thīgſ. And ye have an oyntment of ye holy gost/ and ye knowe all thynges. And ye haue an oyntment of the holy gost and ye knowe all thynges. But ye haue the anoyntinge of him yt is holy, & ye knowe all thīges.
2:21 I wrote not vnto you/ as though ye knewe not the trueth: but as though ye knewe it/ ād knowe also that no lye cōmeth of trueth. I wrote not vnto you/ as though ye knewe not the trueth: but as though ye knewe it and knowe also that no lye commeth of trueth. I wrote not vnto you/ as though ye knewe not the trueth: but as though ye knewe it/ and knowe also that no lye cōmeth of trueth. I haue not wryttē vnto you, as though ye knewe not ye trueth but ye knowe it, & are sure, yt no lye cōmeth of ye trueth.
2:22 who is a lyar: but he that denyeth that Iesus is Christ? he is Antichrist that denieth the father ād the sonne. Who is a lyar: but he that denyeth that Iesus is Christ? The same is the Antichrist that denyeth the father and the sonne. Who is a lyar but he that denyeth that Iesus is Christ? the same is the Antichrist that denyeth the father & the sonne. Who is a lyar, but he yt denyeth yt Iesus is Christ? The same is ye Antichrist, yt denyeth the father & ye sonne.
2:23 Whosoever denyeth the sonne/ the same hath not the father. Whosoever denyeth the sonne the same hath not the father. Whosoeuer denyeth the sonne/ the same hath not the father. Whosoeuer denyeth the sonne, the same hath not the father.
2:24 Let therfore abyde in you that same which ye herde frō the begynnynge. Yf that which ye herde frō the begynnynge shall remayne in you/ ye also shall cōtinewe ī the sonne/ and in the father. Let therfore abyde in you that same which ye hearde from the begynnynge. Yf that which ye hearde from ye begynnynge/ shall remayne in you/ ye also shall continewe in the sonne/ and in the father Let therfore abyde in you that same which ye hearde from the begynnynge. If that which ye hearde frō the beginninge/ shall remayne in you/ ye also shall cōtinewe in the sonne/ and in the father. Loke what ye haue herde now from ye begynnynge, let the same abyde in you. Yf yt which he herde from the begynnynge shal remayne in you, then shal ye also abyde in ye sonne and in the father.
2:25 And this is the promes that he hath promysed vs/ even eternall lyfe. And this is the promes yt he hath promysed vs/ even eternall lyfe. And this is the promes that he hath promysed vs euen eternall lyfe. And this is the promes yt he hath promysed vs, euē eternall life.
2:26 This have I written vnto you/ as cōcernynge thē that disceave you. This have I writtē vnto you/ concernynge thē yt disceave you. This haue I writtē vnto you/ concerninge them that disceaue you. This haue I wryttē vnto you cōcerninge thē that disceaue you.
2:27 And the anoyntynge which ye have receaved of hym dwelleth ī you. And ye nede not that eny man teache you: but as that annoyntynge teacheth you all thīgſ/ and is true/ and is no lye: and as it taught you/ even so byde therin. And ye anoyntynge which ye have receaved of him/ dwelleth in you. And ye nede not that eny man teache you: but as yt annoyntynge teaheth you all thynges/ and is true/ and is no lye: and as it taught you/ even so byde therin. And the anoyntinge which ye haue receaued of him/ dwelleth in you And ye nede not that eny man teache you: but as the annoyntynge teacheth you all thinges/ and is true/ and is no lye: and as it taught you/ euen so byde therin. And the anoyntinge which ye haue receaued of him, dwelleth in you: & ye nede not yt eny mā teach you, but as the anoyntinge teacheth you all thīges, euen so is it true, & is no lye. And as it hath taughte you, euē so abide ye therin.
2:28 And nowe babes abyde ī hym/ that whē he shall apere/ we maye be bolde/ ād nott be made a shamed of hī at his cōmynge. And nowe babes abyde in him that when he shall appere/ we maye be bolde and not be made a shamed of him at his commynge. And nowe babes abyde in him that when he shall appere/ we maye be bolde and not be made a shamed of him at his cōmynge. And now babes, abyde in hī, yt whā he shal appeare, we maye be bolde, & not be made ashamed of him at his commynge.
2:29 Yff ye knowe that he is righteous/ knowe also that he whych foloweth rightewesnes/ is borne of hym. Yf ye knowe that he is righteous/ knowe also that he which foloweth rightewesnes/ is borne of him. Yf ye knowe that he is ryghteous/ knowe also that he which foloweth ryghtewesnes/ is borne of him. Yf ye knowe yt he is righteous, knowe also that he which doth righteousnes, is borne of him.


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